glamaustin · 5 months
You've been here since last weekend, right? How's it been so far? While the vibe seems somewhat chill, I have a feeling I've missed a couple things. Nothing stays civil here all the time. Care to fill me in on what has happened so far? @glamtimlin
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hcmsworthx · 5 months
So, how does it feel being away from your kids for a little while? Or is that just bold of me to assume that you don't have them with you? Because as much as I love all three of mine, I am a little happy that I can just have some time to myself at this festival. I'm sure they would love this too but maybe when they're a bit older. @glamtimlin
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glenpowellx · 6 months
Feel like my dog is experiencing the terrible two's already. It's not just for kids, dogs definitely suffer from that too. You're a mom, right? How did you deal with that? Or aren't yours at that age yet? @glamtimlin
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highchalowwis · 3 years
5 11 20 37 for addie my BELOVED 🥺🥺🥺
addie is a bitch and i love her SO MUCH,
5. what is a specific, defining physical feature that they have?
i've been picturing her as having like. absolutely so light blue eyes that, per the players handbook, are calculating but in such a way where she can absolutely switch from that dumb doe eyed "you're gonna have to explain that to me again simpler" look to just an narrow-eyed going to eat you alive and let you watch expression in an instant.
11. what does a usual outfit of theirs look like?
slutty <3 but fucntional! her party clothes are very different from her like. going to class clothes but she's very preppy and extremely put together and matches her shoes to her top to her handbag. i don't know clothes <3
20. describe one of your favourite rp moments with this character
um. all of them. mostly the ones where she is absolutely so mean and nicki goes WHY ARE PEOPLE FRIENDS WITH HER and everyone else goes YEAH ADDISON. specifically i REALLY liked when ted was like. we have to save margot! and addie just went. who? it really made me laugh also whenever she just. fully lies to people for no reason
37. what is their zodiac sign?
phoebe fuck if i know. you tell me. i don't know shit about zodiac signs. the meanest one,
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luciaxromero · 4 years
closed starter // lucia & addison 
Lucia is sent to the ob floor to prep a prematurely born baby for surgery. As Lucia had previously mostly worked with the elderly this sort of case was very new to her. Having a daughter herself, honestly, it scared her a little. Made her think of her own daughter, whose mortality suddenly became so real. Pushing the door open Lucia entered the NICU. Looking around she could count at least five small incubators containing newborns. The sight was simultaneously horrifying and impressive. The babies were so small and fragile, however the way medicine was helping the babies was so impressive. Lucia’s gaze completely locked on the incubators for a couple of seconds before scanning the room for the doctor in charge of the NICU and head of the patient’s case. She had never met the doctor herself, but had been told she was a gorgeous attending with beautiful brown hair, often wearing pink scrubs. Scanning the NICU with her eyes Lucia saw a couple of people in scrubs and white coats, but it was clear which one was the famous Addison Montgomery. It was very clear to Lucia why people had described her as gorgeous. Almost taken away by her beauty, Lucia made her way over to the doctor. 
“Excuse me, are you Dr Montgomery? I’m Nurse Romero, I’m here to help prep the premie and take her to surgery.”
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❤️💖💜 💗: Val from Addison
While he’d feign surprise he’d picked up on the subtle changes in their interactions some time ago. Given the length of which they’d known one another things had shifted from very casual to something more intense. Held gazes, a shift in her body temperature–not to mention an increase of pheromones in the air said more than words. Val is aware but is respectful and would never initiate, but wouldn’t say no either if Addison propositioned.    
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Val are you afraid for Addison and what happened? I mean what if someone or something else comes after her?
Untucking his tie from his waist before sitting the other had caught his attention. Staring rather coldly for a moment before answering, “Obviously I’m concerned about her after such an event.” With a tilt of his head, he paused before addressing the other’s concern, “I’m not the least bit worried someone will make an attempt. I’ll see to it that they fail. So pass that along to whoever needs to hear it.” 
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romananderson · 4 years
closed starter for @adoringaddison​
“come on, loser! we’re going to that cactus garden thing-y,” roman told addison, bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly. he was beyond ready to get off the campsite to do something other than hiking. while he enjoyed spending time with people, the physical piece of hiking was not his favorite. he didn’t like to sweat or get dirty, and hiking usually made both of those things happen - somehow he always ended up with dirt on his arms and legs. what was he doing wrong? he was dressed in patterned shorts with a random white tank paired with a bucket hat. “i feel like we need to do an impromptu photoshoot because it sounds like this place is cute as hell.”
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adrianreeves-blog · 7 years
Race O’Clock
The gym that Adrian trained at for boxing was adjacent to a club gym that was open to membership for the general public. On days where he wasn’t doing a lot of skills training, he often went over to the public gym for cardio and just general strength training. Today was one of those days. He’d already ran a ridiculous amount when he’d been training with Hazel the day before, but the cardio honestly felt good considering all of the things on his mind as of late. The indoor track wasn’t too crowded yet, the work rush not quite there, and Adrian was trying to take advantage of it. He slowed his pace after another mile, leaning against the wall to take a breather before he saw a familiar face. “Wanna race?” he asked, knowing that his sometimes gym buddy would be a worthy opponent. @addieisamphitrite
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It was not uncommon for the local college bar to be incredibly crowded on Thursday nights. Not only was there a line wrapped around the block, but people were crammed into the small space, bumping elbows and spilling drinks all over one another as the alcohol began to set in. Having secured himself a table with some of his fraternity brothers near the back of the bar, Dawson stood, beer in hand, while his gaze surveyed the thick crowd. Their group seemed to be drawing a lot of attention from the females, but he had his eyes set on a familiar blonde currently perched atop one of the stools near the pool tables, her deliciously long legs on display for every male in the building to drool over. He’d been eyeing her all night, watching as guys approached and chickened out, turning away before they could reach her. Once she was finally alone, he broke away from his brothers and stopped by the bar to grab her a fresh drink before heading in her direction. Sneaking up behind her chair, he leaned in, his lips were close to her ear as he spoke, “Addison Draycott-- the woman of my dreams,” he handed over the drink, rounding the chair to get a look at her face, “Glad to see you here tonight. Broken any hearts yet?”
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bettxrnow · 4 years
addison nodded her head with a chuckling, as he was right on the spot. half the people in the hospital were too busy trying to keep up with the gossip surrounding them to do their jobs correctly. while he was gone, addison went through a few charts to makes sure they were updated correctly and before she knew it he was back. the brunette looked up from the nurses station and gave the intern a slight smile. “thank you. you can scrub in, the surgery is in two hours. if you can go prep mrs.johnson, that’d be great. she’s on the fifth floor. here’s her chart.” addison stood up and handed him the chart, while taking her coffee. 
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Andrew smiled and nodded as he took the chart. “You sure you don’t want the other DeLuca?” He teased. He was often mistaken for his sister when it came to pages. While she was obviously more experienced, he didn’t try to let that bother him. “Anything else?” He asked her.
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location: a random patch of land on the broughton farm with: @addison-mcdaniel​ | closed
Greer took the first long drag off the joint in her hand, smiling down at it as she slowly blew the air out of her mouth and up into the sky. She wasn’t a regular drug user by any means, but there were just some days she found herself in need of a little fun. Addi was the one person she smoked with, and honestly, Greer didn’t talk about it much with anyone else. Leaning her head back onto the windshield of her old beat up hatchback, she sighed and held the joint out to the blond at her side. “Tell me something that doesn’t absolutely suck. Anything, I just need to feel happy for a minute until this kicks in.” 
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drvioleturner · 4 years
iMessage >> addison, charlotte & violet
Violet: Amelia is engaged. Who is he? Should we talk to him??
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unsteadyxmuses · 6 years
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“So do you think this your guy?” Addison shook her head, while looking over at the cop. “Naw, he jumped bail but he isn’t a killer.” The brunette stated, before looking around some. “The FBI is on there way. Seems like it might connected to the others.” She nodded some. “Well hopefully they figure it out before this happens again.” As she was leaving, she seen the SUVs pull up. That was when she seen the familiar redhead step out. “Holy fuckin’ shit. You are suppose to be dead.” Subtle had never been Addison’s thing.  If this was in fact who she thought it was. She was going need a full bottle of whiskey. “Logan Camden.” 
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aj-rpsss · 6 years
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"So uhh--what can I help you with exactly? Do you need me to track someone down? Or is this just a social call?" Addison questioned, while looking over at the person in front of her.
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You Rang?
Closed Stater for Addison
What was it? Two or three in the morning? No matter the time Val placed the glass of overpriced scotch down on the marble tabletop as he felt an electric breeze blow through the den. Something was terribly off. No sooner did the thought enter his mind did a portal slowly begin to form and spin. With each rotation gaining in size. Someone was beckoning him and there was only a handful who’d he granted the ability to have such a power over him. Not wasting a moment he walked into the black mass of shifting shadows as he felt the rush as a deafening whoosh blocked out any other sound. Bizarrely he’d journeyed to one of  Pavlo’s establishments and from the moment exiting the portal into the hall, he could smell metallic scent of blood wafting in the air.   
Quickening the pace he broke into a run after hearing the terrifying cries of a woman. Passing through the double doors of the kitchen his eyes in search of Addison which he now scented as well. He only saw the top of her head until he rounded the corner of the counter unit. The scene was ghastly. A man was sprawled across the floor as Addie was curled up in a corner. Val’s eyes went wide as he stepped on the man with little regard making his way over to the distraught woman. Taking a knee he hovered a second examining the situation: clothes were torn and hair in disarray as a stream of steady tears rolled down her cheeks. Knowing the corpse was the reason behind it he felt enraged he wasn’t able to doll out some revenge. With an abrupt shift of head, the dead man on the floor slid violently across the kitchen running into a wall in an attempt to get it the furthest away as possible. Brow knitted he did his best to comfort, “Shh...it’s alright. I’ll clean it up.” 
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