theyflourished · 7 months
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"From the look on your face, I assume a drink will calm the nerves." She did often wonder what it was like to partake in such festivities. It was not something she would be blessed with, her upbringing in lower class meant she was subdued to a life of observation. Nevertheless, she watched, observing the life of the ton with fresh eyes. She envied it, in some ways, but understood it was a blessing to have her freedom. "Penny for your thoughts?"
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aveline-allaire · 3 years
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“How did the rest of your exams go ma petite cherie?”
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yesmrpotter · 4 years
Harry was tired. Beyond tired. If his wife ever actually followed her own advice and took some rest when she needed it, maybe he would do the same, but he couldn’t. Even with Ginny begging him to slow down, to stop blaming himself, to ease his anxiety and trust he was doing everything in his power to keep his family safe. It wasn’t everything in his power. Despite knowing it was never really a choice, if he did cancel the merge with the Muggle Police Force then potentially the threat would disappear. If only he was naïve enough to believe that. Letting out a huff of breath, he was more than ready to retreat to his office, but found himself distracted as the metal grate to the elevator opened to reveal two women very clearly arguing. One of them was his junior Auror, Leah. An incredibly trustworthy worker. The other was somebody he recognised due to her ties to the Lestrange family. She worked as an Unspeakable, and that was just about everything he had on her. A frown creasing his brow, he stepped into the hall in time to hear Beatrice demand to speak to a manager. He guessed that was technically him. So begrudgingly, and with as much feigned energy as he could muster, he moved to interrupt the conversation. “That would be me.” He said to Beatrice. “If you have an issue, I would be more than willing to discuss this in my office?” It maybe wasn’t professional, but this struck him as a decent opportunity to gauge her loyalty, to perhaps discover whether she shared her family’s views on blood purity. “If you have the time to spare.” @beatrice-lestrange​
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phoenix-castillo · 5 years
The sun shone strongly through the trees as Phoenix trekked through the woods. It was finally getting cool in Wisconsin, but she was doing fine without a jacket for now. She was wearing however her cool new hiking boots. When she reached a stream, she sat down on a boulder nearby to let her feet rest for a minute and enjoy the stream. The last time she overworked a pair of shoes before wearing them in, she had blisters for weeks. 
Phoenix leaned back on the boulder for a minute and closed her eyes with her head tilted back, enjoying the sun that was filtering through the gap of the creek. When she opened her eyes, she was no longer alone at the creek. Phoenix smiled as she recognized the newcomer. “Hi Bea!” she yelled, not sure if the other had seen her yet or not. “I see you found my new spot.” 
She and Bea had first met in the woods, and only there except one time when Bea checked her out for concessions at the movies. Otherwise, Phoenix might have been convinced that the other girl was some sort of forest spirit for how much time she spent there and how much she seemed to be attuned to nature, despite Beatrice’s claims that she was a student at UWE too. Phoenix really liked the girl, who was very nice and shared her love of exploring these woods. 
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megedonnelly · 5 years
➹ + luna blaise
send me a ➹ and a fc ;; i’ll create a character on the spot !!!
Beatrice Evelyn Darlington had many nicknames during the course of her seventeen years. Bee, Bea, Evie, Lyn, Darling... But the one that seemed to fit her the most was 'the spare'. After all, that was her birthright. Born into royalty with her parents being the current ruling monarchs, her older brother was the child her parents truly wanted - their legacy. Beatrice, on the other hand, had the privilege of growing up knowing she was nothing more than an insurance policy. The 'back-up' if something dreadful was to happen to her brother. Her friends had told her countless times over the years that they were jealous of her, and she couldn't blame them. Growing up in a palace, having staff tend to your needs, being given everything your little heart desires - it was everyone's dream. Everyone's except Beatrice's that is. All she yearned for, was the chance to be 'normal'. To get to leave her home, without worrying every minor action could be a blemish on her family's spotless reputation. To get dirty, without worrying she would ruin some needlessly expensive gown her mother insisted she wear. To be like everyone else her age. Beatrice simply didn't possess the bravery needed to stand up to her family, and demand she be given some freedom from the life she never chose.
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PM: I trust you saw the princess' announcement.
PM: Yes. Was this a bipartisan decision between the crown and Lord Montague or did she force his hand?
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dashxrichards · 6 years
“¡Venga! ¡Baila conmigo!” había empezado a sonar un buen remix de Breaking Free de HSM y el rubio no pudo evitar adueñarse de la mano ajena en cuanto la reconoció al pasar a su lado. “We’re breaking free! We’re soaring, flying! There’s not a star in heavin that we can’t reach” [ @beatcross ]
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pietrouccello · 4 years
@fulguritte (Beatrice von Lidenbrock)
It takes Pietro longer than expected to find the regent’s address. The streets of this city are alien to him, entirely nightmarish. The buildings are metal fingers, impossibly, tall, reaching towards the sky like a thousand towers of Babel. Iron demons with wheels rampage along the streets, making safe travel an impossibility. They terrify him. And in his terror, Pietro forgets his directions. He wanders the streets half-mad for fifteen minutes, murmuring the address like a prayer. Encircling the streets, he becomes consumed by his babbling. So consumed, in fact, that he does not realize he had arrived on the correct street until the third time passing it. Now he stands on the doorstep. He knocks, and winces as he realizes how late he is. As he waits, he pulls out a wine bottle, filled with blood. The scent is intoxicating; like iron, but sweeter. A gift of gratitude, now transformed into a gift of apologies.
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lunarchld · 6 years
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Email: I expect your attendance at the Capulet Estate at 10am on Tuesday. Do not be late.
My Lady,
To what I owe my attendance?
Is something the matter?
Yours Truly,Lilith Aurora Capulet
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lunarchld · 7 years
be honest bea, why did you write the article even when you didn't want it published?
“I wrote it when I did want it published. It was an ongoing thing... I didn’t just write it all in one night or something... It was my job to do it and I was trying my god damn hardest to get off the fifth page of the fucking paper.” She took a breath, trying to keep herself from getting worked up. “They didn’t tell me they were going to publish it when they did. I was caught just as off guard as everyone else was, okay? And I hadn’t written anything new for weeks. Not after I realized that I actually had feelings for him. I didn’t mean for it to get published.” 
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PM: Remind me when I put you in charge of family affairs.
PM: I’m sorry?
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Absence; Beatric + Bellatrix
“Have you failed to notice a rather important person is conspicuously absent, Beatrice?” Bellatrix yanks on a swath of the blonde’s hair to insist on the girl’s attention.
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dashxrichards · 6 years
[ @beatcross ] FLASHBACK 
¿Quien le había dicho que Bedford no era complicado? Ah si...él mismo. ¡Y ahora estaba batallando para encontrar su clase en esos pasillos enormes! Ni si quiera sabía si estaba en el piso correcto, ¿donde se encontraban los laboratorios? Bueno, que mas da, llegaría tarde a su primer día. Al doblar en otro pasillo el rubio se detuvo rubio se detuvo y se rascó la cabeza, intercalando la mirada entre el papel que traía con su horario y las aulas. Estaba perdido. “¡Hey!” Llamó a la única persona que pareció ver al otro lado del pasillo. “¿También estas teniendo problemas?” se rió levemente. “No encuentro los laboratorios, ¿tienes alguna idea de donde podrían estar?”
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lunarchld · 7 years
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