reefinanddrinkin · 7 months
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There was a knock at the door. "I'm coming!" Nick yelled out. He thought it was his landlord. When he opened the door a girl was standing there. "Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else." Nick apologized. He wasn't going to have his rent money until the end of the weekend.
"Robin right?" He let her inside. Shutting the door behind him. "Chrissy will be a minute. "I'm Nick." The girl seemed nervous. Suppose getting yelled at on accident would do that. "Do you want a pop or something? I think I got pepsi."
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usermischief · 1 year
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@giftober 2023 | Day 11: Pink
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unlostx · 3 years
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Robin was sitting down beside the other they had just been talking and sipping drinks when it happened, she paused looking at the blackness and instantly reaching for their hand squeezing it before realizing what she was doing, she pulled it back whispering “Sorry I just got scared I didn’t mean to just grab your hand like that.” she placed her hands in her lap so she wouldn’t do it against looking at the pure darkness of the block party that was just filled with lights, it looked so weird “It’s sad that the power is gone it looks so weird now almost like a ghost town, I wonder if it will come back or if it’s going to be out the whole night.” 
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sinfulhymns · 3 years
@diiatribes @drnkdazed​ 
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Robin wasn’t sure if it was the wine from dinner making her more honest and bold, or where this idea came from but it was obvious she was excited when she looked over at the other her eyes shining at the prospect. Robin  took a swig of the wine handing it to the other nudging it towards them to take a sip “We’ve both had an extremely stressful week, and it’s our one night not having to worry about anything but each other, no work or stress talk allowed , we’re going to have fun.” She hummed a bit as she swayed a bit to the song playing in her head, her eyes locked on the stars “I just, sometimes I like coming out here you know? which is why I dragged you out of bed so late, because I want to be like those cheesy romance movies, and I want to dance barefoot to the beat of a song you hum in my ear, I just….would like that very much if you slow danced with me right now and held me, would you do that for me please?”
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dolly-nova · 4 years
Mako woke up alone, to the smell of salt. It took half a breath before he could feel the ache creeping down his left arm. It wasn’t nearly as bad as when he’d first been stung, but looking down, he was sure he’d seen mangled fish in better shape than his arm. When he tried to roll over, something poked into his back and he quickly scrambled to the side. It was just a box, the kind he’d seen delivered to tributes in the past. His stomach hoped it was food, but he knew the cream inside was better. And it made for an idea pun that brought a smile to his chapped lips.
It looked as if the sun might set soon, and Mako knew he should leave before the darkness and high tide took over. The water already seemed to be rising. There was a strange crackling sound, but he wondered if that was just what it sounded like on the ocean floor to hear the water rising. Slowly, he pushed himself up, slathered on the cream, and took off at a leisurely pace. He wanted to rush, but he was hungry and thirsty and a little light-headed. His chest was starting to ache, probably a result of sleeping with his mouth open and coming close to drowning.
Drowning like Edie. 
He paused and bent over, feeling as if he was about to wretch as the ache in his chest grew more painful. He tried to take a deep breath, but it felt like a knife dragging along the inside of his lungs. What the fuck was happening? He’d never experienced this before, not even after Anchor. He rubbed at his face, letting out a groan as he stood back up straight. He kept trying to take a deep breath, but his chest continued to ache. In the distance, he saw a ship. It was large, much bigger than the one and Zeppelin crashed. 
“Zepp, you here?!” he called. No thoughts crossed his mind of being discrete. He watched as a raccoon boarded the ship, and the water began to break past the walls of the tunnel. He should’ve been scared, but he wasn’t. His chest already hurt with each inhale, he was probably already drowning. He might as well drown surrounded by water. “Zepp!” he called again, pushing off the ground to as he pushed an arm out, as if to swim.
He hit the ground hard. Had he belly-flopped? Apparently, that was what it felt like. And he’d sunk right to the ocean floor again. On the ground, on his stomach, hit chest hurt just a little less. He reached his hand up next to his head, digging his fingers into the sand and raking it back. The mound of sand that formed turn into a foot. Was it Zeppelin’s foot?
Mako blinked. It was dark. The sun apparently blinked, too. 
A wave was coming. Where was his surfboard? There was still that ship, in a light lavender color, like that cake Kai showed him. Was the ship...made...of...cake?
Mako was hungry, so he’d eat the wave that was coming. He stood back up, in awe of how easy it was to walk through the water now. He kept walking toward the wave, reaching out when he finally caught sight of something colorful in the water. It was a piece of driftwood, with candy growing on it. Serendipity. His mother loved that word.
The jellyfish were back, but they were nice now. Bigger than he remembered, and less bright. He stuck his arm into the wave to grab the candy off the driftwood. It was apparently some sort of hot, freshly made candy. It burned as he touched it, burned right through his skin as it cut through his palm. 
He managed to get to the other side of the ship before the pain was too much to stand - literally. He fell. A back flop this time, right down to the ocean floor again. It knocked the wind out of him, but what did it matter? His veins felt like they were calcifying and spearing his through his bones and skins. Calcifying, serendipity, his mother would be so proud of the language crossing his mind. His teachers certainly wouldn’t believe it.
There was a noise, but he was in too much pain to move. The jellyfish were coming to bring him more cream. That was all he needed, some cream to soothe the pain. Maybe some of that weird alcohol he’d taken a sip of from the lounge where he saw the kid from Nine. Just two killers enjoying a drink before they went to die. All they were missing were some cigars, right?
Had he been crying this whole time? Probably. What a guppy he probably looked like. 
“H-How...emb-b-barrassing,” he tried to say when he noticed a shadow to the side of him. He couldn’t even hear if he said anything, the blood was rushing too loudly in his ears. He couldn’t even turn his head without wanting to scream from a throat that wouldn’t let him. Damn it, this was so much more painful than drowning.
Had the jellyfish done this? Probably, they’d been out to get him from the start. He really hoped he wasn’t dead. “I’m g-g-g-onna-AGH!!!! I’m...saying something,” he spoke through lips he couldn’t quite feel anymore. He had to pause to groan, to scream, to convulse in pain that only brought more pain. What the heck had these jellies done to him? “H-hey, hey,” he rasped out, curled up on his side and trying to look at the creature who’d approached. The tears in his eyes blurred the hallucination even more. “Knockkno-ugh!!!!! Guess who’s...who’s there.”
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xavierpak · 4 years
Xavier had just received a stern talking-to at his previous meeting, so you might even forgive him for the sour look on his face. Hands shoved into his pockets, his trusty resting bitch face making sure no one thought about approaching him, he walked down the hall towards the elevator - just to see Robin standing there as he turned the corner. Even with how spacious the Masters’ hallways were, Xav soon realized there was no way to avoid the two of them meeting. 
It wasn't that he didn't like Robin or couldn't stand his company, quite the opposite - Robin was one of the few people Xav got along with, as well as one of the few people who openly supported his modeling career and encouraged him to do well. How the hell was he supposed to look him in the eye and tell him he lost the YSL deal? He'd ask about France, no doubt. With a small sigh, he neared the other man, forcing a smile onto his face, "Hey, what's up?"
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marionlocksley · 5 years
The house was quiet. Everyone was in bed, the kitchen was clean, laundry put away, everything was done. Marion smiled at her handy work and finally sat down on her bed with a happy sigh. Her eyes grew heavy with sleep and she she started to drift in and out until she heard the door open. She was more then sure it was one of the kids so she sat up ready to tackle whatever they needed but to her surprise and joy it was her husband. She smiled sleepily at him and got up to greet him. “Love.” her voice was quiet but excited. Wrapping her arms around him she sighed leaning against his chest. “For some reason I thought you’d be home later.”
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@mcrningglcw​ for robin
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eleanorvankamp · 5 years
text mssg 📲 robin
el: hey you
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explosivedanes-blog · 5 years
“You need to find a way out of here.” Andrew told her, knowledge of the bomb having travelled a little by now. “Or get to a safe part of the building.” 
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slytherdrew · 6 years
Andrew walked into the bar first, reaching out a hand for Robin to take. He knew she hadn’t left the house since the attack and honestly, he was worried for her. The blond had witnessed first hand how bad things could get for her, and he worried about her going to that place again. He offered her a smile, hand still extended. “We’ll just have some fun, okay?” He met her gaze. “And I'll be here.” 
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lexiecallisto-blog · 6 years
Um telemóvel apareceu de repente em frente de Robin, segurado por Lexie. Nele, uma foto ocupava o ecrã, e por trás dele, a jovem sorria como uma criança no Natal "Você, eu, e mais alguém, Meninas Malvadas na Deja Vu depois de amanhã. What do you say?" 
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dirtydcsecrets · 7 years
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“Let's admit it, every girl who watched the original Teen Titans cartoon wanted some Robin.”
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unlostx · 3 years
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Robin was currently pulling the other by their hands giggling softly it was obvious the shots were getting to her but she wanted to get the other alone because the crowd of people was getting to her, and selfishly she wanted them to herself for a little while, she pulled them away from the block party stopping and looking up at the sky and actually pouted before looking back at them “How is this fair I wanted to make an excuse that I wanted to look at the stars with you, but now I just look silly the stars have betrayed my trust.”
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sinfulhymns · 3 years
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Robin was just sitting on the couch watching her comfort movie, not for any reason in particular it just felt like the night to watch Stardust, she took a sip of wine placing it down on the side table when she noticed the front door opened, and she knew just from his body language there was something off with her roommate, and the fact that he didn’t loudly greet her was another sign. As he took off his shoes she waved him over “Come on and sit with you came at the best part of the movie and I’d rather not watch it alone.” of course it was a lie, but it was an excuse to get Steve to sit with her and not hide away in his room. He reluctantly joined her on the couch flopping down to lay beside her, she scooted a bit closer picking up his head in her lap, she kept looking at the screen for a bit mindlessly playing with his hair before finally looking down at him noticing he wasn’t even looking at the screen just looking up at the ceiling. She sighed softly pushing his hair from his forehead just looking at him “Do you want to talk about whatever going on in your head or would you rather me try and distract you from it? And don’t say it’s nothing I know you better than that, I can see the wheels turning in your head something is off, you can lean on me you know that, let me help you.” 
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mvlans · 5 years
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make me choose: @tonyinacan asked steve or robin
I can't believe I'm gonna die in a secret Russian base with Steve 'The Hair' Harrington
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xavierpak · 4 years
During the course of the past two weeks, Xavier’s met quite a few intriguing characters roaming the halls of Masters, none quite as intriguing as the pretty French boy he met on his very first day. That bone structure, that accent... What more could a man want? Some attention, for one. Good thing Xavier always found a way to get himself some.
He was just taking a walk through Central Park when he realized the Masters building was only a couple of minutes away - as was the end of the workday. With a mischievous flare to his step, he headed towards the all too familiar skyscraper, a smirk on his face. With little luck, he just might end up ‘accidentally’ running into that cute french intern on his way home from work. 
After a couple of minutes spent sitting on one of the benches in front of the Masters’ entrance, a familiar face caught his attention. “Hey - beau gosse!” he had absolutely no idea if the little French he retained from high school was right, but he sure did say it with confidence, “It’s Robin, right?” a couple of quick steps and he caught up with him, “what a coincidence, running into you here. Done with work for the day?”
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