#call a minibus taxi
passengertaximinibus · 5 months
Passenger taxi minibus
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vip-taxi Mercedes minivan vip-minivan taxi Mercedes vip-taxi business class minivan order a minivan VIP class taxi order a premium minivan taxi minivan taxi VIP transportation for 6 people premium minivan taxi transfer + to Vnukovo airport minivan transfer + to Domodedovo airport minivan transfer + to the airport minivan transfer + to Sheremetyevo airport + from Moscow minivan transfer + minivan VIP class transfer minivan transfer minivan Moscow transfer minivan with child seat transfer to minivan Vnukovo Order a premium minivan taxi. 
VIP taxi. Transfer minivan and minibus. Rent a minivan with a driver. 
Business minivan. Order a Mercedes V class with a driver. Minivan to the airport with child seats. More details visite website: https://minivans.taxi/
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crinkled-emotions · 8 months
Day 28: Daggers in Australia
Back in the groove! I think this fic ended up being somewhere around the 5k mark whilst the others have been mostly 1-2k max. I honestly thought about writing more but rather than making it seem overfull I hit a point and I was like yep, we're done, that's fine there.
“Someone hold my hand when we cross the road, I’m not awake enough for this.”
“Payback, hold your wizzo’s hand.”
“Fuck you, Rooster.”
Rooster dodged when Payback went to swat at the back of his head, pulling his suitcase along with him as the pair fucked around. Fanboy groaned, turning to rest his head on Bob’s shoulder.
“You’re gonna keep me safe, right Bob?”
“A little busy right now, Mick.”
Bob, wrestling both his luggage and Phoenix’s while she went to the bathroom, did indeed look busy. Maverick was already on the phone organising pick up from the airport, talking quietly as people rushed around him. Coyote had decided to sit on a bench nearby and was texting his mom, letting her know they’d landed in Perth. Everyone was sluggish, feeling the jetlag from their thirty hours of flying including their layovers in LAX and Sydney. The only one with enough energy to keep them going had to be Hangman, of course, bouncing on his feet in a way that told Coyote he’d maybe had a taste of Aussie coffee on the plane. When his incessant talking made even Coyote doubt his friendship he reached out, grabbing Hangman by the wrist.
“Sit down and shut up a sec, you’re asking Rooster to punch you again.”
“He missed last time,” Hangman rebutted but he did indeed sit down and shut up aside from his foot tapping on the lino floors of the Perth airport’s international arrival terminal.
It was barely 3am and everyone was on their last legs, yawning and using each other to stay up. Even Maverick himself was struggling with the time changes which told everyone to be on their (mostly) best behaviour.
The conference with the Australian Navy was being held on the Perth base for some reason instead of Sydney; apparently it was their turn to host something and no one had really had a problem with it except for the fact that it meant an additional layover and six hours of flying for the Daggers who’d been flown in especially for a panel at the conference. Initially it had only been those who flew the mission who were invited but in the end it had been agreed that Coyote would also be attending to provide additional perspective on the training.
“Mav, I’m starving. Can we get food on the way to the hotel?” Rooster complained. Maverick, still on the phone, held up a finger to tell him to wait.
“No, that’s not what I said... okay, well, that would be- yes sir, that would be great. Thank you very much. I apologise for the early start.”
With his phone call over Maverick turned to the Daggers, including Phoenix who had returned from the bathroom and taken her luggage from Bob.
“Okay, everyone go and see if you can get an uber or a taxi. Your hotel rooms are all under your own names; check in and get a couple hours sleep. We’re going to meet tomorrow morning-“
Maverick paused, checked his watch, and grimaced.
“-later today around 0800 hours, and a representative from the Australian Navy has offered to take us on a tour of Perth. I expect that you’ll all be on time and ready for anything they set up for us on this tour. The conference starts in two days; today and the following day is all about building our relationships with our Australian colleagues so best behaviour, guys.”
“Yes sir,” the team all echoed. They all headed for the exit, immediately grimacing.
“How is it warm at three am?” Phoenix complained, already reaching to take off her jacket.
“Australia is notorious for their hot summers,” Bob supplied, “well; that’s what it said on the brochure in Sydney.”
A couple hours later the Daggers gathered out the front of their hotel, all of them battling jetlag like pros. The Navy representative greeted them easily, gesturing to the minibus behind him.
“Good morning everyone! My name is Jim Dempsey, everyone calls me JD and I’m going to be your Navy representative whilst you’re here in Perth. Today we’re going to be visiting some of the more common tourist attractions; I thought you might like to see the beaches, and then we’re going to-“
“-JD, I’m so sorry to ask, would it be possible to have our first stop be a coffee shop?” Rooster asked. JD laughed.
“I think that sounds reasonable. Alright everyone, let’s get a move on!” The Daggers started toward the minibus, climbing in and finding a seat. As Phoenix sat down she nudged Bob, leaning in to whisper to him.
“He’s way too happy for this time of day,” she muttered. Bob snorted.
“It’s the coffee here; apparently it’s supercharged.”
“This is going to end badly,” Phoenix sighed. Bob nudged her side.
“It’ll be so much better when you’ve had caffeine. C’mon, brighten up; when was the last time you went to Australia?”
“Never, actually,” Phoenix confessed, “you?”
“No. Fanboy said he and Payback got sent here a few years ago but it was in a remote location. They had to stand on a hill to get cell reception and Fanboy got heat exhaustion.”
“Sounds rough; explains why he’s clinging to his water.”
Their eyes fell to the large water bottle in a side pocket of Fanboy’s backpack, both wondering if they should have brought their own. They watched when Rooster hit his head on the roof of the minibus and stifled their laughter, instead choosing to take a couple photos of the scrub around the hotel. With everyone buckled in, the minibus started up and JD headed toward what he called bragged was of the best coffee shops around.
“Now, prepare yourselves, and go easy on the caffeine; speaking from experience, our coffee is the best in the world but it’s also strong so you will be shitting through the eye of a needle at twenty paces if you’re not careful.”
JD was quick to warn the Daggers as they stepped into the cute coffee shop, pausing to take a look at the menu. They all slowly looked to him in confusion but he waved them off.
“Our coffee is high in caffeine, so it gives you the shits. You’ve been warned.”
“I just want a coffee,” Hangman said after a moment of staring blankly, “damn coffee shops make this so difficult.”
“Try a flat white,” JD suggested. Hangman glanced at him, then shrugged and went up to order. Phoenix mused at the menu for a moment. It was too hot to be drinking hot coffee like Hangman had just ordered... iced latte it was.
Once everyone had placed their orders and paid they stood back to wait, glancing around.
“Where are you from?” Rooster asked JD, who hummed.
“I was born in Queensland, but I’ve been in Perth almost twenty years. It’s a great place to be; no one really thinks to come here so we mostly get our beaches to ourselves.”
“What ones would you recommend- holy shit that’s good.”
Hangman had joined the pair, takeaway coffee cup in hand as he took his first sip. He offered his cup to Rooster who shook his head.
“I’m not getting cooties, mine’s coming.”
“To answer your question, a lot of the guys go surfing at Scarborough but most people flock to Cottesloe on our hot days.”
“Hey, man, while I’ve got you-“
Rooster’s name was called and he split from JD and Hangman to grab his coffee. JD patted Hangman’s shoulder then went to see where they were at in regards to coffee collection. Maverick stood by Hangman, smiling at the way his eyes lit up the more he sipped at his coffee.
“Just remember what JD said; we’re moving around a lot today so don’t do something dumb.”
“Me? Dumb? I’m good, Mav, in fact I’m too good to-“
“-be true,” the rest of the Daggers filled in nearby, earning laughter. A woman approached Hangman suddenly, holding out a piece of paper and a pen.
“I’m so sorry to ask, but are you that guy from that movie?”
“Uh...? No?”
“Oh, damn, that’s... embarrassing. Sorry!”
She disappeared out the door and Hangman frowned as he looked to the others.
“What was she sniffing?”
With everyone happily caffeinated, JD loaded them back into the van and they drove through the picturesque scenery of the Perth suburbs sipping on their coffee and taking photos through the windows. For a group of seasoned aviators they were definitely feeling the coffee hit, talking a million miles an hour. JD glanced over at Maverick who cleared his throat.
“They’ll settle; where are we headed?”
“I thought we could do Fremantle Prison first, and then depending on energy levels and the coffee crash we could either relax and see a movie or head to the beach for the arvo.”
“I’m sorry; arvo?”
Fanboy interrupted the conversation, apparently listening to all the conversations in the bus. JD smiled at him in the rearview mirror.
“After the prison we might do smoko-“
Rooster, this time. Apparently all the Daggers had become eavesdroppers.
“Take a break; shearers use to have smoke breaks so they’d call it morning and afternoon smoko.”
JD filled in the blanks, already questioning his own lingo.
“I totally forgot to ask this earlier when I heard it in the airport; what the fuck is a gobby-“
“-and look at that, we’re here!”
JD pulled the van into a parking space at the prison, glancing over his shoulder.
“Before we go in, I do just ask that you’re respectful to both the staff and the culture. I can tell you more later but if you’re not sure about something please make sure you ask me.”
“Of course,” Phoenix reassured. A glance to Bob beside her found him dozing, hat over his eyes.
“Hey, Mav, we’ve got a man down.”
“I’ll wake him, you guys go.”
The Fremantle Prison had a long (complicated) history in Australian culture, and the Daggers were quiet as they took it in. It originally opened in the 19th century, and when it closed in 1991 it was a welcomed announcement by the general public due to concerns for prisoner welfare and the state of the facilities. At one point Rooster separated from the group to read a plaque about the last execution on site and Maverick appeared by his side, a hand on his shoulder.
“How are you feeling about the panel?” He murmured. Rooster shrugged.
“The more I talk about it the less I feel like I’m gonna hurl.”
“I know. If you need a break just ask, okay?”
“Mav. I’m fine.”
Rooster sent him a reassuring smile, turning back to the information he’d been reading. Phoenix joined him when Maverick left his side, nudging his side.
“Hi, Tash.”
“This place... wow.”
“Haunting,” Rooster mused. Phoenix glanced around.
“Apparently they do night tours as well; think we can make Bagman scream?”
Rooster raised an eyebrow, then smirked; Phoenix rolled her eyes.
“Ew, Brooster. Ugh, you’re the worst.”
“I really think that one’s on you!” Rooster called as she left him to go and stand with Bob.
“Do you think that’s him?”
Rooster glanced over his shoulder, trying to figure out where the younger female voice came from considering it wasn’t Phoenix and she was the only female in their group. He frowned, then put it down to the eerie nature of the prison. It was probably playing with his head.
“How are we feeling? We could have a counter-y or we could head to Cottesloe-“
“-a counter-y...?”
JD winced.
“Sorry. Uh, we could go have a sit down meal at the pub or we could head out to Cottesloe beach.”
Maverick checked his watch, then shrugged.
“Everyone okay if we go have something to eat?”
The group agreed easily, Hangman jogging up to catch up with Bob.
“Hey, did you have the coffee? That was seriously strong, like crack but also a little like maybe I should have slept more, and did you smell the air- and the vegemite toast this morning was disgusting-“
“-what is wrong with you?”
The pub JD picked had a strong scent of stale beer the second you walked in and the TAB room to the left was loud enough that even if there was music playing over the speakers you wouldn’t have been able to hear it. The Daggers and JD found a table toward the back of the dining room, picking up their menus.
“What would you recommend, JD?” Payback asked.
“No more coffee for Jake,” JD deadpanned earning laughter from the others, “but anything here is great. The parmy has just the right amount of ham and sauce to cheese ratio and the fish is always fresh.”
“I’m so lost,” Bob muttered as he stared at the menu. A waitress appeared to get their drinks orders then they poured water to get themselves started, the Daggers taking in the room.
“Is that a pool table?” Phoenix asked. She immediately realised her mistake when Coyote and Hangman stood.
“We’ll be back.”
There were already a couple locals playing, but it appeared the two Daggers were welcomed into the group easily to everyone’s surprise. The waitress came by again to take food orders then while they waited the group fell into easy conversation about the Australian culture and the upcoming panel the Daggers would be attending. It was highly classified so they kept it general, talking around it rather than about it. Maverick leaned back in his chair and he was the first to spot the food coming out, his eyebrows raising.
“That is huge,” he said in regards to the steak placed in front of Bob, then turning to the seafood Rooster had ordered.
“And that- there’s so much.”
“I feel a nap in my near future,” Rooster grinned. Maverick smiled at him, taking a prawn when it was offered.
“Is this where that saying about a shrimp on the barbie comes from?” Payback asked JD, who shook his head.
“Not really, we might do that your last night here. Most Aussies actually prefer yabbies; a type of... I dunno, it’s kinda like a prawn or a lobster but oversized. You find ‘em a lot in freshwater dams on the farms but there’s plenty of yabby farmers around here that keep up the supply.”
“What the fuck is a yabby-“
“-hey, food!”
Coyote and Hangman returned from the pool table when Bob waved them over, eagerly eyeing their meals.
“I feel like this is going to ruin everything I’ve ever worked for,” Hangman said as he reached for his silverware. The others laughed.
“We’re going to swim it off, remember? It’s about half an hour to Cottesloe so you’ll be good to get straight in the water when we get there.”
“That’s alright then.”
The Daggers stripped off to their swimwear on the sand, tossing various articles of clothing at Maverick and slathering on sunblock. Right before they took off JD waved to get their attention.
“Swim where everyone else is and keep an eye out for sharks.”
“He’s joking, right?” Coyote whispered to Payback, who snorted.
“Yeah; it’s a public beach, there’s no way sharks would-“
“-unfortunately I’m not joking mate, we get a few shark attacks every summer. We’re in their territory and if they feel threatened they’ll defend.”
The Daggers were suddenly a little slower to head for the water. Maverick laughed, turning to JD.
“That should settle them... oh. You weren’t joking.”
Out in the water, Phoenix was lying on her back and enjoying the cool water whilst the others horsed around a little further out. She felt something brush her foot and gave it a gentle kick, taking a deep breath to refocus when there was another touch against her ankle. Next thing she knew there was a sharp tug and she screamed, thinking about the seven most deadly animals in Australia and how most of them were in the ocean. When she came up for air Payback and Fanboy were coming up too and laughing, high fiving. Phoenix scowled.
“Sleep with one eye open, assholes,” she warned. The pair exchanged a look then swam off to join where Bob and Coyote were wading and talking. Rooster was talking to a local and Phoenix didn’t have the heart to tell him he resembled a drowned rat with his damp curls rather than his usual attractive (dry) face. When she realised she couldn’t see Hangman she glanced around, finding him on the shore. There was a group of women surrounding him and he was loving it, as per usual, but she could tell he was utterly confused. She decided to join him on the shore (cockblock him within an inch of his life and then a little more for good measure), nudging his side.
“Hey, Bagman, what’s going on?”
“He’s the guy from that movie!” One of the onlookers exclaimed, Phoenix snorting.
“No, he’s US Navy and as much as he’s loving this he’s not who you’re looking for.”
The women all blushed and scattered across the beach back to wherever they were supposed to be, Phoenix wheeling around to face Hangman.
“What the hell was that?”
“I have no idea.”
That evening the team had an early dinner and thanked JD for his tour. The team knew they shouldn’t go to bed considering it was only 7pm so they decided to go see a movie nearby. A local cinema was playing a new one so they headed into the city, bought tickets and went into the theatre. They’d picked a movie at random and hadn’t even looked at trailers; the only rule was Rooster was banned from picking movies because he’d chosen Oppenheimer last time and it had sparked a Barbenheimer debate on base. Settling into their seats, Phoenix opened a bag of M&M’s then poured half of it into Rooster’s popcorn, the other half going into the box she and Bob were sharing. They sat through the twenty minutes of previews and when Phoenix glanced over she wasn’t entirely surprised to find most of the Daggers dozing already. It was dark and cool in the room, a nice break from the heat of the Australian summer sun. Even Maverick was struggling to keep her eyes open, something Phoenix wouldn’t have ever predicted. The only other Dagger mostly awake was Bob after his impromptu nap on the way to the prison that morning, sending her a smile when the movie finally started. A young woman ran across a train station, politely apologising to everyone she nearly bumped into on her way to a coffee shop. Bob glanced down at Phoenix when she yawned, offering his shoulder.
“I won’t tell ‘em.”
She accepted the offer, leaning on his shoulder.
“Wake me if something happens.”
“Tash. Phoenix, wake up.”
Phoenix felt like she’d only just closed her eyes when Bob jolted her out of her doze, sitting upright.
“Wha? What’s wrong?”
Phoenix scrubbed at her eyes, glancing up at the screen. Her eyes widened and she reached over to wake Rooster.
“Look,” she hissed, “doesn’t that kind of look like-“
Rooster’s brows furrowed as his brain tried to wake up, probably in his REM stage considering what time it was back at home, then he connected the dots and snorted.
“It kinda looks like Bagman- huh... I wonder if that’s what those women were talking about earlier?”
“At the beach? You saw that?”
“No, at the coffee shop this morning. A woman came outta nowhere, asked Hangman for his autograph.”
The male lead in the movie started yelling and stripping, pulling his shirt off shortly followed by his shorts which were tossed into the trees. Rooster snorted.
“He looks so much like Bagman, I wonder if he has-“
Phoenix and Rooster’s heads tilted to the side, frowning.
“The ass dimple.”
Rooster turned to his other side, frantically shaking Hangman awake.
“Bagman, look! Your ass is in a movie!”
“Was that a dream? Did I dream that?”
Standing outside the theatre, waiting for their ubers to take them back to their hotel, the Daggers all turned to Hangman who looked like he was having an existential crisis.
“Nope, sorry man. Wasn’t a dream,” Rooster grinned. Phoenix jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow, stifling her own snort. Bob glanced between them.
“How did you two figure it out again? The ass dimple?”
“That’s classified,” Phoenix commented at the same time Rooster said, “it was a long time ago.”
Hangman rolled his eyes, focusing on the parking area.
“Thanks for exposing me.”
“Anytime,” Rooster grinned. The uber drivers began to arrive and the Daggers paired off, splitting into the three cars. Maverick took the front seat of one of the cars, glancing over his shoulder at Rooster and Phoenix.
“Am I missing something?”
“No, Mav,” Rooster said easily, exchanging a look with his best friend who turned toward the window to stifle her giggles.
The next morning the Daggers eased into their day plans, having breakfast together in Rooster’s hotel room and then discussing what they wanted to do. JD, who met them a little after they finished eating, suggested a ferry ride out to Rottnest Island.
“Wait- isn’t that where you can see a quokka?” Fanboy asked. JD nodded.
“They roam all over the island out there, it’s almost certain you’ll see at least one.”
“JD I’m guessing you already got tickets?”
Maverick glanced over at JD.
“We should get going though if we’re going to get there in time. The ferry is a decent drive out of the city. Everyone should take plenty of water and sunscreen but there is a general store on the island.”
“That’s great- Hangman, are you alright?”
Hangman glanced up, shaking his head.
“Rough night. I’m good.”
Phoenix and Rooster snickered whilst Payback covered his laugh with a cough. Maverick’s eyes passed over the Daggers then he smiled at JD.
“Let’s go.”
The ferry ride was surprisingly smooth on the way over, the water steady enough that Bob took to reading the brochures nearby without motion sickness and Rooster had a short nap on the seat against the window. By the time they got to the island Bob was full of knowledge- mainly about the local wildlife.
“Guys, I wonder how many snakes we’re gonna see? Apparently they release them on to this island all the time.”
Phoenix’s eyes darted to Bob, glaring at him.
“Yeah, the Western Australia government relocates snakes out here instead of letting them- y’know.”
“Die?” Payback filled in, but his eyes were firmly on the ground as though he was looking for any signs of said reptilian attacker. Hangman’s lips quirked upwards.
“They’ve never seen a rattlesnake-“
“-did you not see that video they played on the plane ride over? Tiger snakes are aggressive and dangerous,” Phoenix interrupted as she threw her hands in the air. JD laughed at the Daggers.
“Tiger snakes aren’t social creatures; the only reason they’d come into populated locations like this is if their habitat was invaded or there was insufficient food. The conservation teams out here are great with snake monitoring and they’re all qualified to relocate them. It’s not the tiger snakes you need to worry about, though; we have a dugite snake population out here and they’re highly poisonous.”
“A what?” Rooster asked. Bob dug out his phone and after a quick search showed Rooster said snake. The others watched the colour drain from his face.
“That’s terrifying.”
“Stick to the paths, and most importantly if you see one don’t move, just let it go on its way. It’s very rare that a snake comes anywhere near here but we like to be aware of our surroundings.”
JD gestured to the first café he saw.
“C’mon; I believe you guys could use a coffee.”
“Do you guys have a break every ten minutes for coffee? Goddamn,” Rooster muttered. Despite his comment he still jogged to catch up with the others, ready for a caffeine hit.
“Bagman what’s your coffee count at?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Mickey, you’re walking so close to me I’m getting claustrophobic. What are you doing?”
Reuben glanced over at his wizzo who was indeed standing quite close, frowning at him. Fanboy cleared his throat, scooting over a little.
“Sorry man; the snake talk freaked me out.”
“Me too but I’m not being snake bait so you’re gonna have to walk like a normal person. C’mon Mickey, we literally fly death traps for work!”
“And fun!” Hangman called, a couple metres behind them. Fanboy glanced over his shoulder to glare at the caffeinated aviator, turning back to face toward the rest of the track.
“I fuckin’ hate snakes, I never made peace with ‘em-“
“-make peace?”
Payback burst out laughing, doubling over as he gasped between laughter. Fanboy rolled his eyes.
“What a great partner you are. Thanks for the support.”
“Make peace!”
“What’s got him so wound up?” Coyote asked as he passed the couple on the walking track, Rooster and Phoenix ahead with JD whilst Bob had stayed back with Maverick and they were talking between themselves.
“Mickey has just told me he wants to make peace with a snake,” Payback said, stifling his laughter. Coyote’s eyebrow twitched as he tried not to smile.
“That sounds like something that could get us in trouble with the locals.”
“Fuck you- both of you!”
Coyote and Payback broke into laughter, standing around long enough that Maverick, Bob and Hangman caught up to them. Hangman opened his mouth to start talking but Bob easily slid a palm over it.
“That’s enough from you. What’s so funny?”
“We were thinking of going to the zoo later to see if Fanboy can face his little snake phobia,” Payback said. Bob snorted.
“I’m in.”
“You’re all mean as hell,” Fanboy groaned, “I’m hanging out with Hangman now. C’mon Hangman.”
“No one tells me what to do-“
“-Seresin, get a move on!”
“Coming Mav!”
Maverick had kept going around the teasing; Hangman took off to catch up to Maverick and Bob sent the others a look.
“He’s gonna crash hard any second now. Be prepared.”
“Oh, we’re ready.”
The search for a quokka took a little longer than expected; it was only that they stopped the lap around the island for a bathroom break that Phoenix saw one whilst she was waiting for the guys.
“Ohhhhhh holy shit!”
JD, standing on the other side of the track, smiled at her.
“They’re cute aren’t they?”
The closer Phoenix got the more confused she was.
“It looks like a rat!”
“That one’s probably got a bit of somethin’, you know how it is.”
“But- but all the celebrity photos- they’re cute!”
“I appreciate that, Phoenix,” Rooster said when he appeared. Phoenix whipped around, phone in hand.
“Roos! Look, a quokka!”
“What the fuck is that?!”
Rooster backed away from the quokka, an eyebrow raised.
“Why does it look like that?”
“Bradley, respect!” Maverick scolded as he came out, giving Rooster a quick swat up the back of his head. Rooster pointed toward his feet where the quokka had decided to hang out and Maverick grinned.
“Look at that! Hey little guy, what are you doing down there, huh?”
“Mav, I think it’s got mange,” Rooster winced. Then he smirked.
“Wait here, maybe it’ll bite Hangman. Hey, Seresin-“
Phoenix laughed when Rooster went to turn back into the bathrooms, only stopped by Maverick who caught him by the arm.
“Not now, there’s witnesses- hey, JD.”
JD laughed as he watched Rooster and Maverick, Phoenix rolling her eyes as she took a couple photos of the quokka.
“Bloody hell mate, you lot are cooked,” JD laughed. The others emerged from the bathrooms, Payback pausing when he realised Phoenix was taking photos.  
“Hey, Fanboy look, snake!”
A kid in the background, having overheard Payback, screamed for his mother and Hangman burst out laughing.
“Aw, man, Payback, you made a kid cry. No more quokkas for you.”
That night, Maverick and JD organised a pit fire at JD’s (despite fire regulations, they were very aware there was some law bending going on there) as well as beer and fire-grilled steak (Hangman’s mouth started watering when JD mentioned it). A couple kilometres out of the city JD’s parents had a small farm and when the Daggers got there they had a fire going in the fire pit, steak almost ready to go on the fire and cold beer in the esky nearby. They all gathered around the fire and Bob reached for a bottle of water.
“Hey, JD, I forgot to ask; are dropbears real?”
JD hummed. Winked at Bob who smirked.
“Mate, we try not to talk about it, but we’ve seen a lot of ‘em around here lately. Just don’t go out the back when it gets darker, I wouldn’t recommend it.”
Coyote leaned back in his chair, beer in hand.
“What the fuck is a dropbear?”
“Wait; you guys don’t know what a dropbear is?” Bob started. Phoenix put down her raspberry Cruiser, something she’d been handed by JD’s girlfriend.
“How do you not know what a dropbear is?”
Rooster scoffed.
“Oh c’mon, everyone knows what a dropbear is-“
Phoenix elbowed him in the ribs, putting a finger to her lips to shush him. Hangman was leaning forward, interested.
“Okay, I’ll bite. What’s a dropbear?”
“A killer koala; mate, they have these gnarly teeth, and these claws that can claw through- well, anything!”
Coyote gaped.
“Killer koalas?”
Maverick snorted, watching Phoenix and Bob exchange a look. JD piped up then.
“Mate, dropbears... they’re terrifying. One night, my dad, he went into the bush looking for some firewood when we were camping... came out covered in scratches. The only thing that could do that, well...”
JD took off his hat and ran a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath. Everyone glanced around, eyebrows furrowed.
“He’s not serious... right?”
Hangman was the first to speak up, but he shut his mouth when JD turned to him.
“Deadly serious, mate. You don’t stand under a tree after dark out here.”
“Right,” Hangman scoffed, “y’know we can read. There’s no way dropbears are real.”
Bob raised an eyebrow.
“Maybe. Maybe not.”
The beer and steak around the fire was a great idea, and everyone was in high spirits as they got ready to go back to the city. By the time they were climbing into the van they were giggling to themselves about how loud Rooster had yelled when he’d gone to pee behind a tree, heard rustling and thought it was a dropbear coming to eat him alive. The good news was Bob definitely wasn’t going to eat him but he wasn’t going to let him forget it either. The nerves about the panel the following morning had mostly dissipated, Rooster himself even saying he was ready to tell the story to an audience rather than explaining his every move to Cyclone because he had to. Maverick had taken one look at him as he climbed into the van then passed him a huge bottle of water and reminded him that even if he was hungover he still had to show up. Hangman finally had his caffeine crash and was snoring in the back of the van- Phoenix had wanted to draw on him in retaliation for every dumb stunt he’d pulled but Coyote had frantically shaken his head at her; he’d been rooming with Hangman and he was like an energiser bunny on a good day. Payback and Fanboy were quiet as they took their seats, still googling dropbears to see if there was anything to those rumours even though JD swore on his mum’s life that he really was just shit stirring. Bob was still thinking about the huntsman spider he’d seen in a brochure and was reaching to shake out his boots just in case putting them back on earlier hadn’t been enough to kill whatever may have snuck in there.
“Hey, Mav?”
Maverick glanced over his shoulder at Phoenix as they walked into the hotel lobby, ready to sleep for a million years. As much as he’d tired the Daggers out he’d exhausted himself too.
“Yes, Tash?”
“Tonight was a really good idea. Thanks.”
“Thank JD; it was mostly his idea, I just bought the steak.”
“But still. We’ve been so busy ever since the... y’know. We’re here for the conference but this... this feels like a vacation too and I think we needed it.”
Maverick smiled.
“We all need breaks sometimes.”
“Even you?”
“I can’t remember the last time I took a vacation day unless it was forced- wait, yes I can. Bradley decked a kid at school. God, I’ll never forget that phone call. He was 12...”
As they headed into the elevator Maverick began to tell the tale, Phoenix hanging on his every word.
“And now we turn to the United States’ top aviators, the Dagger Squad.”
Maverick sat up in his seat, nudging Rooster under the table.
“Shoulders back,” he whispered, but apparently the microphones were sensitive enough to catch it and the group of Australian Navy personnel stared blankly. Maverick cleared his throat.
“We knew what we were facing going in. We had a steep mountain, g’s that tested our skills and the risk of fifth-generation fighters taking us out at any given moment.”
“Sir, who was the enemy?” Someone piped up from the crowd. Maverick cleared his throat.
“That’s classified. Now, in order to start our training, we spent a lot of time running simulations...”
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charlesandmartine · 5 months
Friday 3rd April 2024
We awoke in our Pretoria hotel room to the sounds of the city. All day long the minibus taxis operating like buses ply their route in and out of the grid system of roads tooting their horns indicating there are spaces aboard. People gather at what seems as spurious places and climb aboard with minimal or no apparent hailing of the vehicle.
We had our fill of the inclusive breakfast and some perhaps non-inclusive muffins which went down well at lunch. The people we've met have all been so nice, polite and interesting. Our little waiter this morning insisted that he couldn't serve us with an Americano coffee, but could manage an Africano!
The Southern Sun hotel we were guests at were very helpful and allowed us to check out later than usual at 13:00. This gave us time to go look some more at this lovely city. So we stepped out into the cacophony that is Africa walking a km or so down to Church Square; a good starting point to see what there is to see in Pretoria. We blended in well I'd say; Ray-Bans in place, big map in left hand, smelling of sun screen, bright teeshirt, shorts, oh and white. In the time we were out, we saw no other white people! Our incognito took us eventually to the Palace of Justice where Nelson Mandela was tried in 1963. Just to be sure of our facts we asked some crime prevention officers sitting outside the building if this was the Palace of Justice. They looked blank for a moment and gave the only safe answer they could think of, I don't know. We looked for the Tourist Information office which according to the map and endorsed by the big brown sign should be in the corner of Church Square. A helpful chap suggested we try the big building behind us. Once more we were met with total astonishment at such a suggestion that there was a TI anywhere in the vicinity. So we folded the map up and made our way back towards the hotel. We watched a little band of what seemed to be blind street performers doing the African singing bit. We dug deep into the remaining pile of Rand notes that probably collectively amounted to fifty two and a half pence, and gregariously chucked some in the waiting pot enjoying the extremely jolly rhythmic singing. Next I find myself in the place I had earlier successfully avoided having my shoes cleaned and polished. Without warning my left shoe suddenly was engulfed in white foam perpetrated by a very helpful fellow carrying a can of spray polish. Now what options do you have when one shoe has all the attributes of a snow ball and the other retains the hue of the dusty outback. The process had to continue and the fellow appeared quite satisfied with the result, at least until I proffered some more of this toy money they have here. Too small he said despite the fact that his labour had been unsolicited. We came to a common understanding as I exercised my sparkling shoes quickly down the road in the general direction of the hotel. What an enjoyable taste of Africa!
ps Yesterday when we arrived at our hotel we sat outside by the pool and could not help overhearing a very long instructional call a 'Life Coach' was making to a client. He explained that he was extremely excited and passionate about being part of this person's journey as he transitions from being a man to a woman and to help shape their vision regarding how they saw themselves in five years time and what sort of man they might be looking for, but all that starts from within themselves! He went on and on and on and there were times I couldn't quite hear it all as I searched for a bucket! He did also mention his book quite a few times throughout the conversation.
pps We positioned ourselves by the pool again hoping we would receive some more essential information from the 'Life Coach'. Sadly he wasn't here today so lesson two will be missing from my portfolio.
ppps Just spoken to Phil Spencer in Johannesburg airport. We complimented him on his excellent program.
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waltononthamestaxis · 7 months
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Welcome to Walton Taxis Capital Cars Walton Taxis with a team of highly experienced staff, we are able to deliver a professional and personal service to all of our clients. We are a professional chauffeur company and we are constantly improving our services and quality in order to meet the needs of our clients in Walton on Thames.
Our clients are our priority therefore, basically we have an ongoing procedure that allows our services to remain to a high consistent standard and be one of the best Taxi companies in Walton on Thames.
Contact info:
Address: 43 Danesfield close, Walton on Thames, Surrey, KT12 5EL
Phone number: 01932300311
Website URL: https://taxiswaltononthames.com/
Follow On:
Q: Can I book online? A: Yes, you can book online via https://taxiswaltononthames.com/. You can get a free online quote, select your vehicle and book online. Q: Do you accept card payments?
A: Yes! We accept all major debit or credit cards.
Q: Do you accept contactless?
A: Yes, you can pay via contactless, Apple pay, Android pay etc. Q: Can I pay by Cash?
A: Yes, we accept cash or card payments. You can pay by cash directly to the driver.
Q: Do you provide child car seat?
A: Yes, we do provide child car seats upon request. Please do mention this at the time of the booking or choose a child’s car seat if you are booking online. Also do not forget to mention child age so we can send the age-appropriate child car seat.
Q: What type of vehicle do you provide.
A: Here at Capital Cars Walton Taxis, we provide a range of vehicles that included Salon, Hatchback, Estate, MPV, XL MPV, Minibus and Disabled access vehicles.
Q: How early in advance we can book?
A: You can book up to 1 year in advance.
Q: Where are you based?
A: We are base in Walton on Thames
Q: Are you open 24/7
A: Yes, we are open 24/7 365. You can call us anytime and one of our staff members will be happy to assist you.
Q: Where do you pick up from Heathrow Airport?
A: Pick up location for Heathrow Airport is from Car Par, Level 3. You will receive a text message after your landing from the driver with the same info and his vehicle details.
Q Do you do Airport inside pick up?
A: Yes, we do Airport pick up for a little extra charge.
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andmaybegayer · 2 years
Last Monday of the Week Year 2022-12-26
Currently in the middle of goddamn nowhere next to a giant hole.
Listening: Tom Lehrer's A Christmas Carol, because Merry Chrysler.
Reading: Finished Africa Risen, some really good sticky stories in there.
Calling out a few favourites and notables:
A Dream of Electric Mothers by Wole Talabi, which really shows his engineering background. What if a nation built a computerized store for their ancestors that could be consulted for guidance.
A Knight in Tunisia by Alex Jennings, a story about coming back from war and trying to help others avoid it in the first place
The Soul Would Have No Rainbow by Yvette Lisa Ndlovu, which mostly stands out because I also got a praying mantis tangled in my hair the night I read it.
Housewarming for a Lion Goddess by Aline-Mwezi Niyonsenga, a goddess deals with her intimacy issues.
A Soul of Small Places by Mame Bougouma Diene and Woppa Diallo, about the cost of getting revenge and doing it anyway.
Hanfo Driver by Ada Nnadi, what if your weird rich uncle got you to drive a shitbox taxi that was also a hovercraft. Sci-fi slice of life fluff.
The Lady of the Yellow-Painted Library by Tobi Ogundiran, about being stalked by a library when you forget to return a book
There's more but I'm going to cut it there. As a compilation with some focus on the Diaspora there's a lot of African-American stories because the transatlantic slave trade was the second biggest thing to ever happen to Africa. Those stand out as both more foreign in some ways and more familiar in others, I don't necessarily understand the Nigerian slang as well as I get the more Carribbean linguistic influences but I feel much more familiar with a story about a Danfo which is close enough to a minibus tax rather than the ones that involves the particular strain of black evangelical Christianity.
It's fun to read into a very specific context you don't have, a lot of sff build their context as they run whereas themed short story collections often presuppose it.
On net the stories are pretty optimistic which I'm mixed on, i get it but I also like stories about the inevitability of being subsumed by something bigger than you and finding your way through that.
Watching: Nothing, on the road most of the week.
Playing: Also nothing.
Making: Disastrously failed at baking bread. Doing some landscape photography around the Karoo which is not my usual forte but it's fun to practice.
Tools and Equipment: Speaking of landscape photography, of all the disciplines it's perhaps the one where a smartphone most closely performs like a much, much fancier camera. You're already working down narrow apertures and long exposures for clean shots so it's not like you're really missing out on much. Just maybe get yourself a tripod mount for the phone and learn how the manual mode works.
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bradleyharrison · 7 days
Houston Limo Services | AAdmirals Travel & Transportation - Hobby Airport Car Service & Airport Shuttle
When traveling to and from Hobby Airport, it’s essential to have a dependable Airport Shuttle Service. With Houston Limo Services | AAdmirals Travel & Transportation, you’ll experience top-tier service, whether you need a luxurious Limousine service or a more practical Minibus taxi service for group travel.
AAdmirals operates a fleet of sedans, SUVs, and vans, ensuring that no matter your transportation needs, they have the right vehicle for you. Offering 24/7 availability, their services are perfect for airport transfers, business meetings, and even special events. Their professional Chauffeur service ensures you arrive at your destination safely and on time.
The company also provides Bus charter options, perfect for group events or corporate travel. Their commitment to excellent service makes them the ideal choice for anyone needing Transportation service in Houston and beyond. You can easily book online or call their office for any travel arrangement.
Houston Limo Services | AAdmirals Travel & Transportation offers exceptional Airport Shuttle Service, Chauffeur service, and more to make your trips comfortable and convenient. Their flexible Limousine service and Minibus taxi service cater to individuals and groups alike.
Houston Limo Services | AAdmirals Travel & Transportation
Address: 8222 Kingsbrook Rd Suit#375, Houston, TX 77024, United States
Phone Number: + 1 (346) 857-4294
Website: AAdmirals Travel & Transportation
Google Map:
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xridetaxiservice · 14 days
Getting to and from Luton Airport: A Guide to Luton Airport Taxis
Located just 28 miles north of Central London, Luton Airport is one of the UK's busiest airports, catering to millions of passengers annually. For travelers seeking a convenient and stress-free way to get to or from Luton Airport, taxis offer a reliable solution. Whether you're a business traveler needing a quick commute or a tourist exploring London, using a Luton Airport taxi service can make your journey smoother and more enjoyable. Here's everything you need to know about using taxis at Luton Airport.
1. Why Choose Luton Airport Taxis?
Taxis are a popular mode of transportation for several reasons. They offer the convenience of door-to-door service, which is particularly helpful if you're traveling with heavy luggage or in a group. Unlike public transportation, which may involve multiple changes and crowded conditions, taxis provide a direct route to your destination. Taxis can also save you time, especially if you're running on a tight schedule or arriving late at night when public transport options are limited.
2. How to Book a Luton Airport Taxi
Booking a taxi to or from Luton Airport is straightforward. There are various options available:
Pre-booking Online: Many taxi companies allow you to book a ride online in advance. This is a great option if you want to ensure availability and avoid waiting. Online booking platforms often allow you to compare prices, choose vehicle types (standard, executive, luxury), and provide flight details to track arrival times.
Phone Booking: You can also book a taxi by calling one of the many taxi services that operate in the area. They often provide 24/7 service, making them a reliable option for early morning or late-night flights.
Walk-Up Services: If you haven't pre-booked, you can find taxis waiting outside the arrivals terminal at Luton Airport. While this may sometimes lead to a longer wait during peak times, it’s a convenient option for last-minute travel.
3. Types of Taxi Services Available
Standard Taxis: These are regular taxis that provide comfortable and reliable transportation. They are suitable for solo travelers or small groups with minimal luggage.
Executive Taxis: For those looking for a more luxurious experience, executive taxis offer high-end vehicles such as Mercedes-Benz or BMW. These are ideal for business travelers who need a comfortable and professional mode of transport.
Minibuses: If you're traveling with a larger group or have lots of luggage, minibus services are available. They can accommodate up to eight passengers, making them a cost-effective option for families or groups.
4. Cost of Luton Airport Taxis
The cost of a taxi ride from Luton Airport to Central London typically ranges from £80 to £100, depending on the type of vehicle and the time of day. Fares are usually higher during peak hours or at night. Pre-booking can sometimes offer discounts or fixed rates, which can be more economical than metered taxis. It's advisable to check with the taxi company for an estimated fare before booking.
5. Benefits of Pre-Booking a Taxi
Guaranteed Availability: By pre-booking, you ensure that a taxi will be waiting for you when you arrive, which is especially important during peak travel seasons or late-night flights.
Flight Tracking: Many taxi services offer flight tracking, which means your driver will be aware of any delays and adjust the pickup time accordingly.
Fixed Rates: Pre-booking often provides fixed rates, which can be cheaper and avoids the uncertainty of metered fares.
6. Tips for a Smooth Taxi Experience
Confirm Your Booking: Always confirm your taxi booking a day before your travel to avoid any last-minute issues.
Know Your Driver: Some services send driver details, including their name and car registration number, for security and peace of mind.
Check for Extra Charges: Ask if there are additional fees for luggage, waiting time, or late-night trips, so you are not caught off guard.
Luton Airport taxis provide a convenient, comfortable, and reliable way to travel to and from the airport. Whether you're a solo traveler, business executive, or part of a large group, there is a taxi service to meet your needs. By considering your options and booking in advance, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free journey. Safe travels!
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Minibus Taxi & Coach Hire With Driver | Cabzilla
We are the leading provider of all ground transportation for taxi minibus, minibus and coach hire services. We aim to save lots of your time and money when it comes to booking transport – whether you’re off on holiday, going to the airport, arranging for passengers to be transported to a marriage ceremony or an educational trip, we’ve got hires to cater to for all or any sized groups and any kind of events.
Yet we provide a versatile service to cater to any requirements, whether you’re trying to find a budget taxi minibus hire or a premium vehicle hire service. We’re renowned for our ability to cater to groups of all sizes with a varied fleet of car, bus or coach hire with drivers – all for a reasonable cost!
Why Cabzilla Coach And Driver Hire?
We offer a large selection of Coach and driver hire with both budget and premium cars and minibuses,  that will seat any size of passengers from individual, small or large travelling groups.
Hence our taxi, minibus, coach and driver hire in the UK  include transport for parties, weddings, and company events. Our fast and straightforward booking system takes the strain out of arranging transport. With our service, getting from A to B has never been easier – book today to form massive savings on your taxi hire, minibus hire, or coach hire for your journey!
Of course, with over a decade of experience within the industry, we have a record for the best taxi, minibus and coach hire service within the UK. Our services are employed comprehensively by local, national, and international companies and individuals alike. On the one hand our operation work round the clock 24 hours daily 07 days every week and three hundred and sixty-five days a year.
Truly we have amazing vehicles and prices to match all budgets.
However, our trustworthy reputation and years of customer satisfaction have helped us become an outstanding company to travel with, for all public ground transportation. So please call us today to get your no-obligation quote, additionally, you can WhatsApp on 07447 889980,  or why not fill in our quote form to receive an instant price for your journey.
Get A Quote Now
Our Vehicle Fleet
Taxis – Private Hire Taxi
Compact taxi for solo trips to 4-seater cabs – our most intimate vehicles, perfect for a limited number of passengers.
6 seater taxi cabs: Up to 6 passenger taxis: Compact and perfect for small groups journeying to or from the airport.
Accommodating up to 8 passengers, this 8 seater minibus is ideally equipped for intimate group excursions, stag and hen dos, business travel, and longer-distance journeys.
Please visit our taxi booking page for more information and a free quote.
Minibus Hire Taxi
12 Seater Minibus Hire
For group outings to festivals or football matches, our 12-seater minibus is a favoured choice. Travel together and make the journey part of the experience.
14 Seater Minibus Hire
Our 14 Seater Minibus with seating for up to 14 passengers, is commonly used for local city tours and for transporting employees both locally and nationwide.
16 Seater Minibus hire
Our 17 seater minibus accommodates 16 passengers, excluding the driver. It’s the perfect choice for transporting large groups, regardless of the occasion.
Please visit our coach hire and minibus hire page for more information and a quote.
Midi Coach Hire
Travelling in the UK has never been more comfortable or convenient. Welcome to our Midi Coach Hire services, where we have the perfect vehicle size to suit your group’s needs. Whether you’re planning a corporate event, a school trip, or just a day out with friends, we have the ideal coach for you.
19 Seater Midi Coach Hire
Perfect for smaller groups or corporate teams, our 19-seater midi coach ensures everyone travels in comfort. With spacious seating and ample storage, it’s the best option for short trips or city tours.
21 Seater Midi Coach Hire
Slightly larger than the 19-seater, our 21-seater midi coach is ideal for medium-sized groups. With added space, it provides the perfect balance of comfort and group cohesiveness for your travels.
25 Seater Midi Coach Hire
Planning a family reunion or a weekend getaway with friends? Our 25-seater midi coach is just what you need. With spacious interiors and modern amenities, your group is sure to have an enjoyable journey.
29 Seater Midi Coach Hire
For larger groups who prefer a more intimate setting, our 29-seater midi coach is the way to go. Whether it’s for an educational trip or a corporate outing, this coach provides a comfortable ride for all.
33 Seater Midi Coach Hire
Our 33-seater midi coach is the pinnacle of group travel. With enough space for everyone to relax and enjoy, it’s the ideal choice for longer journeys or when you just want that extra bit of room to stretch out.
Anywhere in the UK, For Any Occasion No matter where you are in the UK or what the occasion is, our Midi Coach Hire services have got you covered. With a fleet of modern, well-maintained coaches and professional drivers, your safety and comfort are our top priorities.
From the rugged landscapes of Scotland to the historical sites of London, we make sure you travel in style and ease. Whether it’s a wedding, a sporting event, a concert, or just a sightseeing trip, trust us to get you there.
Book Your Midi Coach Today Don’t delay, secure your ideal coach for your upcoming trip. With our flexible booking options and competitive pricing, you can be assured of a seamless travel experience. Get in touch with us today and let’s make your journey memorable.
Please visit our coach and minibus hire page for more information and a competitive quote.
Large Coach Hire
When you’re looking to transport a group, whether it’s for a corporate event, a school trip, a family reunion, or any special occasion, you need a trusted and reliable coach hire service. Our fleet of large coaches caters to groups of various sizes, ensuring a comfortable and safe journey for everyone on board. No matter the destination within the UK, we’ve got the perfect vehicle to suit your needs.
Our Coach Hire Fleet
35 Seater Coach Hire
Perfect for medium-sized groups, our 35-seater coach offers a comfortable seating arrangement and ample luggage space. Whether you’re off to a corporate retreat or an educational trip, this coach ensures everyone rides in style.
39 Seater Coach Hire
A step up in capacity, our 39-seater coach is designed for those groups that need just a bit more space. Equipped with modern amenities, your group will appreciate the spacious interior and comfortable seating.
45 Seater Coach Hire
Ideal for larger groups, our 45-seater coach provides a blend of comfort and space. Whether you’re attending a sports event or a concert, this coach ensures everyone travels together without a hitch.
49 Seater Coach Hire
One of our most popular options, the 49-seater coach caters to groups heading to conventions, festivals, or long-distance trips. With plenty of legroom and storage space, it’s a favourite among many of our clients.
53 Seater Coach Hire
Suitable for very large groups, the 53-seater offers a spacious interior ensuring that everyone can enjoy the journey no matter the distance. Ideal for school trips, large family gatherings, or company events.
59 Seater Coach Hire
The largest in our fleet, our 59-seater coach is the ultimate choice for those mammoth outings. Be it a grand wedding party, a major corporate event, or a big school trip, this coach promises a smooth journey for all.
Coach Hire For Every Occasion
No matter the occasion, we’re here to provide a seamless transportation experience. From weddings to corporate events, sporting events to music festivals, or even just a sightseeing tour, our large coaches are at your disposal, ensuring that everyone travels together, on time, and in comfort.
Please visit our coach and minibus hire page for more information.
Airport Taxi Transfers
Navigating airport transfers in the UK is a crucial part of travel, whether for locals or international visitors. With a variety of UK airports, each with its unique characteristics, when getting to the airport is the start of your holiday finding a reliable taxi service like Cabzilla Airport Taxis is key for a smooth journey.
Navigating  UK Airports
The UK boasts some of the world’s busiest and most iconic airports, serving as gateways to its rich cultural and historical landscapes. Some of the busiest airports include London Heathrow, Gatwick, Manchester, Stansted, Luton, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Glasgow, Bristol, and Newcastle. These hubs are more than just transit points; they are the starting points of adventures in the UK.
Customized Vehicle Options for Every Travel Need
Cabzilla offers a range of vehicles for different group sizes and luggage requirements:
Individuals and Small Groups (1-6 Passengers): Cabs and compact minivans are perfect for comfort and space.
Medium-Sized Groups (7-16 Passengers): Minibuses provide room and comfort for medium-sized groups.
Large Groups and Special Events (17-59 Passengers): For larger groups, coaches of various sizes ensure everyone travels together comfortably.
Tailoring Your Travel Experience in the UK
With Cabzilla, you can enjoy tailored travel experiences across the UK’s diverse landscapes:
City Transfers: Whether it’s a quick trip in London or a scenic drive in Edinburgh, navigate the cities with ease.
Countryside Journeys: Enjoy the UK’s countryside in Cabzilla’s spacious vehicles.
Customized Services: Cabzilla accommodates requests like extra luggage space and special seating arrangements.
Why Cabzilla Stands Out
Cabzilla distinguishes itself with its reliability, competitive pricing, and focus on customer experience:
Unmatched Reliability: Timely service is a hallmark of Cabzilla.
Competitive and Transparent Pricing: Rates are competitive with no hidden fees.
Focus on Customer Experience: From booking to journey, the goal is to exceed expectations.
Seamless Booking and Exceptional Service
Booking with Cabzilla is easy and flexible, with online quotes, emailing us or calling on the  phone options. Our customer service team is always ready to assist with any needs or questions.
Cabzilla’s Commitment to Safety and Comfort
Every Cabzilla vehicle is maintained for safety and comfort, and their professional drivers are dedicated to providing a secure and pleasant journey.
Travel Tips for Navigating UK Airports
Plan Ahead: Book transfers in advance, especially during peak seasons.
Stay Informed: Keep updated with your flight details.
Choose the Right Vehicle: Consider group size and luggage for a comfortable fit.
Experience the Best of UK Travel with Cabzilla
Book Your Airport Transfer Today!
Our Service Ranges
Standard Transport
Executive Transport
Luxury Transport
Self Drive Minibus Hire
Festival Transport Hire
We also provide transport for these popular events:
Park Life
Kite Festival
The Grand National
V Festival
Ebor Festival York
West End Live
Wimbledon Tennis
British Grand Prix
Caribbean Rocks Festival 2024
Henley Royal Regatta
Junction 2 Festival 2024
British Golf Open
York Racecourse
Notting Hill Carnival
Doncaster Racecourse
The Grand National
Goodwood Racecourse
Royal Ascot
Greyhound Derby
Why Choose Us?:
Professional Drivers: Our drivers are trained professionals, ensuring you not only reach your destination on time but also in utmost safety.
Countrywide Coverage: No matter where you’re located in the UK, we’ve got you covered.
Comfortable Journeys: All our coaches are equipped with modern amenities, guaranteeing a comfortable journey no matter the distance.
Affordable Pricing: We offer competitive prices, ensuring you get the best value for your money.
Embark on a journey with us and experience the difference of travelling in comfort, style, and safety. For any queries or to get a quote, feel free to contact us.
(via Minibus Hire Taxi | Coach And Driver Hire | Airport Taxi Transfers)
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maxitaxiservice · 1 month
4 Reasons why it is Beneficial to use Wheelchair Taxi:
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Getting from one place to another can be challenging when you use a wheelchair. There's a fantastic solution: wheelchair taxis! These special taxis are a game-changer for folks who use wheelchairs. Suppose you're a wheelchair user seeking hassle-free transportation. You've come to the right place. These special taxis are more than just vehicles. They're gateways to independence and exploration. Imagine being able to traverse city streets. Attend appointments or run errands without the worry of inaccessible transportation.
What exactly is a wheelchair taxi? 
These are typically cars, wheelchair-adapted vehicles, and people carriers. Minibus, or small vans that have been converted. They have a ramp or a passenger lift to help the wheelchair user enter the vehicle. It is far more convenient than transferring from a wheelchair to a car seat and dismantling the wheelchair for the trip. Wheelchair-accessible taxis allow disabled people to remain in the best position for their bodies. Also, posture is essential because wheelchairs are carefully designed to support a disabled person.
Benefits of using a wheelchair taxi?
One of the best things about wheelchair taxis is their accessibility, unlike other forms of transportation. These taxis are specifically built to cater to people with disabilities. That means they come equipped with ramps or lifts to help you get in and out of the cab without hassle.
Another great feature of wheelchair taxis is their spaciousness. These taxis have plenty of room and can accommodate both the wheelchair user and their companions. So whether you're traveling alone or with friends and family, there's space for everyone.
Wheelchair taxis, you don't have to worry about scheduling your trip in advance. You can hail one like you would any other cab. Plus, many taxi services operate 24/7, so you can get where you need to go whenever you need to get there.
Safety is always a top priority for transportation, and taxis are no exception. These taxis are specially designed to ensure the safety and comfort of their passengers, from secure wheelchair restraints to trained drivers. They know how to assist passengers with disabilities. You can rest easy knowing you're in good hands.
Many cities and towns have taxi services available. You can find them by doing a quick search online. Ask your local transportation authority for information. Using a taxi is easy. When you need a ride, call the taxi company. Let them know you require a wheelchair-accessible vehicle. They'll send one your way in no time. Once the taxi arrives, the driver will assist you in getting into the car safely. Then, you're off to your destination!
Whether you need to run errands, go to a doctor's appointment, or want to explore the city. Wheelchair taxis make it possible. No more worrying about inaccessible transportation or relying on others to get around. With taxis, you can maintain your independence and enjoy going wherever you please.
Wheelchair taxis are more than just a means of transportation. They're symbols of inclusivity, independence, and empowerment. Throughout this journey, we've explored the myriad benefits of taxis, from their accessibility features to their role in fostering greater mobility for individuals with diverse needs. Safety and comfort are paramount when it comes to disabled taxi services. These vehicles are equipped with features like non-slip flooring, securement systems, and seat belts designed to keep passengers safe during transit. Additionally, wheelchair taxis are typically well-maintained and regularly inspected. This ensures that passengers experience a comfortable and smooth ride for individuals who may have medical equipment or require extra space. Disabled taxis offer the necessary room and amenities to accommodate those needs.
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autocabprivatehire · 2 months
Your Ultimate Guide to Booking a Stansted Airport Taxi
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Traveling can be a stressful experience, especially when it involves getting to and from the airport. For those flying out of or into Stansted Airport, a reliable taxi service can make all the difference. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore why booking a Stansted airport taxi with Autocab Private Hire is the best choice for a hassle-free journey.
Why Choose a Stansted Airport Taxi?
When planning your trip, one of the most crucial aspects is ensuring you have reliable transportation to and from the airport. Here are some compelling reasons to choose a Stansted airport taxi service:
Convenience and Comfort: Taxis provide door-to-door service, eliminating the need to navigate public transportation with heavy luggage. With Autocab Private Hire, you can enjoy a comfortable ride in a well-maintained vehicle, allowing you to relax before or after your flight.
Professional Drivers: Our drivers are not only professional and courteous but also DBS/CRB-checked for your safety. They have extensive knowledge of the local area and the best routes to ensure you arrive at your destination on time.
24/7 Availability: Flights can arrive or depart at any hour. Our Stansted airport taxi service operates 24/7, so you can book a ride regardless of your flight schedule. This availability provides peace of mind, knowing that you will always have a reliable ride when you need it.
Fixed Rates and Transparent Pricing: One of the concerns with taxis is the fear of hidden charges. With Autocab Private Hire, we offer fixed rates for airport transfers and a transparent pricing structure. You will know the cost upfront, with no surprises.
Variety of Vehicles: Whether you are traveling alone, with family, or in a large group, we have a range of vehicles to meet your needs. From standard taxis to executive cars and minibuses, you can choose the vehicle that best suits your requirements.
How to Book Your Stansted Airport Taxi
Booking your Stansted airport taxi with Autocab Private Hire is simple and straightforward:
Online Booking: Visit our website and use our easy-to-navigate booking system. Enter your pickup location, destination, date, and time. Select the type of vehicle you need, and receive an instant quote.
Phone Booking: Prefer to speak with someone? Call our customer service team, available 24/7, to book your taxi over the phone. Our friendly staff will assist you with your booking and answer any questions you may have.
App Booking: For even greater convenience, download our mobile app. Book your taxi on the go, track your driver, and manage your bookings all from your smartphone.
Facebook Chatbot: Use our Facebook chatbot to book your taxi directly through the platform. It’s another easy and convenient way to arrange your transportation.
Additional Services
At Autocab Private Hire, we go beyond just providing a ride to the airport. Our services include:
Airport Meet and Greet: Your driver will meet you in the arrivals hall with a name board, assist with your luggage, and escort you to your vehicle.
Flight Monitoring: We monitor your flight status to ensure that your taxi is ready when you arrive, even if your flight is delayed.
Special Requests: Need a child seat or have special luggage requirements? Let us know, and we will accommodate your needs.
Customer Testimonials
Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what some of our customers have to say:
"Booking with Autocab Private Hire was the best decision. Our driver was on time, helped with our bags, and we got to Stansted Airport without any stress." - Sarah J.
"I travel frequently for business, and I always use Autocab Private Hire. Their service is reliable, and the executive cars are perfect for working on the go." - Mark T.
"We booked a minibus for our family trip, and it was perfect. Plenty of space for all of us and our luggage. Highly recommend!" - The Williams Family
Choosing a Stansted airport taxi with Autocab Private Hire ensures a smooth, comfortable, and stress-free journey to and from the airport. With professional drivers, a variety of vehicles, and 24/7 availability, you can trust us to meet all your transportation needs. Book your taxi today and experience the difference with Autocab Private Hire.
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bu1410 · 4 months
Good afternoon TUMBLR - June 6th - 2024
“Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971.”
Gazoducto Samalayuca - Sasabe. Mexico - Nuevos Casas Grandes - Chihuahua.
Part 1
Six months had passed since my final return from Iraq, when I was contacted by the Chief of Personnel of SICILSALDO, a Sicilian company operating in the construction of pipelines. I had already had a first contact with this company in 2009, when I met the owner at the Crown Plaza hotel in San Donato Milanese. The topic then was a possible assignment in a project in Algeria, under sub-contract to SAIPEM: nothing had come out of it, and I had even forgotten the existence of this company. I was therefore somehow surprised to hear HR Manager Giuseppe Verdone's voice again, 7 years after the last call. After a quick all-retour to Gela, the Company's headquarters for the signing of the contract, December 7th - a Milan's patreon holyday of Sant'Ambroeus - I was already on the Alitalia Boeing 777, heading to Mexico City. It's a long flight from Italy to Mexico, like 12 hrs and 30 min, but I was a little worried when I saw on the screen in front of me that the plane was definitely heading North and after a couple of hours we passed over the vertical of Dublin, and then continued on to Greenland, Labrador, New York, and finally heading South, flying over Miami and the Gulf of Mexico. Compared to competitors such as Air France or KLM, the average flight time on the Europe - Central America route with Alitalia is almost an hour longer. The service on board – at least in Business class – is still decent. However, after more than 12 hours I finally landed at Benito Juarez airport. Once the entry formalities were completed, I took the internal train to the domestic flight terminal to continue the journey onto Chihuahua. To the final destination, Nuevo Casas Grandes, from Chihuahuha it would have taken another 4 hours of travel on a company van the next day.
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Flight to Chihuahua After an infinite wait (which could have been avoided - for me like all the other Sicilsaldo employees coming from Italy simply by staying overnight in one of the hotels right outside the airport, but it was too difficult to make those who managed the flights and logistics in this Company) I boarded the plane to Chihuahua. A flight of just over two hours, and after having already spent 12 on another plane, it's really stressful. I asked the elderly Aeromexico stewardess where Mr. Davide Caracciolo - Comany Country Manager - was sitting, explaining that he was my Director, but that I didn't know him personally. She looked at me amazed and told me that for security reasons the names and seats of the passengers were not revealed, and she left. After about an hour of flight, the same stewardess, walking in the corridor and looking at me, made a sign with a finger on the head of a gray-haired gentleman: ''El…el…''. So I called Davide, who was sitting 3 rows ahead of me. He turned and said:
''Ahhh…thank goodness…here you are!!!''
And where was I supposed to be?
But how… I call hoe office, it seemed like you were still in Rome!
Really…. We landed in Chihuahua and it was already night, the taxi driver booked by the company had gotten tired of waiting and had left the airport. Luckily there were others, and so I realized that we were a group of 10 people. In addition to Mr. Caracciolo and myself, there were 8 Italians welders who would reinforce the teams on the gas pipeline. After an hour we arrived at the hotel on that sort of urban highway called Peripheral de la Juventud.
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En route to Nuevos Casas Grandes The next early morning I met Miguel, the driver who with his Toyota minibus would take us to Nuevos Casas Grandes, located more than 300 km North of Chihuahua, along the highway through the Sierra. Quite a boring journey, we stopped for a rest in Flores Magon, when we were about 120 km away from our final destination.
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We arrived at NCG – as it was commonly called by the natives – in time for lunch. I entered the Hacienda hotel for the first time, the location that would be my home for the following 3 years. The hotel itself wasn't bad, but it certainly needed extraordinary maintenance in the common areas and rooms. It had never been renovated since it was built in the 1970s, and you could see it with the naked eye.
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Typical Mexican structure with two floors, with a large internal courtyard onto which the rooms overlooked, a useless swimming pool (the water was perpetually dirty and in 3 years I never set foot in it). Two restaurants, a pub and a recreation room. We ate lunch served by one of the most tired and listless waiters I have ever met. Mexico seemed to confirm its most common stereotype.
People looks perpetually tired and just want to sleep, especially in the early afternoon. I quickly realized that NCG didn't offer any decent apartments or houses to rent, and for safety reasons it was much better to live in hotel. I took possession of my spacious room, with two queen-size beds, bathroom and sitting area: I didn't know it yet, but I would sleep there - eventually with interruption for holydays - until May 8, 2019.
The Project Mexico is an oil and gas producing country but with a serious corruption problem. The state company Pemex is the typical expression of this contradiction whereby Mexico produces hydrocarbons, but must import them from abroad - mainly from USA, especially the refined products that its economy needs to function. The refineries managed by Pemex on the national territory are either closed or are operating at 50% of their capacity. Maintenance is not carried out, or carried out just to keep the few systems still capable of running. In the winter of 2017-2018 there were very serious problems of lack of fuel throughout the country, with a protest movement called ''gazolinazo'' during which ordinary citizens and gangs of criminals caused numerous accidents throughout Mexico.
The Samalayuca – Sasabe project fits into this perspective: a gas pipeline financed by US banks, which will bring the gas extracted in Texas to Mexico – the Americans financed the project with a dual purpose:
Sell gas to Mexico
After 600 km in Mexican territory, the pipeline re-enters the USA and the gas not consumed in Mexico will be sold to consumers in Arizona. So the Texans - by paying a fee for transportation to Mexico - will essentially find themselves selling gas to Arizona with a negligible transportation cost and with a pipeline paid for by Mexico. The final customer of the gas pipeline is Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE), while the contracting company is GRUPO CARSO, the conglomerate owned by the Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim. The consortium set up to carry out the work was called CAFIG and was made up of CARSO, FCC Espana and Italiana Ghizzoni, a company of SICILSALDO group. So on paper it was quite a mess, because two out of three companies were in clear conflict of interests, being at the same time the contractor (CARSO - Ghizzoni) and the executor of the work (SICILSALDO). In reality everything turned out for the worse, at least as far as SICILASALDO is concerned, as the modus operandi of the Mexicans (I am the master and you are the slave) has resulted in so that the Italian company has been subject to continuous injustices and unbelievable pressures from the Mexican and Spanish management of the project. The management of the project was – to put it mildly – ​​disastrous. A gas pipeline, in principle, should be built starting from one point, ending at the other end of the route (unless you want to attack the route at multiple points). Conditio sine qua non is the total availability of the corridor - the so-called ROW - where the pipe must laid down. Well this basic condition was never respected during the project. Not only were the sections made available late, but they were always fragmented, forcing us to move the complex machinery used for the works (heavy vehicles, automatic welding, personnel, transport, etc.) from one end of the route to the other - sometimes at hundreds of kilometers from each other. And always on rough tracks, which put men and vehicles to the heavy test. (There were thousands of punctures and tires changed, especially in the section where the tube was installed at the side of the old route of a disused railway. (In the end the bill for tire replacement will reach the monstrous figure of 176,000 USD).
Furthermore, the route - chosen on GOOGLE Earth with the criterion ''the shortest line from one point to the other'' favored a route of incredible difficulty. Deserts, impassable mountains with slopes of over 60%, 40+ km of rock trenches that had to be opened with explosives. And the Customer who clung to the smallest contractual quibble to deny any type of compensation for the major difficulties, the constant travel, the frequent stops of activities due to the impossibility of accessing the work areas.
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The Best Tour Bus Companies and Minibus Rentals for a Comfortable Visit to Israel
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Discover top Israel tour bus companies. Premium minibus rental services in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and across Israel. Book your Israel Bus Rental today at TLV Transfers. TLV Transfers stands out as one of the premier tour bus companies in Israel, offering premium minibus rental services in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and beyond. With a fleet of modern and well-maintained vehicles, TLV Transfers provides unmatched convenience and comfort for travelers exploring Israel's most iconic destinations.
Tailored Solutions for Every Group Size
Whether you're traveling with a small group of friends or organizing a large corporate event, TLV Transfers has the perfect minibus rental solution to meet your needs. From compact minibuses to spacious coaches, our diverse fleet can accommodate groups of all sizes, ensuring that everyone travels in style and comfort.
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Professional Drivers, Exceptional Service
At TLV Transfers, we prioritize the safety and satisfaction of our passengers above all else. Our team of professional drivers is highly experienced, courteous, and knowledgeable about the local area, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable journey from start to finish. With TLV Transfers, you can sit back, relax, and let us handle all the details of your transportation needs.
Convenient Booking Process
Booking your Jerusalem bus rental with TLV Transfers is quick and easy. Simply visit our website or contact our customer service team to reserve your minibus rental today. We offer flexible booking options and competitive rates to ensure that you get the best value for your money.
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Experience Israel in Comfort
Don't let transportation stress put a damper on your Israel adventure. Experience the convenience and comfort of TLV Transfers' premium minibus rental services and explore Israel's top attractions with ease. Book your Jerusalem bus rental today and embark on an unforgettable journey through the heart of the Holy Land.
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Effortless Booking Process: Our streamlined booking system makes it easy for customers to reserve a taxi or transfer service online or through our mobile app, ensuring convenience and efficiency.
Reliable and Punctual Service: We understand the importance of punctuality when it comes to airport transportation. Our drivers are punctual and professional, ensuring that customers arrive at their destinations on time, every time.
Comfortable and Safe Travel: Our fleet of vehicles is well-maintained and equipped with modern amenities to ensure a comfortable and safe travel experience for our customers.
Flexible Options: Whether you need a taxi from the airport to your hotel, a transfer between cities, or a customized itinerary, we offer flexible options to meet your specific needs and preferences.
Knowledgeable and Friendly Drivers: Our drivers are knowledgeable about the local area and can provide valuable insights and recommendations to enhance your travel experience in Israel.
24/7 Customer Support: Our dedicated customer support team is available 24/7 to assist customers with any inquiries or concerns they may have before, during, or after their journey.
Experience Israel in Comfort
Don't let transportation stress put a damper on your Israel adventure. Experience the convenience and comfort of TLV Transfers' premium minibus rental services and explore Israel's top attractions with ease. Book your Jerusalem bus rental today and embark on an unforgettable journey through the heart of the Holy Land.
Contacts us:
Call us: +972-3-6039604
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transfers4u · 5 months
Cambridge To Heathrow Taxi Fare Comparison- What You Need To Know
Are you wondering how to get from Cambridge to Heathrow Airport for your departure? Book a reliable Cambridge to Heathrow taxi service and experience the difference. However, how to navigate the taxi fares for a smooth transition? Let's dive into it-
Understanding The Fare Landscape-
Base Fare- When it comes to the taxi fares for Cambridge to Heathrow, it varies with different factors (roughly 70-75 miles) and doesn't include extras. The fare may vary with different taxi companies. Professional taxi companies offer a fixed price.
Metered Fares- Some taxis operate on a meter and the fare is based on distance and time. During a peak hour, it might climb.
Additional Charges- Be sure about potential extra charges. Reputed taxi services offer fixed fares that include booking fees, airport tolls, and extra passengers.
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Finding the Perfect Fit: Factors to Consider
Number of Passengers & Luggage- For solo travel, a standard taxi might be good. If you are traveling with your friends or family, consider a minivan or a minibus. Make sure you choose the right vehicle that can accommodate your group size.
Travel Time & Convenience- When you are heading to Heathrow Airport, catching a flight on time is important. Pre-booked taxis guarantee on-time travel. Reputed taxis also offer meet-and-greet services at the airport.
Budget- Don’t forget to compare the fares from different taxi providers. Professional services provide online booking platforms for cost comparison with potential discounts. You can call them directly.
Beyond the Fare: The Value plan
Vehicle Choice- Whether you select a comfortable saloon car, a spacious estate or an executive vehicle, reputable companies have got you covered. You can select one that suits your needs and budget.
Customer Service- Make sure a taxi company has a proven track record in this industry and ensures excellent customer service. it can make a world of difference.
Safety & Security- A taxi company should be licensed and insured. Reputable firms maintain the highest safety standards and offer peace of mind.
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airport taxi service
The Final Tally-
Gather information to confidently choose the perfect taxi service from Cambridge to Heathrow.
Compare fares
Factor in additional charges
Consider your needs
Don't neglect safety
The aforementioned information will help you in choosing the right service. Looking for a best Cambridge to Heathrow taxi service? Transfers 4U is a trusted and reliable private taxi airport company located in Cambridge, UK. Visit www.transfers-4u.co.uk today!
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apexart-journal · 6 months
Jevijoe in Tbilisi, Day 23
Kutaisi, here I come! The second-most important city in Georgia is rich in history and natural wonders.
One of the highlights of the apexart Fellowship program is visiting a place that is far from your residential space. Today, my destination was Kutaisi, 227 kilometers from Tbilisi, approximately a 3-hour minibus ride.
Early in the in the morning, I went to Okriba station in Didube district to take a minibus to Kutaisi. The station reminded me of Manila, Philippines, when I went back to my province, Pampanga. There are "barkers,"  as we call them in the Philippines. They were shouting the destination and competing for passengers or customers. I heard one shouting, "Kutaisi! Kutaisi!". so I knew that would be my bus.
It was a rainy day, but I made it to Prometheus Cave; unfortunately, it was closed. The fruit vendor in front of the entrance told me that the cave is closed when it rains because of the overflow. Thanks to the Bolt taxi cab driver, who waited for me since there is no accessible transportation that goes to the cave site. So we went back to the main city, he dropped me off at my hotel.
After I checked in at the hotel, I walked towards the Bagrati Cathedral, an ancient architectural monument built in 1003. At the back of the church are medieval ruins that are still evident—the old fortress, castle stone remnants covered with green flora—brought about by a series of human battles and conflicts, but in the end, nature won.
I was mesmerized by the Rioni River with its grand splendor; its rockbed seems like pre-historic bone seashells curved by the hydraulic force, elegant and wild, beautiful and fatal, yet the raging sound of the water is calming.
It's weird since this is going to be my first and last night in Kutaisi. I need to make the trip worth it! At night, I explored city life; there was not really much happening. I went to a local bar and ordered Bailey's shot. Sometimes I wonder if those people inside the bar are locals or maybe tourists, strangers like me too, lost in a town or lost in time.
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bradleyharrison · 16 days
IAH/George Bush Airport Limousine & Shuttle Services – Airport Transportation Houston | AAdmirals Travel & Transportation
When you’re traveling to or from IAH/George Bush Airport, you want a service that’s reliable, comfortable, and tailored to your needs. Airport Transportation Houston | AAdmirals Travel & Transportation is here to provide just that. We specialize in top-quality Airport Shuttle Service to ensure your airport transfers are smooth and hassle-free.
Our fleet of Sedans, SUVs, and Vans is ready to serve you 24/7. Whether you need a ride to George Bush Airport or another regional airport, our Limousine service is perfect for adding a touch of luxury to your journey. Need a professional driver? Our Chauffeur service ensures you’re in good hands from start to finish.
For those traveling with groups, our Minibus taxi service offers comfortable and convenient transport for multiple passengers. If you’re planning a group event or a tour, our Bus charter service is the way to go.
Going beyond Houston? No problem. We offer long-distance Transportation service for city-to-city transfers, making travel to places like Galveston or The Woodlands a breeze. Book your ride online or call us from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM, Monday through Sunday, to arrange your transportation.
For top-notch airport transfers to and from IAH/George Bush Airport, Airport Transportation Houston | AAdmirals Travel & Transportation has you covered. With services ranging from Airport Shuttle Service to Limousine service, we ensure your travel experience is both comfortable and stylish.
Airport Transportation Houston | AAdmirals Travel & Transportation
Address: 17103 Imperial Valley Dr, Houston, TX 77060, United States
Phone: +1 (346) 857-4294
Website: AAdmirals Travel & Transportation
Google Map:
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tunbridge-wells-taxi · 6 months
Tunbridge Wells to London Taxis
C Line Cars welcomes you to experience a reliable and affordable taxi service from Tunbridge Wells to London. Our commitment is to meet all your transportation needs with professionalism and efficiency. Starting at just £80.00*, our competitive prices make us a cost-effective choice for your journey. We understand the challenges of last-minute travel arrangements, and that’s why we strive to alleviate your stress by taking care of all the details. You can trust our dedicated team to ensure a seamless and stress-free experience from Tunbridge Wells to London.
Our professional drivers are the backbone of our service, providing you with a pleasant and comfortable journey. With their knowledge and experience, they guarantee a smooth ride, whether you’re travelling for business or pleasure. Your safety is our top priority, and we only collaborate with the most skilled and reliable drivers. They will ensure you reach your destination on time and in a secure manner. At C Line Cars, we prioritize vehicle maintenance to keep our fleet in top condition. Our well-maintained and regularly serviced vehicles contribute to a comfortable and enjoyable travel experience. Whether it’s a business trip or a leisurely excursion, we are dedicated to making your journey from Tunbridge Wells to London as comfortable and reliable as possible.
Taxi Tunbridge Wells to London
C Line Cars is your go-to choice for a reliable and trustworthy taxi service from Tunbridge Wells to London. Our commitment is to provide you with a variety of transportation options, ensuring a timely and comfortable journey to your destination. Count on C Line Cars to take care of all the details, offering professional drivers dedicated to making your Tunbridge Wells to London taxi experience pleasant and hassle-free. Our services extend beyond the standard taxi ride. At C Line Cars, we present an array of transportation choices tailored to your preferences and budget. Whether you’re seeking luxury, a minibus, or a coach, we have the perfect solution for you.
We also specialize in airport transportation, ensuring a stylish and punctual arrival at your chosen airport. Our emphasis on customer service sets us apart, and we are committed to delivering the best possible experience for every passenger. Whether you’re planning or require a last-minute booking, our dedicated team is ready to assist you. We recognize the unique needs of each traveller, and that’s why C Line Cars offers a diverse range of transportation options to cater to your specific requirements.
London Taxis
Tunbridge Wells Taxis from/to London
For over a decade, C Line Cars has been a trusted provider of premier taxi services, specializing in seamless transportation from Tunbridge Wells to London City. Our commitment to excellence is evident in the provision of skilled drivers and a fleet of meticulously maintained vehicles. Booking with C Line Cars is a breeze, thanks to our straightforward and user-friendly system. Bid farewell to tedious waits in airport taxi lines as our professional drivers await your arrival at the designated meeting point. Their wealth of experience and familiarity with the city guarantee a punctual arrival at your destination, eliminating travel stress.
Safety is our top priority. Our drivers undergo rigorous background checks, possess full licensing and insurance, and adhere to the highest standards of professionalism. To further guarantee reliability, our fleet undergoes regular servicing, maintaining peak performance. Whether your journey is for business or pleasure, C Line Cars tailor its services to meet your unique needs. Experience a stress-free and enjoyable ride from Tunbridge Wells to London City by choosing C Line Cars—where expertise, comfort, and convenience converge. Book your transfer today and discover the distinctive difference in our commitment to exceptional transportation services.
Choose C Line Cars for your Tunbridge Wells to London journey, and relax knowing that your transportation needs are in capable hands. We take pride in our customer-centric approach and aim to make your travel experience seamless and enjoyable.
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