bipolarpandamonium · 11 months
PANDAddy and the Chocolate Factory:
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variabels · 5 months
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Niki’s getting to try the best food on Earth today
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Regalo de Nestle y Cailler
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Gracias a Nestle y Cailler por el regalo.
Me han regalado tres juegos de mesa y dos cajas de chocolate !!
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tejennnn · 4 months
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Tried a new coloring pencil-like brush! A parody of the Swiss chocolate brand Cailler 🍫. The vintage cans are so cute, I couldn't resist drawing them 🥴
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((I might try another packaging design parodies later))
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valerielemercier · 9 months
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Sauter pour ne pas se cailler… En attendant son taxi pour se barrer de chez le dentiste
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ascle · 8 months
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La lettre C
Personne stupide, incompétente.
Avoir très sommeil.
Casquette 🧢
-> s’énerver, perdre le contrôle de soi.
-> passionner, aimer comme un fou.
Carte soleil:
Carte d’assurance maladie permettant d’avoir accès aux services médicaux gratuitement.
Cassé (être):
Ne plus voir d’argent
-> sous-sol
-> personne idiote, stupide
Vacillant, peu solide
Chaud (être):
Être ivre
Conduire une voiture, un camion
Râler, se plaindre
Disputer, réprimander, se quereller
Babiole, objet sans valeur
Personne volage
Espiègle, rusé
Draguer, flirter
C’est pas les gros chars
C’est décevant, très ordinaire, ce n’est rien d’impressionnant, c’est beaucoup moins que ce à quoi on s’attendait.
C’est sur mon bras
C’est moi qui paie, c’est ma tournée.
Ça parle au diable
C’est incroyable, j’en reviens pas.
Ça va faire
C’est assez! Ça suffit
Changer quatre trente sous pour une piastre.
Faire des changements qui n’apportent rien, que l’action posée était inutile, qu’elle n’est qu’une perte de temps, sans profit ni perte.
Char de marde
Flot d’insultes, violents reproches
Cogner des clous
Dodeliner de la tête lorsqu’on combat le sommeil en position assise.
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Nestle is one of the biggest companies in the world, selling a wide range of products such as water, baby formula, baby food, sweets/candy, ice cream, meals, and so much more.
They benefit off the work of slaves, especially child slaves, they have ruined places in the poorer sides of Africa that have running water so the locals have to rely on their bottled water, the ceo is quoted in saying "water is not a human right", their water branch has been responsible for droughts in places like California and Flint, Michigan, they pump over 700 gallons/2649 litres of water from reserves and communities. They even have the nickname "baby killer" because they are responsible for the deaths of around 66,000 babies, possibly/probably more, because of scheme in the 70s-80s where they claimed breast milk is bad for babies and even paid of doctors to endorse them, they gave free baby formula to mothers but the supply was only big enough for the amount of feeds it would take for the mothers milk to dry up, meaning by the end of the supply they would have no choice but to buy the formula. A lot of these mothers didn't have access to clean water, so they had to use unsanitary water and a lot of babies died because of this.
Nestle owns thousands of brands world wide and it's almost impossible to avoid them
Here's some products owned by Nestle:
● Pure Life
● Nesquick
● Deer Park
● Perrier
● Gerber
● Neslac
● Gluten Free Gofree
● Ceregrow
● Fitness
● Uncle Toby's
● Ice Mountain
● Bar One
● Curiously Cinnamon
● Cini Mini's
● Aero
● Polo
● Rowntree's
● Milkybars
● KitKat
● Coffee Crisp
● After Eight
● Nescafe
● Nespresso
● Lean Cuisine
● Gloria
● Ideal
● Chef Mate
● Klim
● La Lechera
● Trio
● Nesfruta
● Milo
● Svelty
● Carnations
● Abuelita
● Drumstick
● Fibre Choice
● Nutren
● Impact
● Compat
● Novasource
● Boost
● Thicken Up
● Compleat
● Meritene
● Optifast
● Dreyer's
● Breakfast Essentials
● Garden of Life
● Movenpick
● Tidy Cats
● Alpo
● One
● Frosty Paws
● Fancy Feast
● Kit Kaboodle
● Friskies
● Pro Plan
● Purina
● Cat Chow
● Felix
● Delissio
● Nestea
● L'Oréal
● Garnier
● Nerds
● Laffy Taffy
● Turtles
● Wonka
● Chips Ahoy!
● Choclait Chips
● Alpia
● Chocco Crossies
● Cheerios
● Hot Pockets
● Starbucks at home coffee
● Caramac
● Smarties
● Randoms
● Fruit Pastilles
● Jelly Tots
● Fruit Gums
● Lion
● Splash
● Sanpellegrino
● Essentia
● Acqua Panna
● Poland Spring
● Urban Decay
● Lancôme
● Nutrisse
● Olay
● Chuckie
● Vittel
● Ozarka
● Little Steps
● Mackintosh's
● Damak
● Carlosv
● Orion
● Cailler
● Libby's
● Thomy
● California Pizza Kitchen
● Maggi
● Purity Organic
● Nido
● Beggin'
These are just SOME of the products this company owns, they are one of 10 corporations that own the whole food industry. Here are the products we know are owned by Nestle:
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beatriceportinari · 1 month
my favorite boxes of chocolate (cailler femina) does have a blue color similar to the kotatsu blanket for their foil carboard.... how nice
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pearlsofthec · 10 months
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’Tis the season to be jolly! But it doesn’t really stop there for many of us. If you study in the southern hemisphere, you knpw that December doesn’t mean solely fairy lights, hot cocoa and ice skating dates, it also means spending hours in your local cafe trying to make an Americano last six hours (honestly, why study in a silent library surrounded by stressed out students when you could be sitting in a warm coffee shop, stimulated by the barista’s never-ending jazz playlist and the flux of people coming and going?) and dodging questions such as “How are your preparations for the session going?”, or my favourite “Have you started reading the syllabus yet?”.
Honestly, depending on how you take things in life, December can be as fun as it can be depressing. I’m a Libra, and throughout my whole life I’ve learned that a bit of compromise goes a long way, and this is the month where I can really put my theories to the test. that’s why my first essential of the month is…
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1. Advent Calendar
It might sound silly, but having a Christmas Advent not only is an excuse to treat yourself every day, as it also is a form of keeping track of your control over yourself. Sure, watching influencers open a christmas advent a day can be fun, the sadistic pleasure in finding out that the person who payed over €500 for a Chanel calendar is only getting a bunch of stickers and products which are barely worth being displayed in a duty free store is hard to beat, but stick with me on this one!
It’s easy to purposely forget to study, drink one too many festive cocktails, and let all the holiday discounts be a reason for you to splurge on things you wouldn’t otherwise have bought just as it’s easy to eat all the 24 chocolate truffles in one go… But not doing it is just as easy, and, I guess, a good reminder that balance is the best treat on the long run.
I genuinely HATE mini products, so I won’t be reccomending any beauty advents, sorry. I know it may feel too late to get your own, but it’s NEVER too late.
1. Venchi Prestige Calendar
2. Marchesi Calendario Dell’Avvento
3. Cailler 200g Calendar
4. Bonne Maman Jam Advent Calendar
5. Vosges haut chocolaterie Calendar
6. Torroneria Cioccolateria D. Barbero
7. Antico Caffè Novecento
8. Any of the Lindt ones… classics for a reason
2. Movie Marathon
Maybe it’s the cold, maybe it’s the desire to procrastinate, BUT my will to watch movies skyrockets during this time of the year. There is a ridiculous amount of awful films sets in this time of the year, but if you look you can find some amazing classics that are just UNSKIPPABLE. From the jolly to the perverse, here’s my official Twelve Films of Christmas
1. Eloise at Christmastime
2. The apartment
3. Holiday
4. Eyes wide Shut
5. The shop around the corner
6. White Christmas
7. Black Christmas
8. Meet me in St. Louis
9. Fanny & alexander
10. The Thin Man
11. Metropolitan
12. Spencer
3. Go all out
Whether you want to go out or simply go all out even when you’re staying in is up to you, BUT a crucial thing to my is ending the year with a BANG. Now, I’m not exactly a clubber, but I’m a big enjoyer of fun wherever and whenever, and I can’t go more than a day without having fun with my friends this time of the year. This means random aperitivo nights after leaving six hour lectures, day trips to random cities, and lotsa dinner parties. I know I’ve probably exausted everyojne with lists, but I’m gonna write yet another one, hopefully short this time, of a few activities sprinkle through your weeks, hopefully to inspire some strenght and to end the year on a sweet note.
1. Moodboard night: With the New Year right around the corner, it’s crucial to set your goals straight… and what better way than doing it with friends? Look, I personally don’t think someone should set their vision board on stone, you don’t need to stick to the things you decided to do on a random night for the rest of the year, I personally end up taking a month to write down things to help me understand my own goals and objectives, both personal and professional/ academic… But it’s so nice to talk about all of your prospectives with your friends and loved ones, wonder about the potential that the new year can bring does no harm. If you really feel like this type of thing is too personal, then I’d say you could organize an “Unrealistic Wishlist” board day, when owning a Himalaya Hermes Kelly is a totally achiavable thing! Granted, I’m a tad materialistic, but I just adore learning more about my friends through their materialistic goals, with the right outlook it can be really revealing. Plus, I’m a huge fan of arts and crafts, and I’ll take any excuse I have to do it.
2. Charcuterie dinner: One of my biggest no-nos is showing up empty handed to any dinner, maybe it’s a Brazilian thing, but I’ve never done it and don’t plan on ever doing it. With a charcuterie dinner, I have an excuse to do it! I love charcuterie dinners more than anything in the world, cheese, wine, fruits and salami… no better combination. Not to mention that it’s practically like a live personality quiz for you and your friends, as nothing is more telling of a person’s character than their cheese preference.
3. Christmas shopping afternoon: Preferably to be done with a guy to use as your own bag carrier. Whenever I need to go somewhere or do something, I like to call other people up just in case, and although I love some peace of mind to think clearly when I need to buy presents for myself, when my consumerism is altruistic I love to have someone around to give me second opinions and spare my shoulders of all the extra weight!
4. Homemade decoration and dinner: I currently don’t have an apartment of my own to decorate, but other people’s serve me just as well. One of my favorite activities has been going to my friends’ homes to arrange garlands, make dried orange slices decor and even help to carefully distribute tinsel on the christmas tree. What is a chore to some is fun to others, with the right playlist and conversation specially. Afterwards it’s crucial to have a dinner party as a treat, no decoration shall be wasted!
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To Discover
I feel like my consumerism is reaching an all time high right now, and I feel like I might as well share some of my current favourite discoveries with you guys. There’s nothing better than giving (and getting!) gifts from one of a kind stores, and so, I’ve made a little list of places that are definitely worth checking out:
1. Nesines: It’s a brand from barcelona that sells just the coolest shirts. I’ve just gotten one from them and I’m obsessed with the fit, the colors and the model. The quality is amaxzing, and I love that fact that their products have amazing compositions, no polyester around here! If you want a top that can elevate any pair of jeans, look nowhere else!
2. Maria de la Orden: I have to give credit where it’s due… this brand wasn’t on my radar before my mom showed it to me . Colorful velvet can definitely brighten up even the dullest winter days, especially when it’s presented in such unique shapes. Honestly their jackets are to die for, as are their headbands.
3. The obedient Daughter: came across this brand thanks to a kind destiny and now I’m absolutely OBSESSED with their curation of books and clothing. A gorgeous presentation of products that are unique but timeless… I simply NEED their Diana skirt.
4. MC2 Saint Barth: Okay not really a discovery, but THE place we should all be looking at for a perfect tongue in cheek aprés ski sweater. Ngl, I’m giving each of my siblings a sweater this christmas, and although I KNOW it might be an overdone gift, it’s a classic for a reason. And I myself know my sister would never not appreciate the opportunity to walk around Cervinia with a hot pink sweater that says “FAVOLOSA”
5. Bella Freud: Again, not a discovery, but worth a mention just because this was the month when I truly explored the brand’s full potential. Everyone knows their gorgeous sweaters with the best quotes (Godard IS GOD!), but I’m currently obsessed with their candles, ceramics and overall home accessories. Can someone please give me their Cunty mug? Please?)
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To be worn
Sunglasses: I’m a guilty “occhiali da nebbia” wearer, much to my friends’ dismay. Though some may think it can be a bit bizzarre to wear sunglasses out on days when the sun doesn’t seem to get any high, I don’t have any shame in looking (or at least feeling) cool no matter the weather … My current go tos are the Dior Palladium (if you get it to wear in Venice it’s even better, that way, if anyone asks, you can say you’re paying your respects for Andre Palladio’s influential architecture)
Fur trimmed everything: Okay maybe i’ve been watching one too many episodes of friends, and letting the 90s influence a bit too much over my style, but recently I’ve been obsessed with fur trimmed coats. Long or short, black or camel, it doesn’t matter. I didn’t bite when everyone was going crazy over that green trench back in 2020, but now it’s different! A classic cut with a bit of fun fur will never go out of style in my eyes.
Barretes: Okay I think barretes are not an addition to my blog, I’ve probably been proudly posting about being a proud barrette wearer since 2020, but now I’ve actually been converted, and went from being a strictly tortoiseshell hair accessories wearer to a the brighter the better one. The one thing to blame is none other than the city of Copenhagen, where I discovered Maanesten and Pico, and FEASTED.
Herbag: Taking to “To Be” oof this section a bit too literally, and even a bit too hopefully. Not only do I absolutely love the fact that it reminds me a bit of the Kelly, I also love its overall practicality, everyone I know that has it rages on and on about its endless perks. While the fact that its body is made out of canvas rather than the famous traditional Hermes leather might be a turn off to some but to me it’s just perfect, principally because I’ve been planning on getting it to use it as a school bag and I’ve had the misfortune to have once tried to carry a leather bag around all day just to practically destroy it in one day.
Scarves and Pashminas: Winter is the season when I really can’t seem to escape all black outfits, but wearing a beautifully textured pashmina ALWAYS is a game changer for me. I feel like every city in the world has a Tibet store packed with the most varied options of material, print and density, I know Milan has an incredible one (although the Paris Tibet Forever on Le Marais will always take the cake).
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rodolfoparras · 6 months
I think it might be dumle, do they have sticks version? Also idk did you ever try Swiss chocolate but hands down it's also one of the best things ever and the fact that I don't have access to Cailler on the regular is a crime. And Kinder and Milka fucking slap but I think that's understood (even though some of their things are sooo pricey).
As for my tooth, considering it fully broke idk how I'll go about fixing it. And since our health system is... what it is, and I hate dentists with burning passion, we'll see what happens. It's just very unfortunate situation.
And I can't help but to join a/b/o conversation because it's one of my favourite tropes ever. I totally get what you mean with your comment on omegaverse and ngl I blame straight people getting into it and writing it because omegaverse is so inherently queer (and I will preach about it until the end of time) and so many newer omegaverse fanfics nowdays just don't have the spirit of what it should be.
And I do love unconditional omegaverse so much 🫶🏻 especially two alphas. And I love when there is extra layer of trans experience by making characters feel uncomfortable with their presentation and they look for ways to change it. Bitching and studding fanfics are so good actually- (aka alpha becoming omega and omega becoming alpha). Straight up, one of my favourite omegaverse fanfics is ship with these two alphas and one of them always hated it and he ends up confessing it to the other one and other one helps him change and then helps him through his first heat <3
(I'm not sending the link tho, I'm not exposing my ships)
No sugar they don’t have a stick version but I’m sure whichever you had was a 10/10 bc all of their chocolates are also I haven’t eaten Swiss chocolate before but I’ve heard a lot of good stuff about it!! Swiss chocolate is like the fanciest chocolate out there right?😭 also yes!!! Dear god in heaven I absolutely love kinder and milka they should ban it bc the way I’ll eat anything kinder and milka is criminal 😭
Sugar please make sure that it doesn’t get infected and that it doesn’t spread to the rest of your tooth flesh! I think chipped tooth aren’t the entire world my friend got it fixed for aesthetic reasons but just focus on keeping the place sterilized and be careful when you eat! I know there’s also a toothpaste that works wonders for infections idk which one but my dentist had told me to get it it’s like a purple paste?😭
I def believe straight ppl have a part of it but I also feel like we as a community have become so rigid with things like for example omegaverse isnt a real thing yet ppl will be up in ears telling you how two alphas cant be together this doesn’t just apply to omegaverse but the other day I saw a whole debate on how you aren’t a real top if you like getting head like what the hell is going on😭
Oh now you’ve made me curios 👀 but oh well it shall remain a secret 🫶🏻 however I really need to read more enemies to lovers alpha x alpha bc Jesus Christ 🧎🏻‍♂️
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Valdivia et début de la Patagonie
Hola todos,
J'espère que vous allez bien depuis mon dernier post qui sonnait quelque peu déçu de Huilo Huilo.
Suite à cela nous avons mis le cap vers Valdivia pour faire notre contrôle technique, graver les vitres de la voiture pour afficher notre plaque d'immatriculation dessus (nouvelle loi chilienne farfelue) et aller voir le bord de mer. Finalement, nous avons dû faire les vitres et le contrôle technique dans la ville suivante mais tout a été validé !
Valdivia est une ville assez jolie avec un beau parc botanique. Il est apparemment possible d'y apercevoir des lions de mer sur les bords du marché fluvial, mais nous n'en avons pas vu en nous y rendant.
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Après une journée à Valdivia nous avons pris la route de la côte pour aller voir la mer et nous avons fait une des plus belles routes que j'ai pu voir depuis notre arrivée. La côte était sublime et nous avons fini sur une petite crique idyllique, bercés par les sons de la mer. Avant cela nous avons fait la visite d'un ancien fort surplombé par un vieux phare gardé par Mito le llama 🦙.
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Après Valdivia nous avons mis le cap vers Hornopiren pour prendre les deux ferrys qui devaient nous amener près de Chaiten. Nous avons terminé la route incroyable des 7 Lagos pour enfin arriver sur la carretera austral (qui démarre à Puerto Montt). Comme promis. C'est magique.
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J'ai très peu de photos de la route car j'ai beaucoup conduit durant cette partie. Mais comme me l'a dit mon père : "À partir de là, tout est beau".
Nous avons fait une halte à Cochamó près d'un lac paradisiaque où nous avons eu la chance de pouvoir nous baigner avec trois dauphins qui n'étaient qu'à quelques mètres de nous (pour des raisons évidentes je n'ai pas d'image de ça mais mon esprit en garde un souvenir indélébile). J'ai aussi tenté de domestiquer des vautours et des buses (qui sont l'équivalent des pigeons ici tant il y en a) en leur donnant du pain. J'ai eu le droit à un magnifique ballet aérien en remerciement.
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Hier soir nous avons pris les ferrys et nous sommes actuellement à Santa Barbara, près de Chaiten.
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Nous allons aller au parc Pumaline dès aujourd'hui ! On va sûrement s'éterniser dans le coin quelques jours, c'est trop beau. On commence à cailler un peu dans la tente la nuit mais on est super équipés alors ça le fait. Ceci dit, on va peut-être craquer une petite cabaña pour les deux prochains soirs. À voir !
Je vous raconte vite la suite,
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Je n'ai jamais abusé de l'alcool, il a toujours été consentant. Je ne bois jamais à outrance, je ne sais même pas où c'est. Je ne bois pas de lait le matin, ça fait cailler la tequila de la veille au soir. - Pierre Desproges
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kaedeakeshisworld · 8 months
I love cake
gist: When I go back to my seat, I observe Beni reading a book and proceed to ask him: "What are you reading?"
"Oh, you’re done how was it?"
"Wonderful, nothing like a hot shower to make me feel better."
"Glad to hear that. I’m reading Izana, a folklore story that deals with the legend of the girls born on the year of the horse. Some sort of curse condemns their existence and the only solution as cruel as it may sound is to kill the kid to inhibit them from bringing misfortune to the village. It was a common practise of clan superiority traditions but it’s extremely nefarious so it has died down to a certain extent."
"Wow! I didn’t know you liked folkore stories like that. I’ll add that to my reading list for this month."
"It will be a wonderful read, I assure you."
"I don’t doubt it."
chapter notes:
Ramyeon*: Korean noodles my fave are kimchi and spicy from shin ramyeon.
Baguette*: French stick type of bread.
Camembert*: Smelly French cheese (some say it smells like feet…)
Cailler*, Läderach ag*, Toblerone* Lindt*: Swiss chocolate brands which happen to be my fave.
Petit beurre*: butter biscuit sometimes covered with milk chocolate or dark one. Its equivalent in the anglo saxon sphere would be graham crackers.
Quatre quarts*: Made up name place but it means pound cake in French.
bruva*: british lingo for brother (another example is how they add chew in tuesday- phonetically speaking).
rad*: crazy, mad about.
Lapis Lazuli*: a hotel name in this fic but is also a crystal often blue as well as song by the Beach House.
Jambon beurre*: literally ham butter sandwich. A very popular combo, if you ever can get a sammy at a French boulangerie, this is a classic.
financier*: a small cake (typically a finger food), can be rectangular or oval which dates back to 1865.
Je suis à Paris, les nanas*: translation Girls, I'm in Paris. Les nanas means girls but sometimes it can also mean boobs. Here is the former but the more you know…
Bukkake*: A collective jizz shower if you get what I mean…
For the pet names list: love, honey, daddy and sir for Leo.
Concerning Palais de la démesure, it is a fic I'm currently writing. Might be out towards like February of this year if work doesn't manage to knock me out first (fingers crossed)!
Cw: sex in a bathroom at the airport(do not reproduce, I Guess), benimaru is a menace, reader getting ate out, attempt to an actual handjob and blowjob but oh well she can't do much because of him, benimaru also is addicted to her so much so he's back at it again in the airplane( a menace he is), consuming porn, group chat talks are the best.
wc: 7096
c/s: this one is quite long, heh!
Blank/Ageless blogs/MDNI, I will block you!
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I’ve dreamt of this moment ever since I laid my eyes on her back in uni. I have to pace myself otherwise I’ll just jizz my pants and I don’t want that for my first sexual intercourse with Y/n. Dawg, I sound like a fucking teenager who’s tryna get their very first nut! Why am I so goddam nervous in the first place. Like this is light work but I wanna impress her too…
"So," she commences "what are you going to do about your erection?"
He tells her "Brace yourself on that sink with both hands, if you will?"
"I can do that."
"That’s secure enough for you? You’re not going to do anything which requires the use of my might?"
"Maybe, who knows?"
He gets down on his knees and his hands start fumbling your backside. 
I have my hands on uni's most appraised butt. What a fucking legend I am to be the one fondling it. We were little shits back then but what could a motherfucker do besides blame hormones? We were packing and matter of fact I ain’t lose none of the moves from back then. I’ll show her how a real man eats out a woman. 
"Hey, you don’t know what I’d do to get my hands on Y/n’s backside."
"Same! Before I die, if god is real and can grant me one wish, I wanna rest my head on it. You can tell the joint's hella comfortable."
"What if she farts?"
"Are you dumb or you’re acting like it on purpose?"
"He is, poor thing really thought women don’t get gassy."
"You sure you passed them exams to get to uni or maybe you bribed someone?"
"What are you even saying?" 
"I said what I said and it stays between us."
"You can’t be the first one who’s done it anyway."
"He’s so spot on."
"Anywho… wanna bet?"
"Bet about what?"
"I’ll touch that butt of hers before any of y’all get the chance to. I’m the best, so place it now."
"Two hundred."
"Fifty ‘cause I’m behind rent this month."
"One thousand if you do it today."
"Sold! Just watch me in action."
"Beni! How have you been?"
"Not looking as fine as you do."
"Stop playing."
"I’m just saying the truth."
"Yeah, keep at it."
"I was wondering if we could maybe go to the movies."
"Tonight, I can’t I have a due paper and need to verify some finishing touches before I hand it in but tomorrow, I’m free."
"Tomorrow at ten, then."
He mouths to them when he goes away by Y/n's side 'just watch me, you bunch o’ goons.'
"He acting like he the king or sum?"
"So fucking conceited!"
"He must be high from what he bouta get tomorrow."
Tomorrow evening  
"As always, you look superb."
"You don’t look so bad yourself."
"That’s a compliment from Y/n, I’ll cherish it my whole life."
"Pick whatever you’d like, my treat."
"Salted caramel popcorn, butter and sprite. I wouldn’t mind having some sour patch kids…" 
"Great choice."
"What about you?"
"I don’t really feel like eating so, candy will be aight."
"You like it?" 
"So far, it ain’t bad."
"We’re getting to the scarier bits."
"You can hold me, if you want to."
"I’ll be good."
That’s what she said but her hands were gripping his bicep and her hiding her face on it says otherwise. She really was tryna act strong in front of a horror movie. You should know better!
"It’s gotten better, I promise."
She looks at the screen and the murderers are actually decapitating the victim while performing some sort of ritual which apparently could revive the dead. In answer to him lying to her she smacks his arm.
"Beni! How could you do this to me?"
He chortles so hard which earn him some disapproving looks from other folks who were also in the room. 
"I thought it would be nice to prank you. Please, don't hate me. You're so pretty when you get mad."
"You're crazy Beni, on god you are."
At first you think it’s a bit odd or he’s perhaps just getting in the mood so you let him do how he feels it. He hikes up your dress, plays with your undies a little before getting a sharp inhale from the source.
He slides her panties down to her ankles and slowly but surely smooches her pearl. She smells really good down there. He’s glad he gets to taste her essence from the source right away even though licking her clean from her underwear would thrill him too.
His hands grab her cheeks to spread them in a way he can engulf fully her clitoris into his moist hot cavern. 
He lets her know that eating her out is one of the many things he enjoys doing when he vibrates around her button. She lets out an almost inaudible squeal which has him struck at first to hear such a sound but women are one of a kind so he’ll try to get to know more sounds like this he’s not so used to hear. Interesting, he considered.
She grips the sink, harder. She also makes a mental note not to make too much noise because they are in a public setting. Yes, with Leo she was inside a car outside but this time things are slightly different she’s in the airport, getting it on with someone who’s had eyes on her for a long time. She doesn’t know what to expect of him in terms of what he can do to her given the current situation she finds herself in. She should be fine, she likes to think this way.
"Just like that, please don’t stop."
He asks her "you like that or you could use some more of my face?"
She spits back "you want me to ride it?"
"Sure, why not?"
"Do we have time?"
"We still have roughly eleven minutes left, so go ahead."
She grabs the back of his head, settles exactly how she feels like she should be using his face like a seat then makes a back and forth motion while trying to keep her composure because his tongue is not really giving her a break like she thought she’d get as if she were in control.
A few moments after she finds herself on her knees, riding his face while she tries to pump his erection with her bare hands, Benimaru somehow forgot how nice acrylics feel on his dick. It’s been a long time since he’s had a wild night similar to the one when he had been summoned at the Palais de la Démesure. He sometimes wishes he were summoned more often but oh, you cannot have everything you want in life now, can you?
Anytime she tries to wrap her lips around his head, he makes her jerk slightly forward with his tongue skills. When she finally does engulf him into her mouth, he lets out a sharp inhale. As she bobs his length up and down he grips her hips harder and sucks on her clit to the best of his ability one could think it has somehow become a competition to see which one of them is going to make the other come the fastest.
When her much awaited release washes over her, her first reaction is to put her hand over her mouth and she remains there, shaking for nearly three minutes atop Benimaru’s face. 
"How are you?"
"Better than ever, great I must say!"
"How much?"
"We ended before the actual time so we have five minutes to freshen up, look somewhat presentable not like we were fucking and off, we are."
"I never had someone make me come like that just using my clitoris, only.
I wanna know where did you learn that."
"I can ’t tell you where or who I learned it from all. I can say is that I am thrilled to hear you enjoyed that. I would gladly give you another clitoridian orgasm whenever you feel like having one. I am at your service anytime." 
"That’s so refined of you. Is that how you get women?"
"No, not my preferred method to say the least."
"Then, how do you proceed, I’m curious now?"
"Well…" he says meanwhile he buttons up his pants. "May you please remind me how I got you."
"Uhm… I don’t quite remember how that went. I could use a little help if you know what mean."
"Y/n you’re being incredibly hurtful in my opinion. How could you do this to me?"
"I don’t know what you’re talking about."
"I invited you to have breakfast with me, we talked for a bit. I made you laugh and got you on a trip abroad with me. So far, aren’t you enjoying it?"
"You’re right about that. We’ll see that when we’re finally in Paris."
She takes off her panties and discards them.
"You’re not going to wear panties during our flight?"
"They’re soaked. I’m not doing that to her plus, a little wind won’t hurt."
"You’re right maybe, I should do the same."
"No, you should hurry up. I’ll go out first and send you a message when you can come out."
"We cannot be seen exiting this room together."
"Okay. I’ll wait for the message."
On board  
"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten up your seatbelts."
"What are we going to do once we land there, Benimaru?"
"For the very first few nights, we’ll stay at a hotel if all goes according to plan that is, then later we’ll go to a house that I rented. That way, we’re not permanently in Paris throughout the whole trip because it may be the city of love but it’s not able to fit all of us who wish to be there."
"You meant you wanted to move there someday?"
"I would love to but the housing situation is enough to provide me with a decent headache, I don’t need that on a daily basis."
"Oh, I get it but maybe you should try moving to the suburbs. I’m sure you’d find your happiness there."
She’s probably not wrong. I’m sure one can find a nice place within an hour difference from Paris.
"The baguette is rather stale, if you ask me. The salad’s okay, the camembert too, a glass of wine, the onion soup with and we got macarons for dessert. I think I’ll ask for a bowl of ramyeon* later in the day, I know I’ll be hungry.
"What did you get?" 
"I opted for cantonese rice, a side of pickled okra, a pudding and I also have boxes of chocolate." 
"How did you get chocolate?"
"Complimenting the flight attendant goes a long way…" 
"You’re telling me I should do the same?"
"No, I have two boxes, one for me and the other for you."
"Can I see the goods?"
"Here you go."
"Normally, we have Cailler*, Läderach ag*, Toblerone* and Lindt*."
"Oh, how I love Swiss chocolate!" 
"I know you do."
"Should we share?" 
"Only if you want to."
"Swiss liquor ones or petit beurre*?"
"Why not both?"
"You’re right," she lets out "we should treat ourselves."
You both bite them. Now for the Swiss liquor, you popped one into your mouth.
"Y/n you have something on your upper lip."
You look at it, you can’t see what he’s just mentioned. He said "I’ll get it for you."
He approached your face, touched your upper lip with the pad of his finger and then kissed you. It caught you by surprise, you gave in didn’t even fight back.
"What was that for?"
"I was always told that chocolate liquor tastes better if it’s comes from someone else’s mouth so I wanted to put it to test."
"You’re trying to impress me or did I miss something?"
"We can try it again if you want to, you can kiss me this time."
"Beni~ is it because you didn’t get to do it earlier?"
"It probably is."
"We should watch a movie together."
"Then, I’ll leave the choice to you."
"That’s okay with you?"
"Of course! Why wouldn’t it be?"
"You think my seat has enough space for us?"
"I’m sure it’s the case. We should get comfy."
"Are you sure the flight attendant is not going to catch us?"
"We aren’t doing nothing illegal Y/n, just watching a movie."
"I’ll sit first, you sit on me and get the covers."
"What did you pick?"
"You’re going to see."
"Paprika or Tokyo godfathers?"
He doesn't answer. He does love how you keep asking him what you're going to watch. It's amusing for him.
Midway through the movie, your head peacefully rested on Beni’s chest while he stroke your thigh aimlessly just reeling at how much he wanted this brief moment to last.
"Do you like it?"
"Yes, it’s a bit hard to follow but I think I’m getting the hang of it."
"I’m happy to hear that."
"I told you to pay attention to it and you’re getting sleepy on me. No can do."
His dominant hand snaked right into your panties while the other delicately fondles one of your boobs. You were about to protest but the way he does everything in sync makes it die on your tongue. 
You feel encouraged to rub your bud against his fingers while he smooches behind your ear.
"Beni~," you managed to utter between each moan he dragged out of you.
"You’re going to continue even if I stop, right?"
"By all means, my love. You’re paying attention to the movie?"
"How can I- -"
"Tsk, I told you to keep your eyes on it."
"You’re being so mean!"
"I’m not, I’m giving you some relief before tonight’s much needed rest."
"What happened to the Beni I met at my place before coming to the airport?"
"Never heard of him. We can talk about him if you want to…"
"Such a joker."
"I can shower here."
"Yes, you can. I’ll ask the flight attendant to show you where it is."
"Oh that’s wonderful. Are you going to do it too, Benimaru?"
"No I’m good, I’ll shower when we get to the hotel."
"I was wondering I think we should go to the Louvre museum." 
"Oh you’d like to go there. No problem." 
"You rock!"
"On the first day or can it wait?"
"Maybe on the second or the third even…"
"You’d like to go by yourself or be in company of someone?"
"You have somewhere to be?"
"No, I’m just asking."
"I would like it to be with you."
"We’ll do that."
In the shower while everything has been going perfectly well, you’re suddenly hit with a wave of sadness when you’re washing up. The goods you’re using on this flight smell exactly like ones Leo wore the first time you two ever met. It feels wrong to remember him fondly when a few hours earlier you were sitting on Benimaru’s face and he made you come like that. Is it greedy of mine to want both of them doing unspeakable things to me? I’m sure it isn’t, you laugh it off. For the time being you should enjoy your deserved time in Paris by Beni’s side. Everything else shall fall into place.
When I go back to my seat, I observe Beni reading a book and proceed to ask him: "What are you reading?"
"Oh, you’re done how was it?"
"Wonderful, nothing like a hot shower to make me feel better."
"Glad to hear that. I’m reading Izana, a folklore story that deals with the legend of the girls born on the year of the horse. Some sort of curse condemns their existence and the only solution as cruel as it may sound is to kill the kid to inhibit them from bringing misfortune to the village. It was a common practise of clan superiority traditions but it’s extremely nefarious so it has died down to a certain extent."
"Wow! I didn’t know you liked folkore stories like that. I’ll add that to my reading list for this month."
"It will be a wonderful read, I assure you."
"I don’t doubt it."
"No, I’ll make your bed for you. After all, that’s the service you paid for."
"You did, Benimaru?"
"Yes, love."
"Sorry then."
"I was wondering if can I get some infusion before bed?" 
"Indeed, is there anything like flavour you’d like to have?"
"Chamomille would be wonderful, that is if you have that."
"Definitely! I’ll check but I’m ninety eight per cent sure we have it."
"Here is you infusion, would you like some sugar with it or honey?"
"Honey would be lovely."
"Here you have it. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Everything was perfect. Thank you."
"You’re welcome, please, do not hesitate."
"I suggest you rest as much as you can, we have an eventful day tomorrow."
He kisses her forehead and tells her "Goodnight love."
At last we get to have a proper Parisian meal which is made up of the mandatory classics like a croissant, pain au chocolat, tartine with jam and butter. A double shot espresso coffee with a dash of milk. And for the fiber, a fruit salad.
"We’ll arrive at Paris in a bit less than two hours."
"I can’t wait for it. I am so excited."
"We’re currently at the airport. We’ll most certainly eat before we get to the hotel. I ordered a few of my men to get me a car but given it’s weekday time and peak hours for traffic jams, they’ll be here in about an hour."
"Got it."
"What should we do then?"
"We can get some snacks for the time being the hotel check in is only at eleven roughly."
"Let's go to a drugstore then I have to stock up on sunblock and I should also get me some nuxe products."
"Lead the way, I’ll follow you."
"What do you think of this?"
"It smells really good, you should buy it."
"If you insist…"
Get some sheet masks because this flight dried up my skin terribly. 
Perfume should I pick vanilla or strawberry? I don’t feel like choosing so get both. I know he’ll like it, anyway.
"To Lapis Lazuli* we go." 
"It’s not in Paris, it’s nearby and what do you take me for a pigeon maybe?"
"Hotels in the very centre of the capital are a pain in the ass, I don’t like that type of hassle. I picked somewhere not so well know so that way in two days or so we can leave for the house I rented."
"Mother why are you trying to monitor your son who’s on a trip with the girl he loves?"
"That’s my job."
"Don’t you have more important matters to attend at the moment?"
"Like what for example?"
"I don’t know, maybe not worrying about me?"
"Okay, darling bring me some souvenirs and take care of that girl you cherish so much."
"I will, bye mother."
Someone gently wakes you from your slumber. You really don't feel like opening your eyes and he didn't want to wake you up since you were serenely sleeping. He has to.
"Y/n, Y/n, can you hear me, love? I’m so sorry to wake you up, we’ve arrived at the hotel. I know you must be knackered but try to be awake at least for the check in. As soon as we’re done with it, I’ll carry you to our room."
Honestly, you don’t know what came over you back in the car. One could guess the sound of the engine was enough to lull you into Morpheus soothing arms. It felt nice to rest on Beni’s shoulder, he’s such a gentleman he even covered you with his jacket.
After a little much needed nap which lasted over three hours and a half, you decided it was time to let the girls know if you made it to Paris. You let out as soon as they pick the phone up in your best French accent:
"Je suis à Paris, les nanas*!"
"I’m jealous," Marjorie said. 
"I wish I were a squirrel," Theresa added.
"Lordt, what have I done to deserve this?" Bianca drammatically uttered, she continued with "Girl, where the Eiffel Tower at?"
"Yeah, let us see that," Theresa announced.
"Word!" Marjorie claimed.
"I will when I get there, I promise." you told them.
"How’s our new knight, babes?" Theresa asked.
"He’s good?!"
"Or is he," she widens her eyes, "better than Leo?" Bianca inquired.
"Uhm… hard to compare them like that." You answered.
"Oh, our girl needs time." Marjorie declared.
"Yup, evaluation period is necessary." Theresa disclosed.
"Girl is that a hickey on your pulse point?" Bianca asserted.
"Shiiit… he don’t waste time!" Marjorie added. 
"Like you said, he don’t." Theresa suggested.
"He hella fast!" Bianca replied."
"A lot has occurred!" you shyly added. 
Marjorie had a 'ah' moment where she smacked her fist on top of her other hand. She communicated the following thought "You fucked in the plane?"
"You living’ la vida loca, if you did. No judgement, babes. I'm not God's servant and don't plan on becoming one." Theresa highlighted.
"Oh, heck yes! Girl, you better get it." Bianca championed.
"No, he had me ride his face in the airport." You finally let them know.
"Hello 911, I would like to report depravity in a public restroom. Please, make sure to be here in fifteen minutes…"Marjorie joked about it.
The other girls are cackling on the phone way too hard and honestly you also ended up getting teary eyed with all this laughter. Good times!
"You livin’ the dream. I hope you really sat on it." Bianca implied.
"Tell us more, you ouchtea living that erotica book lifestyle!" Theresa stated.
"I swear I’m not. I feel a little lost." You uttered.
"About what?" Theresa suggested.
"Spill the beans, babe." Bianca voiced.
"We’re listening." Marjorie delivered.
"Leonard seems like a past thing now. I know I asked for a break but I can’t help and sometimes see him in Beni." You said.
"I think I know what you mean."Bianca estimated.
"You’re not wrong for thinking that." Marjorie conveyed.
"It’s not something to worry 'bout. I'm sure the future has something better in store for you." Theresa responded.
Benimaru knocks on the door. He asks:
"Y/n, we’re leaving for an afternoon tea in half an hour." 
"Girls, hold on. I’ll be back in a few."
"Okay. I’ll be ready by then."
"May I come in?" 
"I just need a few documents for a business partner who happened to come. I won’t bother you for long."
She goes back to her phone and Bianca really shouts on the phone, 
"Is that him?"
"Girl, being discreet never been your forte." 
"I second that."
"Yes, it is."
"Make him say hi, I’m tryna see something."
"Yes, my love."
"Would you mind saying hi to the girls on the phone?"
"It would be a pleasure, honey."
"Just so you know, Bianca is the girl with curly hair, Theresa has a mullet Marjorie is the redhead."
"Okay. May you let me see them?"
She puts the phone in front of him and he pulls her closer to him "Hi, I am Beni, the man who’s currently taking care of your friend abroad."
"Pleasure to meet you Bianca, Marjorie and Theresa!" 
"Waouh! He looks so good like that." Marjorie acquiesced.
"Is that gel on your hair or something else?" Bianca questioned.
"No, it’s wax. Thank you for noticing."  And he winks at her. What is he doing?
"You’re treating our girl right, right?" Theresa inquired.
He looks at her "Am I treating you right," he grabs her chin and caresses her lips with his thumb, "sweetie?"
On the other side of the line, the girls are going off with their much awaited exclamations such as "Lord!! This is way to hot. Am I currently in the city called hell?" Marjorie said.
"Damn it gurl, he really had to pull that move on us? Called us single in many ways. I feel ashamed now." Theresa uttered.
"Jeez… I got a man but to be pampered that way is a dream." Bianca replied.
For a few minutes it was as if the girls never made part of the convo so they waited for an answer you never gave. It was him who told them.
"I’m sure I'm taking care of her fairly well. As you can see she forgot to respond you and if it’s not the case, she’ll let you know. That way you can get me back on track, isn’t that right, girls?"
Theresa: Absolutely! 
Bianca: No problem! 
Marjorie: Got it! 
"See, your girls have your back Y/n. Now, if you excuse me.
 It was lovely to get to meet you guys. I hope we can meet in person, sometime. I have some matters to attend. I wish a wonderful afternoon to all of you."
And with that he leaves, giving you a forehead kiss in the process.
"That’s how he treats you," Bianca added "you a lucky bitch, I have to admit."
"Girl… I want that lovey dovey too," Marjorie communicated. 
"Let me put spirit on speed dial for you gurls, do not waver. I got you."Theresa said.
"Theresa thank you for saving us,"both Marjorie and Bianca answered.
"What’s planned for now?" Theresa questioned.
"Oh, we’ll go to a tea place later."
"Ooh, nice." Bianca blurted.
"Don’t forget the pics." Marjorie reminded her.
"Have fun!" Bianca enthusiastically yelled.
"And tomorrow, we’ll go to the Louvre museum."
"Sis! Switch places, asap!" Marjorie cried out.
"What are you saying, Marjorie?"
"Don’t listen to them, Y/n just live it up."
"I’m heading to my pilates class so, bye babes. Take care."
"You’re instructing now?"
"Congratulations Bianca! I knew you would make it."
"Imma doze off after being on night shifts for the month you know, tryna make ends meet…"
"I get it, you should get your well deserved rest."
"The online sales are doing a bit too well so much that I can barely keep up with orders. I’m grateful for my efforts are finally paying off."
"You’re so right, I’m happy for you. Love you."
"Me too."
"See ya!"
Now, I’m left with choosing the outfit. I think it’s safe to check the weather to avoid any unwanted surprises and maybe a hoodie. It looks windy out here and don’t want to risk getting sick, I’m not taking any chances.
"What do you think about this dress?"
"Whatever you put on will look divine on you."
"You’re not really helping, you know that?"
"Sorry. I’m a simple man for a lot of stuff."
"No need to apologise."
I’ll put on boots with the fit just because it looks better. A lil’ make up nothing too extravagant and fix it with the setting spray.
"Can you twirl for me?"
"I just want to admire your beauty. Is that too much to ask?" 
"No." You proceeded to executed what he told you to do. You twirled on your feet. When you're back to your initial position, facing him, he proclaims the following about you: "You look divine! Sometimes, I do wonder why is that I didn’t get you for me only, sooner…"
"Why is that?" You beamed with curiosity.
"Because we look great together."
You have to acknowledge him. He doesn't lie. A quick glance on the mirror facing his back and you two do look magnificent as a pair.
"We do."
"And I love to watch your body quiver with pleasure."
"You want me to tell you everything I adore about you, too?"
"If you feel like it go ahead."
"You're being cocky, stop it."
"I love being cocky. There's nothing wrong with that plus I get to watch you being under my spell. What more could I ask?"
"I think we should get going."
At the tea place un Quatre quarts*, you followed Beni and the waitress to a room he reserved for the both of you.
"This way, we’ll be on our own and have a little privacy."
"This place is so cozy. I love it."
"I am delighted to hear you do. The owner is a friend of mine whom wanted to become a firefighter because it was a job her parents admired so much but her passion was baking and watch people eat her creations. So naturally, she seized the chance to become what she was truly made for."
It’s the first time you’ve seen Beni talk about someone else with such eulogistic manner and that allows you to watch one his his many facets appear right before you. Yes, Beni’s hot and all that (without a doubt) but it’s extremely refreshing to see him being so affectionate towards someone else other than you. It almost makes you want to sit on his lap and kiss his forehead. Something that Leo never triggered like emotion: being proud of the one you’re currently with. Wow, it did render you speechless.
"We should take a look at the menu, I’m sure what they have is also really good."
"Sure. If it’s as good as you, I’ll bite." 
"Earth to Beni? Beni, do you hear me?"
You waved your hand in front of his face, "Beni are you even listening to me?"
You try again "Oi!"
"What got you smiling like that?"
"Oh, really?
"Why would I be lying to a pretty girl like you?" 
"Okay, I get it. Do you plan on embarrassing me the whole time?"
"Beautiful beings should be appreciated with all my praise. I’m making sure I don’t miss mentioning it very often."
"My handsome man."
"I’ll get a strawberry sponge cake and a dandelion tea, I think trying a financier* is good too."
"That sounds delicious. I’ll get a jambon beurre* because it’s been so long since I’ve had one. With a double shot of espresso."
"How do we get to call the waiter?"
"Press on the button present on the middle of the table, one of them will come right up."
Your both enjoying your meal you got a bite of Beni’s sammy and decided you wanted one too. You also fed him a bit of your food and he smiled with all his teeth showing. So cute, you thought.
Someone is coming to your table. By the way they’re dressed, you can grasp that they work in the kitchen of the establishment with a high hair up do, a neat rouge on her lips and a winged eyeliner trait neatly done to die for. 
What’s the most striking about her face is the fact that she has heterochromia which makes her even more charming. Her left eye is blue while the right one is green. Like how can one be that beautiful? Girl I feel like rubbing my eyes to check of I’m not seeing things…
"How have you been?"
"Is that how you greet a childhood friend, huh? You come to Paris but don’t even think about contacting me beforehand?"
"Aw, come on don’t be so harsh on me?"
"Harsh, bruva* you don’t got any manners and you’re talking about me being abrasive on you? Revalute your choice of words for all that is deemed sacred!"
"Okay, I’ll do that."
"And much rude of you not to introduce me to the beauty sitting in front of you?"
You’re saying that about me… well, well, well, look at you? I’m starting to second guess myself about men?
"I was about to get to it."
"Her name’s Y/n L/n." 
"The infamous university girl you were rad* about? Took you long enough to finally date her, were you scared or someone scared you? She asks him never taking her eyes off of you. 
"My pleasure to meet Benimaru’s" she mouths "obsession." 
"You may ask me anything you feel like knowing about him. Please, do not hesitate."
"Annelyse! I thought you were on my side."
"I never said the contrary so… Stop imagining shit!"
"Her beauty is…"
"I know what you mean. The term you’re looking for probably is enthralling or should I say bewitching."
"More the last one than the former."
"She stole some of my high school girlfriends to let you know about the tea."
"She did that? How could…she do that to you?"
"Didn’t she have her eyes on you while she was talking to me?"
"What did you feel when she was looking at you the way she does?"
"Oh, that’s you you mean…"
"Exactly, that’s how she gets them."
"How many?"
"I can’t actually tell you. You’d think I’m a serial dater if I tell you." 
"No, I mean it’s fine by me."
"Did you ask Leo that?"
"No, he told me without me asking matter of fact why do suddenly mention Leo You got beef with him."
No, I had a plate of seafood boil with him. If I tell her this, she'll probably sulk the whole time we're here. I better not act childish right now.
"Why are you siding with someone you’re on a break with?"
"That’s not what I meant."
"I can’t and won’t have beef with him. It would be stupid of mine."
"May I know more?"
"Indubitably! Look up Palais de la Démesure and tell me what you think about it after you’re done reading what you’ve found online. Just a warning, you might not like what you see. One thing is certain, you won’t ever ask me about me being jealous of another man, ever again. It won’t cross your mind."
"We’ll meet Annelyse later this week because there is something she wants to show you. Are you okay with it?"
"I mean why wouldn’t I be okay with what she has to show me…"
"Did you have the time to look it up?"
"Yes, a little."
"What have you learned about it, then?"
"It is a common event and matter in your life alongside Leo’s one." 
"Did you look for the translation of the terms?"
"No, I didn’t."
"Wouldn’t you like to know? Curiosity hasn’t stricken you yet?"
"Go ahead and just deliver…"
"Wild Palace or the Palace of Excesses. A place where all of your wicked fantasies shall become true as there is no place for the term undoable to echo in those rooms." 
"Honestly, sounds like a good time for me! How do I enter there?"
"You can’t. You have to be summoned by the person who’s the current owner of the place."
"Do you know him?"
"No, no one does. Apparently, he’s a regular man like many of us but each year brings about a new owner. Something about the constant change makes the place more modern, one could say."
"You liked the time you spent there?"
"Yes, it was phenomenal." 
"I would love to hear it, sometime."
Back at the hotel
I reminisce vividly of it.
How can one forget a whole week spent with other four men and a woman whom was willing to be used as our personal fuck toy? Of course, there was no way for us to know who she was, what’s her government name or even if she was an inhabitant of the city. We were just told to please ourselves to our hearts content as long as we respect each other in an environment where pleasure and bliss are keywords.
That year, a woman of high ranking was the owner of said palace which made circumstances highly advantageous for women. I must salute her for her proactive measures. Women were the centre of attention and I personally loved that for them. She had also added another rule which was If the woman you’re currently with tends to have more sex with you than all the other guys it could potentially mean that she might want to spend a week with you only and you’ll be assigned to a private suite for such doings, of everything follows through, naturally.
Later on
While browsing on the web about what Benimaru had told me about. I fell upon one porn link. I didn’t really specify what it was or who starred in it but I could get a vague feel that it was amateur type shit, you know, the good stuff which is not staged.
On the screen I see such a voluptuous black woman getting it on with five masked men. The thing is I don’t even know why but somehow wish it were me getting thrown around like that. Yes, she’s livin’ her best life, that is certain but the way she’s on them?? Wow, teach me your ways, girl! She’s got three dicks in her, she’s jerking one with her and has another man who sandwiched his dick between her tits. Long story short, I’m not even halfway through the video that Benimaru barges in the room talking ‘bout "Have you seen my glasses?"
I throw my phone ‘cause I’m not got hide it right and act like I actually am looking for it with it.
"I don’t know," she stammers "hum, where did you leave them?"
"On the night table, normally." 
"Okay, I’ll go check if it’s there."
"Is it a grey box?"
"Here you have it, check if it’s inside, you never know."
He does it. "Thank you love and he kisses your lips." That unexpected move really caught you off guard. And he leaves just like that.
And I go look for my phone right where I threw it. Next plan, I can see her now bouncing on three peens while the other two men jerk their manhood as she keeps her mouth open with her tongue out. So raunchy, yet it’s making your panties wet. 
The end of the video is topped with a bukkake* scene but what’s new honestly, when it comes to an orgie. I’m left drier than motherfucking saltfish before it is plunged in water for its saltiness to go away. 
I know I wanted more than anything a sugardaddy yet after watching this, I’m starting to revaluate my choices. I’m young after all so I should get all the fun I want. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Benimaru is fine but I don’t mind getting another man to take care of me like Leo used to.
I still have his number on my phone, it wouldn’t hurt to call him. I’m just checking how he is doing without me… 
On the other side of the globe
"And that is the main reason why we should review the budget for our next big hit. Mister Burns, are you here with us?"
He doesn't really seem like he's in his element…
"Yes, as always excellent presentation Hay Linn, I will excuse myself for now. 
If anyone has questions regarding the matter, please, do not waver contacting me or Hay Linn here present. We’ll gladly get back to you as soon as possible.
And with that you’re all dismissed."
Two employees chit chat about their general feels concerning their very first year working for Leonard's company:
"Did you see? Ceo Leo is so nice, I’m so happy we have a boss like him!
"Heck yes, you’re so right about that."
Look, he’s looking rather gloomy these past few days. Does anyone know what happened?
"Sugarbaby gate."
"Oh, that."
"Without a doubt. It has to be it." 
"Wait, isn’t that field always like full or maybe shortage has ravaged it?"
"I don’t think it’s that simple…more like he might have to let go of someone he really liked."
"I don’t feel like talking about it anymore. Gon’ make me sad and shit."
"Same here."
Leonard Burns sits down at his desk and runs his hand through his luscious white hair. This day hasn’t been his best but he must remain focused, otherwise rumours will spread like wildfire about him and his rather blue face.
As he tries to cheer himself up to the best of his ability, his phone starts buzzing on his desk. Who could it be at this time of day? He doesn’t have any planned phone calls he quickly checked his schedule before eventually answering that phone call.
"Good afternoon."
"Hello! Am I on the phone with," she pauses before uttering the following terms, "Sir Leonard Burns?"
"Yes, the one and only. How may I help you?"
"Oh, now you’d like to help me. How gentlemanlike of you. Have you forgotten me, perhaps?"
"I’m not sure what you mean, miss. Are you sure we have met before?"
"I am or maybe I should’ve said Daddy Leo?"
"It’s you Y/n, how are you doing? Are Paris and Benimaru being kind to you?"
"I’m a little hurt because you didn’t remember me right away. I am doing well, thank you for asking. Yes, they’re treating the best they can. How are you, my Leo?"
But I somehow know you'd treat me the best as always…
"I’m doing okay, I guess…"
"I know we are on a break but I miss you. I diligently hope we can meet as soon as I land back there. There’s a lot of things I have to let you know.
And you can’t do that on the phone, am I right?"
"As always, you’re so alert."
"You planned to torture me on the phone with that mellifluous voice of yours all day long or you’re going to let me go?"
"I’m not keeping you captive, baby unless you’d like me to!"
"You’re playing with fire Y/n, I advise you not to do it."
"But what’s wrong if I like doing it with you, daddy? Are you going to spank me when I’m back? I’ve grown to like the sting I get each time one your firm hand lays a hit on my delicate skin."
The worst bit of this call is that Leonard is fighting so hard not to get a hard on because that's the last thing he would like to deal with while he's at work, in his office. Yes, people will knock on the door before entering but if he gets one, he'll have to tend to it on the spot.
"I will if you want me to."
"That’s what I like to hear. See you when I’m back then, rawr…"
"I’ll see you then, Y/n."
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Chapter 6 of After all, it's not a bad idea to get a sugar daddy 
Any kind of interaction is widely welcome!!
2022-2024 all rights reserved to @kaedeakeshisworld.
Translations/ modifications/replicas/property of my work are strictly prohibited. Do not repost/ recommend/ share it elsewhere!
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jojobegood1 · 1 year
Maison Cailler - Plongez dans l’univers gourmand du chocolat suisse
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claudehenrion · 2 years
Un triste ''mondial'' de football
    Dans une semaine, aura lieu, au Qatar, la cérémonie d'ouverture du ''Mondial'' de football, cette Coupe du Monde de la FIFA.  Cet événement fait scandale depuis déjà douze ans, depuis l’attribution de l'organisation de cette compétition à cette petite (et richissime) monarchie du Golfe qui n’a aucune des qualités objectives qui justifieraient un tel choix. Pas un jour n'est passé, depuis, sans que quelqu'un ne pose la question : ''Comment ce scandale a-t-il été possible ?''. Sans surprise, le mot ‘’corruption’’ revient le plus souvent, en réponse à cette question... intéressée.
Que l’on soit amateur de ‘’foot’’ ou non, éclairé ou pas, joueur soi-même, vrai fan ou tiède, la Coupe du monde est intéressante à plusieurs titres. Le temps d’un mois, des nations vont s’affronter devant des foules enthousiastes, dans un sport qui jouit d'une popularité unique, dans tous les pays. Cette grande fête du sport permet de découvrir un pays, promu pour un mois ''grand temple des dieux du stade'', comme les Jeux Olympiques. Et pourtant --et ça, c'est... une grande première qui se répète très, trop souvent-- les ingrédients ne semblent pas être réunis pour que cette Coupe du monde 2022 soit un triomphe footballistique : le pays-hôte, le Qatar, a une histoire très récente et un intérêt culturel très limité... mais là n'est pas la cause du ''désamour'' annoncé : c'est le contexte, qui est présenté comme très lourd...
Il ne fait de doute pour personne que le Qatar a acheté son organisation auprès des instances de football et de certains chefs d’État. Si les dessous de table sont légion en matière d’attribution de compétition, ici, l’organisation de ce tournoi prestigieux dans un territoire 3 fois plus petit que la Normandie relève de l’absurde... et d'une corruption ''XXL +''. En outre, cette ''grande fête du football'' (comme il faut dire, en jargon journalistique) se déroulera sur un cimetière, celui de milliers, dit-on, de travailleurs venus du Népal, d’Inde, du Pakistan et du Sri Lanka, morts dans ou pendant la construction des infrastructures sportives. En détournant le mécanisme juridique d’adoption islamique (la ''kafala''), la monarchie qatarie a exploité des milliers d’êtres humains d'une manière qui s’apparente à l’esclavage.  Et s’ajoute une donnée qui déplaît aux amateurs de ballon rond : le Qatar n’est pas un pays ''de foot'', comme, par exemple, Allemagne, France, Italie, Brésil ou Argentine.
Et, cerise sur le gâteau, en plein dans cette période d’obsession pathologique pour ce que certains appellent ''Ecologie' (qui n'est qu'une nouvelle iso-religion, animiste mais ''intégriste-issime''), l’organisation de cette Coupe du monde se fait dans un pays où il a fallu climatiser les stades et les terrains, affréter des ‘’monstres pour croisières’’ pour les spectateurs (faute de nombre suffisant d’hôtels) et n-tupler les avions de ligne et les fameux ''jets privés'', cauchemar de nos faux écolos / vrais jaloux égalitaristes … A l’heure de la sobriété énergétique, des pull-over à col roulé de nos clowns-politiciens (NDLR : en cachemire, tout de même : on n'habite pas l'Elysée pour rien ! Se conformant à ses propres recommandations, notre Président a ''traversé la rue'' pour trouver un déguisement qui fasse croire qu'il est prêt à assumer les conséquences de ses décisions, plus poutinophobes qu'ukrainophiles --ce blocus inutile va nous faire cailler tout l'hiver et nous priver de tout... pour rien. Mais est-ce de sa faute si, de l'autre côté de sa rue, il y a Hermès ? Nous devrons en reparler), ces éléments paraissent être en contradiction insultante avec toutes les initiatives pseudo-environnementales à la mode, auxquelles il est obligatoire de dire qu'on sacrifie, et avec les souhaits sans lendemain qui vont être ''égrenés'' à Charm el-Sheikh dans les comptes-rendus de la COP 27 (dite ''de la dernière chance'', comme toutes celles qui l'ont précédée et toutes celles qui la suivront)... qui resteront lettre morte tant que le problème climatique sera posé d'une manière plus politique (voire ‘’iso-religieuse’’) que scientifique, ce qui le rend insoluble...
Et il reste le chapitre délicat des fameux ''droits de l'Homme'', qui deviennent de plus en plus, en Occident, des ‘’droits’’ (?) des féministes pathologiques, des homosexuels militants, des bi-, des trans-, et des ''Q'' (sic !)… ces ''fourre-tout'' faussement victimaires mais vraiment anti-démocratiques (puisque priorisant la tyrannie de n'importe quelle minorité au détriment de toute majorité digne de ce nom) qui sont, toutes, difficilement compatibles avec l’islam officiel qatari. (NDLR : les pays occidentaux, d’ordinaire si prompts à se sur-mobiliser sur des ''droits-de-l'hommisme pourvu qu'ils soient dévoyés'', réagissent plus vite, d'habitude, de peur d'être accusés de ''quelque-chose-o-phobie'' ! Mais là... il y a tellement de ''wadi'' (c'est le pluriel de ''oued'') de dollars qui ruissellent, que c'est ''Silence dans les rangs'' ! Primum vivere, deinde... parler de ses soi-disant grands principes pervers)
Il faut reconnaître que le Qatar, en obtenant l’organisation du Mondial et en passant entre les mailles du filet de tous les scandales, a fait preuve d’une capacité étonnante à défendre ses intérêts. Après avoir fait main basse sur des biens économiques, puis culturels, et acheté des clubs de football comme le Paris-Saint-Germain ou le Sporting Clube de Braga (''Clube'' n'est pas une faute de frappe, c'est du portugais !), le pays s’est offert là une vitrine exceptionnelle en vue de lisser son image en dépit de ses rapports controversés (avec juste raison) avec les pires organisations islamistes, les plus infréquentables, les plus criminelles. 
Mais au fond, il est logique que le Qatar mette ses richesses naturelles au service de son influence dans le monde. Et il a encore plus raison de ''tenir bon'' en maintenant, contre les progressistes enragés, ses ''fondamentaux'' en matière religieuse, morale et civilisationnelle : ce n'est pas parce que nous, occidentaux, ne savons plus que ''baisser notre pantalon'' –pardon pour l'expression, mais je n'en vois pas d'autre !-- depuis une décennie, que les autres devraient s'aligner sur notre indignité, copier notre infamie et imiter notre lâcheté : ce n’est pas le Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir du Qatar, qui est en tort, mais tous ceux qui courbent l’échine devant lui et lui passent tous ses caprices… quand ils ne pratiquent pas une collaboration active et bien rémunérée pour lui permettre d’atteindre ses buts.
Face à face, nous avons donc, d'un côté, le flux d'argent rarement atteint d'une stratégie qatarie qui s'appuie sur une super-méga-corruption –mais quel Etat est vierge et pur, dans ce domaine ?-- débouchant sur une ''Coupe du monde du scandale''... et de l'autre côté une caricature de morale redéfinie par un Occident en pleine décadence intellectuelle –ou plus exactement une somme de mauvaises idées mortelles pour tous, reposant sur une redéfinition à contre-role de ce qui fut ''la Démocratie'' –ce régime pire que tous les autres, mais le meilleur qu'on ait inventé, disait à peu près Churchill... Les fausses bonnes âmes (qui font pire, souvent, mais ''pour leur bonne cause'') hurlent à la mort, oubliant que leurs idées sont, elles, déjà bien mortes. Quant au foot... qui en parle, à part Deschamps ?
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jakez19 · 2 months
Rassemblement Stop Pédocriminalité à Genève du 30.07.24 avec Chloé Frammery, Jean-Dominique Michel, Michele Cailler, des survivantes et le Docteur Chaton
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