#by hannagh
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Countdown to Season 6  —  Day 5
Endless Bellamy Blake (95/?)
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b99network · 5 years
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The Human Form of the 💯
Thank you Chelsea.
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bellameblake · 6 years
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“Who we are, and who we need to be to survive are very different things.”
Happy birthday @flawlessbellamy!!
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flawlessbellamy · 5 years
Just a reminder that Beliza is a real couple and Bellarke is the fictional one and tagging bellarke as beliza or vice versa show an inability to separate fiction from reality and a lack of respect for the actors.
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wankadi · 5 years
🌺 🌺 well done on your follower count you deserve it!
Hannagh! Thank you so much, you're my follow forever! (I love being fresh mutuals)🧡🧡
🌺 Quote from the script on your header? Killed me? Like instantly? You've always had this eye-pleasing content and theme, I adore it! And your posts make me smile, simply as that!♥️
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littlemermaiids · 6 years
one of my favorite things to do on Wednesday early mornings is watch @flawlessbellamy watch the new episode and receive multiple “NO”’s and “WHAT IS HAPPENING” texts. It’s like watching a train crash in slow motion
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linctavia · 7 years
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Happy Birthday @flawlessbanshee!!
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niylah · 6 years
im very proud of you
I don’t know what prompted this but I love you 💜
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captainsantiagos · 7 years
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countdown to season 5 [b99 week] day one: favourite season → season one
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frogsprince · 6 years
flawlessbanshee replied to your post “apparently my body should be getting 3l of water every day literally h...”
water bottle. One of the big ones you carry with you and refill? I drink like 2 of them a day easily. I mean i always need to pee but im hydrated.
but like what kind of water bottle. the normal plastic one you buy in a store or like a Custom One but then again arent those like only 500ml anyway I HAVE A LOT OF QUESTIONS
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✻Day 10 of the 12 Days of Bellamy Blake✻
Endless Bellamy Blake (80/?)
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b99network · 6 years
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You’re married 💖
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bellameblake · 6 years
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Ooh, say you're mine Ooh, take me higher
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bellamyblake · 7 years
Headcanons for the delinquents figuring out bellarke are secretly sleeping together, requested by @tracylorde.
they start sleeping with each other a few days after they go on their Day trip mission and bring home the guns; the tension that built itself while they were in the bunker, suddenly bursts out in the most unexpected of occasions: when Bellamy and his hunting party were a day late to come home because of a storm that has blocked their way;
when they finally, finally make their way home, Bellamy is drenched from the rain; his feet are cold since his boots were torn, his jacket definitely is not keeping him warm and his messy hair is stuck to his forehead in a really weird and unpleasant-feeling way; he was shivering and was the last one to come through the gates, sending all the kids to change and get warm while he locked up behind them;
he definitely didn’t expect Clarke rushing to him and hugging him from behind; she squeezes so hard, he feels like she’s breaking a rib (which already hurt because he had fallen down a hill due to the fucking mud);
“Princess?” he mocked when she finally let him go and turned around to see her angry but relieved face; she didn’t respond, which surprised him, but she did take his hand and started dragging him to her tent which was located near the dropship, far away from the others;
“Clarke?” he asks again when they’re finally in and before he can question her on what’s going on, her lips are on his mouth and she’s pulling his wet jacket away; needless to say they end up on her cot and the whole time while they are undressing each other, she’s scolding him for being a stupid idiot while at the same time she’s driving her hands up and down his wet torso; he can’t figure out if she’s yelling so loud so that if anyone’s near, they can think they’re having just a regular argument or because she actually cares about him;
he decides it’s the first;
after they’re done, however, he tries to leave, but she pushes him down and presses her hot body to his cold one, dragging her hand over the bruise on his ribs “I’m checking this out tomorrow” she states and he doesn’t argue because he doesn’t want to;
he leaves before dawn so that no one suspects anything; after that, however, they can’t seem to be able to keep their hands off each other; just later that same day they repeated their tent fiasco more than once in medbay and Bellamy was more than thankful that none of the kids decided they need a splinter taken off their finger or something of the sort;
it becomes a regular thing and at first things are more about lust and want but with time, they change; they change the night she wakes up from a nightmare screaming her father’s name and he’s there to hold her and dry her tears; they change when her hands carefully wrap a bandage around his broken ribs; they change when he pushes down half his ration in her plate, because she’s paler today than she was yesterday; they change when his hand finds hers after another three kids get killed by Trikru;
then having loud smutty dirty sex becomes making love in secret because they don’t feel comfortable explaining their complicated relationship to the kids when they haven’t figured everything out themselves;
the only big problem with that: Clarke was too damn loud
the first time someone suspects something is when Jasper’s a bit too high on jobi nuts and passes by Clarke’s tent on his way to take a piss in the bushes; he stops for a second, listens to the sounds, raises an eyebrow and when he realizes who it is, after hearing a very low grunt from Bellamy, he runs back to the group and flashes his hands as if he had discovered warm water;
they dismiss him though, saying it’s all part of his imagination and because he’s so obsessed with Team Bellarke getting together that he’s coming up with things just to shit with them;
however when Miller heads to Bellamy’s tent early one morning because he’s late and they should’ve been out there hunting already and he hears his friend giggling, he takes a big step back and freezes; Was Bellamy Blake actually laughing?;
fear makes him wanna take another step back;
curiosity pushes him forward and when he hears Bellamy say “You’re not playing fair, princess, you can’t tickle me where I have bruises, it hurts!” he blushes, knowing he’s interrupting something intimate and then seeing the shadows of Bellamy’s body moving over hers, he wishes he could erase the picture off his mind; then he runs to the rest of the delinquents;
“It’s true!” he blabs out “Jasper was right!”
then they start placing bets, which is what makes everything all the more realistic; they are trying to figure out how long will it be before they actually tell them what’s going on; Jasper is of course the appointed treasurer of all bets placed; he keeps everything written down in a notebook and hides the objects in a secret spot known only to him; most of the delinquents are participating, especially knowing how many bets they were and that whoever wins, won’t really get money but will have a nice warm blanket, a piece of pretty good tent tarp, will be off latrine duty for the next three months or can get off the hunting party during the winter;
of course there are people like Raven who just flat out declares this thing insanity, but a month into it, she finds Jasper and shoves two radios in his hand with the words “I’m winning this thing!”
Bellamy and Clarke don’t figure something’s different right away but a few weeks after Miller finds out and lets everyone know, they often intercept certain glances thrown their way; Clarke keeps getting subtle remarks while she’s patching some of the kids up and Jasper and Monty won’t stop commenting on Bellamy’s tiredness, using the word exhaustion way more often than it’s even comfortable for Bellamy;
finally none of the kids win, because Bellamy and Clarke find Jasper’s secret hiding place when they’re trying to have sex; they’re stumbling through the medbay storage room where Clarke kept all the medicine when Bellamy pushes her up the wall for a lack of space when the metal falls through and she almost falls in something that looks like a hole in the wall;
no matter how long they look at it they can’t figure out what all these things are doing here; there were stuff from blankets to a pretty good tooth brush and a bra that Clarke wished was her as well as some decent underwear she joked would look great on Bellamy;
when they gather everyone around camp and see the sheepish look in Jasper’s eyes they make them spill it out;
Bellamy is mad out of his mind at first “Placing bets?? On you and me? Is our relationship a fucking football game, Clarke!”/”Calm down, Bellamy, the kids were just having fun!”/”Having fun!!!! This is not what I call having fun!”/”You don’t like it just because it’s on your account!” she huffs but she’s really rather enjoying herself as she sees him walk up and down the dropship, fingers dug in his hair, pulling slightly at it while he spilled threats and promised to “knock some sense in their skinny asses and thick big heads” ;
finally Clarke stops him with a hand on his elbow; he turns to look at her and softens the minute he sees the gentle smile on her face “Bell, what are we gonna tell them?” he places his hand on her neck and pulls her to his chest;
“I think it’s high time the world knew you are my girlfriend, wouldn’t you agree?” she chuckles and hugs him close, almost breaking another rib, because she loves him so much;
then hand in hand, they come out of the dropship;
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littlemermaiids · 6 years
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“ what kind of shape is sociopathic bitch? ”
Happy Holidays @flawlessbanshee
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tophbiefong · 7 years
5x03 is titled “Sleeping Giants” - what if the “giants” they’re referring to are the Exodus ship people who were cryogenically frozen, and are now waking up? 
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