#i will be here and awake unfortunately😪
napping-sapphic · 5 months
actually the amount i yearn is directly proportional to how much i sleep and considering i only got to sleep for an hour and a half last night i would say that we are in the TRENCHES today my loves
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🦊Being Inarizaki's Manager 🦊
🤧 Miss Manager is Sick 🤒
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Inarizaki x Female Manager
Warnings: Swearing, Miss Manager is sick, insensitive Atsumu 😑
AN: This is another anon request!
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Yn you work so hard 😫
Seriously being a team manager is NO JOKE
These boys rely on you for everything
Kita, Aran, Omimi and Michinari always help you
The freaking angels 😇
But still, being the manager for a powerhouse like Inarizaki is taxing
I mean, you literally do so much
🙌🏻 For Example 🙌🏻
You always arrive early to set up nets, make sure the volleyballs are filled
Sort the towels and laundry
Make sure the water bottles are ready and waiting
Make sure Atsumu and Osamu don't kill each other before practice 😅
And that's all before these boys even step on the floor of the courts!
When they are on the courts, your job never stops
You are taking notes and reviewing with Kita
Helping Suna and Omimi with their blocks
Making sure Riseki is reassured he's doing a great job 👏🏻
Helping Aran, Osamu and Ginjima with their spikes
Tossing a million and one balls to Atsumu because he never stops ✋️
Tossing balls over the net for Michinari to receive
It legit never ends YN 🤗
But you love your job and you wouldn't have it any other way!
Unfortunately for you, despite how much you love your job, your body needs to rest
So on top of managing this crazy bunch, you have school work, chores and your own life to handle
It's exhausting 😪
So it's no surprise that your body starts to fight back
You notice you're extra tired one morning
It's harder to get out of bed and your body is sore
You've lost some appetite but you figure it's just from fatigue
Nationals are coming up and we are working out butts off 👏🏻
You get to school and you're dragging 😭
Suna and Kita definitely notice first
Suna always meets you at your locker and Kita has YN radar 🤣
"Whats wrong with you?"- suna
Kita 👉🏻👂🏻 🏃‍♂️
"Somethings wrong with YN?"- Kita, pulling up from wherever he was
"I'm fine guys! Just a little tired that's all"- you
Kita 👉🏻😐😑
Mans is skeptical of everything
You go about your day and when it's time for lunch, you just aren't that hungry
Osamu notices next
Omimi and Aran noticed too but they are too polite to say anything
But they keep a watchful eye 👁
"Yn what's up with you today? You barely ate"- Osamu
"I call YN's food" - Atsumu
Que Ginjima smacking him I'm the back of the head
"Ouch! What the hell?"- Atsumu 😤
"Yn maybe you should go home?"- Michinari, the freaking cutest thing ever 😍
"Guys really I'm fine! I think my body is just tired. You know, lack of sleep and stuff. I've been up late alot"- you
"You should take a break Yn. We can cover for you"- Omimi
"Yeah we are capable Yn"- Aran
"I know guys geez"- you say, standing up honestly annoyed at this point 😒
"Yn wait"- Ginjima
Too late, you left
You don't want to deal with it anymore
You're tired, cranky and you just want to get today over with 😮‍💨
That afternoon, you start to feel warm
You're more exhausted than you were before and it's hard to stay awake
Your body is screaming for rest and sleep
But YN had things to do 👏🏻
Practice comes and you are barely keeping up
You manage to get the nets and waterbottles filled before you reach your limit
"I'll just lay down for a few minutes"- you say to yourself
Cuddle in the corner with your head on your managers sweater and your body covered from head to toe
Boy is it getting cold in here 🤧
You are shaking and shivering but oh so tired
You literally fall asleep so quickly
The boys come into the gym
Kita immediately spots you and runs to you
"Yn! She's burning up guys"- Kita to Aran, Omimi and Michinari
"I'll go get a wash cloth"- Michinari
"I'll get some Tylenol"- Omimi
Aran picks you up and carries you to the club room
"What the heck is going on?"- Atsumu
"Shut up idiot! Can't you see somethings wrong with YN!"- Osamu
"She's been wearing herself down for weeks getting ready for nationals"- Suna
Aran and kita take you to the club room
You wake up and start to sit up
"Hey guys, sorry I slept a bit, ill get back to work"- you
"Oh no you wont" -Kita
"You are staying in here until after practice and then we are taking you home"- Omimi, handing you Tylenol and water
"But-but"- you, on the verge of tears 🥺
"YN you've been working yourself so much you need to rest"- Michinari, placing a cool washcloth on your forehead
"Oh alright"- you say, finally resigning yourself to your fate
"We'll be up to check on you in a while YN. Sleep"- Kita
You don't have to be told twice 😴
After practice, Osamu, Atsumu, Suna and Ginjima are tasked with taking you home
Kita says he will meet them at your house with supplies
He has way too much trust in those 4 🤣
Thank god Ginjima and Suna are somewhat responsible
They get you home and into bed
Kita drops by with a store full of supplies
"No going to school tomorrow YN! You need to sleep!"- Kita, tucking you in
Don't fight it YN, just listen
"Ok Kita"- you, drifting back to sleep
The boys will come and check on you while you recover
They bring food, medicine and entertainment 😅
When you are back to 100%, you get back to your old routine
But this time, the boys pitch in to help more
Seriously, they hated seeing their manager sick 😫
You Seriously have such an amazing team Yn 🥰
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anchormain · 2 years
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        @moonshadowed​ said: 😪 - from Julian!!!
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        OBJECTIVELY, THIS IS THE BEST COURSE OF ACTION.    Morse can see quite clearly the benefits this would pose in Thursday’s view: Thursday can ensure Morse arrives safely at his destination. He can pass him to another person certain to take care of him. He can ensure the correct information is passed along with him. Unfortunately, these ‘benefits’ also happen to double as things which are terrible about this from Morse’s point of view. If Thursday delivers him straight to Julian, there’s no way Morse can pretend this isn’t as bad as it is, or withhold details, or circumvent the whole situation by escaping and continuing to work anyway, or hiding in his own flat if that isn’t possible. 
        THURSDAY CLEARLY KNOWS THIS.    That’s why he’s given Morse no choice in the matter. I’m fine has no impact. I don’t need to be signed off goes ignored. I don’t need looking after gets a disapproving look. Finally, Morse gives up on protesting and slumps in his seat as Thursday drives. 
        EMBARRASSINGLY, HE FALLS ASLEEP.    Not for long, but long enough that Thursday notices, and has to wake him as they pull up outside Julian’s. Thursday says something to the effect of just as well we did come, and Morse scowls and avoids eye contact. Yes, it’s just as well they did come, because it’s better Morse spends his afternoon struggling to stay awake with Julian than struggling to stay awake at his desk, but that doesn’t mean he wants to hear it. 
        HE LINGERS IN THE CAR FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE.    Thursday walks around to open the car door for him and offers him a hand. Initially, Morse dismisses his assistance with a quick shake of his head, but as he stands, the world seems to spin and sway around him. Thursday catches him by the arm. The only way today could get any worse would be for him to actively collapse between here and Julian’s front door, and that’s simply not allowed to happen. Begrudgingly, he allows Thursday to keep a hand under his elbow as they walk. One step at a time, slow and steady. 
        FACED WITH THE FRONT DOOR, MORSE WONDERS IF PERHAPS THIS ISN’T SUCH A GOOD IDEA.    Perhaps this really isn’t the best course of action. Back stiffened, he glances towards Thursday, making as if to back off. It’s useless, though — Thursday takes one look at his nervous expression, tightens his grip on Morse’s arm, and rings the doorbell himself. It hasn’t occurred to Morse so much until now that he looks an awful mess. Untidy, creased clothing from his impromptu nap in the car. Dark circles under exhausted eyes. Sluggish movements, delayed reactions… he’s embarrassed to have been rendered so unwell by simple sleep deprivation. Morse ducks his head and shuffles uncomfortably.
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        HE REALLY MUST BE TIRED, BECAUSE WHEN JULIAN ANSWERS THE DOOR, IT TAKES MORSE A FEW SECONDS TO LOOK UP.    Usually, he doesn’t even waste a split-second before gazing at the young doctor. Thursday speaks, but Morse doesn’t process the words before he’s being handed off to Julian like a misbehaving puppy. A part of him is sure that he ought to be protesting, but he can do little but blink as he’s pulled inside, a bewildered expression on his face. The door closes behind them. “Hello,” Morse says, dumbly. What else can he say? 
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