#cain/kai kallig
dirthara-dalen · 8 months
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Alliance Alert: meditate in your Alderaan estate gardens
Contact: ??????
Overview: ????
Ligastar was very confused when Theron claimed the alliance alert was not visible on his data pad. Even Lana claimed there was nothing there. How was he the only one seeing it?! 
With great reluctance he traveled to the estate on Alderaan and found a decent spot to meditate. For what felt like hours he meditated yet nothing happened. Just as he was about to give up he suddenly felt his consciousness being pulled. It felt the same as when he had entered Satele’s mind. However, this was different; it felt as if his mind was being pulled into the force.
As the sensation faded he found himself standing in some ruins which he recognized as Alderaanian. What he did not recognize was the figure that stood before him. For a brief moment he thought the Mirialan was Cain. However, unlike Cain the man had dark red hair. Scars that cut through his tattoos riddled his face indicating he had seen quite a bit of combat.
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“Who are you?”
“I’m not surprised Jeeta had not spoken about me…I am the black sheep of the family after all.”
That voice, Ligastar recognized it as the voice that spoke to him on Iokath. “I will ask again, who are you?”
“I am Cain Kallig, Jeeta’s younger fraternal twin brother.”
Cain? This was Cain’s namesake? “I think my father named my twin after you.”
“I know…though I did nothing to deserve such an honor. Besides, I used to go by Kai which most of those who knew me came to call me.”
“What do you mean?”
Cain or, as he put it, Kai explained everything to him. Like his brother he was believed to be a model Jedi knight, until Revan went to war. Unlike his brother he struggled greatly, it's the dark side. When Revan returned he joined him in fighting the republic. He had even taught at the academy on Korriban. It was only after Revan’s fall and Malak’s defeat had he realized the true weight of what he had done in the galaxy. He had believed himself beyond redemption thus he attacked Jeeta in hopes his brother would kill him and he did. Before he had died he had sworn an oath to his brother to do his best to protect those he loved from within the force itself.
That was the moment he had been redeemed. Kai revealed that by having Jeeta bound to him, he was able to intervene and shield him. Ligastar asked if this meant he had fulfilled his oath. Kai told him it would take more than saving just Ligastar to fulfill his oath. He had asked him here to thank him for defeating Tenebrae and that he would continue to watch over him.
The moment Ligastar found himself back in reality he set about adding to the archives he had begun working on. With Jeeta’s help, he restored Kai’s story to their family’s archive. Cain needed to know about his namesake.
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