#by denying them you contribute to transphobia even if you yourself are trans hope that helps
volvolts · 1 year
In order to be nonbinary according to twitter is to look like a fucking fantasy elf
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panbelacqua · 7 years
Ur So Str8 - An Attempt To Number Innumerable Flaws
A critical look at Katy Perry’s “Ur So Gay” (2008) Right off the bat, we open the portcullis into Katy Perry's 'quirky' and edgy sense of humour. With the opening lines,  "I hope you hang yourself with your H&M scarf/ While jacking off listening to Mozart", we  are hit with a double whammy of questionable decisions. We begin with Katy simultaneously mocking gay fashion, and suicide-baiting a man she calls gay. While calling for someone to kill themselves is inherently questionable, to specifically call for gay suicide is horrific. According to the article "School climate, individual support, or both? Gay straight alliances and the mental health of sexual minority youth", published in the School Social Work Journal during March 2013, LGBT youth attempt suicide at massively increased rates. In schools with GSAs, 16.9% of LGBT youth reported at least one attempt, and that number jumped to 33.1% in schools without.
The mockery of fashion (scarves, here) is a dig at gay vanity, which is a distinguishing visual key which gets us killed. According to http://www.stopstreetharassment.org/resources/statistics/, around 90% of gay/bi men noted harassment in public. This change in fashion is an obvious visual-identifier, and Katy is once more calling back a desire that we would die. The jab at 'jacking off listening to Mozart' is just some added salt in the wound, as she demeans our sexual proclivities, and links them to our deaths.
We're going to skip ahead to the chorus here, because the intervening lines are mostly drivel. "You’re so gay and you don’t even like boys" - Katy makes sure to reiterate these words over and over so often that they just about lose meaning, becoming a sort of obsessive mantra that she attempts to drum into her own skull. Beyond reeking of someone attempting to trick themselves into believing a lie, we dredge up something incredibly ugly. Homophobic rape, the UN-proposed broader alternative to the term corrective rape (coined by lesbians to talk about their specific experiences) is a massive issue affecting gay men, and denial of m/m attraction as carrying validity is one of the contributing factors - of course, these men just need to see that they don't really like boys, and a woman can show them the way.
"You’re so sad maybe you should buy a happy meal/ You’re so skinny you should really Super Size the deal", once more, depression amongst gay men is mocked, and this time, Perry adds another insidous blow. https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/eating-disorders-lgbt-populations Gay men are at least 12 times more susceptible to eating disorders than their heterosexual counterparts, so this throwaway line about eating and weight is just another stick to add to the pile. A pattern is starting to emerge. Rather than mocking someone for 'being feminine', as many have claimed, Katy is deliberately going after a 'heterosexual' man by using problems faced by gay men.
"Secretly you’re so amused/ That nobody understands you" a minor thing, but the concept of 'smug gays' bringing on their own assaults plays into the next set of lines, "I’m so mean cause I cannot get you outta your head/ I’m so angry cause you’d rather MySpace instead" in which the pussing wound of a supposedly human being that is Katy Perry blatantly admits to feeling aggression that a gay man won't give her the time of day. The comment is pretty explicit: he doesn't feel romantic attraction towards me, I feel entitled to this, and this fills me with rage.
During the next chorus, we see the 'gay man who doesn't like boys' turn down what seems to be an advance by our woman doll protagonist, in order to go off with another man, all while Perry narrates his 'true' inclinations. The male doll makes an obvious choice, looking between the two options before leaving the woman doll. We see this doll undergo a makeover, and cut back to her social media, which identifies her as Katy - any actions by the doll can now be taken as actions Katy herself would take. She uses social media to lure him to her house, while she 'sings', "You walk around like you’re oh so debonair/ You pull ‘em down and there’s really nothing there/ I wish you would just be real with me". This is mostly rehashed garbage. Once more, gay men being effeminate is derided, and Katy once more attacks the notion that any gay feelings are genuine. She makes sure to throw in some transphobia however, in commenting that there's nothing there - equating maleness to possessing a penis, so she's really making me question whether she deserves her pulse.
We see the two sitting on a couch, with the boy doll holding wine. He moves closer to doll-Katy, which seems to raise the notion that he's not gay, after all. However, in an ugly, jittery, sequence, we see him imbibe in drink after drink, all seemingly alcholic, while the camera becomes blurry. His view of Katy fades in and out, and it is worth noting that she has had nothing to drink. And for lack of a better word, doll-Katy attempts to sexually assault him, calling back homophobic rape above, all while her grating, harpy-esque tones attempt to convince the audience that he's not really gay. The boy doll is sprawled and takes no action, while doll-Katy undresses him. We see that, being a Barbie, he has a plastic protrusion, but no penis. Doll-Katy throws up her hands, and the song finishes with "No you don’t even like… PENIS". So, once more, incredibly transphobic, reducing trans men, once more, to their genitalia, and denying them identification as men.
All in all? A horrible, annoying, homophobic, transphobic, ugly piece of shit.
And the song's no better.
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