where: the hog's head. who: open.
There needed to be better quality pubs. There was no way in hell Rodolphus would be caught at the Three Broomsticks -- child's play. And the Leaky Cauldron built as a place built between the "two worlds" -- he'd rather vomit. That didn't leave much which is what led him to the Hog's Head. It was disgusting but at least he could get his drink. "Scotch on the rocks."
He tilted his head upward as he walked in to his booth which was already occupied. He stood straight up looking down at the occupant without two words. He shifted his head to the other side, his piercing blue eyes creeping into the others'. Finally the patron cowered and slipped from the seat. Rodolphus cleared his throat and sat with a smirk on his face. "Never gets old," he said to himself as Aberforth brought him his scotch. "Good man," he said as he raised his glass.
He stretched his arms in the air and cracked his neck creating a resounding sound. Unfortunately it seemed the noise was meant for dogs to hear as someone approached him. He swigged his scotch waiting. Just waiting.
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alliecarrow · 1 year
WHO : open WHEN : friday july 10th, 1982, late evening / dusk WHERE : diagon alley (corner of knockturn alley)
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alecto hated days like today, for no reason other than the boredom that always seemed to set in so much quicker. amycus had left for a business trip, and she had been told rather directly not to come in to work over the weekend, which left her with too much time on her hands for her own good — or the good of anyone else, if she was honest. in a halfhearted attempt to keep from causing too much trouble she had decided to wander diagon alley in search of some tiny bit of entertainment, which had led to her standing on the corner of knockturn alley, still debating on if she needed anything from the shadier side of town.
"ten galleons says it rains tonight." in spite of hearing the footsteps drawing close she isn't even entirely certain on who she's speaking to, eyes locked on a single slow-drifting wisp of a cloud. she was fairly certain, however, that it's going to rain within the hour. finally turning her attention to the newest passerby she offered a slight grin. "call it a hunch."
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swearwolfx-archive · 1 year
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Where: Back alley near Gringotts Who: @mighty-prongs
Remus was still on an adrenaline high when he noticed the blood staining his clothes barely remembering how it had happened. Lily’s necklace had saved him from worse injury having clashed with several of the death eaters but spending the longest with Snape. Many of the wounds that were inflicted may have come from him, something that made him angrier than it should have. The aurors had begun rounding people up, but he didn’t see Sirius or Bellatrix and had snuck out to the alley hoping to find him there. He ran down the alley to the shadowed area looking for James or Sirius where they had agreed to meet up. None of them would leave without making sure the others were alright and failing to show up to the meeting place meant something was wrong.
He heard footsteps and had his wand at the ready to attack if necessary but as the figure came closer he realized with relief it was James. “Prongs,” he breathed, a sigh of relief. “You made it.” James didn’t look too bad a bit banged up but he couldn’t see any major injuries. “Did you see Padfoot? I lost track of him in the bank…” he trailed off having a bad feeling that he wasn’t here by now. There was a commotion at the end of the alley where it let out to the street and he saw Sirius being led away and he had to stop himself from going after him from more of their members being caught and questioned wasn’t what they needed. Remus uttered a curse under his breath. He hated it though it felt disloyal to just stand by and let him go. Shaking his head he told himself there was nothing he could do for Sirius right now, they would wait for word and meet him at the Ministry to get him out. After all, they couldn’t just go directly there or their involvement would be clear, they had to wait to be notified he had been arrested.
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mighty-prongs · 1 year
The most important event on James career was happening and James got to be a part of it. It felt somewhat bittersweet, the fact that he would be participating in the World Cup but not as a player made him ponder about his life, his found job and the war. And what would he would like to go carrying on after everything was over.
However, he didn’t want to worry while he was supposed to be celebrating. He put his million thoughts aside and took a swing from his butterbeer and smiled to the person sitting next to him, “Shame Ireland is not making it to the final, innit?” 
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halfblxxdprinc3 · 1 year
On The Threshold
who: open where: the hopping pot / diagon alley when: may 2nd, 1982
Those who wore their hearts proudly on their sleeves were considered fools in Severus’ mind. Those who could not control their emotions; were easily provoked; wallowed in painful memories. It made it all the easier to twist and contort the mind. Especially in dark times such as the one Severus found himself smack-dab in the middle, now.  In times where a powerful, dark wizard has a tight grip on many fates. Including his own.
‘I don’t need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!’
His own words echoed in his mind, but had to quickly push them out. Severus would not let himself be weak. As if out of a daze, the young man shook his head and memory from his mind and noticed one of his journals open on the table. The page itself, had spinets of sentences; unable to be complete; the whole page rendered incoherent. Gulping, his eyes flickered towards his hot toddy, still being stirred by the spoon he had cast a small spell on, and closed the little book. He only looked up when he felt a presence near him.
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fauvehoof · 1 year
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ Open Starter ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ 
Mid January, 1982
St. Mungo’s
Lily paced around her hospital room in small, wavering lines, trying to be as quiet as possible. If the mediwix found her out of bed, again, she’d never hear the end of it, but they didn’t seem to realize how much they were asking of her when they said “sit still”.
She knew that the cocktail of potions she was regularly receiving just to keep her calm and without pain was messing with her balance, but it didn’t matter- she wanted to move. Lily wanted to help herself to the window, to the neighboring patients, to the one mediwix she kept pestering for potion opinions, even as they chided her for being away from bed. She wanted to see what she felt like seeing, and go where she felt like going- because she could. Because she was free to.
With a wince, Lily’s eyes widened as she heard someone walking down the corridor, approaching her room. If it hadn’t been for the potions- the sound would have sent her into a panic attack, but for now Lily’s biggest concern was not getting caught out of bed.
With a breath of relief, Lily eased herself into her bed, victorious. She couldn’t watch the silhouette fill the door way- that was still too much, but Lily just kept her eyes down, waiting for her guest to reveal themselves.
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admelicra · 1 year
꒰  🌼  ꒱    —     𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓   ﹕ @anyone  .
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it was universally known that the only thing holding the wixen world together — if one could even say it was being held together, which in itself was highly debatable — was the pretence of high society and decency, which was precisely why amaline found herself taking a solitary stroll through carkitt market, taking in the steadily growing crowds. she couldn't complain, she always enjoyed people watching and taking in the things that still excited those on the outskirts of the war — if it meant she did her husband's image a favour, and tried to overhear a conversation or two… well. amaline selwyn ( née vance ) was nothing if not a practical woman. while she made no purchases, she walked and perused different shops, hummed and ahed at whatever seemed pretty, offered polite smiles at the people behind the counters, and waved at babbling babies. all in all, she could've done quite a lot worse, and she was almost satisfied with her friday when a familiar face forced her hand — it would hardly be polite to not approach them, after all, and so she did. "the shops are quite quaint, aren't they? i've done the rounds twice by now, i believe."
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tptcnks · 1 year
| where : atrium at the ministry of magic | who: open 
“buggering shit blast damn” Ted watched as one of the pages from the most recent chapter of his report flew from the stacks of his spilled paperwork, floating so elegently into the floo of a random ministry worker, someone that he both could not track down, but now was in posession of any number of theories that he was currently working on. He could already see the hours of work it would take to source the mistake, and felt himself deflate. 
It was one of those days, and unfortunately one of those days happened far too often for Ted’s liking. He could never just stumble along and find a big stack of galleons in the middle of the road, could he? It always had to be a near disaster moment, threatening his peace of mind at every turn. He turned to scoop up the rest of his paperwork when yet another rogue page went flying. “Excuse me! Excuse me, please snag that!” before I have a complete breakdown in front of the entire ministry. 
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dianazabini · 1 year
Where: The Leaky Cauldron Who: Open
The heat was ungodly and no cooling charm could make Madame Malkin's any less stuffy or oppressive, leading its occupants to close up early for the day and seek respite. Diana wiped a bead of sweat from where it was forming on her brow as she made her way down Diagon, smiling occasionally as she saw someone she recognized. After leading a few mostly secluded years of "mourning", the sun on her skin felt like an old friend laying its hand on her and leading her to the Leaky for a cold drink.
She ducked into the pub and took a seat at the bar, ordering her drink and resting her head on her hand. When it arrived, she took a sip... And promptly choked.
"Right," she muttered. "I don't think that's pumpkin juice."
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chasingharpy · 2 years
@fauvehoof wanted a starter
Rolanda hunched against the blowing wind as she moved between stops, pulling her cloak tighter around her form as she did so, the wind tossing around her blonde hair. The dull, phantom ache from her shoulder let her know that she'd likely be feeling it more in the morning as she ducked out of the wind and into a shop, carding her fingers through her hair to tame it into something no longer resembling a bird's nest.
Her eyes flicked around the bar briefly before landing on familiar red hair as she found herself smirking slightly as she walked over intending to simply greet a former student, even one she never actually taught herself.
"Miss Ev...well, Mrs. Potter. I didn't expect to find you here," she noted idly as she slipped her cloak from her shoulders, gold eyes flicking around, "No problematic shadow today?"
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caitrionaebing · 2 years
when: 27 January 1982 where: the ‘Holiday with Hags’ book launch party who: Caitriona and @benjyxfenwick​ 
Caitriona was beginning to consider the possibility that she had made a miscalculation. She’d thought nothing could be worse than staying in her townhouse that did not quite feel like home where she had so many things to do but nothing to hold her attention; she’d been wrong. She still didn’t know what was in the punch, but it was clear that it was having a marked effect on those who’d imbibed. It seemed like every other conversation she found herself caught in was a stream of consciousness-esque inner monologue made outer. It was giving Caitriona a headache. 
When she started to feel like she couldn’t take it anymore, Caitriona slipped out of the main room, through a set of double doors to a shadowed, open air balcony. The winter night was cold, colder than Caitriona would normally have preferred, but it was bracing, too. Caitriona leaned against the railing and closed her eyes, breathing deeply, trying to gather herself before she began to shiver. Perhaps it was simply time to leave. She’d spent a couple hours at the party by now, that, at least, was time she wasn’t wandering her empty rooms in Kensington.
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medasgalaxy · 1 year
Andromeda found that the events that the Ministry promoted were not exactly 100% reliable, there was a certain sense of distraction, pan et circus, if you will, and that left a sour taste in her mouth.
That being said, once Dora found out about the fair there was no way of not attending.
Dora was next to her mother, a treat in her hand, before some booth got her attention, and the child was running to it, Andromeda not far behind, "Dora, wait a minute!" she tried to get her daughter's attention and soon she was bumping to someone accidentally. "So sorry, my daughter..." she pointed and then turned back to try and catch Dora.
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oflucius · 1 year
lucius malfoy wouldn't be caught dead in the three broomsticks under any circumstances, or so he thought -- turns out desperate times called for desperate measures. a month long mission in france; sure, beautiful country and all that, but how he'd missed welsh whisky. after a completed report in diagon alley, he headed straight for hogsmeade and just walked in the first pub he saw, a place well below his standards, but it would make due, just for tonight. the malfoy made a grimace as soon as the whisky touched his lips. "disgusting." he scoffed, muttering to himself and suddenly regretting his choices. nothing worse than cheap liquor but still, it felt good to be back in england. he noticed someone looking at him and locked eyes with the person. he spoke after a moment of silence. "it'll last longer if you take a picture."
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swearwolfx-archive · 1 year
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Where: Remus & Sirius' flat Who: @afracturedstar
Remus was currently staring at some strange piece of furniture that had appeared in their flat as happened sometimes with pursed lips. It looked like Sirius had picked up another stray and brought it back with him. He understood the need to make things homey but wasn’t sure how adding garbage off the street achieved that as you never knew what it might be infested with. And with so many rescue missions things tended to pile up and bring their home into the range of cluttered which tended to set him off a bit. By all means, he wasn’t the most organized or the neatest his room more organized chaos than anything as if reflecting his mind but he made more of an effort with the common area. Wait, did something just crawl out onto the top of it? He shuddered resisting the urge to itch with the way it made his skin crawl. “Sirius….Sirius! We need to talk about this,” he called sure he had heard Sirius in his room earlier, not sure when he had snuck this thing inside. He heard shuffling inside so he went to meet him at his door. “What did I tell you about picking things up off the street? That was on the street,” he emphasized not sure what he didn’t understand about that. “No idea how long or what merlin forsaken thing happened to it. Could be a rat convention in there, did you look?” he questioned turning back to look at the item in question as if expecting said rats to come spilling out. He fidgeted with his shirt feeling itchy again. “I really don’t want to have fleas on top of everything else.”
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mighty-prongs · 1 year
April 30th, 1980
Antagonising Lord Voldemort in a proper war was something that few did and lived to tell the story. The Dark Lord always made sure that everyone of his enemies either perished or feared him, and at the moment James feared nothing else than Voldemort taking his family away. 
They had spoken about it, not just amongst themselves but with the others, and the conclusion was clear, they needed to go into hiding. 
It was hard, not only because James wanted to be out there, trying to help with anything he could, but because he had too much energy to be settled in a little house somewhere in England, not able to see much or any of his chosen family. 
The days became a blur, and he tried his best to help in everything Lily might want or need, he studied in case they had to do a home delivery, he went on craving runs, he fixed the house, and made sure that every charm and spell was on and active. He even took gardening, that way he could help with some of Lily’s ingredients and not be always thinking of the war going outside of their little bubble.
He had been spending some time taking some of the plants needed for the next batch of potions, taking his gloves out he stepped inside the house and looked at his heavily pregnant wife leaning over the cauldron. 
“Are we sure the fumes are good for the baby?” he asked half teasing, knowing that Lily was trying to do her best to keep herself distracted. 
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priyarajani · 1 year
Where: White Wyvern
Who: Anyone
Appearing at the end of the alley with a soft crack, Priya heaved a light sigh as she walked her way toward the White Wyvern, the soft silk of her embroidered sari shifting around her body as she moved smoothly. She knew the bright, happy red with it's gold embroidery was a little on the nose for her house, but sometimes the people here needed a reminder that while she looked like a foreigner (and was technically one) she was also quite familiar with the local culture, having been a part of it nearly as long as that of her home culture.
"Bloody hell, do I regret wearing these bloody heels today," she murmured softly as she pushed the door open, raising her chin as she scanned around to approach the bar with a dignified air, shifting into the seat with a loud sigh as the propriety just melted off her and she found herself relaxing for the first time that day, "Merlot, please, for the love of Merlin."
Her chin landed in her palm as she propped her elbow on the bar top, awaiting the liquor she felt that she rightfully deserved.
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