#but you know when vincent says they feel like “pure seething energy”
emersonfreepress · 4 years
If someone flirted with MC, how would the Ro react? ✌️
ooh that's mostly spoilers cause it can def happen in the game. but their reaction does depend on the situation and point in the relationship... but sure sure. And let's say this is early official. I'm also imagining a party environment and someone that's suddenly started flirting with you mid-conversation.
Gabe becomes a salty bitch. He'll roll his eyes, undercut every line they try, torpedo any attempts at small talk, scoff, huff—just be so hostile and unpleasant they'll quickly be driven away. Afterward, it's like he has amnesia. What? He was being perfectly normal. No, he didn't roll his eyes. Well, maybe he made a snide remark about that person's outfit, but if they didn't care to use a fucking iron before going out, he doesn't see why he should care if his comments were harsh. No, he's not mad. Or jealous.
Kile's hackles are raised but since this is one of those situations where violence is a pretty inexcusable reaction, they're either waiting for you to dismiss this person somehow or they lose their patience and just drag you far, far away from them. Probably in the middle of one of you speaking, when they're at capacity for not hitting a stranger that needs hitting lol
Jack cuts in with the fact that he's your boyfriend if the other person gets too forward or asks for your number. Moments later, he is horrified that he was so presumptuous and boorish as to interrupt your conversation and then speak for you. It just... came out, he couldn't help it once he was sure the other person was flirting. Profuse apologies, he promises he knows he's your boyfriend, not your spokesperson and he promises never to overstep like that again, please forgive him 🥺🥺
Jessie is kind of at a loss and follows your lead. If you're being polite, she's polite. If you're uncomfortable, she's visibly uncomfortable. If you're trying to rebuff this person, she's providing the assist. She'll try her hardest to be nice and avoid hurting feelings, though!
Rain is curious to watch this... at first. The vague interest in how this stranger purports to win your favor doesn't take long to sour and turn into annoyance and impatience. We're talking arms crossed, foot tapping, back turned almost entirely toward this person. If they don't catch the hint (or ignore it), Rain interrupts with something along the lines of "You realize you interrupted us, right? Find someone else to talk to." Then they walk off... but turn back after a few indignant steps, waiting (and hoping) you'll follow
Rupan/Rohan thinks it's funny and doesn't mind it, like it's a joke for just the two of you. Unless you start flirting back. Then you get a rare awkward R trying and failing to land their jokes and eventually dismissing themself from the conversation, throwing you a desperate look to come along. The rest of the night is stiff and R can't even really look you in the eyes, even though you constantly catch them looking at you. They'll insist nothing's wrong, though! 😬
Vivian/Vincent, in this situation, just gets right to the point and nips that shit in the bud. "That's my SO you're flirting with. Bye." "Oh, I didn't kno—" "I said back off, they're taken. Bye." Then you get an earful for not somehow rebuffing that person faster than the speed of sound 😆 it's not a real scolding, though, and they're quickly over it.
The temperature drops a few degrees and Heidi quiets down. Lets this play out. Observes. Her body language says 'whatever' but her eyes are as sharp as knives. She's also throwing you a few looks. She's clearly unhappy about what's happening, but she expects you to stand up for and defend your relationship since you're the one being flirted with. If she ends up cutting in and making the interloper leave before you do, you're getting the coldest of shoulders for the rest of the night 😆😆
Curt feels a flash of pure, seething resentment but quickly redirects that extremely toxic energy into regaining your attention lol. He's good at making people feel like the center of the universe, but he's just as good at making ppl feel totally invisible if he decides to. So he weaponizes that to subtly, cruelly make the third party feel so left out of the conversation, they're forced to leave it. A backhanded compliment here, a rhetorical question there. Even one of his devastatingly innocent "Who are you again?"s. He doesn't care (at all) about hurting feelings or misunderstandings—or if they're someone you know and like! He's also in a pretty foul mood toward that person for longer than is strictly necessary.
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swanconcerto · 1 year
this is soooooo lovely with their powers
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