#but. lecturing aros about love very much isn't
aromanticbastards · 7 months
tbh i think i'm gonna start killing people who come to loveless aromantics to say shit like "but you know love doesn't have to be romantic right?". like just fucking think for more than two seconds about which people are probably aware that romance isn't the end-all for anything. i am not asking anymore
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Volturi reaction to reader wanting to be a Doctor like Carlisle.
Caius: BeCaUsE ✨CaRLiSLe✨ dOEs iT -- shut up. No. He can admire the pursuit of knowledge but the moment you mentioned Carlisle, he isn't having it. He hates Carlisle 😂 instead he lectures you about being your own person. Besides, he can't allow you to actually pursue it. It'd be too risky. However he can give you books on the sciences and such that the Volturi already have. He'll happily spend time with you doing it too because he enjoys both the arts and sciences like his brothers. Gives him a sense of pride. Sulpicia would rather die than hear thirty seconds of anything scientific. Didyme, when she was alive, poor thing quite literally couldn't and wouldn't sit still. Not to mention- she was a dreamer. She'd rather day dream the day away than learn such things. So to have a mate that'd interested in it just like himself and his brothers? Hell yeah, he's proud.
Aro: He's actually kinda saddened because he has to tell you no. He can offer you what the Volturi had in materials and even invite you to sit with him and his brothers some nights when they read up on the very same things. However, it didn't change the fact that you couldn't leave. Nevertheless, he enjoyed that he could share his interest with not just his brothers but also you. Athenodora and Didyme never had any interest in it. They grew bored very quickly at the mere mention. Although it was very cute to hear you mention his dear friend Carlisle with such high regards.
Marcus: He can't help but smile at the mention of Carlisle. Carlisle had become somewhat admirable in Marcus' eyes. He went against everyone to live how he wanted to. At one point he was a laughing stock. A vampire who only drank animal blood and wanted to help humans? Laughable. Now Carlisle was the leader of one of the most powerful covens of this time. Even if it was a little odd to consider them a 'family'. Seeing you had a similar admiration for the guts Carlisle had made him smile. He wanted to shield you, protect you more than usual from that same audience. Although it still saddened him because he would have to be the one to tell you that you can't. All because you can't leave. He could give you all the material the Volturi has but you can't actually become a doctor. You'd only have as much knowledge as one. He'd secretly hope that your interest would win in your favour with his brothers -Caius. Of course he worried about you and probably without necessity. As his mate, his brothers would protect you just as they would their own mate, even if they didn't like you. That's just how it was. However he still wanted you to have the sibling bond with them and get along.
Felix: He thinks it's weird. Not the doctor thing...the Carlisle thing. 👀Like you see the appeal with him? Wait doctor? Honey...honey, you can't leave. 🥺 He's crushed to have to tell you that you can't go anywhere. Beyond that there isn't much he can do than encourage your passion. This mostly comes into 'youre the smart one' comments and boasting how intelligent his mate is.
Demetri: First of all, stop being so attractive. You're already gorgeous and now you're telling him you want to challenge your brain to be a doctor? That's almost a turn on. 😍 You've got the brains and the looks hm? Demetri really did bring the jackpot. So unfortunately you can't leave to become a doctor. He hates that he has to be the one to hold you back but will still encourage your passion. There are many books around on various things. Be better than Carlisle though. He's overrated. 🙄
Jane: Carlisle? Pfft. Your standards aren't very high are they? Why would you want to be the weird rule breaker? You know he drinks from animals right? Oh yeah, the doctor thing. She doesn't quite get it. Although it sounds like a lot of work and can admire your drive. However she can't do much encouraging and...you can't leave so it seems impossible. She might contemplate approaching Aro about this for advice.
Alec: ugh not you too with the Carlisle loving thing. He's not that great, you know. He literally can't follow his own kinds laws and they're so simple. What makes him so special anyway? To hear his mate mention Carlisle makes him a little jealous. Almost a little insecure. Is that your ideal person? Alec was nothing like Carlisle. Then he remembers that you were talking about your interest in becoming a doctor. Like his twin, he doesn't really get it but can admire the drive when it's such hard work. However it doesn't change that you can't leave. He doesn't necessarily want to be the one holding you back but you've already committed to him and the Volturi and in his eyes there's no going back.
I did the main ones because I didn't know if I was to go through the whole Volturi.😅 Also this was a question that I posted by accident in complete and this is the full version.
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gravedangerahead · 3 years
That a-spec Sydney Sage post I keep promising
Some notes on why I'm convinced Sydney is on the aro/ace spectrum, specifically demisexual.
Throughout the series Sydney shows no signs of attraction without previous emotional attachment, and plenty of feelings of inadequacy due to not feeling what she's "supposed" to feel. Romance is not on her radar at all and frequently catches her by surprise.
When Sydney first describes Adrian she uses comparisons to classical art, she admires his looks in a more detached way, rather than describing her reaction to him. I believe this was meant to show the hang ups she has about vampires, she then says she can't admire him like she would a human guy, HOWEVER, she never does admire any human guys in a more involved way.
While we have some toxic cultural assumptions about women in general not really having a sexuality, or having a single target sexuality directed at her One True Love, her husband or soulmate, we know that isn't the case here bacause we have a very interesting contrast to Rose, who is sexually assertive and isn't demonized for it. She's clearly capable of feeling attraction right away and to people other than the man she's in love with.
The descriptions of Rose and Lissa's attraction in the first series are more involved and reactive, more similar to Sydney's attraction to Adrian once she has emotionally connected to him, as opposed to Sydney's objective descriptions of people in aesthetic terms in the beginning.
She didn't notice Ian's crush on her until it was pointed out to her even though we later see he's obnoxiously obvious. When a boy tries to ask Sydney out she assumes he's asking for her opinion on silent cinema and gives him a lecture about it, while what's actually happening is very obvious and hilarious to everyone around her. Even as her general social skills improve and she learns to navigate other situations better, she cannot confidently tell if a situation could be romantic. She reacts with panic when the possibility occurs to her and relief if it turns out that isn't the case, like when she thought Trey was asking her out in TGL.
While she's frustrated her job might stop her from actually connecting with friends and even her family, she doesn't seem too bothered about the obstacle to her romantic life before her relationship with Adrian. She doen't consider dating until her friends impose it on her, and she doesn't notice she actually agreed to a date with Brayden until Trey celebrates it.
During her relationship with Brayden she feels zero attraction to him and focuses on what is socially expected of her, not any of her own desires. Brayden is just as socially inept and inexperienced as Sydney, but he's clearly attracted to her and enjoying their kisses, while she finds all their physical contact underwhelming and unconfortable:
"Still, I was very conscious of being so close to someone. I didn’t think I was getting any romantic vibes. My pulse didn’t race; my heart didn’t flutter. Mostly I was aware that this was the closest I’d sat to anyone, maybe in my life. I wasn’t used to sharing my personal space so much. I soon forgot about that as the play started."
"As we sat there, I realized we’d come to another critical dating milestone. What was the correct procedure here? Was he supposed to kiss me? Was I supposed to let him? Had that been the real price of my salad?"
"I was so surprised, I couldn’t even move. My heart raced, but it was more from anxiety than anything else. Was I doing it right?"
"Why didn’t I have the same reaction? Maybe I’d done something wrong after all. Or maybe I was deficient?"
"I felt a little guilt that I had a greater emotional reaction to seeing the coffee than him." TGL, passim.
This is supposed to contrast with her already blooming feelings for Adrian, but other girls in the series (Rose, Lissa, Jill, Angeline) are clearly capable of feeling attraction to people other than their main love interest. Jill is just as inexperienced as Sydney, younger, and has an awkward first kiss with Micah due to concerns about her fangs, but she still found Sydney's description of her reaction to Brayden being like kissing a brother strange.
Sydney worries that she's cold and unfeeling, which indicates this isn't a new development due to falling in love.
The only thing I knew for sure was that this kiss had been a lot like the last one. Nice, but it didn’t blow me away. My heart sank. There was something wrong with me. Everyone was always going on about how socially inept I was. Did it extend to romance as well? Was I so cold that I’d spend my life never feeling anything?
This quote is very relatable in a sad way, a lot of a-spec people feel that they might be broken and that there's something wrong with them. It could also have some toxic implications, if you think it's only meant to be wrong because Sydney does have romantic and sexual feelings towards Adrian, but I don't believe that's the case. I think at that point you're supposed to think Sydney's worry is unfounded because she has shown herself capable of caring about and connecting with a lot of people already.
TGL has a lot of nice moments showing how the gang is becoming a found family and how much they all care for each other, including everyone's reaction to her first date with Brayden. In the opening Sydney is away for just a weekend and she misses all of them, and all of them seem supremely happy to see her when she comes back. Sydney's devotion to her family and friends has been highlighted plenty of times.
By TIS Sydney is clearly experiencing plenty of sexual and romantic attraction to Adrian, despite being in deep denial about it. While Jill is worried about a possible relationship with Marcus, and Kristin and Julia do not understand how she could possibly not be attracted to him, she seems dumbfounded by the idea that she would be.
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Then Adrian, the person in the series who's portrayed as the most perceptive about people's feelings and how they work other than Sonya, while using his Magical Spirit Insight to look at her aura, describes Sydney in a way that's basically the definition of demisexual:
"My body doesn't know any better. I'm as susceptible to lust as anybody else." There was probably a book about that or at least an article in Cosmopolitan.
The hint of a smile played over his lips. He was fully in tune with me again. "No you aren't. I mean, you are, but not without reason. I know you well enough to realize that now. You're not the kind of person who's 'susceptible to lust' without emotion to back it." TIS, p. 243
Compare and contrast: "Demisexual is used to refer to someone who doesn't experience sexual attraction unless or until they've developed a close emotional connection with another person, according to sexologist Carol Queen, Ph.D."
That's as close to canon as we could get from an author who I imagine has never heard that definition, and the narrative definitely frames Adrian's take as correct. It's never implied that Adrian fixed Sydney, or that she's a late bloomer, or that there's something wrong with her. That's just the way she is and that's okay.
The most convincing arguments I've seen that Sydney feels attraction to someone other than Adrian are toward Rose and maybe Dimitri. While there's nothing wrong with people simply having different headcanons, I'd like to point out that I don't think that would be incompatible with Sydney being demi, as she already has an emotional attachment to both of them. I think no one in the VA universe has been able to describe Rose and Dimitri's looks in a non fawning way, so they're probably so reality bendingly hot that that's just how you would objectively describe them. But she already considers Rose a friend and likes Dimitri, so she could be demi and be attracted to one or both of them if that's how you interpret it.
Someone on Discord asked some good faith questions about asexuality and demisexuality and why people feel it's important to them, and I might post my answers here if anyone is interested. I'll happily answer any questions anyone might have, but I'll not engage with anyone who tries to invalidate or exclude other people's sexuality. I didn't use the SAM here because I don't think it applies in this particular case.
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Further movies and media
We were encouraged by our lecturer to seek out other forms of media that may drive inspiration towards our final product.
Its no secret that movies are a great way of storytelling, they are a widely accessible and known format to get a message across. No matter the genre or age rating attached, Wall-E (2008) previously mentioned before is an excellent example of this.
Mans ecological impact on the world isn't a topic forgotten about on the big screen, many movies and television series' have tackled the subject. Here are a few of my favourites relating to the topic. Including my thoughts on the messages throughout.
Interstellar - (2014)
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Interstellar finds its place as number one in my discussion as my bias shine throughs. This movie is without doubt my favourite of all time.
Humanities ecological impact on the world is a main driving point to the plot of Interstellar, it is set in the not too distant future, earth has been battling Famine, Disasters and Drought as a consequences of humanity's constant use and abuse of fossil fuel resources. Time has run out for humanity on Earth, they must find another planet before they face too extinction.
Interstellar is covered in themes and parallels relating to mankind's reaction to the current climate crisis. One such example is a selfish isolated character by the name of Dr Hugh Mann. (on the nose)
Dr Mann, shows no remorse and is seemingly the villain of the story although we are introduced to him near the tail end. He's the physical and literal embodiment of the phrase "man is the biggest threat to humanity". His selfish actions put the world at stake.
2.Mad Max Fury Road - (2015)
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Fury Road is another one of those 'mankind's resources have begun to deplete' stories that Hollywood loves to tell every 2 or 3 years. Although this time it is turned up to 11, set in a post-apocalyptic Australia. War and essential shortages have caused societal collapse, the world is a wasteland. Oil and water are a necessity to survive in this world.
Human greed and exploitation shines through in this movie, with our lone protagonist shining through and representing the heroism of everyday people that inhabit violent worlds like our very current.
3. Blade Runner 2049 - (2017)
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Blade Runner 2049 takes place in a dystopian alternate future, its main theme is the discovery of what truly makes us human. Our leading protagonist is on an extensional quest to find his origin. Themes such do we have a soul, and will our memories live on when were are gone shine through in this movie.
Another theme of this movie is too question self-importance in relation to your belonging in the world, this movie tells us that you being special is not a defining trait, That it doesn't matter because what really matters is the belief that you can do something greater that's what will really define you. Action over words and beliefs.
It touches on the thought that if everyone is special then nobody is. Essentially heroes aren't born heroes, they are moulded by their gestures and acts.
4. Ex Machina - (2007)
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Ex Machina plays around with the corner of mankind that is obsessed with playing god, much like Blade Runner 2049 its themes too resolve around 'what makes us human'. A cautionary tale around the desire to be godlike, and what consequences that may result from that.
It brings on the question that what is after humans, will overtime a more advanced consciousness supersede and surpass us? are we all but a stage in a the next trajectory of greater consciousness?
5. Chernobyl - (2019)
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Chernobyl is a short television series based on the 1986 nuclear disaster of the same name. Chernobyl resulted in the largest uncontrolled radioactive release the world has ever seen, it had dire results and consequences on the environment, and also the population of the surrounding area.
This series of Chernobyl touches on how human error contributed to the now infamous disaster, how one mans incompetence lead to the mass death of life around him. Touches on the domino effect.
It was very foreboding that the series of Chernobyl touched down on our screens just before the world was about to enter a global pandemic. Much like Chernobyl, coronavirus was seemingly a result of mans mistakes. Disease spread rampant throughout the word, once again man as the root.
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