#by Dr. Radu Scurtu
wellnessplus · 25 days
A Lifesaver in Print: My Review of the "Survival MD" Book
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In today's world, being prepared for anything is paramount. This applies not only to natural disasters but also to unexpected medical emergencies. While I hope I never find myself in a true survival situation, I recently purchased the "Survival MD" book, and it's given me immense peace of mind.
Comprehensive Guide for the Layperson
The first thing that struck me about "Survival MD" was its accessibility. Author Dr. Radu Scurtu clearly writes for a lay audience. He avoids complex medical jargon, opting instead for clear and concise explanations. The book is well-organized, with chapters dedicated to various medical scenarios, from wound care and bone fractures to dealing with burns and allergic reactions. Each section provides step-by-step instructions on how to assess and treat injuries or illnesses, even in the absence of professional medical help.
Emphasis on Practical Application
What truly sets "Survival MD" apart is its focus on practicality. The book doesn't just tell you what to do; it shows you how. There are numerous illustrations and diagrams that visually depict treatment procedures. Additionally, Dr. Scurtu includes helpful checklists throughout the book, allowing you to quickly identify essential supplies for your survival kit. This practical approach makes the information not only easy to understand but also readily applicable in real-world situations.
More Than Just First Aid
"Survival MD" goes beyond basic first aid. The book delves into topics like wilderness medicine, where resources might be scarce. It also covers common ailments and infections, providing guidance on how to manage them without immediate medical attention. There's even a section dedicated to mental health, acknowledging the psychological toll that survival situations can take. This well-rounded approach ensures that the book is valuable in a wide range of circumstances.
Investment in Your Wellbeing
While the price of the "Survival MD" book may seem like a significant investment upfront, I believe it's truly invaluable. The knowledge it imparts could potentially save a life, yours or someone you care about. Moreover, the peace of mind it provides is priceless. Knowing that you have the information and tools to handle medical emergencies, even in the most challenging scenarios, is empowering.
Final Thoughts
Whether you're an avid outdoorsman, a prepper, or simply someone who wants to be prepared for the unexpected, the "Survival MD" book is an excellent resource. It's a comprehensive guide that empowers you to take charge of your health and the well-being of those around you in any situation. I highly recommend adding this valuable tool to your survival kit. tunesharemore_vert
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Be Prepared: My Experience with the Survival MD Guide
Living in a world with unpredictable situations, I felt a growing need to be more prepared for emergencies. While online resources are plentiful, I craved a comprehensive and practical guide that I could access even without internet. That's when I discovered the Survival MD Guide by Dr. Radu Scurtu. This invaluable resource has become my go-to reference for emergency preparedness, offering clear and actionable steps to navigate various medical situations in the absence of professional help.
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A Practical Handbook for Emergency Medical Care
Survival MD isn't a theoretical medical textbook. It's a practical handbook designed for everyday people with no prior medical training. Here's what initially impressed me:
Focus on Actionable Skills: The guide prioritizes teaching practical skills you can use in an emergency. It walks you through essential procedures like wound care, CPR, bone stabilization, and even improvisation of medical tools, empowering you to take action when necessary.
Clear Instructions and Visual Aids: Survival MD avoids complex medical jargon. It utilizes clear, concise language and incorporates helpful illustrations to make even complicated procedures easy to understand and remember under pressure.
Compact and Portable Format: This book is designed to be a constant companion. Its compact size allows you to easily store it in a backpack, first-aid kit, or even your car, ensuring you have access to crucial information in any situation.
Empowering Me to Handle Emergencies
Since incorporating the Survival MD Guide into my emergency preparedness kit, I feel more confident in my ability to handle a medical crisis. Here's how it's impacted me:
Reduced Anxiety and Increased Confidence: Knowing I have a reliable resource to guide me through medical emergencies has significantly reduced my anxiety. I now feel more confident in my ability to provide basic medical care until professional help arrives.
A Valuable Teaching Tool for My Family: Survival MD has become a valuable teaching tool for my family. We can learn and practice essential skills together, ensuring everyone is prepared to act in an emergency.
Peace of Mind Knowing I'm Proactive: Having the Survival MD Guide readily available provides immense peace of mind. It empowers me to take a proactive approach to emergency preparedness, knowing I can offer basic medical assistance until professional help arrives.
Important Disclaimer: Not a Replacement for Medical Training
It's crucial to remember that the Survival MD Guide isn't a replacement for professional medical training. It equips you with basic skills to handle emergencies but cannot replace the expertise of a doctor or paramedic. Always seek professional medical attention whenever possible.
An Invaluable Tool for Every Household
Survival MD isn't a thrilling adventure novel, but it's an essential addition to any household's emergency preparedness kit. It empowers everyday people with practical medical skills, fostering confidence and offering valuable guidance in the face of unexpected medical situations.
Invest in Peace of Mind: Get Your Survival MD Guide Today
If you're looking for a practical and reliable guide to navigating medical emergencies without professional help, the Survival MD Guide is an excellent investment. It empowers you with the knowledge and confidence to take action, potentially making a crucial difference in an emergency situation.
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medical-remedies · 1 month
SurvivalMD Book (printed)
An Essential Tool for Disaster Planning: An Evaluation of "Survival MD" by Dr. Radu Scurtu The printed version of "Survival MD" by Dr. Radu Scurtu is reviewed in this review. This spiral-bound book provides a thorough overview of handling medical emergencies when access to expert treatment is limited.
A Comprehensive Strategy for Patient Welfare
The book's focus goes beyond physical wounds to acknowledge the significance of mental health in survival circumstances. Dedicated chapters discuss trauma coping strategies and stress management. Dr. Scurtu also provides insightful advice on how to keep clean under difficult conditions. These seemingly unimportant factors can have a big impact on a patient's capacity to remain resilient, focused, and composed in a stressful situation.
A piece that stands out in particular addresses the psychological factors of survival. Dr. Scurtu stresses the value of keeping a positive mindset and the part that hope plays in the healing process. This inclusion shows that the comprehensive understanding of patient well-being that is typically lacking in conventional survival guidelines has been achieved.
Developing Information for Emergency Circumstances
The main advantage of "Survival MD" is the way it may provide readers with the information and abilities needed to handle a range of medical situations. The book explores the diagnosis and management of common injuries including sprains, cuts, and scrapes while also offering advice on treating more severe wounds like bone fractures. Notably, Dr. Scurtu employs more advanced therapeutic techniques. For example, the treatment of wounds section describes how to determine the type of lesion, assess the degree of bleeding, and even manufacture temporary sutures using materials that are easily obtained. Even in situations with limited resources, people may efficiently handle medical emergencies with the help of this realistic approach.
Availability to a Wide Range of Audiences
"Survival MD" sets itself apart with its approachable style. Because too much technical language is avoided, readers without any prior medical knowledge can easily understand the content. By providing verbal instructions together with visual representations of important concepts, the use of diagrams and drawings improves comprehension even more. By emphasizing accessibility, it is ensured that vital medical information is always accessible and simple to understand, especially in stressful situations.
An Essential Component for Every Emergency Kit
Finally, Dr. Radu Scurtu's book "Survival MD" proves to be an invaluable tool for anyone looking to improve their emergency readiness. By equipping readers with the information and abilities to handle a variety of medical circumstances, the book encourages independence and ease of mind. Outdoor enthusiasts, professionals working in distant areas, and anybody looking to improve their readiness for unanticipated events may find this material to be a valuable addition. "Survival MD" is a succinct and educational manual that could be quite helpful under dire circumstances.
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helthproducts1 · 1 month
Be Prepared for Anything: A Positive Review of Survival MD
Living in a remote area with limited access to medical facilities, I've always felt the need to be prepared for unexpected medical emergencies. That's why I decided to pick up a copy of Survival MD by Dr. Radu Scurtu. This book has become an invaluable resource for my family and me, offering practical knowledge and clear guidance for handling medical situations in off-grid scenarios. Here's why I highly recommend Survival MD to anyone who prioritizes self-reliance and preparedness.
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Comprehensive Guide for Medical Self-Sufficiency
Survival MD goes beyond basic first aid. It delves into various medical scenarios that could arise in an emergency situation, from treating common injuries and illnesses to handling more complex situations like allergic reactions or fractures. The book provides clear instructions and illustrations, empowering readers to assess the situation, stabilize the patient, and potentially administer life-saving measures until professional help arrives.
Focus on Practical Skills and Improvisation
The book acknowledges that in survival situations, you might not have access to a fully equipped medical kit. Survival MD emphasizes the importance of improvisation and utilizing readily available resources. It offers practical tips on how to create makeshift bandages, sterilize tools, and even use natural remedies for minor ailments. This focus on resourcefulness empowers readers to handle medical emergencies even with limited supplies.
Accessible Language and Step-by-Step Instructions
Dr. Scurtu presents complex medical information in a clear and concise manner, avoiding overly technical jargon. The book utilizes step-by-step instructions and helpful diagrams, making it easy for readers with no prior medical training to understand the concepts and procedures outlined. This accessibility ensures that anyone can grasp the life-saving knowledge presented in Survival MD.
Portable and Packed with Essential Information
Survival MD is a well-sized paperback, making it easy to store in a backpack or emergency kit. The book is also spiral-bound, allowing it to lay flat for easy reference during an emergency. This portability ensures you can have this critical information readily available when you need it most.
Peace of Mind and Increased Confidence
Having Survival MD readily available provides a sense of security and preparedness. Knowing you have the knowledge and skills to handle potential medical emergencies, even in off-grid situations, offers peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones. This newfound confidence empowers you to venture into remote areas or face potential emergencies with a sense of calm and control.
Disclaimer and Importance of Professional Training
It's important to note that Survival MD is not a substitute for professional medical training. In any serious medical emergency, seeking professional help is crucial. However, the knowledge and skills presented in this book can bridge the gap between an incident and receiving professional care.
A Must-Have for Your Emergency Preparedness Kit
If you prioritize self-reliance, enjoy outdoor activities, or simply want to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances, I highly recommend adding Survival MD to your emergency preparedness kit. This comprehensive guide offers a wealth of practical knowledge and empowers you with the skills to handle medical emergencies until professional help arrives. Survival MD is a valuable investment in your well-being and the well-being of those around you.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Survival MD Vsl Dominates The Survival Niche!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/survival-md-vsl-dominates-the-survival-niche/
Survival MD Vsl Dominates The Survival Niche!
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 Buy Now
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    As the new virus spreads more and more each day…
There is no short answer to this question,
But here’s what we know by now,
Confirmed cases almost doubled in South Korea, in less than 24 hours,
While in China, the method of counting the patients changed again,
We can safely assume that what we are hearing on the news,
It’s far from the real numbers.
I’m afraid that we are deliberately deceived into thinking we are safe…
While in reality, the world is fighting a new invisible enemy,
Of which we know too little…
We believed that one infected individual can spread the new virus, to 2, maybe 3 other people,
Now they are saying the real number is closer to 11…
If we had to face the same numbers as China our expensive health system could collapse pretty easy,
They are showing videos of people being cured and leaving the hospitals,
Can you guess why?
It’s so you can feel safe and don’t rush to your drug store and buy everything you can put your hands on.
You see, it’s not just the virus that can kill us,
If China’s import will get shoot down,
The USA can run out of …mostly everything,
As most of the stuff we use it’s made there…
This includes everything from drugs to phones to hygiene products,
In such cases the virus itself may not be the real killer, but our own desperation, the old, the sick and the children will suffer first,
Then a crisis will naturally follow…
If SHTF, and you have no available drugs or medical supplies, a simple scratch can kill you.
And that’s a fact, it turns out that in a real crisis regardless of its origin, the real killer is something else…
Remember that China is a socialist country that pushes dirt under the carpet most of the time,
Luckily, someone thought about it before and prepared for just this type of scenario,
You may not believe it…
But some Countries manage to keep their people healthy with little to no resources…
Third world Countries are battling viruses and diseases with way less resources than us…
And somehow, they manage to keep their people healthy,
As I said, someone thought about it,
And dedicated their work to build a manual,
For exactly this type of Crisis…
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It’s the only complete medical survival guide for the laymen… showing you how to treat yourself and your loved ones in an emergency when doctors, pharmacies and hospitals are shut down.
It’s a simple and straight forward, step-by-step program. And you don’t need any medical training… plus: there’s no need for a medical professional to look over your shoulder.
And here’s the best part: You won’t need to spend a bucket load of cash or waste weeks poring over hundreds of pages either… Because there are no weird medical terms to learn! It’s so easy, a 12 year old can understand it.
I’m not promising you will treat every illness on the planet because you won’t have to… This revolutionary program shows you how to prevent and even treat the deadliest of diseases you’ll be faced with during a major crisis.
All you have to do is go through this program for 10 minutes a day for the next 10 days. And you’ll know more about medical survival than any 1st world doctor… who’s trained to always rely on expensive and modern equipment.
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Here’s just a glimpse of what you’ll find inside this medical emergency crash course…
Quickly and accurately diagnose any medical condition using the TeCaMoLo principle. That way you’ll know exactly what problem you have to treat. This will save you hours of agony and eventually your life. (3rd world countries doctors use this protocol and it has never been revealed to the American public before).
Dr. Scurtu shows you what drugs and medical supplies are vital to stock-pile… You don’t need to waste your money on expensive brands. You’ll discover what meds cover a large range of diseases… are easy to administer and act in the shortest time possible.
Plus you’ll discover which meds rob your body from healing itself. Fact is, they do more harm than good unless you know how and when to administer them.
You’ll learn how to put together a REAL Medical First Aid Kit. It’s different than anything sold in stores and it includes 9 life-saving items you absolutely need to toss in your bag.
You’ll discover the top 5 most likely causes of death you’ll be faced with in the aftermath of a crisis. It may sound weird… But focusing on these, means you’ll ward off 80% of the illnesses! So there’s no need to fill your brain with medical problems that have a 1 in a million chance of happening.
And that’s not all…Inside “Survival MD.” you’ll find the worst medical mistakes you can do in a crisis. Like…
Do you know what you should never do if you’re stabbed? People in Romania struggle with this horrifying scenarios every day because of the high crime rate. There are two key procedures to avoid bleeding to death or even getting an infection. (It took Radu 9 years of medical school to figure this one out).
And do you know why you should never use a plastic bag or wet bandage to cover up a wound? In fact, doing it increases your risk of infection and even death!
Plus, and this is my favorite part of the package… You get inside tips and tricks even regular Joe can put into practice…
You’ll learn how to put a dislocated shoulder back in its place just like professionals do. And it’s easier than you think!
And how to master a 100% safe procedure that might cause some 1st world doctors to shake their heads… It’s considered a “forbidden medical secret” that can save you from a horrible death when disaster strikes. (And most people pay hundreds of dollars for it when going to the hospital.)
You’ll also find out how and where to get a few months’ worth of prescription drugs. A little known secret for getting behind the counter drugs without a prescription.
And that’s just a taste of what’s inside…
“Survival MD” shows you how to stay alive until professional help will be available again… Even if it takes months… And you won’t find these secrets on the internet or anywhere in a medical library.
“Survival MD.” isn’t just another guide… It’s a collection of true, “proven to work” medical techniques taken from real life situations.
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After you go through the material you’ll become a valuable resource not only for your family and friends…These skills will make you a priceless asset to your community when medical services are gone! Most people think all heroes carry guns… Yet it’s those helping others and saving lives who are the real heroes of our country.
We’re used to going to the doctor whenever we get a little cough, right? Or go to an emergency room for something more serious! But what if it’s all gone… doctors, ambulances, emergency rooms? You’re on your own in any kind of crisis.
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It could take weeks or months until medical care will be available again. And you can’t wait until disaster pounds on your door to prepare… some disasters happen in a heartbeat without any warning at all. And this medical knowledge is the ultimate “tool” you can use to barter for anything! You’ll have the upper-hand on anyone.
So let me ask you a question…
Is your health, and the health of your family the most important thing in life? More important than all the food, water and gold you could get your hands on?
Your life and the life of your family is priceless… So how much is it worth to you to know your family’s healthy no matter what? To have the peace of mind knowing that whatever comes your way you’ll stay strong, healthy and protected?
This program is the missing piece of the puzzle to achieve full self-reliance… it’s the only way to make sure you and your family won’t cross paths with deadly medical problems. So ask yourself… how much is this worth to you?
Most medical programs and training courses sell for hundreds, even thousands of dollars. And all the complex terminology and medical mumbo-jumbo is just a waste of time.
“Survival M.D.” contains REAL information about serious conditions you’re 100% guaranteed to see in a crisis. And it’s so easy to follow anyone can understand it. This program gives you the power to experience life-saving techniques for yourself.
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Radu said this material is worth at least $1000. What we managed to put together has never been done before. Even so… most people won’t afford $1000. And it’s important to both of us to make this available to as many people as possible…
Everyone who went through this must-have health-bible says we should sell it for at least $100. But I don’t want you to pay $100… Not even $50… As I already said… everyone deserves to know these medical secrets.
So… that’s why I’m willing to offer you direct access to this lifesaving information for just $37… Click the “Add to Cart” button below and you’ll get your copy of “Survival M.D.” for just $37… that’s less than a night at the movies or a nice bottle of wine.
And this information is priceless. The more people have this information today…the better we’ll all be. This program isn’t only useful in a disaster or crisis situation. A lot of this information could save your life in many other situations.
And there’s more… If you get Survival M.D. right now you’ll instantly get access to the members’ area where you can ask me anything and you’ll also get a special report on “How to survive without prescription medicine”.
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In a crisis one of the worst things that can happen is being without your medication. It can lead to health complications, pain or even death. And if you, or someone you love, suffers from a chronic condition requiring medication…this exclusive report is exactly what you need. It shows you how to stay perfectly safe and well using alternative remedies and techniques. And you’ll know how to live a healthier, safer and self-reliant life in any crisis when prescription meds aren’t available.
This special report isn’t available at any bookstore or anywhere else online. And you get it absolutely free when you get “Survival MD” right now.
But wait… Order now and you will get our new PRACTICAL PANDEMIC PREPAREDNESS or “How To Survive When Deadly Viruses Infect Millions” Absolutely FREE
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Today the world is facing a big challenge, one that can have devastating effects on each and every one of us…
I’m talking about the new China virus outbreak, that affected most parts of the world by now.
With this you will learn how to protect yourself against it, and much more.
You will learn how to stay safe from things like Ebola, or how Pandemic Affects the Big Cities, and how to survive the total quarantine. Also, you will learn about the Gas Mask and how You can make your own face mask.
I’m so confident you’ll be amazed by “Survival MD” that I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is… Get “Survival MD” today and I’ll give you a “60 days no questions asked money back guarantee”.
Just go through the program… And I guarantee you’ll be thrilled. What you have here is a breakthrough in self-reliance… helping millions of patriots like me and you to outlive deadly diseases when disaster strikes.
If for any reason at all you want to get your money back you have 60 days to make the decision. Simply send me a quick email and I’ll give you your money back ASAP.
You take absolutely no risk…All you need to do is click the ���add to cart” button below. Take a few seconds to register and you’ll get instant access to “Survival MD.”
So there you have it… In this presentation you witnessed undeniable proof that America will sink to the level of a 3rd world country when a major crisis hits. For heaven’s sake, I lived right through it! Whether it’s going to be a hurricane, an economic collapse or a terrorist attack throwing us back to the middle ages… There will be no sanitation systems to prevent diseases…And no medical system to count on.
Everything you and I take for granted today…will VANISH in a crisis!
You’ve seen what happens when all hell breaks loose… How will you or those you love, survive? Children and seniors are the most vulnerable to illnesses because their immune systems are weaker than others… And they’re the first to get infected. I have two children and I can’t even imagine what my life would be like if anything happened to them.
This life saving knowledge is guaranteed to help you some time in your life. No matter if things are good or bad.
The first one is do nothing. You could walk away from this presentation thinking you’ll be fine. Yet in your heart you know in a crisis there will be no one to help you. Doctors will be forced to treat people in overcrowded hotel lobbies and churches. Hospitals and other public services will be gone.
Or you can do it on your own. It will take you years to gather this kind of information if you’re lucky enough to find it. I know this because I’ve already struggled with that…
Or you can simply skip all the hard work I’ve been through, save yourself tons of money and get “Survival M.D.” right now. I’ve spent a great deal of time and money researching and editing to make this information crystal clear. There’s no faster, cheaper or safer way to beat life threatening diseases without doctors in a crisis.
This is the only field guide that shows you how to survive without a doctor. You’ll not only outlive almost any diseases and emergencies proven to occur in a crisis… You’ll become a prized medical resource for your family and your community for years to come.
All you have to do is go through “Survival MD.” for 10 minutes a day for the next 10 days… And you’ll know you can finally protect yourself in a major crisis. Years from now you’ll thank yourself for taking action. Because these skills and information are valuable in any situation. And particularly valuable when medical help is not on the way.
Survival M.D. isn’t sold in stores or anywhere else online. And you’re covered by my “60 days money back guarantee”. There’s no need to worry. Because you can always get your money back no questions asked. And you can keep the bonus. That’s a thank you gift for taking the time to listen to my presentation.
Here’s the thing though… I’m not sure how long I can offer “Survival MD” at this price. This is just a special offer I’m making and there’s a good chance I’ll be forced to raise the price to $99 in the coming weeks. So get this now while you can. Just click the yellow button below now… it will take you to a secure page. Take 30 seconds to fill in your details and you’ll get access to your “Survival M.D.” program right away. You’ll also receive “How to survive without prescription” free when its normal retail price is $35. Together these programs would normally cost you over $100 but today you can get both of them for only $37. You could easily save thousands of dollars on medical care this year alone for your family. Which makes $37 a total bargain.
Thank you for watching this presentation. I hope you got a lot of value from it. I look forward to seeing you in the member’s area.
Still here? You probably have some unanswered questions… I’ll go over some of the most common questions real quick…
Q. “Do I need to be medically trained or have had first aid training?”
A. No. This material is simple and straight forward. It was especially designed for people with no previous medical training.
Q. “Do I need a medical degree to understand the material?”
A. No. There’s no medical jargon and terminology…Just plain English.
Q. “Is this about prevention or cure?”
A. It’s about both. Inside you’ll discover what steps to take before Disaster-day and how to fight back deadly diseases in post-apocalyptic America.
Q. “I’ll be able to say ‘Goodbye’ to the doctor forever after this course, right?”
A. This course is not intended to replace care from medical professionals in any way. It gives you proven and clean medical advice to survive ANY catastrophe when there will be no doctors around. Yet part of it will still be useful in day to day life as well.
Still on the fence? It all comes down to this…
You can either walk around blind folded and hope everything is just fine no matter what happens… Or you can get this medical field package at an incredible price today… Take the time to go through it… And live your life knowing if you do somehow walk across deadly medical conditions, this program will show you how to fend for yourself and your family. So, don’t become just another bystander and educate yourself ahead of time. You’ll be glad you did when the need arises.
This is priceless knowledge you can use in ANY crisis. Knowledge is power and it’s always a good idea to learn how to take care of yourself and your family… And who would you rather learn from? A top notch doctor who’s a slave to modern medical equipment? Or a doctor who saved thousands of people on a daily basis with his bare hands? Get Survival M.D. right now…Click the “Add to Cart” button below…and you can get started right away.
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brettgbarnhill · 6 years
Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat Injured Person In A Crisis-Survival MD PDF Download
Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat Injured Person In A Crisis-Survival MD PDF Download
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Click https://ift.tt/2nDT4uu to get The Survival MD Guide and Equip Yourself to Survive in Case Of Crisis, Disasters and Emergencies. Survival MD PDF Review-Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat An Ill Person In A Disaster - https://youtu.be/YKrI6VXGsW0 Robert Grey, a mechanic who is about forty years of age, has put together a new survival guide which is quite comprehensive and can help an ordinary person to acquire the skills and knowledge which can be useful when confronted with emergency situations, especially in times when providers of health care and hospitals are not easily accessible. According to Robert, the primary cause of death from emergencies arises because of infection and disease, and this is where the system in America is lagging behind first world countries in its ability to cope with such situations. This has been amply demonstrated when the natural disaster Katrina struck, it found Americans not having access to enough of medical supplies as well as providers of health care. According to his claims, that is what inspired him to collaborate with a Romanian doctor, Radu Scurtu, to create a course that could impart knowledge to ordinary Americans, so that they could use the techniques used in third world countries to prevent illnesses and diseases that are a consequence of major disasters. Besides the main Survival MD guide, the two authors, Grey and Scurtu also offer as a bonus, a report with a title, “How to Survive Without Prescription”. This information can be very useful in finding alternative medicines that can help you to remain healthy, when prescription medicines cannot be accessed. Survival MD can allow you to survive and remain healthy during a disaster, even when medical professionals are unavailable. You will learn how to put together a first aid kit, how to make a quick diagnosis so that the right treatment is administered, how to use alternative medicines, and a lot of other things. This course, the Survival MD, has been written so that it can be easily understood by the layperson and does not require you to be a medical professional. Reading this can equip you in just the quarter of an hour to be prepared for medical emergencies and be more knowledgeable than many professionals from the developed world. The information is based on Research and Experience. It took Robert Grey ninety days and the expenditure of some money before he could put together the information given in this guide. According to him, he traveled for months through different countries to gather the information relevant to medical survival, and the guide also takes Dr. Radu’s experience and knowledge into account. That is why this guide is pretty unique and contains information that we didn’t see in other survival guides. The program laid down in Survival MD is cost effective. It can give you knowledge and skills that will help you to deal with any disasters without requiring any reference to hospitals and medical professionals. If acquire the Survival MD guide and you are in any way dissatisfied with it, Rob Grey promises that you will get a full refund. #copied Survival MD PDF Review-Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat An Ill Person In A Disaster SURVIVAL MD PROGRAM SURVIVAL MD BY DR. RADU SCURTU SURVIVAL MD BOOK REVIEWS SURVIVAL MD BOOK SURVIVAL MD PDF SURVIVAL MD REVIEW SURVIVAL MD SURVIVAL MD PDF DOWNLOAD TREAT AN ILL PERSON IN A DISASTER TREAT INJURED PERSON IN A CRISIS Survival MD PDF Review-Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat An Ill Person In A Disaster Read True-Life Inspiring Stories http://samuelola.com/ Follow On; Twitter - https://twitter.com/soolaleye FaceBook - https://ift.tt/2y6aNxQ GooglePlus - https://ift.tt/2yNc2Fv Instagram - https://ift.tt/2y6DGtx Survival MD PDF Review-Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat An Ill Person In A Disaster https://youtu.be/QcT68-EEelU
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samuelolaleye-blog · 6 years
Survival MD Program Download-Survival MD PDF Book Reviews-How To Treat An Ill Person In A Disaster
New Post has been published on http://p.scholarshipsabroad.info/survival-md-program-download-survival-md-pdf-book-reviews-how-to-treat-an-ill-person-in-a-disaster/
Survival MD Program Download-Survival MD PDF Book Reviews-How To Treat An Ill Person In A Disaster
Click http://smd.femiolaleye.com/ to get The Survival MD Guide and Equip Yourself to Survive in Case Of Crisis, Disasters and Emergencies.
Survival MD Program Download-Survival MD PDF Book Reviews-How To Treat An Ill Person In A Disaster
Robert Grey, a mechanic who is about forty years of age, has put together a new survival guide which is quite comprehensive and can help an ordinary person to acquire the skills and knowledge which can be useful when confronted with emergency situations, especially in times when providers of health care and hospitals are not easily accessible. According to Robert, the primary cause of death from emergencies arises because of infection and disease, and this is where the system in America is lagging behind first world countries in its ability to cope with such situations. This has been amply demonstrated when the natural disaster Katrina struck, it found Americans not having access to enough of medical supplies as well as providers of health care. According to his claims, that is what inspired him to collaborate with a Romanian doctor, Radu Scurtu, to create a course that could impart knowledge to ordinary Americans, so that they could use the techniques used in third world countries to prevent illnesses and diseases that are a consequence of major disasters. Besides the main Survival MD guide, the two authors, Grey and Scurtu also offer as a bonus, a report with a title, “How to Survive Without Prescription”. This information can be very useful in finding alternative medicines that can help you to remain healthy, when prescription medicines cannot be accessed. Survival MD can allow you to survive and remain healthy during a disaster, even when medical professionals are unavailable. You will learn how to put together a first aid kit, how to make a quick diagnosis so that the right treatment is administered, how to use alternative medicines, and a lot of other things. This course, the Survival MD, has been written so that it can be easily understood by the layperson and does not require you to be a medical professional. Reading this can equip you in just the quarter of an hour to be prepared for medical emergencies and be more knowledgeable than many professionals from the developed world. The information is based on Research and Experience. It took Robert Grey ninety days and the expenditure of some money before he could put together the information given in this guide. According to him, he traveled for months through different countries to gather the information relevant to medical survival, and the guide also takes Dr. Radu’s experience and knowledge into account. That is why this guide is pretty unique and contains information that we didn’t see in other survival guides. The program laid down in Survival MD is cost effective. It can give you knowledge and skills that will help you to deal with any disasters without requiring any reference to hospitals and medical professionals. If acquire the Survival MD guide and you are in any way dissatisfied with it, Rob Grey promises that you will get a full refund. #copied
Survival MD Program Download-Survival MD PDF Book Reviews-How To Treat An Ill Person In A Disaster
Survival MD Program Download-Survival MD PDF Book Reviews-How To Treat An Ill Person In A Disaster
Read True-Life Inspiring Stories http://samuelola.com/ Follow On; Twitter – https://twitter.com/soolaleye FaceBook – https://www.facebook.com/soolaleye/ GooglePlus – https://plus.google.com/b/114818777278925699032/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/soolaleye/
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elievaccaro · 6 years
Survival MD PDF Review-Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat An Ill Person In A Disaster
Click https://ift.tt/2nDT4uu to get The Survival MD Guide and Equip Yourself to Survive in Case Of Crisis, Disasters and Emergencies. …
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Survival MD PDF Review-Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat An Ill Person In A Disaster
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helenreviews-blog · 7 years
Survival MD Review - Dr. Radu Scurtu's Method a Scam?
Survival MD Review – Dr. Radu Scurtu’s Method a Scam?
What is Survival MD? And also, is Dr. Radu Scurtu’s program will provide for great result? Is it a scam? Below is Survival MD Review, where each only recently launched item gets an intensive and honest examination. Right now we have examined Survival MD for you personally, is Survival MD rip-off? Will it genuinely will work? With this Survival MD Review we will talk about with you our honest…
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gettingtactical · 7 years
Survival MD Review – Are You More Prepared Than A SWAT Team?
In cases of an emergency and you are not in a position to get medical assistance, knowledge gained from a survival MD review is everything you need. In the face of crisis, Survival MD will provide you with all the medical information you need. The mastery of the program will ensure you have the right knowledge to sustain the injured until a medic attends to them. Survival MD keeps your families informed on how to sail through a life-threatening disaster.
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What should you know about Survival MD?
Survival MD is a set of medical guidelines that help you stay safe in in case a fatal disaster. The program equips you with health and safety processes for survival. In most cases, you will rarely seek help from doctors in hospitals. It gives you the chance to save lives in the comfort of your homes. With this, you get to save on medical bills. The Survival MD guide comes both in the soft and hard copy.
Who Wrote Survival MD?
For most books to sell in the stores, the authors act as the principal influence during the marketing of the publication. The founders of the Survival MD are Robert Grey and Dr Radu Scurtu. The reason for their project is more personal than it is commercial. According to Robert Grey, he was devastated when he lost his father when Hurricane Katrina stroke his country. On the other hand, Dr.Radu Scurtu is just a passionate physician who wants to help save lives.
Their interests clicked and hence the start of their journey towards writing the book. Dr Radu Scurut is knowledgeable on health and disaster management. He has a history with some of the hospitals in Romania where he served as a medical doctor. Robert Grey has the emotional connection to the consequences of calamities. Reading the books comes with a sense of pain that demand to be relieved. For this reason, the guide has helped rescue many people out of their crisis.
What are the components of Survival MD?
The guidebook is made up of 18 chapters. The book elaborates tips on how to come out of a catastrophe alive. The information equips you with medical skills and knowledge as well as the courage you require to face your devastating moments.
The 18 topics give you first-hand information on the importance of practising prevention measure in a medical crisis. As you read down the chapters, you will discover ways of handling different casualties ranging from men to women to children. The contents also detail procedures involved in delivering medical care in various emergencies.
Besides, Survival MD is also informative on how to issue first aid and alternative curative drugs in case of shortages. Also, it enlightens you on the contagious illnesses that result from calamities.
Still, on diseases, you get to learn about common ailments, those that result in trauma as well as sicknesses that are caused by different changes in climate. You also get to find out on the how to shop for a reliable medical kit. Matters concerning sanitation top it all.
Does Survival Md Guarantee Your Safety?
The information detailed in the guide is enough for you to salvage a severely injured patient. Sometimes you may be out of medication, and you just do not want to sit back and watch your loved ones die. Nonetheless, the MD equips you on how to use the equipment and resources you have to handle the life-threatening situation at hand.
What are the advantages of Survival MD?
Users have significantly benefited and even referred their families and friends to purchase the book. The prices are easily affordable compared to the amount of knowledge and skills it provides.
The procedures in the guide are simple. For this reason, the users do not need to acquire any form of training whatsoever. Money spent on hiring medical specialists helps in meeting other needs. Besides, the program comes in handy in cases where there are acute emergencies. The authors have provided people with websites which act as support. With this, they can quickly ask questions on issues that they do not understand. They can as well conduct extensive reading on matters that may give them doubts.
In times of distress, the MD prepares you for the worst to come. Thus, you gain strength and courage in handling fatal disasters. Most of all, the information is based on personal experiences of the author hence making the procedures more efficient. The medical skills of Dr Radu Scurtu make the contents more relevant and skilled.
He researched how to handle the catastrophes to avoid the circulation of misleading information. With this, people are relieved of the fear of carrying out the wrong procedures. Apart from the peace of mind that the book provides, it also comes with a warranty of two months. The retailers can refund the money used for buying the book or conduct an exchange.
Disadvantages of Survival MD
It is not advisable for people who have not adopted the culture to read more often to poses this book. Survival books require you to keep the information at your fingertips. Thus, this comes with a lot of studies that not everyone can manage.
With the advancements in technology, the production of hard copies of the guide is receding. Most people who prefer hard copies are forced to spend money on printing the pages. Also, there are some medical needs that it will never meet.
What Are Others Saying About Survival MD Review?
Most users have appreciated the assistance that the guide has provided in cases of medical emergencies. The reviews on the book explain how patients have learned not to overlook medical issues. Every minute that passes by, there is a life that you need to save. Even with the disadvantages, having the right information is essential when faced with a disaster. It is vital that you seek medical attention in severe cases. Never take anything to chance.
The post Survival MD Review – Are You More Prepared Than A SWAT Team? appeared first on Getting Tactical.
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scrapersnbots · 7 years
Buy Survival Md ➲ $29.99 Download Discount | Scrapers〘N〙Bots Discounts.
Buy Survival Md ➲ $29.99 Download Discount | Scrapers〘N〙Bots Discounts.
Survival Md ➲ $29.99 Download Discount Buy & Download Survival Md Course by Dr. Radu Scurtu & Rob Grey for just $29.99 (regular price $37). SURVIVAL MD Purchase Discount Links
Just below you will find a clickable link to the lowest price discount, $29.99 for Survival Md, which normally retails for $37, if purchased from their page directly. Additionally, below, is a couple of other Course’s…
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thecoroutfitters · 7 years
Getting wounded when you have no access to professional medical care and equipment can turn ugly quickly, so it’s important that you take care if it immediately and continue wound care until it’s healed well enough that infection is no longer a danger.
The most critical part after you stop the bleeding is getting the wound clean of debris and bacteria. That’s probably the crummiest part of it, especially for the person who has the wound, but it’s essential to get it clean right away so that your body can start repairing itself.
Keeping it clean throughout the healing process is critical, too, but it’s this first cleaning that will set the tone for your healing. Do it right. In order to make sure that your wound is clean, you’ll need some form of antiseptic, bandages, poultice or salve, clean cloths, and possibly tweezers to remove debris.
The antiseptic is probably the most important ingredient after debris removal because it’s going to kill any bacteria and other bugs that will hinder the healing process, or worse – cause infection. It doesn’t take long for infections to go septic – enter your bloodstream – and if that happens, you’re in serious trouble. That will literally kill you if you don’t have antibiotics.
So. Get it clean. Here are some different antiseptics, how they work, and how to use them.
If you have absolutely nothing else, water will have to do. For that matter, clean water is what you should use to initially clean the wound before using antiseptic. The problem is that if the water isn’t sterile, it can add bacteria to the wound and hurt you way worse than it will help. Simply using water from a lake or pond – or for that matter, rainwater – is a terrible idea.
To prepare water that isn’t straight from a sealed bottle to be clean enough to clean a wound, you need to:
Filter it if it has any type of debris in it at all
Sterilize it by boiling or by adding 1 part bleach to ten parts water. It wouldn’t hurt to do both. As a matter of fact, bleach kills 99.9 percent of germs. That’s about as close as you can get to perfect.
If you’re going to boil it, keep it at a rolling boil for at least a minute, or 3 minutes if you’re above 1000 feet above sea level.
Let it cool, but use it or bottle it in sterile bottles immediately after to prevent bacterial invasion.
You can clean a wound with water by pouring it over the wound and allowing the water to wash away the debris. If you couldn’t care for the wound immediately, you can soak the wound for a few minutes to loosen the dried blood and debris, then irrigate with water. If necessary, use a clean, sterile cloth to gently wipe away debris, and irrigate again after. Repeat until the wound is clean.
If you have absolutely no antibacterial agent to use, be extra vigilant about washing with water then bandage according to the wound type.
In the 19th century, the doctors used to pour gunpowder into the wound and set it on fire. Burning gunpowder destroys impurities, and stops the bleeding. You probably know what I mean if you watched Rambo 3, where John Rambo has to find a way to heal his shrapnel wound.
Video first seen on Christian Sansone. 
But you have to be aware we’re talking about an extreme solution: if you use this method, you will cause a lot of pain and ugly scarring.
Also, as dr. Radu Scurtu says in his medical guide “Survival M.D.” you don’t just close off the blood vessel but also the muscle, causing an extra burn which can become infected.
Now that you have it clean, it’s time to apply the antiseptic. There are many different types that are effective, but you need to have at least one kind on hand at all times. We’re going to talk about some standard ones, but also some that you may not think of.
Have you heard of this? Most people haven’t, but it’s been a practice for centuries. I checked the NCBI thinking that it was possibly a snake oil situation. It’s not. Sugar helps lower the pH of the wound, which inhibits bacterial growth. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory, pulls microphages (your body’s natural little bacteria eaters) to the surface, and promotes the growth of new tissue. Go figure. Carry a sugar packet.
Povidone Iodine (brand name Betadine)
The bottom line is that it may sting like crazy, but betadine is the bomb when it comes to killing what may ail ya in a wound. It’s an antibiotic, antiviral, and antiseptic and kills on contact. Since some of you may possibly consider using it to purify your water, you’re getting more bang for your buck since you can use it to clean wounds and surfaces, too. That’s right. Hospitals use it to sterilize surfaces because it’s so effective.
If you’ve been around farm animals, you’ve likely heard of sugardine. It’s a mixture of 1 part povidone iodine to 3 parts sugar mixed to make a paste to use on a wound. It’s one of the most effective antiseptics around and promotes healing, too. Sugar and iodine work well because sugar is obviously too dry to adhere to the wound effectively and iodine is too runny. Mix them together to make a paste, and you’ve got a good recipe that combines all of the benefits of both ingredients.
Isopropyl Alcohol
Ouch. You’ve heard about using this for wound care as a kid. As a matter of fact, you’ve probably run screaming from the house when you saw the bottle. Alcohol is a decent antiseptic because it kills bacteria, viruses and fungi by denaturing their proteins, rendering them useless.
However, alcohol can’t kill bacterial spores. That means it’s not an effective method of sterilization but it still works well as a skin and hard surface antiseptic. It needs to be at a concentration of between 60 and 90 percent.
You see it all the time in westerns – the wounded cowboy is biting down on a piece of leather and somebody is pouring his whiskey or moonshine (yowza) into his wound to clean it. But does it work. Actually, the answer is yes. It needs to be between 120 and 180 proof to be most effective.
You should know though, that many studies show that ethyl alcohol, the alcohol in liquor, doesn’t kill some bacteria, including Clostridium, the bacteria responsible for tetanus, botulism, and gas gangrene. Still it kills most others, though it works slower than isopropyl alcohol.
So, if you’ve got the vodka or the whiskey and a wound that needs cleaning, bite down on the strop and pour it on. Since it has other uses such as making tinctures and drinking, it’s a good thing to have around.
That antiseptic mouthwash that you have in the cabinet is acceptable for use as an antiseptic because of the high concentrations of alcohol and chlorhexidine. The latter, unlike alcohol, does kill spores and is considered both a germicidal and a disinfectant, so it’s a good combination.
For centuries honey has been used as an antiseptic and research backs it up. Honey is antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. Make sure your wound is clean and you will definitely need to cover the it after putting honey on it. Otherwise, you’re a walking debris magnet.
Honey is also one of the items on this list that you can “grow” yourself, so you’d never have to worry about running out.
Peroxide – NOT
We all have it in our medicine cabinets. My mom was a nurse (a very smart one), so I was taught growing up that peroxide wasn’t any good as an antibacterial but was helpful in bubbling up and helping get rid of debris in the wound. That’s a fact. Research shows that it doesn’t retard growth, but it doesn’t kill bacteria, either.
So, it’s good to keep on hand to “bubble out the dirt” as Mom used to say, but you need to follow it up with a good antiseptic.
Disinfecting a wound as soon as possible and keeping it disinfected while it’s healing is the best way to prevent infection and promote healing. Especially in a survival situation where you may not have access to hospitals or antibiotics, preventing infection is critical to staying alive. Also, know your first aid!
Remember that knowledge is the only doctor that can save you when there is no medical help around you.
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Click https://ift.tt/2nDT4uu to get The Survival MD Guide and Equip Yourself to Survive in Case Of Crisis, Disasters and Emergencies. Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat Injured Person In A Crisis-Survival MD PDF Download - https://youtu.be/YKrI6VXGsW0 Robert Grey, a mechanic who is about forty years of age, has put together a new survival guide which is quite comprehensive and can help an ordinary person to acquire the skills and knowledge which can be useful when confronted with emergency situations, especially in times when providers of health care and hospitals are not easily accessible. According to Robert, the primary cause of death from emergencies arises because of infection and disease, and this is where the system in America is lagging behind first world countries in its ability to cope with such situations. This has been amply demonstrated when the natural disaster Katrina struck, it found Americans not having access to enough of medical supplies as well as providers of health care. According to his claims, that is what inspired him to collaborate with a Romanian doctor, Radu Scurtu, to create a course that could impart knowledge to ordinary Americans, so that they could use the techniques used in third world countries to prevent illnesses and diseases that are a consequence of major disasters. Besides the main Survival MD guide, the two authors, Grey and Scurtu also offer as a bonus, a report with a title, “How to Survive Without Prescription”. This information can be very useful in finding alternative medicines that can help you to remain healthy, when prescription medicines cannot be accessed. Survival MD can allow you to survive and remain healthy during a disaster, even when medical professionals are unavailable. You will learn how to put together a first aid kit, how to make a quick diagnosis so that the right treatment is administered, how to use alternative medicines, and a lot of other things. This course, the Survival MD, has been written so that it can be easily understood by the layperson and does not require you to be a medical professional. Reading this can equip you in just the quarter of an hour to be prepared for medical emergencies and be more knowledgeable than many professionals from the developed world. The information is based on Research and Experience. It took Robert Grey ninety days and the expenditure of some money before he could put together the information given in this guide. According to him, he traveled for months through different countries to gather the information relevant to medical survival, and the guide also takes Dr. Radu’s experience and knowledge into account. That is why this guide is pretty unique and contains information that we didn’t see in other survival guides. The program laid down in Survival MD is cost effective. It can give you knowledge and skills that will help you to deal with any disasters without requiring any reference to hospitals and medical professionals. If acquire the Survival MD guide and you are in any way dissatisfied with it, Rob Grey promises that you will get a full refund. #copied Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat Injured Person In A Crisis-Survival MD PDF Download SURVIVAL MD PROGRAM SURVIVAL MD BY DR. RADU SCURTU SURVIVAL MD BOOK REVIEWS SURVIVAL MD BOOK SURVIVAL MD PDF SURVIVAL MD REVIEW SURVIVAL MD SURVIVAL MD PDF DOWNLOAD TREAT AN ILL PERSON IN A DISASTER TREAT INJURED PERSON IN A CRISIS Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat Injured Person In A Crisis-Survival MD PDF Download Read True-Life Inspiring Stories http://samuelola.com/ Follow On; Twitter - https://twitter.com/soolaleye FaceBook - https://ift.tt/2y6aNxQ GooglePlus - https://ift.tt/2yNc2Fv Instagram - https://ift.tt/2y6DGtx Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat Injured Person In A Crisis-Survival MD PDF Download https://youtu.be/-3WMIimHAOU
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samuelolaleye-blog · 6 years
Survival MD Book Reviews-Survival MD Book Bonuses-Survival MD Reviews-Survival Md By Dr. Radu Scurtu
New Post has been published on http://p.scholarshipsabroad.info/survival-md-book-reviews-survival-md-book-bonuses-survival-md-reviews-survival-md-by-dr-radu-scurtu/
Survival MD Book Reviews-Survival MD Book Bonuses-Survival MD Reviews-Survival Md By Dr. Radu Scurtu
Click http://smd.femiolaleye.com/ to get The Survival MD Guide and Equip Yourself to Survive in Case Of Crisis, Disasters and Emergencies.
Survival MD Book Reviews-Survival MD Book Bonuses-Survival MD Reviews-Survival Md By Dr. Radu Scurtu
Robert Grey, a mechanic who is about forty years of age, has put together a new survival guide which is quite comprehensive and can help an ordinary person to acquire the skills and knowledge which can be useful when confronted with emergency situations, especially in times when providers of health care and hospitals are not easily accessible. According to Robert, the primary cause of death from emergencies arises because of infection and disease, and this is where the system in America is lagging behind first world countries in its ability to cope with such situations. This has been amply demonstrated when the natural disaster Katrina struck, it found Americans not having access to enough of medical supplies as well as providers of health care. According to his claims, that is what inspired him to collaborate with a Romanian doctor, Radu Scurtu, to create a course that could impart knowledge to ordinary Americans, so that they could use the techniques used in third world countries to prevent illnesses and diseases that are a consequence of major disasters. Besides the main Survival MD guide, the two authors, Grey and Scurtu also offer as a bonus, a report with a title, “How to Survive Without Prescription”. This information can be very useful in finding alternative medicines that can help you to remain healthy, when prescription medicines cannot be accessed. Survival MD can allow you to survive and remain healthy during a disaster, even when medical professionals are unavailable. You will learn how to put together a first aid kit, how to make a quick diagnosis so that the right treatment is administered, how to use alternative medicines, and a lot of other things. This course, the Survival MD, has been written so that it can be easily understood by the layperson and does not require you to be a medical professional. Reading this can equip you in just the quarter of an hour to be prepared for medical emergencies and be more knowledgeable than many professionals from the developed world. The information is based on Research and Experience. It took Robert Grey ninety days and the expenditure of some money before he could put together the information given in this guide. According to him, he traveled for months through different countries to gather the information relevant to medical survival, and the guide also takes Dr. Radu’s experience and knowledge into account. That is why this guide is pretty unique and contains information that we didn’t see in other survival guides. The program laid down in Survival MD is cost effective. It can give you knowledge and skills that will help you to deal with any disasters without requiring any reference to hospitals and medical professionals. If acquire the Survival MD guide and you are in any way dissatisfied with it, Rob Grey promises that you will get a full refund. #copied
Survival MD Book Reviews-Survival MD Book Bonuses-Survival MD Reviews-Survival Md By Dr. Radu Scurtu
Survival MD Book Reviews-Survival MD Book Bonuses-Survival MD Reviews-Survival Md By Dr. Radu Scurtu
Read True-Life Inspiring Stories http://samuelola.com/ Follow On; Twitter – https://twitter.com/soolaleye FaceBook – https://www.facebook.com/soolaleye/ GooglePlus – https://plus.google.com/b/114818777278925699032/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/soolaleye/
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samuelolaleye-blog · 6 years
Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat Injured Person In A Crisis-Survival MD PDF Download
New Post has been published on http://p.olatext.com/survival-md-book-by-dr-radu-scurtu-how-to-treat-injured-person-in-a-crisis-survival-md-pdf-download/
Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat Injured Person In A Crisis-Survival MD PDF Download
Click http://smd.femiolaleye.com/ to get The Survival MD Guide and Equip Yourself to Survive in Case Of Crisis, Disasters and Emergencies.
Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat Injured Person In A Crisis-Survival MD PDF Download
Robert Grey, a mechanic who is about forty years of age, has put together a new survival guide which is quite comprehensive and can help an ordinary person to acquire the skills and knowledge which can be useful when confronted with emergency situations, especially in times when providers of health care and hospitals are not easily accessible. According to Robert, the primary cause of death from emergencies arises because of infection and disease, and this is where the system in America is lagging behind first world countries in its ability to cope with such situations. This has been amply demonstrated when the natural disaster Katrina struck, it found Americans not having access to enough of medical supplies as well as providers of health care. According to his claims, that is what inspired him to collaborate with a Romanian doctor, Radu Scurtu, to create a course that could impart knowledge to ordinary Americans, so that they could use the techniques used in third world countries to prevent illnesses and diseases that are a consequence of major disasters. Besides the main Survival MD guide, the two authors, Grey and Scurtu also offer as a bonus, a report with a title, “How to Survive Without Prescription”. This information can be very useful in finding alternative medicines that can help you to remain healthy, when prescription medicines cannot be accessed. Survival MD can allow you to survive and remain healthy during a disaster, even when medical professionals are unavailable. You will learn how to put together a first aid kit, how to make a quick diagnosis so that the right treatment is administered, how to use alternative medicines, and a lot of other things. This course, the Survival MD, has been written so that it can be easily understood by the layperson and does not require you to be a medical professional. Reading this can equip you in just the quarter of an hour to be prepared for medical emergencies and be more knowledgeable than many professionals from the developed world. The information is based on Research and Experience. It took Robert Grey ninety days and the expenditure of some money before he could put together the information given in this guide. According to him, he traveled for months through different countries to gather the information relevant to medical survival, and the guide also takes Dr. Radu’s experience and knowledge into account. That is why this guide is pretty unique and contains information that we didn’t see in other survival guides. The program laid down in Survival MD is cost effective. It can give you knowledge and skills that will help you to deal with any disasters without requiring any reference to hospitals and medical professionals. If acquire the Survival MD guide and you are in any way dissatisfied with it, Rob Grey promises that you will get a full refund. #copied
Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat Injured Person In A Crisis-Survival MD PDF Download
Survival MD Book By Dr. Radu Scurtu-How To Treat Injured Person In A Crisis-Survival MD PDF Download
Read True-Life Inspiring Stories http://samuelola.com/ Follow On; Twitter – https://twitter.com/soolaleye FaceBook – https://www.facebook.com/soolaleye/ GooglePlus – https://plus.google.com/b/114818777278925699032/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/soolaleye/
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