#byakuya fangirl first human being second
kuinliekkienroihu · 1 year
i just remembered i haven't posted my husbando shrine +my first bya figure here yet
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i love him so much T T
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austajunk · 2 years
Also, before I forget (hi, oumaede anon again <3 lol)! What are your thoughts on komanami? This is a ship I can go down with... So. Much. Pain. And a glimmer of wholesomeness, if only Chiaki got to interact a little more with Nagito. Just... The potential of it all! I... I'll shut up now. Thanks for listening to my ramblings.
Oh, anon. Look at my blog. Why would you get me started on rambling about KomaNami?! Don’t you know they were my first hardcore deep passionate ship for the second game?!
*cracks knuckles* Okay, here we go. I would like to get this rant outta me.
I think there are two different variations of the KomaNami ship and that’s with Human Chiaki Nanami and AI Chiaki Nanami. And I’m gonna talk about how they both relate to Nagito in a platonic/romantic shippy kind of way.
To put it simply, I think AI Chiaki kinda gets Nagito more than her human counterpart. She challenges him more too and can easily forgive and understand him when he eventually gets her killed. Her entire attitude is like “As long as it’s me and not everyone else here, I don’t blame him I suppose”. Not to mention, Nagito can easily spot that Chiaki likes quiet places too and tells Hajime not to distract her during her games and such. He’s also concerned for her whenever she wanders off or tries to do things like guard the party in the first chapter.
I showed one of my other friends the first trial of the second game again and I just love it so much tbh. This first showdown that clearly initiates a dynamic between them both.
There’s this moment when Nagito and Chiaki challenge each other. “There’s evidence that Nagito’s suspicious… I think” “Oh… in that case, care to tell me what that is? 🙂 “
And then afterwards Nagito’s just like *clapclap* every time Chiaki does anything. She draws a map for the second class trial and Nagito is the only one to be like “Omg, thank you, our lord and savior, Chiaki!”
It’s so funny since it just feels like such an inverse of ToGiri and their dynamic in the first game. It’s friendlier, but still antagonistic and draws you in.
Kyoko: Byakuya, you’re full of shit.
Byakuya: Ugh. Ruin my fun today, why don’t you?
Whereas KomaNami is more like:
Chiaki: Nagito, that’s wrong.
Nagito: Yessssssss prove me wrong. So good. Now whip me pls.
Byakuya constantly underestimates and tries to work against Kyoko. But Nagito recognizes this potential in Chiaki immediately and is one of the few characters to not write her and her talents off. He welcomes it and maybe even wants to encourage it. <3
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In comparison, I think her human counterpart likes and appreciates Nagito, but doesn’t understand or get him. Despite that, she is protective over him as her beloved classmate and sees his value, simply preferring Nagito to just do what he wants without faulting him for it as well. The only time she draws a line is when he pulls a gun. Which… fair enough. Holy shit. Nagito obviously has a great respect for her and fangirls over her being their class rep for moment in his usual crazy spin and Chiaki continues tapping away at her game, but smiles warmly at him. Also he has an interest in challenging and testing her Hopeful ideals as well.
I would talk about the scene where Human Chiaki dies and Nagito’s reaction to it, but that’s it’s own post with multiple interpretations too.
If we take in the retcons of the anime, then it’s by Izuru KamuKura and Nagito and the rest of the class that AI Chiaki took her appearance and personality. As AI Chiaki tells us this, we see a shot of Hajime and Nagito meeting her for the first time in NWP, indicating they are the two more important people that factored into her existence. I can even go so far as to say in instances of Nagito’s strange protectiveness over Chiaki (expressing worry over her guarding the party alone in Ch1, her confronting Fuyuhiko on Ch2, and running after her when she ran off frantically in Ch4 and tsking her for wandering off), you could say it’s a subconscious thing for Nagito after interactions with her human self. I can go further and even mention that when Human Chiaki was killed, she was alone… so if in Chapter 4, Chiaki disappeared in a strange labyrinth location, it only makes sense that for some reason, Nagito would be concerned enough to follow her.
How about that? I have lots more to say but let’s cut it here as a long post. ^^
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My thoughts on Dr. Stone’s Chapter 232 (“Final Chapter: Dr.STONE”)
My thoughts after reading Chapter 232:
01. Now that I’ve read both Chapter 232 and Chapter 232.1, there are no more manga chapters for me to read :( But I still get to write about them! :D Starting with... oooh, so many colored pages! :D
02. Senku has Whyman on his belt, aww! :) And, y’know, most of those people deserve to be in the “last” chapter’s chapter art... but Magma?! We don’t get Kohaku, but we get Magma?! Really?? :O That’s so weird! XD Even Kaseki or Kokuyou would have made more sense than Magma!
03. Gen as a diplomat; everybody getting together to attend Taiju and Yuzuriha’s wedding... :) Their TWO-day wedding... XD
04. Thank you, Kohaku, for telling us about Senku and the science team, and for asking Ruri about Chrome! :D Chrome, whhhyyy??? XD I mean, I’m glad you got there, but... Ruri deserves a more planned proposal than that! :O But it’s so funny that Ruri was just all for it anyway XD
05. Good point about law and order... Although, I think at this point, Hyoga’s the only one with, like, permanent murders on his record? Although since he was acting as Tsukasa’s second-in-command, some of the blame could fall on Tsukasa, especially since he was pro-murder at the time too, even if it was “just” of petrified statues of older people :O
06. I know they’re serious scientists and stuff, but what if this scientist is an actual fangirl who cosplayed as Senku at work? And Senku himself doesn’t care, so everybody just adopted his attitude and they act like the cosplay is totally normal XD
07. Dr. Senku!! :D Oooh! Does he have academic qualifications now? :O Or is this more of “a knighthood (doctorate) received on the battlefield (stone world)” sort of thing? Either way, yay! :D
08. Taiju bursting in and shouting about Yuzuriha... and Senku responding by saying almost exactly what he said back then, too! Nice callback to the very first chapter! :)
09. Senku has shoes now :O Like, leather ones! And a more modern coat... but at least he still has his cape! :D And aww, cute little Whyman is right there on his belt! :)
10. And the baad science project is revealed to be... a TIME MACHINE... shaped like a Medusa... and being made with Whyman’s blessing :O
11. Wait, how would petrifying victims... how would that help? This part confused me...
12. Byakuya and the other astronauts wearing casual clothes and standing in little Senku’s laboratory... because they’re not super grand astronauts now; they’re six more members of humanity along with the other seven billion... :O They’re looking at little Senku (well the ones who have their eyes open), as if they trust him to save even them, too... :’) And then Senku looks so determined in the next panel, as if he’s really going to try to do it... :O :’)
13. Rei!! We even see Rei!! :D :’) I believe in you, Rei! :D
14. What an interesting roadmap! :) Because yes, it’s about a time machine, but also because many of those parts seem so complex that they could merit their own extra chapters. It feels like the story is over, but Inagaki and Boichi aren’t quite ready to let go of it yet, so they left themselves things they could expand on in bonus chapters that can be released on Dr. Stone anniversaries, as well as promotional periods for anime seasons and maybe even movie and game releases and stuff (like us getting Chapter 232.1 because of the Dr. Stone: Ryusui TV special).
15. We see panels with different characters... including a group panel with Kohaku (with Stanley next to her) in it! :) And of course, the very final panel is of Senku himself, telling us to get excited! :D :O
16. And the manga... if I were being a pessimist, I would say it’s officially over :’( But, if I were being an optimist, I would say it’s officially complete :’)
17. I have to say, I love Dr. Stone, but I wasn’t expecting the final chapter to be like this. I know it’s a science manga, and a shounen, and everything, but a lot of things were set up - Taiju and Yuzuriha, Chrome and Ruri, CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT (ahhhh! :D) AND CHAPTER 140 (ten billion percent my favorite chapter! :D) - that we didn’t get full satisfaction from. We don’t see the confessions :( (We didn’t even get a Senku/Kohaku moment in Chapter 232... whyyyyy????? :’( )
18. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY- sorry, I couldn’t resist XD
19. But anyway, if the series was going to end without those emotional moments being shown, I think that with with a few tweaks, Chapter 231 would have been a much better ending :)
20. Think about it - we’re on the moon; Senku conducted secret negotiations; and the result was a sentient, solitary, adventurous, Senku-like Whyman volunteering to go to Earth with Senku and the other heroes. And then we get a deep discussion about life, and Whyman’s “WHY” is finally answered :O
21. If, in the same chapter, you add their coming back to Earth; having a victory party; everybody resolving to revive all seven billion people; and Senku telling us to get excited... that could be the perfect ending right there! :D
22. (As a writer of Dr. Stone fanfiction, this might be the ending I end up going with in my writing, come to think of it :D)
23. Chapter 231 was so full of... mystery and life and heart, that... it would have been a great foundation for the ending. So after that, Chapter 232 almost feels more like an epilogue after the end of the story than the actual end of the story, if that makes sense.
24. Or, to put it another way, Chapter 232 sort of feels like Chapter 231.1? Still totally canonical, of course, but... not as... meaningful’s not the right word, but... Chapter 232 doesn’t quite measure up to the mysterious sense of awe and wonder that Chapter 231 has, in my personal opinion :)
25. Congratulations to Inagaki and Boichi (and Caleb Cook and Steve Dutro) on the successful conclusion of the Dr. Stone manga, and I hope it was everything that Inagaki, as the writer, dreamed it would be! :D And congratulations to us Dr. Stone fans as well - we finally learned the secret of the petrification, and we have hope for the future of Senku, Kohaku, and the other characters we’ve come to care so much about! :)
26. As Byakuya said in the first chapter of Dr. Stone: Reboot, “There’re about 8 billion humans down there, right? That’s 1.3 billion for each of us. And anyone carrying the weight of 1.3 billion people... can’t afford to fail!” :O With so many people to share the weight, and honor, of this all-important mission with with Senku, there’s no way they can fail! :D
27. And as for me, I shall go on to write about Chapter 232.1 (which I’ve already read)! :D
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