#calling all classic f1 community
dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Already Gone || MV1 {1}
Pairing: Max Verstappen x spy!fem!reader Summary: You ease yourself into Max's life for a job but find it harder to leave than planned. Warnings: criminal activities WC: 2.6k
F1 Masterlist || One || Two
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Formula one wasn’t just an expensive sport to race in but it was first and foremost a lucrative business. With hundreds of millions of dollars being invested each year it was no surprise that your services were sought. 
The hooded figure slid a file across the table, the crumbs and sticky residue of beer catching on the cover. “This is the target,” he whispered over the noise of the drunkards left in the bar at this late hour. “Everything we have on him is in there, use it to get close and get into their factory.”
“Why waste time with a relationship?” you questioned as you opened the file and saw the headshot of your target. Not someone you would call classically handsome but there was an appeal to him nonetheless. “Why don’t I just apply for an entry level job and this will be done in a week?”
“For my employer, this isn’t just about their technology, they want his spirit broken too.” He jabbed an angry finger at the portrait.
“Ah,” you chuckled as you closed the file and slipped it into your handbag before rising from the dark booth, “psychological warfare, that I can understand.”
“How do we reach you again?” the stranger asked as he made to follow but you held your hand out for him to stop.
“You don’t, our contact ends here. You know my fee, and you will know when the job is complete.”
You rolled your eyes at the stupid the question. “Front page headline, of course.”
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There was no denying Monaco was beautiful, but you missed your high rise apartment in New York. The birds eye view of Central Park had become home and it was where you spent most of your time. Corporate espionage was always in demand on Wall Street so it was convenient to live close by despite owning properties all over the world. 
You had spent a week researching your target, reading every article and watching every interview. You knew his mannerisms and his values, what features his ex-girlfriends all shared and why they broke up. You knew his entire history, all so you could manipulate his future. 
Once you had learned everything there was to know about him you had tracked him down to Monaco where he was spending a large portion of the winter season off. That was where the real work began.
Any wig was irritating, no matter how expensive it was, and this was no different as you suppressed the urge to touch the dried glue along the hairline. Up ahead, the target kept pausing on his walk to sign a few autographs and let children have a photo taken with him. 
Unbeknownst to him, all the posters and adverts along the street had been subtly changed so the models held small semblances to you. He wouldn’t actively notice them, but his subconscious would. Over the next week, his brain would recognise your features selling products he was familiar with and trusted, something you were going to use to your advantage when you finally decided to cross paths with him. 
As midnight passed you took a little stroll through the streets lined with mansions and pulled out a tin of cat food. The crinkling of the foil tearing open broke the relatively quiet night in the exclusive community and a few curious cats appeared through the perfectly trimmed hedges. You softly called two Bengals closer, nudging the others aside, before giving them a scratch behind their ears as you put the tin on the ground and earned their trust too. 
“I have a little friend for you,” you whispered as they finished the food and rubbed against your leg, purring happily. You reached into the pouch of your oversized hoodie and carefully woke the kitten you had adopted. He released a small mew at being disturbed but when he noticed the company around him he started to nuzzle around them. “That’s it, get nice and acquainted.”
The lady at the animal shelter had promised that the little guy had come from a big litter and was very friendly around other cats so you were glad she was right as you picked up the rubbish and tossed it in a nearby bin. Giving the trio one last scratch, you lingered on the tabby with a whisper, “I’ll see you soon, Achilles.”
You left the neighbourhood after slotting a missing cat poster with your phone number into the mailboxes along the street and as the three animals disappeared into the hedge together you hoped it wouldn’t be too long before your phone rang. “Bye Sassy, bye Jimmy.”
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You were going out of your mind as you lounged around the house waiting. You checked your phone a handful of times per minute, even testing it was working with your burner phone once an hour. It was only as the sun began to set on the second day that the ringtone sang out over the news channel relaying the latest stock market figures. 
You took a deep breath, falling into the character of your alias as you saw the unknown number on the caller ID. “Hello?” You had to hide your grin as you perfected the balance of worry and hope in your voice.
“Uh, hi, is this Madilyn?” a man asked, the Dutch accent one you were familiar with after all the videos you had watched of him. “Your kitten is missing?”
“That’s me, please tell me you have some good news,” you begged softly, pitifully. 
He laughed quietly and you could hear purring close to the phone. “I think he found his way into my home somehow. He is very friendly.”
“I’m so sorry,” you grabbed your keys and helmet off the kitchen side, slamming the door loudly as you left. “We just moved here and I must have left a window open. Where are you so I can come and pick him up?”
He gave you his address and you rushed to thank him before ending the call and throwing your leg over the motorbike you had recently brought, all added to the bill of your latest employer. The roar of the engine drew the attention of the pedestrians out for an evening walk as you raced through the narrow streets and you arrived in his neighbourhood in under a minute.
The wrought iron gate was closed when you pulled up but the front curtain inside the mansion swayed as a dark figure peeked out before it started to swing open. 
By the time you pulled your helmet off and hung it on the handlebars he had already opened the door and you skipped up the steps excited by the sight of Achilles tucked in the crook of his arm. Lights from inside the home spilled out onto the front porch as Jimmy and Sassy padded their way out, brushing up against your shins.
“He looks so cosy,” you said sheepishly as you went to reach for the sleeping Achilles only to pause and pull back. “I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name.” 
“Max.” He offered his hand instead and you shook it weakly before crouching down to pet his cats. “They like you.”
“The feeling is mutual,” you said with a smile as you looked up at him and found him staring back intently. “Do I have helmet hair?”
You rushed to your feet, brushing down the strands that might have been messed up and windblown but he shook his head with a small smile. “You look familiar, have we met?”
You stepped closer with a small shake of your head and ran your fingers through Achilles fur, your arm brushing against Max innocently. His eyes followed your touch and you could see him taking the bait like a starving fish, not knowing how close he was to the hook.
“I would definitely remember meeting you,” you said as you caught your bottom lip between your teeth. 
He cleared his throat and tore his eyes away only for them to land on your motorbike. “Is that a Softail?”
“He has a good eye,” you praised as he recognised the same model Harley Davidson as the one he owned. “Do you ride?”
“Not as much as I would like. Unfortunately my one is back home in the Netherlands.”
“I owe you for finding Achilles.” You pulled the key from your leather jacket and dangled it in front of him with a grin, the silver keyring twinkling and catching his attention. He eyed up the figurine of the Trojian Horse, an inside joke you liked to use when on mission because the meaning always went over their heads. “Wanna take her for a spin?”
His hesitancy lasted only a split second since the conditioning of trust that had been instilled subconsciously all week quickly told him there was nothing to worry about. 
He looked down at his casual shirt and shorts he wore, clothes definitely not suitable for riding a motorcycle, before stepping back inside. “Would you like to come in?”
Max didn’t know the mistake he just made or the real reason you smiled the way you did as you stepped over the threshold, your body brushing close to his.
He was already gone: hook, line and sinker, he was yours.
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Four Months Later The coffee pot was almost empty and your eyes were bleary as you sat on the sofa watching the live feed on your laptop for the fourth straight hour. The video footage was being recorded as it played and you already had sent a thumb drive full of similar files with the parts and manufacturing plans you had stolen on your last visit with Max to the Red Bull factory in England. This next one should be ready to send in the morning.
It hadn’t been difficult to organise a ‘work’ trip to London during the time Max was going to test some new features they were working on and he practically begged you to visit him since it wasn’t far to Milton Keynes where they were based. You wanted to hate him for making it too easy, for being too trusting and too kind. 
You wanted to hate him for making you feel guilty.
You lived for this job, playing mastermind and dancing the moral lines, and you were very good at it. The world was your stage while you got to write the play, direct the show and be whatever character you wanted to be. But more often than not you found yourself forgetting to be ‘Madilyn’ when you were with Max and realised at some point you were able to be yourself. 
It was a problem, and one you didn’t know how to solve.
That was a lie. You could take the thumb drive down to the post shop and send it before disappearing into the night. Job done, problem solved.
But that would mean never seeing Max again and the truth was you weren’t ready for that.
Achilles padded into the living room and jumped onto your lap, purring as he nudged your hand for a pat. “Don’t get too comfortable, this is just a temporary arrangement,” you said as you scratched his neck. “You wouldn’t like New York anyway. The air smells, the people are rude and there’s no Sassy or Jimmy to play with.”
You were going to miss Monaco when it came time to leave. Everyone had been so friendly and welcoming to this stranger, if only they knew the havoc you had come to wreak on their city.
Your doorbell suddenly rang and you swiped your phone off the coffee table to open the app and saw Max on your front step. You had specifically told him that you were feeling sick so he didn’t come around. He had a race this week and shouldn’t have been taking the risk of going near anyone sick but there he was, a bag of takeaways in his hands.
You cursed to yourself as you closed your laptop and went to open the door just a crack. “Max? What are you doing here?” you asked with a rasping voice. 
He pushed the door open wider and stepped inside, aiming to kiss you but you turned your head away so his lips landed on your cheek. 
“I’m sick, you shouldn’t be here. You could catch it too.”
“I don’t care.” He placed the bag on the hall table so his hands were free to cup your face, holding you still as he greeted you with a proper kiss. It was impossible to resist him and your lips parted as you grabbed his jacket and pulled him closer.
He was far too responsible as he stopped you from unbuttoning his shirt, though he didn’t seem too pleased about stopping you from taking things further. “Eat first,” he ordered, placing one hand on the small of your back and the other grabbing the food. 
Max’s season had been off to a terrible start with a third place podium the best he had been able to achieve behind the Ferrari’s who had come back strongly from last year's poor result. The journalists called it a miracle - that the Italian team were able to produce a car to rival Red Bull’s - but really it wasn’t quite that unexplainable. They had inside information thanks to you. 
Despite the stress in his life and the pressure he was feeling from his father to push harder, he still found time for you and a part of you resented him for that, for making it harder to complete the job.
Your laptop on the coffee table kept drawing your attention as you sat down with the chicken noodle soup Max had brought. It was like a ticking time bomb that you couldn’t ignore and everytime Max’s hand passed over it to get a napkin or the remote you felt your heartbeat in your throat. If he opened the lid he would see something you couldn’t explain away so you needed to get him away from it for your own sanity.
“I’m really tired, babe,” you lied as you faked a yawn and Max checked his watch with a frown when he saw how early it was. 
“Maybe we should see a doctor,” he suggested as he pressed his hand to your forehead and mistook the clammy heat as a fever, but it was purely from the stress you were under watching him reach over your laptop yet again for his can of Red Bull.
“A bit of rest is all I need. You don’t need to worry about me, you should be worrying about your race.” You shifted on the couch to face him and saw how relaxed he was with his arm draped across the back of your cushion and Achilles curled up on his lap. “How are you planning on beating Ferrari?”
He shrugged and focused on scratching the tabby between the shoulder blades. “I’ll get the most I can out of the car and it will either be enough to win or it won’t. I can only try my best and avoid making mistakes.”
You curled into his side, hiding your guilty face in his neck as his arm closed around you. “I’m sorry,” you whispered your confession.
“Why?” he laughed softly, “it’s not your fault.”
If only he knew. 
But he could never know.
Click here for part two.
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inchidentally · 9 months
okay listen this has spun me out into a whOLE thing so let's take another trip down a road I like to call Why is the Non-RPF Real Life Relationship between Oscar and Lando So Endearing and Boyish and Sweet:
so my absolute favorite thing about Lando's face when he's relaxed or in his natural element is how absolutely every. single. emotion. he's feeling is broadcast at equal volume. his vulnerability is a massive part of his charisma. but! he has to have the right habitat! streaming, Youtube, his lifelong friends - those are the right habitat.
F1 is not naturally the right habitat.
when Carlos found Lando on his proverbial driver's doorstep he did not know what to make of him and Lando was barely able to squeak out a few words around anyone new or when a camera was around. but! Carlos trained Lando into how to bounce a dynamic between the two of them just like he'd been doing with his last awkward baby, Max. interestingly Max was much more excitable and eager to please of the two and Lando's intense shyness took a LOT of work to get past. but once Carlos had gotten the drift of Lando's super silly sense of humor it was smooth sailing. and then with Daniel it was even easier because half the time Daniel knew he was expected to carry the conversation. it's interesting because Lando allowed a bit of that old shyness to come back and it definitely disarmed Daniel a bit in a satisfying way. but thanks to those big personalities, Lando found his F1 self and even started to deal back and lead occasionally. of course DTS and a lot of media pilloried him for this because apparently what Carlos and Daniel do naturally is seen as snottish and bratty for him to do. the Youtube/streamer personality where he felt so safe did not at all translate onto other platforms and media.
so it hasn't been smooth sailing for Little Lando Norris to know how to be as a person in F1.
cut to 2023 and with the advent of Oscar we've seen a slow dismantling of Lando's F1 PR personality completely in his content with Oscar over the season. their very first unboxeds Lando was still wearing his guarded PR face and assuming he should lead and carry all the content. it was still sort of around for the Jenga/Garden Games challenges but had started to soften around the Austin filming (including the Finish the Lyrics classics). at some point, Lando truly realized that Oscar would still be fond of him even when Lando was in a terrible, low blood sugar type mood (Tic Tac Toe etc) and oh wow!
their content could really just be Lando being whatever he was feeling that day/that moment and Oscar smiling and finding him funny/cute/fascinating! that was enough! he didn't even know that was allowed! (and maybe it wouldn't have been if Oscar wasn't there to bolster him)
and that's when we started getting unguarded, authentic Lando instead of entertaining Lando. and it's because Oscar was the person next to him representing all of us, trying to tell Lando that we just wanted to see him. we didn't care if he was 'on' or not. he's just an interesting outdoor cat we want to watch go about his life.
which is why we got Lando letting himself sit and stare right back at Oscar like this.
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where we can see his expressions do that slow blossoming thing, and right in full view of just Oscar. it's the anti-DTS material because it isn't open to the camera and easy to manipulate. narrative television hates when two people go into quiet, subtle communication because it can't be made into a false dramatic arc. (trust me they'll invent one using chopped up footage and even more chopped up commentary lol they always do but it'll be uphill work)
but when you contrast this with the nonstop, quick back-and-forth Lando has with Carlos and Daniel it's where we pick up on the something that's so unique to Lando with Oscar. it's wrong and making way too big an assumption to say it's a closer friendship bc you can't quantify other people's friendships that way. but it's very, very different to those friendships. and the biggest difference that we on the outside can see is that Lando allows himself to determine exactly How He Will Be. and that might change from one minute to the next! and that doesn't always go down well with most people!
but every time, no matter what, Oscar smiles and laughs and everything Lando does is alright. he gets it. Lando means no harm and he's got a good, warm heart. if he likes you then that won't change just because his mood changes.
like their end of season message. Lando went from doing a great job summarizing his thoughts for the viewers, handed it over to Oscar and just... watched. didn't get bored and stare at the camera or off into space. I actually compiled just how often Lando spends staring openly at Oscar into one long gif lol:
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he fully knows he's still on camera but he turns himself into a viewer instead of bouncing around and off of what Oscar is saying. Oscar gave him that, he can give it right back.
and there's no specific Lando-Oscar dynamic like there is Lando-Carlos and Lando-Daniel. hell, Lando's got a dynamic with just about anyone. except! Max F, Martin Garrix (and probably quite a few of his friendships that we're never actually even shown) and Oscar. with those people we see Lando be precisely whatever he's feeling at that moment because they'll either indulge it or enjoy it depending on how good or bad the mood is. if it's Lando, it's all good.
I feel like there's a commonality with those people of being quiet but strong as opposed to the big and bold of most of the F1 drivers on the grid. Max F absolutely has obvious similarities to Oscar (I still love how much he sided with Oscar when he watched the 'most likely to' video). I don't know a lot about Martin but it's literally a DJ's job to be enough apart from the crowd to read it and they set the energy passively through what they spin. Oscar is a fun guy who loves being around the people he cares about but he's never The Guy that it all turns around.
and for their own reasons, they find Lando inherently fascinating and lovable. whereas Lando has to inhabit Carlos', Daniel's, George's, etc etc worlds because they are in themselves The Guy Everyone's Watching just like Lando. Lando has to share. he has to figure it out. but guys like Max F and Oscar do not have the energy or interest in being The Guy. they'd choose privacy over popularity every single time if they were made to. and actually come to think of it, they have actively chosen privacy at the expense of popularity quite a few times.
because let's look at Oscar's face when Lando teasingly brings up Oscar's sprint win:
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Oscar gives Lando that genuine, affectionate smile and ducks his head because he wants Lando to know that he appreciates it. in truth, that Sprint win was hailed by wider F1 community as being a massive achievement for a rookie in the Max V era of dominance. they both know that it is. but Oscar didn't posture or show off about it and for that Lando has made sure to bring it up on his behalf time and again. Oscar gave him that, Lando can give it back to him.
which is even sweeter going back to that post race video because Oscar gives Lando that same affectionate, private smile. he's had to throw the video's content over to Lando and Lando gave him that big affectionate smile first because this is how they do these videos. it's always awkward - especially if their results that day weren't great - but they know that together they can do these videos and share a laugh over how absurd it feels sometimes.
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and the hint of a private joke between the two of them is there early on and you can just feel Lando relax into it.
and when you skip all the way to their last race media duties and this interview, it truly surprised me how much Lando kept checking in with Oscar - the rookie! -as he was answering. when he found himself giving boring PR answers he threw in a joke that he knew Oscar would crease up over. sure enough it loosened them both up.
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and like, that's where the vulnerability and openness comes from now with Lando. he's got a teammate who is basically the same age, who gets him and who actively wants Lando to just be Lando. who clearly threw Lando at first by inadvertently foiling those attempts to establish a dynamic or a bromance. who Lando probably at first thought was just shy and awkward. but Oscar stayed true to who he is and kept that door open for Lando to eventually walk through.
so when it's the two of them, it's everyone else who's on the outside looking in. they're just being themselves. if that doesn't make everyone else feel entertained or happy they honestly don't care - and will probably share a secretive little smile about it.
it's also why they sometimes do that twinning thing and creep everyone out asfgjlaflsgjf
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vanilasky · 1 year
Okay, I just saw a tiktok with a really great take on what is recently going on with Carlos and Rebecca's' relationship and I feel like sharing this here.
In my opinion it's pretty obvious this is a classic PR relationship. She may have not been the best choice considering her being an escort and generally very questionable person, but she was certainly in the right place at the right time to be the best possible choice. She did the Ferrari commercial and fans already noticed that Carlos and Isa were growing apart. Could there be a better way to sell cars than pairing one of your drivers with a "model" who appeared in the commercial?
Apart from that, during Carlos and Isa's relationship we barely saw these two together. Carlos kept saying he protects love and he isn't an affectionate man. And suddenly, just after he announced he broke up with her, we were inundated with pictures of him and Rebecca holding hands, hugging etc. In a spare of two months there were already more pictures of these two together than with him and Isa. What happened to the "I protect love" agenda? And to the people saying that "omg he's finally in love so he can show how happy he is". Nobody can force a twenty-something, rich, childless man to be trapped in a loveless relationship. Especially when your work allows him to travel all around the world and you don't have any commitments.
The weird thing about these photos is that they are always staged and forced. Or leaked to the gossip pages by Rebecca's friend who decided to go public for 10 minutes. There is always at least one photo or one video when Carlos looks directly into the camera and poses cause he knows he's being filmed. He's holding her hand, hugging her or so. But when he doesn't know there's a camera on him, suddenly Rebecca disappears. He's totally ignoring her which is easy to see on some of Singapore's videos from the party. She's basically pushed back from his circles into the crowd.
And now we are coming to the photo posted on "accident" by Pierre. That's the take from tiktok so it's not mine but I feel like sharing it. Pierre posted that photo because the gossip accounts weren't enough. Not many people visit those types of accounts regularly since not all of them are interested in sportsmen's love life. But there's a 99,9% chance that people invested in sport will follow a sportsperson. Therefore, more people will see the photo and start searching. "Leaking" the photos to the gossip account by unknown sources wasn't enough for them. After the Singapore party there were already many people who started digging into Rebecca's past. They found out she is an escort and so they figured out she's only there to escort him to parties. A photo was used as proof that she's not only an escort (look, he took her on a date with his team) and to make this stunt feel more real because it came from Pierre. And obviously Pierre is kinda known in the F1 community as a creator of chaos. There were lots of people saying he made this as revenge on Carlos for calling him "pobrectio".
Last but not least, it's obvious she's (or all of them) are reading what people are saying. When she was at the paddock on Friday people were saying she always looks sloppy, dresses badly and always has her hair up. On Saturday she was wearing a dress, high heels and had her hair down. But sadly, no one cared cause even the gossip accounts didn't notice she was there in the first place. They were writing about Alexa (Charles' girlfriend) being there, but no one mentioned Rebecca, who was standing just a few meters away from Alexa. They posted about her only when another "unknown source" sent them the video of her being in the Ferrari's hospitality.
Honestly I don't know why Carlos' agreed on this. Seems like a very poor move from his team cause the only people who believe it's a true love are twelve years old or bots accounts. He will now be seen either as a person who hangs out with escorts, or as a man who is easy to manipulate and cannot stay single for three minutes. And for her, this whole stunt will backfire at some point. Not only was she not able to erase her past from the internet but people are already finding more questionable stuff about her. If there's at least one smart person involved in this, it's time to stop this.
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dontirrigateme · 9 months
thank you for the tag @executethyself35!
late to the party, but if anyone's interested, here goes...
don’t irrigate me
I usually don’t care, but for the sake of tumblr i guess i’ll go with they/them
Star Sign:
Betelgeuse...i couldn't resist the dad joke, but seriously, it's aries
#of siblings and fun facts about them (if you have any):
1 younger sister - i introduced her to band of brothers, she introduced me to the tumblr fandom
1 older brother - we bond over monty python
# of pets & their names:
1 idiot cat named Rudyard, 1 semi-idiot cat named Ripley (as in Alien), and 1 cat i took in from the street named Laszlo.  idiot is a term of endearment in my household.  for the cats, anyway.  but i’m sure they call me much worse when they communicate.  i’m onto them.
Band of Brothers (best one ever), Mad Max, Dark Tower, Peaky Blinders, F1/motorsports, Good Omens, Preacher, This is England, Taboo (still waiting for that second season, tom), Rome, MST3K, and anything associated with the 101st airborne (with a focus on easy company and the filthy thirteen)
Favorite color:
probably orange or green.  but not together, that just reminds me of gatorade.  Nothing against gatorade, i just don’t want to surround myself with sports drink….
Favorite song:
no favorite song, but some favorite bands are skinny lister, flogging molly, and dropkick murphys, nofx...  tons of oldies/classics like sly and the family stone, queen, bob dylan, otis redding, bill withers, etc...
Favorite author (of anything readable- books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!!):
Kurt Vonnegut will always be my #1, but I also like christopher moore, stephen king (specifically his dark tower series), victor hugo, glen cook (i've only read his black company series, but i love it)
Favorite Fic Type:
haven’t gotten into fanfic just yet - i love that it has so many people writing and reading though, so keep it up!
Favorite Holiday:
none, please and thank you
Do you have a partner (romantic, QPR, anything!)??:
reading, writing, sim racing, seeing how much of my fandoms i can fit inside my head before it explodes.
Fun Facts About Me:
can name all the states in alphabetical order (thank you, song from 4th grade, for never leaving my head, you cerebral stain you)
graduated from the same school as mark hamill and i share a birthday with russell crowe and jackie chan (so far they haven’t reached out to me for any sort of combined celebration, but fingers crossed for 2024, and everyone's invited)
Now to tag!! No preseure: i've been on here for like a week, i don't have a clue who to tag except @1waveshortofashipwreck
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angelamzs · 5 months
Thank you so much for tagging me @anaid-arghem 🫶🏼
Are you named after anyone?
No, my mother was thinking about calling me María, Carmen or Angela so she asked my dad and he said that Angela was better than the others.
When was the last time you cried?
Three or four days ago, I cry even when I’m happy.
Do you have kids?
Nooo, I'm very very young for that. However, I think that I would never have. I love kids but I don't think I would be a great mother and I don't see myself having a family. I rather focus on my future job and my own dreams and happiness than being married with kids.
What sports do you play/have played?
I did rhythmic gymnastics and I tried to play rugby as my father is a former rugby player but my mum didn't allow me to do it. Nowadays I use to go to the gym, although I’m not going so much these last months.
Do you use sarcasm?
Yes, but it’s not my strongest point.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Physically I notice their eyes (mainly their gaze) and their smile. For me the gaze and the smile are one of the most important things and can tell a lot about someone. As personality and mentality, the most important thing for me is intelligence, so one of the things that I like to notice first is how they communicate and express themselves, because I think that it can show their intelligence and their personality.
What's your eye color?
Green (hazel).
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, scary movies don't scare me at all.
Your talents?
I don't really know if these are talents at all, also when I have to talk about these kind of things my mind becomes empty, but here you have some rare things about me: I know all the F1 drivers champions in order and I also know all the F1 race winners; I know how to say “I love you” in a lot of languages; and I’m really good at spatial intelligence.
Where were you born?
In Madrid, the best city of the world✨
Any hobbies?
Listening to music, dancing and watching films and sports as motorsport, rugby, american football, snooker and football. I also love to read things related to history (also history about F1), politics and just a few novels.
Do you have any pets?
No, in fact I'm that person that doesnt like animals, although I have tried so many times and I actually find them cute. I prefer the plants and I have a potho, that is like a little tree and its called Dino.
How tall are you?
158 cm, all my friends make fun of this and they call me sausage dog😭
Favorite subject in school?
Math and physics with difference, I also like history as I’m really into the Industrial revolution and the 20th century.
Dream job?
My dream is to become an engineer in motorsport. I would also love to inspire and help kids to become engineers as it is being a difficult path for me and I would love having someone to help me. I would also love to create a website, books or even documentaries about classic F1, I just feel that I have a duty with all these people and I also feel that I have been created to honour their memory.
I won’t tag anyone because all the people that I know here have already been tagged😭
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Some call it hack, others cheat. You guys just embeded a function to see all your ammunition at once, which in my opinion can be called a. Extract Aimbot to the Teeworlds folder; Launche Teeworlds Aimbot; While playing press F1 for console; Enter: bot_fire 1 and bot_aim. dfu-programmertgz Jul 29K Jul 34K hack-fontstgz Jul K. Sep docs-install_ Jun android-file-transfer, System, , clearlooks-classic-themes, Desktop, , hack-of-life, Games, _3a6c, Sign in to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as ignored. Sign in to see reasons why you may or may not like this based on your games, friends, and curators you follow. You can use this widget-maker to generate a bit of HTML that can be embedded in your website to easily allow customers to purchase this game on Steam. Sign In. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Your Store Your Store. Categories Categories. Special Sections. Player Support. Community Hub. Teeworlds Team. Teeworlds is a free online multiplayer game, available for all major operating systems. Battle with up to 16 players in a variety of game modes, including Team Deathmatch and Capture The Flag. You can even design your own maps! Recent Reviews:. All Reviews:. Popular user-defined tags for this product:. Is this game relevant to you? Sign In or Open in Steam. Languages :. English and 18 more. Publisher: Teeworlds Team. Share Embed. Play Game. View Community Hub. About This Game Play together with your friends and have a fun time! In Teeworlds you can play in three gamemodes Deathmatch, Team-Deathmatch and Capture The Flag and tons more of community-made modifications with up to 16 players! Customize your own player character, your personal tee, to your liking. With hundreds of possible combinations, you will always look unique! Teeworlds is a game that gives you a lot of freedom and plenty of gameplay mechanics to use or abuse. With a full focus on multiplayer games you will never be bored. And the best thing: It's open-source! Anyone can help to develop this game, create new game types, skins or brand new maps via the built-in map editor! Key Features: Easy to learn, hard to master. You will never stop learning new tricks while playing Teeworlds, no matter how long you play. At the same time it's easy for new players to just pick it up and have a blast. Engaging and motivated community. Teeworlds' one-of-a-kind community is the thing keeping the game alive. Be it the community servers or maps or all the other innovative content. Play with your friends for free. Teeworlds has been free since the very start and will stay that way forever. With up to 16 players in a match, challenge your friends - the fun is only a mouseclick away! System Requirements Windows. Minimum: Processor: 1. See all. Customer reviews. Overall Reviews:. Review Type. All 4, Positive 3, Negative All 4, Steam Purchasers 57 Other 4, All Languages 4, Your Languages 1, Customize. Date Range. To view reviews within a date range, please click and drag a selection on a graph above or click on a specific bar. Show graph. Brought to you by Steam Labs. Filter reviews by the user's playtime when the review was written:. No minimum to No maximum. Off-topic Review Activity. When enabled, off-topic review activity will be filtered out. This defaults to your Review Score Setting. Read more about it in the blog post. Excluding Off-topic Review Activity. Loading reviews There are no more reviews that match the filters set above. Review Filters. Enter up to characters to add a description to your widget:. Create widget. Popular user-defined tags for this product:? Sign In Sign in to add your own tags to this product. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. VAT included in all prices where applicable. View mobile website.
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teeworlds aimbot 0.6.2 download new OYG!
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Some call it hack, others cheat. You guys just embeded a function to see all your ammunition at once, which in my opinion can be called a. Extract Aimbot to the Teeworlds folder; Launche Teeworlds Aimbot; While playing press F1 for console; Enter: bot_fire 1 and bot_aim. dfu-programmertgz Jul 29K Jul 34K hack-fontstgz Jul K. Sep docs-install_ Jun android-file-transfer, System, , clearlooks-classic-themes, Desktop, , hack-of-life, Games, _3a6c, Sign in to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as ignored. Sign in to see reasons why you may or may not like this based on your games, friends, and curators you follow. You can use this widget-maker to generate a bit of HTML that can be embedded in your website to easily allow customers to purchase this game on Steam. Sign In. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Your Store Your Store. Categories Categories. Special Sections. Player Support. Community Hub. Teeworlds Team. Teeworlds is a free online multiplayer game, available for all major operating systems. Battle with up to 16 players in a variety of game modes, including Team Deathmatch and Capture The Flag. You can even design your own maps! Recent Reviews:. All Reviews:. Popular user-defined tags for this product:. Is this game relevant to you? Sign In or Open in Steam. Languages :. English and 18 more. Publisher: Teeworlds Team. Share Embed. Play Game. View Community Hub. About This Game Play together with your friends and have a fun time! In Teeworlds you can play in three gamemodes Deathmatch, Team-Deathmatch and Capture The Flag and tons more of community-made modifications with up to 16 players! Customize your own player character, your personal tee, to your liking. With hundreds of possible combinations, you will always look unique! Teeworlds is a game that gives you a lot of freedom and plenty of gameplay mechanics to use or abuse. With a full focus on multiplayer games you will never be bored. And the best thing: It's open-source! Anyone can help to develop this game, create new game types, skins or brand new maps via the built-in map editor! Key Features: Easy to learn, hard to master. You will never stop learning new tricks while playing Teeworlds, no matter how long you play. At the same time it's easy for new players to just pick it up and have a blast. Engaging and motivated community. Teeworlds' one-of-a-kind community is the thing keeping the game alive. Be it the community servers or maps or all the other innovative content. Play with your friends for free. Teeworlds has been free since the very start and will stay that way forever. With up to 16 players in a match, challenge your friends - the fun is only a mouseclick away! System Requirements Windows. Minimum: Processor: 1. See all. Customer reviews. Overall Reviews:. Review Type. All 4, Positive 3, Negative All 4, Steam Purchasers 57 Other 4, All Languages 4, Your Languages 1, Customize. Date Range. To view reviews within a date range, please click and drag a selection on a graph above or click on a specific bar. Show graph. Brought to you by Steam Labs. Filter reviews by the user's playtime when the review was written:. No minimum to No maximum. Off-topic Review Activity. When enabled, off-topic review activity will be filtered out. This defaults to your Review Score Setting. Read more about it in the blog post. Excluding Off-topic Review Activity. Loading reviews There are no more reviews that match the filters set above. Review Filters. Enter up to characters to add a description to your widget:. Create widget. Popular user-defined tags for this product:? Sign In Sign in to add your own tags to this product. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. VAT included in all prices where applicable. View mobile website.
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f1yogurt · 3 years
Reblog this with the MBTIs you associate with some of your favorite classic f1 drivers.
Ok so I still don't know a lot of the classic F1 drivers and I figured a good way for me to quickly understand them is by associating them with an MBTI.
I know these are generalized and not always accurate but it is super helpful for trying to get to know people at first. Plus they make for great memes.
Tagging the first classic people I can think of but there are wayy more. No pressure to respond, I just added the tags so you'd be able to see the post.
@1337wtfomgbbq @1982driverstrike @riccardo-and-elio @cazzyf1 @greenliketheskyf1pics @k-ky @vcrtonghen @l0ura9
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true--north · 3 years
In every musical, usually in the first act, the protagonist will belt out a song that propels his or her motivations throughout the rest of the show. This is known as the “I Want” song — once summed up by legendary songwriter Howard Ashman, who helped revitalize Disney with The Little Mermaid in the late 1980s, as when “the leading lady sits downs on something [onstage] and sings about what she wants in life.” This is essential, he said, because afterward, “the audience falls in love with her and then roots for her to get it for the rest of the night.”
"I want" songs define the main line of a plot of a movie, cartoon, or a musical, creating a conflict with circumstances of a hero's life, asking a question if a hero is capable of to achieve a desirable thing?
In Frozen franchise we have four "I want" songs: For The First Time In Forever for Anna; Let It go, Into The Unknown, Show Yourself for Elsa.
Olaf's songs are "I want" songs too: in "In summer" he wants a fulfilment of an impossible dream, in "When I'm older" he wants to learn the world and stop being afraid.
Lost In The Woods may be considered as "I want" song too, but I think about it as a classic love ballade; The Next Right is a song of overcoming, and Some Things Never Change doesn't have such a strong criteria for a "I want" song because it is a collective song, though it has elements of "I want"; for example Anna wants things to never change, Kristoff wants to marry Anna, Elsa wants to live in the present moment, and Arendellians want to live as they live now, forgetting the past.
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But, in her classic "I want" song, "For The First Time In Forever", what does Anna want?
Meeting people. Not to be alone. To dance at a ball. Fun, music. Most of all, she wants "a chance to change her lonely world" and to find her true love. All of her dreams are about people and a happy life among them: either in just social communications and making new acquaintances – "I can't wait to meet everyone" or in a romantic life with "a beautiful stranger" with whom she will "laugh and talk all evening".
Has she achieved all this? Yes, by the end of F1 she had Kristoff, Elsa, Olaf and her loneliness has ended. In F2 Anna even brought it to a higher mature level, because now, with her new role as a queen, she will arrange balls and choose the music herself. She will communicate and work with a large amount of people, taking care of the whole society and bearing responsibility for them. Also, her love relationship has moved to a new level – she is getting married. Anna's "I want" song came true.
Plus, Anna has found her calling, the life's work in addition to her dreams about being surrounded with people and her true love.
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What does Elsa want in her "I want" songs that make up a coherent continuing line with each other? As an extraordinary magic Disney princess she wishes for something great.
Generally, she wants freedom, self development and contact with the supernatural.
She wants to stop "hold it back", to stop to hide her true self. To stop depending on what people think. To stop being afraid, she wants just to be "one with the wind and sky".
"No right, no wrong, no rules for me, I am free". Elsa has have almost all of it by the end of F1, but her story is not ended on this, since she has not yet achieved complete and final freedom, has not come in contact with the Source, that lies beyond the rules of this world.
In Into The Unknown she let herself to say it out aloud, "yes, I want more. I want to go further. I am happy here, but life can be so much more – "where I was meant to be" with someone who feels the depths – "do you know me, can you feel me?" of her winter soul – with Achtohallan, though in that moment Elsa didn't know her yet, but could feel.
And in Show Yourself her desires finally reached their goals. Elsa begged Achtohallan to finally fulfill her wish and tell her the truth about everything: about herself, about magic, about the past. She went where no one has ever been before, found her calling, becoming someone she could not even dream of before – the ruler of all nature; and she also came into contact with the Source.
Elsa is no longer torn, her "I want" songs have been fulfilled.
Plus, Elsa has found a new thing – the legacy and family of her mother – Northuldra people, with whom she will build a connection in addition to her calling.
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lazygraduatestudent · 3 years
The math behind Bell’s
Given recent discourse, I thought I’d try to give a layman-friendly explanation of the math behind Bell’s theorem.
Setting You are operating a galactic manufacturing plant. You have two factories, called F0 and F1, which are spaced 1 lightyear apart. Your scientists have identified two asteroids which are also 1 lightyear apart, and the distance between each asteroid and each factory is also 1 lightyear. The asteroids are rich in resource R; you wish to haul them to the factories for processing. You have two pilots, Alice and Bob, who are currently both in the command center. Soon, they will leave on their spaceships to go to the asteroids and start hauling them. It is more efficient to haul each asteroid into a different factory, so that the factories can start manufacturing in parallel; let's say that hauling the asteroids both to the same factory gives you $3, but hauling them to different factories gives you $4. However, your scientists tell you there's a 50% chance that the asteroid Alice is headed to has rare resource A in addition to having resource R. Moreover, there is a 50% chance that the asteroid Bob is headed to has rare resource B in addition to having resource R. Resources A and B are useless unless they are combined; if you combine both together, you can make a lot of money. If resources A and B are both present, hauling the asteroids to the same factory gives you $5, while hauling them to different factories still gives only $4. Once Alice and Bob reach their asteroids, they'll know for sure whether resources A and B are there. However, at that point, they'll be too far to communicate; you're on a schedule and can't wait an extra year to start hauling. Their goal: if A and B are both there, Alice and Bob want to haul the asteroids to the same factory, whereas if one or more of A and B is absent, they want to haul the asteroids to different factories. To formalize: let A=1 if resource A is there, and A=0 otherwise; similarly, let B=1 if resource B is in Bob's asteroid. Let X be Alice's choice of where to haul the asteroid (X=1 means Alice goes to F1, and X=0 means Alice goes to F0), and let Y be Bob's choice. Alice and Bob receive as input the bits A and B respectively; these are going to be independent random coin flips. They provide outputs X and Y respectively. They want to maximize the chance that (A AND B) = NOT (X XOR Y). Often this is written simply as (A AND B) = (X XOR Y), which is actually the same scenario except with Alice's output bit X negated. Best possible classical strategy There are only two different deterministic classical strategies: either Alice and Bob agree to haul the asteroids to the same factory, or to different factories. If the former, they regret this choice with probability 25% (the probability that A=1 and B=1). If the latter, they regret this choice with probability 75%. We can also calculate the expected payoff: the former strategy always gives $4, and the latter gives 0.75*$3 + 0.25*$5 = $3.50 on expectation. The theoretical maximum is 0.75*$4+0.25*$5 = $4.25. Note also that picking a random strategy won't help: that would only mix together the possible payoffs, giving them somewhere in between $4 and $3.50. They can never exceed $4. They can also never exceed "75% chance of not regretting the choice". The quantum device Alice and Bob will share an EPR pair. Think of this as follows. Alice and Bob will each get a dial:
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At the center of each dial will be a button. When you press the button, you get a random bit, and the dial breaks; it cannot be turned anymore. Pressing the button again does nothing; you get only 1 random bit. The special property is as follows. If the dials point in the same direction, and then the buttons are pressed, the two output bits will be perfectly correlated. If the dials point in opposite directions, the two output bits will be perfectly anti-correlated (they will always be unequal). More generally, if the difference in angle between the dials is θ, the correlation between the output bits will be cos(θ). Note that the marginal distribution of a single bit is always a fair coin toss; if you press only one button and not the other, you'll always see 0 with probability 50% and see 1 with probability 50%. The dials only affect the correlation, not the marginal distributions. A note about correlations: here we have two fair coins that have correlation cos(θ). The probability that these coins agree turns out to be (1+cos(θ))/2. This can be calculated from the definition of “correlation”. Some clarification might help. What happens if we press one dial, and see the outcome 0? Does the other dial still function? The answer is yes: you can still turn the other dial, and if you point it to the same direction as the first dial, you'll see a 0 when pressing the button, whereas if you point in the opposite direction you'll see a 1. In a different direction, you'll see a 0 with probability (1+cos(θ))/2, where θ is the difference in angles. Just remember: you can only get a single random bit from each dial, and then that dial breaks and cannot be turned. The quantum strategy Equipped with these devices, Alice and Bob implement the following strategy. Before leaving, Alice sets her dial to angle 45°, and Bob sets his to angle 0°. After reaching the asteroids, if Alice sees that A=0, she adds 90° to her dial, and if Bob sees that B=0, he subtracts 90° from his dial. Otherwise, they leave their dials the same. Then they press the buttons. If Alice sees 0 from the button, she sets X=0 and goes to factory F0, and similarly for Bob. If A=1 and B=1, the probability that Alice and Bob go to the same factory is now (1+cos(45°))/2 ≈ 0.85. If A=0 and B=1 or A=1 and B=0, the probability that Alice and Bob go to the same factory is (1+cos(135°))/2 ≈ 0.15, so the probability that they go to different factories is around 0.85. Finally, if A=0 and B=0, the probability they go to the same factory is (1+cos(225°))/2 ≈ 0.15, so they again go to different factories with probability 0.85. Overall, their chance of regretting their decision is only 15% instead of 25% as in the classical case. Their expected reward is about $4.10 instead of $4. On the other hand, Alice and Bob cannot use such devices to communicate! There is no way for Alice to tell Bob whether A=1 any faster than the speed of light. The reason is that no matter what Alice sets her dial to, Bob will always see a fair coin toss when he presses his dial. He cannot gain any information about Alice's observation from this. He can’t even tell whether Alice pressed her button.
Further discussion
You might be wondering if this is an accurate description of quantum entanglement, or merely a simplification. The answer is that it’s completely accurate, with two caveats:
1. This is only in the case that Alice and Bob share a single EPR pair; this is all that’s needed for Bell’s stuff, but quantum mechanics allows more general entangled states.
2. Even for a single EPR pair, this is a slight simplification, since an EPR pair will actually give them 3-dimensional, spherical dials (look up “Bloch sphere”). However, the third dimension is not needed for Bell’s experiment; it doesn’t help. For that reason, the 2-dimensional picture is a safe simplification.
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beingulti · 3 years
Penny Wu
Hello Frisbee People,
Penny Wu here. A single person told me I'd be an interesting Being_Ulti guest, so here I am on Being_Ulti, trying to be interesting. I live in Detroit (for now), but other places I've called home include Washington, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Sydney (GCOE), Georgia, and California. I've also been privileged enough to get to play ultimate in places like Malaysia, France, Italy (lift for Lecco, baby), and Portugal. I sit on the board of the PUL as the rep for Columbus Pride, and was once the indisputable worst benchwarmer in the entire AUDL.
To pay for frisbee and frisbee costumes (and other less important things), I work as an IT specialist for a massive international auto industry corporation. Most of that job involves being shipped, economy class, for a couple weeks at a time, to various parts of the world where land and labor are cheap enough to build giant car factories. It is a passionless vibe. However, I did found an LGBT+ employee resource group here, and so far we've gotten pronouns added to email signatures and are working on getting the company to improve their trans-affirming healthcare and domestic partner employee benefits.
In the past, I've been paid to: make coffee, fix cars, rent out library books, make pottery, wait tables, tend bar, sell discount shoes and overpriced clothes, teach classical flute, engineer LED light fixtures, engineer spaceship parts, engineer clean energy vehicles, coach frisbee/tennis/ice hockey, be a plumber/electrician/mechanic's assistant, and be the night manager for the crappiest little beach hotel you can possibly imagine.
Outside of ultimate and capitalism, I play and watch sports (tennis, ice hockey, axe throwing, disc golf, ball golf, F1), go camping of any kind (but backpacking is my favorite), play vidya (PC and PS5), do drugs in neat places, be a terrible photographer pretending to be a real photographer, do community/political legwork, ride boards (wheels or snow or waves), try really hard at cooking, make art/music, and get ghosted on tinder. I attempt the crossword every day (never finished anything harder than a Wednesday), and my best rating on chess.com was 1400 in the 10 minute blitz. I'm working on visiting every hockey arena (7/32 so far, go Ducks!), my transition (it's a lot of work), getting back into stand-up, and building/maintaining/reigniting as many relationships as I can. I've had the same car since I was 17, just got my 4th tattoo, and my hair currently has some sort of blue nonsense going on. In undergrad I studied physics, and then went on to get an absolutely useless masters in materials science.
I am Asian - a 4th generation Japanese American and a 2nd Generation Chinese American. That means my mother's grandfather and his three friends kidnapped the lookout from the shipping vessel they worked aboard and swam into San Francisco. Generations later, after being released and reunited from the WWII internment camps, the Inouyes settled into a life of poverty in southern California. It also means my dad saw snow for the first time when he moved from China to upstate New York for college.
I am also, notably, transgender as hell. Sometimes it feels like the biggest part of who I am, which is why I took the time to share all of that other stuff here. I take hormones a couple times a day and am staring up at the financial mountain of gender-affirming surgery that is somehow buried under the bottomless, interest-accruing chasm of student loan debt. Life is, and metaphors are, hard.
I would love to use this time to talk about ANYTHING. I'll be sharing whatever inspires me throughout the week, but I would love to bring people together across the community over shared interests that often fall by the wayside to understandably important discussions that normally dominate the twitterscape. Of course you can expect me to use this megaphone to shed light on the intersections in which I exist, but there's no limit to how much I can tweet, and if there is, we can find it together.
Wishing you a happy holiday season. Be safe and take care of the people you love.
(December 27th - January 2nd)
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tkmedia · 3 years
Fundraising page launched after marshal's death at Brands Hatch
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W Series title contender Alice Powell has set up the fundraising page, while tributes from across the motorsport community have flooded in. The incident happened at a British Automobile Racing Club meeting, when two drivers made contact along the start-finish straight at the Kent circuit during the opening laps of the Classic Touring Car Racing Club's Pre 93 & Pre 03 Touring Car race. One car was sent into the barrier on the outside of the circuit where it was launched into the air and collided with a marshal's post. Seven-time Formula 1 champion Lewis Hamilton was among a flurry to pay respect to the yet to be named marshal and posted on Instagram: "Devastated to hear of the passing of a marshal at Brands Hatch circuit yesterday. These volunteer marshals are what makes racing possible, they are our heroes. My heart is with his family." Williams F1 driver George Russell took to Twitter to share his thoughts: "So saddened to hear that a volunteer marshal lost their life at Brands Hatch yesterday. "These men and women give up their time to allow us to do what we love. We couldn’t do it without them. My thoughts are with their family, friends and fellow marshals today. Rest in peace." Damon Hill, 1996 F1 champion, said: "Today's motorsport will be a tribute to all marshals, but especially those who have lost everything so we can race."
Read Also:
The race was immediately halted while emergency crews attended the scene, including the air ambulance while Kent Police confirmed they were called shortly before 3pm "following a collision involving a car and a person on foot". BARC confirmed on Saturday evening that a marshal had died in the incident and that it was "now working with the national governing body, Motorsport UK, and the local police". "On behalf of everyone connected with the BARC, we are devastated by loss of one of the amazing volunteer marshal community who do so much to enable the sport to take place," continued the statement. "Our thoughts and best wishes are with the family and friends of all those involved." The rest of the day's action was cancelled but racing on Sunday was expected to go ahead, while it is understood that the driver involved in the incident was taken to hospital with a broken leg. shares comments Read the full article
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crazy4tank · 4 years
10 Best Cars To Drift That Aren't Japanese | HotCars
New Post has been published on https://coolcarsnews.com/10-best-cars-to-drift-that-arent-japanese-hotcars/
10 Best Cars To Drift That Aren't Japanese | HotCars
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Many car fans consider Japanese cars when they think of drifting. That's likely because JDM manufacturers have got produced many of the drift community's preferred models. From Silvias to AE86s, there's a whole host associated with Japanese models which are mainly famous for their drifting expertise. However , there's more to drifters than just JDM cars.
RELATED: ten Drift Cars That Won't Break Your own Bank
There are so many other models from can make around the world that make drift cars just like incredible as those from the Property Of The Rising Sun. Everything from Aussie pickup trucks to Italian supercars happen to be turned into sideways tire shredders. They will pack crazy engines, custom elements and look just as amazing as anything at all Japan can offer. Let's take a look at 10 of the best drift cars from Australia, America, and beyond.
ten Audi A5
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Via Speedhunters
Audi's full-size luxury sedan isn't the most likely applicant for a drift makeover, but the Japanese-based team turned one straight into an 800hp beast. It definitely looks the part, with the detachable front hood hiding a monstrous motor.
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Via Speedhunters
The car uses bespoke Bilstein race dampers to keep it steady via uneven corners, and the team at the rear of it use F1-style data selection to finely tune it for every track it competes on. That is a seriously impressive piece of kit and also better that it's from a more uncommon manufacturer.
9 Chevy Camaro
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Via Motor Trend
One of the kings associated with affordable power, the Chevy Camaro is a great choice for a drift build. There's a variety of Camaro drifters out there, but that one is called the EL1 and constructed by Napoleon Motorsports.
RELATED: ten Best Drift Cars (With Absolutely no Mods)
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Through Jalopnik
It can unusual in that its power is found from an electric motor. It's great for the equivalent of 515hp and a huge eight hundred lb-ft of torque that's available instantly due to nature of the power unit. An electrical Camaro might be sacrilegious to some nevertheless seeing it in action even the most old-school petrolheads would be converted.
8 BMW M3 E36
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Via Drive-My
The E36 M3 is one of the most widely used non-Japanese cars to turn into a bum, thanks to its track-ready handling plus plentiful aftermarket parts. In fact , a lot of models from BMW's 3 Series variety make great build bases, actually non-M models.
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Via Drive-My
That makes a classic 3 Series Beemer one of the best options for new drifters who need to build a car with limited funds. They're readily available, parts are easy to supply and they're capable enough to contend with the drift elite in the correct hands.
7 Mercedes-Benz CLK
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Via Speedhunters
The CLK is just not the most widely-loved of Mercedes versions, and in comparison to things like the particular S Class and 190E that is a bit forgettable in stock type. This drift-converted CLK is not forgettable, sporting 850hp thanks to the 3. 2L AMG inline six.
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Via Speedhunters
It started life as a simple 2003 diesel CLK in England, great it's able to compete with the best of the greatest at destroying its tires. Mercedes doesn't get too much love within the drift world, but this create proves it absolutely should do.
six Dodge Viper
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Via Carscoops
The Dodge Viper is a genuine American icon. This crazy build had taken the Viper's already beefy share engine and rebuilt it to produce a show-stopping 1, 350hp. It's possessed by professional Formula D operater Dean Kearney, and can be seen contending in the series regularly.
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Through Jalopnik
To help keep weight down, the car has been removed bare and replaced with light-weight paneling made from fiberglass and Para-aramid synthetic fiber. Custom Dodge Vipers are in common insanely cool , but that one surely has to be up there using the very best.
5 Volvo 240
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Via Top Equipment
There's an unexpected amount of reasons why an old Volvo the top-tier drift car. For starters, she or he is very cheap to buy, being available for just a few thousand dollars. Second, Volvo's share engines are very well-engineered, with supercars like the Noble M600 actually making use of units out of a Volvo XC90 SUV.
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Via Needpix
The final reason is actually that when they're built right, they're one of the coolest-looking drift creates around . Most Volvo go builds can be found either in Scandinavia or the UK, but there's no good reason that the rest of the world shouldn't start producing Swedish drift beasts too.
four Lamborghini Murcielago
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Via Monster Energy
The stock V12 in the Lamborghini Murcielago is one of the greatest-sounding motors of recent times, so it's a natural applicant to be put into a redlining bum. Keeping the engine in a Murcielago though? That was a very controversial choice for many pro drifters.
RELATED: All of us Can't Stop Staring At These Altered Lamborghinis
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Through Crank and Piston
The builder of this Lambo, Daigo Saito, had to put up with lots of negativity while his build had been completed. Many said it would never ever work, or that it would split as soon as it started. Saito demonstrated them all wrong with the car plus showed that with enough dedication, even a Lamborghini can be built into a professional drift machine.
3 Holden Commodore Ute
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Through Speedhunters
Australia's favorite ute ticks all the containers to be capable on a drift monitor: front-engine, RWD, big power. This wasn't that much of a leap to obtain something that could compete in the best tier of competition, although it had taken until 2017 for an ute to achieve Formula D.
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Via Speedhunters
This is Josh Robinson's competition car, and it includes a custom-built 1, 000hp V8. Along with such built-in capabilities, it's a question Commodores aren't more common to find within difrt competitions. It seems Aussies tend to be more content keeping their trucks as being a home-grown hidden gem.
2 Ford Mustang
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Via Generating UK
Probably the most high-profile drifters about, Vaughn Gittin Jr loves his Mustangs. He is built several iterations of their signature RTR car, and it's showcased everywhere from international newspapers to video games like Forza Horizon four .
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Via Ms
Gittin Junior recently made headlines in the vehicle when he drifted the whole method around the Nurburgring, a huge 12. 93 miles. His car is so proficient at shredding tires that he actually necessary to stop to change them halfway across the 'Ring so he didn't finish up on rims. That's some severe power right there.
1 Ferrari 599
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Via Group Speed
Taking drift-supercar realm to new levels is this Ferrari 599 that's taken part in several rounds of the Formula M championship. Is it the coolest competition go car ever? It's certainly upward there.
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Via Jalopnik
Driven by Federico Sceriffo, the 599 unusually utilizes twin superchargers rather than twin turbos. When he was requested why he selected that route, Sceriffo simply stated, "to keep the sound". Can't claim with that logic, especially when 'the sound' is a screaming Ferrari V12 and the sound associated with burning rubber.
NEXT: We'd Like to Own These Insane Drift Automobiles
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wineanddinosaur · 4 years
What Climate Change Means for the Future of Coffee
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Starmaya. Centroamericano. H1. These are names those serious about their coffee should get to know, as hybrid varieties may be the coffees of the future.
Despite the abundance of specialty beans available today — familiar coffees include Arabica from Ethiopia, Colombia, Guatemala, and beyond — experts agree the coffee landscape is fundamentally changing.
Climate change threatens an existential disruption to the coffee industry with a veritable list of end-times plagues: heat, drought, floods, pests, and disease. As existing coffee breeds struggle in the extreme weather, prices will rise while Arabica varieties wane.
Farmers are now shifting their techniques. Many are adopting hardier hybrids like those mentioned above. But without a monumental reduction in global carbon emissions, shifts in America’s coffee supply could be a few bad harvests from collapsing.
The Fragility of the Coffee Supply Chain
Coffee is an agricultural product that depends on a vast and complex network of players to bring flawless beans to retail shelves each week. While around 64 percent of Americans drink coffee each day, few recognize the fragility of its supply chain. Between 70 and 80 percent of global production depends on 25 million smallholder farmers working five acres or less in Africa and Latin America. For the last decade, these farmers have struggled to make ends meet, many surviving at the threshold of poverty.
Climate change experts warn that global temperatures will continue to rise this century, increasing between 1.5 and 4.5 degrees Celsius (about 35 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit) in the hottest months. However, it is the resultant weather swings that pose the greatest present-day problems for coffee producers — and consumers.
“Most places growing coffee are already experiencing tremendous variability,” Hanna Neuschwander, communications director, World Coffee Research, says. “And that’s what pushes a farmer out. It’s not the 0.1-degree gradual rise, it’s the peaks and troughs, and those are already here.”
The World Coffee Research organization (WCR) was founded in 2012 as a non-profit to study the future of the industry’s agricultural sector with climate change as the backdrop.
WCR views climate change as the single biggest threat to the long-term sustainability of coffee. Without a reduction in carbon emissions, research and development must focus on mitigation like planting climate-appropriate varieties. Much like the hybrids in the wine industry, coffee varieties are created to account for environmental realities.
As Neuschwander explains, “Modern breeding is like a design process. What features do I want this chair to have? A straight back, a comfortable seat? We ask the same questions about [coffee] varieties.”
The goal is for “designer” hybrids to weather environmental extremes.
How Wild Weather Hurts Small Farmers
Thirty-year industry veteran roaster George Howell of the eponymous company in Massachusetts likens climate change to a spinning top. “The unpredictability is creating turbulence,” he says. “Imagine the disruption caused by sudden heavy storms during the harvest season or dry spells during the rainy season.”
East Africa is historically prone to weather extremes but is otherwise thought optimal for coffee farming. However, droughts and floods have intensified. In late 2019 and early 2020, Kenya, Rwanda, and Ethiopia faced a surge in rainfall attributed to the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) weather system. Like the Indian Ocean’s version of the Pacific’s El Niño, the IOD can lift ocean temperatures up to 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius).
Ethiopia’s coffee farmers rely on seasonal arid weather in November to dry their cherries on raised beds. With the early, prolonged rains of 2019 in Jimma, farmers scrambled to shield crops with tarps, risking moisture and mold and mistakes.
When rain falls unexpectedly or with ferocity, it disrupts the entire value chain, from picking, processing, logistics to quality control. Classic supply and demand dictates less and more expensive coffee for American drinkers while hurting farmers.
More Heat, More Problems
In Central America, humid and wet conditions have pushed a devastating fungus called leaf rust, or roya, deep into new regions from Colombia up to Mexico.
El Savador is a stark example: “In 2010-2011, the country produced 1.7 million 60-kilogram bags of coffee. During the 2013-2014 harvest, farmers only produced 499,000 bags,” Matthew Swenson, chief product officer, Chameleon Cold Brew Coffee in Texas, says. Leaf rust is believed to be the culprit for much of the 70 percent decrease in production.
In 2011, heavy wind and rain from Tropical Storm Agatha carried spores into Guatemala’s mountains, bringing with it an explosion of fungus. “I remember driving around and seeing farms without a single leaf or cherry due to rust in 2012,” Howell says, recalling a buying trip to the country. “It was all gone. Leaves had fallen to the ground. Those farmers who lost that crop had no safety net, no subsidies, nothing.”
Much like wine grapes, higher temperatures impact the coffee plant negatively by accelerating ripening, shifting harvest dates forward, and reducing photosynthesis, which compromises flavor development and quality. Because Arabica grows best in cooler conditions, quality degrades as the thermometer reading rises.
Changes in climate invite new diseases and pests to thrive — for example, the life cycle of the coffee borer beetle has become faster, increasing its populations. The beetles bore into the coffee cherry to lay eggs that hatch days later, destroying the fruit from the inside out.
Farms at lower elevations in Brazil are now grappling with rising temperatures, yet they have nowhere to go. “It’s unrealistic to think producers can afford new land or move up the mountain to a cooler location, especially when they’re already struggling,” says Gabriel Agrelli Moreira of Daterra Coffee, a sustainable coffee farm in Brazil.
While farmers could pivot from quality Arabica production to sturdier, high-volume Robusta, the suggestion is akin to Burgundy’s Pinot Noir and Chardonnay growers switching to Gamay and Aligoté.
Hope for Hybrids
Much of the coffee industry’s hope lies at the feet of F1 hybrids. These varieties are stronger in the face of weather extremes and diseases. To save the industry, they must prove climate-change-proof and economically viable for the farmer while tasting delicious to consumers.
Though farmers and breeders have been taking advantage of hybrids (when two unique coffee varieties are bred together) for over 100 years, the use of first-generation (F1) hybrids, which tend to have significantly higher performance, is very new in coffee — they have only been planted commercially for less than 10 years.
The F1 generating excitement is Starmaya, a variety that can be shared among farmers in cheaper seed form. Australian roasting company Single O released a limited-edition Starmaya coffee to prove its consumer appeal, pitching it as “climate-resilient” and “future-friendly.”
Can Adaptive Farming, Soil Carbon Sequestration and Hybrids Save Coffee?
Unfortunately, a one-size-fits-all panacea to mitigating climate change doesn’t exist. Every farmer must adjust their practices based on knowledge, resources, and stamina.
Raul Perez is a fourth-generation coffee farmer in Acatenango, Guatemala. The beans from his farm, La Soledad, frequently end up in the hands of America’s best roasters, from George Howell Coffee to Intelligentsia.
Perez uses adaptive farming techniques to combat heat and drought. Shade trees keep coffee plants cool. Eschewing herbicides helps grass preserve soil moisture and prevent erosion. Grafting Arabica to Robusta roots, using a common technique in wine, helps with drought- and heat-resistance. He’s also experimenting with hybrids with promising results.
Daterra launched Bioterra Academy, a research lab used to study soil health and “carbon farming” as a tool to fight climate change. A healthy soil retains water, prevents plant disease, cycles nutrients, fixes nitrogen, and can sequester carbon.
“About 25 percent of the planet’s soil has already been degraded,” Moreira says. The UN FAO calculates the world has only 60 years of harvests left, and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) suggests half the world’s coffee-producing land will be unsuitable by 2050.
American Business Must Invest at the Source: Small Coffee Farmers
“Private enterprise needs to step up and lead the way. Businesses at the top of the supply chain have a moral and business continuity obligation to re-invest at origin because without those farmers, we don’t have a healthy long-term prospect for our businesses,” Swenson says.
Promising tools like farming strategies and hybrids are only as good as their reach. Most smallholder farmers can’t afford to renovate farms. Many live in remote areas without access to research. Country-specific coffee associations like ANACAFE in Guatemala and the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros (FNC) in Colombia provide varying degrees of assistance, along with non-governmental organizations and private donors, but business must be integral to the solution.
In Guatemala, Chameleon Coffee is funding educational centers focused around 12-acre plots. On these experimental farms, producers can learn about the best varieties for their areas, methods of re-planting, proper plant spacing, and other techniques like pruning. Swenson says the effort is worth it because the company can demonstrate best practices without farmers risking their crops, while simultaneously building trust.
Saving coffee will take strategy and time, but forget the future. Climate change is here now, and its effects are rippling through the industry, soon to reach your very cup.
The article What Climate Change Means for the Future of Coffee appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/climate-change-coffee-production/
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f1yogurt · 3 years
Fic Request Guide
What do I currently write? - Requesting a Fic
requests are OPEN
Daniel Brühl characters - Zemo, Laszlo, Andrea, Niki, etc. (I literally know almost all of his roles so please request) WinterBaron - I’m new to writing for this AMAZING pair, can’t wait to start, please send prompts Young Niki Lauda RPF - depends on the request, I’m open to most things, can be specific events of his life or just a general request about him Launt/Rathunt idk what people call it - also new to this pair, open to writing a full on relationship and smut or just platonic friendship stuff including general classic F1 crack with all the drivers (RPF or Rush, you pick) sub!Daniel Brühl characters - I’ll write smut for them, probably one of my favorite things to write (keep the small sub!Danny community fed) Smut (Minors DNI obvs) -  For smutty prompts I’ll almost always only write submissive characters (mainly in the Danny bunch) but feel free to let loose with whatever fic requests you have in mind to get my creative juices flowing. Laszlo Kreizler (my love) is a favorite. General Femdom, also Gentle Dom stuff (no minors once again, surprise) - just request and if it’s something I’m not comfortable with, I won’t write it, but I’m open to most things in this realm
Favorite Tropes: I'm a sucker for Hurt/Comfort, whump fics, Touch-Starved, banter, Enemies to Lovers, introverted x extroverted relationships
Warning to Minors
Obviously minors please use your head and don’t request smut and 18+ content. I love you but if I see you liking/reblogging/interacting with my explicit content I will block you for our protection.
Will Not Write
Right now I can’t think of anything specific but I’ll take it as it comes and add things depending on the requests I’m sent to get an idea of what people are asking.
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johnboothus · 4 years
What Climate Change Means for the Future of Coffee
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Starmaya. Centroamericano. H1. These are names those serious about their coffee should get to know, as hybrid varieties may be the coffees of the future.
Despite the abundance of specialty beans available today — familiar coffees include Arabica from Ethiopia, Colombia, Guatemala, and beyond — experts agree the coffee landscape is fundamentally changing.
Climate change threatens an existential disruption to the coffee industry with a veritable list of end-times plagues: heat, drought, floods, pests, and disease. As existing coffee breeds struggle in the extreme weather, prices will rise while Arabica varieties wane.
Farmers are now shifting their techniques. Many are adopting hardier hybrids like those mentioned above. But without a monumental reduction in global carbon emissions, shifts in America’s coffee supply could be a few bad harvests from collapsing.
The Fragility of the Coffee Supply Chain
Coffee is an agricultural product that depends on a vast and complex network of players to bring flawless beans to retail shelves each week. While around 64 percent of Americans drink coffee each day, few recognize the fragility of its supply chain. Between 70 and 80 percent of global production depends on 25 million smallholder farmers working five acres or less in Africa and Latin America. For the last decade, these farmers have struggled to make ends meet, many surviving at the threshold of poverty.
Climate change experts warn that global temperatures will continue to rise this century, increasing between 1.5 and 4.5 degrees Celsius (about 35 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit) in the hottest months. However, it is the resultant weather swings that pose the greatest present-day problems for coffee producers — and consumers.
“Most places growing coffee are already experiencing tremendous variability,” Hanna Neuschwander, communications director, World Coffee Research, says. “And that’s what pushes a farmer out. It’s not the 0.1-degree gradual rise, it’s the peaks and troughs, and those are already here.”
The World Coffee Research organization (WCR) was founded in 2012 as a non-profit to study the future of the industry’s agricultural sector with climate change as the backdrop.
WCR views climate change as the single biggest threat to the long-term sustainability of coffee. Without a reduction in carbon emissions, research and development must focus on mitigation like planting climate-appropriate varieties. Much like the hybrids in the wine industry, coffee varieties are created to account for environmental realities.
As Neuschwander explains, “Modern breeding is like a design process. What features do I want this chair to have? A straight back, a comfortable seat? We ask the same questions about [coffee] varieties.”
The goal is for “designer” hybrids to weather environmental extremes.
How Wild Weather Hurts Small Farmers
Thirty-year industry veteran roaster George Howell of the eponymous company in Massachusetts likens climate change to a spinning top. “The unpredictability is creating turbulence,” he says. “Imagine the disruption caused by sudden heavy storms during the harvest season or dry spells during the rainy season.”
East Africa is historically prone to weather extremes but is otherwise thought optimal for coffee farming. However, droughts and floods have intensified. In late 2019 and early 2020, Kenya, Rwanda, and Ethiopia faced a surge in rainfall attributed to the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) weather system. Like the Indian Ocean’s version of the Pacific’s El Niño, the IOD can lift ocean temperatures up to 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius).
Ethiopia’s coffee farmers rely on seasonal arid weather in November to dry their cherries on raised beds. With the early, prolonged rains of 2019 in Jimma, farmers scrambled to shield crops with tarps, risking moisture and mold and mistakes.
When rain falls unexpectedly or with ferocity, it disrupts the entire value chain, from picking, processing, logistics to quality control. Classic supply and demand dictates less and more expensive coffee for American drinkers while hurting farmers.
More Heat, More Problems
In Central America, humid and wet conditions have pushed a devastating fungus called leaf rust, or roya, deep into new regions from Colombia up to Mexico.
El Savador is a stark example: “In 2010-2011, the country produced 1.7 million 60-kilogram bags of coffee. During the 2013-2014 harvest, farmers only produced 499,000 bags,” Matthew Swenson, chief product officer, Chameleon Cold Brew Coffee in Texas, says. Leaf rust is believed to be the culprit for much of the 70 percent decrease in production.
In 2011, heavy wind and rain from Tropical Storm Agatha carried spores into Guatemala’s mountains, bringing with it an explosion of fungus. “I remember driving around and seeing farms without a single leaf or cherry due to rust in 2012,” Howell says, recalling a buying trip to the country. “It was all gone. Leaves had fallen to the ground. Those farmers who lost that crop had no safety net, no subsidies, nothing.”
Much like wine grapes, higher temperatures impact the coffee plant negatively by accelerating ripening, shifting harvest dates forward, and reducing photosynthesis, which compromises flavor development and quality. Because Arabica grows best in cooler conditions, quality degrades as the thermometer reading rises.
Changes in climate invite new diseases and pests to thrive — for example, the life cycle of the coffee borer beetle has become faster, increasing its populations. The beetles bore into the coffee cherry to lay eggs that hatch days later, destroying the fruit from the inside out.
Farms at lower elevations in Brazil are now grappling with rising temperatures, yet they have nowhere to go. “It’s unrealistic to think producers can afford new land or move up the mountain to a cooler location, especially when they’re already struggling,” says Gabriel Agrelli Moreira of Daterra Coffee, a sustainable coffee farm in Brazil.
While farmers could pivot from quality Arabica production to sturdier, high-volume Robusta, the suggestion is akin to Burgundy’s Pinot Noir and Chardonnay growers switching to Gamay and Aligoté.
Hope for Hybrids
Much of the coffee industry’s hope lies at the feet of F1 hybrids. These varieties are stronger in the face of weather extremes and diseases. To save the industry, they must prove climate-change-proof and economically viable for the farmer while tasting delicious to consumers.
Though farmers and breeders have been taking advantage of hybrids (when two unique coffee varieties are bred together) for over 100 years, the use of first-generation (F1) hybrids, which tend to have significantly higher performance, is very new in coffee — they have only been planted commercially for less than 10 years.
The F1 generating excitement is Starmaya, a variety that can be shared among farmers in cheaper seed form. Australian roasting company Single O released a limited-edition Starmaya coffee to prove its consumer appeal, pitching it as “climate-resilient” and “future-friendly.”
Can Adaptive Farming, Soil Carbon Sequestration and Hybrids Save Coffee?
Unfortunately, a one-size-fits-all panacea to mitigating climate change doesn’t exist. Every farmer must adjust their practices based on knowledge, resources, and stamina.
Raul Perez is a fourth-generation coffee farmer in Acatenango, Guatemala. The beans from his farm, La Soledad, frequently end up in the hands of America’s best roasters, from George Howell Coffee to Intelligentsia.
Perez uses adaptive farming techniques to combat heat and drought. Shade trees keep coffee plants cool. Eschewing herbicides helps grass preserve soil moisture and prevent erosion. Grafting Arabica to Robusta roots, using a common technique in wine, helps with drought- and heat-resistance. He’s also experimenting with hybrids with promising results.
Daterra launched Bioterra Academy, a research lab used to study soil health and “carbon farming” as a tool to fight climate change. A healthy soil retains water, prevents plant disease, cycles nutrients, fixes nitrogen, and can sequester carbon.
“About 25 percent of the planet’s soil has already been degraded,” Moreira says. The UN FAO calculates the world has only 60 years of harvests left, and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) suggests half the world’s coffee-producing land will be unsuitable by 2050.
American Business Must Invest at the Source: Small Coffee Farmers
“Private enterprise needs to step up and lead the way. Businesses at the top of the supply chain have a moral and business continuity obligation to re-invest at origin because without those farmers, we don’t have a healthy long-term prospect for our businesses,” Swenson says.
Promising tools like farming strategies and hybrids are only as good as their reach. Most smallholder farmers can’t afford to renovate farms. Many live in remote areas without access to research. Country-specific coffee associations like ANACAFE in Guatemala and the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros (FNC) in Colombia provide varying degrees of assistance, along with non-governmental organizations and private donors, but business must be integral to the solution.
In Guatemala, Chameleon Coffee is funding educational centers focused around 12-acre plots. On these experimental farms, producers can learn about the best varieties for their areas, methods of re-planting, proper plant spacing, and other techniques like pruning. Swenson says the effort is worth it because the company can demonstrate best practices without farmers risking their crops, while simultaneously building trust.
Saving coffee will take strategy and time, but forget the future. Climate change is here now, and its effects are rippling through the industry, soon to reach your very cup.
The article What Climate Change Means for the Future of Coffee appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/climate-change-coffee-production/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/what-climate-change-means-for-the-future-of-coffee
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