#she started singing to herself. then she asks me if i paint on my phone
liesyousoldme · 1 year
treatment day and there are some weird ass vibes in this waiting room
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theflashesoflove · 1 year
obstacle I
Larissa Weems x f!reader (nsfw) – series
part I :: part ll :: ao3
summary: Could you be more careless? Talking to a stranger online and sharing the most intimate moments of your days with her? The way you trusted her was almost ridiculous, but the way she talked to you made you sure that this grown woman wouldn’t even consider harming you in some way. One would think you were a fool who would regret her messages one day, one would even point a finger at you and say how perverse all of it was. Luckily, no one knew. Except for Lydia, your mistress, to whom you granted not just your body, but also your heart.
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a/n: i always dreaded writing series, but this woman inspires me so much that i'm finally up for the challenge. i hope i will be consistent with my writing enough to bring this story where i want it to be. filthy, angsty and gentle. i think there will be two or three more chapters and it is also crossposted on ao3. btw i have a vague idea of what architects do so if you notice some factual mistakes let's pretend that in my silly imaginary world things work this way. the names of the chapters are lyrics from interpol's 'turn on the bright lights' album (it's brilliant, a huge recommend if you like male manipulator music like i do haha). proofread, and i hope it doesn't sound as broken as i think it does. (bracing myself) let's set this little bird free into the wild.
general warnings/tags: unhealthy online relationship, dom!larissa x sub!reader dynamics, sexting, nudes, masturbation + angst and all that stuff to come
chapter word count: 4k
Part I: you are linked to my innocence
Sitting on the balcony, you admired the sun slowly crawling up from its slumber, painting the sky with faint yellow and pink shades, warming up the cool earth. The view before you made you smile. Perhaps having trouble sleeping had its benefits – you could admire such a beautiful sunrise and feel at peace for at least the next hour, before the world would wake up and start swirling around you, overwhelming and demanding. 
Thinking of someone who was also so very demanding, you pulled out your phone and started recording the serene scenery. You tried to hold your phone still, though it was hard because of the chilly wind that made you shiver. Ending the video, you opened the messenger and sent it to a woman who made your heart sing just like the morning birds sang, greeting the sun.
You scrolled up your message history with her for a bit, smirking. What a sweet little relationship you had, one time you would send her a beautiful view out of your window, the next time – a picture of you touching yourself in the most sinful way.
Couldn’t sleep again? and What a lovely view, she replied an hour later. Not as lovely as you, though, she added after.
Her name was Lydia and she had just the right way with her words. She would text you, Send me a picture, and you would rush out of your meeting to the bathroom to send her a selfie. She would text you, What a beautiful shirt you are wearing, unbutton it for me, and you would spend a bit more time in the bathroom sending her picture after picture. 
You didn’t know what she looked like. She rarely sent you pictures in return, and you had only one 10 seconds long video of her touching herself. Her fingers were slender, her nails were painted a burgundy red colour, and she had those plush thighs that you wanted to squeeze with your hands. She was a woman of exquisite taste – taste in music, in foods, in lingerie.
You never asked her for more. It was entirely your choice to reveal your face on one of the first videos you sent her. She once told you, Don’t call me by my name on those videos, call me your mistress. You obliged. You always did. An impulse to ask the woman if she could reveal her face bubbled up inside your chest from time to time, but you pushed it away, never willing to make her uncomfortable. Perhaps there was something she didn’t like about herself, perhaps she wanted to be more mysterious and enticing, perhaps she just needed a bit more time – and it had been a year! Never being a selfish one, you suppressed your questions and played by her rules. 
She knew a lot about your life. You didn’t realise that you barely knew about hers. You knew that her work was stressful enough to make her speak to you in an especially dirty way in the night, urging you to send new videos for her to let off steam. You could only imagine her, spread on her bed to your sinful sound and pleas. You would tell her, i wish i could see how pleased my mistress is right now, nudging her to send you a picture in return. The woman would just answer, Don’t doubt it, I am very pleased with my darling girl, thank you and end the conversation until the next morning. You knew that she played piano and was popular in high school, though a bit overshadowed by her best friend at the time. You knew that she liked long walks in nature, ice skating and that her favourite season was autumn. She never pressed you to share any details about your life, but you did it nonetheless. 
It all started rather accidentally, and you told her millions of times how glad you were that she found you. There was an old record player that you wanted to sell online, and you even gave out a Fleetwood Mac vinyl in addition to it for free. The woman contacted you, anonymous at that time, though she contacted you too late, and the record player was already sold. It didn’t stop the two of you from continuing the conversation, talking about music and antique pieces of furniture she adored. After that, everything escalated quickly – topics changing topics and bringing you into dynamics you didn’t know you would enjoy this much. She teased you a lot, and at first you acted shy and hesitant, bending under her dominance and unravelling your own fantasies over time. She wrapped you around her finger, and on one particular evening you sent her your first video. The woman made it clear that she was hopeful to receive more of those in the future. 
Could you be more careless? Talking to a stranger online and sharing the most intimate moments of your days with her? The way you trusted her was almost ridiculous, but the way she talked to you made you sure that this grown woman wouldn’t even consider harming you in some way. One would think you were a fool who would regret her messages one day, one would even point a finger at you and say how perverse all of it was. If you told any of your friends about Lydia, they would tell you that you went nuts. They would tell you to stop texting her immediately and delete the chat to destroy the blackmail material that you’d shared with a stranger. Luckily, no one knew. Except for Lydia, your mistress, to whom you granted not just your body, but also your heart.
Back in the day, you suggested moving the conversation from reselling website direct messages to a more convenient messenger, one that the woman hadn’t heard of before. It took her two days to create an account for contacting you there. Her profile picture was a bush of red flowers, her personal information included just a lyric of a song she liked, and all of it was only for your eyes to see. Not much, but her empty profile on an app which she signed in just for you never aroused any suspicions. Well, sometimes it did, but then she would ask you how your day went and the sweetness of the texts the two of you shared washed your worries away. 
In fact, it wasn’t all about sexting. You could see that she was genuinely interested and caring, and you didn’t send her pictures and videos every day, after all. Maybe… three times a week? Five if she was desperate. She woke up earlier than you if you managed to fall asleep the night before and always brightened your day from its beginning with a sweet ‘Good morning, darling’ message. She always wished you a good night and checked in throughout the day, answering your texts and moving the conversation forward. Sometimes she would even send you flowers, and a delivery man would call you and ask for the address. The man would appear on your porch with a delicate bouquet later, a card attached to the wrapping would say, ‘To my favourite girl – L’. You could only giggle and smile to yourself for the rest of the day. No matter how hard you tried to get her number to send something in return, the woman would always brush you off. You can send me a picture in return, she would text you. That was exactly what you would do next. 
You’d always start with pictures. On days when you felt especially good about yourself, you didn’t even wait for her to ask. Undressing, you would send her several pictures, losing yet another piece of closing on every photo. Sometimes it would take her too long to reply, and you would record a video for her in advance. There wasn’t any surface in your house that wasn’t caught on camera while you would thrust your fingers inside, making it all pretty and appealing to look at. The sounds you made were an absolute turn on for her, and you always ensured that you put on a good show. It wasn’t even necessary to try hard, you would just recall all the dirty messages she sent you over the course of your relationship, you would imagine how it would feel to be held by her, how those long fingers would pound into you, how her lips would tease your flushed skin. You had a good imagination, and it was enough. The tiniest bits of her that were available to you – all of it was enough, that was what you were trying to convince yourself of. A hopeless romantic you were, blindly expecting that one day she would surprise you and reveal herself, and tell you how much she wanted to meet you in person. Still, it never came. That day never came, and you tried not to overthink it. You were supposed to be grateful for what you already had, after all.
I have a very important meeting today and I just know that it won’t go easy on me. Can you please bend over your desk for me this evening, dearest? Lydia texted you a few hours later after receiving the video. 
of course, mistress, you answered playfully. your boss doesn’t give you a break, huh? ;)
Thank you, darling girl, I’ll be waiting, she replied, ignoring the message about her boss. 
You made sure to text her during your lunch break, checking if she didn’t forget to eat in between her piles of work. She told you that she had a snack and it was very nice of you to bother. A couple of hours later she asked how were you feeling since you didn’t get any sleep last night. You told her that you were running on energy drinks and green tea and she jokingly scolded you for the energy drinks part. It made you bite your lower lip, how caring she was for you in return.
The desk in your office was never neat. Scattered papers, your laptop always on charge, heated up with architect software. You hunched over the plan with a pencil in your hand, making sure that the plumbing system of the building made sense at all. Working in a reconstruction and restoration company, you never really got a chance to do the part you studied for in the first place. Always checking other architects’ plans and fixing their mistakes for them, not having the opportunity to do something of your own. Your days were filled with somewhat ridiculous tasks yet even those managed to make you feel the struggle of workload.
The surface of your desk shuddered when your phone buzzed with a reminder about forthcoming meeting, and you straightened, feeling a familiar ache in your lower back. You threw on a jacket, took your phone and notebook and left your office, politely smiling at coworkers passing by. 
The meeting went as smoothly as always – at least you enjoyed the working atmosphere of the company. Your boss talked about the updates in the company policy and proceeded to inform the staff about upcoming projects. He announced that the Principal of Nevermore school contacted them for the reconstruction work, and your coworkers didn’t even try to hide their opinions on outcasts and how infamous the school was, especially after the causality that happened a few months ago. Not paying attention to their grumbling, you thought it would be a great opportunity to finally show your skills, and your boss thought so too.
“Y/N, you will take over this project. I’m passing you the papers with details, I feel like the time to shine has come!” he said, approaching your seat with a folder in his hands. Some of your coworkers sighed in relief, glad that they wouldn’t be involved with Nevermore. It made you wince – you never thought badly of outcasts like the majority of others did, the idea of being hostile towards someone just because they were different made you nauseous like it would do to any decent person. “The Principal insists on cooperation, and I have to warn you – you will probably have to visit the site more times than would be necessary for a usual project. I hope it won’t be a problem,” he said with a light smirk.
You smiled and bit your cheek, anticipation tingling on your fingertips. “No, it won’t be a problem. Thank you,” you uttered, taking the folder. “When am I supposed to start?” 
“Next week. We arranged a meeting with Principal Weems, she said it was very important for the school, and I quote, ‘to thoroughly negotiate the reconstruction process’.” 
The school was enormous, but the work was connected to a relatively small part of it, a tower that was destroyed recently. You spent the rest of your evening studying the documents – an old plan of the school that included the tower. It was impressive how old this building was. Besides, you would be taking part in preserving and reconstructing the historic site, the whole prospect of reconstructing a part of Nevermore ensemble sounded like a dream coming true. The fact of such a project being granted to you to work on would be unbelievable if deep down you didn’t know the reason for it. It seemed that no one from your company wanted to work with Nevermore, but the school was about to pay generously, so they had to find someone to 'deal with the outcasts'. How foolish your coworkers were for declining such an opportunity, you thought, smiling to yourself.
Back home, you didn’t bother to change into your indoor clothes, knowing full well that you would need to be completely naked soon anyway. Having had a quick meal and relaxed on the couch, closing your eyes for a little too long than you planned, you finally entered your bedroom and started setting a scene. Sometimes the lengths you went to make a perfect video for Lydia made you embarrassed, but how could you do it any other way? The woman’s attention was worth all of your efforts. You cleaned up your desk, returning previously forgotten mugs to the kitchen, shoving papers into the desk drawer and moving the pile of laundry laying on the floor out of frame. The curtains had to be closed for the last sun rays entering your bedroom not messing with the lighting on camera, the cosy shine of a garland and the dim light of a bedside lamp would be enough to illuminate your form in the most lovely way. You checked your reflection in the mirror and wiped away a few particles of mascara from under your eyes. For a second you tensed, your insecurity taking over. Would Lydia like you as much if she saw you in person? Wouldn’t she be disappointed that a flawless image you tried to create for her wasn’t as flawless in real life? Perhaps that was why she didn’t want to meet up in the first place? Did she already know that wasting the time of her busy schedule would completely disenchant her perception of you? You took a deep breath and shook your head, backing off from the mirror. It was alright. She liked you. Still you desperately wanted to be perfect for her. 
The next thing you did was distract yourself with having fun and a bit of a struggle with setting up a phone stand out of books. After you were sure that your phone wouldn’t slide down halfway through the recording, you set a 10 seconds timer and started slowly unbuttoning your shirt to catch the process on camera. The photo turned out just the way you wanted from the first try, revealing the right amount of skin and a glimpse of your lingerie. It didn’t even matter in the end, but you were always attentive to details. Completely taking off your shirt, you grabbed your phone and took the second picture – a close up of your lacy bra, nipples visible through the fabric, collarbones calling to be showered with your mistress’ kisses. The sound of timer counting down rang across your bedroom once again, you unhooked your bra to send it down onto the floor and stepped back, already topless, unzipping your pants and craning your neck to the side with a soft smile on your lips. Oh, how much you loved spoiling Lydia even if sometimes it stressed you out to the point of worrying about your imperfections. Your pants made their way onto the floor as well, out of the frame, of course, and as the next timer started counting down, you rushed to your desk to bend over it prettily, exposing your cheeks for the last photo. Then, you returned to your phone and sent pictures to Lydia, smiling to yourself at the thought of her ending her tedious day of work and seeing your message.  
It took you a fair amount of time to warm yourself up for the video by bringing yourself to the edge with a vibrator, uncomfortably sprawled in your chair and growing hotter with every second. You barely managed to stop yourself from climaxing, removing the vibrator from your clit and standing up on wobbly legs to continue your filming session. The phone was settled into its makeshift stand again, the sun finally settled, not peeking through the curtains anymore, which made the scene look especially intimate in the dimmed lights, and you were ready to absolutely ruin yourself for Lydia. After pressing the record button, you bent over your desk once again, and massaged your cheeks, squeezing and pulling to reveal your glistening sex. Having satisfied your need to tease the woman a little more, you spread your legs wider and took a toy that rested on the desk the whole time.
Teasing your wet entrance with the toy, you pleaded into the silence of your room, “Oh, please, fuck me… fuck me, mistress, please…”
By the time you finished, you were worn out – the position was rather uncomfortable, especially when you had to work with your hand from behind. You pressed the side of your face against the surface and sighed happily, “Thank you, mistress, you are so good to me.” There was a deep red mark of the edge of the desk on your knee, the wood was digging into your skin almost the whole time you were filming after you decided to move your leg higher for better access and view. The awkward scene of you grunting as you lifted yourself from the desk and padded over to your bed to stop the recording was cropped out later. 
An hour passed by, and Lydia finally answered your messages, saying that she was done with the meeting and work for the day, ready to witness you coming undone for her. 
You look absolutely ravishing, dear. Let me see how you used that toy on your pretty pussy?
are you already in bed? You asked, trying to withhold the sweet video a little longer.
No, darling. I’m taking a bath right now, she answered, arousing the urge in you to ask her if she could give you at least a glimpse of her body basking in the warm water. You didn’t ask her. 
I need you, came a text seconds later, and you couldn’t resist her anymore. 
The video went on for about 11 minutes, you didn’t know if you should have made it shorter or longer for her liking. You wondered how long it would take her, you wondered what she would use to pleasure herself and how it would feel to be with her in that moment, spreading shower gel all over her breasts and teasing her with your thigh pressed against her core. You wondered how it would feel to just settle in her lap, wrap your hands around her shoulders and hide your face in her neck, revelling in her presence.
The waiting after sending her those kinds of videos was the most tortuous one, you didn’t yet know if she liked the video or not, you didn’t know if it met her expectations, you didn’t know if it even made her wet and eager to pleasure herself. Sometimes you were afraid that she wouldn’t even bother to watch it or to reply to you ever again. Fifteen minutes later, you got a response – 1 attachment. Your heart somersaulted against your ribcage, and you hesitated for a moment before tapping on the notification, prolonging the excitement of not knowing what she sent you.
Those beautiful thighs. Oh, how much you thought about them wrapping around your head, how many times you rewatched the only video she sent you, remembering the patterns of stretch marks along her skin. She looked especially soft and rosy, her wet pubic hair neatly covered her sex, and the foam melted around her body, glistening on camera. The water was steamy and her hand rested on the rim of the bathtub – you could only assume that she was completely spent. 
i would eat you out until those gorgeous legs are shaking, you texted after a while of staring, unable to think straight.
Not before I would be done edging you for hours, she cheekily answered. And before you could think of a suitable response in the same dirty fashion, she sent her next message, Thank you, dearest. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.
A smile spread across your features, so wide it almost started to hurt. You plumped down on the bed and nuzzled your nose into the pillow, vainly seeking her scent that was never there in the first place. Contented that the woman felt about you this way, you closed your eyes and tried to imagine her. Imagine, imagine, imagine – it was the only thing you could do. In that moment, you hopelessly wanted to press yourself into her, to cling to her body and dissolve in her warmth. How much you yearned for her to give you real proximity, to caress your sides as she would bury her face in your hair and fall asleep next to you, breathing peacefully. Or she would let you lie down on her chest and listen to her calming heartbeat, holding your hand and circling your skin with her thumb. 
A couple of red heart emojis were sent Lydia’s way and you locked your phone, turned on your back and looked at the ceiling. Fulfilled and deprived at the same time.
by the way, i was given a new project today! You texted Lydia five minutes later, remembering that you forgot to share the exciting news. i’m so happy, they finally gave me the big girl stuff to do haha
That’s amazing, dear. I’m very proud of you, Lydia answered, making you blush. 
The next Monday you were on your way to Nevermore – it felt very exciting to leave the office for once to see the site of reconstruction. To your surprise, it wasn’t that long of a ride, you expected the school to be more distant from Jericho than it was. Driving along the road that was framed by thick forest made you want to pull over for a second to take a picture of towering trees, branches tranquilly swinging in the wind, the sun peaking through the leaves. However it would be a bad idea, unless you wanted to be late for the meeting more than you already were.
The building of Nevermore astonished you from the first glance. A dark fantasy, elaborate decorations and old-fashioned high ceilings. You arrived at the brink of evening – Principal Weems didn’t have time for the meeting until 5 p.m. – and the golden hour made the school look even more otherworldly. You didn’t need a tour since you had an insight on what the building was like inside, and the location of classrooms and halls didn’t really change over decades. Approaching the Principal’s office, you adjusted the collar of your shirt and fixed your hair – this was serious, you had to make a good impression on the client. 
a/n: oh, larissa... honey, you've got a big storm coming
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
can I request a jonah hauer king fic where they're both famous and can't spend a lot of time w each other, angst to fluff?
you’re losing me - j.h.k
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summary: request
jonah hauer king x reader
a/n: and i wouldn’t marry me either 😁 a pathological people pleaser 😁
“i don’t think i can make it on friday, darling,” jonah says, his sullen voice through y/n’s speakerphone. she could almost predict that was what he was going to say. it’s almost been one night a week together, despite the years of a relationship.
due to the little mermaid release, jonah’s career has been at an all-time high. y/n’s never felt prouder of a person before, let alone the man that she loves. this is all she’s wanted for him, his dreams to come true and it’s finally happening. every time she sees him on that screen, or on that carpet, her heart is flooded with love.
“are you sure?” she questions, the sound of defeat seeping through her words.
“i have the premiere, and i’m going to be doing press with halle as well,” he adds, only to confirm that he cannot make it to y/n’s show. y/n swears she can hear her heart crumble in her chest, hearing the muffled crack of glass.
“ok,” she tells him, simply but leaving it at that.
“i’m sorry, love, i don’t make my schedule though.”
“i know, it’s just you haven’t been to a single show for this tour. and i’m playing in london this weekend.”
“i get that, it just happened to fall on a terrible weekend. i tried to negotiate it but it doesn’t work that way. i’m so sorry, y/n.”
“you don’t have to apologize,” y/n replies, trying not to let any sass or hurt come through the phone. “i really wanted you to be there.”
“y/n, i don’t know what you want me to do. i wish you could be at the premieres, but you have your tour to worry about.”
“i don’t need you to do anything, baby,” she rubs her eyes with her fingers, letting them rest on her face. “and i’ve tried to make it to the events, i swear. im just glad i even made it to the ones i got to go to.”
“it just makes me feel bad, i don’t want you to think i haven’t been there for you.”
“that’s the complete opposite, jonah. i know you support me, and i want you to know that im here for you, even if im not there physically.”
“i love you, y/n. i have to go shoot for a bit, but i’ll call you tonight?”
“i love you, too,” she tells him, leaving just the sound of a kiss through the phone. she throws it back down on the bed, laying on her side and pretending his arms were around her.
it’s never easy being separated from someone you’ve grown so close to. both of their careers have skyrocketed, but their naïvety never realized how difficult it can be to have love and fame.
so, when y/n closed her eyes that night, she simply dreamed of jonah being next to her.
the friday came too quickly around the corner, still no signs that jonah would be able to attend. before changing into her concert outfit, she spoke through her several mics, asking if jonah had said anything, but alas, there were barely any messages. until right before she went on stage, she got a few words from her assistant.
“hey, jonah texted to say good luck, and that he’s sorry.”
y/n could only nod, not wanting her upset to come across as clear to her fans. she never realized how one small thing could ruin the magic of a night. however, she painted a bright smile onto her mouth, her bright beam soon being revealed onto the massive screens around the stadium.
she forced herself to sing through each of her songs for the tour, the thrilling fans in her ears. she never gets tired of seeing the people who come here just for her, but if she’s being honest, she’s tired of missing jonah.
when the lights went dark at the end of each set, her cheeks were finally relieved of the fraudulent grin on her face.
the show finally came to an end, the encore being finished and the fans starting to disperse. y/n slipped on a jacket over her sparkly costume, and followed her crew out to her area to get unready. she just wanted to go home and be able to be held by jonah, but then she was confronted that home would just be another lonesome place without him.
she walked with a lack of pep to her room, connecting her warm palm to the cool metal of the doorknob. she opened the door slowly, only to see jonah’s handsome figure on the couch in her room.
“that might’ve been my favorite performance yet,” he smiles, sitting up from the back of the couch. y/n releases a breath she didn’t know she was holding, rushing over to let herself fall into his arms on the couch. the exhaustion from the show tonight started to really take over her body, but it still couldn’t outweigh the feeling of joy that she gained from seeing jonah.
“how did you get here?” she asks, gleefully.
“i pushed a few things around, i left a little early.” he informs her, leaning over to kiss her cheek as she sits and places her head on his shoulder. “you planned this showtime for me, and i didn’t even think about it.”
“you’re here, and you have no fucking idea how much that means to me,” y/n connects her lips with his, letting the kiss come together perfectly. she can taste the faint champagne on his lips, seeing a photo of him drinking it with cast mates earlier. the comforting smell of his strong cologne filled her nose. even after running around a stage, with imperfect makeup, y/n still looked like N angel in jonah’s eyes.
“let’s go home, love,” he gleams against her lips, getting the same bewitching grin that he adores in return.
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blackhill2245 · 5 months
You jokingly call billie eilish
Crack fick ngl, billie x platonic fem reader
You do not have permission to repost, copy or translate my work.
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I sighed in boredom. It was the middle of the summer holidays, and I had shit to do.
I've done all my homework, who the fuck gives homework over the summer? Anyway I've finished all that, and I've finished all my personal projects and I've painted and re did my room... twice!.
So I sat there scrolling on Instagram falling asleep, despite it being 8pm. I see all my friends out having fun on holiday and I'm here in shitty ireland, like how dull can my life be?
I groan about to throw my phone across the room, again, when I get an idea. I giggle to myself and lay on my belly, fliping through my contacts, deciding to ring celebrities and see what happens. I click on Taylor Swift. I don't like her music, but like I don't care. Anyway, I try calling her, but it instantly declines, so I try again, and I get an automated response saying I reached my limit. I groan, flopping back on my back and decide to see if anybody posted on their story in the two seconds I was away.
I rush past all the boring shit before seeing billie eilish posting about her dog shark. Suddenly, I had a light bulb moment, and I pressed on her profile and pressed DMs, I pressed call and waited.
Just as the call was going to end, it answered, "i pause for a moment shocked before belting."
"BE MY, BE MY BABY! MY ONE AND ONLY BABY!" I stop singing, looking at the phone wide-eyed and red in the face. I looked like a mess, having just woken up my hair everywhere. My makeup was ruined because I didn't take it off before I napped.
"What the fuck" I hear a man say as billie laughs turning red. "Well?" I'm not gonna lie I was sitting myself.
"Yo! What the fuck!" She laughs rolling onto her side and sitting up showing her brother Fineas in the background who looked confused.
I take a deep breath about to start singing again before billie interrupts me, thankfully.
"Yo, whyd you call?" She asks, recovering from her laughing fit she moves to sit next to Fineas.
"Girl, I was bored," I whine, not moving from my awkward position, I was sitting up, but my face was smashed into my pillow.
"You're gonna get your makeup all over your pillow," fineas notes, I shrug. "This shit doesn't come off, it's like.... water proof, " I try to think, but I just give up in the end.
"Hey, where you from?" I hear some commotion on the other end as billie leaves speaking as she walks away coming back with her spider, or teranchula, same thing.
"Ireland," I roll my eyes, "get me away from hear." I drag out the sentence rolling off the bed, showing how much I hated it here. "Didn't expect you to answer." I sigh, head crooked arms splayed out legs looking like a dead spider.
She laughs to herself, handing her spider to fineas, who looked like he wanted to throw the thing across the room. "I don't usually, but what's the harm?" I look off screen "hello little man" I coo sitting up my dog rocky cokes into my room, I hear billie asking who I'm talking too so I flip the camera to show him off.
We ended up talking for an hour before I had to go for dinner, yes I have dinner at 9 Sue me.
I was sad to end the call, but the billie said, "Sad you have to leave, girl, what your um oh wait here." I raised a brow, not understanding what she meant, but then I get a notification that BIlly_boy2901 started following you, "hey is that you?" I laugh at the name, "yea can't have people knowing about my secret account you know?" I Humm "smart" I sigh saying goodnight before we ended the call, for some reason I wasn't really in shock which I thought I would be, she seemed so normal I don't know I thought she would be different but whatever.
That night, I had dinner and went to bed. I talked to billie in the morning despite it being so late in America that she stayed up to talk. I smiled to myself, thinking about how sweet she was.
Girls, my first fiction, ahhahaha anyway, hope you enjoy ❤️
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streakyglasses · 8 months
to have it in your hands (the one thing you wanted all your life)
After meeting Vivienne, Chris and Street have the kids talk.
No warnings apply. 2200ish words. Set post-season 5.
Read on ao3 or ffn, or below the cut
Chris’s apartment is dim but cozy when she and Street return just shy of 11PM. Street’s hand rests warm on her lower back, and when she glances behind her, he’s still smiling with the new memories of Hondo and Nichelle’s baby girl. It makes her heart soft but her stomach sinks. 
Excusing herself, Chris heads to the bedroom to change into pajamas and take her makeup off. She hears Street follow once she’s in the bathroom, the noise of running water not enough to mask how he rifles through his drawer in search of something. He looks up at Chris when she’s back in the bedroom, smirking and rolling his eyes. 
“That’s my shirt, you know. It’s the one I was looking for.” 
Chris looks down at the outdated SWAT shirt and shrugs. 
“Last time I wore it, you said it looked better on me.” She says, eyes sparkling, stepping up to Street and kissing his jaw. He shivers underneath her lips, his hands coming to hold her. 
“It does,” he murmurs. “And I think it would look best on the floor, but I’m starving. And I know you haven’t eaten since breakfast.” 
Disappointment flashes across Chris’s face but she doesn’t put up a fight when her stomach grumbles. 
“I’ll order a pizza. Anything extra?” 
Focus back on his shirts, Street shakes his head. 
“Just the regular, I’ll be out in a few minutes.”
Chris nods, takes a deep breath as she goes to the kitchen and hears the shower start. When she opens her phone, it shows her one of the pictures Hondo took of Street with Vivienne, and Chris swallows back her anxiety. She closes the photo to dial the pizza place, but Street’s bright eyes as they gazed down at the baby girl are stuck in her head. 
Her thoughts continue to spiral once the food’s been ordered and she’s left alone. A random house remodeling show does nothing to break them up, even as someone asks for an orange kitchen, which would normally be enough to bring Chris out of any spiral. Somewhere in her haze, she ends up on the couch with a blanket thrown over her legs, too in her head to recognize the shower stopping or Street’s footsteps down the hallway. 
“Chris?” Street sings with a smile, muscles finally relaxed from the day. It widens when he catches her on the couch, his eyes following over her form to the TV, wincing at the paint color. Looking back at her, his brows furrow at how distracted she is. He repeats her name to no avail. 
Approaching softly so he doesn’t startle her, Street sits down and the shift of the couch is enough for Chris to shake out of her thoughts. He’s looking at her worried, a way that she tries to reassure him with a smile but can tell doesn’t work. 
“What’s on your mind?” 
Chris checks her phone to see how long this conversation will reasonably last before they’re interrupted by a delivery driver. It’s long enough that she can’t ignore the question or change the subject, and she sighs. 
“Do you want kids?” 
Freezing at her question, Street blinks away his shock though he can feel his mouth opening and closing as he struggles to find an answer. His guts twist into knots, years of thoughts rushing back to him. Finally, he chokes out a scratchy, uncertain, 
Chris averts her gaze to her hands, squeezing them until her knuckles turn white to dispel her nerves. Her voice is quiet when she speaks, like she’s afraid, and Street makes himself not interrupt despite how much he wants to comfort her. 
“You’ve always loved kids, you’re good with them. I thought we were going to be there all night with Vivienne and how happy you were when you held her. We’ve never talked about it.” 
Lapsing into silence, unsure of how to say what she really means, Chris’s deep eyes flit to Street’s. He takes her hands as soon as they do, thumbs running over her knuckles. 
“Honestly, I don’t know. Do you? You seemed happy, too, singing to Vivienne, and being Victoria’s godmother. You’re amazing with all your nieces and nephews. Do you want kids?” 
The question steals Chris’s breath. The moment feels like a piece of stained-glass sitting dangerously close to a ledge, and Chris isn’t sure if there’s anything waiting on the floor to soften the landing if her answer pushes them over. Street’s hands are warm in hers, steady, and she looks at them so she doesn’t have to see how her answer affects him. 
“No,” Chris whispers with a small shake of her head. 
The pain in her voice is a knife through his heart. Carefully disentangling their hands, Street cradles her face instead, swallowing back his uncertainty when she still doesn’t look at him. 
“Okay. That’s okay, Chris.” 
Her hair falls over her face, but Street can see how her eyes narrow when he speaks. A small voice in Chris’s ear tells her that he’s lying for her sake, and it’s hard not to listen despite knowing how his tone shifts when he lies, and how that hasn’t happened. Biting her lip, she risks looking at him. 
“You’re sure?” 
Street’s chest aches with how doubtful Chris sounds and he nods, thumb brushing over her cheekbone, and tries to instill as much confidence in his words as he can. 
“Yeah, I’m sure. Do you want to tell me why, though? Not that you need to convince me of anything,” Street adds, “I just hate seeing you like this.” 
“My mom.” Chris says, voice lined with a thin layer of shame. “I see more of her in myself than I like to admit. I love kids, I love being an aunt and a godmother, but I’m not giving all of my issues to a kid that didn’t ask for it and doesn’t deserve it.” 
Lips pressed together and eyes sad, Street says he gets it. 
“You know my parents were real pieces of work. Sometimes I like the thought of having a kid or two of my own, but I can’t shake the fear that I’d hurt them like I was hurt. ‘Give them something better’ is a nice sentiment if someone’s sure how to do it, but I have no idea.”
“Yeah,” Chris agrees on a shallow breath. Unable to stand the space between them, she maneuvers until she’s on his lap, one arm around his shoulders and the other hand resting on his chest, her forehead light against his chin. 
“I’m sorry for all you went through. Some days I think I’m lucky that I never knew my father. My mom did enough of a number on me all by herself.”
“Like you told me once, Chris,” Street says, eyes on the top of her head, “maybe, maybe not. But if you had known him, then you never would’ve met me.”
Street feels a quick puff of hot air on his neck and can just see Chris smile as she remembers. 
“And from my experience, it doesn’t matter how many parents a kid has, they always end up with scars from ‘em.”
Chris nods, her hair tickling Street’s skin as she takes in his words. He puts a hand on top of hers, brings it to his lips to kiss her fingers before lying it back where it was. 
“I don’t think you’re capable of doing to a kid what was done to you.” Chris says, Street’s eyebrows raise as his heartbeat calms. “You’re too good. I don’t want to deprive you of being a dad if that’s something you want.” 
Laughing softly, Street says she isn’t depriving him of anything. He hooks a finger under her chin so he can see her face. 
“You are what I want. You, SWAT, the Team. I love my life as it is. And, it took me a long time to get it here, so I want to enjoy it.” 
He leans down to kiss her tenderly, features soft when he pulls back. 
“And if you change your mind?” Chris searches his eyes. He shrugs. 
“Then we talk about it again down the line and we figure it out, like we figured out where to go for dinner last week.” 
Chris rolls her eyes, but Street sees the tension drain from her, his shoulders relaxing, too. 
“Kids are a bigger decision than Thai or Italian.” 
“I know,” Street says, nodding. “They’re a bigger responsibility, too, which is how I know that I’m perfectly content with how we are right now.” 
“Okay,” Chris says, finally feeling the full impact of relief. “Thank you.” 
“I’m glad we talked about it.” Street says and kisses her again. 
“Besides,” he mutters against her lips, shifting their bodies around until she’s straddling him. “If we had a kid, I couldn’t do this.” 
The words on Chris’s tongue fall into nothingness as Street’s mouth makes a home on her neck. One of her hands holds the back of his head, nails scratching his scalp, while the other rests over his shoulder. 
His lips move north to the pressure point at Chris’s jaw, spurred on by her moans as the sensation deepens and her hips roll in response to him. 
Chris is just about to fulfill his wish of his shirt on the floor when they’re interrupted by a knock on the door. 
Head falling back in disappointment, Chris pats Street’s shoulders twice as she lifts herself off him to answer. She grabs cash from her wallet as she goes, pressing a hand to where his lips were in hopes there’s not a hickey blooming. 
“Hi, thanks,” Chris says, transaction quick when she doesn’t ask for change. Bumping the door closed with her foot, Street’s already in the kitchen pouring them drinks and getting a stack of napkins. Chris clears everything off to set the pizza box on the coffee table. Street puts the drinks on coasters before sitting down next to her, the TV starting a new episode of the same show. 
“For what it’s worth,” he says after a bite of cheese and peppers, “I think all the kids that are in your life are the better for it. I see how much your nieces and nephews look up to you, how lucky Victoria is to have you.” 
A light pink blushes over Chris, who takes a slow bite of her pizza and chews carefully until it starts to subside. 
“Thank you. I meant it when I said you’re good with them. Which is nice because there are so many in the family.” Chris looks over and gives Street a small smile, bumping him with her elbow. 
“I love watching you with them.”  
Street grins and says he loves it, too.
“I also love getting to give them back and not having every surface in our apartment be sticky all the time.” 
Covering her mouth, full of food, Chris laughs. 
“Our house was always a mess growing up. It drove me crazy.” 
Street downs his water and says he can imagine from some of the foster homes he stayed in. 
“You remember that time Samuel’s shirt ended up in Deac’s backpack instead of his?” 
Eyes widening, the memory comes back to Chris in perfect clarity. 
“Yes! That’s another thing, our jobs. It’s not like the hours line up well with taking care of a kid, SWAT or the Safe House. Not to mention pregnancy,” A shiver runs through Chris as she settles back into the couch. Street pulls her under his arm. 
“Our miracle of life is in saving them, not making them.” Street agrees. “And we can always volunteer for babysitting duty if we want to flex the parental instincts, or if we need the reminder to keep them part-time.” 
Watching workers on the TV glue something down, he shifts his focus.
“That backsplash is disgusting.” 
Burying her head in his shoulder, Street feels Chris’s laugh vibrate against him, smiling down at her when she’s done. 
“Glad we’re on the same page about that, too. I like the idea of babysitting together now and then.” 
The episode plays on, both Street and Chris passing barbs about the design choices and the couple responsible, until the credits start to roll. Standing, Chris closes the near-empty pizza box to stick in the fridge while Street collects their glasses and trash. 
“I do have one more question,” Chris says when she closes the fridge door. 
“What’s that?” Street asks, eyes glued on Chris’s long legs as she returns to her spot on the couch and swats at him for being distracted. 
“One of my old K9 friends has a 6-year-old Shepherd, Lady. She was injured in the line of duty and retired, but he can’t keep her and train a new partner with the space he’s got. He asked if I’d take her, but we haven’t talked about pets, either.” 
There’s cautious excitement on Chris’s face that reads like a book, and Street memorizes how she shines in it. Smiling, he runs a hand down Chris’s arm. 
“I loved having Duke, I know how much you love your dogs. She’s potty-trained?” He asks with a lilt in his voice that fills Chris with loving annoyance.
“She’s a trained police dog, Street.”
“Potty trained, won’t need a babysitter if we’re gone for the day, not sticky,” Street feigns weighing his options. “Sounds like the perfect addition to our family.”
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Felix x Rime x MC tripod.
"Drop it like a throuple. Drop it like a throuple. I said drop it like throuple and NO ONE gonna be a triple threat in your stead. You pull up with the squad with triple x, big flex, magic threats.".... *MC takes a breath*....(continues rapping and twerking)"feel my wraith, as I breathe fire on your shadowy ass." 
Felix is blushing to tuck his face into his knees hugging his chest. Rime acts annoyed but low-key entertained by your mischief.
Promise rings with initials carved on the inside of each with an infinity symbol.
Rime will most definitely summon ice to let MC make snow cones or ice cream for the gang. 
Felix will act out scenes when he thinks he's alone. Only to realize Rime and MC we're watching him from the crack in the door. Will tease him to the point he checks every corner out of his paranoia.
MC cleans after the boys mess. Scolds them to than be tackled to the floor as they both take turns tickling. 
Dress in each other clothes to pretend you guys are runway models. Pose darling. Flip the hair. Be a star. 
One of you showed up late to your shared room. The other two wait in the dark with one in a red comforter and the other in their lap. Both ask,"Ask yourself. Was it worth it? WAS IT?!!" Their lover is neutralized as they pull out a bag of midnight snacks so that's why they ran later than usual. "You tell me."
Feeding fruit or cheese to one another. Accidently bite the other fingertip and kiss it lightly. Pouring a glass of wine to sip while the three sway with each other under candlelight. Locking hands to simultaneously pull everyone into the inner circle they've established.
Painting coasters together to then have paint marks on their body. (Taste the rainbow.)
Fish braids in either lad's hair. Ponytail, regular braid, small bun, and so on. MC once got their fingers tangled in rimes hair that Felix had to cut the ribbon binding the two jointly.
MC will haul Felix's bridal style, piggyback, and over the shoulder to just carry them places to get a reaction. And to assist in showing off their strength.
At a banquet, MC is being harassed by a smug group of robust folk. Felix has noticed for a while but MC brushes it off assuring him their fine. Rime just scowls down upon them from afar. The two gentleman knows the anxiety of attending these snobby events. MC is minding their own business by one of the fountains...when an envious lady-in-waiting saw MC "snag" two infamous house affiliates walking in on both arms, wearing a glorious gown. She decides to talk to a distracted MC observing the enormous chandelier up above. As the woman blabbers about herself adding in snide comments. MC finally realizes the lady is jealous with them so they call them out. And MC tells them gently and kindly to appreciate themselves a little more to care less about their beauty and status. To focus more so on their opportunity to live in a moment enjoying what they have now than plan their lifetime in a single moment with every wasted breath they take. The woman is stunned 😧 as MC goes to walk away. She pushes MC into the fountain. Felix and Rime quickly come to the rescue giving MC a jacket to wear. These boys go to confront the lady until MC starts laughing non-stop. Irritated and mildly bewildered the two guys whisk MC away to dry off while the MC is more than delighted to be comforted by her two precious lovers. 
Mc is singing a tune when rime joins for his favorite verses/ lyrics. In the background, Felix has a polyamorous flag waving in the background. His arms are weak but his dramatic ambitions are one of a kind.
Rime and Felix film MC *rubs neck in anticipation* (fans only) or fluff (cosplay outfits with comedic effect). 
Elowen walked in once with MC on their knees having a choker on while rime held their phone in one hand and a chain in the other. She prefers to let them be. Teases them later. 
Another time Escell was going to discuss a matter with his son when he catches Felix in a maid outfit being held in MC's arms wearing an afro and clown makeup. These two agreed to knock twice before entering a room from now on. Later they pass each other in the hall, "F-father…., ” Felix and Escell avoid eye contact. Escell nods curtly to him, "Foreplay isn't ALWAYS significant." Disgusted and humiliated he hears his other dad down the hall, "YES...it is!!" Covering his ears,"In all the nine circles of heaven and hell….!!"
Skinny dipping is a mutually agreed choice. Cliff diving. Theatre plays. Cards. Pac-Man around the pool. (Two people as the ghost running around the pool. The person as Pac-Man can only walk on the lines in between the wet stones. Careful of slipping into the cold waters. Home-made bowling (pins replaced with books) and the bowling ball replaced with pillows. Hide-and-seek. Felix cheats with his portals. And rime will use a tracking spell to find his small beans. MC hides in the same exact place every time. On top of the chandelier. Guessing the character, novel, song, musical, playwright, and etc.
When one is jealous the other two notice and re-assure to include the left-out one. If they decide to date another or bring someone else into the relationship the current relationships are to be in order and stable.
 Encouraged a chore chart for each day, chore, room, and person. Sticking to original plans before changing or switching partners. Remembering to say, "I Love you" at least once every day to each other. 
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kmbezner · 2 years
Aaaaaand it's time for my top ten favorite reads of the year! In no particular order:
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Notes from the Burning Age by Claire North
I'll start with the first book I read this year, cause WOW what a book to start with. I started reading this as an egalley at the end of 2021, but didn’t finish it before it expired 😭 It’s a truly amazing cocktail of one part dystopian climate fiction, one part political thriller, one part fantastical mythology, garnished with a bit of philosophy. North seamlessly weaves these elements in a way that makes you want to write like that.
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The Carrying by Ada Limón
The Undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio
I read both of these books during a kind of nonfiction blitz challenge that started when my supervisor in the reference department asked for staff picks for a display and I realized I hadn't read any nonfiction in an embarrassingly long time. Both of these ended up on the staff pick display, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about them since.
The Carrying is a beautiful collection of poetry I had read single poems from before, but the entire collection comes together to paint a picture of loss and love traced across generations.
Short Review | Local Library | Bookshop | Indiebound | Libro
I listened to The Undocumented Americans, which I highly recommend as Villavicencio reads it herself and does a wonderful job. It's in part a collection of interviews that turns to reflect Villacencio's own life and the connections she makes with those she meets.
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On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
The Honeys by Ryan La Sala
These were both book club reads, one for my local library's graphic novel book club and the other for QUEST RI. The funny thing is that I ended up not being able to attend the actual meeting for either of them, but damn they were good.
I've been a fan of Tillie Walden for a while now, and am kicking myself for not reading this one sooner. They are SO skilled at that kind of faded nostalgia, that bittersweet, melancholic sadness through gorgeous artwork and sparse, emotional storytelling. Also, gays in space.
Local Library | Bookshop | Indiebound
The Honeys is a perfectly tense and taut YA thriller that is so hard to put down. It's got a dark academia vibe despite being set at a summer camp, with plenty of surreal summer feels and guillotine-the-rich vibes.
Local Library | Bookshop | Indiebound | Libro
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How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy by Jenny Odell
This book has been on my TBR for a while now, and when the college library I work at started looking for recommendations for next year’s college-wide read on the theme of social media, I figured it was finally time to jump on it. It was much more than I expected, mainly because I was expecting a kind of self-help book plus. But this book isn’t just about putting down your phone every once in a while, it’s an exploration of a cultural shift that’s centuries in the making. Odell discusses art, music, philosophy, psychology, politics, and of course big tech as she traces how our attention has become a commodity to be monetized.
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His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik
The Empress of Salt and Fortune by Nghi Vo
These books are doing the job of carrying their whole series onto this list. No, it's not cheating, it's my list and my rules :)
I actually read His Majesty's Dragon years ago, and despite tearing through it didn't get around to reading the other books. During a months-long reading slump earlier this year I decided to dredge myself out of it by rereading a book I knew I liked, and letting the series carry me from there. And boy howdy it worked! I was hoping to finish the series this year, but due to life things and library holds that won't come in for a couple more weeks that plan has been thwarted :/
Short Review | Local Library | Indiebound | Libro
I was looking for a quick read when I started the Singing Hills Cycle, and was just astonished at how much lore Vo packs into these novellas. There is so much information about this world in such short and deeply satisfying books, each one a snapshot into a different aspect of the world, shared in ways that both celebrate and challenge the nature of storytelling, history, and memory.
Full Review | Local Library | Bookshop | Indiebound | Libro
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Frizzy by Claribel A. Ortega & Rose Bousamra
Received as an ARC from BookishFirst, this was not only one of my favorite books of the year, but is showing up on best of lists all over the place. And rightfully so—this middle grade graphic novel is about so much more than hair, as important as that is. I can’t stress enough that everyone should read this book.
Full Review | Local Library | Bookshop | Indiebound
Mage and the Endless Unknown by SJ Miller
No cover for this one, because it hasn’t been revealed yet! I read this comic as an egalley on Edelweiss and was instantly grabbed by the eerie artwork and because Iron Circus Comics consistently publishes some of my favorite books. Mage is a collected webcomic, and, without spoiling too much, is basically Over the Garden Wall by Junji Ito (so…CW for graphic imagery. yeah, I know the art starts off kinda cutesy, just trust me). Keep an eye out for this one next year, or if you can’t wait you can read the original webcomic online!
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whatinmindelena-blog · 8 months
"If I should have a daughter, instead of mom, she's going to call me Point B, because that way she knows that no matter what happens, at least she can always find her way to me. And I am going to paint the Solar Systems on the backs of her hands, so she has to learn the entire universe before she can say ‘Oh, I know that like the back of my hand’ And she’s going to learn that this life will hit you, hard, in the face, wait for you to get back up, just so it can kick you in the stomach but getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air. There is hurt, fear that cannot be fixed by band aids or poetry so the first time she realizes that Wonder Woman isn’t coming I’ll make sure she knows she does not have to wear the cape all by herself because no matter how wide you stretch your fingers, your hands will always be too small to catch all the pain you want to heal. Believe me, I’ve tried And baby, I’ll tell her, don’t keep your nose up in the air like that I know that trick, I’ve done it a million times You’re just smelling for smoke so you can follow the trail back to a burning house so you can find the boy who lost everything in the fire to see if you can save him. Or else find the boy who lit the fire in the first place to see if you can change him But I know she will anyway, so instead, I’ll always keep an extra supply of chocolate and rainboots nearby. Because there is no heartbreak that chocolate can’t fix. Ok, there’s a few heartbreaks that chocolate can’t fix, but that’s what the rainboots are for because rain will wash away everything if you let it. I want her to look at the world through the underside of a glass bottomed boat To look through a microscope at the galaxies that exist on the pinpoint of a human mind Because that’s the way my mom taught me. That there’ll be days like this that there’s be days like this my mama said When you open your hands to catch, and wind up with only blisters and bruises. When you step out of the phone booth and try to fly And the very people you want to save are the ones standing on your cape When your boots will fill with rain and you’ll be up to your knees in disappointment and those are the very days you have all the more reason to say thank you because there’s nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline no matter how many times it is sent away. You will put the win in winsome … lose some You will put the star in starting over and over. And no matter how many landmines erupt in a minute be sure your mind lands on the beauty of this funny place called life. And yes, on a scale from one to overtrusting, I am pretty damn naive. But I want her to know that this world is made out of sugar. It can crumble so easily. But don’t be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it. Baby, I’ll tell her, remember your mama is a worrier and your papa is a warrior. And you’re the girl with small hands and big eyes who never stops asking for more. Remember that good things come in threes and so do bad things and always apologize when you’ve done something wrong but don’t you ever apologize for the way your eyes refuse to stop shining, your voice is small but don’t ever stop singing. And when they finally hand you a heartache, when they slip war and hatred under your door and offer you handouts on street corners of cynicism and defeat, you tell them that they really ought to meet your mother."
“B” (If I Should Have a Daughter) by Sarah Kay, B
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courtofmatchups · 1 year
This is such a good idea omg!! May I get a Match Up?
My Name is Maia and i go by she/her! Im about 5"4 which is pretty ordinary id say. I have green eyes and dye my hair alot as a form of self expression! I'm very artistic and draw or paint alot. I also write! I own 2 cats which tend to sleep on me or in my bed when I sleep. I think my friends would say I'm pretty energetic but I know when to stop kinda?? 🤷‍♀️ Theres nothing that I love more than making others feel safe and guarded. I also enjoy dancing, baking, cooking and singing! I also very much enjoy gardening and caring for plants or animals. I am an ENTP, meaning im really extroverted but I still have times in which I just want to sit back and let others do the talk. I get exhausted from public situations sometimes. I absolutely hate rude people, like the ones that are rude without a reason. I could break their bose each time someone talks to me or my friends like that. M favorite thing about myself is that I know how to communicate. It was hard acquiring that, since I have some childhood trauma in the bag. Meaning I start tearing up whenever someone I love might start talking to me in a pissed way or in a way that tells me were arguing because i usually avoid arguments within family or with loved ones. I tend to look out for others alot and i try to balance that by doing self care every now and then! I also value my sleep alot but sometimes I catch myself reading until late at night. I can be very crackheaded when with people I love but only if I feel extremely comfortable with them. When In a bad mood, I can get very snappy but that rarely happens because of me not wanting to gurt the people im around. I also enjoy the sun alot but I rarely go out. I just sit at my desk, starring at my phone like:
"Someone please.. Someone please call me and ask me to do something!"
So im not someone who initiates that by herself. I am definetly really touch starved and cuddling with people helps me relax alot. Sometimes, I tend to bite them. Idk why bro the urge is just there?? I love going shopping and treating myself more than anything but I have pretty faked self confidence. I try to keep it up around people but sometimes its just hard to not be self conscious about everything you do or how you look. I also have major back problems due to the size of my chest and the weight it puts onto my back💀 My favorite colors are pink and light blue or pastels! I either dress very romantically or like a full on lingerie model no inbetween. I also really value it when people communicate their emotions to me and I love helping them learn how to since it's really important!
Have a nice day and drink enough <3
It seems to me you've captured the heart of...
The Clement Prince
Aquia Avari!
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(A/N sorry this took so long. Uni was kicking my ass 💀)
If there is one thing this sweet, soft-spoken man loves about you, it's your energy, and how you express yourself. And the fact that you know when to reign it in makes you all the more appealing to him. And when he learns that you're artistic, you have a green thumb, and the fact that you love animals, the ball just starts to roll. Your relationship starts with the two of you bonding over your love for gardening. And once he feels like he can trust you (trust me, with your personality, that won't take long), he's gonna invite you over to his secret balcony. He loves to listen to you talk about your interests, and he also appreciates that you like to hear him talk about his. What's this? You're protective too?
"How is this person so... Wonderful??" - Aquia Avari
Aquia does his best not to overstep any boundaries, and if he does, he'd appreciate it when you tell him about it. He knows just as well as you do that communication is important in any relationship. If you ever bring up your childhood trauma, he can't help but feel sorry for you, but also proud. It takes a lot of strength to grow around it, and don't even get me started on practicing not taking any shit from others.
Cuddles! Aquia would absolutely love cuddles with you. You may take him by surprise if you do nibble on him, but when you tell him that's just a way you like to show affection, he can't help but feel all warm and fuzzy
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A long day of lectures had come to a close, and Aquia walked with you to his balcony. His plants look a little dehydrated, but it's nothing some water cannot fix. You offered to help him water them. He taught you the proper watering techniques for his plants (let's be real, most of these plants don't even exist on Earth). Meanwhile Mel and your two cats are playing (assuming hamsters aren't part of their diet)
A: "Ah, I just remembered! Maia, I aquired some Avarian Ale. Shall we have a drink?"
M: "Awesome! What's the occasion?"
A: "It's nothing in particular. I just wanted to share a drink with you. That's what paramours do, is it not?"
M: "You're not wrong there, hehe"
After a few drinks, the two of you sat there talking to each other, enjoying each others company. At one point, you asked Aquia to hold still, as you wanted to draw him. You've drawn him a few times before, but the surge of pure joy he gets when you draw him never dies down. You finished the sketch about an hour later, and presented it to him. Was he always this handsome to you? He couldn't help but preen a little.
Neither of you realized how late it got. Aquia noticed you were shivering a little from the cold so he draped his jacket over you and led you inside. He asked you if you wanted to cuddle as you entered the building.
M: "I thought you'd never ask"
Aquia led you to the sofa with his arm around your waist. He wrapped his other arm around you and pulled you closer. And you happily nuzzled into him, and gave him some nibbles on his cheek. And there you stayed, eventually falling asleep in each other's embrace.
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lilpromises · 2 years
If I should have a daughter .
By Sarah Kay | The Domino
If I should have a daughter, instead of "Mom," she's going to call me "Point B," because that way she knows that no matter what happens, at least she can always find her way to me.
And I'm going to paint solar systems on the backs of her hands so she has to learn the entire universe before she can say, "Oh, I know that like the back of my hand."
And she's going to learn that this life will hit you hard in the face, wait for you to get back up just so it can kick you in the stomach. But getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air. There is hurt, here, that cannot be fixed by Band-Aids or poetry.
So the first time she realizes that Wonder Woman isn't coming, I'll make sure she knows she doesn't have to wear the cape all by herself, because no matter how wide you stretch your fingers, your hands will always be too small to catch all the pain you want to heal. Believe me, I've tried. "And, baby," I'll tell her, don't keep your nose up in the air like that. I know that trick; I've done it a million times. You're just smelling for smoke so you can follow the trail back to a burning house, so you can find the boy who lost everything in the fire to see if you can save him. Or else find the boy who lit the fire in the first place, to see if you can change him. But I know she will anyway, so instead I'll always keep an extra supply of chocolate and rain boots nearby, because there is no heartbreak that chocolate can't fix. Okay, there's a few that chocolate can't fix.
But that's what the rain boots are for, because rain will wash away everything, if you let it. I want her to look at the world through the underside of a glass-bottom boat, to look through a microscope at the galaxies that exist on the pinpoint of a human mind, because that's the way my mom taught me. That there'll be days like this.
There'll be days like this, my momma said. When you open your hands to catch and wind up with only blisters and bruises; when you step out of the phone booth and try to fly and the very people you want to save are the ones standing on your cape; when your boots will fill with rain, and you'll be up to your knees in disappointment. And those are the very days you have all the more reason to say thank you.
Because there's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it's sent away. You will put the wind in win some, lose some. You will put the star in starting over, and over. And no matter how many land mines erupt in a minute, be sure your mind lands on the beauty of this funny place called life. And yes, on a scale from one to over-trusting, I am pretty damn naive. But I want her to know that this world is made out of sugar. It can crumble so easily, but don't be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it.
"Baby," I'll tell her, "remember, your momma is a worrier, and your poppa is a warrior, and you are the girl with small hands and big eyes who never stops asking for more." Remember that good things come in threes and so do bad things. Always apologize when you've done something wrong, but don't you ever apologize for the way your eyes refuse to stop shining. Your voice is small, but don't ever stop singing. And when they finally hand you heartache, when they slip war and hatred under your door and offer you handouts on street-corners of cynicism and defeat,
you tell them that they really ought to meet your mother.
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chaotic-nick · 3 years
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Note: I wanted to post this on the day of the deadline, but I got sick after getting behind on all my assignments. Thank you so much, Monica (@we-are-so-close) for letting me use your request as my entry for the collab! I hope you enjoy these
Warnings: Jean and reader flirt with each other 'as friends'. Blowjob at the end. Talks of hookup culture from Reader's side about Reiner. Blowjob at the end. Both of them are switches.
Event: Reader's in charge collab by @smfics
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It’s what they are ever since Sasha brought her over about eight months ago. The first two months were awkward. She was just pretty, oozing a confident air around her even when she hasn’t said anything. Jean was all shy around her even going as far as hiding in the kitchen of Connie’s apartment where they always hung out on weekends with the excuse of cooking for all of them.
When she poked her head in and asked if she could help one afternoon, the air of awkwardness disappeared. She was already quiet in her own world, washing the dishes he had used.
Though, soon after that, the casual air that lingered between them after the awkward stage turned into something they both felt. A strong sexual tension, their eyes avoiding each other and heat blossoming to their faces after accidental skin contact.
Friends. Nothing more than that.
But the line between it started to blur so much so that he felt like he lied to himself. Jean didn’t run to the kitchen anymore when he heard the knock on the door of Connie’s apartment, instead, he adjusted himself on the couch so she could straight to sitting on his lap. “Hey,” she would sing, making herself comfortable that Connie nudged Sasha's side. “Did you have a good day?” He would ask, making habit of tapping her nose ‘boop’ to see that little scrunch she did with her face.
If there was a tangible line between friends, it would be made out of the thinnest material that allowed them to move about. Acting like a couple. Friends don’t text exclusively at night, talking about their dreams and life, nor do they ignore everyone else in the room just to be with each other.
Jean would be an expert at that, he’s been the punching bag between Sasha and Connie for the longest time.
Of course, both of them are idiots, too. Making jokes that had too many layers— making the two of them blush even. “I mean I think, I can and will handle all of you . . .”
“You sound unsure, babe.” He doesn’t remember when he started calling that either, only remembering that she was comfortable being called that. Only by him though. She almost kicked Connie after he called her the same.
A shrug and her chin were on the crook of his neck, feeling her lips move against his skin. “Don’t wanna brag but I’ve taken bigger.” Her eyes watched the screen of his Ipad, watching the timelapse of his painting. “I’m open to being proved wrong though.”
It was always like that.
At work when he removed his attention from the spreadsheet, he found himself looking down on his phone. Hoping that there was a message from her. Or when at every party, he always thought of going home after downing a single can when she was late. Quickly sticking up to her side when she arrived.
Though when they were together, they occupied a couch. Always stuck together even if there was enough space, no one could break them apart. Her upper body leaning on him and her head balanced on his thigh, his fingers drumming along her thigh.
Just like now.
Jean’s right hand, loud with the new addition of rings on his fingers, rested on her inner thigh with an arm around her torso. She almost never attended, complaining that everything was in the wash and she had nothing party-appropriate to wear. And arrived in only a pair of jeans old from being washed with a white shirt, almost a size to small. “Wow, this was big on me when I was in college.”
She had nothing decent to wear?
Her effect on him came stronger to him seeing how thin her shirt was stretched across her, the pendant of her necklace disappearing into her cleavage, poked through the thin material of her shirt. He noticed quickly that it wasn’t only him who was affected, scanning the room in search of the blond, Jean found Reiner standing idly at the corner where Connie and Eren played a game of blindfolded arm-wrestling.
“Reiner’s eye-fucking you,” he made a show of leaning down to whisper against the crown of her head when he caught Reiner break away from the game, uninterested to stare at (Y/n). Probably with the same cloud of lust in his mind.
“Hey, for someone as blind as me, it’s impressive that he can see me from that far.” A pout when she finally looked up from her phone. “Probably wants to fuck again.”
His fingers stilled at the pang of jealousy, eyes that almost closed from the day’s worth of work opened as he processed her words. Fuck? Repeating it in his mind let the possessiveness boil his blood. Again? That made the blood spill all over.
Disbelief as he asked, slowly, “You guys did it?”
“About a year ago.” She went back to playing with the filters on her phone, not looking as bothered as he was. “Think it was— ya, just a month and it’s been a year since.”
A year ago. He repeated. They didn’t know each other back then . . . does that mean that he met her first? How close were they that— no, it’s obvious that they don’t talk anymore. In Jean's mind, there was an internal war of what he should ask her first, they were to an extent, close, there wouldn’t be a problem asking her the details or why . . . right?
Cut off by the reflection on her phone that she raised to take a picture of the two of them. Head on his chest. “You guys really did it?” He asked again, this time, her eyes met his and hurt in her face.
“Not the one to kiss and tell, but god, my hips hurt after that. Like a week, and he wanted something more. Saw the sex as a sign and yeah, avoided him.”
It shouldn’t be making him fume with so much anger that Reiner had the audacity to look her way like that after all the parties Jean shamelessly let (Y/n) rest on him. It was her who chose to sit next to him. And only him. “Gets too into it and forgets I’m human.”
“I’m always a call away you know.” Who gave Reiner the false hope that she’d still acknowledge him.
Instead, she only moved her phone at an angle for the filter to recognise her face. The hand resting on her thigh began moving up after Jean had made sure that Reiner watched them.
“My hand looks good around your throat.” He said in a tone too serious to be even taken as a joke.
The shock on her face wore off as she moved away from his lap, sitting upright. She bit her lip, to keep her giggle in. “Agree. But at least be a gentleman and ask me out first.” Still, the hand wrapped around her neck stayed there, her hands holding his wrists almost getting a feel of the new necklace. Such a contrast between their skin made him feel aroused, the type where he forgot how to function even.
“Then can I take you out?” He managed, taking his hand away from her throat before he lost all decency and kissed her then and there.
“You sly fucker.” She stood up, hooking her hand into his belt loop to have a hold on him as they navigated out the house.
“I’d rather fuck you.”
“Thought I needed to call you first?”
“I’m already here, aren’t I?” Outside the brisk air cooled their napes. “I need to call an uber, hold o—” a soft kiss on the side of his lips cut him off.
She held his jaw for him to look at her and whispered, “My house is walking distance from here.”
Her house was nearer compared to his condo in the capital. By default it’s where they went, not much was said as he followed her, only his hand being held in hers as they walked ahead. When they got there, she excused herself to the bathroom, telling him that he should make himself at home.
How could he bring himself to do that though? He was raised decently enough to act like a guest. The other was well, his heart was pounding. All this talk of being big and how he’d make her cry in bed . . . sure.
While there was some truth to it—
—Jean could only do that to the women who entertained for the night. He knew that well. That’s why he booked the cheapest hotels to fuck them, bringing them home was another level of an emotional connection.
Nothing more than that.
Though with (Y/n), he berated himself for only realising that there would be a different outcome. What if he does the things Reiner did? Now, he understood him, she just had the effect on them. No, worse. What if one fuck was enough to ruin their friendship.
Deep in thought in her bedroom when he should be looking around, the sound of the water running from the showers was muted. All his senses focused on the floor that he didn’t smell the expensive perfume on her when she emerged from the bathroom until she slowly walked toward him. “Jean?”
That was the arrangement. Why they were almost naked in the confinement of her apartment, lit by a soft glow of lights. Foreseen with how much flirting they’ve done under the guise of joking around like Connie and Sasha when one of them called out their actions.
A finger to his chin when he didn’t hear up to tip him up her, “Jean?” Concern laced in her face as if she wasn’t standing clad in only a towel that barely reached the middle of her thigh.
“I’m sorry,” a high-pitched tone as he slid off her bed and down to the floor. His face was hot and the tips of his ears were red. “I— I . . .” Flustered, his eyes averted to anywhere and everywhere just so he could avoid her face. Worse, he briefly saw that her towel didn’t cover anything behind before she sat on her bed, waiting for him to finish talking.
“You don’t wanna do it anymore? It’s alright, you know.” Her doe-like eyes didn’t hold anything, unlike all the times she flirted back with him.
“Ugh,” he hung his head low. Bringing up his hands to his face. Why was she making this hard? “No, you’re just . . . you! It’d suck if we hated each other after this.”
He heard her shuffle about in her bed as if she put all the pillows to the side and threw the stuffed animals to the end or somewhere in the room, before she joined him on the floor. Kneeling in front of him, her hair tied up that the first thing he saw was her collarbones rather than her eyes when he removed his hands.
“You’re really cute when your confidence hits rock bottom, huh.”
“There you are,” she smiled, knees settling comfortably on the floor to support her weight. “Can I kiss you, Jean?”
“Please.” Gone was the fuck he gave with sounding so desperate. He’ll show her the effect she had on him.
Closing his eyes when her soft lips met his, pulling away when their noses bumped at an awkward angle and back to them again, his tense shoulders relaxed. It was bliss, really. Having her this close was only something he imagined would happen, never really coming true. ‘Am I dreaming?’ The hand on the floor beside him, went up to hold her face the other pinching her chin to let his tongue in.
“Fuck,” she pulled away, equally as flustered as he was with their saliva connecting before it landed on his torso. Only a whisper as her knees caged him, pushing him down on the floor. “Again.”
It was far from a simple innocent kiss time, using her forearms to balance herself as their mouths melded together, moaning in satisfaction into his confirmed that she too, felt that way. Both their hearts pounding against each other, she was almost selfish for not wanting to pull away.
Dazed her eyes were half-lidded when her head rose, panting. Sparing a glance to poor Jean below her, (Y/n) didn’t think twice before cradling his face in her hand. “Say ah—” she said, letting the mix of their drool fall into his waiting mouth while her hand—
“Jesus Christ— ack! (Y/n).” he jerked forward at her cold hand cupping the bulge in his boxers, nearly pushing her off him if he hadn’t placed his hand on her back. She feigned innocence, something he learnt that she was best at. Pouting, too.
“Woah,” her hand moved slowly in rubbing him. “You weren’t lying . . . you know? When you said you were big?”
Embarrassment won, head resting on the floor. Grumbling, “Cause I’m erect.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“No,” his expression was hard. In deep thought, eyebrows furrowed. He did really want her to drool all over him like that again though. Would it be more humiliating to ask her to do that again than opening his mouth? “Tell me what you want to do?”
“You’re the nervous one here,” her hand rested on his thigh now, using it to push herself up. Still straddling him and only in her towel. “Come to think of it we never talked about anything we liked, it was just you and big cock—” a smirk downward ”—hopefully. So what do you like?”
“Don’t answer me with a question.”
“Shut up, I’ll spit on you like that again—” Fuck that was hot.
“What’s with you and spitting? C’mon, tell me what you want to do, (Y/n).”
“It’s my house we’re in, I’m the guest here.” She heaved a heavy sigh. “Guests should be entertained.”
“(Y/n) . . .” he sat up with a run of his fingers through his hair.
“What, horsecock?”
“In situations like these, I’m not the guest—” “A prostitute then.”
They shared a look. One that was thrown between them when they were apart from each other in a room and someone had done something stupid. (Sometimes it was Eren being a clueless boyfriend and disappointing poor Mikasa again) Under the soft glow of the lamp, casting shadows on their faces.
And laughed, spreading a familiar warmth over the worry that made both their hearts run too quickly.
“You know what?” She moved to sit on the bed, patting the space next to it. “We’re cuddling.”
“I’ll be naked, and you stay you.” She grinned looking at the boxers that can only contain as much. And bit her lip. “Yeah, just stay like that.”
Following her, Jean gulped. Somehow his feet forgot to stand on their own when he stood up, almost swaying to the side, dazed from whatever was laced in her words— he didn’t have anything more than a can of beer, but he was surely drunk on her. The softness of the mattress and the blanket she pulled over them brought warmth.
“Now what?” (Y/n) took the hand that twirled her hair, guiding it to her rest on her torso
“We take it slow,” a hypocrite with how she moved her hips closer to him. Moving at a pace that would kill any guy. “Like this.”
Catching on, Jean used the hand his head rested to snake it under her, calloused fingers lightly stroking the flesh of her mould as his mouth ghosted over her neck. A fingertip, roughed up from the sports he had played, flicked a nipple. “Really slow, huh.” He bit into her neck, lavishing her scent as his eyes fluttered shut, choosing to savour a moment he only imagined. He continued abusing her nipple as her feet padded against the comforter at the end of the bed, her eyes squeezed shut and her breaths shallow. “Are you enjoying yourself?”
“Mhm—” another sigh after he tried his luck in licking her collarbone, grazing it with his teeth. “Yes please.”
Distracted with wanting her to feel good and chasing the selfish title of being the only one who made her cum by playing with her nipples alone, Jean didn’t notice her stray hand trailing down until his boxers were pulled down. His cock sprang free from the restraint, hitting the inside of her thigh. A sharp breath with his eyes opening wide open when her nimble fingers wrapped his cock, thumb on his tip. “Can I?” She asked in a false innocent tone as if she wasn’t torturing him with the mere feel of her thumb. Smearing his pre-cum to coat his cock.
“Ah shit, if you keep— ” his breath hitched, leaving him with a screen of his tears in his eyes, looking blanky at her. His mouth slacked open, finding the right words to tell her to stop. Just like that he’d throw away the ‘cool guy’ image he put up for her for so long. But each stroke of her hand around his cock proved to be difficult. “If you keep going like that, I’ll cum quick.”
A sinister smile after how desperate he sounded spread on her face, urging her to go faster.
Then slower.
A confusing pace that kept him on edge, “(Y/n), I’ll cum quick, re-really . . .” he panted, one hand gripping her forearm and gis forehead on the back of her shoulder, breathing fast.
“You don’t like that . . .”
“But if you cum fast, I’ll taste all of you,” she stopped, allowing him to breathe before removing herself from him to plant her knees deep in the mattress. Mouth opening for her tongue to dart out, slowly licking under his tip. “Right, Jean?”
Admitting defeat, Jean let his shoulders relax. Only realising how much he had sweat from holding himself back. “Ye-yes, ma’am.”
“Oh,” that sparked something in her, a flood of new energy urging her to . . . torture him more. Enveloping her hand in the length she might not take in, (Y/n) flicked her eyes toward him as she lowered her face again. “I never thought I’d hear you say that—” lips closing around his tip, “— fuck, that was hot.” She closed her eyes, wanting more and selfishly took in what she could.
Maybe she can keep playing with him for longer then.
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taglist: @stigandr-the-cat @ghost-party @ack3rlady @sukosie @blondeboyfriend @rowsn @killerbananas @petitachi @takemetofarlanchurch @axoxtxhxh @sinnerofthewalls @jeansmainhoe
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
a few dad!Glammike au headcanons
This song but it’s Michael singing to baby Ness to calm her down
Once Vanessa fully accepted that Freddy was her dad, she went straight to her therapist
Meanwhile, Freddy, completely overjoyed, went around the Pizzaplex the next day shaking hands and saying stuff like, “Hi, I’m a dad!” “Hello, welcome in! I’m a dad!” “Hi there! I am too a father!”
Freddy had the biggest smile when Vanessa called him “dad” for the first time
At Freddy’s request, Vanessa shows him pictures of her when she was younger
He won’t give her phone back because he’s so enthralled, but has to ask her to scroll for him because he can’t with his claws
Vanessa ends up bringing him some photos to have for himself
He keeps them in his chest hatch :}
Gregory, inside of Freddy: what are these pictures of?
Freddy: oh! those are of my daughter, Vanessa! *proceeds to go on a two hour long rant about his kid*
Vanessa gets her scruff from Michael
Michael and William, with baby Ness respectively
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The animatronics finding out Freddy has a kid had drastically different reactions
Chica: aww, that’s so sweet! 🥰
Roxy and Monty: YOU FUCKED????
Freddy starts greeting Vanessa with a hug every time she shows up to work
He also always asks how her day went. She always says “i slept” but he’s just happy to know she rested 😊
Freddy paints Vanessa’s nails because her hands are always too shaky to do it herself
One of the reasons why William has such a strong grasp on Vanessa is because they’re family
He Absolutely uses that against Vanessa
During the final showdown he’s like, “Do you know what she was like when I found her? Barely clinging to her life, ready to end it all at any moment because she was that miserable with her existence. I saved her. I gave her a purpose. Where were you when that happened? Oh, that’s right. You died chasing after me, trying to clean up what I had started. Was a bunch of dead children you didn’t even know really more important than your own living daughter?”
“No! That’s not—”
“Of course. That’s what I thought.” Then, to Vanessa, right in her ear when she’s being mind controlled, “Do you hear that, Vanessa? Your father doesn’t love you. He doesn’t even want you. He thinks you’re a burden.”
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Girls like you
JJ Maybank wasn't really sure why the Y/L/N family had hired him to clean out their pool when summer started. They seemed to like him around the hotel when they went for meals but he wasn't exactly qualified, he wasn't complaining though, they tip well and it couldn't be that hard.
His only problem was Y/N.
They never got on well. She was friends with Kie in her kook year, who even went as far as to dub her 'the only kook who doesn't make me want to gauge my eyes out', so she knew the pogues from around although they'd grown apart the girls shared no bad blood and always stopped to catch up when they saw each other around.
He was in the middle of raking the leaves from the large pool when he saw her. She was crossing the garden from the large mansion, clad in a bikini with sunglasses perched on the end of her nose. JJ hates how good she looks, her curves perfectly on display and a confident aura around her.
She's got headphones in, he notices as she saunters closer.
"Hi princess," He smirks, watching as she rolls her eyes
"I'm not your princess. How long are you gonna be?" She questions, settling onto one of the sun loungers next to the pool
"An hour or so," JJ states
"Well, could you do it quietly I'm hungover and I wanna just relax," She states, slipping the second headphone back into her ear before he can reply.
He cleans, unaware of her watching him from behind the glasses as she sips on her bottle of cold water. She would never tell anyone but watching him work, his muscles tensing and untensing under his vest shirt, a light sweat from the hot summer day on his skin, she couldn't help herself from thinking he looked good.
He would definitely admit to John B that he thought she looked fit. Her breasts spilling out of her bikini top a little and the barely there thong bottom's high cut making her legs look excruciatingly long. He'd probably make some crude jokes about hate sex being way more fun. He wouldn't admit though, to finding something very comforting about her presence, and finding the way she hummed along to whatever she was listening too adorable.
It's a further 40 minutes, JJ is trying to work out how to get the pool vaccuum to turn on, when her phone rings loudly.
"Hey Sare," Her voice speaks. JJ figures quickly it's Sarah Cameron, the pair are practically inseparable and the whole island knows it.
He half listens to her side of the conversation, more out of boredom than interest.
"No, babes, I love you and all but I really don't wanna. The last million times I've seen Rafe he's been so weird and creepy and I don't wanna be alone with him,"
JJ doesn't know why the comment angers him so much. Why does he even care if Rafe is clearly trying to pull her? It's none of his business. Yet, he can feel his blood boiling at the thought.
"No Sar, if I go and you have to stay with me then you can't go and be with Topper,"
She's silent for a few minutes before sighing "Fine. Fine, I'll come. See you in a minute. Bring me some shorts, I'm in the garden and can't be arsed to go upstairs and find some. You owe me forever,"
JJ wants to scream. Wants to tell her she shouldn't go if she feels uncomfortable around Kelce. He wishes Kie were here, maybe she could talk her into staying where she felt safe.  Maybe she would be able to explain why JJ even gives a shit.
"Maybank," She states, he looks up, trying to act like he hasn't been listening. "I'm going out. You'll be the only one here," She informs
"Okay," He nods.
"My keys are on the kitchen counter, lock up when you're done and I'll just grab them from you at the hotel,"
"All right," He agrees
"When will you be there?" She questions, looking at him like he's an idiot. He groans internally, obviously she needed to know that.
"Tomorrow, 2 until closing,"
'"I'll swing by around 4," She informs. He nods, trying not to stare at her as she lets her hair down from the ponytail it had been in, shaking it out. A car honks outside and she turns, walking up the garden towards the side gates, turning a few metres away,
"Oh, there's an envelope on the kitchen counter with your tip in," She adds
"Thanks. Goodbye princess," He smiles,
"Still not your princess," she shouts back, turning and disappearing round the corner.
JJ felt a lot more in his element when her dad had called him asking if he could fix her car. He hadn't specified it was his eldest daughters, and JJ knew the family owned 7 cards despite only 3 of them even being able to drive.
JJ recognised it though, a white convertible porsche, he'd seen her driving it around before. Wether she was blasting music with the roof down singing with Sarah, picking up a take out from the wreck, driving around in the middle of the night, she'd even given Kie a lift to the Chateau before. He realised that he always seemed to notice her presence.
He was working in the family's garage, the bonnet popped open and grease all over him. It was an easy fix, if a little fiddly.
He jumped out of his skin when the door burst open.  He is immediately taken aback by how good she looks. Clad in a tight black skirt that is ridiculously short, heels and a tight black V neck top with a lace trim around the neck. Her hair falls in bouncy curls around her shoulders and her makeup looks perfect. He would have sworn on everything he'd never seen anyone look so beautiful.
"You're a boy," The girl states.
"Good job noticing that one princess," JJ smirks, she rolls her eyes.
"I have a date and Sarah is being so unhelpful, can you help me pick a top?" She questions, he gulps, nodding.
"Okay, so this is option 1,"
"It looks good,"
"Right. But is it sexy? Do you look at me and think I wanna slam her against a wall and rail her?"
His eyes widen a little, that's one way of putting it he decides.
"Look, I'm your families help, I shouldn't be answering that,"
"Like I care Maybank," She groans, exasperated.
"Okay fine, I look at you in that and I think I wanna rip your clothes off,"
"Okay good. Option 2," She starts. JJ is shocked when she pulls her top off in front of him, without even turning around. He turns around, although not without taking a mental picture of her boobs being pushed up in a red lace bra. "Who knew you were a prude?"
"Just respecting you princess," He comments
"You've seen me in a bikini, what's the difference?" She questions, he stays silent having no quick comment to respond with. "I'm dressed," She states
He turns back around, she looks good, a forest green top made of satin.
"The first one is sexy, that one is cute,"
"Thanks JJ, oh, and hey, thanks for fixing my car,"
"Uh. Yeah, anytime,"
JJ was happy to paint the summer house. He claimed to his friends it was just because they way over paid and tipped big. In reality it was because for three days straight he would get to catch glimpses of her. And he did.
He saw her when she swam in her pool.
He saw her when she played in the garden with her little sister.
He saw her when she cloud gazed with Sarah Cameron.
The best times he got to see her though, were when she would bring him stuff. Every so often she'd knock on the open door to the summer house, sometimes with water, sometimes with snacks, a few times even with a beer. A couple of times she stopped and made small talk, one time she even smeared paint on his cheek and giggled as he chased her through the garden.
He enters the kitchen, used to how the family worked now. An envelope of money waiting on the kitchen counter, they always seemed to be coming and going so it was easier.
He was shocked to see her in the kitchen, she's scrolling on her phone sipping on what looks to be an iced coffee
"Oh, hey JJ," She smiles
"Hey, I'm done," he informs, she nods, watching as he picks up the envelope "So, I'll be seeing you around,"
"Did you want a lift?" She questions, he looks at her slightly confused "I just noticed your bike wasn't here and it's kinda late to be walking back. It's a long walk,"
"You really don't have to princess,"
"Honestly, it's fine," she assures, jumping up and grabbing her keys before heading towards the garage.
She wasn't sure when she stopped hating JJ Maybank, wasn't sure when she started noticing little things like the blue in his eyes and which snapback he was wearing and how tired he looked. She wasn't sure when the sight of his bike in the driveway started giving her butterflies.
"So where is your bike?" She questions, the roof of the car is down and the wind blowing through her hair as she pulls out of the private estate her home is on.
"Didn't have enough fuel to get to yours and back," He shrugs
"Why didn't you just-" She cuts herself off "Shit, I'm so sorry. That was insanely rude, I wasn't even thinking and-" He chuckles, watching as she splutters and blushes
"It's okay. Life is different on the cut I can understand how a kook princess wouldn't get it," He shrugs, she nods, still not sure what to say.
"Y'know my life isn't perfect," She comments, he scoffs, unable to help himself. "I'm not kidding. It's privileged as fuck, I know that, but it's not perfect,"
"Go on then princess, what's so shit?" He doesn't mean for it to sound so harsh, he's genuinely curious
"My parents, they have basically planned my entire life, down to where I'll go to college, what sorority I'll be in, where I'll work my summer internship, who I'll marry, where I'll get married, which big kook house I'll live in,  at what age I'll have to give up my career, which has been decided for me by them, to start trying for babies. It's 24 by the way so in 8 years. My whole life is decided and I don't want it. I wanna go on a trip around the world and surf and travel and explore. I wanna fall in love and get my heartbroken again and again until I find the right guy. I wanna live in a New York apartment and I wanna see the world. I don't wanna marry Rafe Cameron just cause our mothers are friends. I mean he's literally scary and harasses me and acts like even though I'm 16 I shouldn't have a choice cause one day he'll father my kids. And no one gets it, none of my friends, not even my best friend. The only person who ever understood why it was so shit was Kie and then she left, she left and lives her life and it's fun and exciting and anything could happen. I don't hate her for it but it fucking sucks that she left me miserable. I'll be miserable living my planned out life and then I'll die. Yeah, I have money and that's fucking great, but my life is far from perfect,"
JJ sits in a stunned silence. He's not really sure what to say. Their problems were very different but hers were just as shitty. He feels like he's seeing her in a whole new light.
"Sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I don't tell people that and we barely no each other," She mutters, not wanting to look at him
"Where would you go first?" His question surprised her
"On my fictitious surf trip?" She questions, he nods "Europe, Spain I think,"
They sit in silence the rest of the way, it's not awkward though, both of them feel comforted by each other presence. He gives her instructions to the chateau.
"We are probably gonna drink some beers and smoke. You wanna stay? You could crash here and drive home in the morning," JJ offers
"I can't. My family are having dinner at the hotel. Thanks though," She smiles gently
"Yeah. Uh, I hope it's not too shit. Thanks for the ride princess,"
He climbs out of the car, his friends who sit on the porch immediately calling out to him, they're all laughing and teasing him about his lift home and when he looks back he almost thinks he sees a look of longing in her eyes before she's reversing out of the chateau.
"Can you fix it?" She questions. JJ Maybank has never seen her look nervous before.
It was only 6:30 AM when she'd started banging on the door to the Chateau, tears in her eyes and panic on her face hoping JJ would be here. John B had pulled the door open, half asleep and groaning a little at the bright sunlight. He'd let her into the small home and disappeared to wake JJ up. John B opted not to put too much thought into the way the minute her name was said JJ leaped out of bed and shoved into the living area, the way his hands cupped her cheeks to see if she was okay, the way he was calling her princess as he tried to calm down her hiccuping tears.
"I can fix it," He confirms. They're standing on the deck of her families boat "It's an easy fix princess, okay? don't even worry," He speaks in a comforting tone
"Thank you JJ,"
"No worries. It'll take me a while, you got anywhere to be?"
"No. Well yes, a breakfast thing with the Cameron's but it's at my house and I can't exactly show up without the boat so,"
"So you're hiding out here all day?" JJ questions
"Well, I don't wanna intrude. I can go and hang out at the beach,"
"Don't talk nonsense, you can hang here. C'mon, I need to be down the bottom with the engine, you can sit and entertain me,"
She watches intently as he works, now that he's not working at her house he hasn't bothered with a shirt, instead just wearing shorts and his infamous red baseball cap. He glances at her occasionally, her makeup streaky from crying and wearing a short white dress.
"So, wanna tell me what happened?" He questions
"Not really," She admits, he nods and she sighs before beginning to explain"Rafe wanted to go boating late and then it all went wrong and then we got the boat to the nearest dock, hence why we are in the middle of nowhere, and he said he was going to call someone to get a lift and it was rainy so I was waiting in here.  It had been a while so I went outside to check on him and he was gone. I didn't know what to do. Dad would kill me for breaking the boat, do I just kinda figured I'd walk to yours and hopefully you would no how to fix it. Then I realised I have no clue where you live so I walked to John B's and hoped for the best,"
"He just left you in the middle of nowhere alone?" JJ doesn't know why he's so mad, they were hardly even friends
"Yeah. He texted me to let me know it was cause he's already in shit with his dad and didn't wanna go down for breaking my family's boat," She shrugs, JJ wants to go and find Rafe Cameron and beat his skull in.
"Look, a girl like you deserves someone who would treat them a million times better than that,"
"I always thought you hated me," She admits
"So did I, until this summer I kinda did," He shrugs
"What changed?" She asks, the question is so vulnerable he can't help himself from looking at her
"You aren't what I thought you'd be," He admits, she nods slowly
"How should a girl like me be treated?" She questions
"Like they're the only thing on earth," He's not really sure why he's so openly telling her how he feels but it feels too late now
"Is that how you'd treat me Maybank?"
"Girls like you don't date boys like me," He shrugs, turning quickly back to what he's doing, not wanting her to recognise the disappointment on his face.
It was no secret her family hosted a big formal party on the 10th of July every year, her parents wedding anniversary. JJ had waited the party the last 2 years and this summer was no different, he'd even managed to get John B and Pope a job too.
His heart had stopped when he saw her, her dress was the exact shade of blue as the sky and flowed beautifully down to her feet, her hair curled with the front pinned back, her makeup beautiful. She looked like an angel approaching him and god why did she have to look so perfect.
"Hey JJ," She smiles, grabbing a glass of champagne from the tray he's holding "Could you do me a favour?"
"Of course," He agrees, expecting some job that needed doing for the party
"If you see Rafe and I'm on my own..." She trails off "I'm trying to avoid him, after the other day,"
It's three hours into the party when JJ grabs her hand, pulling her along behind him and away from Rafe who is clearly trying to catch her alone. He pulls her into a small cupboard slamming the door closed behind him and locking it.
"What was that about?"
"Rafe," He shrugs, he didn't outwardly say he'd been watching her all night to make sure he could look out for her. He also didn't say he would have been watching her all night even if she hadn't asked him too.
"JJ, you know how your coming over next week to fix that one  door that you can't open from inside the cupboard?" She question
"Yeah," He states, peering out of the key hole to see if Rafe is still looking for her
"Well, this is the cupboard,"
"Shit!" He shouts, pulling away from the door to face her. "Shit, it's your parents wedding anniversary and I got you locked in the cupboard,"
"It's alright," She shrugs "They hate each other most the time anyway,"
"Call someone to let you out,"
"Where on this dress did you think there was pockets, you call someone,"
"My phone is in the twinkie,"
"The what?"
"John B's car," JJ sighs. "Fuck princess, I'm so sorry," He groans
"It's fine. Sarah will come looking for me eventually," She shrugs. He nods, watching as she sits down on the ground, patting the space next to her.
He obliges, sitting next to her, knees touching in the tight space.
"You look nice tonight, I like the shirt and tie," She compliments, he can feel himself blush and is glad the cupboard is dark enough she probably can't see it.
"Y'know what you said on the boat the other day?" She questions, he immediately knows what she's referring too "About how girls like me don't date boys like you,"
"Yeah," He confirms
"Why is that?" She questions quietly
"I couldn't make you happy princess. Your parents would hate me. I couldn't take you on the fancy dates you're used to. You wouldn't be happy,"
"My parents love you, they think you're resourceful and hard working. I hate the stuffy dates figure 8 boys take me on," She informs, he laughs a little at that. "Besides, you already make me happy. I'm just saying Maybank, if you don't wanna date me just say it, don't try and put it on me,"
JJ isn't really sure how to react. How to explain he desperately wanted to date her, wanted her to be his girl and wanted to shower her in love and adoration. He isn't sure how to tell her that by inadvertently telling him she wanted to date him she had made him the happiest man on earth. He's not really great with words and it all feels too hard to say.
So, instead, he turns slightly, taking her face in his hands and pulling her to him, his lips crashing against hers and somehow she knows everything he wanted to say.
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tojiaesth · 3 years
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gojo satoru x f!reader
summary: you and gojo had some sort of unspoken agreement in which you refused to adhere to labels and instead chose to have fun. except neither of you would ever admit the hold you had on each other.
warning: heavy smut, 18 +, minors dni, fingering, oral (fem receiving), rough handling of reader, marking, dom!gojo, sub!reader, choking/breath play, overstim, raw sex, tummy bulge, ?slight breeding kink, jealousy and possessiveness, mentions of drugs and alcohol.
tags: college au, fratboy!gojo, friends with benefits, unlabelled relationships, bisexual!gojo, bisexual!reader, fluff at the end <3
A/N: inspired by ariana herself <3 so i recommend at least listening to the song before you read, if you’re like me and can’t read and listen :p
It was loud. That was the first thing you picked up on before you even entered the sweaty house. Your friends begged you to come, as if there weren’t parties every week and missing one would change the world. You struggled to find a parking space, choosing to walk the rest of the way. The deafening thump of bass could be heard a few blocks down and you wondered how there was never any noise complaints.
Satoru probably threw money at them.
You smiled, it was such a him thing to do. The cold air nipped at your dress, having left your coat in your car. You had chosen to wear an emerald green satin body con dress that stopped mid thigh. It accompanied a criss cross pattern that exposed your back. You first saw it online and had fallen in love, it partly being the reason why you had said yes. You wanted him to see you in the dress, already craving the dark look in his eyes when he was turned on.
Gojo Satoru, college senior, with his charismatic personality had a very big presence at the college. Almost never alone and surrounded by a group of admirers, both men and women fell at his feet. If someone had told you back in your first year that you’d be sleeping with this man on the regular you’d think they were crazy. He honestly, despite being very handsome, was not your kind of man. Too pretty, very cocky and had serious commitment issues, bedding half the campus. But it had started at the beginning of the year, your friendship groups overlapping as you had grown close with Suguru Getou and Shoko Ieiri having been studying the same subject. You found yourself around him a lot, eventually going out with just each other and things quickly progressed.
Soon enough he was between your thighs, lapping at your cunt with fervour and sucking gently on your clit, two slender fingers hitting that spot. He did that a lot, seeming to relish in the way you fell apart on his tongue, your slippery walls pulsating as you softly said his name like a prayer. He’d nonchalantly get up, sometimes not even asking for anything in return and it surprised you. You pegged him as more of a receiver than a giver but it suited you fine.
You became pretty popular on campus as you hung out with them, attending parties and making life long friendships. You usually weren’t someone who slept around, but that quickly changed. So did your care for a steady relationship. You were 21, life was short, you had a great body and a pretty face, opting to have fun.
You found yourself caught in Gojo’s trap, legs wound around his waist on a weekly basis, his hard cock driving into you with such force you thought you’d break. Your legs clenched just thinking about it, a thin layer of slickness coating your panties.
Your thoughts were brought back to reality when you entered the frat house, NalinA by Block B was being blasted at full volume through the house and you already felt a course of excitement run through your veins. You couldn’t wait to let loose and find your friends. The house, just short of a mansion, had been decorated with l.e.d lights, a soft red and blue glow painting your skin. There was alcohol everywhere, sweaty bodies and the strong smell of weed.
“Y/N! Over here.” You looked over to see the majority of your friends on a sofa, catching sight of Satoru with a girl on his lap. His hand was caressing her ass, as she pouted saying something to him. She was pretty, and you tried your best not to care. Their faces were sweaty, with cups in their hands, indicating they had stopped dancing. You walked in their direction, plopping yourself next to the person behind the voice.
“Hey Mei-Mei. You look hot.” You said casually and she automatically pulled you to sit on her knee. You smiled and took her cup, whatever bitter liquid sliding down your throat. You and Mei were another short lived fling, sleeping together a handful of times and besides Satoru, no one else could compare to that sinful mouth of hers. A queen at teasing, she brought her hand to your waist and lightly began tracing shapes with her fingers.
“You look hot, that dress is making me want to do things to you.”
You chuckled as you stared at each other, tensions running high as the song changed to one you were familiar with. You wanted to dance.
“God, please make out.”
You ignored the annoying comment from Sukuna who was sat diagonally from you, blatantly checking you out. You told him to shut up, your mouth twitching as he looked completely unfazed. Looking away, you ran your fingers through Mei’s soft hair,
“Come, let’s dance.” You whispered, breath hot on her ear as she shivered. You loved how easily you could fluster Mei, knowing the more you worked her up the more she’d punish you for it later.
You both got up and your arms were grabbed by Shoko,
“We’re coming, we’d rather not watch Sukuna hunt for a girl like an animal or Gojo practically fuck in front of us.” She said, shuddering and dragging a very amused Getou. Your eyes flickered to Satoru, finding that he was already watching you. The girl was now straddling him and the buttons on his shirt looked undone, his hands rubbing circles on her thighs. He refused to break eye contact with you, kissing her neck as she moaned, smirking as you looked away, grasping Mei’s hand.
You don’t know what he was trying to do, but it pissed you off. It annoyed you more that he’d groan in your ear some nights, grabbing your neck and claiming you were his and his only. Not wanting you to touch or look at anyone else. The next morning? Business as usual as he was all over some girl. You deducted that him saying those things to you were just in the heat of the moment, recalling how your clit would throb as he would rub slow circles, staking his claim. You liked how possessive he could get, the rough sex, and how occasionally he’d surprise you with a gift. All without having to actually be in a relationship.
You didn’t care about labels and neither did he. So why? Why did his eyes say, he wanted you to get jealous? You sighed, these mind games and mixed signals were your least favourite part of Satoru.
The beginning of an all too familiar riff began to thump through the walls and you all squealed in delight. As ‘Do I Wanna Know’ began you swayed your hips and lip synced, literally letting your hair down as Mei came up behind you. Shoko began recording you without your knowledge, watching as your head fell onto Mei’s shoulder, her hands ghosting around the space between your breasts, purposefully ignoring how your nipples hardened as she whispered something lewd into your ear.
“She’s gonna kill you if you post that.” Suguru watched as Shoko posted the video to her story, her eyes shining with amusement as almost instantly people replied asking who you were.
Satoru on the other hand could not take his eyes off of you. He studied you as you wrapped your arms around Mei and he was exasperated. She was addictive, he thought, those pouty and full lips had a hold on him, his dick twitched thinking about them wrapped around him. Her body was something else, those breasts of hers heaving against her dress. Shit. He almost got hard. The girl currently giving him a hickey was just not doing it for him. In fact no girl or guy was, he had tried countless times only his encounters with Y/N fulfilling his desires. In spite of that, he would not tell her this, not wanting to ruin the game of cat and mouse they had going.
“Satoru, let’s go somewhere.” The girl whined, hips grinding against his crotch. He suddenly got up and pushed her off of him,
“Nah, not in the mood. I’m sure Sukuna would be interested. He has a habit of going after my sloppy seconds.” Gojo snapped, sick of the way he was gazing at you, eyes darkened with lust.
He ignored the girls cuss words directed at him as she stormed off and Sukuna snickered, looking up from his phone.
“She’s fuckable but I have my eye on something else tonight.” He thrust his phone in Satoru’s face, only to be met with Shoko’s story, full of Y/N dancing suggestively.
He willed himself not to show anger and hummed,
“Like you could pull her.” His voice dripping with fake amusement as Sukuna tensed in irritation.
Satoru walked in the direction of his friends, still dancing crazily and singing very out of tune to ‘Kiss me more’, you were now dancing with Suguru and laughing loudly as he tried to attempt some sort of dance move so terribly, Satoru could not decipher what it was supposed to be. Your lips were glossy, eyes twinkling as he picked you up and twirled you around, ribs hurting from laughing so much. You never laughed that much with him.
Satoru pursed his lips, he was just so irritated. Suguru put you down when the song finished and you fixed his hair that your arm had messed up,
“Your hairs gone so long now, I love it.” You said cheerily, fingers twirling on a stray strand as Suguru bent down slightly so he could hear you over the music.
“It suits you.” You stated softly, unable to look away from his intuitive eyes. The lights were casting a glow across his face, bringing his jaw to attention as you traced it slowly. He was a different kind of handsome you thought, more your type than Satoru was and you thought about how his eyes were a warm brown, compared to Satoru’s cerulean ones. You scolded yourself internally for still finding ways to think about Satoru, you just couldn’t shake him.
Suguru smirked and focused on the feeling of your hands, now running through his hair and eventually resting on the back of his neck. You smelt so good, he thought, he wanted to kiss you. He leaned down and you realised his intentions, your hands paused on his biceps that were coated in tattoos. As you closed your eyes, thoughts wild and slightly clouded by the shots you did with Shoko, you braced yourself to kiss the god-like man that was Getou Suguru, pulse racing.
“Y/N!” Your head automatically snapped at your name being called, sheepishly looking at Suguru whose eyes were now filled with something you couldn’t quite figure out. Satoru was in front of you both, promptly grabbing your hand and dragging you away. Eyes bewildered you looked back at Suguru who looked entertained at the whole situation. You found yourself at the focus of everyone’s stares, all curious as to why Gojo had a dark look in his eyes.
“Satoru, what the fuck? Let go-“ His large hands were gripping your smaller ones hard, uncomfortably squishing your fingers together. He said nothing, back to you as he hauled you up the stairs and into his room. His door slammed as you stumbled into the dimly lit room, turning around in utter confusion at Gojo’s behaviour.
“Fuck, what is your problem?” You were enraged at how he just did what he pleased with you and how you just let him. You massaged your wrist, now slightly red at Satoru’s force.
“Why the fuck would you try and kiss him? Seriously, Suguru? You’re such a fucking whore.” Gojo clenched his jaw, finding himself even angrier at the thought of you underneath Suguru, moaning, sweat dripping off your backs.
You were baffled. A whore?
“Firstly, you’re literally the definition of a whore and secondly, why the fuck do you care?!” You stepped closer to him, cheeks flushed in anger at Satoru’s audacity,
“You have no fucking right to care about who I fuck. Got it? You’re not my boyfriend.”
Satoru moved closer to you, your nose in line with his chest as the man’s eyes changed suddenly. For once, he had no comeback or witty remark, you were right but he’d had enough. Just the thought of his best friend between your legs snapped him into action and he had to come to terms with his feelings. His fingers lifted your chin, your eyes willing itself not to melt at his touch, goosebumps already littering your arm. He silently moved to your lips, thumb pressing against your mouth, encouraging you to open.
You were so unbelievably confused, this man blew hot and cold. One minute so angry he couldn’t speak and then next initiating a kiss.
His lips were against yours before you had time to think, furiously pressing against them and swiping his tongue across. You relaxed into his touch and opened your mouth. His tongue found yours in an instant and lightly sucked it, your breathless moans pleasuring his senses as his hands pulled your body closer to him. He explored your body, cupping your ass while you simultaneously wrapped your arms around his neck, fingers drowning in his soft white locks. Eventually he pulled away, cupping your face gently like you were a porcelain doll,
“I don’t want you to see anyone else or kiss them like that. I’m not playing any more games. You’re mine.” He stated firmly, blue eyes framed by his ash coloured lashes, gazing into your soul.
You couldn’t bring yourself to tease him. Gojo...was serious. All those extra knowing glances you’d give each other, the fiery arguments, the passionate sex, the pang of jealousy at his lips on another girls neck and the way his eyes would linger a little too long when you spoke to a guy, you realised the both of you were stupid. Too busy trying to convince yourselves you didn’t care you both buried your thoughts away, afraid to articulate them in case you were rejected.
You found yourself repeating after him, his eyes almost hypnotising you as you stuttered,
“I-i’m yours.”
Satoru lightly kissed you on the lips and motioned you to jump up, supporting your legs as you wrapped them securely around his waist. He gingerly placed you on his bed, hovering over you as his hands slowly rid up your leg, ghosting around your inner thigh and you suppressed a moan. His touch was magnetic, something as simple as stroking your thigh with Satoru becomes so much more, a tingly sensation jolting through you when his hands brushed between your clothed folds. Meanwhile he began kissing his way down, starting with your neck and sucking furiously at the spot above your collarbone. You mewled against him as he licked the now marked spot, your hips desperately finding his to grind against.
“Patience, baby. I’m taking my time with you.”
You whined at his remark, you just needed him inside you, now.
“Such a whiny brat.” His voice slipped through your ears like silk as he slowly slipped the straps of your dress down your shoulders, the new stimuli adding to the experience. You were never more glad to have not worn a bra. He focused on your exposed breasts, nipples hard and swollen and he groaned at the sight.
A warm sensation reached your nipples and you cried out in pleasure, looking down at Satoru lapping up your soft mounds. His seductive gaze ripped through you as he began to trace slow circles with his tongue. His fingers kept your other breast occupied, rolling around your left nipple with his fingers, constantly switching sides and worshipping them.
His attention switched to your lower stomach, kissing your skin with affection as you anticipated his lips between your thighs. You could feel the damp spot slowly spreading on your panties and the swell of your clit, begging to be touched.
“Fuck, Satoru you tease.” You breathed out in gaspy moans, he had completely removed your dress by now and was blowing warm breaths against your knickers. Satoru brought a single digit to rub against the wet spot, moaning as he felt the tent in his pants. He loved teasing you but it required self control, wanting nothing more than to release his large cock from its restraints and into your warm hole, throbbing at the thought.
He finally pulled your panties to the side at your delight and your whimpers filled the room as his fingers brushed against your soaked clit. He played around with your pussy, stroking up and down and noting the creamy juices that were flowing out your hole. The sight of his fingers coated in your juices and he almost came right there. The lewd squelching of your cunt was slightly covered up by your cries of pleasure as he entered two slender fingers inside you, stimulating your sensitive walls. He reached down and took your clit into his mouth, humming at the taste.
“F-fuck, right there Toru” You moaned, attempting to wriggle but Satoru quickly used his arms to clamp your thighs into place, his sensual mouth causing white dots to appear in your vision. Your stomach fluttered at the slow, familiar build up of your climax, not even embarrassed that he had only been eating you out for five minutes. You were just so sensitive today and paired with Satoru laying claim to you, your body was responding to each and every one of his touches.
“Ah, k-keep going baby, fuck. You’re so good at it.” The praises fell from your lips as the deep pleasure in your stomach changed, indicating you were near.
Satoru was persistent, his insatiable need to feel your cunt quiver against his tongue caused him to add one more digit, scissoring his fingers against your gummy walls. He could feel you frantically clenching, chuckling at his inability to move as fast as his fingers were in a death trap. He kept his eyes on you, watching as your hand came up to your mouth to stifle your sobs, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“I’m close.” You whispered and you made a mistake of looking down at Satoru, his tongue was pressing down against your sensitive nub, saliva dripping onto his bed. His fingers went even faster, determined to make you cum.
“Shit, shit, shit. I’m gonna-”
“Cum for me princess.”
That was all you needed. You legs squeezed frantically against his head, the euphoric sensations causing your back to refuse to rest against the bed. Satoru paid no mind to your repetitive whimpers as you began to come down from your high, his lips still stubbornly attached to your clit. It was too much, the previously pleasurable feel was now borderline painful, his sticky fingers removing themselves from your cunt.
You legs jolted occasionally each time he purposely grazed the bundle of nerves, continuing his efforts by using his tongue to tease around the now sensitive area, chuckling when your hips wriggled.
“Delicious.” His velvety tongue swiped his lips and he brought his fingers into your mouth. The tangy but familiar taste of your undoings were accompanied by his soft fingers, swirling around your tongue until your saliva created a mess.
“Shit, you’re so hot.” He groaned, the twitching of his cock was unrelenting. You pressed your legs together, the achy feeling of need returning. Reaching to kiss him, your hands started to undo his belt buckle,
“I want you.” You whispered, unable to look away from his eyes.
His lecherous eyes stared back at you, his fingers curling around your back as he brought you closer, now hovering above you.
“I want you too.”
In one swift movement, his cock was freed and he entered you, the new feeling causing you to cry out as he slowly bottomed out.
“Shit, you’re clenching like crazy baby.”
You couldn’t even reply, his thick shaft splitting you open, Satoru stared down at how you sucked him in, a creamy ring of your juices at the base of his cock. You felt him harden even more, he hadn’t wasted any time by helping you adjust. He started a rough pace, watching your perky tits bounce as he reached down and placed a nipple into his mouth. You were truly addicting, he thought, your whimpers becoming louder with the sticky sound of your cunt. Your pussy seemed to fit him like a glove, Satoru’s eyes wandered towards your soft tummy, at the faint bulge of his devouring and his eyes widened, using a hand to press against it and his ears welcomed your high pitched gasps.
“What’s the matter baby girl?” He cooed, chuckling at your stifled sobs and flushed cheeks.
“‘is too much...” You managed, barely able to communicate as he fucked you dumb.
You were so sexy, he thought.
You scooted away, his rough movements almost resulting in your head banging against the headboard but without missing a beat Satoru pulled you back, cock sinking into you with a new sensation.
“That’s not how this works, sweetheart. You’re gonna lie there and take it.”
His hands ghosted at your waist, using the soft tissue as a grip as he forcefully used your body, eyes unable to look away at how you took his thick, veiny member. Your pussy twitched as he licked a stripe at the side of your neck,
“Oh...you like that?” He muttered, sucking on your weak spot, he groaned when you tightened against him, knowing the tip of his cock was red and angry, your walls were too much.
You blink, eyes glossy and lips swollen from his kisses, Satoru’s marks were littered across your body, evidence of his ravishing as he continued his strong pace, cock driving into you with hunger. Your moans changed pitch,
“t’s...too much...can’t...too big.” You babbled, a new, insurmountable pleasure was ripping into your stomach.
“It’s too big?,”
Satoru wrapped his slender fingers around your neck, pressing down lightly as he smirked,
“I know.”
Your breath was slowly snatched from you as he gripped your neck harder, it somehow heightening the feeling of him around your cunt. His groans were turning you on, you always loved how vocal Satoru was.
Satoru paid attention to you, removing his hands and watching as you gasped for breaths. He grinned at how crazy your pussy went whenever he did that, he had really met his match. His cock twitched, indicating his nearing climax and you creamed shamelessly around him when his thumb lightly brushed your rosy clit. Your legs had gone to jelly at this point, but you securely clamped them around Satoru’s waist, bringing him even closer as your eyes closed in pleasurable agony.
“You gonna be a good girl and cum on my cock?” The way you cried and babbled nonsense, mouth messy with saliva as you drooled around his fingers, Satoru pressed at the pad of your tongue, cerulean eyes gleaming at where you connected. As he sinked into you again and again, the intemperate need to feel you squirt around him, he took your soft mounds into his mouth once more and before he knew it, you let out a long, drawn out moan as you found your release.
The white hot pleasure against your stomach snapped and as you orgasmed for the second time, a new warm sensation splashed against Satoru’s cock. Your juices dripped onto the bed, your pussy quivering and legs shaking as you rode it out.
“Fuck.” His azure eyes twinkled with amazement and you didn’t think he could possibly get any harder, as his member remained snug against your cunt.
Satisfied at your mess and how your slimy walls squeezed so torturously against him, Satoru’s own release was not far behind. With one last sound of pleasure, another warm feeling filled your pussy, spurts of the familiar white liquid spilling out of you as he slowed down his thrusts, emptying his balls into you with his repeated moans.
He pulled out, watching the results of his orgasm dribble onto his sheets. Using his fingers, he pushed the remaining liquid deep into you as a low moan escaped your lips. He brought his coated fingers to your mouth, and you licked them clean, humming against him.
As he hovered over you, his captivating eyes caught in the moonlight peaking through the curtains, illuminating his spacious room. He was so beautiful, you thought, mind now unclouded as your high disappeared. Instead, a lighter but warm feeling fluttered through you as Satoru bent down to give you butterfly kisses across your stomach.
“You’re gorgeous.” He whispered and he felt you smile against the top of his head, white tendrils tickling your nose as he placed himself on your tummy, careful not to crush you.
A comfortable silence lingered in the air, for the first time neither of you needed to fill it in with pointless words. You stroked his hair, content that he was still here and showing you affection even after sex, a concept new to the both of you.
After some time, with the both of you deep in thought about each other, Satoru’s head lifted and he made eye contact with you.
“I meant what I said earlier. I know this is new to the both of us so we can take it slow and I’ll probably fuck things up a few times but...I really do care about you, Y/N.”
Your eyes softened, as he glanced nervously at you. You had never seen him so vulnerable before and somehow it made you like him even more.
You extended your arm, your fingers tapping against his cheek,
“I care about you a lot too, Satoru. More than I’d like to admit.” You looked away, confused at how quickly the atmosphere changed from the desperate grappling of hands against skin to soft eyes and shy kisses. You were shy around him. You really did care about him but you also weren’t the best at articulating your thoughts, Satoru was always one upping you with his smooth talking.
His smile softened before his eyes changed, amusement dancing across his face.
“Well why wouldn’t you like me? I’m amazing.”
You rolled your eyes and pushed him away, his hands grabbing you and placing warm kisses around your neck. You melted into his touch, only now realising he hadn’t even properly undressed, unlike you who was completely bare.
He paused as you wriggled uncomfortably in the messy and slightly damp sheets, the both of you a tangle of limbs.
“Is this a bad time to ask if you’re on the pill?”
You stared at him.
“You are such an idiot.”
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yutahoes · 3 years
Ghost of You
Tumblr media
pairing: idol! Yuta (NCT member) x idol! Y/N (solo idol-actress)
word count : 5k words
genre: angst
summary: He was the one who ended everything. But you’re like a ghost that kept haunting him. 
warning : break up, alleged cheating, pregnancy, a fic where you just want to strangle Yuta to death 
Based on this ask. I’m sorry, I tweaked the story and changed some of the song (especially the Olivia Rodrigo one because it doesn’t fit the story) The songs I used are linked in the story. Also, I have no idea how the idol world works and please note that this is just fanfiction. Please Enjoy reading. 
Broken glass, an empty unruly apartment. Signs that a big fight happened. All because of a tabloid article of him seeing his co-host late at night. Yuta argued that she needed someone to talk to and Y/N was angry that he winged their anniversary V-live just for this. “You can tell me if you’re sick of me, Yuta.” she claimed that made him hiss. “Don’t you think I didn’t notice? You’re always making up things just so you can’t meet me.” 
“That’s not true!” Yuta shouted. “I am busy.” 
Tears ran down her face. “Then explain how Jungwoo had lunch with me last Friday when you said that you’re practicing with your members.”    
“Stop saying that I don’t even make time for you.” His voice raised in frustration. “When all you do is hang out with that co-star of yours.” 
The girl scoffed. “So it’s my fault now? It’s work, Yuta.” It’s always the same reason. “I asked you a lot of times if you’re alright with the drama and you never mention anything. Now, you’re using it against me?” 
The guy shook his head. “Let’s talk about this tomorrow. I’m tired.”
“And I’m also tired.” She whispered. “Let’s end this, Yuta.” She threw the promise ring before leaving the apartment. 
The news next day was about Y/N erasing pictures of them in her social media accounts. The breakup news between the solo idol and the NCT member followed. Taeyong just shook his head watching Yuta exit the CEO’s office with droopy shoulders. “I really like her for you, hyung.” Mark claimed when he entered the practice room. 
He didn’t know where it went wrong. They were happy. Everyone likes their relationship. His fans are her fans, and hers are his. They were tagged as the greatest idol couple, often paired in dances since it’s both their strengths. Y/N was casted in a period drama and he’s a supportive boyfriend who visited her the first day of the filming and thanked everyone for taking care of his girlfriend. She filmed romantic scenes, kissing her actor co-star. And he was fine. “It’s work, Yuta.” She would always say. And he would just smile. 
He started hosting a radio show with a female Japanese idol and he was cold at her, wanting to stir away from controversy. But as her drama progressed, with more romantic scenes and more kissing, he felt left out. She’s becoming a star. And he’s becoming Y/N’s idol boyfriend. Slowly, he’s getting fed up with the relationship that’s slowly getting centered on her. 
It felt like a breath of fresh air that it all ended now. Like a thorn removed from his aching heart. 
All the public’s sympathy went to her, as he expected. She’s the star. The more famous one among the two of them. So he just painted himself as the bad guy by confirming that he’s dating his co-host which surprised the other girl. The agency was surprised at the decision but it became such a media frenzy that their radio show got high ratings every week. Even the sales of their album spiked up and he became known as NCT’s Yuta and not as someone’s idol boyfriend.
Everything is getting better. 
It was the end of the year award show when they crossed paths again. They were doing a great job avoiding each other. Why now? Nine members meant a vacant seat from the round table artists are seated at. The staff repeatedly apologized but as kind as she is, she just smiled and sat between Doyoung and Jaehyun, just across Yuta. She greeted all the members, even complimenting Haechan’s hair and Taeil’s suit. “Congratulations on best album.” she greeted, smiling widely to avoid the awkwardness. 
“Aren’t you releasing an album as well?” Johnny asked that made her nod. “Another dance track?” Taeyong asked but Y/N shook her head saying that it was a ballad album and that she will perform later. The guys were obviously surprised, ballad isn’t her best track. She’s more known for her dancing skills so it is indeed a huge surprise. 
When the best female idol awardee was called, the NCT members all stood up to congratulate her. Jungwoo even helped her with her pink lace gown. She did the usual thank you message: thanking her parents, the almighty being, the management, the staffs, and her fans. “And lastly…” Yuta gasped. Whenever she gets an award, she thanks him lastly for comforting and always supporting her. “Please watch out for my album.” He felt his heart drop, especially when she smiled that angelic smile. Why is she shaking him like this? 
Yuta was already bored. He just wants to go home. The lights dimmed and the emcees announced her as the next performer. Because it’s a live performance, they showed some clips of her photoshoot for her new album. He had to agree that this concept fits her. She looked prettier than when they used to go out.
He was more surprised to see an orchestra accompaniment behind her on stage. Her, seated on a platform, wearing a white sequined dress that shines like stars when the spotlight shone on her. The crowd clapped just as the start of the song played. (Imagine this as the performance.) 
The other members warily glanced at him. A break up song. Why isn’t he surprised? 
My dream changed - instead of a famous singer, I tried to become a good wife
He remembered how she would always try to learn to cook whenever she had extra time. She never mentioned anything to him. It was until one night, they were laying next to each other, when she asked him if he wanted her to continue being an idol. That made him curious that time. She loved performing. Why would she ask that? 
Now, he knew why. 
By the time the second chorus rolled in, he was just amazed at how she could sing those notes while seated down. Her singing really got better. 
Someday you’ll probably call me then I hope you will be a man and congratulate me
Because this is all thanks to you, I’ll prepare a good thank you message for you
He can hear Mark giggling beside him. Johnny pursed his lips as if preventing to laugh. “Hyung, please record her thank you message.” the youngest member teased that made him annoyed. 
Her voice echoed all throughout the venue. Her adlibs hitting notes that she cannot do before and she’s sitting while doing that. 
Slowly, I got over you like that
Their eyes met. Those sparkling eyes. She’s shining. She looks well. She looks better. Without him. 
The fresh air suffocated him, burning his lungs in the process. The thorn that was removed came back and brought friends, a knife tearing his heart into pieces. 
Everything is getting better. For her. Not for him.
The moment he went inside the empty apartment, he felt like breaking down. This is harder than the time she left. He missed her. He’s a wreck without her. A huge mess. Why is he taken over by his jealousy? She deserves to be the center of the relationship. The star. She deserves the whole world. Is it too late for him to get everything back now? He took his phone as a song on the radio played, “Mark, I need your help.” 
Another award show meant another chance to cross paths with her. To Y/N’s surprise, Yuta congratulated her with a wide smile after winning an award. The staffs were repeatedly asking if the members were sure of doing this that made the manager and the leader nod. Johnny was seated in front of the grand piano, Mark on one side with his guitar. Taeil, Doyoung, Jaehyun, and Yuta seated on different chairs in the middle of the stage. (Song)
Johnny started the melody while Mark played his guitar. Jaehyun started the song that made Y/N look at them from the artists’ place. Yuta smiled. Her favorite band. Taeil started singing the chorus with Yuta as back-up vocals. Doyoung sang the second verse while Jaehyun sang the chorus, followed by Taeil. By the end of the song, they lightly glance at Yuta. His last cry for her. 
So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house with the ghost of you
And I chase it down, with the shot of truth
He glanced at her, staring straight to those sparkling eyes. 
That my feet don’t dance like they did with you
The lights dim but he saw her silhouette remain on her seat, shoulders visibly heaving. Behind the spotlight, Yuta finally realized that like a ghost, he cannot shake her off. She’ll keep haunting him because he cannot let go of her. Yuta finally realized that he is still in love with her. 
They had been busy with the concerts abroad and she had been busy with the promotion of her album. Yuta’s co-host quit the radio show and days later, it was announced that she was pregnant. The members were surprised at first but it was her who confirmed that Yuta isn’t the father of the child. The public sympathy went to Yuta for the alleged cheating that the girl had done, making him in the center of the media frenzy once again. 
It was a Japanese radio show when he met Y/N again. He had to promote the Japanese leg of their concert while she promoted her Japanese single. She looked casual greeting him, as if nothing happened but her words echoed in his ears “It’s just work, Yuta.” Maybe it was really nothing to her. 
They were seated next to each other. He watched her put on her headphones then rubbed her palms together. “I kinda forgot Japanese.” she claimed then said a Japanese phrase to introduce herself. “Is that right?” He nodded, his warm gaze still on hers. Too casual. “I’m nervous.” 
He wanted to hug her. Comfort her. Tell her that everything will be alright. That he’s next to her so she doesn’t have to worry about anything. 
But he can’t. She’s not his. 
The host kept on claiming that they looked good together that startled them both. When the staff told him something in Japanese, he kept on apologizing while saying that he doesn’t know that they used to date. She just smiled, shaking her head to avoid the awkwardness. She really did move on. The radio show went smoothly until the last part where they had to sing a duet together. Y/N was obviously surprised. Didn’t she know? “We can skip it if you don’t want to.” Yuta whispered. 
Once again she shook her head. “It’s fine. I just haven’t prepared for it.” she claimed while looking at the music sheet. “The notes are a little high.” 
“You’ll do great. Your singing got better.” She giggled at the reference and he smiled. He missed her laugh. 
Y/N focused on the lyrics, asking the translator to tell her what the words mean or how to pronounce it. Yuta was reading the lyrics, seated next to her when she laughed. “Yuta,” she called and he felt his heart jump from his chest. He missed her voice calling his name. “Should we switch parts?” He looked surprised, curious even. “I mean, the lyrics.” 
Yuta smiled. “Should we?” 
Y/N giggled. “Sometimes I am convinced they’re doing this on purpose.” He smiled while looking at her. He missed her. So much. 
The host was asking repeatedly if they want to continue this, apologizing if it ever makes them uncomfortable but she would just smile and shake her head. He thanked her for being professional and she grinned, making Yuta breathless. He missed her smile. 
They were introduced and she even made a fighting sign at him as the melody started. It was a lonely song and Yuta poured all his feelings on his part. (This is the song they used. Dude, can they just remaster it by asking Yuta to sing this?) 
Long time no see
His eyes turned to her. He missed everything about her. 
We cannot express how we feel
Breath echoes in our ears 
The radio show staff all turned to them in surprise. 
My dear, you’ve already found a new love
She turned to him with her sparkling eyes. 
There is no one like you
I am cheating my heart
He sang while staring at her. She even missed the first beat of her part then smiled while looking at the music sheet in front of them. The bridge of the song came and the staff looked in awe at both of them.  
But you are not mine anymore
They stared at each other while singing those words. By the end of the song, Y/N’s voice was breaking so she stepped farther from the mic immediately. A smile escaped her lips when the host asked if she’s alright, apologizing that she ruined the song. Everyone were giving them compliments, fans commenting on how amazing they deliver the song and wishing that they can do a collab in the future. 
“Y/N,” Yuta called on the hallways of the building. He breathed hard while she just nodded at her manager, asking her to go first. “I…” He started but the words cannot come out of his mouth. I’m sorry. My ego got the worst of me. My insecurity caused our fall. I’m a wreck without you. Please come back to me. 
“Let’s not talk about it, Yuta.” She said while shaking her head. “We were immature. We’re so used to each other that we took each other for granted.” She grinned once again, eyes sparkling. Upon closer look, he figured out why. Her tears were forming. Like little pearls in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Yuta.” The words he cannot tell her. “Let’s be happy, hmm?” 
Yuta smiled, taking the hand she held out. “Can I call you when I am feeling miserable?” 
The girl laughed. “My number didn’t change.” She claimed. “And I still have to give you my thank message.” 
He pulled her close, wrapping her in his arms. “I missed you, Y/N.” 
Fans were delighted seeing Y/N and Yuta seated next to each other in the V-live account. A thing they always do every year on their anniversary. She was smiling, her lovely smile, while waving at the camera. Yuta adjusted the camera to capture them both before smiling his angelic smile. 
“I didn’t know your V-live account still works even if it isn’t used for a year.” She claimed, leaning in to read some comments. “I also didn’t know that there are still fans who come in this V-live account.” The number of watching people raised up that startled even Yuta. 
They both introduced themselves in a lively manner before the NCT member explained that they did this V-live as a thank you to fans who trended the song they sang in Japan. “I didn’t know that it would blow up like this.” He claimed and she nodded, even laughing at how embarrassing it is that her voice broke in the end. 
They started reading some comments about how fans missed them together, that they look together, and that their playfulness as a couple came back. “Are you back together?” Yuta read, pointing at the comment. 
“We’re not together together,” Y/N started then emphasized the last word with air quote marks. “We’re just…” She lightly glanced at him who was looking at her, mirroring the same smile she had. “Just patching things up and fixing ourselves.” Yuta continued for her. 
“Is there a possibility of a come back?” 
Y/N giggled before pointing at Yuta. “NCT is coming back with a new album. I’m preparing for a fall comeback.” The guy laughed at that. “Yuta, do you want to be featured in my album?” 
He nodded immediately. “Will you write me a love song?” 
She grinned, shaking her head playfully. “I’m not gonna write you a love song~” she sang before laughing. Yuta chuckled, poking her side playfully. “But we’ll see.” 
The fan asked what they had been up to. Y/N shared that she’s writing songs for her album and Yuta saying that he hangs out with the members often and the preparations for their comeback. “I’ve been hanging out with Jaehyun a lot.” he claimed, “I’ve been liking his music choices lately.” 
“You’re already done with your rocker state?” She asked, feigning a shock. “What song have you been listening to lately?” 
Yuta smiled, taking his phone out of his pocket. He played the song and Y/N smiled that there’s still a rockish feel on it.  (Song)
Oh, all my emotions feel like explosions when you are around
Yuta mouthed the words, trying to look for comments but his gaze was on her while jamming on the song. A smile crept his lips and he saw how one fan pointed out that he’s so in love with her. He is. 
“This song is so nice.” 
“Honestly, it kinda reminds me of you.”
He’s singing ‘She’s a, She’s a lady And I am just a boy’
He’s singing ‘She’s a, She’s a lady’ And I am just a line without a hook’
Oh baby, I am a wreck when I’m without you I need you here to stay
She looked surprised when Yuta sang the lines of the songs. The side of his lips curled up when he saw the sparkle back in her eyes. They talked a bit about what fans should watch out from their respective schedules. They said goodbye in a lively manner before Yuta ended the V-live. 
Y/N leaned on the couch, breathing heavily. She lightly glanced at Yuta and he smiled. “Want to get some sushi?” She nodded, grinning widely. 
Yuta cannot shake her off. Like a ghost, she will keep haunting him. And hopefully, she can come back to him. 
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dear-galileo · 2 years
you spin me right around
modern au!geraskier, written for the @thepassifloradiscord fic and art swap!
8.5k words, mature
read on ao3
“I am going to learn magic,” Jaskier declared into his phone. Triss, on the other end, made a noise of surprise. 
“Really? What brought this on? Oh, I can recommend you to one of my professors-”
“I am going to learn magic, and curse Valdo fucking Marx so that whenever he goes to sing, his dick gets smaller.”
“Is that his middle name?” Triss asked. Jaskier paused, already lost in a conversation that he had started. “Fucking? Valdo Fucking Marx? I can’t tell if his parents had great confidence in him, or simply hated him.”
“I’ve made the word cuck in my phone autocorrect to Valdo.” 
“I can’t imagine how often you text the word cuck.” 
“No, but it’s quicker to type that than Valdo Fucking Marx.” Jaskier said easily. Triss laughed, before composing herself. 
“Why are you cursing him? Or should I say, what did he do today?” 
“He’s into painting .” Jaskier revealed dramatically. He was currently walking through one of the many courtyards of Oxenfurt University. Having spent the past two years at this school studying music previously had granted Jaskier zero shame regarding freshmen overhearing his phone conversations. Let them be entertained, lord knows they need it. 
“He’s-” Triss hesitated on the other side of the phone. He could imagine her sitting at her desk in her dorm, twirling a pencil in one hand, her phone in the other. “He’s into painting? Isn’t that a good thing, since he would drop out of your music classes?”
“No.” Jaskier corrected. “He’s into painting alongside his music- he’s making art to represent his songs.” Triss hummed, and Jaskier could tell from the tone that she wasn’t getting the full picture. “Not only has he stolen three of my songs from freshman year and mangled them with his bloody fucking [__], but he’s making toddler-level finger paintings based off of them.” 
“I might need photographic evidence of these.” Triss said. 
“Already sent one to you. It looked like he shat himself on top of a canvas and called it art. I couldn’t bear to stand around and listen to his lecture on what it represented, so I got out when I could.” 
Triss’s laughter echoed through the phone as she checked the photo. “Dear Gods,” she said, putting the phone back to her ear. “That is truly terrible. But how is this magic worthy?” 
“He’s trying to one up me! I bet you he overheard that I am going for that internship at the record studio, and is trying to beat me out.”
“How would bad artwork help him in that case?” 
Jaskier threw up one of his arms, even though Triss couldn’t see him. A freshman with an overloaded backpack stared at him as she walked by. 
“Fucked if I know! But I refuse to let this slide by, I’ve got to do something.” Triss groaned. 
“No, every time you say you’ve got to do something, you end up doing something ridiculous that very much does not need to be done,” she complained. “And half the time you drag me into it.” 
“How many times must I apologize for setting you up on that fake date with him? I didn’t know he was going to spend the entire two hours at the movie talking.”
“You can stop apologizing when I can smell movie theater popcorn without cringing. He tried to hand feed me popcorn , Jask, that’s not something that one could easily forget. He has sweaty hands.”
“Which is why you were never sent on another spy mission- in fact, I gave up the spy missions sophomore year. That’s growth!” 
“If I didn’t know how much you genuinely hated this man, I would say just fuck him and get it over with,” Triss said with a barely suppressed sigh. This was a discussion that they have had before. 
“Getting back to the point-”
“Oh, goody, there’s a point,” Triss said dryly. Jaskier gasped loudly into the phone, just to get his feelings of betrayal across. 
“Rude! You are spending too much time with Yen. She’s a bad influence.” 
“I actually think that she would help you with the penis shrinking spell, if you gave her a good enough reason to.” 
Jaskier considered this for a moment, but Yen still scared him, even after half a year of her dating Triss, his best friend. 
“No, okay. I have to find another medium, and be better at it than Valdo is.”
“You are going to make shitty paintings?” Triss asked. There was movement on her side of the phone. “Oh- Yen’s here, I’m putting you on speaker.”
“Is he complaining about that greasy fuck again?” Yen’s voice distantly said. 
“Yes! He is!” Jaskier called. Yen’s scoff could have been a general one, or because of Jaskier talking about himself in the third person, it was too hard to tell through the phone. “Listen, so I can’t get into painting, a, because that’s too obvious, I would be blatantly stealing his idea, and b, that’s stupid.” 
“I doubt Valdo owns the market to making paintings based off of songs,” Triss started to say. 
“Hush, my lovely beautiful friend,” Jaskier cut her off. “I was going to try wood carving, but then I remembered the last time I held a knife in the kitchen, I managed to nearly chop off my entire hand, so that’s out. That means ice sculptures are out as well. Perhaps sandcastles?”
“We live nowhere near a beach.” Triss reminded him. Jaskier cursed, scowling. He was on his way across campus, back to his car to get to work, so he didn’t have the time to run back to his apartment to scavenge through his closet of abandoned crafts.
“I have an idea,” Yennefer said, suddenly very close to the phone. “Pottery.”
“Like the art of weed?” Jaskier asked, before remembering he was speaking to a very powerful mage who could create a portal to him to smack him, if she so wanted. Thankfully, Yen chose to ignore the joke. 
“Sculpting with clay. I have an old friend who runs a pottery studio in town. They do open house nights every week, where people can try to make their own pieces.” 
“It’s not a castle made out of fine sediment, but that might still do the trick.” Jaskier declared. “Triss, please kiss your lovely girlfriend for me as a thank you.”
“Please do not give me a kiss from Jaskier,” Yen said to Triss. “Is your problem solved? May I spend time with Triss now?” 
Jaskier made kissy noises into the phone until Yen got the point and hung up. A few minutes later, a text from Triss with an address and a name came through. It was just downtown, and thankfully not too far from his apartment. The name provided was Geralt, which the website unhelpfully gave no more information about. 
read the rest of ao3
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