adamfyfod · 9 years
[ooc] jules & adam
okay soooo adam is friends with chase so i’m guessing he’s friends with jules too??? i mean, can you imagine the kinds of things these three get get themselves into??? alsoooo, here’s a thing i said to lizzy about adam’s friendship with chse. basically i feel like adam spends time with chase (and probs jules) when he feels lower and reverts back to his normal jerk self. because they are both so much like he naturally is?? sooo thoughts, my darling jenn???
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adamfyfod · 9 years
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adamfyfod · 9 years
[ooc] jo & adam
JEEEEENNNNNNN. HEEEEEYYYYYY. so these two are enemies?? shall we chat about why?? i’m thinking it could be because adam is friends with chase?? or either because of his relationship with viv?? and maybe how he treats her (terribly)??? thoughts??
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adamfyfod · 9 years
[ooc] rora & adam
so i don’t know exactly how these two met but adam also had a fling with jelly and adam is also best friends with chase so i’m thinking those relationships might somehow have lead to adam and rora happening?? and i think adam probably would’ve been the one to end it because i think he eventually just couldn’t stand rora anymore (esp if she tried to manipulate him/get him to do things for her)??? so idk, do you have any thoughts about this??? i’m thinking it’s probably been a while since their fling so maybe it just before or after jelly?? thoughts??
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adamfyfod · 9 years
[ooc] jessie & adam
so i think jessie was probs the ideal fling for adam because she didn’t bring feelings into it and she probably liked to drink and party just as much as he does??? so maybe jessie was the fling right before viv?? and i could see them both just breaking it off mutually because they’d each served their purpose?? and maybe these two are actually still friends?? since they’re both friends with chase i could see them both seeing each other and maybe hanging out at parties they’re both already at or something??
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adamfyfod · 9 years
[ooc] jelly & adam
laUUUUREEEEEN!!! so these two are former flings. and i think the reason they broke up is def because adam was tired of listening to jelly talk. he probably actually broke up with her by going: “dON’T YOU EVER STOP TALKING?!?!” and probably literally yelled at her for five minutes straight about always talking. i just-- i’m so sorry. *facepalm* i’m also thinking maybe this fling was a while ago?? this idiot has been in college for a long time and maybe he had his fling with jelly when he was a freshman?? though wait. she probably still would’ve been in hs. maybe when she was a freshman?? hmm. help??
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adamfyfod · 9 years
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adamfyfod · 9 years
okay but just imagining these two ahahaha i cannot. they are such a mess. so i linked you to the post somewhere (wow i’m a mess today) but i think adam mostly has flings because he feels like he isn’t good enough for britta. and i think he picks people that he knows he doesn’t care about and who he believes are just in it for a fun time and will not bring feelings into it and things like that.
wait i think there’s a quote from shopgirl that might illustrate my point. ah, yes. here it is. “how is it possible to miss a woman whom he kept at a distance, so that when she was gone he would not miss her? only then does he realize how wanting part of her, and not all of her, had hurt them both.” so basically that??? that he probs does keep her at a distance so he won’t miss her when she’s gone??? i feel like adam probably isn’t very nice to viv either. like he probably doesn’t want to go out with her a lot (though i think he does) and he probably doesn’t like having her around britta and robbie. though i think when he’s in his chase phases is probably when he’s more into viv. basically i feel like adam probably does the same thing to viv that he does to chase. when he’s feeling low or not feeling as great about himself (or pining after britta), he’s more into viv because he can lose himself in his relationship with her and not think about britta anymore???
also, how long do you think these two have been a thing?? i’m thinking maybe a couple of months?? or maybe six? maybe it’s been this whole semester?? or maybe they even started over the summer? they could’ve met at a party or something??? thoughts??
i also feel like adam doesn’t like natalie either?? mostly because he can see that robbie likes her and britta likes robbie. and even though adam likes britta he thinks she would be better off with robbie but she can’t because of natalie. and then there’s viv and natalie and i think he can see how much viv cares about natalie and tries to protect her. and even though he’s never met natalie he’s like why???? and i don’t think he thinks natalie deserves it?? so basically this is how adam feels about natalie, hahahaha.
OOC | Viv & Adam
Omg so this relationship hahahahaha I feel like Viv feels like they’re grand etc and she’s like ‘maybe we can actually be boyfriend/girlfriend’ and he’s ready to dump her and just smh
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adamfyfod · 9 years
so i’m going to link you to two things i wrote for lizzy because they both involve robbie, haha. so here’s britta and here’s chase. basically what we said is that britta, robbie and adam were probs in a class and thrown together in a group project asp, (which i actually think is something you and lizzy decided sooooo refresher, haha) and then all became friends. AND I TOTALLY LOVE THAT. because adam is really lazy and i feel like britta probably yelled these two into submission, haha.
okay so i feel like these two might also take a lot of classes together jUST so they can wreak havoc/prank people/cause a lot of chaos?? and then they probably fail the class and face the wrath of britta, ahahaha. i feel like these two are masters of, like, procrastinating together. like: “we should do x thing.” “or, how ‘bout this, we could not do the thing.” “oh, i like the way you think.”
i basically feel like this group is harry/ron/hermione and that makes me so happy/makes me laugh so hard. (also i’m rereading order of the phoenix rn aND LAUGHING BECAUSE ALL THE PERFECT THINGS. i will bring you some quotes, kate, so you can laugh with me, hahaha.)
OOC | Robbie & Adam
OMG can we just take a minute to picture the shenanigans these two get into OMGGGG you know there are people who see them coming on campus and just…run ;DDDD
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adamfyfod · 9 years
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adamfyfod · 9 years
YAAAAAAS. MORE BFFS. so i think these two def should’ve met through britta. maybe after adam/robbie/britta became friends the guys started spending a lot more time with the hawthornes and so chase would see them all the time?? and i think adam and chase are a lot more a like so they probably hit it off pretty well??? and then became friends too.
though i feel like adam might spend more time with britta and robbie than he does with chase? i think adam is trying to be a better person and change and so when he’s in those moods he spends more time with britta and robbie. but then i think adam slips back down into jerk-land a lot and when he does, i think that’s when he spends more itme with chase. (does that even make sense?)
basically, i think adam is more his natural self / the ~worst version of himself when he’s with chase. and i think he also goes through periods of, well, basically depression a lot when he feels like he can’t ever change and that he’ll never be good enough for anyone (britta) and he probably feels more this way when he thinks about how britta and robbie should be together or when he notices more britta’s feelings for robbie?? and i think when that happens, he basically just backslides and stops doing anything for school and probably goes out partying with chase and jules a lot?? and i feel like chase wouldn’t mind this in the slightest? because i feel like it actually happens a lot??
but then when adam is feeling better about himself, he spends more time with britta and robbie and tries to be back on the wagon and change? and i feel like these periods might be brought on by britta when she’s tired of seeing adam parading through her house with jules and chase at all hours of the night wearing party hats and singing “auld lang syne”. britta: guys, it’s april. stop. (also that’s probably not how adam/chase/jules are when they’re drunk but it’s how they were roaming through my head, haha).
BUT YES. I THINK THESE TWO PROBABLY GET INTO ALL KINDS OF SHENANIGANS. and adam definitely uses his lawyer skills to get them out of things. or sometimes he’s probably like “wait we can’t do x thing because i failed that class” hahaha.
ooc: adam + chase
TINA MORE BFFS!!!! i feel like these two potentially met through britta?? and omg they probs get into so much trouble together/are just general assholes and omg if they both go out w/ jules it’s just a huge mess smh (probs use adam’s lawyer skillz to get out of a lot of trouble ahahah) 
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adamfyfod · 9 years
OKAY BUT YES TO ALL OF THIS. AHHHH. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. and oh man britta deFINITELY would’ve been the one doing all the work. because adam puts literally zero effort into anything and he’s still in college because he’s probably failed a couple of semesters and i feel like britta was the only reason adam passed the class they met in (and probably other classes after it. i feel like maybe he failed the first few semesters he was in college though maybe not the whole semester but at least the majority of the classes. and then after he met britta he started passing more??? he probably still fails some classes but maybe not entire semesters anymore). also i just got to the part in order of the phoenix when hermione gives ron and harry homework planners for christmas and iT WAS THE MOST BRITTA/ADAM/ROBBIE THING EVER, OH MY GOODNESS.
no but seriously. i feel like adam probably hated both robbie and britta at first but i feel like he was also aLL OVER THAT PRANK and after that decided they were both alright?? and the more time he spent with britta, the more he liked her. and i think he is trying to do better and be better and that’s all due to britta. but when his mom didn’t care about him in the slightest, he didn’t think anyone would ever care so he just didn’t care either. and became the fine and fabulous jerk that he is today. what he really needs is someone who does ~care and like shows it and puts effort into him and i think britta (and robbie too) are the first ones to do that. which is probably why they’re all such good friends/why he’s stuck with them.
and i think adam also knows how much britta makes him a better person and that’s why he fell in love with her. but i think that idea also scares him a lot because he's always been this way and changing is hard, lbr, so he just continues to have meaningless flings with people he doesn’t care about (sorry viv) because deep down he doesn’t think he’s good enough for britta. also i think he also knows how britta feels about robbie and, in the long run, he feels robbie would be better for britta and deserves her more. which probably drives him into the arms of random flings yet again.
adam is such a mess, oh my goodness.
ooc: britta + adam
tina!!!!! I’m soooo excited for the trio of adam/robbie/britta, haha. they’ll be such messes smh. okay, so a loooonggg time ago in a galaxy far, far away kate and I talked about how our kids became friends – especially since they are sooo different??? Like I feel like they will be awesome friends and compliment each other, but as far as how they became friends in the first place (since idk that they really hung out in the same crowds??) was possibly during a class? and the three of them were assigned to do a project together, which probably started out w/ britta doing all the work (b/c you KNOW she’s already got an outline/work scheduled finished like .23 seconds after they get their assignment and then there’s the boys who I feel like are procrastinators?? anyway, I feel like britta hated both of them at first, but then after they were forced to work together, they realized that they all liked each other??? Also, whenever we talked about this was wayyyy  back when I first came up with this idea so the details are kinda hazy, but I think that what first bonded them all was that Britta was going through a break-up w/ some asshole (who, now that the other characters have been added, was probably jules lol) and robbie came up with a prank to pull on him (idk what) and I dunono if the three of them worked it out together, or the boys did and then bRITTA just saw the results, but basically warmed to them after that?? Or something?? idk thoughts??? 
But either way, I feel like she def didn’t like either of them at first, but now she loves them so much!! I feel like she’s conSTANTLY rolling her eyes at both of them and is frustrated (especially w/ robbie!) that they don’t take school as seriously as she does (spoiler alert, britta, no one does) and she def gets carried away sometimes and probably has copies of all of their syllabi in a binder somewhere and is like “you know, you really should start on that paper for your business law class b/c it’s due in a month!!!!!!!!” on the flip side, I def think that they are both the only people who can get her to loosen up and she actually goes out ~gasps~ and has a good time with them and w/o them she would literally have no fun ever and live in the library. 
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adamfyfod · 9 years
rIGHT?!?! I MEAN. THEY SHOULD HAVE A SASS-OFF. honestly, i don’t think these two have ever met?? adam is friends with chase but i think his ~crowd is more britta and robbie. so adam might not have been around at any of the times when bash was?? but, in any case, chase is one of adam’s best friends so he will literally side with him but, wow, i don’t think this is going to go well anyway you spin it, ahahaha.
OOC | Bash & Adam
The collective amount of sass in this meeting might actually kill us all tbh ;DDDD
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adamfyfod · 9 years
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adamfyfod · 9 years
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“Look at me. It’s clear to all of you that I am awesome. But I can never admit that because that would make me an ass.”
Adam Grant (23) ��  shiloh fernandez MAJOR: Pre-Law/Senior RELATIONSHIPS: the skeptic (current fling), the chatterbox, the bitch, the slut (past flings), the prankster, the jock (best friends), the scholar (bestfriend/interest), the psychic (enemy)
sarcastic + egotistical
puts zero effort into anything
keeps people at a distance
doesn’t believe in opening up
or in feelings. what are those
has been dating the skeptic for long enough that people are starting to call her his girlfriend
so he plans to dump her after this trip bc that just doesn’t fly
he’s never dated someone for more than two weeks
was raised by his grandfather, because his mother got pregnant when she was a teenager and left her baby behind to go have a life
he rarely ever sees her. she’s 39 and still acts like she’s in her twenties
when they do see each other, things do not go well
he actually weirdly gets along with his old fashioned grandfather
and he can be a real gentleman when he wants to be
(he never wants to be tho tbh)
for being a dick, he’s actually a pretty good friend
he’s never going to tell you he cares, but he keeps an eye for for his friends
he insults/picks on/teases everyone tho. (although if he smiles and shakes his head and calls you an idiot it means he cares)
he can really put on the charm when he wants and he could convince you of anything
he’ll be a damn good lawyer if he applies himself
if he stopped drinking, the accumulative hangover would probably kill him
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