beloxiia · 1 month
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I don't think I ever posted these here
probably just forgor since school has been a bit exhausting lately 😭😭
anw my pookie Cael❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
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cherrysourtwist · 10 months
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yaeggravate · 11 months
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help this is so funny the other messages in the chasm are so sombre like i mourn for the dead and then there's this one going begone cunts
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chrisstapley · 9 months
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If I had a nickel for every time I've drawn my OCs singing AJJ songs, 2 nickels, happened twice, etc. (Top drawing is from 2020 and the bottom 2 are from earlier this year)
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lescroniques · 1 year
El Gaudí Centre de Reus evoluciona per poder ser accessible per a tothom
Text: diarimes.com / Foto: Gerard Martí / diarimes.com L’Agència Reus Promoció està treballant per fer més accessibles els equipaments turístics de la ciutat. El Gaudí Centre ha estat l’espai escollit per iniciar aquest procés d’adaptació, per tal que tothom el pugui visitar sense cap impediment. En concret, les primeres mesures que s’adoptaran permetran millorar l’atenció de les persones amb…
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boyfhee · 13 days
HELLO CAELL how've you been? Also I Noticed I Missed Your Birthday. I feel so bad 😭😭😭 frfr. and sorry abt that little political rant I was js really upset with the results but wtv. I'm super excited to read your sunghoon fic 😻 but oml tell me why I thought it was jwon on the banner for a whole minute... anyways have a great day/night!!
— 🧸
NOOOO IT'S OKAY DONT WORRY ABOUT IT ^^ we celebrated it together in my head, trust !!!!! and it's okay, i believe everyone of us needed a little outlet, and it was sort of a new experience for me because i prefer staying disconnected from politics, but it's not that bad of an idea to know more about it ^_^
i hope you enjoy the sunghoon fic bby >< ps ur brain is playing tricks on u maybe u need to read a jungwon fic soon lmfao have a great day / night as well mwah
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artbyartemise · 9 months
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Part 4 : Manspreading Series .. With My OC Caelle! He's a fallen Archangel.
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moomoorare · 1 year
YAYYYYYY happy birthday!!!!
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444names · 2 years
bosmer names from tes BUT excluding "y"
Adar Adra Adrine Aereth Agail Agil Agilet Agline Agoniel Alar Alas Alth Amluen Amluep Andir Angaer Angona Angor Angwende Annel Anre Anrindra Anuinith Anviel Arana Aranra Araron Aras Ardas Arengor Arether Argod Arthgoth Athreth Bast Bathor Behol Below Bere Berthah Bilron Binon Blanora Blila Blueb Blug Bola Boll Bollalor Bollow Bolrion Bong Bosanir Braend Brasp Breathra Bred Brel Brelol Bren Brestarn Brin Broth Buffin Caell Caen Caenbas Caerwin Cale Cand Carth Carthel Casnarth Cenas Cern Chalgor Chaureth Chawn Chel Ciir Cird Cirieth Cirin Clera Codinor Colir Coth Cragar Craill Cranoren Crauriel Dail Dailras Dain Dalion Dalossa Daria Darwir Dente Dessan Dest Dingas Dirielow Dirrooks Dolern Dolon Donnet Doras Draen Drasi Drethras Dunia Eandel Earel Eavegon Edherder Edor Egalfis Egar Egebrale Egel Eghtdal Eghtva Egin Egureth Eion Eionda Elas Elater Elbutcha Elel Elia Elieler Elind Elitbrot Elor Elorna Elowen Elphan Elphieth Elson Emeeth Enionir Enorn Enorna Eras Erdarin Erdil Erel Eridiia Erith Erth Ervir Esshawn Esthor Estsquin Exce Facora Fael Faer Faeruin Falawn Falep Faniads Fanthor Farind Faris Farn Farood Faug Faule Faur Felwaen Femril Fimiseth Fimrin Findra Finlis Finnel Flar Flat Foll Fonir Forin Gaerago Gale Galedir Galielor Galindor Galis Galor Galth Gandrel Garas Garfil Garmir Garth Garwith Gelan Gele Gelfin Gellugim Geneth Genithan Gere Gern Gibone Gilin Gillia Gilver Gina Ginas Girinel Gladhele Glang Glas Glaslor Glasnor Glaulan Glon Glor Gonon Gonor Gorn Goron Grelas Grion Guarhor Gurion Gurth Gwinel Gwir Hadel Hadh Hadil Hale Hall Halthiel Hanor Hara Hark Hearas Hele Hendrien Henisel Hollon Hundel Hundina Hurim Hurn Huun Huunnil Idrostip Iirth Impeda Indaer Indir Indrion Indurim Ingron Irwael Ithor Karthiel Kartor Karva Kird Kirdel Komor Kringir Laegonge Laer Laerle Laerwin Lagate Lanonis Laras Larath Larel Lariel Larim Lark Ledrin Legel Legirgor Legon Legor Legorm Legsk Leon Lerelas Liel Lillana Lindras Lone Lorn Lossai Mael Maervoss Male Malion Mall Malloosa Malor Malrin Maniele Marn Marwena Mataron Mathiel Mearth Melfin Menorn Minnonor Mitahgod Modicko Mole Monas Mushol Naling Nane Naril Natfilen Nath Nedelin Nedion Nength Nerth Nethel Niel Nigen Niler Nimir Nimpoth Ninas Ninel Nirth Nisteal Nith Nive Niveras Norin Noth Nothel Ocus Ollir Orbir Orchedh Orchel Orefin Orilrim Orth Orwaen Orwin Ossdra Osthoror Outchade Packin Palder Park Peas Pileas Ping Pingil Pirdova Radil Ragor Ralor Rames Rana Reth Riandril Rilnarel Rine Rithilin Rithol Rivel Rivern Rolas Role Ronewin Roosse Rothel Scran Seck Selmiel Selor Serd Seth Shalonor Shalorn Shas Sifing Silber Sildir Silion Slochel Sluill Sone Sprienlo Sures Suruin Swindoll Tadervol Tagon Taneth Tath Telor Tenor Thaenin Thagor Thal Thaleg Thallor Thandran Thanniel Thenel Thernien Thiel Thil Thir Thollue Tholon Thor Thora Thra Thras Throodin Thrubnow Trethor Trunnon Tuni Tuun Twin Undoneth Urul Valfiss Valion Valoth Virdth Volanet Waer Whan Wili Zifisnas
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aliguesdecatalunya · 2 years
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#Repost @gegantsplnova • • • • • • El Born CCM •• #LaMercè | 📣 𝗣𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗮 𝗙𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗮 𝗠𝗮𝗷𝗼𝗿 𝗹’𝗔𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗮 𝗮 𝗕𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗲𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗮! •• 👉🏻 Després de diversos mesos al Taller d’Escultura Casserras de Solsona, on ha estat curosament restaurada i repintada, l’Arpella del Barri Gòtic ja torna a estar a la ciutat! ⏰ Si vols esbrinar com ha quedat, a partir d’avui, la trobareu juntament amb la @vibriabcn, l’aligueta i bèsties vingudes d’arreu de la ciutat, exposada a @elbornccm ! Comença el compte enrere per la Festa Major! 🤩 #arpella#arpellabarrigòtic#àligaciutatbcn#gegantsplnova#gegants#bestiari#correfoc#lamercè#barcelona#barrigòtic#plaçanova#bcncultura#bcnculturapopular#festamajor#catalunya| 📸 Albert Caelles (2021)/ Arxiu AFPN (1991). __________________________ #AligaPetitaDeBarcelona #AligaDeCatalunya #AliguesDeCatalunya #Aliga #Aguila #Aguiles #Aligues #BestiariPopular #FiguresZoomorfiques #ImatgeriaFestiva #CulturaPopular #BestiariFestiu #BallDeLAliga (en El Born CCM) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiMVgd6NGmE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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caell · 2 years
Follow the Kit tag on Caells blog to watch my phases of being a whore for various questionable men that under further analysis give you insight to my daddy issues and fatherless behavior 👍👍👍
It like exhibition of your personality and I love that for you. Sorry to my followers tho
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cherrysourtwist · 10 months
Got @caell to play Obey Me so they have a general understanding of what I'm daying when I talk about it. Here were last nights highlights of Lesson 1:
"I got a Ur Mom Plus Asmo!" - (Got a UR+ Asmodeous Card in Nightmare)
"Oh god, is that the redditor?? THATS THE REDDITOR ISNT IT!?" - Talking about Levi, deemed him a redditor because how he talked in one of my lesson they watched 🤣
They have unadulterated beef with Lucifer and flipped him off during the intro. Also proceeded to be the pettiest little shit towards him in existence. Heavily judging me for my attraction to him yet remains unsurprised nonetheless.
Also said if they were a sheep in this universe they would slam into Lucifer's shins
Those deemed Friends right now are Mammon and Diavolo
Them: Why did he ask to come to my room later!?
Me: Because he likes to hang out... also its a dating sim.
Them: Oh yeah, I forgot
Also does this anytime Diavolo is spoke of by either one of us 🔽
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chrisstapley · 1 month
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Today is the 10th anniversary of the day I first made my characters! (Approximately, anyway. The oldest file related to them that I could find was dated 5-24-2014 but they might be a couple months older than that)
I wanted to have an illustration ready for today but I forgot about it until the last minute, so this sketch is the best I could manage lol
Back when I first started drawing and writing about these characters, I never would've imagined I'd still be doing it a decade later. What started as a fun little collaborative writing project between me and a couple of friends in high school has turned into my life's work. Over the past ten years, I've made thousands of drawings of these characters, and written millions of words about them. These characters and the world they inhabit have become a core part of me, and will probably remain a core part of me for the rest of my life.
Happy birthday, Vae, Caelle, Isaac, and friends! I love you!
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boyfhee · 1 month
CAELL HI PRETTTY ( i hope I can call u that ) HOW ARE YOU DOING!!
YES OFC YOU CAN PRETTY PRI 🫶🫶 i've been doing great ^^ we're going to my grandparent's tmr so i had to shop a few things, js returned from the mall and im tired as hell :‹ other than that everything has been amazing ^_^ how about u ?? v random but im curious about ur user, what does it mean / how did u come up w it :o
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artbyartemise · 10 months
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A few WIPs I have coming up! It's part of my manspreading series! And thevlast one is one of my oc couples Caelle and Cendra!!!
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rubycaped · 7 years
@caell // sc.
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                 “wow, looks like i caught a rare sighting of Brook out in the wild, been keeping out of trouble, right?”
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