#c: an animal to ruin
direwombat · 6 months
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r: the shrike to your sharp and glorious thorns (eli palmer x deputy sybille la roux)
tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton, @inafieldofdaisies, @carlosoliveiraa, @g0dspeeed, @aceghosts, and @madparadoxum to do this ship dynamics chart using this template by @jacobseed (most just did the first image with the sliders, but i'm an overachiever and did the second part too <3)
since i did this template for jakesyb a while ago, here's a sybeli version. they really took me by surprise as a ship this year, but i love them and they deserve a happy ending (they do not get one <;3)
tagging @cassietrn, @trench-rot, @harmonyowl, @fourlittleseedlings, @purplehairsecretlair, @adelaidedrubman, @voidika, @locustandwildhoney, @testyfestyenthusiast, @strangefable , @alexxmason, @deputyash, @josephslittledeputy, and anyone else who wants to make a graphic for their ship! (taglist opt in/out)
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ahandfulofm0ss · 7 days
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sludgeguzzler · 2 years
goodmorning everybody. is everyone ready for a day of doing fuck all on the computer
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inkykeiji · 1 year
oh my god the actual love of my LIFE my #1 Daddy my Original Daddy <33333 ughhhhhhhh watching this makes me so fucking angry n upset at disney for what they did with the sequel trilogy though because it completely shits all over anakin as a character, like it's fucking disrespectful to him and his story. it voids all of his actions, it makes his death all for naught. fuck disney.
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ranvwoop · 9 months
I love Seren actually. Wish i could draw him one day. here he is
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nyancrimew · 2 months
Sorry, it was unfair of me to send that to you without proper context since you might not be aware of these issues. Irredeemable media refers to any thing with a creator or content  that is harmful and/or bigoted. Of course every piece of media has problems, but irredeemable media is when those problems cannot be ignored and are an indicator of someone's beliefs. 
For example, Harry Potter is irredeemable media because every one knows that JK Rowling is a transphobe, but some other piece of media like Twilight would not be considered irredeemable because even though Stephanie Meyer has done some bad things, they are not as widely talked about, so someone who posts about Twilight on here isn't completely likely to be a bigot, but a Harry Potter blogger would. Also, I know the "to be cringe is to be free" people like your blog, but a lot of the time, what is considered cringey on here is actually based on what is irredeemable. No progressive person or reputable blogger genuinely makes fun of My Little Pony fans any more, however plenty make fun of Hazbin Hotel fans and the such because that content is irredeemable and shows someone's beliefs. So usually, a piece of media being considered embarassing to like on here usually indicates that it is irredeemable.
As for why the other pieces of media are irredeemable, Hazbin Hotel is made by a woman who has many well-documented accusations of bigotry against her and has drawn zoophilia art, not to mention how her work leans into stereotypes about gay people (having a gay man character be a sex addict, a lesbian be named after the female body part Vagina, etc.) or at least that's what I've heard. Attack on Titan is created by a known fascist and many illusions are made to nazi imagery and nationalism in the anime. Captive Prince has a racist premise that sexualizes slavery and non-con. 
People can tell you that liking irredeemable media doesn't say something about who they are, but that's fundamentally false. If someone is uncaring enough to still post openly about these types of media, it's clear they don't care enough about not supporting bigotry. Yes, even if they don't give money to the creators, because they are still willingly exposing themselves to bigoted or harmful content and enjoying it.
The previous ask was not meant to be accusatory. Rather it was meant as a concerned question. Believe it or not, there are still some users on here who indulge in these pieces of content, a few of which hide behind the excuse of being part of a minority (Black, trans, whatever) or simply deny how bad their media consumption is to escape accountability. I wouldn't want you associating with those types of people and have that ruin your reliability on this website.
Hopefully this ask has educated you more on these issues and you'll be able to spot irredeemable media in the future and block it out.
incredible essay, you get a C for Creativity
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bunny584 · 5 months
A/N: So sorry this is getting reposted. Tumblr got glitch-y and it went away. Hopefully the second read around is just as enjoyable!!
C/W: Breeding, Mature. 18+
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“You’d make such a beautiful mother.”
Nanami comes up behind you, snaking his arms around your waist. He travels up your torso to cup your tender, swollen mounds spilling over his favorite tank top.
“Ken,” you whine and wince back into him.
You’re so focused on chopping vegetables, you let him grope you. No use fighting it. If you slapped his hands away they’d be back in less than a second. Magnets to your perfect frame.
You’re ovulating.
He knows it like clock work.
You become docile. With puffy, tender breasts. And so emotional. Tears flow at a harsh breeze, much less anything else. Forgetful. Flustered. You hang off of him like perfectly cooked Lamb off a bone.
You’re ovulating. His cock is hard nearly 24 hours a day when you’re supple like this.
“Oh goddamit,” the knife comes down, loud and shrill on the marble island.
Nanami bites back a grin, he knows whatever it is is inconsequential.
“What is it, my love?” His hands trail down to your stomach. Cock beating against his thigh thinking about how pretty it’ll look swollen with his seed.
You dive your face into your hands. Crystal tears flowing from your eyes through the slim spaces of your elegant fingers. Sparkling against the Diamond engagement ring. He pulls you in tighter, unashamed of his erection now digging into your back.
“I-I forgot, I forgot the stupid basil at the store and now dinner is ruined.” More sobs. You melt back into his arms. Absolutely devastated.
“Ahhh, yes. So ruined.” His gentle teasing opens the flood gates.
The Pacific Ocean flows out of you and he’s even more fond. More turned on.
“Ken!” You scold him, turn around and dive into the crook of his neck. All in one fair motion.
“I was trying to be a good fiancé. I wanted to make this perfect. And I can’t even I can’t —“
“Shhh.” Nanami lifts you onto him. You wrap your legs around his waist. Drenching his work shirt in diamond tears.
His back hits the couch, and you’ve calmed to just baby sniffles with his constant rubbing.
“Let me take care of it.” He rasps out. Not even trying to hide his strain. You nod and bring the back of your hand to your puffy eyes.
And this is why he wants to fill you with his cum. Keep you pregnant. Soft, open. Tender hearted. Your kids would be born from the purest love.
It’s a daydream that exists on cinematic repeat in his mind. How he could change the shape of your beautiful body. Round your hips. Swell your feminine torso. Fill your breasts with nourishment for the little one you create together. It makes his cock leak and twitch and lead pipe hard. At work. At the gym. While eating. When you’re like this. Like this. He feels like an animal. Insatiable. You bring out the most primal parts of him. To provide. Protect.
He dreams about you staying at home, nurturing your little family. Coming home to you nourishing the baby with your gorgeous, plump…
He’d drop his pants and push his cock past your pretty lips at the same time. Feed you while you’re feeding the love child he put in you.
Your sugary, soft gasp tethers him to reality. Eyes fixed on his restrained dick, begging for release.
“Kento, you’re so…” your dulcet voice trails off and you palm his length through his pants.
Nanami hisses. Unashamed of the growing stain of his precum seeping through his khaki work slacks. Not the first time.
“Let me make you a mother, baby.” His voice grazes the shell of your ear and you shudder into him.
So “stern” but you keep petting his dick in the way that drives him insane. “We can’t because I think I—“
“You’re ovulating.” He finishes your thought with a buck of his hips into your hand. Greedy for more touch. More warmth.
Fine, fine. You’ve already compromised with him to stop taking the birth control and track naturally. He won’t push it. Watching how your hormones ebb and flow within your body is a privilege, so he won’t push.
For now.
“Let’s get takeout, baby.”
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senseichaos · 5 months
Dating Alastor
Nsfw and Sfw <3
Not a kisser, I don't think. I think he'd enjoy innocent peck but I don't think he'd go full make out session, yk?
Overprotective but not in a possessive way. He'd always have his eye on you (even if you don't know it) and would probably (definitely) attack anyone who may hurt/come onto you.
brings you everywhere, like a toy or trinket. He loves to show you off, even when he goes to his overlord meetings. He even had to correct someone when they called you his 'pet' (even if he sometimes sees you that way)
Condescending. With a capital C. He will always talk down to you, literally and figuratively.
Not into physical affection, he may initiate it from time to time. But I see him more enjoying you sitting on his lap. Either that or he's fucking you. All or nothing kinda guy.
Primal as. Literally. He fucking loves ravaging you like a wild animal. He wants to feel like he's ruining you. Literally and figuratively.
Petplay. 100%. Especially after someone mistook you as such. He likes to keep you on a leash sometimes and force you to walk around on all fours. It makes him feel in control.
Gives you jewelry as a gift often, usually in tones of red and black. He gave you a black ring on your anniversary.
You know how I said he isn't affectionate? Well, he is slightly. He likes to spoon you in bed every, night cuddling you very tightly. He always has to be the big spoon, though.
He sometimes toys with the idea you could be afraid of him. I mean, the first time you had sex with him the fear in your eyes was immeasurable.
Relationship overview:
Relationship healthiness: 45/100 (psychologically manipulative and values control)
Relationship affection: 15/100 (not a touchy guy)
Relationship sex: 100/100 (every. night)
Relationship love: 85/100 (he loves you, in his own twisted way)
Relationship strength: 100/100 (he'll never let you go. Whether you like it or not)
Relationship overview: 61/100 (a relationship with a psychopath will never be completely healthy)
(requests are open!)
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endlessthxxghts · 7 months
DBF!joel miller x afab!reader || W/C: ≈2.5k
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Summary: Joel randomly calls you and tells you to meet him outside. Your parents are home though, and you can't necessarily tell them that Joel, your father's best friend, is asking you to go with him somewhere. Do you give a little white lie and leave, or do you wait until it's safer?
Warnings: Age gap (unspecified, but legal). Reader still lives with parents but she is an adult. Nosy and controlling ass parents to their child who's a grown ass adult. SMUT 18+ MDNI. Inappropriate car activities while driving. Handjob. Blowjob. Pulling into a parking lot in broad daylight to do some stuff... P in V unprotected. ✨Save a horse, ride a cowboy (in a parking lot)✨ Reader has bit of a size kink. Cum swallowing... Is there a term for kissing with semen in both y'all's mouths??? (Don't look at me...). Possessive kink. Spanking (just once though). Getting caught... Exhibitionism...😵‍💫 I think that’s as much as I can say without spoiling anything, so! After you read it, let me know if there’s anything that I should put in here that I missed out on!
A/N: One of my all-time favorite songs is Animals by Nickelback. As of lately, though, with all my Joel brain rot, I can't NOT think DBF!Joel every time I play it... so... here we are... I recommend listening before or when you read, just to really add to the experience hehehe.😈 @javierpena-inatacvest I hope you’re hungry!😋 Enjoy, y’all!!!
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You’re beside me on the seat,
Got your hand between my knees,
And you control how fast we go by just how hard you wanna squeeze.
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“Two minutes, get your ass outside.”
Your eyes nearly pop out of your head. You blindly brought your phone up to your ear with your parents in the room with you, not taking the time to check the caller ID. 
“I-” you start as you head to the bathroom, not wanting your parents to overhear anything. “I can’t just leave right now, and especially not with you.” He scoffs over the phone. “I was at the dining table with my parents, jackass.” 
“But you’re not anymore, right?” 
“And they didn’t question you?”
“Didn’t give them the chance to.”
“Just get out here. I’ll drive off quick, no one will see,” he states matter-of-factly.
“Joel,” you say, your tone betraying your logical responses.
“Now,” he says before ending the call. 
Your heart racing, you peer at yourself in the mirror, making sure you look semi-presentable even though you know Joel’s intentions are going to ruin your appearance anyway. You leave the bathroom, heading for the front door as fast as possible. 
“Who called ya?” your dad asked. 
“Going somewhere?” your mother followed.
“Just a friend. And I’m gonna step out real quick, I’ll be back in a bit,” you say nonchalantly, not trying to raise any suspicion. Your mother raises her brow at you. 
“I really hope you both find the value in respecting people’s privacy,” you say, stepping out the front door as you speak, erasing the chances of any further commentary. That may have come across more harsh than you would have liked, but even into adulthood, the three of you have gotten into huge fights for your whereabouts. It’s not like you left them in the dark all the time or kept them up late waiting for you to get home. You were living under their roof, so you still respected their time. Yet, it was never enough. And you were too wound up thinking about Joel to bite your tongue.
He parked a house away, and you’re practically running at the speed of light to get into the passenger side so he can pull away before your parents decide to make it to the window to gain any more information they can. 
As soon as you get into the passenger seat, though, Joel has different plans as he immediately puts one hand around your waist and the other on the thigh closest to him. You’re barely able to shut the door before he pulls you into the middle of the bench seat of his truck, your body flushed against his. You squeak out at his quickness, his strength. He smirks at it. 
He lets his hand on your thigh drag up your body and situate itself on your jaw, turning your face to his and kissing you deeply, all tongue and teeth and thickened spit due to how fucking turned on both of you are. 
You pull away, breathless, “Baby, you need to drive off, now.”
“Shit, sorry,” he says, releasing his hold on you. “Stop distractin’ me,” he playfully scolds, a smile full of trouble across his face as he pulls out of the neighborhood. 
You scoff at him now, perplexed at his audacity to tell you that you’re distracting him. It makes an idea pop in your head. You’ll show him a distraction. 
You shift your body to face him. Your hand lands on his thigh, running up and down lightly, getting closer to his hardened bulge that’s been begging for your attention since he dialed your number. 
His grip on the wheel tightens, his jaw twitching, “Darlin’,” he grits. “What are you doin’?”
“Oh, nothing,” you say as you lean in closer, licking a stripe up his neck, your mouth at his ear. “Just,” you cup his erection, “being a distraction.”
His hips push up into your hand. He is painfully hard right now, his entire neck and face a bright red from your ministrations. You unzip his jeans, pulling it and his underwear down to let his cock free. You moan at the sight.
“I’m warnin’ you, girl.”
“Want me to stop?” 
He moves his arm closest to you to sprawl along the back of the bench seat, giving you complete access to him as he attempts to drive you two to God knows where. 
You scoot closer in, and let out a content giggle. You place a wet kiss at his pulse point, whispering in his ear, “Thought so, baby.”
You bring your hand up to your mouth and let your spit pool in your hand, bringing it back down to his length, spreading it all over before you wrap your fingers around him.
“Joel, baby, fuck-” you moan in his ear as you slowly begin pumping him, “look how fucking big you are in my hands,” you whine. “Can barely wrap my hand around you,” you say as you nip at his neck again. 
Joel begs his eyes to stay on the road, knowing that if he were to look down right now, he’d lose every ounce of his control — on both his self restraint and his damn truck. But, God damn, the slapping sound of your hand on his spit-soaked cock as you whine and writhe at his side has him desperate. He glances down for barely a millisecond, and he can’t help the groan that leaves his throat, his head threatening to throw itself back in utter pleasure. 
“Am I doing good, baby?” You ask him. “A good distraction?” You add, your lips ghosting his jaw with each syllable. 
“F-fuckin H-hell, baby,” he stutters, hips softly meeting every push and pull of your hand. “G-gonna make me c-crash this f-fuckin’ car.” 
With his admission, your grip gets a little tighter, pumps get a little faster, and you're giving extra attention to the head of his cock. He’s pulsing beneath you, breathing erratic, and you can’t stop the urge to lean down and take him into your mouth. 
On instinct, Joel’s foot falls a little heavier on the gas, causing him to drive a little roughly over a bump on the road. His dick pushes deeper into your mouth, causing the tip to hit at the back of your throat. 
The spit that forms from your gag reflex gives you an easier ability to devour him just as he likes—warm, wet, and sloppy. Your head begins to bob faster, your hand still supporting the base of him as you periodically cup him below, and he’s an absolute mess. 
You pull away for one moment in a choked breath, your hand now jacking him off, and you look up at him through your eyelashes. 
“I know you’re close, baby, I feel it,” you gasp out as your hand squeezes a little more, at the pressure you know makes him break. “Need you to cum, baby, need you to fill my fucking throat,” and with that, your mouth is back on him. 
“Oh, f-fu-…” Joel nearly growls out, immediately pulling into some random parking lot, thankful the nearest slot was empty. The second the car is in park, he’s shooting his load down your throat, his hand flying to the back of your head to keep you stuffed full of him. 
The way that you’re so turned on right now just by giving him the sloppiest head he has ever experienced has you absolutely dripping—an absolute moaning mess, vibrating him into overstimulation. He pulls you off, and you can’t help the blissed out smirk that forms on your face as you swallow almost everything he gave you, residue dripping down your chin. 
He brings your face to his, and his tongue collects up his own spend, feeding it back to you in a desperate, sloppy kiss—if you can even call it that. 
As your lips tangle in a nasty embrace, he’s quick to rip your bottoms off as he settles you on his lap. The feel on your pussy of his spent cock slowly getting erect again has you moaning into his mouth, your hips grinding down onto him, arousal coating him, urging him back to his full, hard length. 
“Sh-shit,” falls from your mouth as his trails further down, leaving kisses down your throat. Joel brings his hand down to pump himself a few more times, ensuring he’s at full attention. Your hips lift up on instinct, Joel notching his tip at your soaking entrance. 
You lower yourself onto him, going in with ease with how wet both you and him are, the stretch of him still providing that delicious burn. No matter how prepared or lubed up either of you are, that burn will never go away. You never want it to. It flips a certain switch of lust within you—an animalistic need—knowing just how fucking big he is, knowing that it’s all for you. 
Usually when you’re on top, he’s extra sensitive, and you wait for him to give the signal for you to move. That need is there, though, and you can’t wait. As soon as your hips are flushed with his, you’re immediately lifting back up and dropping down on him again, maintaining a brutal pace that has you both uttering incoherent filth. 
You place your hands on either side of his head, gripping the back of his seat to give you better momentum as you bounce on him. His hands are gripping at the globes of your ass, guiding your movements, fingertip-shaped bruises threatening to form. “Fuck, sweet girl,” he lets out, “just like that, baby.” His face is nuzzled in between your breasts, nipping and licking at them with every bounce of your thrusts. 
His words cause your pussy to flutter, a possessive feeling gliding down your spine. Your one hand releases the chair and grasps at the curls on the base of his neck. “T-tell me,” you stutter, “t-tell me who my p-pussy belongs to,” you get out, licking into his mouth before you let him answer. 
His hips begin to meet your movements, his pubic bone providing the cherry on top to unravel you. His lips are against yours, breaths intertwining into the thick air, windows beginning to fog. “Mine,” Joel growls. Your hips speed up, the truck shaking and squeaking with every movement. “This pussy is mine. You,” he breathes, “are fuckin’ mine,” a stinging pain fills your senses before your brain registers the slap to your ass. 
Your thighs begin to shake and your body goes rigid, your climax teetering against the edge. 
“Joel,” you cry out. 
“I’ve got you, pretty girl, let go for me,” he coos. And just as he’s about to hold you down to fuck up into you, a car parks right next to you, door immediately slamming as the person gets out and urgently peers into the driver’s side window. 
Both of you are too close to stop your movements, the person’s face outside the car falling into pure horror and shock at what’s going on inside. 
“Oh!” you scream out, both of you using all your strength to stop but unable to.
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“That’s my dad outside the car!”
Oh please, the keys, they’re not in the ignition,
Must have wound up on the floor while we were switching our positions. 
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Before you know it, you’re pulsing around his cock as he fills up another one of your holes with thick, hot ropes of his cum. 
Neither of you realize just when your father scrambled back into his car and drove away, but the idea of getting caught turned both of you on more than you’d ever admit. 
You don’t get off of him just yet, both of you sitting in each other’s sweaty embrace as you let your breathing and heart rates return to normal. 
“So…” he says, rubbing circles on the small of your back. 
You look up at him, chin perched on his chest. “So,” you giggle. 
“What the fuck do we do?” he asks, wordlessly referring to the mishap with your father.
Not as worried, you mess with him before giving a serious answer. “Mmm,” you say as you place a light kiss to his chest, “I was thinking you give me your boxers since you ripped the only bottoms I have on me, and you deal with the jeans chafing your balls until you get back home.”
His eyes go wide, completely forgetting that he did that, and silently cursing himself for doing something so stupid. Luckily he decided to actually wear underwear today.
“Oh, fuck, baby, I’m so sorry, I just-” he pauses for a moment. “You fuckin’ distracted me!” he says before he completely busts out in laughter, a deep howl filling the car. You smack his chest, your laughter following suit. 
“You motherfucker,” you say, sitting up a little straighter, pulling him in for a chaste kiss. 
He smiles at you, pure warmth and adoration in his eyes. He clears his throat, his face a little more serious. “I, uh, I was actually talkin’ about your old man, though.”
“I know,” you say, completely unbothered.
“Are you not worried?”
You shrug your shoulders. “No.”
“You don’t think he’s gonna try and wring my neck out?”
“Baby,” you laugh, “no, he’s not gonna wring your neck out. I wouldn’t let him, anyway.”
“Oh, gee. Thanks,” he deadpans.
“I promise you, I’ve got it taken care of.”
His fingers grasp your chin, pulling you in for another kiss, a little longer than the last. “I trust you.”
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As soon as you enter the front door, you see both your parents at the dining table again. Though, this time around, instead of controlling and angry, they look pale and embarrassed. 
You stroll to the dining table, not caring to sit down, and you get straight to the point. They can’t even look you in the eye. 
“So? Did we learn our lesson about-”
“Yes,” your parents say in unison, “please just,” your mother continues as your dad starts to retreat anywhere else but here. “Let’s not talk about it.”
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles in your chest. 
“You’re a grown woman,” your mother says, rigidly. “It’s really not our business what you do anymore.” You peer at your father. He throws a thumbs up at your mother’s words, eyes still trained on everything else but you. 
“Glad ya guys came to your senses,” you say, offering a smug smile. You can’t help it. If catching you having the steamiest sex in an older man’s car is what causes them to stop breathing down your neck, then so be it. You’d have intentionally done something like this ages ago if that’s what it took. 
You start heading to your room when your dad finally speaks. Still unable to look you in the eyes. “Tell Joel I don’t give a fuck what he does—what y’all do—just,” he pauses to take a breath. “Tell him not to address any of this with me. Ever.”
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No, no matter where we go,
‘Cause everybody knows,
We’re just a couple animals. 
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End Note: Well. That killed me. The amount of laps I took writing this...🥴 Thank you all so much for reading! Likes, comments, reblogs, etc, — all your support means the absolute world to me. I wouldn’t be able to do this without all of you. Thank you so so so much. There are genuinely not enough words to express my gratitude. As always feedback for my stories (at a technical sense) is also super super helpful whether it is constructive or positive! Anything helps me to be the best writer that I can be. All my love! Xo
Tags: @javierpena-inatacvest @katiexpunk @farmerlarrry @mellymbee @jobee403 @soavenuepenguin @rainbowcosmicchaos @untamedheart81 @babygal-babygal @pedritoferg @akah565 @pedrostories
EDIT: As of the new year 2024, I no longer do taglists!! Follow @endlessthxxghtsnotifs and turn on the notifications to be updated when new stories come out!!
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cobaltperun · 14 days
hi ! can you please write an angsty fic with a happy ending with gn!reader x tara or cairo your choice where t or c breaks up with r and r becomes a fuckgirl and t or c gets jealous. there could be some sort of conversation along the lines of r saying “how i chose to get over you is none of your business” and t or c responding “don’t” totally okay if you don’t want to or are not comfortable !! <3
(Don't) Let Go
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Cairo Sweet x Female Reader (Request)
A/N: I usually keep this for the end, but two things, Anon added a correction, from GN! to Female Reader, so just pointing that out to clear potential confusion. Second, this depicts some unhealthy coping mechanisms, so I just want to say, do not follow R's example. Also, Anon, hope this is what you wanted 😁😁
Word count: 1.8k
She watched you from afar, her eyes narrowed, hand gripping the glass of wine so hard she was surprised it didn’t shatter and a frown that told her company not to interact with her unless necessary. You were drunk, dancing with a girl you were flirting with, your hands were on her hips, and her back was pressed against you as the two of you laughed. Tonight’s distraction. It didn’t escape her attention that this girl was a blonde, tall, green eyes, with plenty of make-up, though she could see she was still fairly pretty. Last night you went to the apartment of some red-head the night before that, some other girl with a tattoo who dyed her long wavy hair some ridiculous shade of orange to look like some anime character. The point was, each night you chose a girl that was the exact opposite of her and while Cairo wasn’t jealous, she hated seeing you like this.
Did she have the right to complain though? She broke up with you, she ruined yet another relationship. She ruined everything she touched.
It’s been a few years since she ruined her friendship with Winnie, since she thought she found her love in Miller and was disappointed and in a way betrayed. And she could never trust again, but you somehow broke through her shell, offering company she didn’t even realize she was craving.
It wasn’t like she was following you, or keeping tabs on where you were, or who you were sleeping with, it just so happened that the group she just finished a big college assignment with wanted to celebrate so they made her go with them. And the other two she knew about? Rumors, mainly, though she did catch sight of you with the girl, who lived a block away from Cairo, last night.
What were you doing? You weren’t ruining your life, entirely at the very least, you still managed to keep up with the classes, but you were drunk for most of the day, and if you weren’t drunk, you were hungover. Why did you break up again?
Oh, yeah, because she wasn’t ready to fully commit to the relationship, afraid of getting burnt again, and chose the worst possible option. She just ended it all, over a text, no conversation, no explanation, she just sent the message and blocked you everywhere. She couldn’t ask for forgiveness, though she greatly regretted what she did. She couldn’t watch you take that girl to your apartment, or go to her apartment, though.
So, she said goodbye to the group she came to the bar with and made her way toward you through the crowd of drunk partying people wasting away their free time. “Y/N,” she called out to you over the loud music and she watched as you staggered back, your eyes gaining some clarity as you recognized her.
“Cairo,” you slurred, your hand falling from the blonde’s hips.
“Come with me,” she didn’t wait for you to respond, she didn’t wait for the surprised, and a bit to drunk to understand what was going on, blonde to catch up with what was going on either. She just grabbed your hand and pulled you along. And you let her drag you to the counter and pay for your and hers bill and dragged you outside to look for a cab.
“What are you doing? I was having fun in there,” you leaned against the lamppost, barely standing and not even looking as the bright lights probably made your head hurt.
“By ruining your liver?” Cairo snarked, much more annoyed than she hoped she would be. This wasn’t her business, even if she stopped you tonight what was she supposed to do? Babysit you until you got your shit together? She didn’t have time for that.
A voice in the back of her head told her she was probably the one who pushed you toward this behavior. Her consciousness, perhaps?
“None of your damn business,” you glared at her and she hated seeing that look in your eyes directed at her.
“Right, get in,” she dragged you along as the cab pulled up and she gave the driver her address.
It took her a while, but she managed to get you to her apartment and to the sofa in her living room. She took your shoes off and pretty much pushed you to lie down before she went to get a blanket. When she came back you were already asleep, and she wondered how you managed to actually fuck any of those girls when you were this drunk?
She wasn’t jealous. She just wondered.
She made her decision, she broke up with you.
She still found herself thinking about you every now and then, because truly, you didn’t deserve it. You treated her right, better than anyone before you, that was for sure, you didn’t quite share her interests, but you were more than willing to listen, to grow by experiencing them with her. She could count on you if she wanted a thought-provoking debate, or a passionate night. She could talk for hours with you, or be perfectly comfortable in complete silence.
And she ended it.
And she thought it didn’t matter to her, but as she watched you sleeping there all the times you spent together came back and she… she wanted to fix things, to get a second chance, to make it work this time. And if anyone asked, no, a tear didn’t fall from her eye as you mumbled her name.
You woke up with a pounding headache, expecting to see a blonde next to you on the bed. Instead you were hit with the smell of spring field, the scent Cairo used when washing her clothes and everything else. You blinked at that and groaned, burying your face in the pillow. The books surrounded you, on the shelf, on the coffee table, everywhere and you only knew one person that had this kind of apartment…
“Damn it,” you cursed, tempted to just walk out and pretend this didn’t happen.
“Damn it, indeed,” and so much for that plan, you turned to the side, toward her bedroom doors and saw her, just as beautiful, enchanting even, as she was the last time you saw her. Before she went and broke up with you over a text and blocked you on everything. And then promptly refused to even acknowledge you existed despite your attempts to at least talk to her to make sure you didn’t hurt her somehow.
“Cairo,” you sighed, sitting up slowly to avoid making the headache even worse.
“Y/N,” she nodded, walking over to the kitchen and bringing you a glass of water and aspirin.
You just watched her, frankly curious and suspicious at the same time. What was her deal? Breaking up with you like that and now acting like this. So, once you downed the aspirin and water, you turned your attention, or as much of it as your headache allowed to Cairo. “What are you doing?”
She sat down in the armchair to your left and you were reminded of all the times you’d spend here, working on some assignment, together, or separately, not really caring as long as you were together. “Babysitting you, sine you clearly can’t help but get drunk and fuck any girl that doesn’t look like me,” she sounded like she had the guts to actually accuse you of doing that, and sure, it was true, and you would be the first to admit it wasn’t the healthiest coping mechanism but…
“How I choose to get over you is none of your business,” you bit out, feeling the anger and frustration from the month that passed since she broke up with you reaching a boiling point.
“Don’t,” she suddenly said.
And you stopped, flabbergasted by her response. “Don’t what?”
“Get over me,” she dared to say, and you laughed, looking away from her in utter disbelief.
‘Don’t get over her’ that was what she said? After all this time that was what she was telling you? That she sort of regretted breaking up with you.
“Are you for real right now? You sent me a text, blocked me and then acted like I didn’t exist!” you raised your voice, angry at her.
“I know,” she nodded, not even looking for an excuse.
You snorted. “You know? No, that’s amazing, you are unbelievable, you know? You really expect me to run into your arms? After everything?” you demanded.
Cairo shook her head, but you saw her biting her lower lip. “Y/N, I made a mistake, I apologize. I shouldn’t have hurt you like that,” the cracks in her unbreakable mask appeared, and she closed her eyes, missing the surprise on your face. “I was afraid of getting hurt again.”
So, she hurt you instead, before you could hurt her. She told you, on one long night, what happened to her, with Miller and her best friend, and as much as she hurt you, you somewhat understood her fear. “Do you have any idea how many times I got slapped or just kicked out because I called a girl your name? No matter how different they looked? You’re all I can fucking see,” you still loved her, because as much as she hurt you the time you spent together was some of the best time of your life, you thought she was the one. “How can I trust you not to do this again?”
Cairo looked at you, surprised, tears filling her eyes though she tried to hold them back. “I can’t blame you if you choose not to trust me again, I probably wouldn’t be able to trust you if our positions were switched,” she confessed.
You reluctantly opened your arm and gestured for her to come closer, and though surprised she did. She sat down next to you and hugged you, her hands wrapping around you tightly as you hugged her back. It still felt right. This. Being in each other’s arms.
“I need a bit of time, I need to take it slow if you want to give this, us, another chance,” you said, knowing that you couldn’t keep destroying yourself over this, and that maybe, much like her actions poisoned your life, they could be the antidote you needed.
Cairo nodded. “As much time as you need, I’ll be right here waiting,” she promised, the conviction in her voice made you believe that maybe, just maybe, reconsidering this relationship wouldn’t be the worst outcome you could imagine.
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sunburstkisser · 2 months
A big shout out to self shippers with cartoon FOs
Be they from kids shows or adult cartoons. From half-animated half-live action media. From comics books, strips, and webcomics. From the most well known Disney or Pixar names, to the most obscure and almost never heard of before animation studios, your FOs are amazing and so are you! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! You rule!!
The adults who adore characters from kid-oriented media, and the kids who find comfort in someone from an adult focused franchise; You're SO COOL, no matter how many people might say the content you're interested in isn't "age appropriate"!! Don't let miserable people ruin your fun!! You're so awesome and cool!! Your FOs, whether they're romantic, platonic, familial, or QPPs, love you!!
[Pr*shippers, c*mshippers, d*rkshippers, and neutrals don't fucking interact. Don't steal this, either. If you steal this post you're openly admitting to being gross, predatory weirdos :3]
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clbrq · 7 months
warnings: SMUT, cursing/swearing, alcohol consumption. i love this idea (not requested)
One night stand’s weren’t usually your thing—you found it distasteful. You preferred to get absolutely ruined by a guy who wanted you for you; not just for a quick fuck. Tonight, however, you were willing to bend your morals for the angel God had dropped from heaven in front of you.
Cole Robert Brock, more commonly known as Colby, had the hidden arousal inside you brewing from the second you laid your eyes upon his glorious presence. He was beautiful—gorgeous eyes, body, face and personality. You were practically drooling all over this man before he’d even introduced himself.
The club you were at was packed—sweaty bodies grinding together to the obnoxiously loud music that was blasting around the room. You weren’t a massive fan of clubs, either, but due to your ‘party animal’ friends birthday; you were forced to come along for her special night.
And whilst ordering a shot to ease the tiredness that bugged your brain, that’s where you bumped into Colby, sipping on a glass of whiskey, watching the scenery behind him.
“You not having a good night?” He had spoke up, drawing your attention away from the burning sensation in your throat.
Looking up to meet his ocean blue eyes, you chuckled at his words, “Nope. I’d rather be asleep right now.”
Returning the noise, Colby scooted close to you, “Me too,” He informed you, “My friend recently got out of a long relationships so he wants to get hammered to forget about her.”
“Damn,” You breathed, “I wish my story was that deep. It’s my friends birthday—she’s a wild card, so likes to get drunk every chance she can get.”
“You not that kind of girl?”
Smiling at him, his pearly whites flashing at you causing a feeling inside you hadn’t felt in a while, “I can when I want to be. Just not on a Wednesday night.”
Colby laughed with you, bringing the delicately decorated glass cup to his pink lips, letting the bitter drink slip down his throat, “I like girls like that.”
“You do?” You almost whispered, as if to hide the arousal in your body like it would be evident in your voice.
“Mhm.” He replied, your eyes meeting—your lips parting as his blue iris’ stared deeply into yours, sparking an unusual excitement in you.
And that’s how you ended up inside a cramped bathroom stall; sweaty and wet with Colby’s cock ramming inside you.
You’d never felt like this before. Every guy you’d ever been with sexually had never made you feel as good as Colby was right now. The way he would rub circles on your sensitive clit as he pounded his dick deep inside your aching hole made your legs shake with every thrust.
“Fuckkk,” Colby dragged, his head lolling forward to rest in the crevice of your shoulder, causing an arch in your back as you reacted to his hot, alcohol ridden breath on your skin.
Your nimble fingers were tugging on his hair, occasionally pulling at the brunette strands when the tip of his cock abused the sweet spot inside you, erupting a loud moan from your mouth.
To allow you to not get caught, Colby connected your swollen lips, kissing you swift and hard to erase the sound of your pornographic whines of pleasure. Your tongues danced around as the grip of his ring-filled hands against your hips grew tighter as his balls did too.
“Oh, shit, I’m gonna cum.” He mumbled against you, pulling away from the kiss to rest his forehead against yours.
As soon as the words left his mouth, the cord in your stomach snapped, ripping an aggressive orgasm out of you both. The way Colby’s desperate voice mixed with his quick fingers against your clit caused you to cream around his twitching cock. Colby spilt his warm seem deep inside your quivering hole, as he breathed deeply against your face. The stench of neat Whiskey wafting up your nose while you both came down from your highs.
Soon enough, Colby pulled out slowly, apologising quietly as you winced at the feeling. Then, proceeding to help you back into your clothes, and doing the same for himself.
An awkward silence erupted in the stall as you straightened out your small skirt, not looking at the man who had given you the best orgasm of your life.
“Hey, gimme your number,” He uttered, breaking the silence, “I don’t just fuck and dip.”
Agreeing with him quietly, you took his phone from his hands, typing in your number before handing it back. He thanked you, as he unlocked the bathroom door, letting you leave first.
After the encounter from the stall, you lost Colby in the crowd. You were doubtful he would text you, but the thought was nice. He was an attractive guy, and probably had a lot of girls he could do that with, whenever he wanted—you weren’t special.
Oh, boy, were you wrong.
As you climbed into bed that evening, feeling the alcohol rush through your body as you stilled for the first time this evening, a loud notification rang from your phone—causing you to jump in surprise. Picking up your phone, an unknown number had sent you a message.
Unknown: Hey, thank you for tonight. You’re definitely not the kind of girl you made yourself to be.
You chuckled at the message, thinking back at the conversation you had previously before your arousing fuck.
You: The pleasure is all mine. I don’t do that kinda stuff, so count yourself lucky.
Unknown: Believe me, I do. Hope you got home safe, goodnight stranger.
Smiling to yourself as you locked your phone, you fell asleep with a full heart—your mind swelling with the images of your night.
But you thought to yourself, that was only a one time thing—‘I won’t do that again.’
Again, how wrong you could be.
Approximately 3 days after your encounter with Colby, your found yourself at another public setting with your friends. This time, it was a friend of a friend’s party in downtown Los Angeles. And this ‘friend of a friend’ hosted massive, popular parties, where hundreds of people attended.
Not your usual thing you do for fun, but your earlier experience with Colby had sparked a confidence in you that you hadn’t seen before.
And that’s exactly how you got talking to Sam Golbach.
A famous, well-liked social media star, who was recently single, and at the party to socialise with as many new people as possible. And to ultimately get as drunk as he possible could withstand. After a few drinks of your own, Sam’s words were going in one ear, and out the other as you watched his face closely—thoroughly enjoying the way his eyes would trail down to your cleavage every now and again.
Gnawing on your lip as he spoke, you grabbed his hand boldly, “Hey, I saw something really cool upstairs, wanna come see?”
Sam could see blatantly past your lie, knowing exactly what was on your mind. And how that so obvious lie, and his incredible discovery skills was what lead to have Sam’s long cock down your throat in a random bedroom.
Music blared from downstairs as Sam pushed your head down onto his dick, groaning at the way your throat contracted around him as you gagged. Tears brimmed in your eyes as your tongue effortlessly licked the underside of his cock, adding to his pleasure.
“Jesus, you’re beautiful.” He mumbled, his eyes never leaving your glossy ones as he watched you devour his member.
Moving your head upwards, you suckled on his angry tip, whining at the taste of his pre-cum as your hand crept up to jerk the base off. Sam’s head threw back as he lost himself in the pleasure while you worked your magic with your mouth. Sam’s dick was long, skinnier than most, but exceeding in length. The cause for your struggle as he fucked your throat.
Looking up to see his handsome face, you moaned around him as your eyes met. Sam had gorgeous eyes, blue and mesmerising—evidently drawing you in to the situation. He also had well-cared for hair, his blonde locks sticking to his forehead as he sweat from the heat erupting from his body. You know they’d feel good being pulling on as he fucked you.
Taking you by surprise, you felt his cock twitch inside your mouth as a string of curses fell from his lips—his salty cum shooting at the back of your throat.
“Yeah, take all my cum, baby.” Sam breathed, his eyes screwed shut in ecstasy as he held tightly onto your hair, holding your head in place as he finished.
Swallowing his load, you lifted your lips from his cock, and wiping your mouth clean from any spillages. Sam was already staring down at you with a lopsided smile on his flushed face.
“You’re incredible.”
“I’ve been told.” You joked, cheekily giggling up at him, erupting a head shake from him.
Sam didn’t speak another word as he handed you his phone, “Put your number in, I wanna see you again.” You smiled as you put your information inside his contacts and handed it back to him.
As you both fixed yourselves up, and headed back down to that party, going your separate ways; you pondered about how on God’s green Earth did you manage to have some sort of sexual interaction with two different guys in the space of a few days.
You’re weren’t like that, you never had been. It was extremely out of character for you, leading you to not inform your friends about your situation. You knew they’d be shocked, and dim your spark.
Sighing deeply, you poured yourself a drink, practically inhaling the mixture as you grimaced at the taste. You wanted to feel something other than total arousal right now.
“Hey, stranger.”
A familiar voice rang in your ears as you swivelled round to be greeted by your first one night stand of the week, Colby Brock, in all his sexy glory.
“Hey,” You replied, suddenly feeling ashamed of the blowjob you just gave to another ‘stranger.’
“Will you come with me? I wanna introduce you to my best friend.” Colby queried, smiling sweetly at you.
Your heart melted at his expression, suddenly feeling the need to do as he asked, “Sure, lead the way.”
As Colby carefully navigated you through the bustling crowds, your stomach flipped with nerves at the feeling of his hand in yours. Colby was sweet—you knew he didn’t just want you for your body.
“So, this is my best friend, Sam. Sam, this is the girl I was telling you about.”
Sam. Sam. Sam.
Your face dropped as your eyes met with the all too recognisable blue ones that were just staring seductively down at you as he came down your throat. The acts from tonight and a few days prior flashed before your eyes as you realised what you had done.
“Uh oh.”
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orchid3a · 5 months
Tumblr media
―୨୧⋆ ˚ or itadori yuuji proving to be the best boyfriend ever
―୨୧⋆ ˚ content: fem!reader, yuuji and sukuna are twins, yn and sukuna have a beef, mentions of vengeance (yn is going to kill sukuna lol), mentions of flu, yuuji being the greenest green flag ever, nobamaki as hachinana, sukuna's foul language, choso being the older brother, beta-reading (?) ―୨୧⋆ ˚ word count: 1.6k words ―୨୧⋆ ˚ author’s note: woah… it has been a year since i posted a fic of mine lol. well, i just want to start this year popping out my love for itadori yuuji <3, hope you all like this fic, please reblog and comment <3 i have to thank t*kt*k for this idea ―୨୧⋆ ˚ tagging: @blueparadis
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊
The only sounds in your room were your sneezes and soft imprecations towards whoever cursed you to stay bedridden on the most important weekend of your nerd life.
The anime convention of the month. You spent so many energies to craft your cosplay, and even managed to make one for your boyfriend, Yuji, so you two could make a couple cosplay. However, here you were, bedridden with a fever of 39°C, while your friends were having fun at the convention.
And you knew who he was, and you would make him pay for his ruining it. You could gamble your allowance that someone was a certain cute pink-haired boy’s twin, a certain mean and annoying twin who hated seeing you and his kind twin happy together.
Your thoughts of vengeance were interrupted, once again, by your nth sneeze, as you sighed loudly, before falling in the soft warmth of the bed. Grumbling, you turn on your side, your hand tasting the night table near your bed. Your fingers met something cold, your phone, as you took it. The screen brightness almost blinded you, you closed your eyes for a few seconds, to make them adjust to the brightness. Once again, you opened it and noticed a few texts from your friends, it seemed that they were having fun at the convention.
Nobara sent you a photo of her and Maki, dressed up as Hachi and Nana from NANA. You almost fawned on how pretty and cool they were, you typed a long message declaring how much you adored and loved their cosplays. You coughed a little, as you saw other messages from your other friends who were there. Honestly, you wanted to cry, it wasn’t fair that they managed to enjoy the convention, while you were in your room coughing and sneezing. You spent days, no weeks, to prepare the perfect cosplay, managing to not spend too much money and sew almost the entirety of the costume, create some of the accessories, and the only thing you had to buy was the wig. You were proud of yourself and your work. Frustrated, you put the phone on the night table once again, before rolling on your side, trying to gain sleep, at least you could do that without coughing or sneezing.
You grunted as you rolled in your fuzzy sheets, trying to ignore the voice, however your attempt was a failure as someone stripped them off. Before you could curse him, your eyes met with the brown ones of your boyfriend, Yuji. You blinked a few times, surprised, you didn’t expect to see him, especially after going to the convention for who knew how long. Coughing, you tried to stand up, however, Yuji immediately helped you sit straight and even put a pillow behind your back, so you could stay comfortable. He was such a househusband material, you thought as you coughed one last time.
“Thank you, Yuji.” You thanked him as he gave you the water bottle that was on the nightstand. “Why are you here? Aren’t you tired from the convention?”
The pink-haired boy just grinned at your words, as he proudly showed you three bags, as he put them delicately on your lap. They were quite heavy, and you wondered what it was inside, as you opened one of them and you gasped loudly.
“I was right about you liking my surprise, and now Kusigaki has to give me ten bucks.” He chuckled as he grinned, thinking about the bet he just won, then he pointed to one bag before he added. “I bought you some presents, go on, babe, open them.” He reassured you with the biggest smile ever.
You couldn’t help but giggle at his smile, he sure was able to make you feel better even with just his precious smile. How you wanted to kiss him, but you didn’t want to pass him your flu. You cursed your flu once again for taking away from you the possibility to smooch your pretty boyfriend.
Trusting Yuuji’s words, you opened the first bag and a loud gasp, followed by a cough, left your lips, as your eyes widened. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing, your head automatically shifted to your boyfriend, as he was grinning at your reaction.
“Then? I bought the right merch~ Yay! And the others didn’t believe me! Ah, serves them right!” The pink-haired boy just smiled as he waited patiently for you to open all your presents.
Your eyes scanned the content of the bag, noticing all the pins, badges, figures, and acrylics of your favourite characters of various animes and video games you mentioned to him. He didn’t forget one character, never in your previous relationship your exes remembered all this information, you were dumbfounded. Your eyes met Yuuji’s brownish ones, and you swore you could read all the excitement he had because of your surprised expression.
“Yuu… How could you remember all my favourite characters? I mean, it’s inhumanly impossible. Are you an alien?” You asked, blinking twice, as you saw his grin becoming ever bigger.
He scratched his neck as he just mumbled. “Well, you showed me so many times their faces that I just remembered them more than my favourite ones. I was sure that you would like them, knowing that you’re stuck to bed because of your flu and not at the convention.”
Your vision started to blur, as tears threatened to run over your cheeks, you couldn’t believe how could you date someone so amazing and loving as Yuuji. He was truly the best boyfriend ever.
The pink-haired man panicked when he saw your tears as he tried to cheer you up the best as he could, while he dried your tears with the sleeve of his hoodie.
It took you a few minutes to calm down, and now you were still in the bed, Yuuji with you, as his arms were wrapped around your waist, cheek pressed on top of your head. You tried to stop him, fearing he would get sick, but Yuuji didn’t listen, saying that he couldn’t get sick. After a few more protests, you gave in. How could you say no to him?
While cuddling, you opened the other bags, gasping and thanking profusely Yuuji for the plushes, gadgets and mangas he bought. And of course, you scolded him for spending so much money just for you! You didn’t like that he focused only on you, he should have enjoyed the convention for himself too!
“But I knew that you wanted to go there more than me, of course I had to buy you those things, I didn’t want to see your sad face because you missed out this opportunity.”
You swore your heart was shot by Cupid’s arrow once again, how could Yuuji be so romantic and caring towards you? He was truly a treasure.
A box peeked up from the last bag, your curiosity was picked, as you grabbed the box to discover that it was a Nendoroid. You didn’t recognize the character, nor did you remember ever talking about such anime. Maybe Yuuji watched it, and he just bought it, maybe you could suggest watching it together, so you could understand why he bought that specific character.
Yuuji’s eyes landed on the box in your hands, a sheepish smile blossomed as his cheeks went warm. An embarrassed chuckle left his lips before he took from your hands, before looking fondly at you, then at the character in the box.
“Yuu, why did you buy this character? Do you like her design? I mean, it’s adorable, she looks like a magical girl. “You asked as you looked closely at the character. Only now, you noticed that she had your same hair colour and the same was for her eyes. It was a curious coincidence; however, it wasn’t strange that you shared physical traits with a character, it could happen sometimes.
Yuuji’s smile softened when he saw you looking at the figure, before ruffling sweetly your hair.
“I don’t know her or the anime she is from… I just bought it because she reminds me of you. I thought that if I bought her, I could always have my lovely (Name) always with me, even if you aren’t with me physically.” He concluded, as his cheeks were reddish.
Your heart was once again hit by a Cupid’s arrow as you stared at Yuuji and his red cheeks, and you swore to yourself that sooner or later you would put a damned ring on his finger and marry him.
Suddenly you pulled him in your arms, now your flu the last of your problems, as he was laying on your chest, while you peppered his face with kisses and sweet praises. Yuuji melt in your embrace as he just let you smoother him with affection and physical touches.
And today too, Yuuji proved how much he loved you.
A sneeze followed by a cough were enough to anger the fragile temper of a certain pink-haired twin, especially if the disturbance of his pace was his idiotic twin. Sukuna glared at his sick twin, who was laying on the couch, being babied by their older brother, Choso.
Sukuna wondered how stupid Yuuji could be sometimes, as he asked himself how he could be the twin of such an idiot, he was clearly the better one. (Choso may say otherwise, but Sukuna didn’t care)
Another loud sneeze irked Sukuna, as he turned his head towards his twin.“You fucking brat! If you fuck-”
“Sukuna! Language!” Choso screamed.
And another lovely day at the Itadori household began like that.
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viennakarma · 5 months
hear me out... ending 3: secrets
she just doesn't tell him, publicise their divorce, she's disappeared off the face of the earth basically, she keeps the baby, it's a boy, looks just like him but they just never see each other again. Lewis is upset, can't cope, just keeps partying, drinking during off season, or just gym gym gym not even socialising as much, fashion declines like no longer going for all the cool different clothes and just comes in trousers and merc top.
But how does he find out? when?
Maybe she's just out living a normal life now but an old fan recognises her, she's with her brother and son, maybe they don't recognise the brother and they think she's got a new man and kid, she always wanted a kid and Lewis was never ready wanting to wait. maybe that photo gets released so lewis finds out that way. loads of rumours on twitter. maybe not directly, someone else could bring it up. Jealous then realises. He tries to contact her, doesnt work, blocked on everything. He remembers where her parents house is and visits them, eventually meets yn and their son. Then co-parenting. But like no friendly friendly just civil. She has the son, Lewis has him on free weeks. She does eventually move up cuz when her son is with lewis, she has free time for dates. Just a regular guy tho and it's all great and eventually lewis also tries moving on but like fr this time. so like eventually yn and her new bf move in together, live a happy faithful life and have another kid. while lewis maybe has just won his 8th (or 9th depending on time line) but it's not what he dreamed of, not having yn to celebrate with. But he's got his now long term gf and he proposes.
so basically to summarise, she is alone, single mom, gets exposed, Lewis finds her, civil co-parenting, yn gets a bf happy life, Lewis eventually gets a gf, happy without each other
This is a little blurb on how I imagine a third ending of Say Something would go:
You leave, right after finding out about the pregnancy, maybe somewhere far from England and Monaco. Lewis doesn’t deserve to reap what you saw after ruining your future. He doesn’t deserve you or your kid or to play happy family. You move away, maybe to a farm Australia, since you’ve always wanted a quiet life anyway. Your parents and brother accept moving in with you to help with the risky pregnancy. It’s tough, you can’t do much to risk your health and the baby’s. Soon you find out it’s a boy, you’re happy something good came out of a dumpster fire that was your relationship with him. Him, because you don’t say his name anymore, trying to leave his memory behind.
You baby boy is delivered in a difficult C-section, one your brother and parents never left your side and you felt less alone, not sharing the moment with the father of your kid. The day is happy and sunny, so you name him Helio, like the sun. Like the light in your life. You realize you’ll never fully leave his memory behind, his son being his spitting image. The same hair, the same complexion, the same nose, the same shiny brown eyes and chubby baby cheeks. And you love him so much it hurts. You realize you may have lost him, but Helio was pretty much his copy.
Following your baby’s firsts is the happiest you’ve ever felt. Saying ‘mama’ for the first time, taking his first steps, playing with animals and saying his first words. You settle in a happy routine as a single mom. After the pregnancy, your parents move back to England because they couldn’t just leave their house. Your brother stay with you and your sister move in too, after finishing college.
You try not to know about him. Last you had heard was during the pregnancy, hearing about endless parties, trips and models, that had taken a toll on you, in a way you decided to stop looking. He had a life and you had a completely different one now.
Helio goes to school, eventually. Despite feeling protective, you know you can’t deprive him of a true kindergarten experience, not only for studies, but also for his formative years and to become socially active. The first year, your sister, who has a volunteering job close to his school, is the one who picks Helio up everyday. He makes friends at school and even invite them for a birthday party at the farm. It’s one of the happiest moments for him, eating cake with friends and showing them his pets.
During his second year, though, your sister get a little sick, so she can’t pick Helio from school. And you decide to go, along with your brother. It’s a hot day, so you stop by a park to eat frozen yogurt and let Helio play a little while.
That day, someone recognised you and recorded you.
That’s how Lewis finds you. The video eventually find its way to him. The post has a silly caption ‘for everyone wondering what had happened to y/n, seems like she found a new man and started a family’. Lewis scoffs because he knows the man in the video is your brother and you are thick as thieves ever since you were kids.
You’re just as pretty as ever. Maybe a little more curvy, and hair longer, but just the same, still the most beautiful woman-
But then he pauses. He zooms in the video and see the toddler running up to you. The little boy, who makes your eyes light up as you hug him, sharing what looks like ice cream or something. And from what Lewis can imagine, the boy looks 4 or 5 years old. But there’s no denying, he looks exactly like Lewis as a baby, if he put a baby picture of him beside the boy in the video, it would be the same. It was a matter of time until some of his fans put two and two together.
That’s how Lewis ends up going to your parents’ house in England. He had gone there after the divorce, but the house was for rent and he couldn’t contact your parents of you, after cutting him off completely. Now, when he knocks, you mum is the one to open.
“Is he mine?” Is all he asks, breathing hard.
Your mom let him in, seeing his state of distress. She doesn’t lie nor sugarcoat it. She tried to convince you to let Lewis know about the kid. Helio, he muses, whispering the name of the little boy he never even met.
He goes to Australia with your mum, not even letting you know first, because your mum believed you’d run away once again.
When he makes it to the farm, you’re out in the field with Helio, you two running and playing together barefoot on the grass. He hears Helio’s laugh, yours too, and something inside him breaks. He’s seeing before his eyes the life he threw away for one stupid mistake.
As soon as you notice him, you stop laughing, holding Helio behind you, protective. You call your brother out, asking him to take Helio upstairs and not leave until you say so. Lewis just watches helplessly as your brother takes his nephew inside and Lewis couldn’t even get a closer look at his son.
“Mom, what did you do?” You say, betrayed. You mum explains everything and you invite both of them inside.
Inside, you fight, almost shouting until you remember Helio upstairs, forcing yourself to calm down. Lewis feels betrayed, you tell to his face he doesn’t deserve this life. You pull a stack of documents, asking Lewis to sign. It’s a contract saying he gives up any rights over the kid. Lewis cries.
Your mother mediates.
After what feels like hours of arguing back and forth, you accept Lewis begging to know his kid, begging to be part of his life. How could you deny your kid of a father now you couldn’t hide him behind a layer of ignorance?
You introduce father and son a couple of days later, in the presence of a child therapist, to help mediate. Helio is skittish in the beginning, but he quickly warms up to Lewis. Sometimes, he run backs to you, hugging you tightly, feeling shy. You reassure him, letting him go back to meeting his father.
“Mama, do all daddies take this long?” Helio asks that night when you’re putting him to sleep. You swallow your tears when answering.
“No, my baby. Not all of them. One day you’ll understand better, yes?”
The first time Lewis takes Helio for the day, you cry for hours, feeling like a mother bird in an empty nest. He had invited his family to a nearby city, only 40 minutes away so he could introduce Helio to them. It’s planned for them to come back by dinner time, to not disturb Helio’s routine. But they come back earlier and your baby looked like he’d been crying. Worried, you carry him inside while Lewis explains that the first few hours Helio was enjoying himself and meeting everyone, but after a while, he started crying because he ‘wanted Mama’. Selfishly, that makes your heart grow easier, because you know Helio would never forget you, and in the end of the day, he’d would always want Mama’s arms.
The first months are like torture, until you get used to Helio coming back at the end of the day. Your Helio, your baby, becomes Helio Hamilton when Lewis registers him. Lewis tries to win you over many times, with gifts, inviting you to dates, until you have a stern talk with him, telling him it wasn’t happening. That every time you were polite and respectful to him, Helio’s well being is the only thing in your mind.
Eventually, the media finds out about Helio. Lewis blatantly lies, saying he had been keeping his son’s existence a secret for his safety and privacy. People mostly respected his wishes.
You see Lewis’ family for the first time again at Helio’s fifth birthday. You thought they’d hate you for hiding their grandkid/nephew, but they treat you with the same kindness as always, and you feel just a tiny bit of guilt for hiding Helio for so long.
You realised that you had much more free time now that Helio was with Lewis half of the time. So you started going to the gym, going shopping, not only for Helio but for yourself, you went to museums, parks and eventually, dates.
One day you meet Leon, a recluse just like you. He’s a writer, living in a cottage in a close city. You hit it off, but you and him get to know each other for a whole year before you introduce him to your family, and Lewis. Your ex-husband doesn’t take it well, admitting that deep down he thought you’d go back and be a family. You tell him, he ruined that himself.
You find some resemblance of balance. With Lewis’ coming to pick Helio whenever he had free time, you weren’t friends just a cold politeness.
Lewis, whenever he had to pick Helio, he found you and Leon sitting by the porch, or horseback riding, or helping Helio with homework and school projects, he would always envy your life, the happy family he could have, but he had only himself to blame. When he finds out by Helio you’re having another baby, he swears a part of him dies forever, buried alongside your love for him, and the future he threw away. Eventually, Lewis married again, a woman who loves him, loves Helio and she even gets along with you well, and that’s all he can ask for, knowing deep down he would never love someone else the way he loved you.
PHEW! I may have gotten carried away. Thank you for your ideia, Anon! I hope this was alright!
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silvermarley · 1 year
Muzan with demon milf! reader? they turned after they had their child and protect them from other demons. once her village finds out, they try to take the child but end up all being dead & eaten. This would cause Muzan's attention to go to her, no?
Absolutely! Let’s see shall we?
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Muzan x Demon Milf!Reader
Warnings: death mentions, ur a demon and the kid is a human, nothing really smutty but part 2 is!!
A/N: the kid has they/them pronouns so u can determine the gender if u wanna :) also C/N means child’s name
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Being a mother is hard. But being a demon and having to hide it while also being that was so much more difficult.
You weren’t turned into a demon by Muzan, but rather a random demon that tried to attack you and your child.
Your kid wasn’t a demon, and they didn’t know you were one at all.
You were happy about that, as you didn’t want it to ruin your relationship with the child.
The people of your village knew (C/N) was a human, and they thought you were too by default.
The world is a cruel place. Demons off all kinds roam around and commit atrocities against those who happen to stand in their way.
You weren’t like most of them, you had no interest in attacking the civilians of your village.
Instead of hunting humans for blood, you settle for animal blood. You go out late at night, where you hope no one will notice.
It was fine, since people would rarely come out at night.
But, all good things can come to an end. This includes the one grim night when a man noticed you sucking the blood out of a deceased deer.
He didn’t say a word. He just stood there, frightened. You noticed him and tried to run further in the woods.
It was too late, he saw you. He knew who you were.
By the time it was morning again, you were in your house trying to think of a plan of action. The day had finally come for someone to find out.
Not much happened during the early hours of the day, to your surprise.
Although, you wondered why it was so quiet outside. Usually, it was bustling with people.
You soon found out why.
All of a sudden, at around noon, you heard a large crowd of people outside your home, shouting incoherently.
They soon got louder as they bombarded your home with tools and other weapons they had at their disposal.
Most of the people of your village were there. Minus their children.
They found the room you two were in and spot your kid. Some tried to attack you while others attempted to take (C/N).
They tried picking (C/N) up and bring them to “safety”.
Your vision went red. How dare they try to take the only thing you have, you thought.
“C/N, go!” You shout at your kid, asking them to run away before it gets ugly. They sprint the other direction.
This was the first time you attacked humans since you were turned.
You didn’t care about their life, their own children, nothing. You were beyond enraged.
You slashed and bit anyone in your way. Tearing through their flesh and consuming it.
You slaughtered them until the very last one was dead and gone. The horde of people were no more. It was just you.
After, you looked for your kid, and tried to calm them.
That violent rampage caused you to peek a certain someone’s interest. The demon king himself, Muzan.
Muzan has a connection between demons. So when he was alerted of your recent act, he was quite interested in you.
He sent out Akaza that night to search for you. He wanted to know more about you.
And he would, after you reluctantly agreed to have your child turned into a demon and to have you brought to the Infinity Castle.
He wasn’t disappointed, having such a beautiful woman in his grasp now. Someone he was intent on keeping around for a bit.
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disasterofastory · 9 months
Brahms's playtime (Brahms Heelshire x Reader)
Brahms's playtime // Brahms Heelshire Masterlist Brahms Heelshire x Reader Kinktober 2023 - 1/14 Warnings: somnophilia, non-c, stalking Summary: Brahms comes out of his hiding place while you are asleep.
A/N: Here is our first Brahms fic for kinktober. Hope you will enjoy it!
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The music is muffled by the raging storm outside. The doll still sits in front of the old gramophone, motionless. The wild rocking of the trees in front of the window reflects in his dark, lifeless eyes. He is all alone while you are in the living room, asleep. You took a shower not even an hour ago after freezing your toes off because of those damn rat traps. You needed your shampoo, soap, and all your lotions to get rid of the smell of the dead and wet animals. Disgusting.
You are lying on the couch, still in your robe, eyes closed. Your chest moves up and down with every calm breath you take. The heavy drum of the rain on the rooftop is far from your relaxed mind. You don't care about the bright strikes that light up the room every few seconds or the loud rumble of the sky that follows them. And you don't care about the man watching you through the hole in the wall either.
Brahms stands still with his hands flat on the rough surface of the inside of the wall. It shakes under his touch, fighting against the wrathful weather outside. The man can feel every lighting and every thunder, but the world could fall apart, and he wouldn't move an inch. His eyes are on you, barely blinking. He doesn't even remember the times he didn't spend his days watching you. You became a part of his life quickly and easily, even if you know nothing about it. Yet.
His movements are quick and quiet as he comes out of his hiding place. His huge form barely fits through the secret passage of the wall. His gaze stays on you the whole time, afraid you wake up and ruin his playtime. He doesn't want that. He doesn't want you scared and panicked. He doesn't want you to leave him.
You won't leave him. He will make sure of it. He will be good. So good.
He towers over your sleeping form, watching the way your lashes flutter every now and again. His gaze falls on the slope of your nose and the curve of your open lips. His fingertips tingle with the need to touch you. His breathing gets heavy as he goes lower. The robe you wear is much more open than it was when you decided to take a quick nap after your shower. Saliva gathers in his mouth at the sight of your nipple. The hard peak matches the shade of your lips. His hand trembles as he reaches out. His thumb grazes over the pebble, flicking it briefly before snapping his hand away from you. His eyes jump back to your face, but you are still asleep. The small movement of your chest as you breathe is still the same.
Okay, he thinks, that's good.
His index finger tugs on the opening of your robe until the belt around your waist gives up, and you are bare in front of his hungry gaze. He doesn't even know where to look first. Brahms is mesmerized by the soft globes of your breasts, the curve of your waist, and the pretty triangle between your legs. His hard cock twitches in his pants. Pre-cum leaks from the aching tip, forming a dark patch on the soft fabric of his underwear.
He reaches out again. His large palm lands on your side, and his thumb slides over the underside of your breast. His lips fall open with a silent whine. He can feel the sweat running down his temple. His hold slides down to your hips. You fit perfectly in his hold.
Your legs spread further, and his breath hitches in his throat. So pretty. You are so pretty.
The storm is still wild and powerful outside, mixing with the sound of the music from the other room. Thick fog floats around the house, hiding you and him in another world where you are willing and open to him.
With his other hand, he pushes down on his pants until his cock and heavy balls are free between his thick thighs. His long fingers curl around his shaft, squeezing and tugging.
His hold on you is steady and gentle, still afraid of you waking up and ruining his fun. No. It would be too soon. You need time. He needs more time, too. His hand smooths down to your thigh, gently groping your flesh there for a second. So soft. So perfect. Another whine stretches in his throat. His chest feels too tight for everything he feels right now. His index finger runs over your slit. His touch is curious and inexperienced. He doesn't know exactly what he should do; he just feels the throbbing need to do something. Anything.
After a few minutes of his aimless caressing, you start to get wet. Brahms notices it with a surprised gasp. His fingers move more easily until he slips deeper, opening up your folds to his determined glare.
He feels the familiar pull on his balls. His hand tightens and quickens. His bottom lip trembles as he moans. The voice is strange and high. It's happening. The familiar pull in his lower stomach tugs on his insides. He will cum.
His finger goes even deeper inside you, finding your tight hole and sinking into its warmth. And then you moan. Your voice is much prettier than his, but your eyes are still closed. There is a small frown between your brows, though, as you start to move your hips. You almost fuck yourself on his finger as you whimper and moan some more.
"Y/N," Brahms moans as he reaches his orgasm. Soon, both of his hands are soaked with yours and his juices. His creamy white seed gathers in the middle of his large palm as he shoots and shoots. His hips rock back and forth, watching his index finger disappear in your pussy as you grind down on him.
In the background, the music stops, and for a second, you freeze too. Brahms's heart stops beating for a second.
Not now. Not yet.
Pulling out his finger from your tight hole, he reaches out between your thighs with his other hand. He smears his seed on your pussy hurriedly, letting the thick drops paint your skin and mark you as his.
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