#c: kalina slater-horne
pytndyer · 6 months
starter for: @screamqueen-slater / location: aurora bay library
peyton didn't mind the long days at the library. they were quite nice to look around the aisles that he wouldn't frequent as much. plus, he wanted to enjoy the calm before the storm as finals were rolling around for most students including his own. just as he placed a book back where it belonged, he caught a glimpse of kalina. he hadn't much to do for now so he approached where she was with a small smile on his face. "so, what are you researching this time?" he felt comfortable enough to ask as he'd talk to her here and there and listen to her podcast which he found intriguing at times.
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madiiscn · 1 year
closed: @screamqueen-slater location: carnival's photo booth
"Come on, bestie!" Madison squealed, as she continued to pull Kalina towards the direction of the photo booth. It hadn't been long since she'd claimed the other as her new best friend, but she sure didn't mind acting as if they've known each other all their lives. "We definitely have to get some photo strips to commemorate the occasion. Our first carnival!" She beamed a smile, as they neared the booth. "Then we can do whatever you want. Want to get some food? Want to stare at cute guys? Your call."
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trcvis · 1 year
closed: @screamqueen-slater location: fun house
Travis hated carnivals. They were always too loud, too full of people and definitely too expensive. He'd already spent an hour's wage on a hot dog and a blueberry slush. Now he'd found himself being forced into paying admission to the self proclaimed fun house by someone not willing to give up their sales pitch. He'd only handed over his money to silence them, and entered under the presumption that it'd be a few mirrors and a some pictures of clowns on the walls.
Unfortunately, it hadn't expected there to be a room shrouded in darkness with some children's version of an eerie laughing track played over the speakers. He grunted upon entrance, thinking it'd be a piece of cake — however, he'd only taken a few steps inside this section of the house when he was greeted with something that felt akin to cobweb adorning his features. With a splutter and admittedly, high pitched squeal, he backtracked hastily out of the room, while his hands swiped his face.
"Ew, what the fuck. Ew!" He groaned, his fingers now batting at his hair in attempt to get rid of any remains of the intentional fake or unintentional real cobweb. He almost didn't notice Kalina stood behind him, until he caught sight of her out of the corner of his eyes.
"Oh, uh, this isn't what it looks like." It was exactly what it looked like. He was scared over a few cobwebs and spiders.
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pytndyer · 2 months
peyton 📲 kalina
Peyton: Hey :) Peyton: What are you up to today? Peyton: Let me know if you have any free time @screamqueen-slater
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madiiscn · 1 year
closed: @screamqueen-slater location: all-night diner
It had dawned upon Madison that she were lacking in real friends around Aurora Bay. She'd only been here a month, but she missed the people back home — her tribe, she called them. She needed a new one.
As she entered the diner with an abundance of confidence and a determination to make a friend, her eyes scanned the room. Finally, she noticed someone who looked about roughly the same age as her sat in one of the booths, and wasted no time in striding over.
"Hey!" She greeted, as she slid into the seat opposite her. "I'm Maddie. Do you want to be best friends?" Despite sounding like she was a kid in the playground, she thought it were best to get straight to the point. "I need one, and you are the perfect candidate. We're both young, hot, and totally cool." She wasn't sure about the latter, only time would tell, but she was willing to risk it to have an actual best friend here.
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