#by /u/Er322
tifu-today-i-fucked-up Β· 5 years
TIFU by trying to prank my sister but having her freak the neighbor kids out instead
This happened ten years ago. I heard about this website where you could plug in a few facts and it would spit out a fake video news story about a serial killer with clues about his/her next victim. I decided to use this site to play a prank on my sister. At the time, I was in my mid-20s and working in Russia and she was at home (Minnesota) from college for the summer.
I plugged in some facts like our hometown and a few things that would sound like my sister (as the potential victim) and sent the link to her with something like "wow isn't this weird??" The video looked so fake I didn't think she'd buy it but I should have known better. My sister is kind of histrionic and doesn't have a lot of common sense. Apparently she got so scared she ran over to the next door neighbors house with the laptop crying and screaming. They were a Pakistani family that had just moved in and the kids were home alone (the oldest was, like, 12). They didn't know us, they were new to town and as I now know are naturally kind of quiet children so were fairly freaked out by this 20-something knocking on their door and having a meltdown.
I, of course, was in Russia and communication was not instantaneous so it took a while to communicate that it was a prank.
My parents were very embarrassed and relations with the neighbors were strained for years.
TL;DR: Made a prank video showing my sister as a potential serial killer victim, she didn't get at all that it was a prank and ended up scaring the neighbor kids in a bad way.
submitted by /u/Er322 [link] [comments]
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