#c: gotsumon
koushirouizumi · 5 months
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razzle-zazzle · 2 years
Okay okay, have some basic notes
Izumi & JP are in eighth and ninth grade respectively, bc I think it'd be funny and it adds a new dynamic to the cast
Yutaka! I know he's only in flashbacks in one episode in canon but I added him to the group because I could and now he's got an arc and I am going to bully him relentlessly. He gets the spirits of wood bc petaldramon my beloved
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Tomoki has a backpack bc I said so
None of the kids come out of the Digital World unscathed. They themselves are the ones fighting, after all, even if they've got the protection of the spirits. And there are plenty of points where they don't have their spirits active >:]c
Ranamon and Grottemon are close friends, because it's a neat little dynamic that serves the story. Ranamon does not take Grottemon's death well
Tomoki gets a little Lopmon friend! Who is completely absolutely just a Lopmon, no funny business here, nope, not at all ;)))))
Gotsumon and other digimon join the group; the kids get a small army for the fight at Cherubimon's castle and an even bigger army for the fight at Ophanimon's castle
Found family found family FOUND FAMILY
Trauma. These kids may have found lifelong friends and become better people but they're definitely traumatized. Throwing yourself into a war at the behest of a higher power will do that to a person
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