#medical advice
thefirsthogokage · 10 months
Very helpful thread made for those walking the picket lines by an EMT in Florida:
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(screen shots from here on out. Too many images to put in one post. Sorry for the dark mode switch ahead of time)
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[Image ID: a tweet thread made by @TheMaryGirls on July 18th, 2023 that reads in its entirety (though combined where appropriate and tweet numbers removed for condensing):
This is for the strikers everywhere since I'm nowhere near a picket line. This is the least I can do:
I am an EMT in Florida, one of the hottest states in the country on a regular basis. These are things you can do to protect yourself from the heat
1. Water
Water is great, your body needs it to live. You can go longer without food than you can without water. It's vital. If you become too dehydrated you can lapse into something called Hypovolemic shock which is the most dangerous form of shock because, usually, by the time you realize something is wrong, you're already in a bad position.
When you sweat, you're not just losing water. You're also losing salt, potassium, chloride, magnesium, & calcium. To combat this, you should drink something with electrolytes.
You can also eat a banana in order to avoid cramping that can occur with the loss of potassium. You don't want to be the one doing the Charley Horse Hustle on the line when people have phone cameras. You can also eat fruit and veg with high water content. They helps.
A word of caution about ice water. I know the idea of a big bottle of ice water sounds great when you're sweating your balls off on the line but NO! That can be dangerous. Your body temperature is up due to the heat. You chug a bottle of ice water like you used to do with Smirnoff Ice in college, you'll regret it. Ice water will cause your body temperature to drop which fraks up your homeostasis. You can experience stomach craps, fainting, and, on some weird occasions, cardiac arrest. Face planting on the pavement isn't cute.
One way you CAN use ice water safely is by soaking a t-shirt or towel and putting it on your head to help cool you off. Also, cold rags around the wrists can also cool you down. You've seen construction workers with the t-shirts on their heads? This is why.
2. Whole body
If you get blisters on your feet, you need to treat them. Also, don't force pop them, you're just asking for trouble. When they rupture, they need to be cleaned with soap and water (no alcohol or peroxide) and protected. Band-Aids won't really help here.
Band-Aids can easily slip off and give bacteria a chance to move in and really get gross. Liquid bandage is the better option. It's waterproof but it does sting when you put it on so be warned.
If you experience muscle cramps on the line, you need to deal with them. This is your bodies way of telling you something is wrong. Sit down, drink something. Stretching before picketing can also help prevent them. Let's be honest, as writers, we sit. A LOT.
Going from a cave dwelling hermit to bright sunlight and exercise is going to piss your entire system off. Icy Hot and hot baths will be your friend.
3. Dehydration warning signs.
Muscle cramps
light headed
feeling very thirsty
dark urine
urinating less often
feeling tired
dry mouth, lips, or tongue
skin tenting
That's all that I can think of at the moment.
GO FUCK EM UP!!!!!!!
/End ID]
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[Image ID: Tweeted comment on the thread from @/sardoniccomment that reads:
Every word of this is good advice, but, as a former desert-dweller, there’s something I need to add: dehydration makes you stupid. It can literally prevent you from being able to figure out the source of your problems is dehydration.
/End ID]
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Happy disability month here’s your reminder that while you CAN take ibuprofen concurrently with acetaminophen — they have no interactions — absolutely do not exceed the dosage of acetaminophen!! and if you take both at the same time pretty consistently you’re even more likely to develop stomach ulcers than if you just often took one. ESPECIALLY if you mix any of these with alcohol. (I was diagnosed with stomach ulcers at the age of 23 because I have chronic pain + headaches + migraines) please save your future self some pain and at least have some carbs in your stomach when you take NSAIDs if it isn’t possible to reduce your use.
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allie-leth · 2 months
Does anyone have suggestions for things that helped with the general malaise from POTS? I hate the fatigue and I'm looking for anything that would help with it.
I'd really appreciate a reblog for visibility, I'm just trying to find what works for others so I can try it. I'm so tired of fatigue.
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elijah-loyal · 24 days
hey'all, serious question
so i'm a pretty sick guy and i've been in recovery for about a month now (constant nausea and vomiting were the main symptoms) and because of those symptoms i just... didn't eat. unfortunately now i'm facing the problem of my stomach having shrunk, and now eating normal portions is literally Awful™ and i get disgustingly full super fast. does anyone know how to combat this?
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bettercallroasty · 2 months
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I made this for endometriosis awareness month which is March! It's important to spread awareness. It took me about 15 years to get a diagnosis. I am 3 months post total hysterectomy. I was hoping people would get interested if they saw something with one of their faves!
There is no cure, but certain things may alleviate the symptoms. It is grossly underdiagnosed, understudied, and underfunded. There are a wide variety of symptoms that vary from person to person. I only wrote SOME possible symptoms.
Other things that can cause similar symptoms are PCOS, adyemosis, and fibroids. Learn how to advocate for yourself and reach out to support groups. There are many online. A doctor should not be telling you it's "just a bad period" and writing you off.
Endometriosis can worsen and advance in stage over time. The only way to truly diagnose endometriosis is through exploratory laproscopic surgery. If Endometriosis is found, they will excise (cut it out) and run it through pathology. This is because endometriosis often does not show up I'm imaging. If you have a clean ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI, this does NOT mean your issues are in your head. Your best bet is to find an OBGYN who specializes in endometriosis and uterus diseases. After excision, Endometriosis is likely to grow back. However it's managed depends on you and your body. Do a lot of research, and don't be afraid to turn down a treatment plan if it makes you uncomfortable. Not all cases have to end in hysterectomy.
And when all else fails, better call saul! Medical malpractice attorney!
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bootleg-nessie · 4 months
During surgery your intestines become outtestines
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thesparklyfkingpirate · 6 months
Obvious Medical Advice from Docs I actually really like
I go to a lot of doctors appointments and I have some ✨wonderful providers✨ and some mid providers.
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Made these, which are like, technically useful (if plainly obvious) pieces of advice from docs I actually really like!
so I’m just poking fun 😘 Love you, mean it, unnamed psych & derm!
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When dermatologist said that, I was like “See? that’s why they pay you the big bucks.”
What are your “wow I paid $400 for this appointment” moments? Here’s a template for you:
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misopod · 2 months
Hey my American friends, even more so my teenage friends, come in close because this is actually important
You know those depression sheets the doctors are required to give you before your appointment? Those are *not* for you. They can't help based on that. They *won't* help based on that. Those are just for KOSA, for statistics that they don't tell you about. They'll use that to prove that kids need KOSA. Please please just write no for all the boxes even if it does apply. You're just a statistic to them
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tenth-sentence · 1 month
Middle- and upper-class families were using contraception from the 1920s to control the size of their families but fear of working-class women's sexuality meant that it would not be until 1930 that the Ministry of Health allowed publicly funded nurses and doctors to give contraceptive advice to poor married women and then only on medical grounds.
"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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otabekisautistic · 7 months
okay this is a shout into the void but does anyone have any advice for staying functional at work/in day to day life when you have recurrent utis/possibly interstitial cystitis? tmi below the cut
i can’t be away from the bathroom for more than five minutes when i’m like this and this happens like once a month for several days. with the nature of my work i can’t leave my workstation this frequently. i literally can’t work under these conditions. idk what to do
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awetistic-things · 1 month
my mom had two seizures lately out of nowhere and she’s doing good, but her personality has changed somewhat and i’m wondering if she’ll go back to how she was or if this is permanent?
she’s a lot more confrontational, refuses to accept things that are true, holds grudges when she didn’t before, and is generally more of an aggressive person
( her last seizure was two weeks ago, but it only became noticeable for the past three days or so )
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jellypawss · 3 months
also advice needed and I forgot to ask my cardiologist today, I’ve been drinking every night for about 2 weeks but got off my heart med (flecanide) today, should I have my 4 beers as usual to avoid withdrawal and potentially more stress OR would having my normal amount cause more bodily stress?
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This goes out to anyone suffering from migraines and/or headaches:
Yk how there are these spots on your body that if pressed stop your headache/migraine? Just take one of those wooden clippy things and clip them on either your nose bridge or the space between your thumb and your index finger, that way you can use both your hands and still be painfree :D
Example of a wooden clip I'm referring to (ca. 4cm):
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And the spots that work for me:
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foulanddead · 3 months
Can anyone from Tumblr tell me why tf I feel so awful? I have medical issues going on and all of my doctors keep sending me to more doctors who send me to more doctors and at this I'm pulling money out of my ass. I tell them what's wrong with me and they look at me like a bumbling idiot.
I'm in so much pain I quite literally want to die plus the seizures that have no EEG activity. I literally have a book of symptoms I give to all of my doctors.
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muckyschmuck · 10 months
i’m so fucking excited for T!!!! my planned parenthood appointment is at the end of the month. i’ll be doing sub q injections i’m pretty sure. i was wondering, if anyone’s equipped to answer, how much testosterone can i buy at once? i’ve tried to google buying T in bulk but unshockingly the only results have to do with Bulking Muslces on T and stuff related, lol. i live in California and i’ll be paying out of pocket for the appointment and stuff, and i’ll try to use goodrx too if the pharmacy allows it, but i noticed on the goodrx app that i can make my quantity like, 12 vials? is that just there because? or can i actually purchase 12 vials to shirk going into the pharmacy frequently? obviously i’m fine w asking planned parenthood or the pharmacy when tbe time comes, but any advice or tips or help here would also be very appreciated
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bootleg-nessie · 7 months
Performing CPR by repeatedly jumping on the person’s chest with both feet
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