auroradicit · 4 months
@clonewar said: ❝ galaxy has gone over to the Dark Side. ❞
Kes...doesn't have it in them to disagree, is the thing. It sure as kriff feels that way. Has done for a long time. In the twilight, they sit with one arm propped up on their knee, opposite leg and wings sprawled.
They don't meet Tenacity's eyes.
"Doesn't change a thing. We do the work. That's what we can do."
It's all the contribution they've ever had in them to make.
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hisworkers-moved · 4 months
They're a 10 but they're continuing to work for the separatists even though, on average, the republic pays their accountants 20% more and offer a comprehensive health insurance package - from tech
❛ The very same Republic that you speak on behalf refused to help Serenno in her time of need because of the levy, leaving us to rebuild once over and tend to the wounded or dead. My family is among them. ❜ He responds, a growl escaping his lips. He doesn’t exactly hold it towards them for being loyal to such wicked system, knowing how the clones developed into the troopers that they are today, but they just don’t KNOW. ❛ Forgive me when I say this, but I would rather be trapped and eaten alive before I accept such a job from the Republic. ❜
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mayxthexforce · 4 months
The end of the war brought forth new complications for everyone. Its inhabitants struggled to adapt to the new galactic order, and Mahjo was not the exception.
No matter where she went, she couldn't get away from the empire. There were planets where the emperor's forces were less active, less regulated, easier to sway towards turning a blind eye on —ss they'd labeled her— 'an illegally created, runaway experiment'. But never fully avoid them. All it took was one of the 'old fashioned' troopers, ONE clone, for her efforts to remain undetected to go down the drain.
And with reason. She had killed enough clones towards the beginning of the war to have a good sum on her for "annihilation of republic property", and the bounty might have gone away. But the survivors' resentment didn't. Loyalty is everything to the clones and back then, they were quite loyal to each other. Mahjo could understand now better than back then that some cared about their fellow cloned kin. She even envied that bond among the clones of Fett. That said, she wasn't about to let herself be captured or killed out of respect for their bond.
She might acknowledge the fact that she made her bed. But she refused to lie in it.
Trying to keep a low profile and traveling with Hondo Ohnaka didn't always go hand in hand– truth be told, more often than not, or didn't. But Hondo claimed he had a friend on Pabu, someone who could help them lay low for some time without having to ponder the possibility of having to eat Puffy, Hondo's beloved porg.
Mahjo hadn't heard about Phee Genoa until Hondo began trying to convince her of this trip, so she wasn't exactly sure if the woman could be trusted. But she decided to give her the benefit of the doubt, for Hondo's sake.
Even then, a party full of pirates and locals was only fun for a while. Too loud and too bright for her trained, sensitive senses. So, sooner than later, she found her way out and away from the merry group with the excuse that Puffy was getting overwhelmed. Stars bless that wire eating round rat. Pabu had quite a nice view. Open skies, nature, not too much civilization. She could get used to this...
A little girl. Blond haired and strangely familiar. Though Mahjo —having never met any of the female clones of Fett— couldn't put her finger down on why she looked so familiar. So, she just crossed it off as having seen her inside, and the girl's following words helped convince her of this:
"I'm Omega! I saw you walk out with your pet- what is he?"
"Mahjo," she introduced herself. "And this is Puffy. He's a Purg. He's not my pet, he's more of... a roommate."
The girl chuckled, and Puffy was happy to hop her way to her, always greedy for affection. Mahjo's appreciation of the landscape soon turned into her watching this girl and Puffy playing.
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mando-of-esverr · 3 months
❛ let’s not go back. not ever. ❜ from hunter
Darius was still catching his breath as he collapsed into the copilot's seat, claw marks from the pack of gorblin bitters they'd just escaped still glinting on his armor. 'All this for a downed droid ship part.'
"No," he agreed, moving to check the ship's panels. "never again."
The Mando might not have been much of a snub jockey, but he wasn't too bad with freighters and this being a clone-wars era ship made it easy, since his buir had a fondness for them.
"Alright, parts are stowed, bounty ready to turn in... I'd say we both deserve a good rest once we pick up the rest of your crew."
He hadn't been with the renegade squad long, but he liked the feel of their team, their dynamic. A bunch of oddball characters looking to make their way in life. Just like him.
He looked down at the small crate of components they'd managed to get and hummed. He hoped it'd be enough to barter for his relic. Or what's left of it anyway..
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spokewar · 4 months
[ patch ] after receiving a nasty wound durng their adventure, sender carefully patches up receiver’s injury from halo
──✶horror adventure prompts.
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"I don't mean to take you away from your own battalion and I hardly think I'm going to keel over in the fifteen minutes it will take for my own crew to arrive." Obi-Wan watched the expressionless helmet and uncomfortably shifted under its gaze, the pain from his leg wound numbed in the light of a stubborn medic. Despite his reputation otherwise, he didn't actively avoid treatment for his injuries, he just loathed to occupy someone's time when they had other responsibilities to attend. The sentiment was only amplified with their current proximity to one Master Pong Krell; he didn't know the man well—hardly anyone from his clan year did—but from what little he did know, his strict (unpleasant) personality had barred him from ever holding position within the temple walls and he never took a padawan again after his first was Knighted and quickly stationed at the opposite end of the galaxy. Qui-Gon had spoken of him once, quite harshly, but he'd always been difficult to impress, so the criticism was justly on par.
All being said, he had little reason to think Krell offered the Clones the leniency he never granted to his fellow Jedi and he'd rather not cause any ire toward his team nor toward himself. Especially given they hadn't yet spoken and he would rather not his first impression be one of him showing weakness (he would surely be eaten alive if he did).
"But thank you," in the same moment, Obi-Wan stood as if to leave then promptly sat back down. There had been an audible pop with the movement, a feeling of his ligaments being plucked like strings, and when he looked at the offending source, his kneecap had slipped out of place. It was grossly off center and while he could grit his teeth and fight through most wounds, there was no chance he would be able to physically stand without his leg crumpling beneath him.
"Oh." Now, shock took the place of pain. His body hadn't so embarrassingly betrayed him in quite a while. "That's no good, is it?"
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belayadeath-goner · 4 months
⋆ @clonewar , as hunter , continued.
she's sensed a clear shift in him, and though he didn't visibly show it at first, there was something about him that felt off. a darkness that shrouded him now, one bianca had not felt about him before. the shock was evident in her eye when he suddenly pulled a blaster at her, tight and tense, but she doesn't hesitate to deliver a hard knock to his wrist, wriggling the weapon from hunter's hand and catching it mid air. “  what's the matter with you?  ” words spoken harshly, biting at the tension in the air above them. don't make me defend myself.
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therapardalis · 4 months
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[Assorted Starter from @clonewar for Omega.]
❝ You care. I can see it in your eyes. ❞ ------------
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"I ..." Thera stopped, hesitated a moment, then gave up before her protest even got going. "Yeah yeah, you got me." There wasn't any point pretending otherwise to the girl, even if she hadn't been far older than her years and more direct than a laser sight on a sniper's gun. "Maybe I know something about being kriffed over by the people you swore to serve."
Or maybe she didn't need that to feel empathy for the Troopers, to know that what had happened was just so blindingly wrong.
"Unfortunately, Kiddo," A long breath, "caring is not gonna get this done. Not by itself, anyway." She touched a control, turning the holomap to a different angle. "I figure the armory is right about there ... we just need to figure out how to get into it."
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spectrefour · 4 months
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@clonewar sent: “ your bandages— you’re bleeding through them. ” from rex
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Zeb’s ears twitched at that. He looked down at his arm—crimson staining the bandages he had hastily wrapped around his bicep. ❝ Karabast… ❞
               He had known that his wound was deep, but maybe it was a bit worse than he thought. He was fighting through the pain well enough, but this was going to need more than simple bandaging. ❝ Wouldn’t happen to have any skills in stitching up injuries, would you? ❞
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forcenexus-archived · 5 months
this is what happens when you don't listen to me from rex!
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Anakin didn't really want to admit to Rex that he was stubborn but the wound on his side said otherwise as they hid in a cave with a storm passing through. "Those damn droids really are getting smarter." He groaned as he glanced over. "Don't happen to have a stim on you, do you?"
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crossinghairs · 5 months
❛  don't you dare walk away from me when i'm talking to you.  ❜ from hunter
"You know NOTHING, HUNTER!" Cross hissed as he turned to face him. His eyes dilated as if some sort of adrenaline high was playing a roll in this. His fist clenched tightly." Don't act like I'm the bad guy here, Hunter." He spat. His stance aggressive. His tone not sarcastic but..honestly filled with a twinge of hurt behind it he could never show how he truly felt. But to tell him was a different story.
"You left me behind. Left me to fend for myself while the empire poked me. Proded. Messed with my HEAD!" he yelled as he poked his own temple a few times as he would talk through bore teeth." They screwed with my head! I killed innocent people. You don't know an ounce of what's going through me right now. But here's one more choice for you. One more for you to grasp onto with three different outcomes!"
He lifted one finger." You let me walk away, and my choice goes from there," the second finger rose." You kill me and be done with it." The third and final finger only turned to a mental look of despair." Join me..we can be..family again.." his voice didn't seem right with that last one. His chip was still there. In occasion it would kick back in without him realizing it. It felt..normal almost as he would speak. But that 'join me' was a desperate cry for help.
"Good Soldier's follow orders.."
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auroradicit · 4 months
@clonewar said: ❝ I didn’t run all the way back here to watch you die. ❞ to sabi from halo
The snappy retort makes her smile, blood streaking her lips.
"I think you'll find I'm--" She has to suck in a breath. It hurts, sharp and vicious and threatening to fade, which is worse. "--harder to kill than all this."
It's true, even! Her head's not even a little cracked, and that's the important part! This body, though...well. She's a little less confident, but that's all details.
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hisworkers-moved · 4 months
from wraith btw!
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@spokewar come get your trooper this instant.
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hexsreality · 1 month
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@clonewar inquired: am i being too technical? from tech
BARBIE (2023) PROMPTS ⤷ Accepting!!
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"Was that pun intentional?" She raised an eyebrow as she looked over at Tech with an amused smile. Wanda hadn't expected Tech to be the one to make puns, but she didn't know the Bad Batch well enough to know if this held up. "Hardly, I understood perfectly, but you may have to make it a bit simpler for my brother." She snickered, as she made a jest about her brother, even if her brother would understand Tech clearly.
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vuulpecula · 3 months
"After the Clone Wars, I thought we would recover," with one sweeping motion, she indicated the planet. "They say the war is won and yet, the Empire comes and takes just as the Separatists did." Fox swallowed, turning from the scene laid out before them. Mines dug deep into the frozen mountains, patrolled by troopers that reminded her far too much of the clones that had once been stationed there.
"You should not linger here, it is not safe for those from this planet--it is certainly not safe for those who are not."
@clonewar ❤'d for a star trek / star wars / dune starter !
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spokewar · 4 months
[ stuck ] sender and receiver are stuck on different sides of a locked door from cody
──✶horror adventure prompts.
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"Cody!" The name escaped him before he could have even thought to hold his tongue and had his tone not been evidence enough of his panic then his lack of formal address would have been. Unfortunately, Obi-Wan doubted the commander had heard him. His presence in the Force had only just registered—and barely so—which meant he was far, yet still much closer than he'd been in days. At least, he assumed it were days. The lack of night and day cycles, infrequent visitors, and even more infrequent meals had him questioning exactly how much time had passed (with any luck, it had only been two or three nights, any more than that and the other blips now in the Force would be quite upset with him).
"Cody!" He screamed with purpose this time, knowing they were now close enough to be heard and to be sure of it, he slammed the top of his vambraces against the metal wall behind him.
Though Obi-Wan had been captured for days(?), he had yet to see any of the ship outside of the storage bay which doubled as his cell with an addition of a ray shield trapping him in the corner. From what he could smell (spice and unbathed sentients), he assumed it was a smugglers' ship, making it all the embarrassing, nearly almost as much as his stay with Hondo Ohnaka and his crew had been. It wasn't an impossible room to escape, but the loud humming of the ship had meant they'd been in hyperspace and it was never a bright idea to start a riot while hurdling through the galaxy at the speed of light. The sound had only ended minutes ago and, for a brief moment, he wondered if the 212th had followed them into the hyperlane or if they'd calculated where the vessel would land and met them there. The latter seemed more likely, his men were as efficient as they were deadly.
"In here!" With no longer worry for starting a battle where he'd be outnumbered, he extended his presence and wrenched the durasteel door from its hinges. Little could be done for the ray shield still between them, but he could at least make himself easier to access. "Right on time, as usual."
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lightsiided · 4 months
you won’t be alone through this. i’ll be right here the whole time. from ahsoka
* closer memes | accepting
     "i know," rey sighs. whatever she is, ALONE isn't it -- that's part of what worries her. there's so much more to lose this time around. so many things that can go WRONG, tragedy that can befall them no matter where they go or how hard they fight. in some ways, it was easier when she was alone, looking after only herself on jakku. there was less fear, less worry.
now she has a daughter she must live for, a galaxy to save with an URGENCY that has been missing from the last few years. rey has grown comfortable, complacent. her guard has slipped. she had naively believed the sith to be DEFEATED. though she should know now nothing is ever permanent -- how can it be, when the dead refuse to stay gone and buried?
"but i worry that won't be enough." just to give voice to the thought is SHAMEFUL, she knows. she should be hopeful, optimistic. she should be telling herself they can do this, that they have everything they need to defeat palpatine and the sith. it's what leia would want. it's what luke would tell her. it's what the others expect her to say, and, in front of them, it's what she does say. but deep down, rey isn't so sure it's true -- and she knows she doesn't have to pretend for ahsoka like she would with the others. "i worry that all of us together, giving everything we have, won't make a DENT. and i don't know what we'll do if i turn out to be right."
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