#by the way. based on the general vibes no one asked to hear the nursery rhyme.
liesyousoldme · 1 year
treatment day and there are some weird ass vibes in this waiting room
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fan-clan-fun · 4 years
Clans of the Wood Ranks
On second thought, I just want the rank system looked over. Also because I’m frustrated at having to write the same thing over and over again (this is attempt four).
Yay! Good news is I figured out a workaround to finally access submissions and comment on them appropriately! Im so excited to read all about this!
Just know a lot of realistic cat behavior is taken into account, such as toms killing foreign kits and cats relying on their ears and nose for perception over their eyes.
When a cat of the Woodland Clans is born, they’re called kits or kittens. For the first month of life, they have minimal interaction outside of the nursery. The second and third months of life are generally spent playing and learning about clan culture through stories. Kittens four months old begin assisting other ranks that largely stay within camp. Upon five or six months old (depends on the maturity and size of the kittens), they can begin to help ranks that may be considered more dangerous. Cats are considered kittens until they are fully accepted within a rank, which usually happens between a year and a year and six months.
Interesting, I see you have done away with the apprentice rank. I feel like there are pros and cons with this. For one there isnt any illusions that kits are minors in every sense of the word, and it would be entirely inappropriate for them to hold certain responsibilities or expectations with relationships. But I can also see older kits being extra hurried to become warriors or the equivalent since being so much older than the younger kits but still being considered kits would be frustrating. I can certainly remember as a teenager  being annoyed when I was considered a child (even if I was still a minor and therefore technically a child).
A handful of cats take up the role of healers. They are to look after the health of cats within the clan and maintain a good supply of medicine in storage. While every cat in the clan gets basic medical training, these cats specialize in it and memorize remedies to every known injury and illness. Mollies also tend to double as midwives.
I like how this is worded, because it is important for the entire clan to have at least basic first aid, but also of course to have cats to specialize in it. I had always seen medicine cats to share like the medical side of birth, while older more experienced queens provided the emotional support, but I suppose these healers could do both. 
A handful of cats stay within camp as guardians. They are to protect camp, fight off predators and aggressors, and escort weaker members to other camps. Every cat does receive battle training, these cats also study strategy and the weak points of predators like wolverines, birds of prey, foxes, dogs, and coyotes. Tom guardians sleep with the rest of the clan and molly guardians sleep in the nursery.
I find it interesting you split up warriors into two groups. I have an image of some gorgeous big buff cats. And also female guardians protecting the nursery! Super cute.
Two or three cats within each clan are messengers. They stay within camp and are sent to camps of other clans when urgent matters need to be relayed. Only swift cats become messengers and must be disciplined in the art of remembering messages.
As nice as this is, I feel like the messengers wouldnt be able to be only messengers, as there isnt a constant need for messages to be carried (unless there is, Im just going off what I have been given). Maybe they are just some of the fastest hunters?
Seers are the one or two cats who are highly attuned to the earth, listening to her whispers and echoes. They can assist with daily life and have mates and bear kits, but must remain open to the earth’s voice. Many cats are born with an innate attunement to the voice and it’s partially hereditary. Commonly, a current seer’s kit, grandkit, or nibling will have this affinity.
I do like me some spiritual cats, I would love to hear more what they see about the earth!
Hunters is everyone else in the clan. They hunt for most of the food and patrol the borders, bringing friendly tidings from other clans. They take up the bulk of the population and have a wide array of personalities and skills.
Ah I see, so the Hunters are basically the warriors of the clan, with the guardians being like the equivalent of -claw cats being extra skilled in fighting
When a cat decides to bear kits, she can decide to move to the nursery at any time and become a mother. Because of the often stressful situations cats can get into, it’s imperative a pregnant mother remain calm lest complications will arise endangering her and her kits. Once they’re born, she will be with them at almost all times during their first month of life. After that, she can leave them for longer periods of time until they’re fully weaned. Once weaned, she can decide to stay with them until they’re all around six months old (when they’re kicked out of the nursery), or can return to her duties, checking up on them periodically.
Elders are the clan’s history and are just as protected as its future. They’re cats normally over a hundred months (eight or nine years) old, spending their days sleeping, bestowing wisdoms to all who ask of them, and gossiping on inter-clan politics and relationships.
The matriarch is the overseer of mothers and kittens. She will usually try to get restless pregnant mothers to calm down for a safer labor and look after the young kittens of nursing mothers when she needs me time. If any orphaned kittens are taken in, she will be their mother. In a way, all kittens born under her care are her kittens, and many young cats call her “Mother” alongside their own mother. She doesn’t even have to be fertile or have her own kits to be the matriarch; if she has a strong maternal instinct and knows a lot on mothers and kits and has the skill to back it up, she can be the matriarch.
I have had a similar role in one of my clans before, and I do really like it. Its something of the idea of a permanent queen, but only one and with a serious amount of authority in the clan.
The keeper is the diplomatic leader, not only in charge of maintaining friendly relations with other clans, but also other feline societies outside of the clans. Their job also includes relaying their diplomatic information to the leader and let members of the clan know when they should probably stop fraternizing with that sexy otherclan cat because tensions are high, so it’d be better if one of them moves to the other’s clan instead. A keeper is likely to have formerly been a hunter.
This is quite clever and makes me wonder about the existence of informants and primitive spy networks. 
The captain is the military leader, in charge of organizing a quick response when the lives of their cats are endangered. They are almost always a former guardian and normally a brilliant strategist. They are also in charge of overseeing the kittens’ battle training.
I appreciate that you have sort of deputies for the two major  ranks in the clan, which is nice because Im getting the vibe that these are fairly large clans, so the extra organization is helpful.
Lastly is the leader, the head of the clan. They are to make decisions for their clan as a whole based on the information gathered from their council of elders, senior clan members, seers, matriarch, keeper, and captain. Should the keeper or captain die, retire, or be exiled, the leader is to choose their replacement, knowing which cats are skilled for the role and who the clan would find a good decision. A leader is the final authority on all decisions, but the seers can authorize their overthrow if the clan is overall displeased with their rule and the seers receive an omen confirming this. A new leader is chosen upon their death, retirement, or exile through a vote of all adult cats between the matriarch, captain, and keeper. Everyone votes for who they are okay with being leader, not for who they prefer, so you can vote for everyone if you like everyone. The one with the highest votes wins. Ties should be non-violently resolved between the tied parties.
I like this because  it doesnt necessarily require votes for every decision, but there is a vote for a leader, which would then lead based on those votes and the advice of their council and others who are most familiar with different aspects of the clan. That said I can just imagine the shenanigans involved when it comes to an election, like do they campaign? What does a campaign look like? Are there any restrictions as to who can be voted for or is it just anyone? Has there been a time where a young and maybe inexperienced  leader was voted for? Its an intriguing possibility.
So yeah, I’d like to know what you think of this unusual setup for my clans. Thanks for taking the time to look it over!
This was lovely to look over! Sorry it took so long! Thanks for sending it in.
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hankyaraha · 5 years
*It was a fine day he walked down the street under the sun that warmed up his skins. Routines that have helped us to be in vibe for the whole thinkers he. *
Sarah:Hey you!!!.
Sam:Hey Sarah... What are you doing here!?
*Sarah and Sam were working on a project for Samsons.*
Sarah:Well I ditched the bus today and decided to walk.
Watchmen:Hello sir and Madam what are you guys doing here today.. It's a holiday right!?..
Sarah and Sam: What the fuck!!!..
Sarah: come on I walked all the way till here and it's a holiday you gotta be kidding man..
Watchmen: Well since you are here I'll open the cubicles...
*Sam and Sarah walked it setup there workstation and started. They worked silently for a couple of hours.*
Sarah:Does your team hate you for sending you to a new project as a temporary resource..
Sam: I don't know man. But they are really great.. they really helped me at times..
Sarah:Well now you are here and we are not that nice..
Sam:Haha right on.. It was time for lunch and well both of them relaised that they had completed the whole weeks work in that span so deceided to head back to home.
Sarah:Let's go man we don't wanna be too ahead cause if something comes up it would be a mess...
Sam: Right on.. Let's go also let's get luck on the way back.. They started to find a place but the difference in tastes was something they hadn't considered so they went on.
Sam: We should do this more often going to find lunch and ending nowhere..
Sarah: Well you can do that but I'm leaving this place in a month..
Sam: Oh really where are you going!??
Sarah: Well I decided to start a nursery..
Sam: So you love kids!??
Sarah: No not the school the nursery with plants..
Sam: Oh that explains the Forest around around space..
Sarah: Well.. Sam:I always wanted to ask one plant cause in front of your office mine looks like Sahara Desert.. They both laugh as they wind down the street. They reached and ordered and started to chit chat..
Sam: So why are you starting a nursery by leaving this job!?
Sarah: Well everyone has there passion and mine is to start a nursery.
Sam: Wow.. I've never met anyone like you...
Sarah: I'll take that as a compliment!??
Sam:It is a compliment if more people start thinking like you the world will be a better place to live!!
Sarah: Thank you!!!!!
Sam: Well make nurseries not war..
Sarah:*smirking* Ohhh Godddd.. well what is your passion Sam!?
Sam: Well you know I was came across this machine today.. and I wanted to take some cash and within a few press of the buttons bommm I had cash in my hand..
Sarah: Wow You know how to use ATM..
Sam:Well see within a few presses of buttons cash comes out and take mobile as an example with a touch I'm able to send a message to a person living a light year away.. and A remote within a press you stream your favourite channel.. and you can do that because there are thousands of lines of code and scripts which are written by a 9-5 working person sitting in a cubicle coding the shit out in a routine and that's when I feel happy understanding that my code has made someone happy and you people go around places and see a thing and they say oh wow that's so beautiful.. but only we engineers can say Oh well I can make it better..
Sarah: Wow sounds amazing man..
*Well they talked on and on as they sunlight set the mood the afternoon was now the evening they laughed they sang they shouted to the cirucitary of AC/DC even if they were tuning to highway to hell they knew it was a stairway to heaven there was nuance in the way they saw each other from the start. They felt it and they walked on to see the sun setting on the beach they knew what they had to do.. Breezy with a bit of chill from the winter they satrted walking on the beach They sat down with a chilled beer that they got from the store they revered the moments and each wave coming and touching their legs and reclinling back to the brine. Sam took out his earphones.*
Sam: You wanna hear some music!?
Sarah: Hell yeah!
He took his playlist and kept it on shuffle
*They talked on..*
Sarah: Don't you feel trapped in this routine!?
Sam: I assume your nurseries are fun!?
Sarah: Well.. Fun fact apricots Apple peaches and strawberries are part rose family.
Sam: What really..
Sarah: Yeppp..
Sam: So on Rose day can I gift an apple to girl!?
Sarah: Ok let's make a rule don't even intrest me in a joke until I leave ok!??
Sam: I don't think that's possible
Song on the queue
*I might lose my mind*
*Waking when the sun's down*
*Riding all these highs*
*Waiting for the comedown*
*Walk these streets with me*
*I'm doing decently*
*Just glad that I can breathe, yeah*
Sarah: Ain't this all beautiful this wind this song this moment
Sarah: Gosh I will miss this when I'm gone.
Sam: And I will miss you too...
*The waves gushed through the beach as they both were sitting and trying to comprehend about the moments passing by..*
Tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you
Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
*As Coldplay resonated with the waves they heard a symphony that was mastered for them at the moment they sky pouring out the milkyway, it was star studded today They shined bright and illuminated each other face's enough for them to hitch together and the song changed as they kissed...*
*Happy times together we've been spending
I wish that every kiss was never ending
Oh, wouldn't it be nice?*
Sarah: Wouldn't it be nice...
Sam:Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray
It might come true.
*They went home after the song they progressed through the streets blushing.. They didn't talk.. They had talked enough for the day.. Each passing step was like a new joy for them with each other.. It felt nice.. They reached the junction.*
Sam: My house is that way..
Sarah: Mine is the other way..
They knew they had to part but the general inkling didn't let them..
Sam: Well I have a RSS feed to make..
Sarah: Don't forget to add the tuple at the bottom
Sam: Yeah..
The Beach Boys were still on with *Wouldn't it be nice*.. and both looked at each other and turned telekinetically saying bye... As they walked he heard the boys going
Good night, oh baby
Sleep tight, oh baby
Sam:I hope she heard this..
Sarah: Good night, oh baby
Sleep tight, oh baby
Based on The Cubicles...
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