#c: clara hightower
rubyleaf · 2 years
You know, when I see fictional characters who repress all their emotions, they're usually aloof and very blunt about keeping people at a distance, sometimes to an edgy degree—but what I don't see nearly enough are the emotionally repressed characters who are just…mellow.
Think about it. In real life, the person that's bottling up all their emotions is not the one that's brooding in the corner and snaps at you for trying to befriend them. More often than not, it's that friendly person in your circle who makes easy conversation with you, laughs with you, and listens and gives advice whenever you're upset. But you never see them upset, in fact they seem to have endless patience for you and everything around them—and so you call them their friend, you trust them. And only after months of telling them all your secrets do you realize…
…they've never actually told you anything about themselves.
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dragonmartellstark · 3 years
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Aemon Targaryen (55 a. C.-105 a. C.) Hand of the King
Aemon Targaryen was the third son of the kings of the Seven Kingdoms being a strong, robust and noisy baby being a great joy for his parents after the birth of his first brother, Aegon who was born quite premature. As he grew up, the whole world began to see him as the heir to the iron throne due to the poor health of Prince Aegon and they believed that he would die before sitting on the throne.
The prince was always very close to his younger brother, Baelon since he was born and the brothers played with their swords or did all kinds of mischief next to his older sister, Daenerys.
After the tragic epidemic of chills Lord Rogar Baratheon decides to send his daughter Jocelyn along with her cousins ​​to the kings after the death of their paternal aunts. The young woman was well received by the kings who adored her half-siblings. A year later at a banquet for the engagement of Princes Aegon and Daenerys, the queen seated Jocelyn next to Aemon; the children chatted and laughed together throughout the evening, ignoring the others. That friendship between aunt and nephew convinced Queen Alysanne of a possible engagement between the young people. At 10 years old, Aemon participated in his first joust, but due to his mother's concern he was only allowed to participate in a joust with young knights. Despite being one of the youngest knights, Aemon managed to end all of them being acclaimed by the public and it is known that the prince approached Jocelyn Baratheon's seat and gave her a rose with a bright golden color.
Three years later, Jaehaerys and Alysanne formalize the engagement between Aemon & Jocelyn, it is known that after this announcement the prince kissed the cheek of his fiancée and affirmed that "I will be as good a husband as I am such a good gentleman." Two years later, in 70 a. C., Prince Aemon and Lady Jocelyn were married in a ceremony so lavish that it rivaled the Golden Wedding. The couple was acclaimed by the people and it was believed that both would be the future of the kingdom if the princes of Dragonstone had no offspring.
In 72 a. C., Aemon became the rider of the fierce Caraxes and flew for the first time alongside his brothers Aegon, Daenerys, Baelon and Alyssa who already had their own dragons.
In 74 a. C., Lady Jocelyn gave birth to her daughter, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen. The girl was big and fierce, with the black hair of her mother Baratheon and the light purple eyes of her father Targaryen hers. The birth of her daughter was a great joy for the prince, considering her the most beautiful baby that her eyes have seen. A year later, her second and last child was born, Jaehaerys, who would be the Chief Justice of King Aegon II. This birth almost cost his wife his life and Maester Elysar affirmed that Lady Jocelyn was no longer able to have more children, this was accepted by Aemon who would rather not have more children than to lose her great love and leave her children. motherless. His father appointed him counselor of the Edicts three years later and it is known that he used his function for ten years, in addition to being a man of clear and firm ideas.
One of the most turbulent events in Aemon's life was when in 80 AD. C., Otto Hightower secretly insulted Lady Jocelyn stating that he was "a man with boobs" and this reached the ears of the prince who confronted Lord Hightower for those words. After this, Jaehaerys I learned of this situation and exiled Otto from the court, losing his royal favor.
Aemon's life continued quiet as usual and it is known that he enjoyed spending time with his children, especially with his daughter Rhaenys with whom he shared his love of flying with his dragons Caraxes and Wife. In 90 a. C., Lord Corlys Velaryon known as "The sea serpent" asked Rhaenys' hand and this managed to convince her parents to accept the commitment. That same year the wedding was celebrated.
Years later, Myriense pirates captured the eastern coast of Tarth. Prince Aemon would command the attack and jointly attack Lord Corlys Velaryon, his recent son-in-law. Prince Aemon arrived before the Velaryon fleet in Tarth and met Lord Cameron Tarth, who had retreated to the ridge that ran through the center of the island and had set up camp in a hidden valley from which he could spy on the maneuvers of the Myrienses. Prince Aemon met him there, and the two drew up plans for the attack; unfortunately, the camp was spotted by one of the Myrien scouts.
Aemon was about to die by the crossbows, being saved by his younger brother Baelon who used armor to stop the arrows. The Targaryen brothers wielded their swords against the pirates unleashing a field of blood and fire alongside their dragons Vhagar and Caraxes. The princes returned to Westeros as victorious, being well received by their families and by the kingdom.
In 93 a. C., her first granddaughter is born, Laena Velaryon, daughter of her beloved Rhaenys and Corlys Velaryon. It is known that Aemon cried when he carried the little girl in her arms and felt proud to be a grandfather. A year later his second grandson would be born, Laenor, known as “little horse” and he would succeed his father Corlys as Lord of Driftmark. The life of the Targaryen family was affected by the death of Queen Alysanne due to health problems and Aemon was the main support of his older brothers, Aegon and Daenerys who became regents when their father was hurt by the death of his wife .
In 103 a. C., the father of him the Conciliator dies and his brother Aegon was crowned as Aegon II, this named Aemon as Hand of the King, being one of the most important positions of the court. However, his role as his hand did not last long when a year later his beloved wife Jocelyn Baratheon died from the bite of a snake that poisoned her. Jocelyn's death was bitter for the prince and just two years after being appointed hand of the king he left that position and locked himself in his rooms to mourn his wife.
Aemon Targaryen died two months after the death of his wife at age 50 from intense fevers while in the company of his children Rhaenys and Jaehaerys. A year later, his son who was married to Amanda Arryn had their first son, whom he named Aemon in honor of his deceased grandfather.
Aemon Targaryen (55 d. C.-105 d. C.) Mano del Rey
Aemon Targaryen fue el tercer hijo de los reyes de los Siete Reinos siendo un bebé fuerte, robusto y ruidoso siendo una gran alegría para sus padres después del nacimiento de su primer hermano, Aegon que nació bastante prematuro. Mientras crecía todo mundo empezó a verle como el heredero al trono de hierro debido a la delicada salud del príncipe Aegon y creían que moriría antes de sentarse en el trono.
El príncipe fue siempre muy cercano a su hermano menor, Baelon desde que este nació y los hermanos jugaban con sus espadas o hacían todo tipo de travesuras al lado de su hermana mayor, Daenerys.
Tras la trágica epidemia de escalofríos Lord Rogar Baratheon decide enviar a su hija Jocelyn junto a sus primas con los reyes después de la muerte de sus tías paternas. La joven fue bien recibida por los reyes quienes adoraban a sus medios hermanos. Un año después en un banquete por el compromiso de los príncipes Aegon y Daenerys, la reina sentó a Jocelyn junto a Aemon; los niños charlaron y rieron juntos durante toda la velada, haciendo caso omiso de los demás. Aquella amistad entre tía y sobrino convencieron a la reina Alysanne de un posible compromiso entre los jóvenes.
A sus 10 años de edad, Aemon participo en su primera justa, pero debido a la preocupación de su madre solo se le permitió participar en una justa con jóvenes caballeros. Pesé a ser de los caballeros mas jóvenes, Aemon logro acabar con todos ellos siendo aclamado por el publico y se sabe que el príncipe se acerco al asiento de Jocelyn Baratheon y le regalo una rosa con un color dorado brillante.
Tres años después Jaehaerys y Alysanne oficializan el compromiso entre Aemon & Jocelyn, se sabe que después de este anuncio el príncipe beso la mejilla de su prometida y afirmo que “seré tan buen esposo como soy tan buen caballero”. Dos años después, en 70 d.C., el príncipe Aemon y Lady Jocelyn contrajeron matrimonio en una ceremonia tan esplendorosa que rivalizó con la Boda Dorada. La pareja fue aclamada por el pueblo y se creía que ambos serían el futuro del reino si los príncipes de Rocadragón no tuvieran descendencia.
En 72 d. C., Aemon se convirtió en el jinete del feroz Caraxes y voló por primera vez al lado de sus hermanos Aegon, Daenerys, Baelon y Alyssa que ya tenían sus propios dragones.
En 74 d.C., Lady Jocelyn dio a luz a su hija, la princesa Rhaenys Targaryen. La niña era grande y fiera, con el cabello negro de su madre Baratheon y los ojos violeta claro de su padre Targaryen. El nacimiento de su hija fue una gran alegría para el príncipe considerándola la bebé mas hermosa que hayan visto sus ojos. Un año después nace su segundo y ultimo hijo, Jaehaerys que sería la Justicia Mayor del rey Aegon II. Este parto casi le costo la vida a su esposa y el maestre Elysar afirmo que Lady Jocelyn ya no estaba capacitada para tener mas hijos, esto fue aceptado por Aemon que preferiría no tener mas hijos a que perder a su gran amor y dejar a sus hijos sin madre.
Su padre lo nombro consejero de los Edictos tres años después y se sabe que empleo su función por diez años, además de ser un hombre de ideas claras y firmes.
Uno de los eventos mas turbulentos en la vida de Aemon fue cuando en el 80 d. C., Otto Hightower insulto en secreto a Lady Jocelyn afirmando que era “un hombre con tetas” y esto llego a oídos del príncipe que enfrento a Lord Hightower por aquellas palabras. Tras esto, Jaehaerys I se entero de esta situación y exilió a Otto de la corte perdiendo este el favor real.
La vida de Aemon siguió tranquila como de costumbre y se sabe que disfrutaba pasar el rato con sus hijos, sobre todo con su hija Rhaenys con la cual compartía su gusto por volar con sus dragones Caraxes y Wife. En el 90 d. C., Lord Corlys Velaryon conocido como “La serpiente marina” pidió la mano de Rhaenys y esta logro convencer a sus padres de aceptar el compromiso. Ese mismo año se celebro la boda.
Años después, unos piratas myrienses capturaron la costa oriental de Tarth. El príncipe Aemon comandaría el ataque y atacaría en conjunto a Lord Corlys Velaryon, su reciente yerno. El príncipe Aemon llegó antes que la flota Velaryon a Tarth y se reunió con Lord Cameron Tarth, que se había replegado a la cordillera que recorría el centro de la isla y había armado campamento en un valle oculto desde el que se podía espiar las maniobras de los myrienses. El príncipe Aemon se reunió allí con él, y ambos trazaron planes para el ataque; desgraciadamente, el campamento fue divisado por uno de los exploradores myrienses.
Aemon estuvo apunto de morir por las ballestas, siendo salvado por su hermano menor Baelon que utilizo una armadura para frenar las flechas. Los hermanos targaryen empuñaron sus espadas en contra de los piratas desatando un campo de sangre y fuego junto a sus dragones Vhagar y Caraxes. Los príncipes volvieron a Poniente como victoriosos siendo bien recibidos por sus familias y por el reino.
En el 93 d. C., nace su primera nieta, Laena Velaryon, hija de su querida Rhaenys y Corlys Velaryon. Se sabe que Aemon lloro al cargar a la pequeña en sus brazos y se sintió orgulloso de ser abuelo. Un año mas tarde nacería su segundo nieto, Laenor conocido “caballito” y este sucedería a su padre Corlys como Señor de Marcaderiva.
La vida de la familia Targaryen se vio afectada por la muerte de la reina Alysanne por problemas de salud y Aemon fue el principal apoyo de sus hermanos mayores, Aegon y Daenerys que se convirtieron en regentes al estar su padre dolido por la muerte de su esposa.
En 103 d. C., fallece su padre el Conciliador y su hermano Aegon fue coronado como Aegon II, este nombro a Aemon como Mano del Rey, siendo una de las posiciones mas importantes de la corte. Sin embargo su papel como mano no duro mucho cuando un año después falleció su amada esposa Jocelyn Baratheon por la mordedura de una serpiente que la enveneno. La muerte de Jocelyn fue amarga para el príncipe y apenas dos años de ser nombrado mano del rey dejo aquel cargo y se encerró en sus aposentos a llorar a su esposa.
Aemon Targaryen falleció dos meses después de la muerte de su esposa a los 50 años de edad por intensas fiebres mientras estaba en compañía de sus hijos Rhaenys y Jaehaerys. Un año después su hijo que estaba casado con Amanda Arryn tuvo su primer hijo varón al cual llamo Aemon en honor a su abuelo fallecido.
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thevegas7 · 7 years
How Much Could You Win This Super Bowl Sunday?
Current betting odds for Super Bowl LI
If you were to use Bovada.LV, “62 percent of the total money is currently on New England to win the game.” Currently (38%) of bets coming in are predicting the Falcons to cover 3 points with odds wagering ‘+3 points to every $115 (to win $100).’
Running odds of the coin toss: are 50/50 (for the past 3 years the coin has landed on its tail).
“+425 on a 3-point margin of victory,” if the win will be decided on exactly 3 points.
First lead: Favored with the Patriots at -130 to score first with matching odds are scoring last.
Super Bowl MVP: Quarterbacks are always the lead favorite (27 of the past 50). Brady is leading Ryan.
For more betting odds, check out UPI.com.
Highest wagers and records for Super Bowl Sunday
Boston.com reported, earlier this day, one person has placed a $1.1 million bet on the Atlanta Falcons (plus 3 points) to win. This person could expect to bring in $2.1 million if the team wins, or if they lose by 1 or 2 points. The bet was placed through CG Technology who’s normally used to bets coming in at $500,000 and up. (Meaning, this bet doesn’t seem the largest by far.)
  Just as a comparison, last year’s Super Bowl between Denver and Carolina brought in $132.545 million, but this year’s Super Bowl LI, according to AGA estimates, Americans will bet a staggering $4.7 billion.
Over the past 4 years, we have an estimate breakdown of amount wagered, year, books w/l, and the corresponding game.
Amount Wagered
Book W/L
Super Bowl
Teams (Won/Lost)
50 (L)
Denver Broncos/Carolina Panthers
49 (XLIX)
New England Patriots/Seattle Seahawks
Seattle Seahawks/Denver Broncos
47 (XLVII)
Baltimore Ravens/San Francisco 49ers
Betting history for the past 4 years, Super Bowl, location, line (total), and score.
Super Bowl
Line (total)
50 (L)
Santa Clara, CA
Carolina -5 (43.5)
Denver 28 Carolina 10
49 (XLIX)
Glendale, AZ
Pick ‘em (47.5)
New England 28 Seattle 24
East Rutherford, NJ
Denver -2.5 (47.5)
Seattle 43 Denver 8
47 (XLVII)
New Orleans, LA
San Francisco -4.5 (48)
Baltimore 34 San Francisco 31
Super Bowl LI injury report updates (all players reported as ‘questionable’ meaning a 50/50 chance at playing)
Dwight Freeney
Julio Jones
Alex Mack
Martellus Bennett
Alan Branch
Dont’a Hightower
Nate Ebner
Chris Hogan
Malcolm Mitchell
Vincent Valentine
As you can see, the New England Patriots are reporting more injuries than the Atlanta Falcons. This is the final injury report for Super Bowl LI of the 2016 season. Use this information to place your bets wisely. Be Relentless and Do Your Job, from TheVegas7.
The post How Much Could You Win This Super Bowl Sunday? appeared first on The Vegas 7.
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