@scarletttravers​ send  [ ruffle ] para que tu personaje despeine al mío.
—Oye no hagas eso— expresó bastante serio mientras observaba a su prima y trataba de acomodar nuevamente su cabello —Tenemos que mantener una buena imagen recuerdas—
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domcorderio · 4 years
It was foolish for Dominic to think that, despite their undeniable chemistry and the fact were expecting a baby together, he knew everything there was to know about Scarlett Sinclair. Sure, he knew her answer to the age-old waffles vs pancakes debate and the things that made her laugh when she was upset, but after the event, it was clear there was so much more to unearth than he’d ever expected.
Chaos followed after every revelation from the Peacher. Chaos followed people back home, affected their work-life, and made them the talk of the town for weeks to come. And though it was inevitable that people were going to talk, that they were going to whisper the second she walked in or out of the room, Dom water to be there for her no matter what. Or, as much as she would let him.
It was later in the evening after all the chaos from the BBQ had dissipated and vendors had gone home. Dominic had just hopped out of the shower, larger to get the lingering stench of bbq smoke out of his hair and off his clothes, and made himself comfortable on her couch. “Come sit with me,“ he said quietly, arms wide and reaching out for her. @so-scarlettsinclair​
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mudblood-benjy · 4 years
@scarletttravers​ said:  “Estoy empezando a creer que quizá eres gay.”
—No lo soy, pero no si lo fuera tampoco habría nada de malo— expresó el chico con seriedad
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queenzephyr · 4 years
@scarletttravers​ said:  “Hey, perdón por llegar tarde, no quería venir.”
—Oh eso sin duda pondrá muy triste a Malfoy, ya que quería a las mejores chicas de la comunidad en esta fiesta— expresó en aquel tono prepotente 
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ed-brown · 4 years
@scarletttravers​ said:  “i talk shit with my friends”
—De la gente como tu no me extraña nada en que hablen mas de todos— era una costumbre de los puristas y una de las que más despreciaba
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andreahuts · 4 years
txxt 📥 scar
ANDREA: How's my hard working babe?
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gudgeongirl · 4 years
@scarletttravers​ said:  “there goes the maddest man/woman this town has ever seen”
—¿A quien te refieres exactamente Scarlett?— preguntó la chica bastante seria 
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flongbottom · 4 years
@scarletttravers​ said:  “at least i’m trying”
—¿A que te refieres con eso Scarlett? ¿que es lo que estas intentando?— preguntó el chico con curiosidad 
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aubrey-bert · 4 years
@scarletttravers​ said:  “Oh, no… Eres sexy.”
Bertram no tardó en notar el sarcasmo en la voz de la chica, por lo que pensó  que era mejor no decir nada
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writingail · 4 years
Grocery shopping was once a mindless task, one he powered through in less than twenty minutes and wouldn’t have to tackle for another week. But now, with his picky 6 year old staying at his place every few days and snacking like his life depended on it, Leo was stuck perusing the isles for far too long. The truth was, he read every label on the snacks he bought Lian. He didn’t have any allergies which he was immensely thankful for, but as a a former food columnists baby daddy, he was very careful about what he gave their son.
Leo had just picked up a box of bright coloured cereal he recognized from his childhood when he read the nutrition label on the side. “Is it even legal to give kids this much sugar?” He asked the person next to him. “I mean, I ate this as a kid and it was great, but it just seems excessive.” @so-scarlettsinclair​
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lonestxrr · 5 years
@gxldlxghts​ ​ X EVENT. closed. — scarlett. location: pear orchard, dusk, about an awkward hour and a half into their date
With his insides feeling like a small box holding about a hundred anxious crickets, it was difficult to tell if he would he have been more or less nervous with a complete stranger. What should only have been a bit of good fun---him entering the auction at the subtle behest of his employers as a way for the farm participate in the festival---took a turn and became surreal. Poor Casey, trying his best in the suit and tie he’d gotten specifically for this once he knew who he’d be escorting, wasn’t sure where to go from here: both the fork in the pathway through the orchard, and the conversation which had come to a lull. Jesus, was he doing this right?
Casey cleared his throat. “Y’know, I appreciate you biddin’ and all that, but you didn’t have to just for my sake.” As he spoke in the low light of the late afternoon, the string lights that had been placed through the trees at the beginning of the festival sparked on. While beautiful, the sickeningly romantic nature of it all only made it more difficult for him to speak. “Though, uh, it was nice seein’ your name when they gave me the thingy tellin’ me who won.” 
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@scarletttravers​ send:  [ sing ] — tu personaje atrapa al mío cantando su canción favorita y usando un cepillo como micrófono.
—Bueno ahora sabemos cual es uno de tus talentos— expresó sin sarcasmo mientras observaba a su prima, sabía que tenía que tratarla mejor para poder proteger a Ellie y a su hija
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domcorderio · 4 years
“You are an angel. Has anyone ever told you that? I mean it. A real life angel with fluffy wings, big white bathrobe and a halo,” Dominic said, words tumbling out of his mouth so fast he could barely formulate a coherent sentence. It was 11:15, relatively early for a busy night at The Graveyard. Normally he’d be first to volunteer to close, to pick up the last few tables and hang out with the campers in hopes of leaving with a fat tip-out at the end of the night. However, after Scarletts worrisome text messages, the last thing he could focus on was listing the beers they had on tap, or explaining what a Shirley temple was to the woman who was watching her calories and didn’t drink alcohol.
After wrapping up at the Graveyard, Dominic hopped in his car and made a quick pit-stop at the Peach Hollows pharmacy. Pregnancy tests, pregnancy tests, he repeated in his head, eyes scanning the stocked shelves for the rectangular boxes that would seal their fate. Dom passed the shelves adorned with every variety of condom available, from ribbed to flavoured, and let out a dark chuckle. It would’ve taken a few seconds to pop one of those rubber cages on, but alas, the pull-out method had proven a strong option for the last 8 years. After picking out 3 tests labelled the ‘#1 brand in America,’ Gravol and snacks, Dom hopped back in his car and zipped through Peach Hollows towards Tangerine Towers.
Period are late all the time. So what if Scar’s is two weeks late? My ex-girlfriend used to go months at a time without one. Some of the ladies at The Graveyard probably don’y begin their cycle n the same day and at the same time every month either. This is all normal, he said to himself, doing his best to keep calm until they knew for sure. It was easy to laugh and joke about their hypothetical big, brown eye’d children in the comforts of his car while the warm Georgia wind whipped through their hair. It was easy to get lost in thoughts about the animals they’d adopt of the sports they’d play growing up. And it was so unbelievably easy to do the thing that would produce children with Scarlett. But now that they were both in a situation where these ideas weren’t simply ideas but strong possibilities, the once overwhelming feeling of excitement was slowly taken over by a feeling of unease.
Before long, Dominic found himself inside her apartment and walked over her tiny bathroom where he found Scarlett sitting on the floor. He settled down behind her her, his long legs stretching out on either side of her body and kissed the top of her head. “You okay?” He asked quietly, as if trying to keep the words between them. @so-scarlettsinclair​
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mudblood-benjy · 4 years
@scarletttravers​ said:  “Cantas horrible.”
—¿realmente crees que me importa ya lo que pienses?— expresó con algo de seriedad mientras observaba a la contraria
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kashmcney · 5 years
@gxldlxghts​​ X closed. — scarlett.
“Fuck’s sake,” Sonny breathed. 
“How do I have something deleted from TikTok?” On the screen of his phone is a smaller version of himself screaming into an even smaller phone while a song he was too old to know played over it. Kitten ears and some whiskers finished off the 10 second clip. “Jack’s done it again.” 
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aoife--moran · 5 years
Aoife yawned as she jostled the pram containing her month old twins. They were sleeping for now, but the minute she stopped moving them it was likely that one or the other would wake up. Smiling as she saw the other new mother enter the cafe, she waved a little. It was nice to have another new mum to talk to and Aoife was grateful to have met Scarlett after the twins were born. “How are you?” she asked as the other woman took a seat, carrying her own babe in tow.  @scarlettrhcdes​
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