#mild but yknow
auroradicit · 4 months
@clonewar said: ❝ I didn’t run all the way back here to watch you die. ❞ to sabi from halo
The snappy retort makes her smile, blood streaking her lips.
"I think you'll find I'm--" She has to suck in a breath. It hurts, sharp and vicious and threatening to fade, which is worse. "--harder to kill than all this."
It's true, even! Her head's not even a little cracked, and that's the important part! This body, though...well. She's a little less confident, but that's all details.
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lakes-liver · 9 months
Legend has been acting very distinctly off, lately.
He’s not injured, Sky knows that much. There wasn’t a time where he’s been separated from the group. Something triggered him, perhaps? The veteran has more than enough baggage to sift through.
Sky really isn’t sure.
Legend hasn’t been the same since… about a week ago? Something of the sort? He’s been quieter, laughter not so loud, snarks not so present. If it were anyone else, Sky wouldn’t be concerned.
But this is Legend he’s talking about. Legend, who shows a prickly front but is soft on the inside. His facade isn’t prickly right now, though, more like a dull point.
Triggers don’t last that long, right? If they didn’t, he would be better by now, at least outwardly. Then again, Sky doesn’t know much (if anything at all) of the “shell-shock” the veteran, the captain, and even Time seem to describe. What he knows is limited, tales from an era long before Skyloft, when the world wasn’t so peaceful. So, maybe there’s a chance it can last this long?
This train of thought does not change the fact that there is still something wrong, and Sky is very much concerned.
Another day passes, and the Chosen Hero watches his friend. A multitude of notes show up.
One: no one else seems to have noticed the problem at hand.
Two: Legend is acting as he usually does (jabs, rolled eyes, etc.) around everyone in their group.
Third: the veteran is only acting oddly around Sky.
Now, this has raised a very important question in Sky’s mind. Did he do something wrong? While he’s never been one to hold silent grudges (except against the goddesses, of course), maybe Sky had done something to be an exception.
He mulls this over throughout the evening, as they set up camp. Physically, he’s busied by setting out his bedroll, as well as some of the others’. Mentally, though, he thinks, and thinks, and thinks.
If the veteran hadn’t been borderline ignoring him, Sky’s sure he’d make a quip about how he shouldn’t think so much.
“It must get difficult thinkin’ so hard, birdbrains,” he’d mock, and Sky would laugh, and all would be well.
But all is not well. And Sky is growing more nervous by the second.
He thinks over every interaction with Legend in the past week. Nothing stands out to him. It started normally, with pokes and jokes and smiles and giggles. Then, like a switch had been flipped, the pink-haired man had become strangely subdued.
Could it have something to do with that? The whole… pink-rabbit, thing? But that was months ago, and this was so much more recent.
“Sky? Ya ‘ere?” Fingers are being snapped in front of his face.
He jumps, looking into the marked face of Twilight. Sky hides it with a flush and a chuckle. “Yes! Sorry, got lost in my thoughts, there” — and here is where the birdbrain comments should go, yet none do — “what did you ask?”
Twi, ever the worrywart, frowns slightly. “I ‘as j’st askin’ ‘bout watch. Doubleshif’s, you an’ Ledge. But, if yer not up for it—”
“No!” Sky is fast to interrupt. “No worries! I’m alright, truly. That sounds wonderful.” He gives the most reassuring smile he can muster, and it’s honest and true, for once.
Twilight’s frown lifts, a bit, and the slightly older man nods and steps away towards Wild and Wind, who are still cooking dinner.
Watch with Legend, huh? Could this be his chance?
A small bit of him warns that things could go very, very, wrong.
Luckily, the bigger part of him tells him that if he doesn’t say anything now he will run out of time to say anything at all.
So, that is that. Watch is set—blech, the middle shift—and Sky walks over to the rest of his friends before he can think any more of the situation.
“Sky!” Wind waves. “Come sit by us!”
‘Us’, in this case, happens to be himself, Wild, and Twilight, none of whom he’s opposed to being near. Thus, he picks his way to a spot on a ground, settling next to Wind. The smaller melts into his side (a common occurrence), and Sky happily accepts a bowl of pumpkin soup.
It’s not the same as from his home, of course, but it’s still soup and there’s still pumpkins. He’s still satisfied by the taste.
“Thank you, Wild,” he says, setting the now-empty bowl beside him.
Wild grins crookedly. “‘Course, Sky, I’m glad you liked. Seconds?”
Sky shakes his head. “Not tonight.”
The sailor, on the other hand, shoots up, mouth completely stuffed. “‘ll take ‘is s’rv’in’!”
“Calm yerself, sailer, others gotta eat,” Twilight chides.
“Meanie.” Wind crosses his arms with a pout. Sky ruffles the top of his head, a fond look surely on his face, and the smaller does not shy away.
He spares a glance to Legend and Hyrule, across the fire. The former is staring, brows furrowed, but looks away as soon as he notices Sky’s gaze. The latter continues chattering away as if nothing happened (and, in their eyes, nothing did happen).
Overall, the fire is warm and his belly is full. His friends sit around him and talk and snort and sigh, contentment filling the air. Sure, they have double watches set up, the tension is high, and they are exhausted, but they are together and they are (physically) healthy. Sky could not ask for much more.
So, Sky turns in for the beginning of his rest. Wind is sprawled next to him, looking like the starfish they all claim to exist.
Three hours later, Time is shaking him awake.
“You’re up, Sky. Four’s already woken Legend,” he whispers.
Sky nods. This is a song they’ve danced to many times.
Seeing him up and aware, the oldest moves to his bedroll with a soft ‘goodnight’. The Skyloftian echoes it in turn, before advancing towards the dying embers and confusing veteran.
At first, the watch is normal. Sky watches one side whilst Legend watches the other. There isn’t much talking—there never is, on the second watch, what with tired eyes and restless heroes—but the bit that is remains light and regular. For a moment, he can almost forget the anxiety that’d been eating him away earlier.
Then, Sky makes a comment that shatters the glass around them.
“Oh c’mon, vet,” he rolls his eyes. “We both know you use those trinkets of yours quite often.”
The chuckle Legend gives sounds forced, and Sky is hit with a pang of guilt. It was meant as a simple jab—nothing more nor less—but it maybe it was too biting?
Sky takes the second to study Legend’s newfound stance. He’s hunched in on himself, hands hugging knees, and despite not being able to see his face, Sky can assume his expression is that of a resigned sort of scowl.
It’s the same reaction he’s seem many times on multiple others. Twilight when scolded by Time; Wild when scolded by Twi; Wind when scolded by Warriors; Hyrule when scolded by Legend. It is not a reaction he expected to receive from their veteran, let alone one to be stemmed from him.
It spikes a whole new pang of worry.
He turns back before Legend can catch his face. “Sorry, Ledge. I like your items a lot. It’s not a problem to use ‘em, you know.”
From the corner of his eye, he catches the tension release, just a little bit. Enough, though, to know he said the right thing. Good.
Legend doesn’t give a response besides a light bump of the shoulders. The watch continues in a not-quite-awkward but not-quite-comfortable silence.
Sky’s head is up in an instant, scanning and pausing and reviewing the treeline in front of him. His ears twitch and try to catch every little thing, from the scamper of a mouse to the rustle of the wind. He’s certain Legend is doing the same, on his end.
A beat passes. Two. Three.
Legend’s breath hitches. “Bokoblin. One o’ Wild’s, reckon.”
“The others?” Sky whispers, voice barely making a sound.
“No. It’s just one. On three?”
Sky nods.
One beat. Two.
“Three!” Legend hisses.
Sky springs up, Master Sword poised to strike and shield up to block. Legend follows in a similar manner, clutching the Tempered Sword and some sort of shield. The ‘blin barely reacts before Sky is moving, moving, moving, slashing at the beast with a ferocity he didn’t realize he possessed this late at night.
The monster bleeds black.
Legend notices too, and lets out a soft string of curses before he’s in on the action. They trade blows, one then the other then both at the same time.
The bokoblin does not back down. It swings its own sword at their ankles, then their waists, then their heads. Wide arcs that make it near impossible to get in, despite the fact that the odds are two to one.
Legend pushes and knocks it off balance, and Sky seizes his chance. He steps into the circle, sword going faster than a blink, and stabs through the head. The Master Sword glints on the other side. The beast dissolves into nothing save a gem and some guts.
Sky lets out a cheer and turns to Legend.
Who’s eyes, suspiciously, are blown wide with fear. Did he get hurt? Had Sky missed something during the heat of the battle?
He stumbles forward—wait, stumbles? Sky shouldn’t be stumbling, he didn’t get hurt, just look down—oh. That’s blood. On his tunic. On his stomach.
Pain erupts from the area, stabbing and scorching and hot in a way it really should not be, not on a fresh wound, not unless it’s infected—
“Sky? Sky! Stay with me, hero, stay with me.” Legend is frantic and holding his shoulders, lowering him carefully to the ground. Why is he so panicked? It’s not that bad, right?
Another shot of pain rocks his body, and he bites back a scream with practiced expertise.
Nevermind, it is definitely that bad.
Still, though, Legend is upset, and he can’t have that. Legend shouldn’t be upset, not because of him.
“I’m okay,” he gasps. “‘m fine, Ledge, just needa—” a coughing fit fights its way out and he cant stop it.
“You ain’t fine, you needa potion or sum. Hold on fer me, ‘kay? Hold on, ‘ll get Roolie or, or,” Legend stops, stares, and then darts up and away. Sky frowns, because Legend is still stressed and he can tell because his accent is loose and free and that is not something he often does.
He holds on for as long as he can, though. He can hear shouts and people getting up and running and since when did they get so far? What’s even happening? Is someone hurt?
Ow. Right. Sky is hurt.
His stomach doesn’t feel so good. It feels sticky and hot and gross and bad and he doesn’t like it. Maybe a nap will help? Naps usually help when he’s tired, they always have. Maybe he should nap.
Just as his eyes start to fall shut, someone shakes him, yelling and shaking and yelling and shaking. Bright, violet, eyes meet dull sky blue, panicked and calm and panicked and calm and ow ow ow everything hurts so bad.
The violet eyes have a mouth attached, and it keeps opening and closing but he can’t hear anything. Should he be hearing something?
Something cold presses against his stomach and he hisses. It keeps going, pushing and pushing, but the cold becomes warm and soft and comfortable. Sky could nap, like this.
Despite his eyes fluttering shut, someone grabbed and shook him, yet again. He really wishes they’d stop, he’s trying to nap here!
“—descendant!” They say.
Now significantly more interested, Sky strains his ears to listen closer. Oh, cool, the warm-yet-cold hands gave some of his hearing back. That’s nice.
They’re… huh?
“I’m royal!”
The Chosen Hero blinks. Once, twice, three times. His vision is so blurry he can’t make anything out besides those glaring eyes and disheveled hair.
The pain is subsiding, a little bit, so that’s neat.
What did they mean… royal?
Oh. Oh! Wait! Him and Sun start the royal bloodline of Hyrule, don’t they? This person could be referring to that! Is it a Zelda? Did one of the other Zeldas come? They’re so sweet, all those young women, and it triggers something in him that’s quite enjoyable. Maybe, once this pain quiets down, he can talk to them? That’d be just wonderful.
He closes his eyes again, humming in contentment when the unknown Zelda doesn’t shake him back. The sharp and burning and horrible ache is nothing more than annoying, now, and he’s slept much worse than this. He falls unconscious, unaware to the trembling hero next to him.
What could be minutes or hours or even days later, Sky opens his eyes again. It’s dark out, and stars shine brightly up above. Trees dot the outline of his vision.
He tries to sit up. His lower abdomen protests vehemently, and he has to abandon such efforts. Something between a groan and whine escaped him, despite his feeble attempts to swallow it whole.
“Sky?” Someone asks. “Sky! You’re awake!”
He looks towards the voice, and is pleasantly surprised to see Legend. He made it out of the fight! There’s no visible bandages, or splints, or anything but concerned eyes and a soft face.
Sky musters up the best smile he can. “I’m okay, Ledge.” He pushes up again, and this time makes it as far as propping his weight onto his elbows. His stomach screams, but he’s alright, truly.
“You damn better be,” the vet mutters, but he helps push the chosen hero up the rest of the way. Sky nods his thanks, before scanning their camp.
It’s still the same place they were last time. A small grove in the middle of uncharted woods, somewhere so random that no one knows who’s Hyrule it is or even if it is anyones. There are six sleeping forms and the outline of Wolfie.
There is no Zelda. He distinctly remembers a Zelda being there, after he was injured. Did she leave? He wanted to talk to her.
“Where did she go?” Sky asks, frowning. That’s unfortunate.
Legend raises an eyebrow. “Who?”
“Zelda,” he says, like it’s obvious. “She was here whenever… I got hurt, I guess.”
“Sky,” Legend looks very confused. “There wasn’t ever anyone’s Zelda here. Why would you think so?”
His words are thought out, slower, deeper than the mess he’d been when Sky was injured. That’s good, it means the vet has had time to breathe and calm down since then.
“There wasn’t? But someone mentioned being of royal descent, did they not?” Had he made that entire conversation up? Something of delusion built from blood loss and poison?
Legend’s expression freezes; a blush creeps across his ears. “You, uh, you heard that?”
“Yes?” How could he not? They were shaking and shouting, for Hylia’s sake!
Sky is growing quickly more confused, and concerned, and he remembers why he was so nervous around Ledge in the first place. Something was wrong—no, something is wrong—and he wants to figure it out.
“Legend? Did something happen? Are you alright?”
The veteran shakes his head. “You got stabbed, Chosen. Scared the hell outta us.”
But that doesn’t answer about the past week or the mysterious person who he’s very very certain said they were related to him.
“I’m sorry,” he starts. Before the other can object, Sky continues. “What about the Zelda, though? Or whoever it was? Someone said they were my descendant, I thought.”
Legend looks anywhere but at Sky’s face. It’s very suspicious. “That, uh, that doesn’t matter. You need rest.”
Sky uses his own arms to keep him up, despite the insistence of the pink-haired hero to get him to lay back down. The more lucid he is, the less the pain matters. It’s nothing, now. He’s done more on less.
“No, wait, Ledge—”
“It was me,” he whispers, and it’s as quick as the pegasus boots he loves so much.
Legend flushes, continuing to look away. “It was, uh. It was me. I’m your…” he trails off into something incoherent.
Sky raises an inquisitive brow.
“Don’t make me say it,” Legend scowls.
“Say what?”
“You know what!” And Sky really does. He wants to hear Legend admit it for himself, though.
“Stab wound,” he deadpans instead.
Legend huffs and pouts and crosses his arms, scowl deepening, then softening, then deepening again.
A beat passes. No one stirs except for the two exhausted heroes.
“Fable—my Zelda—she’s my sister. I’m the Prince of Hyrule, technically.” Legend brings his knees up to his chest and hugs them, eyes downcast, stance tense and so similar to how it was by the fire, that night.
Everything clicks into place very neatly.
Legend is not upset with Sky. He is worried about Sky, worried he’s been a disappointment, worried that he’s somehow made a mistake. So he cut back on snarks and rolled eyes, on cocked hips and wide gestures, replaced it with something subdued and a (quite frankly horrid) attempt at being something different.
“Can I hug you?” Sky asks, because it’s the only thing he can think of saying.
The veteran—the teenager, really—all but jumps. But, exactly as he hoped he would, the boy uncurls himself just enough to nod and accept the arms barrelling into him.
Sky represses a gasp (ow ow ow, next time, do not fall into someone’s arms with a scabbed stab wound, good Hylia), and squeezes tight, pouring every ounce of care he can in. This is his descendant, his kid, and it’s such a rush of emotions he’s surely going to have to process later but for right now Legend slots perfectly into his arms and all is well.
“You’re not… you’re not mad?” The boy rasps.
Sky uses one hand to comb through unruly hair. Jeez, did this kid brush it at all while he was unconscious? He’s going to have to use the recently acquired dad-card to fix that.
“Why’d I be mad, Ledge?”
From where he’s pressed the other against his chest (how did he never realize Legend was so small? Has he seriously never hugged him before?), Sky can’t see the expression he’s making. He can well assume, though, that’s something along the lines of furrowed brows and pressed lips, confusion evident with a hint of something else.
“Why wouldn’t you be?” Legend finally decides on, and Sky almost laughs at how absurd the question is.
He pulls back to look the boy in the eyes. “Legend, you are a wonderful person who has done wonderous things. You have faced atrocities that no person should, and come out stronger, better, and you have done it again and again, because you care for people less fortunate than you.” His descendant’s eyes are blown wide, wide, wide, and the deep black spots are all the more obvious; no wonder he’s so open, right now, there is not a single ounce of sleep in that body. “I know I haven’t known you long, but I am so proud of you regardless, Legend, and I have no words for how happy I am that I am somehow related to you.”
Violet eyes stare into sky blue, expression lax in a way Sky has not seen before, details in the starlight that are old to one but new to the other.
Sky is hit with the fact that he has never looked at the veteran before this. Not hard enough to point out the little things, like the freckles or light scars or baby hairs.
“Oh,” Legend murmurs, casting his gaze downwards and caving in on his own body a bit more. “Okay.”
“Legend,” eyes flick up once more, “I’m being genuine.”
“I know.” A long pause. “I know, it’s just not that simple, I guess. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, Ledge.”
Legend’s eyes go wide, wide, wide, once more. “The others can’t know I’m Fable’s brother.”
That is definitely something Sky is going to address at a later date.
For now, he hopes that the glint his eyes get is mischievous and his smirk comes across correctly. “Exactly.”
Legend does not look convinced.
“We’ll be like Twi and the champion were, for a while. Imagine how pissed Wars an’ Wind’ll be trying to figure it out,” Sky says, because while he’s seen hell he’s still just barely twenty and the epitome of a little shit.
(Holy Hylia, he’s going to have to address that later. How do Twilight and Wild do this all day? They’re barely a few years apart!)
Legend stares at him, and then lets out a cackle of a laugh. Real and honest, all because of Sky, and hope blooms in his chest. The other is undoubtedly the hardest nut to crack and Sky is finally getting through, after months of work.
Soon, he starts laughing too. He can’t help it! The vet’s laugh is so contagious, and he’s rocking back on his knees, and Sky is wheezing, and they’re both definitely delirious.
They’re also a bit too loud, because even as their giggles subside, the other Links begin stirring. Hyrule first, the lightest sleeper by far, but Wind and Wild and Wars follow not long after. The chain wake to two grinning brothers, and while they don’t understand it, they’re joining in as well.
Sky’s stomach hurts like a bitch, which is not a word he uses lightly, but he feels happy in an odd sense. A lot has happened—too much—but he can ignore it in favor of a good laugh with his brothers.
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loafbud · 1 year
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S5-EP17 of the animated series REALLY TWISTED WONDERLAND!
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swordsonnet · 1 year
lately, i've seen more people in the online autistic community acknowledging the struggles of people with higher support needs, which is of course an important development. but for some, that seems to come with the implicit assumption that low needs autistics "have it easy" or experience no stigma at all, which is just wrong??? people with low support needs are still disabled by their autism and still face discrimination because of it. sure, they are impaired to a lesser degree than those with higher support needs, but that doesn't mean you can just erase their struggles, y'know?
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keymintt · 5 months
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baja betrayal
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toads-n-moss · 5 months
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[ no dl6 au ]
listening to "butcher vanity" on loop and god this song is changing my brain chemicals as we speak.
i'm going feral
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tyrianludaship · 6 days
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having him as a platonic f/o is so funny. like yeah this dude is a loser but he's my friend and only I get to say that.
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frootbyethefoot · 7 months
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and the world is not a better place because of it.
[ID: a digital drawing of maki harukawa from danganronpa v3: killing harmony. she is on her knees and hunched over, shaking, and clutching kaitos jacket. she is coated in heavy purple lighting, while the background is pitch black.]
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mosspapi · 3 months
There is smth incredibly funny to me abt the two vastly different uses for "half mast". Yes a flag at half mast means grief and loss, but it's also used to mean getting a boner. Really the duality of man in a single phrase. Grief and horniness. Mourning wood, even.
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chatdae · 5 months
honestly it doesn't bug me that Jerry Seinfeld is bad at acting because the other main cast of Seinfeld are so good, Jerry's acting becomes a joke in and of itself.
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apple8ees · 1 year
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what's a bit of tactical physical intimacy between bros
[ semi-obligatory @comicaurora tag because apparently that's the only way i can look for my aurora art on this hellsite]
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charcarts · 1 year
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triple beat 🔥🍃🌊
Think it would be fun to turn these into stickers and/or charms!! LMK which style you guys would prefer to see below! (I'll likely keep to that style for any future final starter evos - so there's some level of consistency :D) This is just a rough sample whipped up but should be about what to expect re: borders and stuff
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ce0cu · 1 year
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gross pretty boy hours
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evilyaoiaccount · 3 months
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 7 months
really weird thing ive noticed lately re: hermits getting critiqued for stuff theyve said or done is that as soon as someone holds a shit opinion (even if it's just them being stupid, or a centrist, or saying a bad word without knowing what it means, or whatever) people immediately seem to flock to the 'this guy should die' 'kys' 'why are we giving this person a platform' rhetoric and like. that's not how meaningful change is made?
like, yeah, if one of my beloved CCs posted a tweet or video tomorrow about how much they hate gay people, or believe in conservative ideals, or they just said a bunch of slurs or whatever (these are hyperbolic examples obviously) then yeah, fuck them, they should go rot. but like, having some dumb takes, or saying bad things in the past, doesn't = evil terrible person...
idk, i feel like we can critique content creators without getting so insane about it. like, shit, there are things some of my favourites do that i don't like, but theyre not even really worth bringing up tbh. unless its something actually important, i feel like it just creates more drama out of nothing and all these assholes come crawling out of the woodwork to tell everyone how much they hate that creator. or find their content boring anyway so clearly they have no real merit to anyone.
more of an explanation of what i mean in the tags but yeah.
#this is kind of about ppl finding out x is a centrist and... apparently that means telling him 'kys' is ok#i dont even like centrism but like... wasnt he super right wing at one point? is this not at least a mild improvement? he's just some guy#i like his content. dont care enough to get into drama about him being a 'we should all just talk it out!' kinda guy. who give a shit.#this is also kinda about doc's little rant on twt about plestine/isral (spelling to not clog tags) which was basically just -#- 'stop asking me to speak on these things 1. i could get into legal trouble 2. i stopped talking about politics years ago for good reasons#which like. isnt my favourite response to things? but i also Get It yknow?#it wasnt as big of a deal as ppl seemed to think it was#(especially since he very clearly retweeted donation post and said hes against innocent ppl dying. which is pretty clear to me.)#anyway the milder things im talking about here is like. harry potter references or mild orientalism re: 'asian-style' builds#like. i could go mad about that but i really dont give a shit#i dont#and like im a hard leftist. but i just do not care. so long as they arent a massive right winger or a creep im fine#*i say massive right winger but tbh i kind of mean right winger at all. i just dont give a shit about ccs wanting to remain more centrist#especially online.#anyway#hermitblr#hermitcraft#mcyt#discourse#ben chats shit on the internet#to clarify im not tryna say that its cool to play both sides politically but also i dont think bringing up a 4 year old post -#- to stir up drama is very genuine. looking at the notes i just see a lot of 'wow fuck this guy i hate his content anyway' and its like. ok
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keymintt · 3 months
every day people call my coyotes wolves
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