#c miriam
nursemimosa · 9 months
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some SV character doodles, including a few I haven't posted on here yet... enjoy :^)
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hu-manbee-ing · 2 years
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dendra makes miriam a sandwich
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peroperodoki · 1 year
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Miriam! 🥺💖
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gatutor · 25 days
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Charles Starrett-Miriam Hopkins "Fast and loose" 1930, de Fred C. Newmeyer.
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cee-grice · 1 year
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it's blorbo thursday so i'm gonna talk about more blorbos :))
Some relevant information:
Most of the story takes place in the country of Merridie, Ethelen city—Merridie has two capitals, and Ethelen is the academic one
The most prominent magical academy of the country is Margo Cielle Academy, Cielle Academy for short, situated in Ethelen (Quil went here)
The mage community is sort of like the ruling class in Merridie and renowned mages have as much power as government officials in many situations; the priests are an entirely different institution and all three rarely mix
note: both Selina and Miriam will show up only in the second part of this duology. when I first wrote these introductions, it was not yet a duology lol
The Gang™
Selina Zacrim
a graduate of Cielle Academy (two years above Quil), specialized in conjuration magic
is now a priest!! although it's very unusual for mages to become priests....
has a Problem with Quil, so when they're in the same room, tensions run high oof
also now has an issue with her temple...she has many issues with many people and institutions
oh yes that includes the academy lol
very high-strung, snappy, has some anger management issues, but, to be fair. yea no that's spoilers, sorry
tall woman, 32ish, likes to wear dark and heavy clothing, wears her hair so tight it's probably unhealthy, ghost-pale (also probably unhealthy)
"Why?" Selina frowned. "Why what?" "Why did you bring me here and not..." "What, you're asking why we didn't turn you in?" She scowled, her fingers digging her arm. "The punishment for breaking exile is execution. You honestly believe I'm that cruel?"
Florin Lemille
also a Cielle Academy graduate, (same year as Quil), specialized in transmutation magic
as well as. Human Enchanting. which is also illegal, btw. a running theme with Quil's academy friends lol
was part of Quil's inner friend circle and participated in the Illegal Practices that got Quil exiled, although not nearly as much. was more of a helping hand, ya know
was put on trial for his crimes, but since his were the most mild ones, he only got expelled and his mage license revoked
that didn't stop him from continuing to work on Human Enchanting, though
had a thing with Quil for a while when they were still students, and is still not entirely over it (lol)
very cheery, likes to play around and doesn't take many things seriously, has a Problem with Selina, though
blond guy, got tattoos all over (or are they all tattoos?..), 30ish, wears very vibrant and colorful clothes, lots of jewelry
"Okay, wow, yeah, that sure is something," he remarked. "I mean, Silvoir's an absolute bitch, no question about that, but you gotta admire the craftsmanship. I mean, such precision, ingenuity, oh, look at these loops... Hats off to the master, she sure knows how to pick them." "Glad to know at least one of us is entertained by this." Florin laughed at his dry tone. "Oh, don't pretend you wouldn't be, too, if it was more up your alley! With how you can get, you have no right to judge me."
a venemagik of a very rare creature that lives on the edge between life and death. because of this, she, too, toes the line and is able to sense spirits as well as communicate with them (to an extent)
comes from a small village in the Wilderness (a part of the continent that's not governed by any country—a lawless land crawling with magical creatures)
got a magia conduit from her family as an heirloom, but had to get a license to actually use it once she left the Wilderness
for a while she traveled the continent alone, working as a sort of medium/exorcist/bounty hunter, until she met Selina on a job and her interest was Piqued (not telling why, but...it's a priest thing), so she followed her back to Ethelen
the two of them may be a thing. no one's sure
laid-back, anxiety 0, unfazed by everyone and everything but is easily delighted, a bit of a cryptid
a shorter gal, also 32ish, has vitiligo-like spots over her body that are semi-translucent, bubblegum-pink hair, loose, flowy clothing
“People are naturally averse to death.” Her eyes met Quil’s, then. “It unnerves them, whether they realize it or not.” A pause. He thought he might be getting nauseous. “Which is a notion that is easy to capitalize on.” Florin sighed, “It’s like some of you venemagiks make a habit out of inventing new magics.” “I would call it ‘broadening your perspective’.”
next time gonna talk about the important Ladies of the story :)
tag list (please ask to be +/-): @writerfae, @tate-lin, @iriswords, @sternenmeerkind , @thecrookedwriterspath, @pure-solomon, @moonshinemagpie, @arowanaprincess, @scribe-of-stories, @thesorcerersapprentice, @stuffaboutwriting
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ruleof3bobby · 7 months
SUNSHINE (2000) Grade: C+
Felt like they tired to put too much history in to one movie. The production of the film is excellent however. Ralph Fiennes was great and literally carries the movie.
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mongo-the-liensis · 10 months
Zhang: My mom is calling… hi mom.
Imani: Come on guys, stop. They’re trying to talk to their mom.
Louis: *loud fake sexual noises*
Carl: *is asleep*
Miriam: *gets really close to the phone* Tell her I said hi.
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kohaive · 2 years
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doodle page
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muffinrag · 2 years
thinking about changing my name to mjiriam so people are forced to ask how it's pronounced
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87dvhnk · 6 days
many, many years ago i came across an article of clothing so absurd that it was totally fascinating: the c-string. how. why. for what purpose. it's essentially a real-life simulation of the pubescent nightmare of having a pad fall out of your underwear while wearing a skirt and smack the ground like a bird that just cracked its skull open on window glass. anyway, mirage would totally roll out as starfire with a c-string like it was normal.
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misaligncd · 13 days
@caeruleums liked for a starter from here
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"i know i told you that i'd be here for you but you need to figure out what you want before i can be here."
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status: closed
for: miriam & cristian 
based: things we plotted
with: @atvrvxia​
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normally she would look for some sort of excuse to get out of family dinner. usually she had rehearsal that ran late. other times she was literally in another country because of her work. yet that night she found herself sitting in the five star restaurant next to her sister’s husband, cristian who she had met a handful of times. she was only half listening to the conversation when she heard her sister asking her about what her plans were next week. all of a sudden eyes were on her and she cleared her throat,” um,” she paused,” i’m going to be in london next week, we’re premiering giselle, i thought i told everyone.” 
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snailspng · 7 days
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Random PNGs, part 193.
(1. Red Sun by Alexander Calder (1970), 2. Bone & coral charms from the Pitt Rivers Museum, 3. Botryoidal fluorite on amethyst, 4. Charm bracelet by Miriam Haskell, 5. Alien Hand by H. R. Giger (1979), 6. Greek gold earring with gemstones (5th-3rd c. BC), 7. Platanthera ciliaris, 8. Beaded necklace by Miriam Haskell, 9. ???)
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gatutor · 2 years
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Miriam Hopkins-Henry Wadsworth "Fast and loose" 1930, de Fred C. Newmeyer.
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cee-grice · 1 year
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Another Worldbuilding Wednesday, another post about the world of WWCC :))
The topic of today:
Venemagik - a person who was born part human, part magical creature. This happens due to impure magia (see the previous post) that their parent breathes in during their pregnancy. To a born person, this impure magia is relatively harmless. As a baby is developing in the womb, however it is much more susceptible to outside influences. Because of this, impure magia may cause mutations that result in non-human traits. The majority of the time they're not inheritable. The intensity of these traits can vary wildly. What kind of magical creature parts get mixed in depends on the kind of impure magia most prominent in the area. Impure magia is produced by magical creatures, and so it's tainted with their essence. Thus, the more dominant a specific type of creature is in a given place, the more likely that the venemagiks born there will have its traits.
As people started settling in the continent, it didn't take long for venemagiks to start being born. At first, this caused a panic, especially since many children with adverse traits died early or led difficult lives as people hadn't yet known how to handle them. At the time, only a number of priests had emerged as magic was first granted to the people by the deities, becoming a science much later. They were the ones that could give any sort of reprieve. They also tried to explain the phenomenon, claiming these children were either cursed or blessed by the deities, depending on the kind of traits they were born with. When a group of scholars began studying magic, however, and discovered it was an element that existed outside the deities, with its own physicality and laws, the explanations began shifting. In the present, the venemagik phenomenon is well-researched and understood. Many countries have taken precautions against it, such as driving out magical creatures whose traits would be the most adverse from their territories into the Wilderness. Pregnant people are also strongly advised against travelling anywhere outside their city until birth to minimize the risk. As such, most venemagiks are born in the Wilderness—a lawless land in the middle of the continent, scattered with independent settlements, and with the highest population of most magical creatures.
All venemagiks have a higher concentration of magia in their bodies than regular people, making them less susceptible to the negative effects of using magia. Because of this, they can make for excellent mages whose specializations require them to use larger amounts of magia, such as area-wise illusions or abjuration. Sometimes, however, a venemagik can be born as a freecaster. These are people who have traits of a magical creature that's able to cast at will. In short, freecasters don't require a conduit to command magia. The extent to which they can do that varies person to person, as it does with creatures. Some can even be more adept at specific types of magic if their creature is. For example, if we have a water creature that can command water with frightening precision, a venemagik of it may be gifted at elemental magic. The emergence of freecasters signified a huge shift in the perception of magic as a whole. Before, it was believed that only priests were able to perform magic through their deities, but this was undeniable evidence that it is possible to use it without being a priest. After that, interest in magia as a study field skyrocketed. The one issue that freecasters present to the wider mage community is that, since they don't need a conduit, they may not apply for a license and get official training. Because of this, a registry of freecasters is trying to be enforced, just to at least keep an eye on them, but some still slip through the cracks.
How venemagiks are viewed by the larger population varies by area. In Quil's home country, for example, Merridie, they're no different than anyone else. There, they're generally able to get most accommodations for their traits, if they're something that can be accommodated for. Merridie, however, is the most magia-wise advanced country in the continent, so this isn't the case everywhere else. In places where magia in general is more looked down upon, viewed as a pollution and unnatural, venemagiks may have a tougher time getting by. Some still view this phenomenon as either a blessing or a curse from the deities, as they did in the old days, and treat their venemagiks accordingly. Some venemagiks, however, have traits that may pose a danger not only to themselves but also those around them. A touch that freezes the skin, for example. A look that melts. These people are lucky if they're born in a place that not only understands the reasons but can also help them live with these traits. If they're born somewhere else, however, well. It's undeniable that there's a number of venemagiks that face persecution for one reason or the other. Because of this, there are entirely or semi-isolated societies that function as a refuge for them.
To take Miriam as an example, she is a venemagik of a creature called Vaidekel. They reside in the south of the Wilderness where her family had been living for many years. They're isolate creatures that are said to be neither dead nor alive, but rather somewhere in between, and are most distinguished by their translucent reptilian-like bodies. While Miriam is very much alive, the line between life and death for her is much thinner, too, as she's able to sense spirits and death, to an extent. Here's an illustration of how her skin looks like:
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next time we're gonna look at magia conduits, so stay tuned for that:))
taglist (let me know if you wanna be added or removed): @writerfae, @tate-lin, @iriswords, @sternenmeerkind, @thecrookedwriterspath, @pure-solomon, @moonshinemagpie, @arowanaprincess, @scribe-of-stories, @thesorcerersapprentice, @stuffaboutwriting, @doriians
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lcveiimpaiired · 2 years
status: closed
pairing: miriam & viktor
with: @atvrvxia​
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it was supposed to be a simple outing. they were just going to run some errands and maybe have lunch. the last thing that she expected was for some photographer to sniff them out. viktor had taken a call and she had decided to step out of the store. the last thing that she expected was for a photographer to start snapping photos. instantly she groaned, her face flushing as she hurried back inside. only to ignore the strange looks the staff gave her as she practically rushed over to him,” um,” she paused, glancing over her shoulder,” what do we do?” she had only experienced it a few times,” because i don’t think we can get out of here.” 
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