#c: the broken doors are open now (Sabi Faelon)
auroradicit · 3 months
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Battle Couple. n. This is the kind of couple where bullets figure prominently in the story of their romance. Where "war buddy" and "significant other" are synonyms. If you harm either one of them, the survivor will kill you as surely as the sun rises. Their mere presence increases the chance of a Back-to-Back Badasses scene to nearly 100%.
daryl & sabi + tv tropes for @backwaterscum
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auroradicit · 4 months
@clonewar said: ❝ I didn’t run all the way back here to watch you die. ❞ to sabi from halo
The snappy retort makes her smile, blood streaking her lips.
"I think you'll find I'm--" She has to suck in a breath. It hurts, sharp and vicious and threatening to fade, which is worse. "--harder to kill than all this."
It's true, even! Her head's not even a little cracked, and that's the important part! This body, though...well. She's a little less confident, but that's all details.
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auroradicit · 4 months
@arc-77 enabling me
"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"
Somehow, she manages to make the words completely earnest instead of flirtatious. The actual surprise probably helps. She'd known there was something kriffed about her intel. Just not to the level of Republic involvement. Good thing Sabi'd had the instincts to lift her blaster as soon as she'd recognized the armor.
Not that she's complaining. She never gets to see the men she'd dedicated years of frozen rain and pedantry to training work, these days.
"....I am going to miss the element of surprise, though."
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auroradicit · 4 months
@spokewar | starter call
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"I was headhunted for them, y'know."
Sabi isn't so impolite as to kick her legs up on the table. She's still lackadaisical, all splayed limbs and idly toying with just about anything in reach. Sure, the conversation's not the least awkward she's ever had. That's no reason to be all tense.
It's also not the most awkward! So! Little victories!
"Looked a little different at the time. Convenient, given the number of NDAs the Kaminoans tried to bury me under. Did you know Republic law is a complete mess when it comes to sapients with changing genetic codes?"
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auroradicit · 4 months
@deputyrabies said: ' let me clean you up. '
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Sabi manages not to sigh, but it's a near thing. There's blood matted in her hair from the wound on her head, and her palms are beat to shit, scabs scraped open from where she'd kept hold on her rifle.
Her first instinct is to refuse. What's a second pair of hands gonna do for her, since none of it's dangerous? It's not the kind of offer you take seriously, these days. Not unless it's got a triple meaning.
Then again, maybe that makes it worth a challenge. It'd be nice to see a bit of unnecessary kindness. She raises an eyebrow, a hint of a close-lipped smile softening her response ever so slightly.
"You really wanna try and help with this mess? Because I can manage with a bit of alcohol and a razor."
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auroradicit · 3 months
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authors notes: slow burn is not my area of expertise. I am simply setting the house on fire.
shane & sabi + unhinged ao3 tags for my beloved @deputyrabies
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auroradicit · 3 months
@deputyrabies from [x]
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She's shaking. Didn't think she was so cold. Not until he pulled her close, all heat and solid strength. It's so hard to remember that it isn't real. So easy to fist her hand in the back of his jacket like this time, she can keep him. To give him an arch look and bury her head in the join of his neck and shoulder. Shameless. Selfish.
"I'm talking to dead people."
Well. Just the one. So far, at least. Hell, maybe that's a good sign. All she knows is--all the blood on her hands, and her lover's the one who haunts her. A kindness she doesn't deserve, so cruel it aches.
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auroradicit · 4 months
almost no work today so if anyone needs me I'm going to be staring at the ceiling rotating sabi in my mind. might give her little a pica. as a treat. worm eat dirt. this makes sense. to me.
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auroradicit · 2 months
@backwaterpals said: judith's head dips, pressing as close to her own shoulder as she can manage. she laughs with a slight crinkle of the nose. "you made me smell like you again, sabi."
it's kinda like watching a dog chase its own tail. Sabi has to join in Judith's laughter, giving her a slightly wry smile when she looks back up. it's true. she does have a habit of it, catching the kids long enough to scrub a wrist over their shoulder or hair.
"mhm, because you smell like someone let you roll around in the smokehouses otherwise."
not sorry, kid, because she's not. never will be. their pups should smell like her. like pack. anyone who comes near them should be able to tell that they're cared for, protected. even thinking about leaving them without it sets her teeth on edge.
thankfully, the younger ones don't seem to mind. not any more than kids are bothered by all the little caretaking things adults do as they grow up, anyway. too young to remember how archaic it had seemed, once upon a time.
"is that what you got up to today?"
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auroradicit · 3 months
@backwaterscum said: handhold emoji | send 👫 for four headcanons about our muses' relationship
I just know these two are going to end up adopting okay I just know it. semi-officially or not. it takes a village is especially true in the post-apocalypse, I'm not putting any money down on a traditional family dynamic. but I think about the two of them helping raise little hellions and I lose my shit. breaking the cycle. kids getting to be kids even in the dark times. but also those are the strongest kids on god's remaining green earth. every time I think about daryl with a kid on his shoulders and sabi with one holding her around the middle I am changed as a person.
sharing clothes. sharing weapons. daryl being familiar enough with sabi's rig that he can get her in and out of it practically with his eyes closed, can pull a knife from one of her holsters without either of them blinking. he already made her bow with his own hands. they barely have to share a glance for her to throw him one of her rifles in an emergency. two knives under their pillows. doesn't matter who grabs which. they take what's mine is yours to an almost eerie and occasionally disgusting level.
hm. jumping off of the above. daryl being badly injured and them having to risk giving him a transfusion. sabi's probably also a little scraped up but will literally physically fight anyone who tries to stop her from being the one to donate. idk if daryl has a canon blood type or if you've given him one but the symbolism of one or both of them being O- is so. it could only be you and also for daryl especially I am built to give. no one bothers to try and separate them afterwards and sabi falls asleep with her head on his chest listening to the pulse of their blood in his veins.
when they fight, it freaks everyone right the hell out. but they're also such a "never go to bed angry"-coded couple. sure, they can sleep separately. but they've basically pavloved themselves into feeling safe enough to rest when they're touching or at least nearby each other, so they tend to end up splitting up to cool off and coming back to each other in the middle of the night. sometimes they're able to talk it out. sometimes they're still mad at each other in the morning. not sure exactly where I'm going with this one but it sure is a vibe.
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auroradicit · 3 months
@deputyrabies said: 👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫 (for shane<3)
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Bestie, I—
1. The first words Sabi ever said to Shane were “I’ve been watching you.” In her defense, she figured this would make more sense under the circumstances, and that having two rifles and a questionable number of knives pointedly sheathed and her hands up would be proof enough of her good intentions. Gentle reader, it was not, and also that shit is never not creepy. Bit of an awkward start for everyone involved.
(Sabi maintains that it was the only smart thing to do, given that she had any chance of pulling it off and wanted to know what she was getting into.)
2. Thinking about having already established that he's had to stitch her up once...there's a gnarled scar on her right bicep that she jokingly calls "his" (as in his fault, surely, except that these are freaks so I don't trust that at all).
3. One of them finds a pack of cards somewhere. IDK all I have is the Vision of the two of them with an incredibly weirdly themed deck spread between them on a rock teaching each other weird regional card games. Hell, Sabi might technically know how to count cards, I wouldn't put it past her.
4. The intimacy of shared acts of service....Sabi taking care of his weapons like she does her own, Shane sitting with her on watch, the two of them trading without talking when they can find canned food because they know each others' likes and dislikes so well by now. Let me do what I can to make anything better.
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auroradicit · 3 months
character sheet.
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full name. sabi faelon nicknames / aliases. nah height. roughly 5'9" age. 200-ish (mainverse), appears early- to mid-30s zodiac. I am not inventing a star wars zodiac I do not have it in me spoken languages. basic, bocce, a bit of huttese
hair colour. dark brown eye colour. brown skin tone. fair, olive undertones body type. tall and wiry. dominant hand. .....this probably depends on the body she's inhabiting, which is wild to think about posture. pretty decent, she tries to keep it in mind particularly since she trains for flexibility, but long waits in cramped sniper's nests can throw it out of whack. scars. varies, but assuming we're talking about her 'default' body....she's got a nasty slugthrower wound on the left side of her abdomen, and scars from various cuts and scrapes on her upper arms and forearms since she's not as good abt covering those as she is her legs and hands. tattoos. she usually keeps any a body she picks up has--it feels rude not to--but doesn't tend to get any herself. birthmarks. again, varies. she's got a couple moles and freckles in the current one, but nothing super eyecatching most noticeable features. assuming you catch her not loaded for bear, it's probably her widow's peak and sharp cheekbones/chin? that's what I notice when I'm staring making icons, at least xD
place of birth. [redacted] in mainverse, Fallon, NV in modern verses siblings. worms don't really do....traditional families. parents. see above children. @arc-77's fordo has been thoroughly adopted, no take-backs
occupation. bounty hunter. residence(s). man I really gotta name her ship, huh? spends a lot of time on board, otherwise her home port is usually port nowhere. during the time she was working as a member of the cuy'val dar, she was based in tipoca city. relationship status. single criminal record. public disturbances, breaking and entering, destruction of public property ....some places are more or less touchy about what a Guild member does while after a bounty vices. caffeine. a stiff drink after a long hunt. never drugs, she doesn't like the loss of control over her endocrine system.
sexual orientation. omnisexual and alloromantic preferred sexual role. switch for giving/receiving, submissive if there's a dynamic involved. libido. average, maybe a little on the high side? turn-ons. sadism, knives, self-sufficiency, a good voice, ability to keep up in a spar turn-offs. unnecessary cruelty, bad pheromones (sorry bestie your immune system's gotta be compatible) or bad hygeine, naivety love language. physical touch and acts of service relationship tendencies. flexible. sabi has a very...."take it as it comes, let it go when it ends" attitude towards romance, partially due to how long-lived she is. she does prefer monogamy or closed-polyam relationships. sabi's ride-or-die for anyone she cares about, but her partners get an extra level of devotion. if her partner's comfortable with it, they will sadly be That PDA Couple.
hobbies to pass time. this is such a good question. since she usually works alone, a lot of her free time is spent on the day-to-day realities of that (weapons maintenance, flying, etc.), which for the most part she does enjoy. true spare time...y'know, she has strategy game energy. dejarik, chess, go. she also keeps a journal/scrap journal. little things that help her remember the important days and people over her long life. mental illnesses. the TBI is her excuse for literally everything. don't worry about it. self-confidence level. high. sabi is very comfortable in her skin (so to speak), and has a healthy sense of her own abilities. I wouldn't describe her as a braggart, but she's definitely the type to come across as a little proud if she's not careful.
tagged by: @backwaterscum
tagging: be gay do crimes for pride!
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auroradicit · 3 months
@clonewar from [x]
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Alright. Fair enough. He's right, too. And while lying and lying well is a fact of the job--it's not Sabi's preference. Not really. So she sighs, letting her hands fall to her sides.
"You don't have to take the whole world on your shoulders, kid."
Not that she looks that much older at the moment. Horrifying. On multiple levels. And right now, not something she can address.
"Look, I took care of the loudmouth for now. But I'm not the only one to be hearing rumors--the little one's too recognizable for the way you're running, and the rest of you aren't helping.
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auroradicit · 3 months
someone remind me to think about a deep dive into Sabi's equipment and loadout in different verses when I get home ok thanks
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auroradicit · 4 months
what  part  of  the  haunted  house  are  you?
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the living room
Something close to dread follows you, even though you can smile in its face and have everyone believe you. You’ve been cheated and lied to and yet you’re still the hearth at the centre of this house; the constant, unequivocal warmth that emanates in snowy December or sunny July. You’re burning you’re burning you burn for everyone all the time. You’re going to catch fire one of these days, and when you do, you will smile in its face.
tagged by: @deputyrabies tagging: be gay do crimes
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auroradicit · 4 months
@ofsdeath said: ❝  i don’t like the way they keep staring at you.   ❞ to Sabi.
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"Like they want to kill me or like they want to kriff me?"
Look, no one has ever accused Sabi of being coy. Sly, definitely. Subtle? On occasion. But never coy. She doesn't raise her voice above a murmur, though. No point in drawing more outside attention.
"Because all things considered I'm a little more concerned about one than the other."
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