#bw: canonie
thebadtimewolf · 5 months
some oc lore for some new folks but its a long post
Nyintr is a planet that houses an unconventional monarchy-like rule over its subjects. Involved in time and space exploration, it's here where these species labeled Janllandis (for outsiders), Nyintirans are a curious species. They showcase extreme longitivity in age and it shows prevalent in height. A simple Nyintr year is 3650 Earth years past. With a day on Nyintr lasting for 5 earth years - luckily for humans that reside on Nyintr, they do not age the same rate since it is after all another day. Though having to be 30 to 35 means every day is five birthdays! How sweet! At least the eyes show their age if they were to return to Earth.
Some citizens are as over 2,722 ft tall and others are larger. The oldest to date are so large that unfortunately are too huge to reside there - seen as eldritch tall. This makes certain species like humans, gallifreyans, and others seem almost grain-like side by side. Which is a very good thing Nyintirans are a shapeshifting species. Specifically, it varies upon family and genetic backgrounds. To easily summarize it, they prefer to be titled as adaptive shapeshifting. Most Nyintirans are time sensitive due to the planet formerly being a time vortex to a star before solidfying itself with a strong gravitational pull to form a planet. It is only recently the locals discovered the sentience of the planet itself.
Base appearences vary upon the Nyintirans, in the royal family, their skin pigment are various blues, cool greens, violets, and dark browns. Facial structures however - still using the royal family as the example - are the earth equivalent of african, aboriginal, or black with a few south asian and indigenous. Because of the royal family and thei hybrid nature of being both Gallifreyan and Nyintiran, their base selves - if we stick with earth terminology - are in the category of black or person of color (abbrev. POC).
As mentioned earlier, they are ruled in a unconventional monarchy. The current ruling family is the Tavįàümńs. Generationally, going by the surname Benedies or the Benedie Royals. While most monarchal families are revolved around high status in genetic family trees or residing within said family tree via distabt cousins by marriage - the Benedie royals seek outside the expected/assumed boundaries. They marry and court off-worlders gallifreyans, humans, hybrids: if it's off world, its for them. The current ruler is Dowger Queen Evangeline Tavįàümń alongside her husband, the gallifreyan titled the Scientist. Though, he has the status of Emperor for yet another planet, he is married into the title Dowger King-Emperor. Evangeline's twin sister, Mariana, is Dowger Tsesarevich Mariana Tavįàümń.
Evangeline has four children with the flexible title, High King or High King. Their names, in order of initial recorded birth, are as follows: Allura, V, Vin and the Vigilante. Due to the monitored temporal interference of Great Queen V and Dowger Queen Evangeline, the birth order is currently as follows: Allura, Vin, V, and the Vigilante. Their titles are High Queen Allura, High King Vin, Great Queen V and Great Queen the Vigilante.
Despite the usage of their public names in accompany to their titles, their birth names are in their place on official Nyintiran documents. Each child have their own domain that resides on this planet, however, as of current times: this is all ruled by their parents and grandparents.
This particular royal family have intergrated different off world cultures and taboos to accommodate their spouses. Which others would frown upon, Nyintirans are - if not known for the blasé approach to bloodsport - rather open minded. Highly curious as well and all around open and accepting. As well as the multiple spouses sharing a title with their own freely given court.
As told, monogamy is rather rare - though not unheard of to be considered a taboo, not by any means - in terms of relationships within this species. This is probably to due to their lack of secrecy since they are also a telepathic species. They can speak but, they are mainly a telepathic species. Unlike the Gallifreyans who are a tactile telepathic species unless using a general word - the infamous verbal link 'contact' - Nyintirans do not need consent to enter one's mind. Similar to the species labelled as TARDISes or TT Capsules, if you can think, you are then known. Similar to if you can speak, you are then heard.
The languages they have are very nearly polyglot. Which makes translation circuits a tad obsolete for this species - they learn by hearing and reading and signing. Many of the technology there are adaptive for all. Many places that are rather not wheelchair accessible - places that quite frankly are unsafe for anyone to access - are accessible. This is also due to the sentient nature of the landmass on Nyintr. So if you wish to go splunking with a group of friends but you are medically bound by your bed - don't fret for you too can explore the forbidden caverns and fight for survival against the Crawlers! Neat!
Nyintirans are, as seen above, are not shy about gore and other serious topics that make some uncomfortable or fearful on Earth. However, if it is unconsentual, the perpetrator is usually mutilated. Even more dificult to lie when they can see and understand what the mind concocts. Deeply and swiftly investigated, there is a choice of prison for less severe and frowned up crimes.
Most Nyintiran prisons are actually more residential housing complexes so when one leaves, a job they had applied for or went online to graduate for, it is already available for them with an address for a furnished "house or apartment on hold" for them to reside. This however varies upon the crime.
Fighting or threatening a Nyintiran can become a mating ritual if the Nyintiran finds the threat attractive. Which is historically known to be off putting to some offworlders who are used to those tactics as a self-isolation method. Similar to a mating dance.
Nyintirans are very hard to kill, with only one success being recorded as accidental via weeping angel during the end of the last of the great time war. This is why mutilation by Nyintiran standards varies from the comparisons of other species. Bullets, blasters or other usual means that tend to be more effective in killing other species tend to fail for Nyintirans despite any Nyintirans trying their best to accomodate to "fit in" with their shapeshifting. On record, Nyintirans have more than one internal organ than the number of internal organs a Gallifreyan has - if we were to compare - but due to their natural shapeshifting, its possible the internal structure has changed.
In terms of offspring with off-worlders, Nyintirans and whoever they are mated with, the children are raised initially in Nyintiran culture and ways before integrating into the spouses' culture and life. For the royal family, specifically the offspring of the Dowger Queen and King-Emperor, their Nyintiran side is dormant with their Gallifreyan side being the forefront. However, since both species are time sensitive, it is possible that the children can feel the years go by. Which implies they are older than what is recorded and turn makes the queen and other family members older than what is on record. Hybrids of hybrids however - at least from what is recorded in terms of the royal family - can choose to fully become the introductory species than their birthright or even be both! Which is fascinating that the shapeshifting origin of said offspring can evolve in such a way.
This being said, infertility is a choice Nyintirans can adapt to. Mating with a Nyintiran or a hybrid offspring of a Nyintiran makes most if not all off-world infertility moot. The Nyintiran can shift in a way to birth a child if their partner are unable to do so or be the "giver" in the process. All that is needed is the genetic dna of their partner - varies upon touch to kissing or in other ways. Then the Nyintiran can shift internally or externally in the method commonly used for that planet so it will always be a Nyintiran birth. This is how the offspring of the Dowger Queen's were created post-off worlder curse. Yes, it is as silly (and / or horrific) but the Nyintiran doesn't feel the possible pain that is expected when seeing the sight of the process.
Children recieve the basic education seen on other worlds before added education - by the time they graduate college in Nyintiran culture, they are then thrusted into essentially pre-k in off worlder education systems. Which makes them overqualified on the subjects given in other schools but, this is to form connections off planet. They, in addition, learn body endurance - though this is for hybrids as Nyintirans are usually taught this in middle school biology. Which to off worlders would be titled as militaristic indoctrination and scientific experimentation. There are therapists for those that are more troubled by this in early development. However, one can opt out and be home schooled.
The planet's atmosphere is earth-like. The sky however is violet. Nyintr has five moons with the folowing names: Vyasm Mirusefa, Luha'er, Ovisi, Ya’kil, Sa’tckyav. Three suns - two that actually circulate the planet and the main sun of a blue star in the solar system they reside in. There are several languages but there are two languages - old language and current. It is known they have a religion but, joining it is unexplained by the locals.
Vehicles vary though some can be labeled as "motor vehicles" and "tt capsules" even though the names are different if asked. Considering Tardises are both a flora and being their own species, the term "vehicle" is too oversimplified. There is however a "garden" as their own continent on Nyintr formed after the marriage of the now Dowger Queen and Dowger King-Emperor.
International affairs such as war: Nyintirans tend to avoid it if asked. It is a political affair that involves the interference of the monarchy. If there is an attack on a royal, the rest will attack in turn unless dissuaded to act by the attacked royal. Juristiction is unlimited but, this isn't used by the royals themselves. Except those that travel off world.
Nyintr have longer seasonal holidays due to longer weather cycles.
Any other further topics about the subject can be asked.
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biointernet · 5 years
Time symbolism
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Time symbolism
What is the symbol of time?  Symbol of Time is The Hourglass Symbol of Time, Personification of Time - Father Time Time symbolism - What is the symbol of time? My Hourglass Collection - Time and Hourglass History and Symbolism. Welcome to MHC Virtual Museum! See also Time synonyms, Time Philosophy and The Full History of Time
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Marilyn Monroe Hourglass Figure paper-time
Any Research is Symbolism
Time Symbolism, or time semiotics as it’s known in technical circles, plays such a large part in human communication because people are constantly looking for deeper meaning. Whether it’s in the stars, drawn on a cave wall or in the newest visual content, we add such meaning to our communication through the use and interpretation of signs. The multiplication sign, also known as the times sign or the dimension sign, is the symbol X The multiplication sign (×), often attributed to William Oughtred (who first used it in an appendix to the 1618 edition of John Napier's Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio), apparently had been in occasional use since the mid 16th century SYMBOLIC TIME is understood to be the temporal form that organizes the symbols of a religious system into an order of periodicity. The analysis of symbolic time extends the understanding of religion as a symbolic system, so that the major functions of time within the system may be taken into account: the time intrinsic to the formation of religious symbols and to the ritual performance (i.e., the time that is internal to the sacred event)the connection that symbolic time has with the history and dynamic of a religious social bond, andthe time that is specific to the intentional life of the individual. Intentional Character of Symbolic Time Symbolic periodicity encompasses, in its temporal structure, both change and duration, implying a sheer sequence of symbolic events and also a type of internal correlation of events and symbols that reflects the functional unity of the interval of time and the continuity of its structure.
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variations of time
Time symbolism
Time in physics. Time symbol science. From: Time in physics and time Science? Time in physics is defined by its measurement: time is what a clock reads. In classical, non-relativistic physics it is a scalar quantity and, like length, mass, and charge, is usually described as a fundamental quantity. Time can be combined mathematically with other physical quantities to derive other concepts such as motion, kinetic energy and time-dependent fields. Time constant In physics and engineering, the time constant, usually denoted by the Greek letter τ (tau), is the parameter characterizing the response to a step input of a first-order, linear time-invariant (LTI) system. The time constant is the main characteristic unit of a first-order LTI system. Physically, the time constant represents the elapsed time required for the system response to decay to zero if the system had continued to decay at the initial rate, because of the progressive change in the rate of decay the response will have actually decreased in value to   in this time (say from a step decrease). In an increasing system, the time constant is the time for the system's step response to reach   of its final (asymptotic) value(say from a step increase). In radioactive decay the time constant is called the decay constant (λ), and it represents both the mean lifetime of a decaying system (such as an atom) before it decays, or the time it takes for all but 36.8% of the atoms to decay. For this reason, the time constant is longer than the half-life, which is the time for only 50% of the atoms to decay. More about Time constant on Wiki. See also: Time in physics and time Science? MHC YouTube channel Symbolism of Melencolia I by Albrecht Dürer Create Ma, Upgrade Ma A New Theory On Time Frank LaCavera hourglass collections Time perception or sense of time Time and Text Lunar calendar and moon’s phases now Time Travel Timekeeping is a complex of technological and scientific issues, and part of the foundation of recordkeeping. In addition to time-related themes, the hourglass is synonymous with cycles and balance Energy passes between the two sides of the hourglass just as the energies of our world are contained by the atmosphere and crust. All of the natural processes and cycles occur there (not including what happens in space, of course), which gives us a greater sense of relation with our environment. This also forces us to realize our roles in the natural cycles happening around us. Hourglass symbolism Time symbolism Ancient alchemists recognized the concept of balance in the hourglass. Its very shape is made up of triangles balancing each other out. Alchemists interpreted these triangles as representing two aspects of nature: the upper being the sky and the lower equating with Earth.
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Hourglass 304, Magic Card
The meanings of symbols
The symbols carved in stone provide some of the best examples of folk art in Dumfries and Galloway. Richly decorated stones are often very attractive and combine emblems with different meanings. The first being symbols that represent mortality / immortality / biblical references, the second type representing the occupation and status of the people commemorated. Many headstones include a collection of emblems which may vary in style and sophistication even within the same churchyard. What is the symbol for time? More about Symbolism of Melencolia I by Albrecht Dürer SI Units The international system (SI) of units, prefixes, and symbols should be used for all physical quantities except that certain special units, which are specified later, may be used in astronomy, without risk of confusion or ambiguity, in order to provide a better representation of the phenomena concerned. SI units are now used to a varying extent in all countries and disciplines, and this system is taught in almost all schools, colleges and universities. The units of the centimetre-gram-second (CGS) system and other non-SI units, which will be unfamiliar to most young scientists, should not be used even though they may be considered to have some advantages over SI units by some astronomers. General information about SI units can be found in the publications of national standards organisations and in many textbooks and handbooks. time - second
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Symbols of Time Symbolic Representation of time
Date and time symbols
Date and time symbols are divided into locales, each of which is detailed in the following sections. Locale Group A Locales: af-za, en, en-au, en-be, en-bw, en-ca, en-gb, en-hk, en-ie, en-in, en-mt, en-nz, en-ph, en-sg, en-us, en-vi, en-za, fo-fo, gl-es, id, id-id, is, is-is, it, it-ch, it-it, kk-kz, ms, ms-bn, ms-my, nb-no, nl, nl-be, nl-nl, no, no-no, om-et, om-so, pl, pl-pl, pt, pt-br, pt-pt, so-dj, so-et, so-ke, so-so, sv, sv-fi, sv-se, sw-ke, sw-tz Locale Group B Locales: be-by, bg-bg, el, el-gr, fi, fi-fi, hr, hr-hr, hu, hu-hu, ja, ja-jp, ko, ko-kr, ro, ro-ro, ru, ru-ua, ru-ru, sh-yu, sk, sk-sk, sl-si, sq-al, sr-sp, th, tr, tr-tr, uk-ua, zh, zh-cn, zh-hk, zh-mo, zh-sg, zh-tw More on IBM website
Father Time Exhibition
Personification of Time Dynamic Vision Board Meta Model by Adam Pierce MHC virtual museum FATHER TIME, father time symbol, father time images, old father time, father time is grim reaper, father time mother nature, father time statue, father time vintage, baby new year
"Copy and Paste" Time Symbols
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"Copy and Paste" Time Symbols Time symbol is a copy and paste text symbol that can be used in any desktop, web, or mobile applications. Every time symbol: ⌛ Hourglass done Symbol ⏳ Hourglass not done Symbol ⌚ Watch Symbol ⏰ alarm clock Symbol 🕛 twelve o’clock Symbol 🕚 eleven o’clock Symbol HTML Hex ⌛ Day & Night Symbols Through the ages, celestial happenings and natural phenomenon have been used to symbolize important thoughts and concepts. The cyclical occurrence of day and night was one of the things occurring in nature that was believed to hold specific meaning. While different civilizations had different day & night symbols to record the passage of time, Day and Night, by themselves, were thought to have strong symbolic meanings. The recurring phenomenon of day and night was always considered very meaningful as it was believed that the survival of human species depended majorly on synchronizing the bodily and mental functions with the peculiar demands of day & night. The Day and the Night seem to present two entirely different worlds. Day and night changes even seem to have biological effects on mankind. The creatures that are aggressive, alert and seeking in the day become quiet and inactive at night. The dramatic contrast presented by Day and Night is equated with the disparity between life and death, light and darkness, consciousness and unconsciousness. Day and Night symbolize, respectively, the birth of the Sun and its death. With the rising Sun, the Day is considered representative of new life, and fresh beginnings, possibilities, hopes, and opportunities. It also symbolizes the active, masculine principle and the rise of consciousness. A lunar calendar is a calendar based upon the monthly cycles of the Moon’s phases (synodic months), in contrast to solar calendars, whose annual cycles are based only directly upon the solar year. Lunar calendar and Moon’s phases Lunar calendar, any dating system based on a year consisting of synodic months The Sumerians were probably the first to develop a calendar based entirely on the recurrence of lunar phases. Each Sumero-Babylonian month began on the first day of visibility of the new Moon.
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Symbol of Time and Life - Death of Time
Time symbolism
Symbols of Life Ankh has a cross shape but with an oval loop in place of an upper bar. The origins of the symbol are not known, although many hypotheses have been proposed. It was used in writing as a triliteral sign, representing a sequence of three consonants, Ꜥ-n-ḫ. This sequence was found in several Egyptian words, including the words meaning "mirror", "floral bouquet", and "life". In art the symbol often appeared as a physical object representing either life or substances such as air or water that are related to it. It was especially commonly held in the hands of deities, or being given by them to the pharaoh, to represent their power to sustain life and to revive human souls in the afterlife. One of the most common decorative motifs in ancient Egypt and was adopted by neighbouring cultures as an artistic motif. Since the late 20th century, in the Western world, the symbol has come to be used decoratively, as a symbol of African cultural identity, Neopagan belief systems, and the Goth subculture. Symbol of Time - The Hourglass
Time is Life and Death
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What is it Time of Life? The ankh is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol that was most commonly used in writing and in art to represent the word for "life" and a symbol of Life. Its use continued through the Coptic Egyptians who adapted it as the crux ansata, a variant form of the Christian cross. Symbols of Death Symbols of Death and Time (Western) Medieval and Renaissance art made use of a number of emblems to symbolize death and mortality. Although a central theme of Christianity for hundreds of years the was triumph over death, the onset of the black plague altered public perception, and the emphasis was placed on the triumph of death over life and the necessity of repentance.
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Symbols of Death, Time and Rebirth Symbols of resurrection common in Christian art became less popular as reminders of the impermanence of life and the punishments of hell became ubiquitous.  The most common symbols of mortality were the grim reaper and his scythe, the death’s head, and the hourglass, all appropriated from icons of Greek and Roman Paganism. Slogans such as “remember death” and “all is vanity” were omnipresent- death was around the corner, and one had better repent if one was to avoid an eternity of damnation. The source of these macabre symbols was, ironically, the paganism that Christianity had supposedly replaced. In ancient times, the emblem of the God Saturn (Chronos to the Greeks) was the scythe, which represented the nature of the cycles of time. The scythe symbolized not only impermanence (all things living will be cut down), but the nature of the life cycle- plants must die to feed animals, and the tool of the harvest is depicts the necessity of death for the renewal of life. Thus, death was depicted as a natural part of the passage of time. The image of Chronos devouring his children seems macabre, but illustrates that the the Greeks believed the passage of time is so inevitable that even the gods were consumed by it.
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Hourglass = Rebel for Life! The hourglass is another emblem of time (see Hourglass Symbolism), although hidden within is the promise of life- because the hourglass is reversible, it held within a promise of resurrection, a symbolism not lost on everyone- all of these emblems later became symbols of resurrection to Freemasons and Rosicrucians who grasped their true ancient meanings. The skull was a frequent companion to ascetic desert saints in numerous Christian artworks, and was often paired with the book, a symbol of studiousness. In this manifestation, the death’s head was less ominous, and symbolized the rejection of the impermanent material world for the life of the spirit. Mary Magdalene is probably the best known example of these two emblems in art. *Some scholars theorize that the appropriation of ancient symbolism was a subconscious (or even deliberate) attempt to appease the old gods.  In later times, death was depicted as a process of the alchemical arts. Common alchemical emblems included the crow, the skull, and the tomb as symbols of the necessary death of the ego/personality.  Emblems of death are also prevalent in Masonic art and symbolism. Contemplation of mortality is a frequent theme in Masonic ritual and practice (see Masonic Hourglass)
Time symbolism
Día de los Muertos The Day of the Dead is celebrated annually in Mexico on November 1st, coinciding with the Catholic observation of All Saint’s Day. The Day of the Dead is a uniquely Mexican celebration, a cultural festival resembling Halloween in many ways, but with more cultural and spiritual meaning. The holiday combines elements of Catholicism with ancient Aztec symbolism, and honors the spirits of departed ancestors and loved ones who are believed to return to earth to join in the celebrations.
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Hourglass and Death on St Thomas' Church Mortality Symbols Skulls, death heads, they are often shown in profile and frequently shown with bones. Bones, shown crossed they also appear in a variety of combinations. Skeleton, lying down they feature varying anatomical details. Hourglass, lying on their sides or with wings. Coffin appearing with other symbols. Sexton’s toolsusually a pick and spade often crossed. Corpse and deathbed. Dead humans are rarely depicted in coffins but deathbed scenes are more common. Ribbon. Sometimes the symbols are tied together with a ribbon.
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The symbol of Time above represents extinction. The circle signifies the planet, while the hourglass inside serves as a warning that time is rapidly running out for many species. The world is currently undergoing a mass extinction event, and this symbol is intended to help raise awareness of the urgent need for change in order to address this crisis. Estimates are that somewhere between 30,000 and 140,000  species are becoming extinct every year in what scientists have named the Holocene, or Sixth Mass Extinction. This ongoing process of destruction is being caused by the impact of human activity. Such a catastrophic loss of biodiversity is highly likely to cause widespread ecosystem collapse and consequently render the planet uninhabitable for humans.   In order to spread the message as widely as possible, please create this symbol in any location you feel able to.  Colors of Death Black is the color of mourning in many European cultures. Black clothing is typically worn at funerals to show mourning for the death of the person. In East Asia, white is similarly associated with mourning; it represented the purity and perfection of the deceased person's spirit. During the Victorian era, purple and grey were considered to be mourning colors in addition to black. Furthermore, in Revelation 6 in The Bible, Death is one of the four horsemen; and he rides a pale horse
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Time against Life Immortality and biblical Winged spirits The most common symbol found, they are usually found on the top of a stone. Adam and Eve Rare carvings of Adam and Eve with an apple tree and snake. Resurrection scenes Bodies rising to heaven clad only in loin cloths Open book Depicting a bible. Flaming torches Representing eternal life. Trades Hammer men All trades which require a hammer such as jewlers and cobblers often use the hammer and crown symbol. Blacksmith An anvil or farrier with a horseshoe and pincers. Tailor Showing pressing iron and shears Gardener Rake, hoe and spade Gamekeeper Gun, powder flask, fishing rod, game bird and dog. Merchant The number 4 is often used to symbolise trading with the four corners of the world and often has crosses added to the arms but sometimes a ship is used to represent overseas trade. Weaver Usually depicted with a weavers shuttle.
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Hourglass 266, post card, Father Time Heraldry Heraldic shields show connections to a noble family but are sometimes used as a way of representing status by including trade symbols within a shield. A Briefer History of Time Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mladinow Foreword THE TITLE OF THIS BOOK DIFFERS by only two letters from that of a book first published in 1988. A Brief History of Time was on the London Sunday Times best-seller list for 237 weeks and has sold about one copy for every 750 men, women, and children on earth. It was a remarkable success for a book that addressed some of the most difficult issues in modern physics. Yet those difficult issues are also the most exciting, for they address big, basic questions: What do we really know about the universe? How do we know it? Where did the universe come from, and where is it going? Those questions were the essence of A Brief History of Time, and they are also the focus of this book. In the years since A Brief History of Time was published, feedback has come in from readers of all ages, of all professions, and from all over the world. One repeated request has been for a new version, one that maintains the essence of A Brief History yet explains the most important concepts in a clearer, more leisurely manner. Although one might expect that such a book would be entitled A Less Brief History of Time, it was also clear from the feedback that few readers are seeking a lengthy dissertation befitting a college-level course in cosmology. Thus, the present approach. In writing A Briefer History of Time we have maintained and expanded the essential content of the original book, yet taken care to maintain its length and readability. This is a briefer history indeed, for some of the more technical content has been left out, but we feel we have more than compensated for that by the more probing treatment of the material that is really the heart of the book. More: The Full History of Time
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A bright pink rhinoceros emblazoned with Extinction Rebellions signature logo, next to the chancellery at the Reichstag in Berlin - Current Time Symbol
The Symbolism of Time or Kala and Death in Hinduism
The development of Vedic philosophy was centered around this most important feature of our existence. In fact the Vedas are meant to be a solution to this problem. All the ritual and spiritual practices prescribed in the Vedas are meant to resolve this fundamental problem of our existence. Every religion and tradition that originated int he Indian soil subsequently tried to address in their own ways. The Upanishads, therefore, describe Death as the Lord of creation or creation itself. Our macrocosm (the world), just as our microcosms (bodies) represent Death. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (1.2) describes how Death manifested. "In the beginning, there was nothing here whatsoever. Indeed, by Death only all this was enveloped, or by hunger, because hunger is death only. He created the mind thinking, “Let me have a mind.” Then, He performed worship. From that worship, water was produced. He thought, “Truly while I was worshipping, water was produced. That is why water is called Arca. Surely, water comes to him who thus knows why water came to be known as Arca.” Another name give to Death is Kala or time. Time rules our lives. We depart from here when our time comes. The fate of everything in the mortal world is shaped and controlled by Time only. Hence in Hinduism Time or Kala is equated with death. Time is one of the highest aspects of Manifested Brahman. He manifested before the worlds and beings manifested. Hence he is the foremost among the deities. More about The Symbolism of Time or Kala and Death in Hinduism: https://www.hinduwebsite.com/hinduism/essays/kala-death-symbolism.asp#fn01 time traveling symbolism
See also:
Time symbolism, Time is..., The Full History of Time, Time in physics and time Science, Symbolism of Melencolia I by Albrecht Dürer, Time and Text, DADA Time, Text, Time, MHC, Extinction Rebellion - Time against Life, The End of Time, Hourglass and Death on St Thomas’ Church, Hourglass – symbol of Death, Death does not Exist, Hourglass and Skeleton, “Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition, Father and Mother of Time, Time Hub, Time Philosophy, Time synonyms, Qualia and Time Sense, Time perception and Sense of Time, The Hourglass of Emotions, Time Travel + Time Management = Time Travel Management, The Hourglass, Hourglass History, Hourglass symbolism, Hourglass Figure, Hourglass Tattoo, Symbols of Time, Beauty Bio-Net, Father Time Department, Father Time and Mother Nature, Lunar calendar and Moon’s phases, Time Management, Time Management tools MHC SM: MHC Flikr, MHC Pinterest, MHC Facebook, MHC Instagram, MHC YouTube, MHC Twitter
The Hourglass Figure:
MHC Exhibitions: Hourglass Figure Sophia Loren by Adam PierceHourglass Figure Marilyn Monroe About Hourglass Body or Hourglass Figure Hourglass body measurements – body shape online calculator Hourglass Figure Celebrities on MHC Hourglass Figure, the movie MHC hourglass figure workout by Marten Sport Hourglass Figure Department on MHC Virtual Museum https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbols_of_death http://symboldictionary.net/?p=2696 https://www.encyclopedia.com/environment/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/symbolic-time ancient-symbols.com/symbols-directory/day_night_symbols.html https://www.iau.org/publications/proceedings_rules/units/ https://www.extinctionsymbol.info Lunar calendar, any dating system based on a year consisting of synodic months A lunar calendar is a calendar based upon the monthly cycles of the Moon’s phases (synodic months), in contrast to solar calendars, whose annual cycles are based only directly upon the solar year.  Symbol of Time - The Hourglass See also Time Philosophy and The Full History of Time Read the full article
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heisenberg84 · 3 years
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“Mental Place” Attrice: @jessikristine_agn 🎬 #fabriziostefan - © All Rights Reserved • • • Questi scatti in bianco e nero semplici li abbiamo prodotti a fine lavoro, quando non abbiamo più difese e i muri sono crollati. È una fase molto importante per tutti e due alla quale io tengo molto. È un dono. Dopo tanta tecnica, regole e canoni imposti da seguire, in questa fase siamo entrambi liberi di esprimerci senza dare giustificazioni. Mostriamo davvero il nostro mondo per quello che è. È un momento completamente libero. Jessi era stanca e provata povera stella. Le chiesi di continuare in modalità libera... e ha fatto quella che io chiamo “magia”. Mi ha concesso di entrare nel suo “palazzo mentale” o “stanza”... una cosa estremamente personale che si concede molto ma molto raramente. Di solito parlo molto ma in quella fase stetti in un silenzio religioso. Ecco come si fa a farmi stare zitto 🤐 Grazie Jessi ♥️ • • • #portrait #portraitphotography #portrait_italian_style #portrait_feelings_repost #bw #cinema #actress #psychology #mentalpeace #photographer #blackandwhite #emotions #thankyou #cinematic #experiment #repostportraitita (presso Teatro Portaportese) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPkwDVDMdhs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thebadtimewolf · 6 months
some oc lore: earth's atmosphere shrinks their true alien height to skyscraper sizes due to the lack of trees. this is why if they go deeper into their tardis core than the usual gallifreyan, they get larger and larger but others remain the same. this also explains why certain room get larger and larger and more uncommonly spacious deeper in their ships than the average tardis.
long story short: ur not big enough, and its not long enough but, they love you all the same.
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thebadtimewolf · 9 months
go to Pinterest and search: “Celebrity”, “Outfit”, “Quote”, and then “Aesthetic”. Put the first result of each to get your vibe.
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celebrity: sade (sade adu) [additional celeb: fatoumata diawara]
outfit: rose fabric broach with suit jacket and slacks, frilled collar; worn by kelly lebrock [additional suit: ralph lauren worn by linda evangelista]
quote: i wish i wrote the way i thought by benedict smith [additional quote: maybe. forever was a word meant for memories and not people. by james laughlin in the book called the random stories]
aesthetic: the hesitant fiancèe by auguste toulmouche (1866)
tagged by @callsforjustice
tagging: anyone else who wants to do it❣️
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
Hey, heres a reminder to myself:
The dr is 4.5 billion years old just to learn that they were [kidnapped] adopted, [medically tortured in a similar way to the earth's tuskegee experiment] cared for, and was [brainwashed to the point of amnesia that mirrored that of donna noble in the library] part of gallifreyan politics and it took the master, their oldest best friend to snap them out of it and remind them. In the worst way. while making rassilion's atrempts of conversion of the time lords into cybermen a success.
the vigilante, by pure speculation, is the same age that the timeless child/the doctor was when found under the boundary. That being said - its funny both were born on planets that wasn't Gallifrey but grew up believing Gallifrey is their home despite having stronger alliances to Earth... but, the only difference - the dr was shielded from the truth, but the vigilante wasn't.
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
what horror trope are you?
your result:
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the haunted house
decrepit and falling apart at the seams; time has not been kind to you, has it? termites have nestled in your bones, and stray cats find comfort in your sinews. you may be victim to time and erosion, but your abandoned corpse remains a refuge for unwanted things. vermin and ghosts thank you. what greater kindness can there be than offering shelter?
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the monster
it was not your fault– at first, at least. you can not help being the way you are. and even if you could, would you choose to change? they met you with torches raised and screaming mouths, the only choice you had was to flee. but you will not stay away forever. they whisper your name in fear, and you will make sure you hurt them just as much as they hurt you
tagged by: @lokitheliesmith told me to steal it on my dash
tagging: anyone that wants to
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
imma tell you right now vigil was born as a "son" from a gallifreyan and another species; so when it comes to time lord reproduction lets just say its going to be 50 50 you'll get a kid or not from your preferred method of having a baby with them. that loop is a bitch. this is why vigil prefers to be under a fobwatch with their face otherwise you can slam dunk that joined memory reproduction via regeneration option in the trash.
she got looms, she got her mother's shapeshifting ability (it takes 23 earth months of meditation to tap into, she will grow to her base height before the loop which is now 29 ft tall), a progenation for single and multi based uses on the settings, genetic reproduction (ie hair clippings to a machine) and fobwatching themselves to produce a child the human way.
i use the gendered terms loosely like pea soup opaque. so opaque you got to lick the bowl clean to see it.
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