duunswitch · 3 months
@calamitysshatteredson || meet the dragons
"Oh, sure." Leanne immediately set a hand on a stone wall, feeling along it for a moment. "Hang on, the dragons carve instructions on the nearest exit into most of their tunnels so I once I find which tunnel we're in–"
Falling in through a hole in the ceiling above had been unfortunate, even more so when rocks had rolled over the hole and blocked out all the light but it's fine. She's traveled these tunnels so often that she can walk them in her sleep if she has to.
"Okay so we're in the south western tunnel which means if we go that way we'll find the eating cavern, and from there we just need to go north. If we're lucky we'll find a dragon and won't even need to walk the rest of the way!"
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millionsnife · 5 months
"Well. I guess Shinra's less of a worry than we thought, if you're the cream of their crop."
He'd honestly expected better from Shinra's supposed elite; even if they'd used inferior human genes as a base, Rem's DNA should have helped shore up any defects, and yet.
Apparently he hadn't accounted for mental defects in that assessment, and they probably hadn't either. Nai wrinkled his nose with a sigh, peering around the mansion's grungy basement with distaste. "Also if you're going to read a bunch of bullshit fiction by that quack of a scientist, you could at least do it outside where it's clean."
A pause, before he squinted at him thoughtfully. "I don't know why she woke up for you, of all people."
@calamitysshatteredson || congrats seph you're a baby sibling
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electricea · 1 month
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@starlixir sent - 🌺 ( Time For Some Positivity - Accepting! )
Send 🌺 and I'll recommend a blog I've followed forever.
@calamitysshatteredson comes to my mind, I believe we were mutuals even back in my FF15 days and couldn't be happier we've continued to be mutuals, they're a gem and a sweetheart and it's been getting to see different angles of Sephiroth.
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a-vctlan · 2 months
— chaotic unhinged lines from 2022-2023 prompts | @calamitysshatteredson :
"You know, I am not as mean as I would like to be. And I think people should appreciate that more."
"I certainly appreciate your self control." There is a slight undercurrent of humor to his voice, a fondness earned through trials fought through and time spent together, having learned to see Sephiroth beyond the cold apathetic façade that strikes most at first glance. "Genesis is bad enough, I'm not sure I could handle it if both of you decided to drop pretenses and say whatever came to mind."
Still, Angeal understands where Sephiroth is coming from. Unlike Genesis, he never saw SOLDIER as something that would bring him fame, merely pride and honor for his late father and the sacrifices he made to get Angeal where he is now. Being turned into a show pony, made to endure the same idiotic interview questions over and over again as fluff propaganda pieces for Shinra… it definitely got tiring.
Even his own patience wasn't infinite, but he's more or less learned to zone out of these affairs.
"Might end up joining you two, and then who'll reign us back in?"
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mezzomorendo · 8 months
[ @calamitysshatteredson continued from here ]
Well, that was... weird.
Zack's squint held multitudes of judgement, but mostly confusion. It was like he was looking at what was supposed to be a well-worn novel he'd read a thousand times, but instead opened it to be a theoretical, dry textbook. This man certainly (mostly) looked like Sephiroth. Admittedly, there were little things wrong. He sounded like Sephiroth, but it was like he was looking at Seph but a little to the left.
If he was more of a stranger to the man, perhaps he wouldn't have noticed. But he was a friend - a comrade, an enemy at times - and he noticed things. He cared.
Which meant this was a Sort Of Sephiroth that he wasn't sure how to deal with.
He circled Not Sephiroth a couple times, less a shark and more a very enthused yet bewildered dog. Again and again he found small things that made the picture awkward in its frame but every time he found one wrong thing, another right thing took its place. Though, to be fair, he himself probably came off to those he knew as Not Zack. So, really, who was he to judge.
"Okay!" He rested his hands on his hips after too long being quiet and nodded sharply. "Tell me if I'm wrong, but you've lost your memory, right? Which means I am being very weird to you right now."
Zack held out his hand with a grin. "Let's start from scratch for the time being. 'Name's Zack Fair. Nice to meetcha!"
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cryptidsncurios · 4 months
YEEHAW | Accepting! @calamitysshatteredson sent: YEEHAW Kuja!
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| word : "pride" |
For Kuja, admitting any form of emotion other than the continuous sense of mild amusement with which he carried himself was nearly impossible. Frustration he could account for---anger, and annoyance, at times, as well.
But whatever… spell had befallen him in the presence of his Raven---ah, of Sephiroth, he should say, perhaps---it was pride that stymied him from allowing open admittance. That he could simply not be plagued by such an unbidden affection, for it was not something that he could actually ever experience---of course not.
And yet, his heart whispered, perhaps…?
These troublesomely accumulating ruminations had carried him to the seclusion of his menagerie, his form reclined upon one of the marble benches scattered throughout. An artificial night had fallen upon his garden, and only the sparse amount of nocturnal creatures sung their gentle tunes as they fluttered about. He had so fervently hoped that this soothing noise would distract him from his woes, but alas---! Oh, alas!
Amidst his torment, he heard the sort of soft rustling amongst the flora that signaled an approaching creature. What would appear from the brush, he wondered? The albino garuda that shied away from the brutality of the light? One of the multiple benign mus, curious as to whom occupied their vicinity? Or a dendrobium of one of his many favored colors, listing along underneath the false starlight---?
It emerged from the leaves---
A shift in his relaxed posture, straightening to something far more composed, and an expression of contentedness that he hoped was not at all faltering, as he greeted the visitor from which his current agonies stemmed:
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“Ah, how intriguing it is to see you here, upon the arrival of this murky twilight. Are you so utterly restless as well that you have sought out this splendorous beauty to soothe your various aches?”
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meteorshcts · 4 months
Munday Meme: Good Zack, 11/10, gonna save the world and Sephiroth by literally clinging to him and refusing to let go, the plan is flawless.
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cinderella-gurei · 6 months
Continued from here with @calamitysshatteredson:
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"Indeed!" Is the short reply of it, but of course he will not leave the other wanting for a broader reply. "There are so many things I've only truly known from monitors and books... I want to see things for myself." The older one had the right of it, Chadley had a burning desire to explore the world surrounding him. For that, he wanted new, better clothing and, probably, a bigger backpack.
"Are you sure? I think you are the best one suited for this!" Chadley replies, confidence oozing from the tone of his voice, one slightly higher than usual as his face tilts over, wide-eyed. There is excitement, a quiet joy written across his expression as he awaits for Sephiroth to find an ensemble for him.
It doesn't take long for the man to turn the tablet over to him and, what comes out of Chadley is a gasp of awe. He raises his hands high up to the sky and then turns over, nodding. "That is exactly what I desired! Something practical but pretty, it is simply perfect!" He has to stop himself from simply running over to the man for an embrace. Instead, his hands go to his own chest, a small squeal escaping him.
It was such a high emotional response, he had to close his eyes shut for a bit before returning to normalcy, raising his head towards Sephiroth. He clears his throat, hoping the previous display wasn't too unbecoming of him. "Can we afford it? Is it not troublesome for you?"
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dxnzelstrife · 7 months
The boy's eyes scanned the grey-haired being. Cloud talked about him rarely. Sephiroth. Yet still here he was on their doorstep searching for the blond. "He's not here." Denzel answered curtly. "And while he's not, I'm in charge."
Technically, Tifa was but Denzel had to be 'the man of the house' while Cloud was away so the boy needed to step up his game. "What do you want?" Cloud probably would've been proud of him too for holding his own. "Just tell me and maybe I'll tell him when he gets back if I feel like it... "
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snowbanshee · 1 year
Purple. There was no defined reason to have an affinity for the color, as far as he could tell. Mother didn't particularly distinguish between colors, and as far as he was concerned, there was no real reason his eye should be drawn to it.
It was a memory, wasn't it? A memory of a sort. Something he'd shed as useless, long ago. A-- Person? Purple. And gold. And-- Bitter.
He wasn't sure he remembered, really. Maybe it was left behind or locked away for a reason, but in any case. He would not question the desire to keep the color close overly much.
[A little story because I couldn't help but notice that Dissidia Seph always has a little purple on him.]
Like a butterfly, Sephiroth used what he had left of his past to create himself anew. A new beginning, a new mind in a new body. If only. His past haunted him in the worst way possible. Oh how he wished it was anger, nightmares, betrayal and loneliness he left behind. It would have been so easy.
Was trying to remember even worth the pain? Curiosity was a blessing as much as it was a curse.
Purple and gold. Perfume that smelled like the ocean. Coffee with milk. Fingertips against his hair. Silken cravat. Tuxedo gloves. It was his home - not a place, but a person. A person who found him, took time to know him, tamed him so slowly and carefully, showed him love and threw him away.
That what Purple and Gold was, etched in his body and his soul, a cruel and constant reminder.
Sephiroth once read a story about a man so devoted to his beliefs, he was ready to sacrifice his own son.
Sephiroth once met a man so devoted to a Goddess he was willing to sacrifice his only friends so the Goddess would have no choice but to choose him.
Sephiroth once knew a man who had a choice.
But he didn’t have a chance to ask
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Welp. Pre - Lazard's - death Sephiroth was strictly grayscale while post - Lazard's - death Sephiroth truly embraced two more colours.
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themageofmany · 9 months
(From here cause I wanna for @calamitysshatteredson)
Skylar's eyes narrowed at Sephiroth's comment. Better not encountered, huh? No kidding. As if she was able to help who she encountered, who she was deceived by in order to be taken away.
What she saw behind the walls of that facility was horror beyond comprehension. Piercing metal, twisted bone, screams morphing to roars. Her words were quiet, but steady and knowing.
"I wonder how many of those people are their victims."
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millionsnife · 1 year
@calamitysshatteredson || lab rat?
The world immediately outside of the labs smells.
Like rotten socks and molded food, sweaty humans and a strange, sweet tang he can't quite pinpoint the source of. He hates it. He misses the sound of starsong, the freshness of air untainted by civilization.
It's how Knives ends up finding himself in the pocket he's currently hiding in, even if he's not sure the owner even realized he'd climbed into it.
At least it's warm in here. He peeks out, squinting, to see if he's been noticed yet.
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electricea · 6 months
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Anonymous sent - 💖💖💖 ( Random Mutual Love - Accepting! )
@calamitysshatteredson - Even though we haven't talked much lately, I remember them from back in my previous fandom and they've always been someone very very kind and very supportive. Someone I won't hesitate to recommend.
@lightcreators - I enjoy writing with them, they put a lot of depth and detail into their replies and I'm really excited to see what comes next for us in terms of our interactions.
@moonlitsorceress - I'm definitely excited to be interacting with them a bit more, they've always seemed nothing but incredibly chill and very kind and they've got themselves a wonderful muse too.
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continued from x
@calamitysshatteredson Control. It was the single-most freeing and condemning thing Genesis could think of. To act and to elicit a desired response; it was a comfort. But it was a deception. And it was a disappointment that creaked from the taut leather of his closed gloves. Afterall, what use was there admiring the delicacy of a butterfly on one's palm if it was crushed? One could not claim delicacy-- only selfishness. His lips pursed in a thin line, stormy mako eyes regarding Sephiroth. He mulled over his conflicted state. All other things had been taken from him-- his achievements at home to his pride in Wutai as a SOLDIER. If he did not hold on, what else would be lost? If he did not fight tooth and nail, would not the precious things he had left also be taken? Was it even his choice to begin with? But the image of a broken insect, a shattered, abused lock did not set well either. And... somewhere, in some dark and eerie place, Genesis nearly felt a looming danger of the path he currently tread. Something parallel, something horrifying, something that spoke of being damned one way or another. And it frightened him. Was this shadow an omen or a warning? If the latter, what could he change? "You know, I..." Genesis began, then stopped. Cowardice. It would be so strange, so out of place, so ridiculous. Speaking in riddles, going round and round, only just brushing against what was felt, what was needed to be said. "I'll.. keep it in mind. Might... ask for a key, sometime."
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steeleidolon · 1 year
🐤 ((I gotta.))
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cryptidsncurios · 2 months
@calamitysshatteredson sent a very special and wonderful birthday gift: He had so little knowledge of "appropriate" birthday gifts. Surely any of the finer things in life were acquired already, along with anything else the Dove wanted. There was no jewelry he knew how to buy, no wine he knew how to pick out, and just as he thought he might return empty-handed-- Ah. One thing felt appropriate. Waiting on the dining room table on the appropriate morning was a small pot decorated with silver ribbon, and a plant. A peculiar plant. On the side of the pot was a tiny label indicating the plant was carnivorous, and the Raven knew immediately who might find it interesting.
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Kuja’s usual day-before “birthday” trip to Treno had rewarded him with the usual fineries he received from all of his adoring fans: the sparkling jewelry encrusted with gems of every sort, garments of silk and leather and sequins and stitching by famous artisans the world over, furniture made of the rarest trees in the most forbidden of forests, knick-knacks and baubles that enchanted the whimsy of their gifters.
And upon his return to his Palace, the majority was ultimately left behind in the auction house upon closing ceremonies---the larger pieces, likely to simply accumulate dust---which he did, of course, promise to showcase upon the next raucous gathering, to show the generosity of those surrounding him. The smaller pieces were taken with him---yet, likely, they would be added to his already-massive collection, the significance behind their bestowal forgotten, leaving only his amusement that night---lounging within his lavish quarters---at how easily he always ensnared those that wallowed at his feet for approval.
It was a shame, he reflected, that his Raven had declined to join him---that it was a tad overwhelming, all of those people on a single space shouting and laughing and clamoring for attention---and his absence had been… felt. And when he had returned, he chose not to disturb his Raven, for the closed door seemed to indicate that he was busy, or slumbering within his own chambers.
Refreshed upon the morning’s arrival, Kuja donned his most favored satin robe of feather trim and lilac hue, and which graced the floor in a dramatic flourish as he approached the dining room in search of a proper breakfast. However, he stopped short upon entering the threshold, immediately aware of the presence of his Raven---somehow, upon Kuja surveying him in those few moments, had been far more sorely missed than the previous day.
And there upon the table was the most peculiar object---such a small, seemingly delicate flora, that he immediately recognized.
“Dionaea muscipula,” he purred with delight, his arrival to the table a pointedly sauntering gait, before leaning forward and elbows alighting the table. “What a sweet, small creature---yet to its prey, so very deadly.”
Extending forward a slender finger, he allowed it to gently slide along the underside of the plant---knowing well what its jagged jaws did.
Then his eyes darted from his newest gift up toward he that had bestowed it upon him, rising fully to his feet---and his face, in a rare display, softened into an expression of a fondness that he had---yes, that he had never shown anyone else.
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“I---” and he rounded the table, a hand raising to touch his chest---such a calm gesture, not typically seen within the range of his usual postures--- “…I thank you so very much, my dear Raven.”
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