#calling it an hour and a half is being generous toošŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it probably wasnā€™t a half houršŸ™ƒ
napping-sapphic Ā· 5 months
actually the amount i yearn is directly proportional to how much i sleep and considering i only got to sleep for an hour and a half last night i would say that we are in the TRENCHES today my loves
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hedgehog-moss Ā· 2 years
Iā€™ve been having a bit of a hay shortage latelyā€”January was very cold and snowy so the animals ate a lot, plus I have an extra mouth to feed this year, and I hadnā€™t realised Poldine would eat so much in her first year! Next summer Iā€™ll make sure to buy enough hay for 4 animals rather than 3 and a half.
In the meantime Iā€™ve been offering various hay substitutes, such as brambles, or my Christmas tree. It was waiting on the pile of green waste I intend to burn in early spring, until I remembered seeing someoneā€™s ad in the local paper that went ā€œif you want to recycle your Christmas trees, give them to me, my goats will love them!ā€ I figured well, llamas are tall goats, maybe theyā€™ll enjoy a bit of Christmas tree, and they did !
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(Baby Poldine is always very circumspect about new foods, but she did end up tasting it.)
Pirlouit was also pleased with this unexpected breakfast. They all took turns nibbling at the tree until only the trunk was left :)
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Still, I was trying to contact nearby farmers to ask if they have some hay to spare (itā€™s not that Iā€™ve run out, I just want to be prepared in case of another cold spell), and I also moved the animals to my other pasture down the road, as thereā€™s still some dry grass there. Itā€™s not well-fenced though, and I wasnā€™t very confident in this pastureā€™s ability to contain Pampe, but I figuredā€”thereā€™s no grass to be found in any nearby pasture, so why would she try to leave this one?
(Because Pampe.)
I left the llamas & donkey frolicking in this exciting new place (Poldine looked enchanted to explore a new pasture, she was bounding around like a baby goat!), and I went skiing today, as a (late) birthday gift to myself. The skiing station is just half an hour away and this has become a very anticipated birthday ritual since I moved here! This year I waited until I had found some way to keep the animals busy before taking a day off, so there would be no llama leaks in my absence.
So of course I got a text from a neighbour in the afternoon, telling me my llamas had been spotted on the road, going towards the village. (ā€œPampe looked determined. She was going to the grocery shop to get muesli.ā€) (Pampe is so famous, people even know her favourite snacks šŸ˜­)
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Since I was literally on a ski slope I decided to turn my conscience off and pretend I hadnā€™t seen the text. I thought, if the llamas do end up in the village Iā€™ll get more texts updating me on their position and Iā€™ll be a responsible llama owner and go home (promise), but theyā€™ll probably get off the road and into the woods somewhere between my house and the village and theyā€™ll spend the afternoon eating communal shrubs and theyā€™ll be fine.
When I went home a few hours later, I found my donkey alone in the pasture where Iā€™d left him in the morningā€”we both had to wrestle with a moral dilemma today, and Pirlouitā€™s was ā€œdo I loyally follow my friends and potentially starve to death, or do I stay by myself in this place with very adequate dry grass to munch on?ā€ He really hates being alone, yet he chose food over friendship.
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I brought Pirou back to his normal pasture (he wouldnā€™t have liked to find himself alone after sunset) and went looking for the girls. Iā€™d had a neighbour on the phone who had talked to someone whoā€™d talked to someone who had seen the llamas and had ā€œshooed them in the general direction of your house.ā€ That was some very helpful shooing, because I found them just a couple of kilometres away, and indeed going in the right direction.
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Pampelune leading the way, determined to go home before night; PampƩrigouste last, internally grumbling that it was still early and they could have explored the world some more.
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I usually jog with the llamas when I bring them home so we donā€™t spend too much time in the middle of the road, but there arenā€™t many cars when the road is icy and also after a day of skiing, you donā€™t really feel like jogging a few km at a brisk pace in heavy snow boots. So we went home in a slow and solemn procession.
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I called the people who had told me about the llamasā€™ whereabouts to thank them, and explained that this escape was the result of a failed attempt to move the animals to my poorly-fenced second pasture because I donā€™t have a lot of hay leftā€”and one of them told me he could spare a bale and heā€™d bring it to me tomorrow!
ā€œSo Iā€™ve done everyone a favourā€ (is probably Pampeā€™s conclusion.)
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I gave them hay as I figured they hadnā€™t had time to graze much in the other pasture, but only Pampe was hungry. Well, Pirlouit is always hungry, but Pampe indignantly rebuffed him. ā€œYou chose food over adventure. You donā€™t get to eat the food Iā€™m getting as a reward for a successful adventure.ā€
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Pirlouit is completely resigned to the fundamental unfairness of a dutiful donkeyā€™s life.
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