Lock Box Transcript 14
[Discussion about Kings efforts to reawaken Mona.]
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katepalmon · 3 years
by:Kate Palmon
Letting go,
Not so easy to do
Letting go of what you cant change,
Changes you
I find myself wishing,
For what I think
But how can I know,
The secrets of life?
The one thing I see now,
Is that holding on to control
Only drains me of life,
It is a fight
What if I stopped for a moment,
Just this one silver of time
And put what Im holding,
On hold?
Maybe then Ill see,
That there's no need to look at life
From the way life is,
Through a stained glass window
How can I know,
The depth of life
When I've broken it up,
Into pieces
I do not renounce the world,
Or what I see with my eyes
But I look upon what I see,
With my new eyes
If I look from inside,
I can see clearly
That how I see what I see,
Is all I need to control
The past is the past for a reason,
That is where it is supposed to stay
But some cannot let it go,
In their heads it eats away
What happens in your lifetime,
Happens for reasons unknown
So you have to let the cards unfold,
Let your story be shown
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themagicgirlposts · 5 years
A todo el mundo le digo que no quiero que me hables, que no quiero que me busques y que ojalá ni se te ocurra pensárme pero cada día que pasa me duele más y más que no lo hagas.
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wairimuthepoet · 7 years
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The webs we spin . . Art by:Kate Powell . #poetry#illustrations#visualpoetry# (at Nairobi, Kenya)
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ckarlo19-blog · 7 years
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Si te perdiste el Facebook-Live de hoy donde estuve hablando de los Mitos y Realidades de la Belleza puedes verlo en mi página Elysian Arts By:Kat Tema del próximo miercoles: Cuidado y Mantenimiento del Cabello Rizo. #HairStylist #MUA #Photographer #ViviendoPorFeYNoPorVista #VamosPorMas #Elysiarts.Kat #Facebook #FacebookLive #Instagram #SnapChat #Like #Follow #Share
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Lock Box Transcript 3
[17/04/21, after 12:00 AM]
[Jay discusses their "secret" in the kitchen with Baroness, and King brings gifts for the family.]
[TW: medical topics]
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Discord pt 124
[21/04, 01:23 AM GMT - 21/04 3:15 AM GMT]
[Concerning Jay’s coronation.]
[TW: Self harm]
[Throughout the course of this conversation, Jay’s username changed from ‘Jay’ to ‘.’ at 1:53 AM GMT, to “..” at 2:13 AM GMT, to “...” at 2:22 AM GMT, to “....” at 2:34 AM GMT, and finally to “.....” at 2:43 AM GMT]
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Baroness' Lock Box Overview
Link: The Lock box
Username: guest
Password: sunflowers
Locked transcripts:
Unlocked Transcripts:
King is preparing a meal in the kitchen (?). Locked behind Pastebin. Password: cuttingfruit [x]
Viscount and Marcus have a private conversation with Crown. (April 5th, 2021). Locked behind Pastebin. Password: forgiveness [x]
Baron comes to Knight’s Aid (April 16th, 2021) - Unlocked
Jack and Dave arrive at the mansion (April 17th, 2021) - Unlocked
Discussion regarding King's efforts to awaken Mona (April 17th, 2021) - Locked behind Pastebin. Password: grouptherapy [x]
Baroness and Jay discusses their "secret" in the kitchen, and King brings gifts for the family (April 17th, 2021) - Unlocked
Baroness meets with Jack in the kitchen (April 19, 2021) - Unlocked
Baroness meets with King to apologize (April 19th, 2021) - Locked behind Pastebin. Password: nightmare [x]
Jester and Jay discuss a problem hounding the family (April 19th, 2021) - Locked behind Pastebin. Password: youlied [x]
Crown meets with Jack in the living room (April 20, 2021) - Locked behind Pastebin. Password: observer [x]
Jay’s Coronation (April 20th, 2021) - Unlocked
Baroness meets Chorus in the library (April 21, 2021) - Unlocked
Baroness sneaks away to meet with Stal about King and Jay. (April 21, 2021) - Unlocked
Chorus introduces themself to Kate. (April 21, 2021) - Locked behind Pastebin. Password: stars [x]
[2021-04-22 | SYSTEM RECOVERY UPLOAD | FOURTH] (April 22, 2021) - Locked behind Pastebin. Password: baroness [x]
Viscount confronts Baroness in the garden (April 22, 2021) - Locked behind Pastebin. Password: honeybee [x]
[AUTO-UPLOAD] Duchess returns to her room after an investigation... (April 23rd, 2021) - Unlocked
Baroness confronts King. (April 24th, 2021) - Unlocked
Chorus visits Jester to learn Dreamon separation. (April 24th-25th, 2021) - Unlocked
Jack and Dave plot a "kidnapping." (April 25th, 2021) - Unlocked
Baroness asks Jack about her coronation. (April 25th, 2021) - Unlocked
Jay and Baroness play with Pants (the cat) (April 25th, 2021) - Unlocked
Part 1: Jay takes Baroness to talk to King. (April 25th, 2021) - Unlocked
Part 2: Baroness apologizes to King. (April 25th, 2021) - Unlocked
Part 3: Recollection and Awakening. (April 26th, 2021) - Unlocked
King comforts Crown after Max, Prince, and Jay go missing. (April 26th, 2021) - Unlocked
King looks at her hummingbird shifting progress. (April 27, 2021) - Locked behind Ghostbin. Password: beautiful [x]
Part 1: The Plan to Bring Back Mona (May 2, 2021) - Unlocked
Part 2: The Plan to Bring Back Mona (May 3, 2021) - Locked behind Ghostbin. Password: welcomeback [x]
Jay and Chorus speak to K1ng (May 8, 2021) - Locked behind Pastebin. Password: tryagain [x]
Jester and Viscount share a vision. (June 23rd, 2021). Locked behind Pastebin. Password: koko mathers [x]
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Discord pt 100
[Date: 20/03, 7:45 PM GMT - 20/03, 8:49 PM GMT]
[Prior to the below conversation, Mona and Marcus briefly discuss how Maxwell had said that Fetch was supposed to be returning home this day. Even if it wasn’t the Fetch they knew, Mona said that he’d still have to take a bath when he got home.]
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Little-K1ng: “i.. kind of dont want to think about it until it happens, yknow?
speaking of max, did you see??
im so proud of him, he left and didnt feel like he had to tell me why”
marcus...?: “Oh! Progress!!”
Little-K1ng: “of course i saw the post, hes waiting for fetch. but i think he also needed something from that place he was staying at? im just hopeful for him
im glad hes feeling confident after all this”
marcus...?: “Me too
He seemed...less stressed”
Little-K1ng: “yeah !!
but honestly, so do you”
marcus...?: “Do I?”
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Little-K1ng: “yeah, just a bit
you know i still support you, right?”
marcus...?: “...”
Little-K1ng: “just like how i support max taking off his necklace, i support you being yourself
whatever that means to you”
donti: “. its up to you, marcus.”
marcus...?: “...”
Little-K1ng: “or viscount, if you like”
Little-K1ng: “do you want me to be honest?”
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marcus...?: “Please”
Little-K1ng: “i know i havent done that much lately
i dont.... i dont really think you've been "marcus" this whole time. i believe thats who you were before crown, but i dont think you ever really fell out of the Family, so to speak
and im fine with that”
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marcus...?: “...you are?”
llyr (they/them): “uhm, i hate to interrupt, but i think knight has max?”
donti: “WHAT”
Little-K1ng: “WH
okay,, uh”
donti: “NOT GOOD”
[marcus...?: “...you are?”]
Little-K1ng: “yes i am
but also”
llyr (they/them): “max said he was going to go outside and now knight said “he has the third””
Little-K1ng: “HHHH”
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donti: “hey hey uh. this is.. not ideal but. we can. work through this.
do you know. wher ethey are OH WAIT BARONESS IS WHAT
baroness is taking max.
but fetch looks to be coming back.”
llyr (they/them): “... 3:
... shit.”
donti: “"shit" indeed.”
Little-K1ng: “I.....”
donti: “mona?”
Little-K1ng: “christ”
donti: “marcus.. or veyecount?”
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Little-K1ng: “i cant even go get him,
i thought he was on his way back i...”
marcus...?: “...max isnt.. coming back”
donti: “no..
unless you want to try to catch baroness.
fetch can hear the music.”
marcus...?: “What music?”
donti: “. the music crown plays.
to get him to sleep. or be taken.”
marcus...?: “...oh”
donti: “. if he resists it his nose starts bleeding. its not good.”
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Jack the Observer: “Fetch is making his way back to the house.
at least.”
marcus...?: “That’s good”
llyr (they/them): “there’s nothing we can do at this point, is there?”
Jack the Observer: “no.”
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marcus...?: “...Mona?”
Little-K1ng: “im just.....
i guess... im running a warm bath, do you want to put on some coffee? if fetch shows up, hes going to be exhausted. if knight shows up, hes going to appreciate the effort”
marcus...?: “....yeah I can do that”
Little-K1ng: “.....brew it strong
ill need some too, i have a migraine coming on”
marcus...?: “Got it”
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donti: “. guys.
fetch isnt doing. too well.”
llyr (they/them): “...”
marcus...?: “I can see that, try not to stress Mona out any more than she already is please”
donti: “alright.”
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Little-K1ng: “marcus, can i check your laurel? just to see if anything else has happened to it”
marcus...?: “Uh..yeah sure”
Little-K1ng: “hm.. the flowers are pretty and blooming well, but no new changes”
marcus...?: “...can I check for you?”
Jack the Observer: “well. we can see how Mona is doing. how about you, viscount?”
marcus...?: “I’m alright”
arc: “is there anything you need from us at the moment bud?”
marcus...?: “I’m fine, Mona is stressed”
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Jack the Observer 👁: “it would be understandable if you were also stressed, viscount.
after all, you are familiar with both Fetch and Knight.”
marcus...?: “I’m....not stressed exactly
Anxious maybe”
[marcus...?: “...can I check for you?”]
Little-K1ng: “...please”
marcus...?: “....
No bumps
Your skins red but you said you’d been pulling on your hair”
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Jack the Observer: “it's the twentieth.”
Little-K1ng: “yeah... been constantly checking and its actually kinda hurting from that”
Jack the Observer: “that would imply that she is not, in fact the fourth.
Little-K1ng: “but only from that, nothing on the skin”
Jack the Observer: “so who is?”
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Little-K1ng: “im.... i just....ii  j ust ,,”
llyr (they/them): “wasn’t baroness’s a spontaneous growth?”
Jack the Observer: “not really. she had a unusual headache and illness for days before.”
Little-K1ng: “i dd o nt knn ow”
donti: “ah. mona.”
marcus...?: “Hey hey hey Mona it’s okay”
Little-K1ng: “h h ow amd i gg oi ng to kee p d oi ng this”
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Little-K1ng: “eever yy FUCKING time,,”
donti: “breathe..”
Jack the Observer: “calm yourself.
fetch is here
is fetch there, mona”
donti: “fetch!”
Little-K1ng: “hh es ??
wha t?
oh i hear footsteps on the porch”
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Jack the Observer: “calm yourself. go to fetch.”
Little-K1ng: “I”
marcus...?: “ow”
Little-K1ng: “WOAH okay”
. . .: “ ...”
Little-K1ng: “FETCH?”
marcus...?: “Did you have to slam the door??”
. . .: “............”
marcus...?: “Holy shit”
. . .: “...”
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Jack the Observer: “viscount, what's happening.”
donti: “fetch?”
Little-K1ng: “the door just FLEW open oh my god”
marcus...?: “He’s..covered in blood”
Little-K1ng: “oh my god
oh thats a lot....”
marcus...?: “Oh my god”
. . .: “Cant you hear that lovely tune?”
Jack the Observer: “Who's the most coherent one in the room”
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marcus...?: “Me?”
Little-K1ng: “the... tune?”
donti: “. the song.”
marcus...?: “Fetch there’s no sound”
Bea (she/they): “oh no”
Jack the Observer: “well. can you hear puppet?”
marcus...?: “Just..us”
Jack the Observer: “...”
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Little-K1ng: “fetch..... its quiet except for your breathing, are you....?”
Jack the Observer: “it's Knight that's playing puppet, then.”
donti: “or crown.”
marcus...?: “There’s no sounds”
Little-K1ng: “fetch... i..”
marcus...?: “No one is playing anything”
Little-K1ng: “hey, come here... you're gonna hurt yourself, i can help you stand..”
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marcus...?: “WHOA HEY”
[donti: “is his nose bleeding?”]
Little-K1ng: “genuinely the least answerable question”
Jack the Observer: “someone get Max's tea.”
Little-K1ng: “AH
marcus...?: “he just collapsed”
Little-K1ng: “hes on the floor
ill carry him im”
donti: “the tea jacks right give him the tea”
Little-K1ng: “he needs a lot”
C R O W N: “:)”
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Little-K1ng: “[GASP] uh uh hey hey there uh”
donti: “. crown. nice to.. see you again.”
Little-K1ng: “just gonna,, drag
Little-K1ng: “gotta get him cleaned up,, hahahaha,,, uh,,,”
C R O W N: “hello again everyone :) long time, no see”
marcus...?: “.....
marcus...?: “Crown I’m so sorry”
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Little-K1ng: “here bud, just lay here, okay? you'll be alright,, ill keep you safe, you'll be okay, fetch
ill grab maxs weird water for you just.... just lay here.... dont slump like that...”
[marcus...?: “Crown I’m so sorry”]
C R O W N: “Ah, viscount :) how are you feeling? your flowers are coming in beautifully”
marcus...?: “I’m feeling alright but..
I’m sorry
im so sorry”
Little-K1ng: “here, fetch, shh... just.... ill wipe you down with it... it should help.... i cant see if you're wounded i cant see it... ,my migraine.....you'll be okay you'll be okay ill keep you safe”
[marcus...?: “im so sorry”]
C R O W N: “It's alright :) i'm not mad, i promise”
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marcus...?: “..you’re not?
I... I pushed you in a river”
donti: “marcus?
marcus...?: “I pushed you in a river and I knew it would hurt you I was just so scared im sorry
I never wanted to leave I was just scared I'm sorry”
Little-K1ng: “there we go.... your cuts are sealing, you're looking better already... you're breathing okay... i promised you would come home in time and you're here fetch and im so glad”
[marcus...?: “I never wanted to leave I was just scared I'm sorry”]
C R O W N: “It's okay, vis. You're going home now. That's what matters :)”
marcus...?: “i can come back?”
Little-K1ng: “im sure lawrence would have understood.... im sure he forgives you..... its okay....... i forgive you, i was never mad fetch im here.... i wont let you go again i promise i promise i”
marcus...?: “you’ll let me come back home?” 
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[marcus...?: “you’ll let me come back home?”] 
C R O W N: “of course :)”
marcus...?: “thank you thankyouthankyou
C R O W N: “:)”
marcus...?: “Crown...max and fetch...
They aren’t happy.......when they’re page and knight
let them be happy”
Kate: “Oh, this is such a good day!”
marcus...?: “can you promise me that?”
Little-K1ng: “its okay fetch its okay ive got you im holding you you'll be okay even if you're knight i wont mind i wont as long as you're okay and you're happy i promise i really do”
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donti: “chat and kate are here.”
Jack the Observer: “hello, pawns :)”
Kate: “:)”
Chat: “:)”
[.: “let them be happy”]
C R O W N: “Of course, vis. I promise they'll be happy:)”
marcus...?: “thank you”
Little-K1ng: “crown is in my house hes in my house hes talking to marcus viscount him and i just i dont know what to do i said i would be okay im going to be okay ive done it before and ill do it again ill be okay”
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[Jack the Observer: “calm yourself, Mona. focus on... your dog.”]
Little-K1ng: “name one single other thing i have ever been focused on you many eyed FUCK”
Kate: “:)”
[Kate: “hello there! are you as excited as we are?”]
Jack the Observer: “we've certainly been waiting for this moment with a comparable amount of energy.”
Kate: “:)”
donti: “you seem excited. i hope youre happy.”
C R O W N: “It's time to go home, for all of you. Are you ready? :)”
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.: “I’m ready”
Little-K1ng: “ive been waiting for this day for weeks now and its here and i dont know what to do i dont know how to help or what to say or how to feel or what to think what the fuck”
Kate: “Of course I’m happy, silly! Family is coming home today! Wouldn’t you be happy?”
. . .: “Duh! why wouldn't i be!”
Little-K1ng: “knight if today is the day you still have to get up and go hes here and i dont know how patient hes going to be please ijust wa nt  yo u to be h a pp y . and sa sa fe....”
C R O W N: “I'm glad to hear it :)”
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Jack the Observer: “we're just waiting on the second and the fourth, now.”
Little-K1ng: “the second is in here in the bathroom with me please crown please come in and see him i cant get him to wake up hes exhausted and i dont know what to do”
donti: “why are you calling him that...”
Jack the Observer: “well. we can't call him Knight or Fetch.”
Little-K1ng: “hes breathing hes ALIVE but i cant i cant help him i dont know what to do hes not bleeding anymore he should be awake”
Bea (she/they): “who said we couldn't call him fetch?”
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[donti: “why are you calling him that...”]
Jack the Observer: “the second makes it clear, at least, who we're speaking about.”
[Little-K1ng: “hes breathing hes ALIVE but i cant i cant help him i dont know what to do hes not bleeding anymore he should be awake”]
C R O W N: “Ah I see :)”
Jack the Observer: “he may not be fetch right now. it's disrespectful not to call someone by their chosen name.”
Little-K1ng: “i dont know who the fourth is and i dont know what to do i dont have a laurel and i dont know how to help”
C R O W N: “:)”
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C R O W N: “The first came willingly, the second is sleeping, the third is heading home. The fourth? :)”
Kate: “Don't worry, Mona! When he wakes up, he'll be good as new! Crown always takes care of us”
Little-K1ng: “crown my migraine isnt worse with you around, its just the same. i weirdly expected something to change while im looking at you”
Little-K1ng: “im just looking at you and you're right in front of me. you're just. you're just smiling at me and im just as conflicted as i was before. i dont know what to do, crown
[hic] ii , ,i  just don n t kn ow wwh a t to do..”
Jack the Observer: “please stay coherent, mona.”
Little-K1ng: “i, , i m, t try ing,... ii h a ve t o try”
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C R O W N: “It's alright :) can i speak with you? away from prying eyes?”
Little-K1ng: “I...”
Little-K1ng: “yeah
we can talk”
Jack the Observer: “...”
donti: “... be safe mona.”
llyr (they/them): “... stay safe”
Jack the Observer: “mind how you go.”
Little-K1ng: “ill be safe, i think. i dont think he could really hurt me like this”
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Kate: “:)”
Jack the Observer: “:)”
Kate: “Everything will be alright. Don't worry your pretty little heads.”
Chat: “:)”
Kate: “:)”
donti: “.i wonder if the others are alright.”
Jack the Observer: “will everything come out alright? none of us can be certain.”
Kate: “Come on, don't be sad. Today's a joyous day! It's the first day of spring!”
Jack the Observer: “not even Kate, confident as they are”
donti: “ah. a very happy day.”
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donti: “spring.”
Kate: “Why wouldn't everything come out alright? Family's coming home! It's time to have a good old fashioned celebration!”
llyr (they/them): “spring... is a very good season. it’s new beginnings, right? :3″
Kate: “Exactly! It's a time for new beginnings, to clear away the dust and sadness and coldness of winter and let the sunshine in!”
donti: “spring cleaning is. overrated.”
llyr (they/them): “haha.. you’re right...”
Kate: “Yes, but sometimes it's necessary to let beautiful things grow!”
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'If the Crown Fits’ is a fan-made Dreamon-centric horror ARG!
BEFORE YOU CONTINUE: This ARG discusses many triggering topics (listed below); please do not participate/read if they trigger you! Put your mental health first because it is much much more important!
TW/CWs: cursing, fighting, minor/major injuries (all three of those are sometimes not tagged, be careful (major injuries are always tagged with tw gore!)), death threats, canon-typical abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, guilt tripping, ableist language, dehumanization, power tripping, brainwashing, abuse apologism, condescension, eyestrain, paranoia-inducing content, derealization, body horror, stalking, heavy descriptions of gore and blood, self-harm, murder, family trauma
Summary blog by cc!Crown
The Lock Box Overview
"if-the-crown-fits” accounts:
Discord Server
The Court:
Viscount (he/him) - [Marcus Flores] Has an account on the crown arg discord, brother of Countess. Has his own Tumblr blog.
Countess (she/her) - [Elizabeth Flores] Admin of the tiktok account, sister of Viscount.
Page (he/they) - [Maxwell White] Started out as a member of the crown arg discord. Has his own Tumblr blog.
Baroness (she/her) - [Sydney Meyers] Started out as a member of the crown arg discord. Has her own Tumblr blog.
King (your pronouns [alt. she/they]) - [Mona Fletcher] Started out as a member of the crown arg discord. The fourth. Has a secret Tumblr account.
Empress (she/they) - [Kate] Formerly Somniloquy. Started out as a member of the crown arg discord. Has her own Tumblr blog.
Jester (he/him) - [Koko Mathers] Current "head of the family". Admin of the tiktok account and has his own Tumblr blog. 
Paralytic (he/min) - [Donti] Started out as a member of the crown arg discord. Have their own Tumblr blog.
Marquis - [Ethan] Started out as a member of the crown arg discord. Former mineshaft mod. Have their own Tumblr blog.
Spymaster - [Jack the Observer] Started out as a member of the crown arg discord. Former mineshaft mod. They have their own Tumblr blog.
Crown (he/him) - [Enderwalk Ranboo] Previous owner of all “if-the-crown-fits” social media accounts. Name first given by the crown arg discord server.
Prince (fae/they) - [Asher Konrad] Was a mod of the “if-the-crown-fits” tumblr account. Had an account on the crown arg discord; account was used by Crown at times and was used by Countess once. Has faer own Tumblr blog.
Baron (he/him) - [Lee Osbourne] Was a mod of the “if-the-crown-fits” tumblr account. Has his own Tumblr blog.
Duke (he/him) - [] One of the Duchy, a pair of twins. Had an account on the crown arg discord and they have their own Twitter account.
Duchess (she/they) - [] One of the Duchy, a pair of twins. Has an account on the crown arg discord and they have their own Twitter account.
Judge (he/him) - [Jay] Formerly Chorus. Started out as a member of the crown arg discord. Not officially part of the “Court.” They had their own Tumblr blog.
Opus (she/her) - [Charlotte Lempson] Also known as Chat. Started out as a member of the crown arg discord. Not officially part of the "Court", but on Crown's side; a "pawn". Has her own Tumblr blog.
Knight (he/they) - [Fetch Foxx] Started out as a member of the crown arg discord. Has his own Tumblr blog; Fetch has also made a separate blog.
Tags (subject to change):
by: #by:crown, #by:prince, #by:baron, #by:countess, #by:viscount, #by:knight, #by:page, #by:baroness, #by:king, #by:duchy, #by:duke, #by:duchess #by:jester #by:chorus #by:empress, by:chancellor
#by:asher, #by:marcus, #by:fetch, #by:maxwell, #by:ranboo, #by:lee #by:jay #by:dewey #by:mona #by:kate #by:chat, #by:jack
(Sometimes it is confusing which counterpart (OG or Dreamon) is in control at that moment so reference both of their tags for everything!)
on: #on:tumblr (#blog-descriptions, #t:ask, #t:fetch, #t:syd, #t:maxwell, #t:asher, #t:hummingbird, #t:donttellhim, #t:alldogs, #t:viscount, #t:baron, #t:jay, #t:lookfortheeyes, #t:jester, #t:somni, #t:watchers), #on:twitter, #on:youtube (#yt:videos, #yt:comments), #on:tiktok, #on:discord, #lock box
#not-a-translation (asks, unrelated)
Read posts in chronological order (only works on desktop)
Translator that we use: Ender, Galactic
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Lock Box Transcript 30
[Chorus introduces themself to Kate.]
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ckarlo19-blog · 7 years
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En breve estoy con ustedes. Pendientes a mi página Elysian Arts By:Kat porque a través de un Facebook Live realizar el sorteo!!!! #HairStylist #MUA #Photographer #ViviendoPorFeYNoPorVista #VamosPorMas #Elysiarts.Kat #Instagram #SnapChat #Like #Follow
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