#c: jessie rathburn
ashfyfod · 9 years
[ooc] jess & ash
*blows kiss*
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sabinefyfod · 9 years
[ooc] jessie & sabine
laureeeennnnn. so i have an idea for these two??? since jess is so close to chase, i’m thinking sabine might try to target her too?? maybe thinking she can ~get to chase through jess? and also because she is trying to work up to scaring chase and might think scaring girls is on that path? (and sidenote, she is definitely going to start with paisley and scare her half to death. and paisley will probably come running to jess to “save her” if she can’t find chase, haha. *facepalm*) anyway, i’m thinking sabine hates jess just as much as chase?? she probably knows who all of chase’s friends are, atp, and probs hates them too. sooo yeaaah. thought??
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adamfyfod · 9 years
[ooc] jessie & adam
so i think jessie was probs the ideal fling for adam because she didn’t bring feelings into it and she probably liked to drink and party just as much as he does??? so maybe jessie was the fling right before viv?? and i could see them both just breaking it off mutually because they’d each served their purpose?? and maybe these two are actually still friends?? since they’re both friends with chase i could see them both seeing each other and maybe hanging out at parties they’re both already at or something??
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paisleyfyfod · 9 years
[ooc] jessie & paisley
okay so i feel like jess is the #1 lover of making fun of paisley/trying to get her to believe things. and paisley also loves to party so maybe these two go and party together a lot and it’s actually a game for jessie to see what she can get paisley to do/get her to believe?? because i don’t think jessie actually ~likes paisley but paisley probably thinks jessie is one of her best friends and is super nice and awesome and is probably team jessie all the way. *facepalm*
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