#buuuut I feel like if one of their lives was genuinely being threatened these two would intervene somehow
shaykai · 1 year
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Not that I’ve been keeping up with lore or anything, but I don’t feel like Nightmare or Error would let anyone else kill their respective nemesi
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elsmaster · 1 year
Every other social media platform has turned to burning garbage and I haven’t made weird life updates on Tumblr since November 2019, so let’s do a brief rundown, because oh man, it’s been a ride! Everything is mainly related to mental health, so if you somehow still follow me but also don’t care, you can just carry on!
I was diagnosed with
 LQTS2, which is a heart thing (”abnormal feature of the heart's electrical system that can lead to a potentially life-threatening arrhythmia”) that generally only acts up once, with the consequence being “death”. Except mine’s the more chill version, and the cardiologist’s genuine professional opinion was “if it hasn’t killed you by your thirties, it’s unlikely to do so at all”. So I guess it’s great I haven’t... died? I’m not allowed to do competitive sports though, which is absolutely tragic oh no whatever will I do with my life now??? I shouldn’t eat licorice either, but fuck that. If licorice is what gives me a heart attack, then so be it. 
Bipolar 2 and generalised anxiety, which is probably not even a little bit surprising to anyone who has met me, ever. Especially the bipolar bit. Again, I got the slightly more chill version, so I only get a little manic sometimes, and the annoying kind of depressed where you’re not really sad or happy, but rather just...meh. Mixed episodes seem to be my jam, and they’re absolutely 0/10, would not recommend. 
Somewhat related to the previous two: I did one more round of burnout, and I’m currently maybe going through a Burnout Lite, which is honestly not even surprising at this point, because my mental health has been confirmed as wonky af, and my coping skills are still pretty much “I DON’T NEED HELP I CAN DO THIS OK”.
I have a therapist now. She keeps telling me I keep intellectualising my feelings, which is a very rude thing to point out, but also 100% true. I’ve told her I like to think of my feelings as something I’ve stuffed into a worn-out cardboard box that I’ve the taped up, tied with a nice bow, and buried under my bed. She does not like this. (We’ve actually made a lot of progress and I can already feel my feelings. Sometimes. It’s awful.)
I have a job that doesn’t destroy me emotionally, even if it’s 1000 % not something I ever thought I’d do for a living. Which I guess is kinda nice, because I have no emotional attachments to it, and I can just leave my work behind after my work day. Buuuut I also still kinda live to overachieve (see: Burnout Lite).
I was given manager-type responsibilities in my previous job, with no extra pay, and I was supposed to manage a team while also doing my own work tasks. This was the key reason for the second round of burnout. This was also why I eventually, finally quit. 
I started studying for a new bachelor’s degree (see: overachieving) in August, and completed 61 credits by the end of the year. You’re supposed to do 30 per semester. Maybe perhaps perchance a little less if you’re working full time (see: Burnout Lite).
My dog is still the absolute best and the light of my life. She’s almost ten and getting grayer by the day, but she still acts like a puppy most of the time. Look at her. 
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Anyway, I’m still around. I’m closer to 40 than 30, feel like 80 or 20 depending on the day, and can apparently still pass for 25. I still browse Tumblr daily, and miss the olden days, when there was life and constant garbage fires, and stupid fandom wars that I could watch fly by in utter confusion. 
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acoupleofbravedorks · 5 years
Through Thick and Thin
Hey yall!  Heard about @shipmistress9‘s Hiccstrid week 2020 celebration, and I wanted to take part in it.  I’m writing up a few things I hope will be done in the next couple days, buuuut I had this rather fluffy commission laying about involving a set up I haven’t seen played around with much in the fandom.  
I will note that this is not my work, and that the author is fine with this being released, but wishes to remain anonymous.  I hope yall like it as much as I did! 
Hiccup meandered along the street, heading nowhere in particular but feeling the need to get out of the house. Typical, his first proper day off work in weeks and he'd woken up too damn early, and then got bored trying to stay indoors and relax. Still, at least it was a nice day out, sun shining but just enough breeze to stop it being sweaty and stifling.
He was just debating heading to the shop for nothing in particular other than a distraction from boredom, when a big shadow fell across his path.
"Hiccup Haddock, is that you?"
Confused, Hiccup looked up from the ground to the source of the voice. His eyes found a very curvy lady, with round cheeks and thick thighs and a soft, round belly resting beneath an ample chest. Realising he was probably staring a bit too low, he lifted his eyes up to her face.
There was something familiar in the blonde hair, the round freckled cheeks and blue eyes...
She'd been his best friend when they were kids, spending endless hours together talking about dragons. Astrid used to chase him with an axe if he bugged her, but it always ended in forgiving cuddles and childish giggles. Then her parents had a very, very messy divorce, and Astrid was whisked away to live with her grandmother to keep her out of it. They'd meant to stay in touch, but they were only kids and it wasn't easy. He lost her grandmothers address when his own parents split, the bit of paper with it written down obviously stolen by mountain trolls when packing up to move out.
Of course, Astrid had been a lanky, skinny child back then, shooting up in height before most of their classmates and charging around so much she obviously burned off a lot of energy.
Now, lanky and skinny were definitely not words he could use to describe her. She seemed to follow his thoughts despite him not voicing them, reaching up to pat her big belly with a laugh. Her smile hadn't changed, completely and utterly her.
"Yeah, I gained quite a few pounds over the years. Grandma's cooking and a lot of lazy food in college, yanno?"
He shrugged, smiling, awash with fond nostalgia for his oldest friend.
"No, no, you look great. It's so good to see you!"
They hugged, her body soft against his but the strength she held him with was surprising, reminding him of how she could easily crush him when they were kids with her super-strength.
"Great to see you too. I barely recognised you, you actually learned to do your hair. And you're so tall!"
"Yeah, puberty hit me like a ton of bricks, as I've been told. And I had to learn to do my hair, else I get awful helmet hair when I'm out on my bike."
"Finally got your wheels?"
She obviously remembered him fawning over motorcycles in his dads mechanic-themed magazines as a kid, always insisting he'd be riding one as soon as possible.
"Yep! So... what are you doing here? Are you around for long? Want to go somewhere and catch up?"
He realised he was talking kind of quickly, still buzzing with the pleasant surprise of seeing her again. Astrid nodded, beaming.
"Sounds good!"
As they walked, Astrid informed him she'd just moved back to the area when her job got transferred there.
"What do you do?"
"Just some machine assembly work. Not exciting, but pays the bills and it fit around classes when I was at uni. And, to everyones surprise, I'm not phased by trudging around on my feet all day on the factory floor. What about you?"
"Garage, obviously. Up to my elbows in grease and metal all day every day."
Astrid smiled.
"You must be thrilled!"
Hiccup nodded, grinning.
"Yeah. So, where are we going again?"
"Little place I like. Good food and sturdy furniture."
She wasn't kidding - Hiccup didn't actually fill the chair, and it definitely felt strong under him as he perched, watching Astrid scour the menu and exchanging friendly greetings with the staff.
"You brought a date! Sarah, come see this!"
"He's not my date, you mad woman. Just a friend. Hiccup, please ignore her."
Feeling his cheeks flush slightly, he laughed it off.
"Oooh, with a smile like that he'll be snapped up if you won't have him Astrid!"
Blinking in surprise, Hiccup watched as Astrid shooed off the waitress with demands for chocolate milkshake while they looked at the food options.
"Sorry. They're a little too friendly sometimes. I think I keep them afloat with how much I eat here."
She giggled as she said it, humming before smiling over the top of the little paper foldout at Hiccup. He smiled back.
"It's fine. So, what's good here then, if you know them so well?"
"Oh, everything. But if I remember rightly, you like your food meaty, so I'd go with the steak burger. And if you ask nicely, they put a scoop of ice cream in your milkshake."
Trusting Astrid's judgement - and it did sound delicious - Hiccup ordered what she recommended, and was very pleased by how tasty it was. Astrid had the same, plus some kind of cheese-fries mountain on the side. They chatted between bites, catching up on all the years gone by since they lost touch, whiling away well over an hour there before Astrid frowned at her phone, then looked up at him.
"Sorry, I gotta go, work needs me in. We should do this again soon, now I'm back down here."
"Yeah, sounds great."
They traded numbers, paid and tipped the servers and hugged goodbye outside. Hiccup found himself smiling, warmed and happy about Astrid being back in his life already. He continued on to the shop, pleasantly full of food as he pottered about the aisles, picking up a few things and heading home afterwards.
Astrid texted him that evening when she got off work, and the two quickly compared schedules so they could hang out again soon by phone call.
"If you tell me what you like eating, I'll cook you dinner one of the days."
Hiccup offered, hearing the smile in her voice when he offered.
"Ah, you already know the way to my heart!"
"Well, you said you ate a lot of 'lazy food', I thought home cooked might be a nice change for you."
"Hey, I'm not complaining!"
After forgetting to give her his address on the phone and hastily texting it to her the next day, Hiccup got to planning and prepping, ready to cook. Her hearty appetite was a bonus to him - he loved cooking, and was pretty used to cooking for his dad and uncle Gobber, so big portions came rather naturally. When he visited his mom, she often reminded him neither of them could put away as much food, and there were always leftovers.
He opened the door at her punctual knock, Astrid beaming as she stood in his doorway.
"Come on in."
"Ooooh, your place smells amazing!"
"That'll be dinner. Unless it's me. I did shower today."
She snorted, shaking her head at his feigned bragging.
"Oh, you haven't changed."
It was like no time at all had passed, the two reconnecting easily, having each other in fits of laughter. Astrid still shoved him playfully, though it had a bit more force to it now than when they were kids. They reminisced over childhood TV favourites, and got a little tipsy on the wine Astrid brought over to accompany dinner.
"Ah, I missed you so much!"
Astrid threw her thick arm around him, squeezing Hiccup to her side. Chuckling, he hugged her back.
"I missed you too!"
He offered to let Astrid stay the night (platonically!), but she declined and so he saw her in to a taxi that evening after plates were clean and they'd arranged another meet-up. She pecked a kiss on his cheek with a smile before climbing in to the car, Hiccup watching her go and feeling genuinely sad to see her go. Their friendship had awakened effortlessly, and there were years to catch up on.
It was a couple of days before they got to see each other again, but they chatted over the phone and put on the same terrible TV shows so they could rag on them together, which Hiccup found absolutely hilarious.
At first, Astrid's weight gain didn't really... come up. She was still Astrid. There was just... more Astrid.
But when they were both off work and the weather was nice, Hiccup suggested a picnic. Others obviously had the same idea, so there were quite a few people out in the field. Hiccup put an old throw down for them to sit on, Astrid joking she'd need help getting back up as she sat down, mid-thigh shorts straining slightly as she got comfortable.
Some rude passerby made a rude comment about her size, and Hiccup found himself incredibly annoyed. Astrid barely seemed to notice, at least until she looked up with a glare that could curdle milk.
"I can lose weight. You'll always be an asshole, and I don't remember asking for your opinion. Now go away."
The guy recoiled, then looked over at Hiccup. Hiccup was, incidentally, holding a knife. It was for cheese, but it seemed to look threatening enough that the rude stranger decided not to continue digging themselves into a hole and left.
"Are you ok?"
"Me? I'm fine. It happens, and hey, they can go home to a salad while I have a heaping pile of lasagna. Guess which of us is happier for dinner?"
She was smiling, but Hiccup still shuffled over and gave her a hug. Astrid let him, then nudged him and nodded at his bag.
They ate and chatted and lounged in the sun, Astrid looking pretty and at ease as she laid back on the throw and closed her eyes, soaking up the sunshine that hit her skin. After a little while, she cracked an eye open, peering up at him.
"Are you watching me?"
"Not intentionally. I'm debating if it's too bright to get my sketchpad out, and your top is white so it's a good point of reference."
She rolled her eyes, then went back to sunbathing. Hiccup did get the sketchpad out, doodling the nearby scenery - there was a river a little ways away, with some rocks and trees littering the banks.
"You were always scribbling when we were little too."
"I like drawing. It was something me and mom did together a lot, so I guess it's a lot of happy memories. Oh, by the way, mom wants to see you soon!"
"She does?"
Hiccup nodded.
"Yeah. I mentioned you'd moved back down this way and she was thrilled, asked when I was bringing you over."
Astrid smiled.
"I did always like Valka. How is she doing?"
"See for yourself, next time you're free I can invite her over to come for dinner?"
For a minute, Astrid looked oddly... nervous.
"Is that wise?"
"What do you mean?"
"Is she gonna go all 'should you be eating that' or sly digs about my weight?"
Hiccup raised an eyebrow, bemused.
"You do remember the size of my dad, right? Mom's not gonna care in the slightest. She'll probably laugh and say I found someone who's appetite matches my cooking portions."
Finally, Astrid smiled again. Eventually, they agreed to go, and Hiccup managed to help Astrid back to her feet, taking a leisurely walk along the path to get out of the park before school let out and the place was flooded with children itching for freedom.
The only flaw in the walk was the rather aggressive wasp that chased Hiccup, but he managed to lose it eventually while Astrid very unhelpfully roared with laughter.
"I think he liked you."
"I think he wanted the leftover juice in my bag."
Feeling that usual contentment that spending time with Astrid gave him, Hiccup was sad to see her go, but she did agree to the dinner with his mom. Hiccup relayed that information to Valka, who was thrilled and giddy about it. He did give her advance information that there was quite a bit more of Astrid than before, so that she was prepared and wouldn't make Astrid feel uncomfortable. His mother, as Hiccup predicted, was not phased in the slightest.
Valka arrived first, hugging Hiccup tightly and ruffling his hair as she asked about the minute amount of things that had happened since they last saw each other and he shooed her away from the kitchen side.
"You're a hazard!"
She tsked, then leapt excitedly when the door knocked again.
"Oh my gods, Valka! I swear, you haven't aged a day!"
Well, those two were getting on like a house on fire in seconds, Hiccup smiling to himself all the while as Astrid headed over to hug him in greeting. She looked very nice that day - not that she didn't always, really - in a brown skirt and blue shirt, placing a bottle of wine to contribute to dinner on the side before she went back to chatting with Hiccup's mother.
The evening went absolutely wonderfully, conversation flowing easily. Of course, his mother did her best to fill Astrid in on all the embarrassing moments that happened while she was away, Hiccup's awkward teen years out in the open and Astrid fell about laughing while Hiccup pouted. He couldn't stay mad about how happy the atmosphere was though, and after walking Astrid down to her taxi, he returned to his mother who was loading the dishwasher for him (one of his little weaknesses, because he cooked so much).
"Did you have fun tonight mom?"
"It was wonderful! And I'm so happy you two reconnected, that you've found someone t-"
Wait, wait. Hiccup realised his mother had gotten the wrong idea somewhere along the lines.
"Whoa, mom. Slow down. It's not like that."
She stopped, blinking.
"Yeah. I mean, Astrid's great and it's amazing having her around again, but we're just friends."
Somehow, she did not look convinced.
"What do you mean, really?"
His mother shrugged, knowing look on her face as she checked the side and closed the dishwasher.
"Nothing, nothing. I just... you seem very cosy, that's all. And I see the way you smile at her. I just thought you seemed rather smitten."
Now it was Hiccup's turn to blink, confused.
"I... what? No. I'm not smitten."
"If you say so son. I should get going, I have work tomorrow."
She hugged her son and kissed his hair, all while Hiccup was still sorting through his thoughts somewhat. He hadn't really thought about whether or not he was attracted to Astrid. She was Astrid. They were childhood best friends, and he'd assumed they'd just reverted to the same sort of relationship now. Simple, right?
And his mother thought they were actually dating. So... did that mean Astrid was giving off some kind of signal only moms could notice too?
No, that was ridiculous...
He scrubbed a hand across his face, drained the last bit of wine into a glass rather than bother storing what was barely a single serving. Then he sat down on the sofa and sighed, sipping slowly at the wine and absently picking at leftover dessert.
Hiccup was no closer to clarity the next day, a mild headache from either the wine or the constant thinking nagging him when he woke up. A couple of painkillers washed down with his morning coffee took that away though, leaving him to text Astrid and invite her over for movie night sometime soon. Plenty confused by his mothers words, Hiccup figured the best chance of clearing it all up in his head was to actually talk to Astrid.
They sat on his bed, a huge bowl of popcorn between them, and pizza delivery called for and due thirty minutes from then. Hiccup fiddled with a few bits of popcorn until they were crumbs, knowing he'd regret it later when he had to get all the crumbs out of his bed.
"Want to hear something funny?"
Astrid glanced over, raising popcorn to her mouth.
Hiccup drank some water for his suddenly dry mouth.
"My mom thought I was introducing you to her as my girlfriend."
He watched for her response. Astrid crunched her popcorn a little more slowly, using her drink to clear the remnants from her mouth before she answered.
"Yeah. Started gushing about how happy she was I'd 'found someone'."
Astrid tsked, rolling her eyes.
"Like that's ever gonna happen."
Hiccup, still unsure until just then, realised he was disappointed by her dismissal.
"Wow, you are really rough on my ego."
She laughed, shaking her head.
"I didn't mean cus of anything about you! I just meant... come on, it's not like you're gonna be interested in me like that."
Hiccup frowned.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
She gave him an exasperated look.
"It means... I'm fine with how I look and all that, I could change it but yanno, I'm healthy enough and I can move around. But it's not... pretty."
Hiccup shook his head.
"That's really what you think?"
Astrid nodded, gave a non-commital shrug.
"It's the truth."
She reached for more popcorn. Hiccup moved the bowl, placing it aside so he could kneel up next to her without sending the kernels cascading everywhere. Astrid frowned.
"I just... I don't like you putting yourself down. And... well... I think you're beautiful."
Astrid, normally so forward and confident, dropped her gaze from his, freckled cheeks flushing.
"Yeah. Sure."
"I'm serious!"
She turned back to look at him, expression unreadable.
Then she kissed him.
Hiccup wasn't expecting it, but it didn't take much time for his brain to catch up and respond in kind. They found themselves horizontal sooner rather than later, hands roaming and touching exploring over clothes. There was so much of Astrid to feel, after all, thick thighs he squeezed at gently, enthralled by the way Astrid gasped against his mouth.
She was soft and pliant everywhere his hands landed, from her plush hips to her juicy backside. Her hands made short work of him, sliding under his shirt to roam his bare skin beneath. Hiccup felt himself harden against her stomach, prominent and soft and warm as it pressed against him. He kept his own hands above clothes for the moment, though he let his hands roam a little over her chest, pleased when he was not rebuffed.
Surprising even himself a little bit, Hiccup let his hands wander down to her belly, rather transfixed by it now he had the free reign to be. He rubbed it, felt Astrid tense up slightly at his touch.
"What's wrong?"
"It's just... big."
Hiccup continued to rub her belly, fingers finding bare skin where her shirt had rucked up with their squirming on his bed. There were bumps and ripples of stretch marks that he couldn't quite resist tracing, Astrid letting out a sound halfway to a giggle. He wriggled down, wanting Astrid to feel reassured, safe, desirable. Kisses dropped over the soft bump of her belly, and she actually giggled at the tickling of his hair when Hiccup wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her tummy properly.
"What are you doing?"
"Proving to you that you have nothing to worry about. Plus... I like it."
He nodded, smiling when Astrid relaxed. She urged him back up, but their kisses grew a little lazier, more relaxed when he moved, hands staying above the waist. Astrid played idly with his hair, which he found sweet enough that he smiled in to their kiss, Astrid returning it before they both dissolved in to giggles, breaking apart to catch their breath.
The timing was good, as the door knocked just then to announce the arrival of their pizza.
"Back in a minute. You want a plate or shall we eat out the box?"
"Well, there's fries and garlic bread too, so yeah, plates might be a good idea."
Hiccup nodded, pecking a kiss on Astrid's lips that brought another adorable smile to her face before he climbed off the bed reluctantly, exchanging money for tasty food. The delivery guy definitely gave Hiccup a "no way you'll eat all this" look, not matching the volume of food to Hiccup's narrow frame.
Stacking plates on the top of the pizza box, Hiccup headed back to where Astrid awaited him, cheeks still pink, eyes bright, clothes rumpled and he felt a little breathless for how gorgeous she really was.
"Can I interest you in dinner, milady?"
"Absolutely. Although, garlic bread seemed a better idea before there was kissing."
He chuckled.
"We'll both have bad breath. Alternatively, I have a spare toothbrush you can use."
They plated up, and after a little adjusting, Astrid leant herself against Hiccup with a soft sigh. He could only eat one handed, but that was a small price to pay. He rather liked the weight of her there. Astrid was harder to convince, eventually suggesting they swap places. Perching himself on her lap did have it's perks, like the feel of her soft thighs under him, her round belly against him, and he could feed her until she let out the sweetest little giggles.
"So..." Hiccup dared to venture the question when they'd finished eating, having lost all track of whatever film he'd put on earlier "what is this? What are we?"
Astrid hummed, wrapping a thick arm around him and Hiccup thrilled in the reassuring grip.
"Well... much as you will surely hate to admit it, I'd say you can tell your mom she was right after all."
As she kissed him again, both paying no mind to garlic breath, Hiccup found the prospect of having to tell his mother that wasn't so bad, since it meant Astrid was now his girlfriend.
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