mcnstercus · 9 months
Dylan let out a huff of annoyance at the other. "Dude, seriously? I just helped you out of this situation like two seconds ago. How did you get back into this predicament?"
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austinnotorious · 2 months
Okay, so hear me out. Since we got these safaris to go on, with a guide and see all those lovely animals... How about we make this into some kind of game? We can list all of the animals that are supposedly running around here and then check of the ones we actually see when we're out there. You get a point for each one and if you manage to catch all of the big five, your points get doubled. You game? Loser has to do whatever the winner wants. @dylcnobrien
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wesxkennedy · 1 year
Location: Dylan's Residence People: @dylan-westwick
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Wesley was back in town and he had decided to check up on some few people. He had traveled back to Texas and helped out on his grandfather's ranch. The place had so much memory for the doctor and he wanted Ollie to experience that. He was not too surprised when he saw how much Ollie bonded with some of the animals especially one of the little foal. It made him smile and he had taken lots of pictures too.
Wesley at stopped at Dylan bringing a few things, especially a horse caving and some honey too. "How have you been?" he asked with a smile on his face as he placed things he had gotten for the other.
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louistcmmox · 1 month
Tell me, are you the type of guy to go on a bit of an adventure and explore these canyons that I've heard about or more the chill type that likes to sit on the beach with a nice, cold beer and just enjoy the views? Just asking as I feel like doing something but not sure what. If you got any ideas, i'm all ears. @obriiiens
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danicampbellx · 8 months
When am I going to see your face again in something new, Mr O'Brien? It's been ages since I followed Teen Wolf and I could use something new. Besides all that, how have you been? I feel like I've been out of it for a while, having been stuck on a nice vacation away from everything. @dylcbrien
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delphinehawthorne · 3 months
closed starter @ the hawthorne-goode residence with @dylanxgoode
Delphine sighed as she entered the kitchen, carrying the stress from another day of work with her. It's late - she'd been progressively coming home later and later as the days went on, and she wasn't sure if Dylan was even still awake.
Beginning to make herself a cup of tea, she heard footsteps and managed a small smile when Dylan came into a view. "Hey. Sorry, did I wake you?"
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mikeycliffcrd · 4 months
I got so excited to say my favorite nickname for you again but then a little voice in my head said I shouldn't because you might punch me so I stopped myself right on time. So bro, how have you been doing? We were both in France but seemed to have missed one another. What had been keeping you so busy? A lady perhaps? I do feel like a hangout is long overdue and I feel a bit Dylan deprived. @dylcns
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fabledglen · 5 months
Finally able to talk to the white boy of the century. Pretty stoked about this. Does that mean more movies will be coming out? Seems like ages since I saw your face on a screen. Something like The Internship would be good. Or American Assassin as you could also kick some major ass. Make sure to put in a good word for me too then as I feel like we could be a pretty awesome duo. @fableddylan
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hayleynotorious · 26 days
Dyl-pickle. I hope that you had the most magical birthday. And that you got the flowers I sent you. Cause everyone deserves flowers on their birthday. Hope that you enjoy the last year of your early 30s cause it's all downhill from here on out. Nah, I kid. About that last part, anyway. Luna wanted to sign your birthday card, so congrats - you got a handprint from her in it. How's everything been since London? @dylcnobrien
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nikolai-nctt · 3 years
Nikolai blanched under the attention of the adults in the room. He took a big gulp his champagne, making a face at the bitter taste. He perked up when he saw a familiar face across the foyer. “Excuse me,” he said, making his escape to Dylan’s side. “Oh, thank merlin you’re here. I hate these holiday parties, I only got here 30 minutes ago and I need a place to hide.”
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parkinsvns · 3 years
“Ah, my darling baby boy has finally come see his mother,” she said, her tone loft. “What? Do I have to beg for you to come see me all the time?” she said, as if she hadn’t just got back into town. “Have you reduced me to acting like your grandmother? You know she’s a witch, darling, and I’ll be damned if I become anything like her.”
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mcnstercus · 5 months
closed starter - dylan & maya ( @howmcnythings )
"I'm telling you that it wasn't me," Dylan said. "I literally just got here. You know, there's more than one dark-haired girl that exists." She crossed her arms. "And before you ask, I didn't see anything either."
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touchofsomething · 3 years
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Tony knew that this was all part of the job of being a rockstar. Sure, the music should be the most important thing, but people cared about more than just the songs you made.
“We need all demographics” his manager told him from behind the cameraman as two models walked up. One blonde with perky breasts that drew Tony’s attention right away and another who looked like he was just as confused as Tony was.
“She for me?” Tony asked.
“They’re for you” the manager corrected “we’ll do the whole sexually ambiguous thing, it really draws in the gays.
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wesxkennedy · 11 months
Starter for: @dylan-westwick
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"I am so glad that I got back at the right time if not, I would have missed Providence Halloween event," he said with a smile as he held a hot coco in his hands and smiled as he looked at Dylan. "I am sorry I keep disappearing and we have not had time to really hang out. Keep disappearing," he smiled taking a sip of his hot drink. "Ollie is currently doing fun stuff with his uncle and my uncle. So, any plans for what event you are interested in?"
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louistcmmox · 1 month
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you miss Malibu right now? I just missing chilling on the beach, having a fun smoke and just watch the sunset. It was so relaxing and it's something I normally can't do all that often. Now it's back to the real world, back to the busy festival life. What are you up to next? Or still having a bit of a break? @obriiiens
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bakerxleo · 3 years
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  “I am here,” Leo said with a smile on his face has he closed the door behind him. Leo had been so busy and was worried about his friend and so decided to bring him tons of baked goods. Some where normal and regular, while some were all boozyed up. Leo always liked making people smile and laugh, people often told him that his baked goods where good at cheering people up. “I made your favorite,” he added placing it down and giving his friend a hug. @dylanesposito​
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