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ggchamo · 9 months
The 29 Games I beat in 2023
This was a year of a ton of new amazing games, and even though I tried dozens, I missed many new awesome games this year, which will always be part of the fun of gaming.
I tried IGN's Playlist app, which buckets your list of games into different categories that sound helpful - Playing, Beat, Quit, Paused, Wishlist, Backlog.
Because I wanted a lot of games marked as "Beat" - I felt encouraged to play some of those shorter, faster plays - many of the games this year were on How Long To Beat dotcom under 10 hours and came highly recommended
One attitude for me this year was "well, I'm not having fun playing this game in the moment, but let's power through since i'm almost done." - This attitude really helped with the motivation to finish to be honest - getting it done meant it's off the backlog and I can move on to the next set of games in my very curated backlog.
Another theme in the games this year was nostalgia and exploring my childhood, so we had good representation of Pokemon and first-party Nintendo
Besides these games, I tried quite a number of games on Switch, PS5, Xbox Series S, and PC for at least a little session - if I don't hit credits it didn't make it on the list, although don't hold me to that
For ongoing games, I played many hours of Gran Turismo 7, some hours of Valorant (140 hours less than 2022 which was definitely lower than 2021...), and the occasional Overwatch/Fortnite/whatever session with people getting together. 2023 was not the same as 2020's peak of playing with friends on a daily basis, but this year I embraced curating things to my taste
I loved the three games I played with my fiance - Paper Mario, Hi-Fi Rush, and Sackboy. Anytime we share an experience it makes the payoff multiple times better.
God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla -
Fuck - I really wanted to beat this one, so it was satisfying to get this one ticked off my list. They wanted to design something hard and worth the challenge and time investment, and I think they did it. I consistently was making progress until the last thing was to beat the final boss, and once I watched a youtube video and tried a different strategy, it opened up. Experience was cool - God of War has a great set of combat features, one of the very best combat systems outside of the god-tier Dark Souls team.
Pokemon Black 2 -
Buying an Analogue Pocket triggered this exploration into my childhood, and part of that was getting into collecting the Pokemon games I missed and revisiting them. I found a copy of this game slightly discounted from it's $160 avg price on eBay and was worried about getting a fake but was relieved it was authentic. So how was this game, not just as a hype item but as an experience?
It was worth the effort. It had a ton of cool pokemon (although needed more water pokemon in my opinion) and it actually was tough to beat - I ended up losing once or twice and had some dicey gym battles earlier on, but I thought the game was an interesting chapter in the pokemon games. It was very story focused and wanted to build some lore and some characters, not just create a million new cool pokemon. Gen V was a big blin spot for me so it was cool to spend some time back in these games after beating Pokemon Black for the second time in the past few years in the pandemic era.
Rollerdrome -
I found the game very tough near the last three levels (it was just overtuned for a casual guy like me and got crazy) but I found it very unique and aesthetically very iconic. These devs took some of the muscle memory from Tony Hawk games and added that famous "bullet time" mechanic as another way to pace everything. It's a great combo - I can even imagine a game where the shooting has to go with the beat. I am happy they had assists so I could avoid hitting my head against the wall for 20 hours.
Super Mario Wonder -
Another GOTY quality game, in a year where we had a new Mario and Zelda come out in a sea of sequels and really well-done indies. I'm not done with this game yet. I hit credits, but there is more to play here in the future. This game is exactly my vibe - and we got to see the demo in person in Seattle which was fun!
Jusant -
Short and sweet with very fun unique climbing gameplay that I enjoyed playing through. It was straightforward and interesting, and I enjoyed that quality many Indies have where it had a huge imagination that transcends their budget and tech restrictions. I felt like that team did a great job and I kept thinking I want to see more games like Jusant, taking the concepts further.
Pokemon Crystal Version -
I was in the mood for classic pokemon with tons of moments of nostalgia and feeling memories from back during childhood - and Pokemon always delivers, I need Pokemon games in my life. I was proud to finish the game after transferring the file to a new 2DS XL and regretting my choice of Totodile as my starter 30 hours in. I had fun and this game is timeless - I will play it again and it will feel like the first time I played it again because that's what these games do. They always feel new because in the world of Pokemon, there is always more to learn.
Spider-Man 2 -
Consistently fun and with very rewarding platinum trophy that wasn't that hard to finish - I found the experience of playing this game rewarding, familiar and very polished, and the game did not overstay it's welcome with bad gameplay. Not too different from the first games besides some very cool new features and types of scenarios with the same core gameplay as Miles Morales and Spider-Man 1.
Forza Motorsport -
In a head-to-head comparison between this and GT7, GT7 has greater replay-ability and tricks the mind into feeling like you're in a simulation. But Motorsport is maybe the better designed game - since it took some driver activities and made them gaming features. But in execution, they don't make a material impact on the experience and don't add much immersion since the driver levels have no impact on gameplay. I enjoyed the larger assortment of cars and the tons of races to play - but I didn't see the same love in the courses, which are really the core gameplay "levels." So I feel like I'm saying that this very expensive and detailed gameplay was lacking levels, which seems like a weird place to be for a game. So lots of complex feelings after playing for over 40-50 hours - I definitely will play this again.
Super Mario World (GBA) -
Someone set me up with GBA online and this was the first game I played - very cool experience playing through my first game in one or two sittings on a big screen with my adult brain and skills without my child limitations.
The Last of Us Part 1 -
In the first few weeks of October, I was having a great time revisiting a game that I played a few years before the pandemic (may have just been 2018/2019....) and also was watching the HBO show at the same time. It still is an awesome experience and still touches those same great heights because the game has that iconic aggression and unique feeling that you feel from what it asks you to do and what it puts you through. No other game feels Last of Us games, and they're on a different league of their own.
Cocoon -
Weird game. The sound design and the visual aesthetic stuck out as iconic to this game, with the gameplay being just multi-faceted enough to encourage me to try to learn new things - I think there was almost one point where I had to look something up but I sat down and tried my best and was able to move forward. I felt very smart and impressed myself.
Venba -
Awesome game and only one or two sessions long - it told a story and it made me think. I liked how the recipes felt like puzzles which is what cooking feels like!
Lego 2K Drive -
In late September, needed something quick and fun to play before Super Mario Wonder/Forza Motorsport/Spiderman 2 slapped me in the face - this was very rewarding and was very satisfying to look at and play - deep enough that it was fun but still very easy to pick up and play with all the different type of cars. One or two kind of down moments definitely didn't weigh down my opinion of the experience as a whole, although it's nice that it's free for PS Plus people 2 months after I bought it for $70.
Paper Mario: The Origami King -
My fiance beat this before and agreed to watch me play and Sherpa me through the experience. It was pretty awesome, although the base gameplay is a bit of an acquired taste...not too long but still took some time investment to finish all of the worlds and once or twice lose a multi-turn boss fight due to some unfortunate misclicks.
Osu! 2 on DS -
Beating this was a spur of the moment and only took a few sessions, but I wanted to play through the "new" Osu game (although now the series over a decade old) for a long time and finally grabbed it off my brother. Iconic songs and I had a lot of fun - and I think I've gotten better mentally at rhythm games after more experience gaming and playing music in general. I was able to power through and beat it on normal without too much.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits -
Has been on my list for a while. I have no clue how. LOL like it may have been one of those rare PS4 games that got a nice PS5 upgrade in 2021 or maybe there was a good review that I saw. I think the game felt... unfair near the end. I ended up turning the difficulty down near the end and finalizing some of the later levels on my iPhone through remote play. Like I changed it to the story mode difficulty and just played through - not a great sign. It had amazing animation and just absolutely killer graphics, but maybe it was too much like God of War or Horizon Zero Dawn? I didn't come away like I gotta recommend this one to everyone, and looking back I liked that the game was short so I thought let's power through, which was a theme this year. I think I turned the difficulty down when I played on my phone just to give myself a better chance of pounding through the levels. Very beautiful though
Pikmin 4 -
dawg - my first Pikmin game. Absolutely fire, I enjoyed trying something new and I didn't find it frustrating or limiting at all, and I think I would play more of the post-game with the new planets and fill everything out in the future.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom -
Iconic and honestly this is the type of game that is on a different plane. Worth the 80-100 hours I put in to my first playthrough - an experience for the type of person that plays video games in the action adventure category, but it's good enough that it transcends genre and expectations. The game was as big as my imagination and I had some iconic moments in the game, like sequence skipping and also enjoying and exploring areas slowly and intentionally. It's worth playing again now that I think about it - just to do the depths again now with the experience of doing it the first time.
Pokemon X -
Set in a Pokemonized France and I played most of this game during breaks in my awesome French vacation this summer. Playing this game has connected me to my childhood, so I had a great time in my 30 hours. This would be worth multiple playthroughs - this was really the first game that I missed in the Pokemon series.
Playing this has been part of my recent 3DS exploration, where I am now trying to play the games I missed during high school and college times, because I was so busy to really play any games, especially not Pokemon. Finishing this game and seeing some of the subtle new changes they did after the Gen V era didn't fully register as these games were refined over decades, but I'm starting to make the connection between the recent games and the games from my childhood.
Pizza Tower -
this game was pure adrenaline. Holy crap. The polygon review got me onto this and I love 2D platformers, but the very unique and original presentation is what got me stuck to it. It was tough at times and also that fun type of creepy with the badly drawn kinda weird characters. I had fun, and I felt that was the game with
Sackboy: A Big Adventure -
Awesome game to finish with the fiance. It was a bit generic, not grounded on a specific character or point of view or set of values besides friendship and light vs. dark. but the multiplayer gameplay was what I was there for, and it delivered. It was a very fun experience playing the game with my partner and I always appreciate games that bring everyone in, not just a specific persona designed by capitalist-fueled marketing machines.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War -
Speaking of capitalist-fueled... I can't remember that many memorable moments but that is the point. the graphics looked amazing and I was happy to play game that didn't take a million hours to roll credits at. Another one that probably was padding for the list. LOL.
Tinykin -
this was another short one, and another one like Gears on Xbox. It was the first Pikim-type game I've played. Very original and once it got going it was fun to go through it. every now and then confusing but it was easy to knock out. I enjoyed the platforming and found it forgiving but not so easy it was boring. It felt tight.
Gears 5: Hivebusters -
Never found the Gears games rewarding enough to finish. Sometimes they felt too convoluted and I didn't feel comfortable. The reason we finished this one - it was short. LOL. it was enough though - felt like a proper experience and I actually enjoyed it. It's just not smooth enough for me to want to play another 60 hours, maybe one ady.
Stray -
a bit buggy, a bit sparse, but I was happy because it was short and sweet. Very creative and had great characters - but I couldn't tell you what their names were. I think it brought a unique experience with the cat features to very well trodden ground and the 3D platforming/exploration gameplay was refined but not as rock solid as the Nintendo types.
Hi-Fi Rush -
playing this game in January 2023 was a cool experience shared with my fiance and the game was incredibly unique and so so so cool. It was pure ecstasy when my girl beat the final boss after losing like 60 times. Hours of pain. When she finally beat it, it felt historic. What an icon!
Pokemon Violet -
yeah performance was ass but playing the new games, they are the best Pokemon games ever by definition. They always raise the bar and it's hard to appreciate until years later.
Metroid Prime Remastered -
I finally beat it like 10-13 years later, this was so action packed and familiar, guides really helped in moments.
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury -
Short extra mode was a good time - so it was cool to start with a mario game this year. I remember it being not incredibly difficult but have forgotten some details since January it seems.
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frogliftcertified · 2 years
Ranting about that Sky game because this monetisation model really needs to die and I sincerely hope I can't be the only one who thinks this
It's baffling to see them getting away with their take on the battle pass model, especially baffling how I see a lot of its younger players dismiss it because "this is normal." Fortnite normalised this predatory business model really fast.
What I'm getting to is, the one item I wanted from the adventure pass, I won't get because I joined the game late and couldn't collect all three seasonal hearts. I could if there wasn't a daily limit on how many seasonal candles (currency) you could collect, but there is, and it's very very small. Six per day, getting one of four hearts costs over 65 candles.
Basically, I'm being punished for giving thatgamecompany money too late for their personal liking. Now I'll never get the item and they run away with my money.
At first I thought I was gonna be able to get it, but it's my fault because I didnt magically know the daily seasonal candle limit, in order to do the napkin math before buying their battle pass.
One of my friends even bought me 15 seasonal candles, which costs about 6 US dollars on top of the 15 for the pass, and I still can't get it. To get the item I wanted I'd have to buy 15 x 3 seasonal candles to buy items I DON'T want first, and then get the heart needed to unlock it. That's more than their battle pass itself. They're obviously trying to copy Fortnite, but can't even do that properly. At the end of the day, whatever, but this is a game aimed at kids using their parents' credit cards. This shouldn't be normal.
(Keep in mind, they're also charging up to $30 for individual items, such as a single cosmetic jacket for your character. Items that will one day disappear with the game when it shuts down.)
Man this game just pisses me off, but I can't leave it alone because, no, the game isn't good, but the people who play it are.
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epicwinsft · 2 months
Hey Fortnite fans! 🎮 Welcome to today’s breakdown of the Fortnite item shop. Every day brings a fresh batch of exciting cosmetics, skins, emotes, and more, and today is no exception. Whether you're a seasoned player or just diving into the world of Fortnite, the item shop is the go-to place to deck out your character in style.
What’s New in the Fortnite Item Shop Today?
Today’s [July 30, 2024] item shop update brings a fantastic array of new and returning items. Here's a quick look at some of the highlights:
New Skins: Today’s update features some epic new skins that are sure to make you stand out on the battlefield.
New Emotes: Express yourself with the latest emotes, perfect for any in-game occasion.
Exclusive Bundles: Grab these limited-time bundles to get the best bang for your V-Buck.
Returning Favorites: Some of your favorite items from previous seasons are back, so if you missed them before, now’s your chance!
Why You Should Check Out the New Item Shop Fortnite
Keeping up with the daily updates in the Fortnite item shop is essential for any dedicated player. Not only do you get to see the latest cosmetic additions, but you also get a chance to snag exclusive items that might not return for a while. Today’s new item shop Fortnite update is particularly exciting, with a mix of new and fan-favorite items available.
How to Access the Fortnite Item Shop
Accessing the Fortnite item shop is easy:
Launch Fortnite: Open the game on your preferred platform.
Navigate to the Item Shop: Once on the main menu, select the "Item Shop" tab.
Browse and Buy: Use your V-Bucks to purchase your favorite items.
Stay Updated with Fortnite
For more updates and the latest news on Fortnite, make sure to:
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for daily item shop reviews and gameplay videos.
Follow us on social media to never miss an update.
Join our live streams to interact with us and other Fortnite fans.
Join Our Fortnite Community
Don’t miss out on our live event on August 16th, where we’re giving away 75,000 V-Bucks! Stay subscribed to the channel, and you'll be automatically entered into all our future contests—you might get a surprise gift from us at any time. Plus, get the latest tips, tricks, and updates from the world of Fortnite.
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rummyprime1 · 9 months
Level Up Your Income: How to Make Money Just by Playing Games
In today's tech-savvy world, making money while doing what you love—playing games—is no longer a distant dream. It's a reality that many gamers are turning into their own personal success story. In this article, we'll delve into the exciting ways you can earn money simply by indulging in your favorite pastime.
Streaming Your Playtime
Ever heard of Twitch or YouTube Gaming? These platforms are not just for watching others play; they're also opportunities for you to showcase your gaming skills. By live streaming your gameplay, you can attract viewers who may become fans. As your audience grows, you can earn money through donations, ad revenue, and even sponsorships. It's like having a virtual fan club that pays you for doing what you enjoy.
Join the Esports Craze
If you're more of a competitive player, esports might be your calling. Professional gaming tournaments around the world offer substantial cash prizes for those who excel in games like Fortnite, League of Legends, or Dota 2. Impress the gaming community with your skills, and you might find yourself on the path to becoming a professional gamer, complete with sponsorships and endorsements.
Beta Testing: Play Before Everyone Else
Imagine getting paid to be one of the first people to play a new game. Beta testing allows gamers to play
unreleased games and provide valuable feedback to developers. Game developers often seek beta testers to identify bugs, improve gameplay, and enhance overall user experience. It's a chance to turn your gaming expertise into a paycheck while helping shape the games you love.
Turn Skills into Cash on Skill-Based Platforms
If you're confident in your gaming abilities, consider exploring skill-based gaming platforms. Websites like Skillz, Swagbucks, and InboxDollars offer opportunities to compete in skill-based games and win real cash prizes. Whether you're a puzzle master or a trivia whiz, these platforms let you monetize your gaming prowess directly.
Virtual Economies and In-Game Treasures
Some games have their own virtual economies where players can buy, sell, and trade in-game items. This practice has given rise to a unique way of making money by dealing in virtual assets. Whether it's rare items, character skins, or virtual real estate, you can turn your gaming escapades into a lucrative business.
Sponsored Content and Reviews
If you enjoy creating content, why not combine it with your love for gaming? Companies are often on the lookout for gamers to review their products or create sponsored content. This could include anything from gaming hardware and accessories to new game releases. Your honest opinions can translate into earnings as companies pay you for sharing your insights with the gaming community.
Cash Rewards in Mobile Gaming Apps
The mobile gaming industry is booming, and many apps now offer cash rewards for reaching specific milestones or achievements. Some apps even pay users for participating in surveys, watching ads, or completing tasks within the gaming app. It's a fun way to earn a little extra cash while enjoying games on your phone.
Making money by playing games is not a far-off fantasy—it's a possibility within your grasp. Whether you choose to stream, compete, test games, or explore other avenues, the gaming world offers a variety of ways to turn your playtime into paytime. So, dust off your controller, fire up your favorite game, and start exploring the exciting opportunities waiting for you in the world of gaming earnings!
For More Info:-
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mikekelvin · 1 year
Navigating the Metaverse: Unlocking Opportunities with Metaverse Services
In recent years, the term "Metaverse" has taken the tech world by storm. It's a concept that promises to reshape how we interact, work, and play in a digital realm. The Metaverse is not just science fiction anymore; it's becoming a reality. In this blog, we will delve into the world of Metaverse services, exploring their real-world applications and their impact on our lives.
The Metaverse: What Is It?
Before we dive into the services it offers, let's clarify what the Metaverse is. In essence, it's a virtual universe where users can interact with each other and digital environments in real-time. Imagine a space where you can socialize, work, shop, and even attend events, all without leaving the comfort of your home.
Metaverse Services in Action
Now, let's take a closer look at some real-world examples of Metaverse services that are making waves.
Facebook Horizon Workrooms - Facebook (now Meta) is a prominent player in the Metaverse arena. Their Horizon Workrooms platform is designed for virtual meetings and collaboration. Users can join meetings as digital avatars, making remote work more engaging and interactive. Stats: According to Meta's official report, Horizon Workrooms saw a 200% increase in monthly usage from 2021 to 2022, with over 30,000 organizations using it for meetings and collaboration.
Decentraland - Decentraland is a blockchain-based virtual world where users can buy, sell, and build on parcels of virtual land. It's a prime example of how Metaverse services can bridge the digital and physical worlds. People are purchasing virtual real estate, creating businesses, and even hosting events within the platform. Stats: As of September 2021, Decentraland had over 250,000 registered users. The number is expected to have grown significantly since then.
Roblox - Roblox isn't just a game; it's a vast online platform where users can create their own games and experiences. It's a prime example of user-generated content in the Metaverse. Players can build and monetize their creations, fostering a vibrant virtual economy. Stats: Roblox reported over 43 million daily active users in 2020, with users spending an average of 2.6 hours per day on the platform.
NFT Marketplaces - Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a key component of the Metaverse. These unique digital assets are bought, sold, and traded in virtual marketplaces like OpenSea and Rarible. NFTs can represent digital art, virtual real estate, in-game items, and more. Stats: The NFT market exploded in 2021, with total sales reaching $10.7 billion, up from $94 million in 2020.
The Metaverse's Impact on Industries
The Metaverse isn't limited to gaming and social interaction. Its potential spans across various industries.
Entertainment - Hollywood is exploring Metaverse-driven experiences, from virtual movie premieres to interactive concerts. For example, Travis Scott's virtual concert in Fortnite drew over 12 million viewers.
Education - The Metaverse has the power to revolutionize education, making learning more immersive and accessible. Universities and schools are already experimenting with virtual classrooms and lectures.
Retail - Brands are setting up virtual storefronts in platforms like Fortnite and Decentraland. Virtual shopping experiences are becoming more common, allowing users to try on digital clothing and accessories.
Healthcare - Telehealth services within the Metaverse offer new possibilities for remote medical consultations and mental health support.
The Future of Metaverse Services
As we've seen, the Metaverse is rapidly evolving, and its potential is boundless. It's not just a new way to play games or hang out with friends; it's a digital ecosystem that will impact how we live and work.
Stats: The Metaverse market is projected to reach a staggering $800 billion by 2024, with an estimated 5 billion users. This explosive growth highlights the immense opportunities for businesses and developers.
In conclusion, the Metaverse is no longer a distant dream but a dynamic digital reality. With Metaverse software development services at the forefront, we are witnessing a transformative era where virtual worlds are becoming an integral part of our daily lives.
Whether you're a business looking to enter the Metaverse, a developer eager to create immersive experiences, or simply curious about this evolving landscape, there's no denying that the Metaverse is here to stay. Embrace the possibilities, and stay tuned for the incredible innovations yet to come.
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mimecart · 2 years
The Best Fortnite Items Shop
The Fortnite Item Shop is the best place to purchase skins and other in-game cosmetics. Epic Games releases several exclusive outfits in the Item Shop for gamers to claim. Unlike the Battle Pass outfit, Item Shop skins tend to make repeated returns.Some of these skins enjoy enormous popularity and gamers rush to buy them as soon as they return to the Item Shop. This article will enlist 10 such Fortnite skins that players never miss a chance to pick up.
The character, played by the legendary Keanu Reeves, was adapted as an in-game skin and released in Fortnite Chapter 1 Season 9. The outfit costs 2,000 V-Bucks and is one of the most popular outfits in the community.The suited character comes with selectable styles which adds to the craze. The outfit is also sleek and easy to use in the game. The John Wick outfit has a reputation for being away from the game for long periods of time. Therefore, gamers do not waste a moment in purchasing it whenever the developers bring it back to the Item Shop.
Released in Chapter 1 Season 3, Raven is one of the oldest skins whose popularity is unmatched even to this day. The skin can be purchased from the Item Shop for 2,000 V-Bucks.The dark shaded appearance of the outfit and the neon tinted eyes make the skin quite intimidating. It is mostly for this reason that gamers rush to buy the outfit whenever it features in the Item Shop.
Fishstick is iconic. It is literally the face of Fortnite. This simple character has featured across several trailers and promotions of the game and is one of the most popular outfits of all time.Almost every gamer has the Fishstick skin in their account inventory. However, those who have missed out on the skin rush to get it whenever it gets featured in the Item Shop.
Our The Best Fortnite Items Shop post takes a look at what is currently in the shop right now! This post is updated daily with today's item shop including every new item that is available, and will be refreshed with the current rotation of cosmetics as soon as they are released. The shop is usually updated once a day, but on occasion there will be special cosmetics added which are added in the morning. This is usually after a new patch or update, so keep an eye out for those. Follow up daily to see the current Fortnite Item Shop today.
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gemwire · 2 years
Free Xbox Live Codes (#October 20, 2022) Get 10$, 50$, 100$ Gift Card & Redeem Codes
Free Xbox Live Codes (#October 20, 2022) Get 10$, 50$, 100$ Gift Card & Redeem Codes: Are You looking to get Xbox Live Codes For Free? Gemwire is the perfect place to search for free Xbox Live codes, Subscription And Gift Cards. Gamers can find Xbox Game Pass, Xbox Gold and more, all at Xbox Redeem Code.
To take advantage of Xbox Redeem Code, you need to have an Xbox Game Pass, Xbox Live Gold, or paid items. Codes are a representation of letters and numbers that is 25 characters long. Codes follow a 5×5 format of five blocks of five letters and numbers.
Free Xbox Live Codes
On this site, you will find a list of Xbox live gold codes- the most extensive out there. Information includes Xbox live gold, an Xbox Game Pass code, and more.
To get Xbox Gold or Xbox Game Pass, you need an Xbox account. Optionally, if you don’t have one, you can create it with your Microsoft email account (Hotmail) or Facebook account.
But to get the codes for that account, visit the Xbox Redeem Code Generator website.
If you’re looking for Xbox Live Gold membership, Xbox Game Pass, or any other Xbox codes, we have shared a list of all the Xbox codes that we know about.
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What Is The Process For Redeeming A Code On Xbox One And Xbox Series XS?
To sign in to your Xbox console, you need to be signed in with the Microsoft account that you want the code redeemed.
From the Home screen, go to My Games & Apps. If the Store app is not there, go to Apps and find it.
In the Store app, use the left arrow button on your controller to open the side menu.
When you get to the screen with a list of things, choose Redeem.
Enter the 25-character code and then follow the prompts.
What Are The Steps To Redeem A Code From A Web Browser?
Go to redeem.microsoft.com from a web browser.
Follow these steps: 1) Sign in, type the 25-character password, and then proceed. 2) Don’t worry about hyphens; the system will handle them for you.
How Do I Redeem A Code On Windows 10/11?
To redeem the code, you must first sign in to your Windows device (make sure you’re signed in using the Microsoft account you want to use).
Then, from the Start menu, select Store. Select Microsoft Store from the list.
Redeem a code by selecting “Redeem a Code.”
Use the 25-character code, then follow the instructions.
What Are The Steps To Redeem A Code On An iOS Or Android Device?
Go to redeem.microsoft.com from a web browser.
Follow these steps:
1) Sign in, type the 25-character password, and then proceed. 2) Don’t worry about hyphens; the system will handle them for you.
How To Redeem A Code In The Xbox App For Windows?
Open the Xbox app on your Windows device.
Make sure you’re signed in with the account that you want to use the code on. If you need to log in with a different account, select the gamerpic in the upper right corner, then choose Sign out and sign in using the specified account.
Select a gamer picture in the upper-right corner and then Settings.
Click the REDEEM button, type in the 25-digit code, and follow the on-screen instructions.
How Do I Redeem A Code In The Xbox Console Companion App On Windows 10/11?
On your Windows device, go to the Start screen and select Xbox Console Companion from the list of apps.
Go to the Xbox profile you want to use the code on, then select “Redeem Code.” After that, log in with your account of choice. Select the Gamertag image on the left navigation bar and then Sign out and sign in with your preferred account if you need to use a different account.
From the left navigation bar, select Microsoft Store, then Redeem a code.
Follow the instructions, then type in the 25-digit code
How To Redeem A Code On Xbox 360?
You need to sign in to your Xbox 360. Make sure you are signed in with the right Microsoft account when you do this.
To access the menu, press the Xbox Guide button on your controller.
Select Games & Apps and then Redeem Code under Your Account tab.
Type the 25-character Xbox Redeem Code, then follow the instructions. Don’t worry about hyphens; the system will handle them for you.
I hope this blog post has helped you to redeem Xbox codes. If there are any problems, feel free to contact us using the comment section.
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Battle Royale origin
The battle royale genre is seen in a few industries. The first one is the hunger games films which are really good take on battle royale with only one person being the winner. Another is the mountain of games that use the battle royale structure.
Starting off the popular battle royales is H1Z1, it was released in early access on steam in 2015 but at this point wasn't a battle royale. A year later in 2016 Daybreak (who are the devs) announced that there would be 2 separate game modes within the H1Z1 name, these are just survive and king of the hill. The king of the hill mode is the one that got popular, it was a battle royale type of game mode and became quite popular for a while, people like ninja who started streaming h1z1 and people watched him grow.
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Then a game called PUBG was released on the 23rd of March 2017 which got very popular and caused a lot of people to go from H1Z1 to PUBG, not everyone but a lot of people. Pubg was getting close to the top but then on the 26th of September 2017, Fortnite Battle Royale was released. Now what's different about Fortnite compared to the 2 others is that Fortnite was free to play and the others were both £20 so this invited more players, in just 2 weeks of release there were 10 Million active players, which is insane numbers. The numbers just kept getting higher, on October 25th 2017 epic games would start a new trend that a lot of games follow today. This was seasons. Seasons are on average 3 month time periods where there would be weekly updates with new weapons and items with an item shop where you could purchase skins. Season 1 didn't really bring anything other than a seasonal item shop and a daily item shop with a few new guns. Season 2 would be where the popularity boomed. It was a Christmas update with new weapons and items every week and a new item shop, but this season brought the most popular thing to implement into games nowadays which is the battle pass, with 70 tiers a free track and a premium track which would cost money to unlock, then you could complete challenges to level up your battle pass. With it being only £7 it was super inviting to buy so a lot of people did with the game being at 30 million active players epic games made a lot of money, so this became a very popular thing to have a free game with a battle pass and shop, and a lot of games do this now.
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criqueenth-blog · 5 years
Fortnite is highly a game where around 4 Gamers shift in opposition to some swarm of enchanted Husks that appeared together with the entire Storm. Choose from the option of legend workouts which will be adequately versatile to match to virtually any perform design: Constructors, troopers, Ninjas, and furthermore the Outlanders.
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mubandel-blog · 5 years
Fortnite is highly a game where around 4 Gamers shift in opposition to some swarm of enchanted Husks that appeared together with the entire Storm. Choose from the option of legend workouts which will be adequately versatile to match to virtually any perform design: Constructors, troopers, Ninjas, and furthermore the Outlanders.
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sneworgar-blog · 5 years
Fortnite is highly a game where around 4 Gamers shift in opposition to some swarm of enchanted Husks that appeared together with the entire Storm. Choose from the option of legend workouts which will be adequately versatile to match to virtually any perform design: Constructors, troopers, Ninjas, and furthermore the Outlanders.
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nickcifonie · 3 years
In 2021, Anyone Can Make $ Playing Video Games!
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I grew up playing games like Risk, Monopoly, a little Chess... and still remember buying my first computer somewhere around 1986 solely to play a computer game on. It was an Apple IIc, and that first game was some type of Pirate Adventure. I wish I remembered the name. It wasn’t all that good, but still, I was hooked!
Since that first adventure, I’ve spent thousands of hours as well as dollars playing just about every type of digital game that has followed! PC games, Atari, Wii, mobile games... you name it, I play it! I’d always generalize the cost (to myself at least) thinking “some guys play golf 3 days a week at $100 a round... I play computer games”.
That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it! However, the story has changed...
“Pay to Play” has become “Play to Earn”!
If you would be to search terms like “crypto games”, “blockchain games”, “make money playing video games”, and others, you’d find some really incredible statements. Today, quotes like the ones below are becoming more and more common!
“I made $400 last week playing a computer game” “I just sold my RPG character for $200 profit”
“I was offered $1k for a skin for my laser rifle of doom” (I made up the “laser rifle of doom” part)
“I bred my pet thingamajig yesterday and sold the baby!” (it’s digital, for those of you wincing)
In 2021, thanks to the blockchain, there’s a growing community of gamers who are making real dollars daily, mining, fighting, shooting, jumping... all while playing the same type of mobile and PC games that you had to PAY to play just a short while ago...
...but let’s start at the beginning.
You paid $172,000 for a what!?
Yes... all the way back in 2018 a CryptoKitty named “Dragon” was sold for an incredible $172,000. (300 ETH) Don’t be too surprised, it’s justified! It’s an adorable digital image, or “NFT” of a cat, after all.
It’s a lot of money, but for NFTs and blockchain gaming, flipping a Kitty today may as well be considered the stone ages. It’s still a record, but while you can still get started collecting these digital felines for as low as a couple of dollars, big-dollar trades still happen daily.
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On the flip side of mortgaging your home to buy a digital picture of a CryptoKitty, Bored Ape, or CryptoPunk, you may feel better if you begin your adventure into making crypto (it’s real money, dear!) by playing a video game where you can “make money” instead of spending it.
I’m not saying owning a CryptoKitty or any of a plethora of “Avatar NFTs” we see popping up on various exchanges isn’t one way to do it... I’m saying to me at least, as a life-long gamer I’d much prefer playing a mobile, console, or PC game to collecting pictures in a digital wallet.
So what the heck is an NFT?
I could go into a long explanation... but since this article is about gaming and not cryptocurrency, I’ll tell you an NFT is a “non-fungible token”, and leave you google it if you really want to dig in deep. I do want to share more, so I’ll ‘splain it as simple as I can for you Lucy!
A CryptoKitty, as stated above, is a type of image called an NFT. (the collection is called “CryptoKitties) It’s a digital picture of a cartoon cat. There are thousands of different ones that have different shapes, colors, expressions and traits. (kind of like a real cat, but eats less)
The difference, is only one of each design is actually a legitimate “CryptoKitty”. (or a legitimate whatever type of image it happens to be) To be clearer... each NFT is a “one of a kind”, so if you’re thinking “but can’t I just make a copy?”, nope you can’t.
I mean... you “can” make a copy of it if you really dig the design and want it on your desktop, but it would only be a copy of that particular NFT, not the real McCoy! Ok... so what makes one real, and the rest fakes? The blockchain.
Now, I’m going to be true to my word and keep my promise of not making this an article about crypto or the blockchain, so just know this: the difference between an image that is an actual NFT, and a copy of one, is there is an underlying digital code that designates the real thing.
So real in fact, that artists are creating or importing their paintings and creations to the web as NFTs, numbering them as they would a lithograph, and selling their entire collections. So if you are an art fan, check with your favorite creators... you may be surprised to find all of their “works of art” on an online marketplace!
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NFTs are viewed on certain marketplace websites and digital wallets where the copies cannot be displayed, so that is how we know one is real, and the others are not! Having said that, sure, there’s more to it, but just know that there’s a 100% secure way of knowing an image is a real NFT.
In addition, there can be more than one NFT with the same identical image. However, each has a unique underlying code, so even if they look exactly the same, they are not! Look at it like the playing cards or comic books of old... there may be 1,000 created (or “minted” as it’s called in NFT land) but they will each be numbered 1 to 1,000.
And guess which is more valuable.....? I knew you’d get it!
And these NFT’s make money how?
You’re getting warmer! There are a lot of different types of games coming out these days where you can make money playing. There are RPG’s, MOBA’s, Shooters, games in first person and in third, dungeon crawls... you name it!
If you’re thinking “how did I not know this!”, I was the same until recently! I have been gaming almost daily since I stepped into Ultima Online back in 1997, and I can’t even begin to tally how many hours and/or dollars I’ve invested into gaming.
Now, our hobby pays!
After 30-something years, my wife still thinks I’m bonkers... but I got a totally different look from her a few days ago when I told her I sold my game character for well over $200. Legit. I sold two more yesterday, and another this afternoon.
Some of these only cost me $10 or $15, some much more. Some are free. I sold another NFT character last week for $1,950, and it was sold on the game’s website, not on the black market.
So not only can an NFT be a picture of an Ape, Vegetable, Duck, or Stripper on a pole (we’ll leave it at that) but it can be a character in a game, a weapon, a mount, armor, or more.
One game is giving away free pet turtles with each character. For the uneducated on “pets” in computer games, it’s not the kind you keep in a bowl in your bedroom. It’s a companion that fights with you in an online game and may shoot fire from its eyes, heal you, or similar.
Soon after being handed out for free, they’re now selling for around $60 each.
So an NFT can be an image, a video, music, a meme... or even a shirt or shoes! But we’ll leave the NFT clothing explanation to another article. ;)
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Remember that rare skin you paid out the nose for a year ago in Apex? Or the L33T character you built up in Fortnite or Warcraft? If you’re no longer playing that game, it’s money under the bridge. And you don’t own the bridge!
In this new breed of blockchain games, you could have LEGALLY sold that character, skin, weapon, land, house, mount, or whatever it was when you tired of the game. For a profit. Maybe for a LARGE profit.
Yes, in the past we were able to find ways to get around the system and dump our pixels from time to time. We’d sell the account on the black market, or cut a deal with someone like a drug dealer on a Chicago Street corner. Then we’d over who went first...
“You give me the account and weapon first!” “No you give me the money first”.  Sometimes the deals even went through. Others well... let’s just say half of the parties walked away happy.
I made good money when after 4 years of daily playing I sold my Ultima Online account for somewhere around $2,000, but I needed to find a trustworthy “go-between” to broker the deal. Even then, I was sweating it!
With today’s crypto games, not only do the games provide the platform to buy, sell, or trade your character and items, but it’s encouraged, and done with good old U.S dollars! I’ve made $ playing 4 or 5 different games already this week, as well as flipping (buying low and selling higher) NFT characters!
How else can I make money playing games?
The way you earn varies from game to game, but each week seems to reveal another new strategy, platform, or idea. Many are new strategies, and while some have “triple A” 3D animation and graphics, others are simpler and use basic one-dimensional graphics for the gameplay.
Some of these games are actually tied to a token on the blockchain. The game developer creates their own token, not too unlike Bitcoin or Ethereum, and it can be bought or sold on the open market as well as used in the game as currency.
Could you imagine if back in League of Legends, Guild Wars or Final Fantasy, when you were ready to move to a new game, you could sell or easily convert your gold to cash? Some of today’s blockchain games encourage it!
Not only can you now buy and sell characters and weapons, the gold in the game can be traded, bought, sold, or saved like real currency, stocks, crypto, or collectables. Never have I been as excited about PC and mobile gaming as I am today!
As an example, I am doing some work for a new game that will launch soon called Pepper Attack. Pepper Attack has its own token or coin... called MYTE. It can be used in the game as currency, but also be traded like Bitcoin. A lot of today’s blockchain games offer this same benefit.
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Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to mine I go!
Just by owning an NFT from the game, you can login on a daily basis and click “mine” earning real-value tokens passively. Your Pepper goes to work like one of the 7 Dwarves mining MYTE, and later on you can convert it to other tokens or cold, hard cash.
There's more to do in this particular game as well. Like any good RPG or MMORPG, each pepper has a unique combination or skills like attack, defense, evade, hit points, and more. As an example of the possibilities, if you have a high attack score, other characters will be able to pay you in MYTE to “train” them, raising their score as well.
In addition, these NFTs have unique physical traits, some are common and some are very rare. This game in particular have toons that look more like anime-ish elves with weapons and a stem... I have to admit the artwork is really spicey! (see what I did there?) Other games are of course totally different.
Some people will simply collect these NFTs/characters as an investment, like playing cards or comics. Others will use them in the game, and still others will do both. Either way, they can be held, or sold for a profit!
Unlike the games of the past, when you’re ready to move on you don’t walk away and lose all the $ you have spent for characters, skins, weapons, potions, and other items. When you’re done, you’ll be able to sell your character and items... possibly for a profit... maybe a lot of profit... and move on.
These are not your father’s computer games!
As we move ahead in the genre, we are seeing AAA studios coming out with big-dollar productions, like Blankos, Mist, Illuvium, Ember Sword and others. Some of these games actually let you buy the land you build on!
Did you have your own house in Ultima Online, Star Wars Galaxies, or Archeage? What if you could have used It as a shop and been paid in dollars for your wares, rented it to another player, or sold it for cold hard cash at a huge profit down the road?
In many of today’s games, not only is it common, but extremely hard to come by, and quite expensive. Not only are people paying thousands of dollars for a plot in some of the games that have land, but they’re paying it many months before the game is even released.
They do it, because in many cases they know that they can easily 2X, 10X, or even 50X their investment a short piece down the road. Seriously? Seriously... and the early bird catches the worm!
Other games with lesser budgets are more graphic-based, but have super earnings potential as well, and are just as fun to play. These include Splinterlands, (a card game like Magic!) Crypto Blades, Axie Infinity and more.
Regardless of if the new blockchain game of your choice is a RPG, MOBA, a card game or racing game... the fact that you can put some coin into your pocket playing adds a whole new element. It’s heckafun making money playing a game!
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The early nerd catches the worm!
In many cases, if you can catch a game before it releases, the land, characters, weapons, and other items... in most cases all NFTs... can be grabbed at a tiny fraction of the future value.
Of course, always check out the game details and team first, and be confident it’s a good place to put your money. Not all games are made the same.
If you’re lucky enough to find out about and partake in an early sale, for example, like grabbing a character NFT or two in   “Pepper Attack”  before the late September launch date, you may be in for a real treat!
There are plenty of new titles coming down the pipe that look to be fun, have great communities, and offer earning opportunities. A web search will find services and websites that will keep you on your toes and alert you of upcoming blockchain game releases, marketplace opening, and more.
As we look forward, the future of gaming on the blockchain is really, really exciting! Not only are the games getting better and more fun, but they’re getting better at making the economics work more smoothly as well.
The games are not without challenges, as they need to be made to sustain themselves economically over the long haul. In addition, they need to have higher levels of security (thanks blockchain!) and of course, work without becoming “pay to win”. Thankfully, the new breed of developers have risen to the challenge!
The next time you look for a new game to add to your phone or desktop, or just want a change of pace, look to a game that pays to play! Your wallet might thank you.
Another perk, is your husband or wife will appreciate it as well! Instead of hearing “are you going to play that stupid game all night again?”, you may start to hear things like “I’ll put the kids to bed tonight sweetheart, so you can get online and play”.
One can only hope...
Author - Nick Cifonie
Nick is a lifelong gamer, who cut his teeth at the local Chicago arcade playing Tetris as a teen. Better known as Znick or Deacon Z, Nick became a Game Master in Ultima Online in 1997, ran a large multi-game guild for 15 years, and now spends his time in the “play to earn” arena. Professionally, Nick is a writer and 4-decade marketer working with the  Pepper Attack team, as well as others. Nick is also a Catholic Deacon.
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dr-archeville · 3 years
INDY Daily: Epic Games' Antitrust Lawsuit Against Apple Is In Court Today
It’s Monday, May 3
Thank  you to this week's sponsor, UNC Summer School, offering over 700 affordable online courses.  Summer term begins on May 19th; registration opens now. Explore a new interest, move toward your goals, earn college credit.      
Good morning, readers.
Today, in a court room near San Francisco, representatives from the tech companies (and future Wake County neighbors) Apple and Epic Games will begin arguments in a dispute over whether Apple is running a monopoly through its App Store by taking a 30 percent cut of revenues from all of its in-app sales.
Epic Games is the creator of the popular video game Fortnite, "a battle royal, which means the objective is to be the last player or team standing," according to The Washington Post.  "At the beginning of a round, 100 players are dropped into a big cartoonish world and tasked with picking up materials, items, and weapons that will help them outlast their opponents."
Fortnite is free to play which accounts for much of its popularity.  Epic Games profits from sales of an in-game currency players use to buy the accessories that help them win.
In August of 2020, Epic Games updated its Fortnite app for iPhone to bypass Apple's mechanism for taking its 30 percent cut.  In response, Apple booted Fortnite from the App Store platform and cut off Epic Games' access to its Mac and iOS developer accounts.
This posed a problem for Epic, as the company also develops and licenses the Unreal Engine, a 3-D development software used in other video games, as well as in TV series and films.  Later, a judge ordered that Apple restore Epic's access to its accounts.
But in response to the de-platforming, Epic Games launched a PR campaign "calling for Apple to #FreeFortnite and posted a video that parodied Apple’s "1984" Big Brother advertisement," according to the Post, in addition to a legal complaint that was 60 pages long.
During the trial, which could last three weeks, Epic Games will have to show that Apple has a monopoly on the video game market and that it is abusing its monopoly power and therefore violating antitrust laws.  (Epic Games is also suing Google after Fortnite was barred from Android following Epic's announcing a way for Fortnite players to buy the in-game currency that skirted Google's Play Store payment system).
If Epic Games' arguments are successful, it could force Apple to give consumers a choice between using its App Store for distribution and payment or an alternative platform, significantly disrupting the $100 billion app market and creating a way for millions of companies and app developers to avoid Apple's fees, creating a significant loss of revenue for the company.
"But even if Apple wins, the case could foreshadow other major changes for Apple," The Washington Post reports.   "Lawmakers at the state and federal level are discussing new legislation to strengthen antitrust laws and enforcement.  The U.S. Department of Justice could bring its own lawsuit and use evidence and testimony from the Epic lawsuit."
The trial will take place in the mornings at 11:15 a.m. Eastern Time and you can listen in via teleconference (details about how to listen will be posted here).  You can view evidence form the trial here. 
The nomination round for the INDY’s Best of the Triangle Readers Poll has concluded!  Thank you for taking time to recognize your favorites from around the Triangle.  We will tally the votes and notify the top four finalists in each category over the next few weeks. Then, the finals voting period will begin on Monday, May 17.  Stay tuned and make sure you vote for your favorites!  Winners will be announced in the June 14 issue of INDY Week.
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Orange County
I'm a bit late to include this but don't think I mentioned: Nikole Hannah-Jones, the Pulitzer Prize-winning, MacArthur Genius of The New York Times, and author of The 1619 Project,  will join the faculty at UNC-Chapel Hill as Knight Chair in Race and Investigative Journalism.
A proposed housing complex between Isley Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard could provide 200 housing units for UNC students, replacing aging, low-density housing with high density housing as envisioned in the Town of Chapel Hill's Future Land Use Map.
The Town of Hillsborough is looking for an artist to complete a mural on an exterior wall of a building located on East King Street.
Durham County
John Dee Holeman, Durham's last great Blues elder, died on Friday morning at age 92. (Image above by David Menconi.)
Gov. Roy Cooper on Friday pardoned Darryl Anthony Howard, a Durham man who spent more than 20 years in prison after being convicted of murdering a mother and daughter in 1991. DNA testing led a Superior Court Judge to overturn the conviction in 2016. Howard is eligible to file a claim for compensation.
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Wake County
Some Wake County parents are frustrated with the Wake School System's  Virtual Academy policy.
Here's a photoseries from Elizabeth City capturing events from the days following Andrew Brown Jr.'s shooting by Pasquotank Sheriff's deputies. (Image above by Lewis Kendall.)
Mourners will gather for Andrew Brown Jr.'s funeral today. Family and friends were able to view Brown Jr.'s body over the weekend.
North Carolina Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Foster, who ruled last week that media does not have standing to secure the release of body camera footage from the Pasquotank County sheriff's deputies, has a history of pro-law enforcement, anti-media posts on social media.
Statewide COVID-19 by the numbers: Friday, April 30
2,231 New lab-confirmed cases (969,752 total; seven-day average leveling)
1,101 Current hospitalizations reported (seven-day average leveling; 12,651 total deaths, +20 over Friday)
34,687 Completed tests (12.41 million total; most recent positive rate was 4.8 percent)
7,167,631 Total vaccinations administered (State data not updated daily)
Today's weather
Showers in the morning with scattered rain and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the low 80s.
Song of the day
John Dee Holeman–Give Me Back My Wig Holeman is "the last North Carolina blues musician who actually grew up with it as the popular music of both the countryside and the city," according to Wayne Martin, executive director of the North Carolina Arts Council. "I think he was the last one who connected the present day to the time when the blues reigned supreme in African-American culture."
— Jane Porter— Send me an email | Find me on Twitter
If you’d like to advertise your business to the Daily's 33,000-plus subscribers, please contact John Hurld at [email protected].
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Fortnite.ceo - Free VBucks Website
Fortnite.ceo - Free VBucks Website
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Video game distributer Epic has reported on Thursday another value cut for Fortnite, its top-selling on the web multiplayer shooter. The organization says this move is the first of a few value slices to come. The new costs, which are essentially a fixed value decline, are accessible now on Fortnite.ceo free vbucks Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, Wii U, and Windows PC.
As at the cost decline for Fortnite, the news accompanies various limits: V-bucks, the in-game cash, will be decreased from 2,000 V-bucks to 100 and fifty. Another method of diminishing V-bucks is by utilizing the V-packs, an exceptional pack containing five V-bucks that will be devoured to buy in-game things or in-game weapons and protective layer. Extra limits can likewise be earned by acquiring gold, which is the in-game money used to buy Fortnite.ceo vbucks generator in-game covering and weapons. Gold can be gathered from different sources, including chests, plunder boxes, containers, etc.
The organization likewise has a rundown of the hits among Fortnite's current game's substance. The rundown incorporates four "trophies," which are earned by finishing certain difficulties inside the game. A 6th "trophie" is still yet to be uncovered. The recorded trophies incorporate The Warrior, The Reaper, The Conqueror, The Hunter, and The Tracker.
In an announcement, Epic's VP of business advancement said that the new value decline for Fortnite will assist the organization with continueing to develop its deals in "this present reality" while keeping up the "virtual" experience of Fortnite. "While we Fortnite.ceo vbucks fortnite are not done giving game updates and improvements, the Fortnite value drop will empower us to keep on conveying Fortnite.ceo free vbucks the degree of value and worth that our fans expect," said Jeff Braun. "V-bucks is positively critical to our crowd, yet it's only one bit of the riddle that is driving more individuals to play Fortnite.
"We will keep on working with the network to ensure everybody has the apparatuses they have to continue playing the games we make. We have extraordinary designs for additional updates, more substance, and more devices available for the future players." included Braun.
The organization has delivered a few free game updates before, however said that it's not keen on delivering a significant new update Fortnite.ceo vbucks generator like Fortnite at any point in the near future. "We need to concentrate on expanding on our qualities," clarified Braun. "Fortunately V-bucks is an appealing alternative for the vast majority who need to save money on Fortnite," he said.
"It isn't unprecedented in the present commercial center to see different value changes of a high rate in a moderately brief timeframe period for a solitary item or administration," said Braun. "That is the reason you ought to never feel great when attempting to work with a specific merchant."
According to an ongoing overview Fortnite.ceo fortnite hack in the U.K., "Fortnite is currently the most well known download in the nation. Numerous individuals go through over ten hours daily playing it." Additionally, the normal age of the players is somewhere in the range of 12 and 29 years old.
Fortnite, not at all like other multiplayer games like World of Warcraft, is intended to work with just a single player at once. Players are required to cooperate so as to finish a solitary goal, which is to wipe out the entirety of the zombies in each level, which is typically done by utilizing explosives.
"It is anything but difficult to perceive Fortnite.ceo free vbucks any reason why this current game's prosperity is so gigantic," said Braun. "V-bucks is unquestionably alluring, however it Fortnite.ceo vbucks hack isn't the main thing that has helped its prominence develops too. In the course of the most recent few years, the organization has endeavored to give another element called Fortnite Tournaments. This component permits gamers from everywhere on over the globe to go up against one another to gain extra focuses to redesign their focuses count."
"We're seeing some incredible outcomes from our new program with Google," included Braun. "They were strong with our arrangements, and we're glad to report that we have an organization with Yahoo!
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gemwire · 2 years
Free Xbox Live Codes (#October 6, 2022) Get 10$, 50$, 100$ Gift Card & Redeem Codes
Free Xbox Live Codes (#October 6, 2022) Get 10$, 50$, 100$ Gift Card & Redeem Codes: Are You looking to get Xbox Live Codes For Free? Gemwire is the perfect place to search for free Xbox Live codes, Subscription And Gift Cards. Gamers can find Xbox Game Pass, Xbox Gold and more, all at Xbox Redeem Code.
To take advantage of Xbox Redeem Code, you need to have an Xbox Game Pass, Xbox Live Gold, or paid items. Codes are a representation of letters and numbers that is 25 characters long. Codes follow a 5×5 format of five blocks of five letters and numbers.
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On this site, you will find a list of Xbox live gold codes- the most extensive out there. Information includes Xbox live gold, an Xbox Game Pass code, and more.
To get Xbox Gold or Xbox Game Pass, you need an Xbox account. Optionally, if you don’t have one, you can create it with your Microsoft email account (Hotmail) or Facebook account.
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What Is The Process For Redeeming A Code On Xbox One And Xbox Series XS?
To sign in to your Xbox console, you need to be signed in with the Microsoft account that you want the code redeemed.
From the Home screen, go to My Games & Apps. If the Store app is not there, go to Apps and find it.
In the Store app, use the left arrow button on your controller to open the side menu.
When you get to the screen with a list of things, choose Redeem.
Enter the 25-character code and then follow the prompts.
What Are The Steps To Redeem A Code From A Web Browser?
Go to redeem.microsoft.com from a web browser.
Follow these steps: 1) Sign in, type the 25-character password, and then proceed. 2) Don’t worry about hyphens; the system will handle them for you.
How Do I Redeem A Code On Windows 10/11?
To redeem the code, you must first sign in to your Windows device (make sure you’re signed in using the Microsoft account you want to use).
Then, from the Start menu, select Store. Select Microsoft Store from the list.
Redeem a code by selecting “Redeem a Code.”
Use the 25-character code, then follow the instructions.
What Are The Steps To Redeem A Code On An iOS Or Android Device?
Go to redeem.microsoft.com from a web browser.
Follow these steps:
1) Sign in, type the 25-character password, and then proceed. 2) Don’t worry about hyphens; the system will handle them for you.
How To Redeem A Code In The Xbox App For Windows?
Open the Xbox app on your Windows device.
Make sure you’re signed in with the account that you want to use the code on. If you need to log in with a different account, select the gamerpic in the upper right corner, then choose Sign out and sign in using the specified account.
Select a gamer picture in the upper-right corner and then Settings.
Click the REDEEM button, type in the 25-digit code, and follow the on-screen instructions.
How Do I Redeem A Code In The Xbox Console Companion App On Windows 10/11?
On your Windows device, go to the Start screen and select Xbox Console Companion from the list of apps.
Go to the Xbox profile you want to use the code on, then select “Redeem Code.” After that, log in with your account of choice. Select the Gamertag image on the left navigation bar and then Sign out and sign in with your preferred account if you need to use a different account.
From the left navigation bar, select Microsoft Store, then Redeem a code.
Follow the instructions, then type in the 25-digit code
How To Redeem A Code On Xbox 360?
You need to sign in to your Xbox 360. Make sure you are signed in with the right Microsoft account when you do this.
To access the menu, press the Xbox Guide button on your controller.
Select Games & Apps and then Redeem Code under Your Account tab.
Type the 25-character Xbox Redeem Code, then follow the instructions. Don’t worry about hyphens; the system will handle them for you.
I hope this blog post has helped you to redeem Xbox codes. If there are any problems, feel free to contact us using the comment section.
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The post Free Xbox Live Codes (#October 6, 2022) Get 10$, 50$, 100$ Gift Card & Redeem Codes appeared first on Gemwire. source https://gemwire.gg/en/free-xbox-microsoft-redeem-prepaid-codes-7/
0 notes
triplethreatt · 5 years
I've been enjoying Fortnite a lot more since the Chapter 2 updates, especially this winter's holiday fun. That made me wonder; is Save the World worth getting? It's on sale right now and looks fun, but I've only ever played Battle Royale. I'm sorry if this an unrelated ask for your blogs theme; you just seem like a good and friendly person to ask.
Don’t worry. Even if it’s not about gifs, I don’t mind answering questions about the games I play!
I personally think it is worth it. Not only is it fun, but you get to experience lore and meet many characters through the quest lines. It’s also cool to hear voice lines for Battle Royale skins like Calamity and Crackshot.
You also get Daily Rewards just for logging in.
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The more you log in, the more rewards you get, including V-Bucks! You can use these for the Loot Llamas in Save the World or you can use them for items in Battle Royale. (I personally use them for Battle Royale.)
There are more ways to get V-Bucks: Daily Challenges, Storm Shield Defense Missions, and the occasional Mini-Boss Mission reward. You’ll absolutely be getting your money back in V-Bucks as long as you play. (I bought the Standard edition, so I definitely got my money back several times over.)
I will admit that the game can be a bit confusing, but there are tons of guides out there. I also don’t mind answering questions.
If you do decide to buy it, be sure to do it before the sale ends!
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