#Survival MD
houseswife · 1 month
wilson saying “I need to do this. for you.” is fucking insane actually. in the same episode where house is deciding whether or not he should commit suicide as a result of wilson’s dying. They are each other’s lines between life and death. humans have a biological instinct to preserve their survival at all costs; house has an addiction that governs his life. but they were willing to forgo all of it for one another, because they couldn’t fathom it being any other way. IM SICK
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gjesse · 10 months
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he in fact did outlast every single one of wilson's hetero love interests. and wilson also outlasted house's. i wonder what that says about them 🤔
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thankstothe · 8 months
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thebatcreature · 2 months
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Now you don't really need to look at Cameron like that
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egonkula · 27 days
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been missing my goob
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charliewrites99 · 1 month
People who call every ship that has a little bit of hostility or is slightly fucked up, problematic and toxic, would not survive hilson or any house md ship.
The healthiest ship had a guy fake the drug trial his girlfriend was in and then fired her so he wouldn't lose his role as the leader of the team.
And the second healthiest is between the same guy and another guy who he claimed to have hated and also the other guy killed a dictator and had the first guy cover it up.
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holy trinity of plot amor
(also i love how in My Babysitters a Vampire they give Erica a truck load of blood, and yet she still eats that wrestler three episodes later; Hannibal wishes he served food as well as Erica serves cunt.)
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jameswilsonmybeloved · 5 months
Spoilers: ending of House md
It's comforting to me to know that Hugh Laurie said House was not long for this world as well, and the director and others saying that season 8 would be the last.
Wilson is always there. He'll leave sometimes, or won't be there for a couple of episodes (months or a year in House timelime), but he comes back. It is clear throughout the story that there is no House without Wilson. House cannot exist without Wilson in the narrative, and it's beautiful that the show ends with the both of them riding off into the sunset. Season 9 cannot exist because if Wilson isn't there, then House won't be either.
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realbeefman · 7 months
i just think the idea of. house, who always takes, who can be so deeply selfish, literally giving his blood, giving himself to feed vampire!wilson and wilson, who is so repressed, who bends over backwards to accommodate everyone around him finally taking, indulging, savoring the flavor of love on his tongue. “blooddrinking is a doing verb” or whatever the quote is
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barryroyco · 9 months
oh me? up all night haunted by the idea of house having to spend all day every day for months dreading the day? picturing him laying awake, watching wilson breathe, unable to stop himself from thinking about the eventuality that soon he won’t be anymore, hearing a concerning sound in his lungs and resisting the urge to shake him awake, being tired yet unable to sleep because he’s afraid he’ll be needed, not wanting wilson to know how scared he is, not having anyone to lean on through the stress because the person he normally would have is the one he soon will no longer have?????? yeah
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houseswife · 5 months
listen I honestly think wilson really enjoyed that little arc where he was cooking every single one of house’s meals. I know he’s house’s main source of food anyway but usually just via ‘stolen’/bought lunch at work. I’m talking about when they lived together in season 2 and his ass made macadamia nut pancakes for breakfast on a WEEKDAY. and pot roast for dinner. so much effort and for what…because house was gobbling that shit up…? yes he complained about it every time but he also had an extra fork on hand when house came home to stuffed peppers. it feeds into his need to be needed complex. the intimate dependency of someone relying on you for sustenance. also why they used food as the metaphor for why house was craving his presence. this is what I mean when I say that wilson deserved a housewife era. house went stir crazy within like 12 seconds of doing all their chores because he requires Stimulation™️ but I’m completely convinced that it would act as enrichment for wilson. if I told him to go make me a sandwich he’d roll his eyes and then passive aggressively make a delicious one. actually that literally happened in son of a coma guy. case closed
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gur0slvt · 9 months
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do robots even need to stretch
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thankstothe · 2 months
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a fair price
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thebatcreature · 3 months
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They would have made terrible dads <3
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triocat · 1 year
Once I have enough internet I’m gonna play back Doll yeeting Khan to wall and try to figure out if she actually used the solver on him. I watched it again and I think she only used it on the door and not on him.
Also he was literally thrown so hard that he gets stuck in it yet is perfectly fine apart from gaining a raspy voice (we see that drones can die easily like how James managed to kill one with silverware or Braidon killing someone with a simple arrow, so clearly Khan is weirdly far more durable.)
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atomicradiogirl · 6 months
i’m about to watch broken i am mentally prepared for the lin manuel miranda cameo but like i still think i am not prepared enough
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