#by hutchhitched
promptsinpanem · 2 years
The Ribbon Binds
Summary: Katniss almost loses everything, but a simple gift given to her beloved sister reminds her that life goes on and that it can be good again, especially with Peeta by her side.
Rating: M 
Prompt: Round 3, Day 1 (Canon Items: Lady’s Pink Ribbon)
  A warm, humid breeze sweeps through the little house in the Seam as the late afternoon sun hangs in the west. Prim’s chattering to her ragdoll in the bedroom she shares with Katniss, and their mother hums in the kitchen as she mixes oil and flour from the tesserae with her hands.
The pink ribbon is hot in her damp hand, and Katniss shifts it to the other so she can wipe her palm dry. After all it took to get it, she doesn’t want to ruin the best gift she’s managed to find for her sister since their father died and everything changed. The ribbon is both extravagant and practical depending on how Prim chooses to use it. If she ties back her own hair, then Katniss will be pleased. More likely, she’ll tease the cat with it and turn it into a useless toy. Either way, Katniss vows not to criticize. This is a gift, and that means she doesn’t have a right to dictate how it’s utilized once it’s been given.
Prim’s face lights up like the face of the moon at its fullest. Smiling widely, she hugs Katniss and squeals her delight before rushing out to the pen behind the house and tying the pink ribbon around her pet goat Lady’s neck. Choking back her irritation, Katniss smiles fondly because this makes Prim happy, and there’s nothing more important than that.
Everything’s gray in District 13, no color anywhere, which is probably why Katniss can’t help wincing every time she glances at Prim’s leftover belongings that sit there on the countertop in the room they used to share.
The pink ribbon is there, tangled in among her hairbrush full of long strands of golden silk that Katniss can’t bear to pluck out and discard. The fact that it’s here in District 13 and not amid the ashes of District 12 is a clear indication that Prim was better than all of them and the last person who deserved to die. When Katniss asks Gale—which she manages to do only through gritted teeth and scalding tears—he confirms that Prim saved Buttercup and Lady as the district’s residents fled and only set her goat free when she realized that the forest would be a safe haven for a foraging animal.
Calloused fingertips run over the faded material and trace the frayed edges. Ragged nails and tough cuticles snag on the threads, and she has to pull her hand back to refrain from ruining it. There’s no reason to do this—no motive to preserve something that belonged to someone no longer living—but she can’t bear to part with it. Her father’s hunting jacket is a different story. It’s practical, at least. What will she do with a tattered ribbon that used to decorate the neck of an animal?
Her mother finds her there, curled in a fetal position and rocking back and forth on the floor. There’s no comfort, no empathy. Her mother can’t handle more than she’s already endured. Katniss doesn’t expect her to, but it doesn’t make her own grief any less painful.
Eventually, she falls asleep. When she wakes, the pink ribbon is nowhere to be found.
Peeta restores Prim to her, but not in any way Katniss imagines. One day he shows up outside her house and brings the sun back with him. Ashy blonde waves tumbling over his forehead, he holds primrose bushes in his hands and lets her know she’s not alone.
It takes a long time, months longer than most of the townspeople expect, but she’s never really done anything when another expects her to anyway. Even Haymitch gives the two of them looks designed to express his impatience. Unlike everyone else, Peeta doesn’t rush her, doesn’t push, and that’s probably why she trusts him as soon as she does. Then again, Peeta’s always been better than most people she knows, and, just like Prim, he deserves better than what the Capitol did to him.
When he moves in, he shares her bed. It’s the two of them against the world. They face life together—just as they did as tributes. It’s his idea to go through every room of the house and get rid of anything she hates, much of which she does simply because the Capitol provided it when she moved to Victor’s Village.
When she opens the box labeled only with a scrawled 13 on the top, she blinks against tears that refuse to stop flowing. Prim’s hairbrush is there, along with other little items that spark a million memories. She picks through them all, holding each one tightly before moving onto another. Each evokes both pain and joy.
She’s just about to close the box and put it back in the attic when she spies it—the ragged pink ribbon she thought she’d lost back in District 13. With trembling hands, she tugs it from under the other belongings and wraps it around her palm. She only unwinds it when Peeta leads her to bed and tucks her in with a gentle kiss to her forehead.
Peeta paints her with the ribbon in her hair. It’s silly and touching and sweet, and Peeta does it because he wants a visual representation of her with Prim. He’s thoughtful that way—always making life better with his special brand of creative calm. Working at the bakery keeps him busy during the days, but he trudges home through the snow-filled streets every afternoon and spends the evening with her. Sometimes they cook together. More often, he locks himself away in his art studio for an hour and then joins her by the fire. That’s how he finishes her portrait and surprises her with it as the snow falls outside and hot chocolate warms her insides.
Touched and humbled, she traces her fingers over the paint and marvels at the care and consideration he put into her gift. Just like he does everything. Exactly the same as he will with her when she gives him the signal.
She does that night. Looking at him with love shining in her eyes, she holds out her hand and leads him up the stairs and to their room. Clothes fall, skin is bared, and hungry lips find each other in a frantic rush. When he lowers her onto the bed, she welcomes him on top of her, inside her, under her. Moving with him, she moans into his ear as he pumps and thrusts and gasps her name. He smells of dill and cinnamon and tastes of cocoa and marshmallows.
When he rolls over, she rides him, rearing back and slamming down in desperation. She wants more, needs every part of him. His rough palms slide over her sweaty body. His fingers stroke and pinch until she can’t hold back the cry that tears from her throat. Pulsing around him, she rocks her hips. Her orgasm rolls through her, and she smears the evidence of her climax on his fevered skin.
Eyes closed, bottom lip caught under his teeth, pale skin flushed pink, wet hair sticking to his forehead, he digs his fingers into her thighs and arches his back. Heat floods into her, scalding her insides and claiming her as his. When she collapses next to him, he pulls her close and rakes his fingers through her hair. Warm and sated, she closes her eyes and gives thanks that she never has to let him go.
Their daughter is born nine months later. She’s perfect as far as both of them are concerned. With Peeta’s blue eyes and her dark hair, she’s the best of both of them and doesn’t deserve anything bad thing that might happen to her.
When she’s two weeks old and Katniss can finally put her down without fear of losing her, Peeta suggests a photo shoot. Of all the memories that war in her head, the birth of her daughter is one she wants to stick, so she agrees.
It’s Peeta who brings out the frayed, faded, pink ribbon and ties it around their daughter’s ankle. Balking at first, Katniss reaches for it, almost desperate to yank it free, but then the baby blinks open her eyes and looks right into her mother’s. They’re Peeta’s, but the blue is so similar to Prim’s that Katniss can almost imagine this child, the one she birthed, is her younger sister. The ribbon binds the past with the present and gives hope for the future. It’s a special moment, one she won’t ever forget.
Stroking over the material with her thumb, Katniss can’t help the single tear that escapes and trails down her cheek, but it’s one of joy. She shouldn’t criticize. However, Peeta wants to dress their daughter for the commemoration of her birth should be the way it’s done. Using the ribbon makes Peeta happy, and there’s nothing more important than that.
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seasonsofeverlark · 2 years
That’s Not Your Seat
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Author: @hutchhitched​
Prompt: Hi, my birthday is August 25th, and I’d like to read about Everlark and travel, either meeting while traveling and falling in love or traveling together as a couple (AU or Canon-compliant). OR I’d like to read about Katniss and Peeta (canon or AU) celebrating an anniversary. Thank you! <3 [submitted by @jhsgf82​]
Rating: G
Author’s Note: Believe it or not, this happened to me when I flew back from Canada after visiting @xerxia31​ before the pandemic started. The guy, who very kindly put me at ease after messing up my seat assignment twice, and I still exchange the occasional email. I figured it was the perfect time to turn that experience into fanfic.
Happy birthday, sweet friend! Wishing a very happy new decade. You deserve all the best. _________________
Katniss tries to make herself smaller than she already is as she hurries down the aisle, all the while avoiding the eyes of her fellow passengers. There’s something unnerving about trying to find the right seat while others watch—usually with suspicion and a wary eye.
Flopping into her seat, she glances sideways at the man next to her. He’s handsome but clearly uninterested in talking to her. With an internal shrug, she pulls her water from her bag and settles in for the flight.
“Excuse me,” says a voice in the aisle, “I think you’re in my seat.”
For a split second, Katniss has no idea that the woman in the aisle is speaking to her. When she realizes, she flushes bright red and digs her boarding pass out of her pocket to check the seat assignment. Realizing she’s read it incorrectly, she flushes from embarrassment at having sat down on the wrong side of the aisle. Muttering her apology, she scrambles to gather her belongings and plops into the seat across from where she was just sitting.
“Now you’re in my seat,” another woman announces.
Trying desperately not to sink into the floor, Katniss checks her boarding pass again and is horrified to realize that, not only has she sat down on the wrong side of the plane, she’s also in the wrong aisle. Mumbling a profuse apology, she finally sinks into the correct seat and shoves her belongings into place as her face flames and skin crawls.
“Are you sure this is your seat?”
The low rumble of her seatmate’s voice washes over her, and she raises her head to fix a steely gaze on him. Fully prepared to shoot a sarcastic barb his way, Katniss almost swallows her tongue at the sight of the man next to her. Broad shoulders and thick thighs matched with wavy blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes make her mouth water, and she has to work hard to be sure her mouth doesn’t gape open widely.
“Oh, God. Am I wrong again?” she finally manages to sputter as her heart sinks. There’s only so much humiliation a person can take before spontaneously combusting.
A bark of laughter answers her question before the beautiful vision reassures her, “No, I don’t think so. I’m sorry. That was a poorly timed joke. I’m Peeta, by the way.”
For a moment, she wonders if she should offer her hand to shake, but it’s not needed when the two of them are pressed together in the tiny confines of a small plane. Peeta’s trunk-like thigh presses against her much smaller one, and his arm rests next to hers. The sheer force of his smile is almost blinding, and she can’t help but gulp when his eyes flit down to her mouth.
“Katniss,” she sputters after several long seconds of her staring at him. “I’m Katniss.”
“What an unusual name.”
Before she can think, she blurts, “I’m named after a potato.”
Peeta blinks at her for several seconds before nodding slowly. “I see.”
Ducking her head, she berates herself silently for sounding like a total moron. It only takes her a split second to make a decision, and she tugs her wallet free and flips it open to grab a business card. Thrusting it at him, she attempts to defend herself.
“I’m really not an idiot,” she insists. “I know I’ve given you nothing but a terrible idea of who I am in the past few minutes, but you can see from my business card that I’m a fairly intelligent responsible person.”
As he studies the card she’s handed him, his eyebrows raise as he scans the information. Eventually, he nods and squeaks, “Well, your degree and job title seem to support that. I’m impressed.”
Determined to keep him interested and improve his image of her, she launches into a humorous story about collecting soil samples that ends with him giggling silently until his ears burn bright pink from trying to stay quiet. The flight passes quickly as they chat, and it’s not long before the fasten seatbelt sign is illuminated and the plane begins its descent.
“Is this home?” he asks as they land and taxi on the runway.
With a quick shake of her head, she realizes she’s running out of time, and the little flutter in her chest is enough to make her want to extend their time together. “No, I’m just connecting here. How about you?”
“Connecting through to Pittsburgh. Headed home for my parent’s anniversary.”
“Ah. Nashville. Sister’s birthday,” she explains.
As they gather their possessions and wait for the passengers seated toward the front of the aircraft to deplane, Peeta leans over and murmurs quietly, “You know, if you missed your plane, we’d have more time to talk.”
A wide smile spreads over her face, but she knows that’s not something she can afford to do. Her baby sister is waiting, and she can’t disappoint Prim. Still, there’s something about this guy, and she doesn’t want to let Peeta go. Unfortunately, there’s no choice if she wants to get home without spending a night at the airport. After a quick hug and a wave goodbye, she trudges to her gate and straight onto the plane that’s already begun boarding by the time she gets there.
This time she finds her seat with no problem and tugs her phone out to quickly check social media and send her sister a message with her arrival information. Instead, she’s thrilled to find a notification for a new email from one peetamellarkbakes. Eagerly, she pulls up the message and reads it as she bites on her bottom lip. She barely has time to get through it when the front doors close and she’s forced to turn her phone to airplane mode. Still, the warm feeling from his words keeps her giddy all the way to Nashville where her sister waits with open arms.
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geekymoviemom · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Ahh, thank you so much for the ask! ♥️ I’ve actually never done one of these before 😆
Shockingly, I actually do have a fic of mine that is a definite Number 1, my superfamily fic Forty-Seven Flat. I’d been toying with the idea of writing this fic for a couple of years, as a way of working through some personal baggage that I’d been carrying around since I was a teenager, and I finally just decided to bite the bullet and do it. I had absolutely no qualms that anyone would be interested in a fic about swimming, and so was completely floored not only by the overwhelmingly positive response that the story received, but also how cathartic it was for me to finally write it ♥️
The rest of my faves are in no particular order, as per usual 😆
* Pieces of Echoes, my very first superfamily fic ♥️ 💙 ♥️
* Fire Beats Roses, Everlark arranged marriage fic 🧡 💚
* Across the Worlds, Anidala post-ROTJ AU 💙 ♥️
* Tie between Immovable Mountains and The Phoenix Project, both superfamily ♥️ 💙 ♥️
Thank you so much for the ask, this was fun! 💖
Tagging: @mega-aulover @herogers @mollywog @endlessnightlock @hutchhitched @mtk4fun and anyone else who would like to participate 💖
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sohypothetically · 3 months
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Post 5: Girls Night Out
The stats:
2 years from first published to complete
300,000 words
8 couples (10 if you include Hayffie)
2 main OCs (original characters)
29 pages of outline
So many euphemisms
So much food
So much research
So much research
The fic changed my perception of Gale completely
First person
So, so much smut
Mr. Mellark lives!
If there's one criticism... it might be verbs. Or maybe that the first part feels a little too "crack fic" and ambles too much.
This fic changed my life. It changed how I felt about the fandom, my place in it, and my writing.
Contemporary A/U. Johanna Mason copes with a breakup the only way she knows how: going on a man-hunt. She brings her roommate Katniss Everdeen with her and the rest is frat party history. Rated M for explicit language, sexual innuendo, and general snarkiness. Written for Prompts in Panem Places Challenge, Prompt: Frat House. (Ships: Jo/other, Everlark, Gadge, Odesta)Rated: Fiction M - English - Humor/Romance 
GNO Tumblr
For more about the genesis of this fic, read the Tolkien Food Blog description below the cut.
I'm going to apologize because I'm pretty sure my Anon response earlier sounded like sour grapes. Boohoo that I wasn't in the inner circle and that I wasn't regarded as one of the top 50 Everlark authors. So what?
I mention it because I think it's important to understand my headspace when I talk about this next fi. Where it came from and where it led me.
So it was March of 2013. I'm on the periphery of a fandom that was so freaking talented. HGRomance, Atetheredmind, Court81981, Dustwriter, Amelia_Day, DandelionSunset, Fnurfnur, Misshoneywell, Peetasbunmyoven, Annieoakley1, hutchhitched, jhutchmyanchor, Everlark_Pearl, JLaLa, Monroeslittle, Sponsormusings, Xerxia, pookieh, louezem, bleedtoloveher, katnissdoesnotfollowback, streetlightlove, famousfremus... the list of phenomenal Everlarkers went on for days.
We would regularly have something called "Prompts in Panem". (You can check this out at promptsinpanem.tumblr.com.) These were, well, what they sound like. Pre-A03 fic exchanges based on prompts. It ran for a week, with each day having a new prompt. Everlark only. They prompts would release maybe a week in advance? I don't remember how long, but I know that it was a Bacchanalian festival where we would gorge ourselves on all things Everlark. Creative. Full of pressure. The goal was to put out something that people would read and comment on. It was all about buzz. (To be clear, I miss these.)
At the same time, I was reading other bits and pieces outside of Everlark. Whiskeysnarker, who wrote the best Johanna Mason. Hawtsee, one of the best Gadgers. I beta'd for an Odesta author.
PIP started and I knew that there was nothing I had in my quiver that wasn't going to be done 100 times better by every other author in the fandom. I didn't have an angle, and I wanted one. I wanted something that would make for interesting reading. I had no ideas.
So I did what every writer does when experiencing a doubt-spiral. I poured myself a glass of wine. And one glass became two. I cried. Then I got mad, sort of like Katniss when she shoots the apple in the pig's mouth in THG. And I heard a voice in my head berating me stridently for my pity party. That voice became the voice of Johanna Mason for GNO. And let me tell you, she doesn't suffer fools. And she has opinions.
Everlark through the eyes of another? And that person is Johanna? And it starts at a frat party? Hell, yeah.
It was only ever supposed to be a one shot. And then honeylime08 made a comment about wanting more.
The rest is history.
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mega-aulover · 1 year
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So We've been doing this for 4 months and I wanted to take a second to congratulate you all for working on your stories even if you did this with us for 1 week that is a victory.
I want you to give yourself a treat (ice cream, chips, chocolate, a new handbag, new pair of shoes -ect.) It's not easy sitting down and facing that blank page or not being able to come up with a single word. I really want to congratulate you, well done.
Also, life is tough and some have been busy, some have had babies, some are in college, teaching, you got sick, leading a wily bunch of old people (that would be me), dealing with inlaws, children, vacations, and dealt with all sorts of things. And yet you took time out to write.
So from all of us readers thank you.
I'll be here if you need a word of encouragement or a flirty how you doing...let me know I'm here to cheer you on...anything you need to carry on.
@hayffiebird @mollywog @lemonluvgirl @endlessnightlock @norbertsmom @wistfulweaver2woman @professionalfangrrl @mtk4fun @dandelionlovesyou @wendywobbles @alwayseverlark @jhsgf82 @lollercakesff @safeinpeetasarms @alexa-santi-author @broken-everlark @pitualba2015 @hutchhitched& anyone else I might have missed forgive me it's been a lot of weeks.
ps I wrote...3,445...how you do?
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pitualba2015 · 5 months
Get to know you
I was tagged by my @norbertsmom
Tag game: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
Last song: Currently listening The Ecstasy of Gold by Ennio Morricone from the Spaghetti Western classic The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.
Currently watching: Just starting to watch the first episode of Hawkeye (I know, I'm waay behind in the mcu)
Three ships: Everlark, Kathony, Dramione
Favorite color: Red
Currently consuming: Strawberry Margarita
First ship: Everlark
Relationship status: Rather not answer
Last movie: Napoleon with Joaquin Phoenix 😍
Currently working on: My yet to be posted multichapter everlark fic. Inspiration got me on this right now. I promise to start posting it by the end of this month.
I would like to tag @xerxia31 @katnissdoesnotfollowback @mrspeetamellark @everlarkedalways @infinitegraces @optimistic-ginger @hutchhitched @muttpeeta @xerxia31
Thanks @norbertsmom for the tag 😘
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hutchhitched · 1 year
50,000th post
After a decade, this post is my 50,000th for hutchhitched. Decided not to let it go by unrecognized. In conjunction with this, here's an update on Everlark fanfic.
I currently have seven WIPs I have every intention of finishing. There are others, but I'm not sure if I'll be expanding on finished one shots that could use more story. Of the seven I intend to finish, six should be done by the end of the year. They are the following:
We Wish Real (posting in June/July) for @daydreamsandcaffeine, @alwayseverlark, and @jhsgf82 for @sunflower-auction
The Worst Day (posting in September) for @wipbigbang
Code Name: Mockingjay (posting in August/September) for @wipbigbang
Feed the Beast (posting in August/September) for @wipbigbang
The Spot and The Game (posting in September/October) for @wipbigbang
One Date Can't Hurt (posting in December)
@mega-aulover, My apologies for being terrible at keeping up with the Dead WIPs Society. I'll be better starting in May.
Also, all four stories for the WIP Big Bang are available for art if an Everlark artist would like to collab. I'd be very appreciative. I can provide information about the bang for any interested artist. Art claims will begin on June 17.
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 9 months
Teen and Up Rated Fics Masterlist (2)
Part 1
Created: September 1st, 2023
Last Checked:---
Check Mark Kiss-VanillaCottonCandy (AO3)
Summary: Katniss learns more about what they did to Peeta in the Capitol and sets out to try and make him better. Non - Hijacked Peeta AU. Sequel to Haunted Heart.
"Come Get You Man, Nothing's Wrong, He Just Misses You."-alwaysmypearl (Tumblr)
Summary: Post-mockingjay, canon compliant. Katniss POV. A phone call that occurs with Johanna, Annie, Peeta, and Katniss when Peeta goes to visit Annie, Finn, and Jo with Katniss staying behind in Twelve. Fluff.
Co-Workers Drabble-booksrockmyface (Tumblr)
Summary: Peeta and Katniss work at an animal shelter together and after work one evening Peeta asks Katniss to hang out and have burgers at his house with him. Fluff.
Confessions-endlessnightlock (AO3)
Summary: Cross-posting from Tumblr, based on an Anon Prompt: "You're in a coma, and I confess my feelings, only for you to wake up."
Convince Yourself-populardarling (AO3)
Summary: During the months between their first Games and the Victory Tour, Katniss can’t help keeping an eye on the boy with the bread.
Cracks and Sparks and a Stop-Start Heart-whenthewallfell (AO3)
Summary: It's not the same as before. He can sort of remember it now, a childish fantasy borne of a broken home and a desperate loneliness, but there's no emotion attached to it beyond a vague sort of pity. It's a bit like reading a report: Peeta Mellark, 74th Victor of The Hunger Games, in love with Katniss Everdeen since he was five. Unrequited.
Dancing On My Own-VanillaCottonCandy (AO3)
Summary: Set at the end of Mockingjay, before the growing back together enters romance. Someone new comes to Twelve before Katniss can fully realize her feelings for Peeta. Someone who Peeta cares deeply for.
Daughter of Samland, Son of Denmark-Manniness (AO3)
Summary: We’ve prepared as best we could, but as I turn the corner on the muddy path through the village hugging the walls of my father’s fortress, I know we aren’t ready. We would never be ready. The Northmen have come.
Don't Talk To Me-hutchhitched (Tumblr)
Summary: Modern a/u Katniss is getting over the loss of her sister (you decide how) when she meets Peeta. She’s closed off but he finds a way in. Maybe she works for him? Him for her? Maybe she cries herself to sleep on his bread scented shoulder?
Dunder Mifflin Snow Paper Corporation-endlessnighlock (AO3)
Summary: These are silly little drabbles from the world of Dunder-Mifflin-Snow Paper Corporation from Tumblr. The first two are reposted (after editing) from other drabble collections, but the third and fourth (and any others I might write) are new to Ao3.
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For Sunday Stumped Day 39, I could’ve sworn 659 was written by @hutchhitched / hutchabelle. I think the title was Fourth Down? but now I can’t find it on her ao3 page.
662 might be one of mine: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16747498
Thank you! I think you’re right about 662. It’s been added here.
As for 659 ( Do you know of the fic where Katniss and Peeta (it’s a modern au) are watching either football or soccer and everytime someone scores they have sex?), I’m not able to find anything on hutchabelle’s ao3 page either, or anything with that title.
Hopefully someone else reading this can shed some light on it.
Thank you again!
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jhsgf82 · 2 years
WIPs, WIPs, WIPs everywhere!
Thanks for the tag, @mega-aulover, @daydreamsandcaffeine and @katnissmellarkkk
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
I’m a bit fuzzy on the rules. Are we meaning WIPs on AO3 or unpublished in my docs? Technically both categories are in my docs! From what others are doing, I’m taking it’s both, so here we go.  
Y’all are about to see just how crazy I am... Don’t judge me.  
On AO3 
A Taste of Rebellion 
All for the Cause? 
A Mouse Tail: Warm Hearts and Nose Kisses
The Orange Drink 
Fall-ing In Love
Where’s the Fire? 
Dandelions and Daisies
Kissed an Elf (And Liked It) 
Hit Me 
Falling Slowly
The Principal 
On the Other Side of the Fence 
You and Me and Quarantine
Shirtless Selfie Guy
Jeg Elsker Deg (I Love You) 
What Is Real Remains
I Do Solemnly Swear
A Lovely Winter Wedding
G.O.A.T (Greatest of All Time) 
Mommy Used to Date Santa
A District 12 Christmas Carol 
Today’s Forecast...Ice With a Chance of Heat
All that Glitters is Gold
Will Ski for Love
Kilty Pleasures
Sweet Tooth
Come What May (collab with @alwayseverlark, @alliswell21, and @mega-aulover) 
Bound TwoGether
On the Edge of Beyond (collab with @always-andshewrites) 
There’s No Crying in Baseball 
Fool Me Once
Oh, How I Loathe (Love) Thee
Whew! In my defense, over half of these are within 1-3 chapters of being finished (with the majority of said chapters partially written) 
*** Now, for the boys (er, unpublished) *in Effie voice*    -Some of you might know some of these from Seasons of Everlark 
1. Geothermal 2. From Zoom to Groom 3. Love Forged in Deception 4. Burn Index 5. Wherever You Will Go (working title)  6.  Heart and Soul 7. Streaming Love  8. Secret Admirer (working title)  9. Abandoned Baby fic (no title yet)  10. Katniss and Peeta soldiers (untitled) 11. The Baker, the Merchant, and the Miner (crappy working title)  12. Scandal Fic  13. Untitled Fire Goddess Katniss fic 14. Untitled Canon-Divergent Katniss is Captured in CF   15. Untitled My Best Friend’s Wedding fic 16. Untitled Miss Congeniality fic  17. Untitled Everlark Farm AU  18. Fake Wedding Royalty Drabble  19. Olympians!Everlark drabbles (featuring divers!Peeta and Finnick)  20. Car wash jock!lark 21. Find Me in the Garden 22. Everlark Sleepy Hollow  23. Twister Everlark 24. Vamp Katniss 25. Modern dancers Everlark 26. Cupid Katniss (continuation of Shot Through the Heart) 27. Keeping the Peace 28. Zumba Peeta 29. Softball coach Peeta 30. Little Giants Everlark  CRAZY, right?! Man, that’s embarrassing! Lol. Can’t say how many of those will actually see the light of day, lol. 
I’m not tagging as many people as I have WIPS because I don’t know that many people, nor do I have that many followers. Haha, I lie. I’m just lazy. I’ll tag, mmm...   and anyone else who wants to do it, please jump in, seriously! 
@absnow, @lemonluvgirl87, @pookieh, @alwayseverlark, @always-andshewrites, @ellanainthetardis, @rosegardeninwinter, @dandelionlovesyou, @isarnicole, @mtk4fun, @everlarkism, @broken-everlark, @hutchhitched, @shesasurvivor, @the-sun-and-the-sea, @bethpeaches123, @andretries, @ombradellaluna, @little-lynx, @alliswell21, @jlalafics
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dandelionlovesyou · 2 years
what fics are you currently reading? what do too recc? what are your all time faves? what are you guilty pleasures? what do you look for when searching for a fic?
Hey there anon 😁
What fics are you currently reading?
- A New Path by @endlessnightlock
Loving and savoring this one. It's my reward after a work day. Keeps me happy and sane 😊
Of course, I follow a bunch of stories (these are ALL awesome!)
- Oh How I Loathe (Love) Thee by @jhsgf82 (high school Everlark, movie inspired)
- There's No Crying in Baseball also by @jhsgf82 (baseball player!Katniss, League of Our Own inspired)
- Binary Sunset by @absnow (merge of Star Wars and THG. Super good!)
- Point of No Return by @jlalafics (Fast and the Furious inspired, you'll feel like you've been to SF)
- On the Edge of Beyond by @jhsgf82 and @always-andshewrites (do you see a trend here already? Hahaha. The Giver inspired. Beautiful words.)
- Promise Me, Little Brother by @lemonluvgirl87 (👌🙌💘 just so, SO good. Follow her!)
I just returned to on site work again so my reading time is much less but I also recently read these over the summer:
- Another World by @pookieh (the world building, the imagery, the plot is so unique and creative)
- Better Life by @pookieh (so sweet, perfect family fluff, I melted)
- Captive to the Darkness by @broken-everlark (if you like some gore and werewolves action, this is it)
- Wrapped in Red by @katnissdoesnotfollowback (the shenanigans by Karina is 👌)
- Too Familiar by @hutchhitched (hutchabelle, heartache, no HEA, stings the heart big time)
- PeteGoLightly by @mega-aulover (superstar!Peeta, such an enjoyable read)
- Burning Bright, Blazing Free by @lemonluvgirl87 (told yah, you have to follow her!)
There's more but I can't remember them all right now.
What are your all time faves?
- What got me into the fandom are two fics and these are my all time favourite.
- Worse Games to Play by Belmione
- Grow Together by Miss Scarlett 05
From these two fics, I binged and read a lot more during the pandemic. They also got me into writing my own fics, which I never in a million years thought that I would do. It's definitely a surprise.
What's your guilty pleasures?
- Binging fics in the middle of the night, covered by a warm blanket. I've lost a lot of sleep because I can't stop reading a fic. I have so much appreciation for writers out there. Just generous love being spread to random readers like me all over the world. Thank you fanfic writers! 🙌❤️
What do you look for when searching for a fic?
- nothing really because I'm trying to read varied things. I do gravitate to fluff. I love blended family fics and anything with toastbabies of course 🥰 Sometimes, I also just type random words in the search bar here in Tumblr and then add "Everlark" so I stick to the fandom. One time I typed "foot, Everlark" and got a good read. I got many hidden gems from doing that. There's meta, drabbles, text fics, fanart, and of course stories. I try to dig out old stories when I can.
Thanks for the ask, anon! I enjoyed recalling these stories 😊 Take care!
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seasonsofeverlark · 2 years
Deep in the Forest (Past the Meadow)
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Author: @hutchhitched
Prompt: How about a spring everlark fic where Katniss and Peeta have a caught in the spring rain moment like Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy? It could be a crossover or a modern AU where they comment on how funny it is that they are having a Pride & Prejudice love confession moment. Rating would be M and up, lots of enemies to lovers vibes, and if a dapper victorian era Finnick made an appearance I’d be inconsolably happy. [submitted by anonymous]
Rating: M
Summary: When Mr. Mellark and Miss Everdeen find themselves caught in the rain in the meadow, tempers flare. Blinding sheets of freezing rain do nothing to curb the heat and hunger. ____________________
Rain pounded down around them, but Peeta didn’t care. Angrier than he’d ever been, he fumed as Katniss smirked at him, and it took everything in him not to say something even worse than he’d allowed himself over the past several months. How he’d fallen for her so completely when he was a callous bastard who refused to let anyone close was beyond him. Still, there was nothing to be said except that he had. He loved Katniss Everdeen with every fiber of his being, and nothing about the cold rain pouring from the silver sky that matched the perfect hue of her eyes did anything to cool his ardor.
“Don’t push me, Mr. Mellark,” Katniss snapped at him, despite their physical distance.
He knew what she meant because he’d been poking at her all day with his careless words and loose tongue. Instead of explaining that his poor behavior was a result of his affection for her, he’d allowed her to believe that she held little interest for him, even though there could be nothing further from the truth. If he kept goading, he risked the very real possibility that she’d walk away, and he’d lose the love of his life forever. Fury drained from him in an instant, and he regrouped quickly so as not to threaten his own happiness.
“My dear Miss Everdeen, I’m not pushing,” he admitted, his voice softer than it had been just moments prior. “I’m not doing anything but hoping you’ll let me touch you. I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I’m asking for it anyway.”
Obviously, his words threw her for a loop as she started to retort and stopped in confusion. A little line of uncertainty emerged in her forehead, and his fingers twitched to reach up and brush it away. If he was honest, his entire body yearned for hers. He no longer had the luxury of prodding at her to gain a reaction.
“Why would you want that?” she asked, clearly flabbergasted. Her beautiful eyes sparkled as rivulets of rainwater trailed down her flushed cheeks, and he couldn’t help himself. With no other choice than to give into his deepest desires, he reached forward and brushed his fingertips over the swell of her cheek.
Her skin was cold under his touch, but he was burning with desire. Before she could jerk back from him or express her displeasure, he leaned forward and captured her mouth with his. Heat flooded through him as her lips moved under his, and he tugged her deftly against his body until he could feel her straining bosom against his rain-soaked chest. Her fingers clutched his sodden clothing, and she strained onto her tiptoes to kiss him back more fully. In seconds, he was hard and thick in his breeches as he captured her moan in his mouth.
Water fell from the sky in thick sheets, and he broke the kiss only to grab her hand and tug her into the forest. She was shivering when he came to a stop in a thicket with an impenetrable canopy that remained relatively dry.
“Miss Everdeen, I’m so sor—”
“You never stop talking. Shut up, Mr. Mellark. Shut up, and get back to warming me up.”
Fisting his jacket, she tore it over his shoulders and made quick work of his cravat. Desperate for her touch, he arched into her hands and fumbled with the stays on her dress. The clothing fell to the forest floor until she stood before him in nothing but the briefest slip of wet silk clinging to her curves and outlining the peaks of her nipples. Dragging her against him, he reveled in the way her body molded to his and the warmth of her skin against his.
“My affections are yours,” he murmured against her skin as he went to his knees. She followed quickly, and then they came together.
The feel of her gripping him, the slide of him inside her, the way her eyelids dropped closed as he trailed his lips along her neck, her moaning in his ear, the slickness between her legs, his body shaking as he emptied himself into her was all too much. She was too much, but he wanted all of it.
Stunned, he sucked in shuddering breaths with her head resting on his chest. Terrified that he’d upset her, he waited until she lifted her face to his. Shining eyes met his, and he smiled tentatively at her.
“I fear you’ll have to marry me, Mr. Mellark,” she said softly. “Unless you’re planning to make a fool of me. If so, please allow me to leave first and make my way back to Panem Manor on my own.”
Heart bursting, he drew her into another kiss that was ruined only by the wide smile on his lips. “If you’ll have me, I’ll be the happiest man alive, Miss Everdeen.”
Besotted and smiling from ear to ear, Peeta helped Katniss back into her soaked clothing and took her hand in his. Carefully picking his way to the manor house, he allowed his mind to wander with promises of the joys of marriage with his intended. Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t see Finnick Odair, a vain peacock and his best friend, until he and Katniss entered the foyer and glanced at each other with flushed cheeks and affection.
“What do we have here?” Finnick crowed, and Katniss blushed deeply. “Got lost in the rain? You’re both looking a little disheveled. What will the others think?”
“That we’re to be married,” Peeta answered quickly and firmly, leaving no doubt of his intentions. The gratitude on Katniss’ face almost broke his heart. Did she really doubt him that much—even after what had transpired between them in the forest?
“Married? What wonderful news!”
The rest of Panem’s guests came out of the woodwork then, flocking to the hall to find the two missing guests returned unharmed. News of their coming nuptials spread quickly to great enthusiasm. It would only be a short while before Katniss was back in his arms for good.
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geekymoviemom · 2 months
Six Sentence Sunday
I was tagged by @thelettersfromnoone on Wednesday, but since it’s Sunday already I thought I’d do a six sentence Sunday instead 💖
This is from an upcoming superfamily fic called High Value Target:
“Steve, he’s gone,” Gabe says a heartbeat later. Steve drops his head, the proclamation hitting him like a sucker punch to the chest.
“Are you sure?” he blurts out, even though he knows damn well that Gabe would never not be sure.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Gabe says solemnly. Then he pats Riley one more time on the chest and stands to his feet. “We’ll come back for him once we find the others.”
Huffing out a sharp breath, Steve readies his rifle and presses on towards the destroyed building, trying desperately to keep from drowning in his anger.
This wasn’t supposed to happen! he thinks. Not like this!
Okay, so that’s a little more than six sentences, but you get the picture 😜
Tagging: @gaiagalit @srebrnafh @hutchhitched @justajjfan @norbertsmom @clawedandcute @sherlollyandspoilers and anyone else who would like to play 💖
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mrspeetamellark · 2 years
Fic Writer Ask Game: 6, 9 14, and 26 Thanks!
6. How do you find new fic to read? Where do you primarily read fanfiction?
I usually find new fics to read on tumblr, or from emails alerting me to updates from the writers i subscribe to on AO3. And I only read fanfic on AO3 these days. I originally read stuff on FanFiction.Net when I first discovered fanfic but haven’t been on there in forever!
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
Oh this is tough! I’ll admit I’ve been reading a lot more on Kindle Unlimited lately than I’ve been reading fanfic. But from what I’ve read in the past I’d say @katnissmellarkkk @rosegardeninwinter @safeinpeetasarms @hutchhitched @bethpeaches123 are all amazing writers who I know have been writing for awhile and are really really talented and in my opinion deserve more praise for their work
14. Do you have a personal word minimum that you hold yourself to? Why or why not?
Not really, no. I write new chapters for my multi chapter WIPs based on how well things flow within the outline I’ve written for a chapter beforehand. But in general I feel like 3500-5500 words per chapter is my usual length.
26. What’s your biggest distraction when writing?
Just about everything, lol. Between being a mom and having a busy career, it can be hard to find big blocks of time to write. So I tend to jot down a lot of notes on my phone at random times and then eventually sit and piece it all together into a cohesive chapter later on.
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mega-aulover · 11 months
Writing Sprint anyone?
@lemonluvgirl @hayffiebird @mtk4fun @hutchhitched @professionalfangrrl @mollywog @norbertsmom @endlessnightlock @anyone who wants to join say from 2:30-3:30
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pitualba2015 · 5 months
Reading List Game
I was tagged by @katnissdoesnotfollowback . Thanks for the tag, ❤️
What are your recent, current, and future reads?
Recent: M. James' Trilogy: Captive Bride(1) Stolen Bride(2) Beloved Bride(3) Reunion by Mollywog The Christmas Waltz by MTK4FUN I knew this would have happened anyway by abk173 (One of my favs along with ArthursCamelot's trilogy of THG, among others)
Current: The Trouble with the Betrothals by Izzy Samson Cita de Boda by CAM41918 (Spanish Everlark fic) That's all I can take at he moment if I want to finish my fic's epilogue
Future: Victors Village Tours by BellaGracie Roses and Pearls by HalfHope Bitter Rivals by MegaAuLover Master and Slave by BellaGracie An Everlarked Ever After by MegaAuLover The Concubine by Alliswell And a few interesting lightnovels: The Convenient Bride, Lo Mejor de Tu Vida, Mi Dulce Corazón.
This for now. If I want to start reading them, I need to get my WIPS out of the way first. LOL I'm tagging: @thelettersfromnoone @mollywog @broken-everlark @lemonluvgirl @norbertsmom @hutchhitched @rosegardeninwinter and anyone else who want to join us.
#reading list game
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