#callie senate
storiesofsvu · 8 months
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2008hondacivic · 11 months
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New Jersey State Senator trauma dumps on local girl’s tumblr post
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
Luke & Callie: we’re the superior twins
Aren't they though? They don't cause trouble for their respective families and they're both medics, which means that they are careful...unlike Vali and Leia who are both "throw hands first ask questions later" type people.
"Thanks for paying for my admission," Luke says cheerfully as he walks next to Callie. "I'll bring more credits next time." Callie shoots him an odd look, "It's fine. I always pay when we go out, so I'm not sure why today would be any different." "Because I asked you on a date, so I should pay for something." He says with a small pout. She looks amused, "Last time I checked, Jedi don't get paid. And I, as a Medic do." "Yes, well..." Luke nervously rubs the back of his head, "Something, something, credits are the root of all evil-" "Credits are also the only way people can survive, honestly, what would the Jedi do if the Senate decided to stop giving them funds for food and stuff." Callie replies with a shake of her head. "I suppose we'd have to use the stuff in the storehouse." "The what now?" "People who we help often send gifts of credits or other things, like jewelry and clothing. Some of it is really nice. But we don't use it, so it's kind of just sitting there." Callie stares at him, "Holy shit Jedi are dumb. I'm telling Ba'vodu Cody about that. He'll fix it. Now, come on, I want to see the otters." "Ooh! Can we see the Jellyfish after that? They're my favorite."
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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“ . . . we urgently appeal to our honored President, and hereby PETITION him to URGE the enactment into LAW . . . of either Senator France's or Representative Dyer ANTI-LYNCHING BILL.” Petition from the International Uplift League, 10/15/1922. 
File Unit: 158260 section 3 #1, 1904 - 1974
Series: Straight Numerical Files, 1904 - 1974
Record Group 60: General Records of the Department of Justice, 1790 - 2002
The International Uplift League
(Organized 1911: Re-Organized and Incorporated, A.D. 1915)
Object:-To Uplift and Develop the Colored Race Everywhere.
Motto:-Justice, Knowledge (Material and Spiritual) Health and Wealth.
President, Rev. Dr. Robert W. S. Thomas, M.A.
Treasurer, Mrs. Ruth M. Collett
Auditor, Charles M. Dorsey, Esq.
Chairman of the Executive Committee, Rev. George L. White, D.D., M.D.
General Secretary, David N.E. Campbell, M.D., M.O.
1369 N. Carey Street,
Baltimore, Md., U. S. A.
New Address,
119 Lefferts Place,
Brooklyn, New York.
Amended Petition.  October 15th 1922.
To His Excellency,
The President of
The United States of America,
The White House, Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. President:
For the GOOD and true HONOR of our beloved country, the United States of America, in the NAME of ALMIGHTY GOD, LYNCHING should be abolished.  Opinion seems unanimous that the United States Government possesses permanently the greater jurisdictional control (about 3/4) over each United States Citizen; and the State in which the citizen resides holds the remaining (1/4) jurisdiction.
Hence the elimination of LYNCHING, our most heinous STIGMA, should be accomplished through the Federal Government, because the respective States, for more than fifty years, have failed to suppress LYNCHING.  Therefore, we urgently appeal to our honored President, and hereby PETITION him to URGE the enactment into LAW, during the Extra Session of Congress, of either Senator France's or Representative Dyer ANTI-LYNCHING BILL.  By such worthy and magnanimous ACT, Mr. President, you will immortalize your NAME like the illustrious Lincoln when we signed the Emancipation Proclamation.  Amen.
For the Women.
(Miss) Emma J. Chrichton
For the Men.
David Newton E. Campbell
Secretary I.U. League
P.S. We hope to secure millions of signatures to this PETITION and forward same duly.
 VIce Presidents,
Rev. Dr. George F. Bragg, Jr.
Hon. Ernest Lyon, D.D., LL.D.
Rev. Dr. Wm. Sampson Brooks, D.D.
Rev. W.W. Allen, D.D.
Rev. Dr. Thomas F. Reed
Hon. George W.F. McMechen
Mrs. Mary F. Bond.
Rev. Junius Gray, D.D.
Rev. L.C. Curtis, D.D.
Rev. N.M. Carroll, D.D.
Charles B Rodgers, Esq.
Mrs. Alric R. Campbell.
Rev. Ananias Brown, D.D.
Rev. James R. Diggs, A.M.
Rev. Dr. J.A. Briscoe.
Rev. Dr. A.B. Callis, Washington, D.C.
Miss Nannie H. Burroughs.
Rev. William H. Dean, D.D.
Rev. J. Harvey Randolph, D.D.
Rev. M.W.D. Norman, D.D.
Rev. C. Harold Stepteau, D.D.
Dr. Charles H. Marshall.
Rev. Walter H. Brooks, D.D.
Joseph P. Evans, Esq.
Miss. Mary A.E. Bennett.
Joshua F.G.L. Duvall.
Arthur L. Macbeth, Esq.
Joseph S. Fennell, Esq.
William H. Bates, Esq.
Columbus Gordon, Esq.
Dr. Robert W. Brown.
Dr. Luther E. McNeill.
Rev. T.A. Thomas.
Prof. Howard M. Gross.
Dr. E.C. Morris.
Mrs. Mary F. Handy.
Dr. A.A. Terrell.
Mrs. Fannie Jenkins.
Mrs. Urania M. Ross.
Samuel Carroll, Esq.
Dr. John W. Derry,
Dr. E. Verry Stokes.
Dr. Harry F. Brown.
Dr. J. Edward Fisher.
Rev. William Holt.
Rev. S.A. Virgil.
Rev. J.C. and Mrs. S. Love.
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emylilas · 1 year
Turns out 75% of my fanvids, fanarts and fics are WIPs but you can still find all these things on my blog:
Warrior Nun
We’re being invaded, fic, (Jillian Salvius x Mother Superion)
Leap of faith, fic, (Jillian Salvius x Mother Superion)
Uncle Duretti doesn’t need to know, fic (Jillian Salvius x Mother Superion, Duretti & the whole Salvius-OCS family)
Warrior Nun | Jillian Salvius, fanvid
But nobody's home, fanvid, (everyone) 
The thing in our office, fic, (Jillian Salvius x Mother Superion, the girls and Jillian spending some time together)
A summer night picnic, fanart, (Jillian Salvius and the family’s dog)
The Salvius-OCS family’s New Year’s Eve party, fanart (Jillian Salvius x Mother Superion, Ava x Beatrice, the lot of them being a family)
The mistletoe conspiracy, fanart (Ava x Beatrice, Jillian Salvius x Mother Superion)
Damage control, fic, (Jillian Salvius x Mother Superion)
Fate: the Winx Saga
I had all and then most of you, fic (Farah x Luna)
Farah & Luna | Now it’s history, fanvid (Farah x Luna)
Just the two of us, fic, (Saul x Andreas)
It can’t be that bad, fic, (Farah x Luna)
Farah Dowling | Rosalind kept so much from us,  fanvid
“Goodbye, Farah”, fanart (Farah x Luna)
Getting ready for Christmas, fanart (Saul x Andreas, Beatrice & Sky)
FTWS | The hanging tree, fanvid, (season 1).
You must be a first year, fanvid, (Sky x Riven)
The mamma mia AU no one asked for: Dancing Queens & Dancing Kings, fanart, (Luna, Farah & Rosalind; Ben, Saul & Andreas)
Ask answers: 1 (Farah x Luna, Saul x Andreas), 2 (Farah x Luna)
Chilling adventures of Sabrina
Don’t be afraid, you have me here to guide your way, fic, (Lilith x Zelda Spellman)
 Criminal minds
Chaotic, fic, (the S2 team being a chaotic family, no romantic pairing)
Always starting over, fic, (Jack Sloane x Isabel Monet)
Leaving home, fic, (Jack’s goodbyes to each member of the team, no romantic pairing)
Feel the same way, as in…? fic, (Jack Sloane x Isabel Monet)
It had always been this way, fic, (Jack Sloane x Isabel Monet)
And your sunshine is gone, fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader)
That’s not the line, fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader)
A stunning brunette, fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader)
Only for the reward, fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader + the team being a family)
These lonely nights are over, incomplete fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader)
Miracle, fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader)
Forgot something?, fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader)
Honey?, fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader + the team’s sleeping over at Gibbs’)
The right moment to sweat, fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader)
Jack Sloane | I should have saved them, fanvid
You don’t play games, fic, (Michelle McBride x Callie Senate)
First move, fic, (Michelle McBride x Callie Senate)
The 100
What do we owe to each other?, fic, (Marcus Kane x Abby Griffin)
Octavia | Do you want to die?, fanvid
To Marcus and Abby (S1-6), fanvid
Grey’s Anatomy & Private Practice
These are some very old fics. Read at your own risk.
Truth or dare?, fic, (Addison Montgomery x Meredith Grey, Addison Montgomery x Charlotte King), M
“Trop Beau”, fic, (Addison Montgomery x Meredith Grey)
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sithsjedi · 8 months
on today’s special edition episode of epiphanies callie has about her own muses:
The tragedy of Shi’al Valorum has numerous DIRECT PARALLELS to the tragedy of Count Dooku.
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At the very core of Shi’al’s character is the ancient tug-of-war between society and the self. Throughout her life, Shi’al must determine whether she wishes to honor the wishes of those she loves most, or maintain some semblance of individuality by sticking steadfast to her unshakeable belief in the galaxy’s inherent goodness. All she wants is to see genuine improvement in the lives of the galaxy’s peoples, and she is unafraid to pull the strings necessary to get what she wants. Shi’al wields an extraordinary amount of social capital and power due to her stardom as a Prima Ballerina and Prima Donna; even those on the farthest boundaries of the Outer Rim recognize her name.
⠀ ⠀             The more cynical beings within the galaxy are bound to ask what sets Shi’al apart from her fellow politically-inclined peers, and the answer to this question is predicated upon the fact that Shi’al wants to use her platform of privelege granted to her by birthright — something which ordinarily benefits the few — for the benefit of the many. Long before she becomes the architect of Palpatine’s reputation as Emperor, she learns the delicate art of pulling strings to ensure political action, and it works. The changes that she wants to see within the galaxy are made.
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This is precisely what Dooku intended to do, when he first left the Jedi Order and took the title Count of Serenno. He grew disillusioned with the corruption present in the senate and the influence of corporations in the lawmaking process, and sought to enact tangible change.
⠀ ⠀             Palpatine, however, sunk his claws into and masterfully engineered the downfall of them both. He took two idealistic individuals with lofty dreams and twisted them into shadows of their former selves, transforming them into the very things that they swore to destroy.
Shi’al was one of Palpatine’s greatest long term pet projects. For more than twenty years, he played the role of doting family friend and uncle in all but blood. After having Finis Valorum assassinated, Palpatine worked to isolate Shi’al and cut her off from her support systems, until there was no one left for her to trust but him. He played this long game of chess for multiple decades, aware as he was that he would need her talent when he one day became Emperor. It was textbook emotional manipulation, and the illusions that Palpatine so expertly crafted remained in place for many years, only to crumble to pieces once Shi’al begins questioning his rule and joining the Rebellion’s ranks.
History has a penchant for repeating itself.
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themculibrary · 2 years
Stucky Drabbles Masterlist
A Proper Omega (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Steve is a 1940’s omega. His idea of what it means to be an omega is very different from modern ideals.
B.B. + S.R. (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor
Summary: Bucky and Steve got each other's names tattooed on their wrists back when they were younger. Steve still has Bucky's initials, and he's determined to save Bucky.
Bedding (ao3) - fmo
Summary: Intense, hardcore curtain fic, featuring Steve in Target, many textiles, and also casserole.
Been A Long Time But I'm Back In Town (ao3) - torakowalski
Summary: Steve might be some kinda superhero now but that doesn't mean Bucky's gonna stop worrying when he's not taking good enough care of himself.
Earn It (ao3) - TheRaven
Summary: Steve keeps Bucky on the edge for hours, because that's what Bucky asked him to do.
everest (ao3) - mcwho
Summary: Three O's in, and Bucky can’t quite remember which way is up anymore.
Or, Steve gives and gives and Bucky takes it.
Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor
Summary: Steve and Bucky are not dealing well with the hot summer heat.
Hocus Pocus (ao3) - mambo
Summary: Bucky has a Halloween surprise for his boyfriend.
i don't need a reason (ao3) - howdoyousleep
Summary: What he could have never anticipated when accepting this internship was to be standing in front of Mr. Rogers’ desk after hours with his pants around his ankles and the exact Senator that normally sits behind this desk situated behind Bucky.
I'm In Luck (ao3) - steveandbucky
Summary: Steve is sketching a handsome stranger on the train, and gets caught. Luckily, the man doesn't mind.
It Keeps Growing Stronger (ao3) - asymmetricalJester
Summary: He's on the roof when he first catches that scent.
For the first time since before he can remember, his Alpha instincts start to kick in.
kisses make everything better (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor
Summary: When Bucky comes home from work early one evening, ranting about how much he hates alpha's, Steve knows there's only one way to shut him up...
lips like cherries (ao3) - CaptainCapsicoul
Summary: It’s be hours and Bucky’s shown no signs of stopping. It started as a bet. A stupid bet which landed Steve here. In bed. Hours later. And no release.
Playdates (ao3) - steveandbucky
Summary: Steve and Bucky are single parents who meet when they go to pick up their children from school, and find that Jamie and Callie have befriended each other.
Professional Pride (ao3) - galwednesday
Summary: Bucky is having a very good day, until he turns around and finds himself face-to-face with Captain America.
“Oh shit,” he blurts before he can stop himself, and Captain America blinks at him. “Hey, hi, I didn’t expect to see you here.” Here, at New York’s Pride parade, surrounded by thousands of happy screaming people wearing rainbows and sometimes not much else. What is he doing here? Is he on guard duty or something? Was he just on a mission and happened to be passing by on his way back?
He’s in uniform but with the cowl loose around his neck, so when he rubs the back of his head it fluffs up his matted hair. “I, uh. I saw one of your–temporary tattoos?” Captain fucking America says, like it’s a question.
The Undone and the Divine (ao3) - victoria_p (musesfool)
Summary: Bucky's always liked making a mess of Steve's perfect choirboy appearance.
Worthy (ao3) - hiareyouanerd
Summary: I saw a tumblr post saying something like "What if Bucky lifted Mjölnir?" and this kinda happened.
you know you make me want to (ao3) - kototyph
Summary: imagineyourotp:
Imagine your OTP lying next to each other in bed, staring at the ceiling, embarrassed and slightly alarmed by the wild, intense, filthy sex they just had.
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random-writerings · 11 months
As Star Wars was one of my first fandoms, I'd love to hear about your OC Maia Callis, or her Padawan, Suria Vaali.
Star Wars was one of my first fandoms too! And it's a current hyperfixation that I'll gladly talk about anytime lol. :)
Maia is a Force-sensitive who grew up on her home planet Alura. She arrives on Coruscant, intending to become a senator, until she (literally) bumps into Obi-Wan. She discovers her Force-sensitivity and after a long debate with herself she takes a leap of faith, deciding to join the Jedi Order instead of the Senate. She's 18 years old at the time and many believe she's far too old to train as a Jedi. But she has Yoda and Qui-Gon on her side to help her. She becomes Obi-Wan's Padawan, which neither of them are ready for. They navigate struggles together and become close friends.
When Obi-Wan promises Qui-Gon he'll be Anakin’s Master, Maia is not ready to become a Knight. She takes the Trials anyway and passes. But she still hangs out with Obi-Wan and Anakin (of course, she’s just helping Obi-Wan train the boy, she’s definitely not there because she’s still trying to learn from Obi-Wan. Definitely not). And so Obi-Wan convinces her to get a Padawan of her own (after all, teaching is the best way to learn, as he found out the hard way). She's very resistant to the idea but when she meets Suria, they just click.
Anakin and Suria are like siblings. They bring each other out of their shells, going from nervous children to chaos incarnate. They're both mischievous and like to break the rules every so often, much to the dismay of their Masters. And having Padawans brings Obi-Wan and Maia closer as they're basically co-parenting. Obi-Wan has experience teaching the ways of the Jedi (which Maia doesn't) and Maia has experience wrangling young children and teenagers (which Obi-Wan doesn't). Their skills complement each other well.
There's something about the four of them being together that just feels natural. It's a little chaotic but there's a lot of love between them. It’s perfect.
At least, until the Clone Wars comes around.
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jorgecrespo · 1 year
season 2 thoughts:
OHOHOHOHOHO this is such a good show
adult shauna is off her rocker fully but love how her family is starting to come together somehow
randy marsh best best friend award? i think so, what a guy he is
lottie and nat's whole thing is weird as hell i love it. also lottie is even weirder and this bitch once killed a bear by just like, pure vibes and also a knife
i want to see more of the survivors now that we've seen lottie and van. i wanna see how fucked up everyone else is
still can't believe travis survived i literally can't fathom this
fave characters: (they are the same as season 1 i realize this after writing it all out)
tai (again, girl what the fuck)
misty (pretty sure she would be the exact same way as an adult no matter what happened. love her and she definitely needs to be locked up 😍)
lottie (so happy adult lottie didn't disappoint, an absolute fucking weirdo!!!!)
adult shauna but also jeff and callie tbh (family goals 💪💯)
final thoughts: i don't know what's going on but i'm fine with it i'm having a great time. tai is gonna make a terrible senator i'm sorry to say
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storiesofsvu · 8 months
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April 17: Yellowjackets and Time
Super tired today for literally no reason.
Here are some quick (quick!) thoughts I had about, what a surprise, Yellowjackets, this morning.
I was thinking about the complaints about the verisimilitude of the survivors' appearances in 1996, and while yeah I think a lot of it is a combination of TV-magic to keep people looking hot (and what of it?), concerns for actor safety (please don't be the guy who's like 'they're not thin enough for starving people' lmao), and maybe just some laziness (Nat's roots), I nevertheless wondered if some of it is intentional? That might be too generous but the timeline is really vague. We have some sense of time passing with the seasons, but not really that much, just some dialogue about the coming of winter; we have people's injuries healing; and we have Shauna's pregnancy. Very rarely, there's dialogue indicating the passage of time: we've been here 3 days, Nat and Travis haven't spoken for weeks. And then there's Jackie. She's the only one who tries to keep them pinned to home-time: it's Homecoming, it's Rush Week. Without her, there's really only the changing seasons and the alterations to their own bodies to keep them grounded in any sort of passage of time. And look I know this was conceived pre-pandemic and that I can't compare EVERYTHING to Covid but like... we all experienced time-disorientation, it doesn't take all that much, and it is very hard to unrattle yourself once you've lost a sense of yourself in time. That's still something that I'm working to get over even now. I think that's purposefully part of the depiction of their experience.
Further, this is also the case in the 2021 timeline, which I think is striking. What anchors people to time? The seasons, the academic year (especially for students/parents/educators), holidays, personal deadlines and events... In the wilderness, all of that is gone, but it should be back 25 years later in New Jersey, right? Yet I had very little sense of how fast events were happening or how much time passed between episodes. Part of this is that, of the four, only Misty has a job, and it's not a regular-hour type gig. But it's also that...they're drifting, as adults, just as they did as kids. The only anchoring points that the audience has in 2021 are the length of the campaign (and I'll be honest idk how long state Senate campaigns last or when Taissa announced her campaign--summer? were Sammy and Callie in school? can't recall), and Halloween, and Election Day. There's also Jackie's birthday and reunion, but those aren't events whose dates I know. It was very strange to hear Jeff mention "the reunion tomorrow" in, like, episode 8? I wondered if I'd misheard or misunderstood because I knew the reunion was in ep10. Either one day went verrrrry slowly (plausible), or it was a mistake, or I misheard, or it's part of this disorientation.
Where are they in time? Is there anything other than an eternal present?
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ladyintree · 1 year
adult tai's relationship with nat is sooo much. because she's so protective of her, she's always looking out for her, she's the first to defend her -- but she's also the first to judge her, to call her on bullshit, to be maybe a little too hard on her, etc.
their relationship as adults feels so much like tai as the judgmental yet nurturing older sister and nat as the little sister tai deems a nuisance who she loves dearly anyway.
this conversation alone just screams it:
"three days out of rehab, and you're already arrested. was there some record to beat, or..."
[i missed my three hots and a cot.]
"i guess you can be funny when it's not your money wasted."
[i never asked you to pay for rehab. and i'm not high, if it matters.
whether they've kept in close contact all these years or not, they are at least 'close' enough for tai to be the one nat calls when she's in jail or going in / out of rehab, and tai is the one who offered to help her get into rehab in the first place by paying for her the treatment.
-- which she ultimately treats like a burden, but it's not. it's never a burden to help nat. it never will be. she tries to stand her ground in hopes that nat will grow herself without her help ( because, tai is often quick to assume that she's the hero and nat needs that push ) but she'll eventually always cave regardless.
she can be so mean to nat's face but so soft when talking about her to others, to shauna specifically. because she remembers who nat was in the wilderness and that will always matter no matter what happens in their relationship, no matter what bridges are burned or how much distance (physical or emotional) there is. whatever nat did that tai refers to as "we wouldn't be here without her," tai knows nat is that person no matter what happens.
[maybe she stopped to score drugs.]  
"oh, god.  i hope not.  ah, the pay cut I took to run for senate isn't gonna fund another stint in rehab."
[fuck, tai, did you really?]
[why?  you're just enabling her to repeat the same pattern.  she has to learn to handle her own shit.]
"and if she never does?  shauna.  don't you think about it?  i got simone, sammy.  you've got jeff and callie.  did we do something to deserve that?  it's just fate that gave us that, right?  who does natalie have?  other than travis, which we both know was a fucking train wreck, who does she really have?  no one.  and now she has less.  we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her.  so i do what I can.  not just for her, for me."
when shauna asks "really?" taissa's "yeah" in response is so telling, because it's like, "yeah, of course i did, of course i will keep doing it." nat is so special to her no matter how different they are or how hard it may be for them to talk / have any sort of relationship as adults. she loves her. she'll keep taking care of her, she does not care how many times she has to ask her for help - or even if she has to offer it herself.
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oh-heartlessman · 11 months
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A TLDR on what Anya's Closed Characters Are Up To in 2038
cw: illness
NAME: Jane Porter AGE: 46 FC: Still Felicity Jones
Back in London, going through her first round of treatment for Huntington’s. :) Taking temporary leave from the RAS. Her husband Milo is by her side. 
NAME: Eva Grimhelde AGE: Immortal (idk something like 500?) FC: Still Krysten Ritter 
Publishes a series of best-selling dark romance sapphic erotica called Her Poisonous Kiss (other books are: Her Venomous Touch, Her Deadly Embrace, Her Painful Release — the fifth book, Her Torturous Denial is out in two weeks) under the pen name E. H. Grim 
NAME: Roger Radcliffe AGE: 46 FC: Still Sam Claflin 
Raising his two kids (William (19) and Anne (17))  alongside his wife Anita! And also his best mate Paul! And Perdita! And their giant brood of children. He works as a middle school music teacher and they all live on a big former farm, that Perdita pays for because she’s the one in finance making money for them. 
NAME: Daisy Canard
FC: Imogen Poots → Billie Piper AGE: 43
Senior correspondent at Vogue UK. Married to Amelia Smollet. Raising two kids, Reginald (15) and Audrey (13).  
NAME: Callie Harper
FC: Zendaya —> Andy Allo Age: 40 
Owns a queer bookstore in Gainesville, Florida. Regularly volunteers at the soup kitchen and other community-oriented projects. Married to Kiara!! They have FIVE kids — two biological (Callie carried Kiara’s egg; Kiara carried Callie’s egg); three adopted; they take in foster kids and give them a steady place and hope for a family reunion, but if not they treat them like their own 
NAME: Jake Long
FC: Peter Adrian → Daniel Henney Age: 38 
Still the American Dragon!!! Day job is working at a nonprofit dedicated to helping Magicks. L Living in NYC with his wife Deb, who is an art teacher and their kids Dylan (10) and Luke (7)
NAME: Rob Triton FC: Still Max Minghella AGE: 48 
Responsible for a huge data breach that incriminated half of the United States senate… though no one knows this. Shows up occasionally for Triton family events with Andy, with whom he has an on and off again marriage/partnership. 
NAME: Lymantria Khan FC: Still Franciska Farkas AGE: 42 
Still in Swynlake! She and Meg have moved to the farmlands for a bigger cottage. They have a lot of cats, descendants of the original Ash. They also have three kids (two biological, one adopted)
NAME: Barrel Adamson 
FC: Charlie Plummer → Chad Michael Murray  AGE: 35
A zookeeper in Omaha, Nebraska at the Omaha Zoo! He got married two years ago and his wife is expecting their first child soon :) 
AND NOW, If you made it this far...
NAME: Bradley Uppercrust III 
WHERE ARE THEY NOW? In 2025, after a stint in jail, Bradley decided to sign up for one of Elon Musk’s Space X flights — it exploded upon launch.
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pipelinelaserraygun · 1 month
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🫵🏽 YOU are the right persons at the right place, at the right time.
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Video clips of our April 2024 homeless care packages ⬆️ assembly and benevolence redistribution: DON'T leave helping the less fortunate up to OTHER people.
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👺👺 ⬅️ They are the wrong persons at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
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👺👺⬅️ They are the wrong persons at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
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👺👺⬅️ They are the wrong persons at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
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2020cookie · 7 months
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