#c: 135
usafphantom2 · 1 month
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C-17 Globemaster III from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., receives fuel from a Utah Air National Guard KC-135 Stratotanker during a training mission over northern Utah and southwestern Wyo.
@ron_eisele via X
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nocternalrandomness · 4 months
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A Boomers POV: Tanking a C-17 over Germany
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nannivalentine · 8 months
Nanni got bored staying on her floor of the building pretty fast, deciding now was the perfect time to go and explore while everyone was still settling in. There was no time to waste. So she showered and changed first, making sure her hair and make up was flawless. First impressions mattered and she wanted people to see her from her best side. Who knows, maybe someone would see her, fall in love and then give her enough money to get all the possible sponsorship gifts and then she was practically guaranteed to win. Her plan seemed foolproof in her mind. Seeing someone walking towards her she smiled. "Hey, do you know who I have to talk to to get some decorations for my room? It looks so generic and I'd like to add a little bit of color to it. Liven the space up a little, make it more me, things like that. I work much better in a space that's cute. Obviously it won't be as cute as me, that's totally impossible, but it could come close."
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salaciabonny · 8 months
( open to all ! )
Caution marked Salacia's movement as she took a step forward, her feet moving forward in almost slow motion. She could feel people eyeing her, could hear them whisper to their companions excitedly about having caught a glimpse of one of the new tributes, but she paid them no mind. No, her attention was on the enormous lobby of the Tower. Her eyes scanned the room from corner to corner, taking in the modern sleekness of its furniture, listening the cacophony of sounds, observed the hustling busyness of its passing occupants.
It was quite something — and already, she hated all of it.
"It's definitely different from home." Salacia murmured, unsure if anyone even heard her. "It's so———" Disgustingly artificial. Devoid of human touch. Lacking anything that resembles a soul. "Impressive." A word tumbled out of her mouth with the practiced ease of a career who knew the importance of the appearances, even if she didn't believe a word of it. "How long it'll take before I get used to this?"
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c-135s · 9 months
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every blue moon, I draw something for this blog….
close ups + extra character 😏
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ashplacer · 5 months
Ash was waiting for the security guards to return, and then nothing. Literally nothing, no lights, no guards, the amusement was completely dark. Then there were a few loud noises that had come from near the safari. He needed to get moving, those animals had been no joke. So he started to move, maybe higher ground would be safer? Who knows, those Giraffes were tall after all. Going into a light jog, he was glad that he didn't have much to carry. He had to go find Finch too, he had promised to keep her safe. He didn't plan on breaking that promise. And he planned on getting her home to her family.
That was when the ground started to shake though, as he was moving....an earthquake? No, he doubted it, nothing but the the ground was really moving.......he was looking around trying to figure out what was happening, where would it be safe to go? The longer he didn't move though, the more the ground was starting to shake. So he started running, and then he saw it and realized what it was.....elephants....running parallel to him. They hadn't seen him, so he let out a breath, but then he saw what was in their path.....gasping, he started running as fast as he could.... "FARINA!! MOVE GET OUT OF THE MOVE!! He wasn't sure if she was aware of what was coming, so he was trying to yell as loud as he could to her, hoping she heard him over the animals.
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coltmarrow · 6 months
He knew that Greer always ended up being right. He got his hopes up too high again.....he did this every time. He convinced himself that he was going to be able to save one of his Tributes, and then those hopes usually ended with the bloodbath. He was currently parked on the couch in the common room of District Ten, with no desire to move, to go face the reporters who would wanna talk about District Ten's now-deceased tributes. It seemed like Colt had just been doing interview prep with them. When he heard someone walking in and saw Greer, he could only look over at her with big, soft eyes.
"Are we the bad mentors? I don't know why getting to help someone else out of the arena is so hard."
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sheenlux · 8 months
It was a late night for Sheen, and rather than spend it tossing and turning in bed, he elected to go down to the private gym for District Team Members. Hitting the punching bag always served as a great stress relief for the District One Mentor. His tank top had been discarded as he had been going at it for quite a bit now and managed to work up quite a sweat. His mind was going over 500 things, his tributes, how was he going to get at least one of them out of the arena, training them and making sure they were ready, meetings with Sponsors, and making sure said sponsors liked them. He hit the bag one final time when he stopped panting when he felt the other presence in the room with him. Turning to face them, he smiled a little when he saw Abel, waving ever so slightly before he picked up his shirt and used it to wipe his forehead.
"Hey, sorry I didn't know you were there. What are you still doing up at this time?" Chuckling, "Not that I can really judge. If you want the bag, I was just finishing up. Unless you need a spotter, I'd be happy to help. Not quite ready to go back to my floor yet, or try to go to sleep."
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coralcovestarlight · 8 months
While she did her best to be friendly and try and get along with everyone, there were over a hundred thirty victors, getting along with everyone just wasn't a possibility. Still, Coral always aimed for making the best out of a situation and giving it an honest effort. Who knew who her tributes allies ended up being? What if they had to work together? Things like that were always easier if the mentors got along. For many years she'd tried to be on good terms with Greer, but it didn't take a genius to see that the other woman didn't like her. This was a new year, perhaps things would be different. Seeing Greer, Coral approached her right away. "Good to see you. It's been a while. How have you been?"
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Bracket C Round 1
Poll 4
Layren Atelie (@murrittimeswithscar) vs. Argus (@mojothemaltipoo)
135. Layren Atelie (@murrittimeswithscar)
hes like a mary sue but cooler. hes a ghost. hes in purgatory. hes actually alive. hes dying but not really. he lives in the forest and terrorizes travelers by roleplaying with them. hes scottish (?). the reason he does this is unknown. he's friends with the protagonist and she fucking hates him. he only exists to get on her nerves. he talks weird. hes out there so Watch Out.
a troll like from homestuck, he's read and wears a shirt that's white and puffy on one side and a black dess shirt-ish on the other. he has shades and a crown, as well as very short imp-ish horns and a black cape with a red pentagram on the back. his skin and hair is lighter than a regular troll and he has necrosis on his hands. also he has grey pants and red dress shoes.
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136. Argus (@mojothemaltipoo)
Argus should win because they are not only peak blorbo material, but they have everything a good OC needs! Traumatic backstory? Check! Cool powers and abilities? Check! Appealing design? Check! Gay? Checkity-Check!
Argus is the ultimate bitch-boy, babygirl, blorbo, who needs no introduction! (Except, of course, when it does need an introduction.)
Make the right call, Tumblr citizens, and vote for Argus! The most blorbo of them all!
Argus is technically two beings in one, the first being a humanoid. The humanoid has red-ish brown, curly hair. He has black and gold armor and a black scarf. And his eyes are covered by a blindfold that can't come off.
The other being is a giant eye that follows the first around. the eye appears to be made of glass, but it is generally indestructible. Its pupil is black most of the time, but occasionally glows a pale blue. And it has five gold spikes that surround it. The spikes represent Argus' life span. When all five break, they die.
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electra-torres · 6 months
There was paperwork to be signed after Thane's death. Thank yous to the sponsors that had pledged money, personal items that needed to be packaged with the body. It was a factory line of efficiency. Tedious work, though it left her hollowed out. After she signed on the last dotted line she went looking for company. The fifth floor was too quiet, too empty. Finding Link was a blessing in a sense. She didn't think she could have stomached some bubbly escort. "I thought this might get easier," she said. "But nope, launch day still makes you feel like you've been gutted."
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usafphantom2 · 1 month
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1982 again... KC-135 in formation with a KC-10 refueling a C-5A over the Sierra Nevada mountain range near Edwards AFB
@tcamp202 via X
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sitting-on-the-bottom · 8 months
Location: Tower Lobby With: @mxhlon
With a soft wumph, Pyxis practically fell into the chair next to where Mahlon sat. Coming down from her morning workout, she had immediately clocked him sitting in the lobby, doing whatever it was Mahlon did to entertain himself. But Pyxis, she came in with a mission. Zip up hoodie sliding off her shoulder slightly, she fixed it before turning her attention to the man next to her.
"So, whatever the hell it is you gave me? Yeah, it worked," she said without much introduction. No how was twelve, how is rebuilding going, or other semantics. Leaning forward with a gleam in her eye, she gave a level look as she explained what had her so excited. "I went diving when I was home. No issues."
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nannivalentine · 8 months
As soon as they made their way to their floor, Nanni set her eyes on Link. Her parents orders were clear after all. "So I've wanted to talk to you alone as soon as possible actually. Your mother has worked for my parents factory for many years now, right? And my parents said that if you help me win a promotion could very well be on the table for her. Or some money for you. We are very rich. Whatever you prefer. Just something to think about.." Was she currently trying to bribe her mentor? Absolutely, but hey, you lose all the shots you don't take.
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salaciabonny · 8 months
a closed starter for @ashplacer !
If her trainers back at home had any say, she should've been out there fraternizing with the other members of the Career pack, focusing on what was supposedly important. And Salacia did plan on doing that, if only for the sake of appearances; it was just, well, there was something else she wanted to achieve before that. Her eyes searched the bustling lobby, her neck craned in her eagerness to find the one she'd been looking for. It was silly, perhaps, because she didn't even know anything about the tribute from Twelve other than their age and the fact that they'd volunteered for who, she thought, could only be a younger sister of theirs.
Perhaps that was it — perhaps like called to like, and that was why she felt compelled to seek him out.
Finally, a figure stepped into her field of vision who matched the description. In haste, Salacia pushed herself off the wall and strode toward him, the pace quickening with each step. She had to catch him before his mentors or escort would whisk him away.
"Excuse me," Salacia announced, hand quickly reaching out to grab his arm. "Sorry about this," a sheepish smile spread across her lips, as blush painted her cheeks a faint shade of scarlet, "and I know it probably won't mean much coming from someone like me," a brief pause before she lifted her gaze to meet his eyes, "but what you did there was really brave."
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2 bedroom flat for sale on Kilmarnock Road, Glasgow
Asking price: £185,000
Sold price: £190,000
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