#c aj
ladysantos · 2 years
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who cares 💥
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cure-typhoon · 5 months
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You can cut the tension with a knife
More about the awkward reunion between Dave and Karkat in my Earth C au
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ozcarr · 10 months
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Relistening to Mission to Zyxx and it’s just as dumb as I remember god bless. I’m always and forever a sucker for an absurdist improvised serial adventure podcast. I will never change. Half-way though season 3 right now and felt like drawing the crew.
Definitely used @snuffysbox’s animated pitch designs as a sort of jumping-off point — they’re so soild and I’m a huge fan of her work.
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anteabbie · 3 months
Hey Tumblr so I had an idea for a historical fiction comedy thingy surrounding The Petticoat Affair
Ok so it takes place from MVB’s POV, but MVB is a time traveler who had knowledge of the internet, and he makes Moist Critical videos documenting tho whole ordeal.
After a bit, the main people surrounding the Petticoat Affair find out abt MVB’s little secret, and well, shit hits the fan
Would y’all read something like that if I published it on AO3?
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shellibocs · 2 months
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— oh, anyone could kill me / and I'd never ever let it be you
(template.) (icons.)
tag list! (opt in/out) @benwishaw @boldly-ho @raresvtm @devil-kindred @florbelles @roofgeese @ruvviks @strangefable @confidentandgood @leviiackrman @carrionsflower @simplegenius042 @thedeadthree @loriane-elmuerto @socially-awkward-skeleton @imogenkol @malefiquinn @risingsh0t @kyberinfinitygems @a-treides @captastra @gothimp @statichvm @calenhads @poetikat @nonfunctioning-queer @ghostfvcker @dickytwister @inafieldofdaisies
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bargarean · 9 months
i love mission to zyxx because whatever the fuck pleck and c-53 have going on is just so deeply part of nature nobody ever talks about it. nearly everyone i've spoken to in the community is like yeah they're gay as hell but there's absolutely no trace of any kind of Ship Community here at all. always drawn and pictured and mentioned together but never with a caption like They're kissing btw. because yeah we know. it's just a law of the universe. gravity exists and pleck and c-53 always have some ambiguously gay bullshit going on
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talatomaz · 2 years
the storm | jj x fem!reader
a/n: this takes place during ‘the storm’ and doesn’t feature as much JJ x d!r as i wanted but oh well. if y’all want more JJ x daughter!reader fics, please send me requests/ideas
warnings: usual canon violence.
word count: 2.8k
masterlist | navigation | request rules
R is JJ’s 22 year old adopted daughter and works with the BAU
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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It had started out like any normal day.
You and your Mum were on your way to work but were first travelling to your Unit Chief’s apartment so the three of you could carpool to work after dropping Henry and Jack, Hotch’s son, at school.
It was something you had done multiple times before. Both time effective and eco friendly; not to mention convenient.
But today was the day it had all gone awry.
Not long after you, your adopted brother and mother had arrived at your boss’ home, had a SWAT team abruptly burst through the door, training several guns at Aaron.
Instinct had you reaching for your registered firearm, aiming it at the intruders. JJ’s motherly instinct, however, had her clinging the young boys to her protectively, in an attempt to shield them from the danger.
“Drop the gun.”
A SWAT member ordered as you continued to raise the weapon.
“We’re federal agents. He’s the Unit Chief for the Behavioural Analyst Unit.”
You replied back, still refusing to lower the gun.
“It’s okay.”
You turned to your boss with a look of concern and confusion but when he gave you a nod of approval, you holstered your weapon and were forced to simply watch as SWAT zip tied the former’s wrists behind his back and escort him out of his home.
Moving backwards, you flanked Jack’s other side, as the other was currently being cradled by your Mum, and held the young boy whispering words of comfort to try and still his understandable tears of fear and terror. Looking over your shoulder, you made eye contact with JJ and saw the same look of helplessness displayed in her eyes.
What the hell was going on?
            ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
After texting with your father, he and your younger baby brother had now joined you, JJ, Henry and Jack in your Government provided SUV as the six of you made your way to the BAU.
As you drove, you listened as your Mum tried to covertly explain the morning’s earlier events without using language that would scare the young boys currently in the car with you.
Forcing a smile on your face, you turned to look back at the kids and inserted a lightheartedness into your voice, “Come on boys, we’re here.”
Exiting the car, you all walked into the BAU. JJ was holding Michael in her arms, you held Henry’s hand and Will, your adopted father, had a comforting but protective hand on Jack’s shoulder.
Walking into the roundtable room where you and your team usually discussed cases, you were brought face to face with Garcia, Tara, Reid and Rossi.
When everyone had said their ‘hello’s’ and Will went to Hotch’s office with the boys, the forceful smile that had been previously plastered on your’s and JJ’s faces were immediately replaced with a grim frown.
“It’s bad.” Your mother stated without being prompted.
“How much did they see?”
“All of it.” You answered Tara before JJ continued.
“Which is why we figured this was the safest place to bring them.”
The sound of a text message notification interrupted you all as you looked at Rossi hopeful. Glancing back up from his phone, he spoke, “Just got word. He’s downtown. I’ll go and see what I can find out.”
“And in the meantime, I’ll try to locate the 911 call that caused SWAT to break into Hotch’s home.” Garcia countered as she began typing on her laptop.
            ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
After finding out that Aaron was being held by the DoJ, you’d all successfully deduced that Antonia’s son was responsible for the spoofing of the 911 call.
Whilst the rest of the team went to go arrest and question the latter, you opted to stay at the BAU to check up on the boys and to give your father a well needed break.
As you held a sleeping Michael in your arms, you sat opposite Jack who was sitting in his father’s chair behind his desk.
In the 30 minutes you’d been sitting there, the young boy hadn’t spoken a word. And you hadn’t either, not wanting to force him to speak unless it was of his own accord.
“Is Uncle Hotch okay?”
The quiet that had previously filled the room was disturbed by the soft voice that belonged to Henry, your other brother who had unfortunately witnessed the unnerving arrest too.
“Yeah, sweetie. He’s just answering some questions that the police have him. Don’t worry, it’ll all be cleared up soon and he’ll be back in no time.”
You’d chosen your words carefully having noted Jack’s eyes on you as you lovingly cupped Henry’s cheek.
“You doing okay, Henry?” You asked softly, still conscious of the sleeping baby in your arms.
The young boy nodded meekly; he’d seemed pretty much unfazed by the events when he’d spoken to Spencer but a closer look showed signs of distress on his face.
“I guess. It was just kind of scary. I’m glad you and Mommy were there.”
“I know, honey. Me too. But you’re safe. Both of you.” You added, chancing a glance at Hotch’s son who was still staring at you.
The alert and vibration of your phone lightly jolted you so you removed your hand from Henry’s cheek and pulled out your phone, scanning the text that had been an update from your Mum. They’d gotten Antonia’s son in custody and Spencer was speaking with him in the hopes of finding out who he was working with.
Your focus turned to the office door which had just been opened by Will. With just a kind look in his eyes and a soft smile, he gently took Michael from your arms and led he and Henry out the office under the guise of ‘grabbing something to eat’ leaving you alone with Jack.
With all your attention now refocused on Jack, you waited patiently for him to speak.
“He’s really okay?”
You didn’t pretend to misunderstand. “Yes, he is. Your dad can handle himself, Jack. He’s okay.”
“I thought they were gonna shoot him. That I would never see him again. Like Mom.”
His words tugged at your heart; you could feel it breaking with each word he spoke. He’d suffered so much pain and loss in his life and had been fortunate enough to be too young to fathom it but now, the sight of seeing his father on his knees with several guns aimed at his head would certainly plague his dreams.
“Oh, honey.”
Seeing the tears well up in his eyes, you got up from your chair and gathered the former into your arms, letting him cry out all his emotions safely. You once again soothed him with your words as you ran your hand up and down his back in a comforting manner.
“Shhh, you’re safe. It’s okay.“
You repeated until his sobs had reduced into teary sniffles. Making no effort or attempt to move, you allowed him to seek comfort in your arms for as long as he needed.
At least that was the plan until you’d been interrupted once again by the ping of your phone.
Carefully manoeuvring yourself, you reached into your pocket and again looked at a text from your Mum. They’d figured out Asher’s partner was a jailed con who was planning a prison break tonight.
“Is that him?” Jack asked, his voice wet with tears.
“No, sweetie. It’s about the men who were behind this. My Mum and the rest of the team are going after them.”
“You have to go too.”
“Please. Help bring him home.”
Sighing at the boy’s pleas, you knew your presence would be needed by the team. Especially if the prison break was bonafide.
“I will. I’ll send Henry back in here with some food and more comics, okay?” You joked, holding Jack’s face similarly to how you’d held Henry’s earlier.
            ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
“The boys okay?”
You excused yourself from the police you were talking to and walked over to JJ and the rest of your team. Since you had been closest to the prison, you’d arrived there first and had already been briefed.
“Yeah. When I left, they were reading some comics.” You answered JJ whose face visibly relaxed with that information before tensing again when you continued.
“So far, the prisoners have taken control of 3 blocks and multiple fires have been set so the Warden and his guys are spread pretty thin.”
“We just got a distress call that some of the prisoners got to the gun safe.” Warden Nabb explained, joining you and your team.
“First priority is to secure the control room.” The SWAT leader announced.
Walking through the prison, you and your team remained vigilant with your guns drawn, ready to fire if necessary at any intruder you encountered.
Reaching another block of empty cells, you paused when you heard some scratching noises.
“You hear that?” You whispered to your Mum.
“Shh! Everybody quiet.” JJ ordered as the two of you followed the sound to another cell. Holding a flashlight, you both discovered a makeshift tunnel that Rawdon had presumably escaped in.
After notifying Rossi about said tunnel, your Mum, Spencer and a SWAT member decided to sweep another cell block so you and Tara decided to join the other SWAT members in their pursuit of the control room.
“Stay safe.”
“You too.” You said to JJ before leaving with Tara.
            ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
Reaching A block, you nodded in agreement when you and Tara were ordered to remain back whilst SWAT cleared the control room.
You impatiently looked back and forth as the jeers from the imprisoned convicts continued to unnerve you.
“I don’t like this, Tara.” You admitted when the SWAT leader had remained radio silent for the past 2 minutes.
“Me either. Captain, do you copy?” Tara spoke into the comms on her vest before being called by one of the prisoners.
You watched cautiously as she conversed with a serial killer she’d previously interviewed for her research.
“This is the serial killer wing.”
Yeah, you were definitely liking this less and less.
The sound of the buzzer jolted you, only giving you a second of warning to raise your gun once more as all the doors, that had previously held back the vast amount of serial killers, now opened.
Walking backwards, you reached Tara and remained steadfast in your position as the aforementioned murderers began stalking towards the two of you.
“You can’t take us all.”
The chilling statement caused a shiver to run down your spine. Still holding your gun in one hand, you spoke into your comms with the other.
As JJ, Spencer and a SWAT member continued canvassing the cell block, they stilled when they heard your thinly veiled panicked shout crackle through the comms they wore.
“JJ, Reid, backup now.”
“We’re coming.” JJ replied with ferocity as she swiftly turned and began making her way to you.
Though she tried her hardest not to, she felt herself begin to panic at your troubled shout, in fear of what you were currently facing. She’d already had one child of hers standing in the face of danger - and whilst she knew it was a part of your shared job - she couldn’t bear the idea of you having a similar fate.
“We’re coming.”
As soon as those words came through, one of the convicts charged at you and you were forced to fire your gun at his leg. He fell to the ground, clutching his thigh as blood stained his hand.
You watched and listened as Tara tried to talk Ennis, the serial killer she’d previously interviewed, down. But when you sensed movement, you glanced behind the convict and almost breathed a sigh of relief. Hotch and several more armed SWAT members entered the room.
Then all hell broke loose.
Several shots rang out as the convicts charged at you all in an attempt to escape. When you’d managed to gain control of the situation and started to subdue and restrain the released prisoners, the sound of faint gunshots caught the attention of you, Tara and Hotch.
“Mum.” You exhaled, more so to yourself than your team, before running towards the gunfire, Tara and Hotch following closely behind.
Reaching JJ and Spencer, you stumbled upon SWAT members, whom you assumed were prisoners dressed up as them, shooting at your team. Your arrival warranted their attention as shots began to fire your way.
Unfortunately, you weren’t fast enough and one of them had hit you square in the chest. Luckily, the brunt of it had been absorbed by the vest but it still toppled you over as you struggled to breathe. It was like being punched ten times over; the sheer force knocking the wind out of your lungs.
Blinking rapidly to try and control the pain, you felt someone’s hands grabbing at the vest that covered your chest. Those same hands gently pushed away your own which had been trying to unstrap the vest in an attempt to relieve the pressure.
“Can you hear me? Are you okay? God.”
The panicked shouts of your name, which you now recognised as coming from your Mum, brought you back to reality.
“Fuck, that hurts.”
You winced as the protective vest was pulled off you. Stilling the hands that then began to roam over your body, presumably checking for other injuries, you moved to sit up.
Looking up into the tear-filled blue eyes that belonged to your mother, you spoke,
“I’m okay, Mum. I’m okay.”
The seasoned profiler exhaled a shaky breath of relief as she hugged you closely to her. Unable to stop it in time, a grimace followed by a hiss of pain slipped past your lips.
“Shit, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You replied before hugging your Mum back.
She then helped you to your feet when you were both approached by Hotch who placed a warm hand on your shoulder. He gave you a quick once over, “You good?” You nodded in response and he then explained that they’d figured out where the bomb was being held.
With gritted teeth, you pulled the vest back over you and securely strapped it, ignoring the shoots of pain travelling through you.
“Let’s get these bastards.”
            ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
After engaging in a shootout with Rawdon’s gang and later getting checked out by a medic - at your behest but the order of your Mum - you were now laying in your bedroom as your parents put your younger brothers to bed. You were originally planning on staying at your apartment like you did practically every other day but, after the tiring events of the day, including your injury, JJ was adamant in her request for all her children sleeping under one roof.
Hearing a faint knock at your door, you invited JJ into your room. She immediately walked over and got into bed next to you.
“They asleep?”
“Yeah, out like a light.” JJ answered, as she pulled you into her arms. Welcoming the comfort, you buried your head into her neck, allowing her usual scent of lavender to fill your senses.
“Henry told me earlier that he was scared so I’m glad he’s sleeping okay. I hope Jack’s doing alright.”
Your mother ran her hand through your hair as she placed a chaste kiss atop your head, “Me too, baby. Me too.”
“You had me worried earlier. What with the gunshot and being trapped in a cell block full of convicted serial killers.”
A derived snort left you before you could stop it.
“Just a part of the job, it seems. It should really be on the job description.”
“You ever wonder if it’s all too dangerous?”
You pulled back from your Mum’s arms to look up at her, “you having second thoughts with my being on the team?”
“No, no, sweetie. I just mean, with everything that we have to face, is it even worth it? Especially when the violence and danger continues to affect us outside of work.”
“I have to believe that it’s all worth it. That what we’re doing makes a difference. We’re helping put away murderers. People who are hurting innocent victims. People who were in the same position I was. We’re helping make the world a safer place.” You explained, unable to keep your voice level as you brought up your past.
“You’re right, baby. Sometimes I just wonder. You, Will and the boys always come first so when I saw you get injured because of this job, it just made me question things.”
JJ explained as she hugged you close.
“I get it, Mum. But I’m not going anywhere. And without us, these unsubs won’t either.”
As JJ continued talking, you found yourself getting lost in her voice before drifting off to sleep in her motherly embrace. Kissing your forehead, JJ whispered to you.
“Sleep well, baby. I’m so proud of you.”
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benzshroom · 1 year
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OG besties :D
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vanityangel · 6 months
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mckinleyxryan · 19 days
Location: Hallway leading to the bathrooms Status: Closed @ajmeadows
McKinley was tired and wanted to wrap this crappy night up. She refused to leave with Aj and since a better opportunity hadn't presented itself she was content with going home on her own. After one bathroom break and then she would say her goodbyes and be out of there. As she walked down the hall to the bathrooms she paused as all the music cut out, she turned back the way she came as the deafening sound of gunshots had her ears ringing. Without hesitation, she dropped to the floor and covered her head.
McKinley let out a piercing scream as someone grabbed her by the hips and turned her over. She didn't wait to start kicking and throwing punches, the ringing in her ears, leaving her of kilter, unable to tell who was grabbing her at this moment.
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em-kgm · 2 years
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repost of some old zyxx drawings bc ive been relistening!
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cure-typhoon · 5 months
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Karkat adjusting to this new lifestyle called parenting
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he just need some time okey
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antebellumite · 7 months
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The Four Calamities: TGCF inspired AU for our favorite Antebellum Era bastards.
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shotgunyuri · 1 year
Good Omens leak poll <3
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hexfrogs · 2 years
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re re re re relistening to mission to zyxx and remembered i only ever posted these little doodles on insta a while back so. hi
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morgothism · 2 months
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My beloved beast
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