jaxonfrchld · 1 year
˙ ˖ ✶ Brandon
"Hey, you doing alright for this wedding season, seeing as it's pretty obvious you're very much in love with candy bar boy," @thebrandxnharris
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skylarowcns · 3 years
BRANDON’S APARTMENT July 2nd w/ @branshapiro​
Skylar glanced down at the crossword puzzle in front of her, holding the pen in her hand. “Hmm?” She hummed as she raised her eyes up to look at Brandon who was sitting across from her. “I’m not sure what you said... I’ve been trying to figure out N.C’s state group... like what the hell does that even mean?” She laughed as she lifted her head up to look at the male in front of her, giving him a small smile. If she had been honest, the reason she had been sitting across from him instead of in her apartment because she was tired of sitting in the empty apartment, replying the scene that happened in her living room and she knew if she kept sitting on the couch she was going to bury herself. It seemed that since Summer Palooza, the blonde hadn’t been able to keep her head above water and that’s what she was desperate for... a life raft to keep her from drowning.
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endlessdrifter · 4 years
That was the third disappearance ever since he and Samuel teamed up. How on earth did they cross each other’s path was still a mystery to him, but even now he could feel the other’s magic calling to him, like a beacon. And they weren’t even that far apart. There must’ve been some sort of affinity to their power or something, he thought, which would be something for him to look into once they’ve figured out the case at hand.
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“Hey Sam, look,” he called to the other for him to come. “Here’s another trace of magic,” he pointed out at one of the corners of the warehouse. The spell their culprit was using to abduct people had been clearly cast there.
“And there are tracks... 2 pair of feet came here, but it looks like only one left...”
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scarlopez · 5 years
txt ; father of the twins
SCAR: The twins made you something for Father's day.
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Finds himself crawling into Brandon’s bed that night instead of staying in James’ bed. Snuggling in close to his best friend with a small yawn. For some reason he couldn’t sleep after everything that had happened in the last month he wasn’t sure what was causing his insomnia but he was more than certain it was his dad.
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reallifehqgossip · 5 years
Any couples that you're dying to possibly see around here?
“Couples that I am DYING to see? Can I just list random names in sets of two and see what happens? That’s what I’m going to do. I want to see Val and Olly, Quentin and Gigi, Dylan and Evie, Dexter and myself, Edu and Stella, Kendall and Brandon, Josie and Kelan, Avery and Mickey, Siobhan and Max. Good luck with that. If you want answers that make sense come to me with couples and I’ll tell you if they’re hot or not.” 
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brandonferro replied to your post: Food, huh?
Beer would totes be better. Though, ain’t gonna say no to a few things to munch on.
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vagabond-vienna · 5 years
{starter with @brandsegal​}
It had been too long since Vienna had gotten a tattoo. Nearly a year and a half to be exact. And although that tattoo had been given to her at a tattoo studio more than 5,000 miles away, it wasn’t much unlike the studio she now found herself walking into: Vices. At least this time she could speak the native language. That helped. 
The soft and oddly calming buzz of a tattoo machine greeted Vienna as she walked casually into the shop, an oversized hoodie falling lazily off one of her shoulders. “Hello,” she called out in her sing-songy voice to no one in particular, walking up to the counter and leaning against it, waiting for someone to assist her. 
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romcnticism · 8 years
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“Oh, so now I’m not good enough for you?” It’s laughable, he supposes and he is doing his best to act as though that’s exactly what he perceives this to be; absolutely hilarious. That there’s no heart wrenching agony currently lingering deep within his chest; that he doesn’t want to crumble into a tearful mess on their floor, or beg them to reconsider. Of course not, he wasn’t one to fall hard for somebody and certainly not somebody taken, somebody who isn’t able to love him back. “You going to tell them about me?” He asks, with a smirk on his lips; doing his best to keep his gaze stuck upon their own, even if there’s an undeniable chance they will give all his secrets away. // @lonelyhovr
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sagiittvrius-blog · 7 years
“These are definitely not mine even though they ended up in my laundry.  You have great taste in underwear though,” he said, standing in front of the other person wearing nothing but the offending piece.  His hands covered his groin as the panties were a little too small.
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endlessdrifter · 4 years
La mansión de los Scryer podría ser su reino, pero los espesos bosques de Saguenay eran su verdadero refugio. Allí es donde Brandon se sentía realmente a gusto, lejos de las miradas inquisitivas y de las expectativas de sus padres, de sus tíos... Allí, en medio de la maleza y el silencio, es donde podía realmente ser él mismo.
Así, como le era costumbre, se fue a practicar su magia negra por su cuenta, a descansar del mundo, a aprovechar el hermoso día de comienzos de otoño para echarse desnudo a su río favorito. Claro que lo último que esperaba era encontrarse a otra persona allí, y mucho menos que fuera el instructor que llevaba los últimos días hablándoles de ciertas formas de sanación mágica.
Tuvo que volver al agua, dejando que le tapase hasta encima del ombligo... Aunque ya era demasiado tarde. Ya le habían visto todo.
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“... Es de mala educación aparecérsele así a la gente, señor Black,” saludó con un claro sonrojo y una voz titubeante.
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astaroberts-blog · 8 years
Asta threw her towel over her shoulder and flipped her music on. Thank god for Spotify at the gym, especially Spotify offline. No more burning through data like no tomorrow. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her gym buddy, at least the same person she generally ran into at this location. “Hey friend, what’s up? Haven’t seen you in a couple of days. How’s life?”
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scarlopez · 6 years
break up time ;; prv
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aj-writess-blog · 6 years
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tag drop for brandon walton
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Food, huh?
Well, this works out. I was thinking more along the lines of beer after the game. Food is Josh’s primary motivation. That I know of, anyway.
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