ducktales-wco-oo · 3 years
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{ ☆ }  ❝  Oh no... Is there unrest amongst the social elite? The school’s poor Golden Boy’s feewings are being tarnished by the unfaithful actions of someone who was never technically ensnared in a romantic entanglement with him, as well as a two-faced lying little temptress who he’d sooner trade for five seconds of acclaim despite regarding her as a ‘close friend’? Someone better alert the presses!  ❞  
❝  Oh. Wait.... They already know, don’t they?~  ❞  { ☆ } 
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lunarspearedarchive · 3 years
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               "Sorry! Sorry." Laurel wakes up with a start, apologising instinctively. She shouldn't be asleep at work. She shouldn't be asleep if Kurt is talking to her. Or even if he's there. She knows better than to still trust him. But he's not there, and she's not at work, and... oh. Della. Della's here.
"I was asleep on your shoulder, wasn't I? Sorry. I'm sure I was listening to you, and then... you know how it is. Three jobs and a son. And you have such a nice voice, and... yeah. Sorry. I'm glad I'm with you, though. Always glad to be with you."
((she's tired and apologetic but here she is!!!)) / @calvinsocs​ | unprompted.
▬▬▬ ☾☆      She’d noticed that Laurel  had  fallen  asleep  while  she  was  talking,  but  it  didn’t  bother  her.  Clearly,  she  was  tired  &&  needed  the  rest.  So  she  kept  talking  until  she  was  sure  Laurel  was  sound  asleep  &&  then  just  sat  there,  content  to  let  her  rest.  Della  could  just  mess  around  on  her  phone  until  she  got  too  tired  as  well.  
            Della was slightly startled  by  Laurel’s  sudden  apology,  but  frowned  when  she  processed  it  all.  Why  was  she  sorry?  
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                                  ❛  Hey, there’s no need to apologize! You were tired && I totally get that. I was just rambling anyway. You just rest if that’s what you need. I’ll be here.  ❜
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Jinx: exists
Hunter: wow
Emma, even louder: WOW
Emma, even louder again: I said WOW
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sidestreetmuses · 3 years
Don’t mind Cherry. She’s just gonna keep gazing wistfully at Briar until she gets called out. 
Briar isn’t going to complain about the free adoration. It’s why she likes to keep her little Cherry Coke around and close. There were too many people that would want to corrupt her best fan. “Hey there Shirley Temple.”
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tunnagana · 3 years
"I'm sorry, I should know better." @calvinsocs
“Laurel,” Mitch takes her face in his hands, shaking his head. The touch is gentle. “It’s okay, I know your ex was awful. Don’t worry, any mistakes you make, we’ll work through together. It’s just unlearning him.” He leaned down to kiss her. “What matters is that you recognized what you did. I forgive you.”
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livesforgttna · 3 years
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“Little Blue.” Preston doesn’t bother with trying to sound sweet or peppy. He’s not happy, and Levi deserves to know. There’s no point in continuing to play with him. Not when he seems dangerously close to moving on.
“I’ll be honest with you, sweetheart. Briar doesn’t deserve you. She’s shallow and mean and could never give you the love you deserve. Best to break this off before you get hurt.”
Or before Preston gets hurt. Not that he plans on getting his heart broken over an admittedly adorable little bluebird with bright golden eyes and a kind heart and- actually, the more Preston thinks about it, the more Levi seems worth heartbreak. But it’s still not part of the plan.
“Besides, you can do so much better.”
As he speaks, Preston backs Levi up against the wall, one hand next to the smaller boy’s head and the other tilting his chin up into forced eye contact. If he’s doing this right, it should drive Levi crazy. And if he can get Levi to drop Briar for him without having to beg? He’s won. / @calvinsocs​ 
            Preston calling him by  the  usual  nickname  got  Levi’s  attention  immediately,  as  was  expected.  He  couldn’t  help  it,  Preston  had  always  been  Levi’s  favorite  person  to  talk  to.  Why  he  was  so  smitten  with  him,  he  wasn’t  sure.  There  was  just  something  about  Preston  that  drew  him  in,  made  him  want  to  get  to  know  him  better.  
            He knew that initially,  the  only  reason  Preston  ever  gave  him  the  time  of  day  was  because  of  his  influence.  He  was  in  charge  of  the  school  paper  ( pending approval for content by the sponsoring teacher, of course ),  so  that  gave  Preston  an  in.  Levi  wrote  a  lot  of  articles  about  him  when  he  could  get  away  with  it.  He  wasn’t  oblivious  to  how  he  was  obviously  being  used.  Even  if  everybody  thought  so.  He  was  fully  aware  of  it  &&  not  just  from  Preston.  
            Despite all of that,  Levi  still  liked  Preston.  Even  just  being  his  friend  was  everything  to  the  bluebird.  He  liked  to  think  that  Preston  had  come  to  care  about  him  too  in  their  time  together.  This  whole  thing  with  Briar  was  just  a  ruse.  Levi  hadn’t  quite  figured  out  exactly  what  she  was  gaining  from  this,  but  he  knew  it  was  something.  Briar  wasn’t  the  type  to  just  do  favors  for  people  out  of  the  kindness  of  her  heart.  But  that  was  an  issue  to  be  dealt  with  later.  
            Right now, he had  Preston  right  in  front  of  him,  backing  him  up.  Levi’s  breath  hitched,  trying  to  avoid  eye  contact  until  he  physically  couldn’t  anymore.  His  face  was  bright red  &&  for  a  moment,  he  wasn’t  entirely  sure  he  was  able  to  speak.  This  was  exactly  what  he  wanted.  Preston  was  jealous.  The  plan  had  worked.  So  why  did  Levi  feel  awful?  
                                  ❛  Why is it that it took... all of this for you to notice me? Like, really notice me. I know that you know I like you. I haven’t been good at hiding it && I wasn’t really trying to?  I just... I don’t know. I thought this would feel different, you know? I mean, I’ve wanted this forever. But it doesn’t feel right. Not right now, at least.  ❜
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dollhousemuses-a · 3 years
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@calvinsocs​ said ;; “When you laugh like that, it just — you’re so beautiful, you know that?”
answered ;; soft sentence starters ♡
          Min blinks in surprise at Laurel’s words. It isn’t that she wasn’t used to being complemented, she was more that used to it, it’s just that something about this on felt... different. This wasn’t the usual remarks about her body, or comments on her status. This was... genuine. Caring. Laurel liked her laugh, liked when she smiled, wanted to see her happy. That’s what that compliment meant, and it turned her cheeks a bright rose. 
                    “ Well, I would hope that you like my laugh, ” she starts, her head tilting down to hide her face behind a curtain of gold hair. “ You gave it to me, after all. ” She had never been able to laugh like this before, joyful and carefree, not before Laurel, anyway. 
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                           [ relationship ;; tag dump 3 ]
[ minerva&&laurel ❝ starting over it's kind of fun with you by my side it's already begun ❞ ;; calvinsocs ] [ phineas&&isabella ❝ i can't think of any other thing in the world I would rather do if I could be I'd rather be me with you ❞ ;; calvinsmuses ] [ rev&&sly ❝ there's no more community gardens so I guess I'll have to settle for you ❞ ;; oroanillado ] [ ryan&&mingi ❝ train to nowhere at least youre there  ❞ ;; mallhit ] [ sawyer&&gladstone ❝ you know where you want this to go ❞ ;; bitofthisandthat ] [ wirt&&dipper ❝ but where have we come and where shall we end ❞ ;; warraigoe ] [ yakko&&max ❝ all I need to know is how do you take your coffee baby ❞ ;; warraigoe ]
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pr1ncemax · 3 years
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some more,,, ,a r t 
 In order:
Beck & Ferb (older ferb design belongs to @calvinsocs)
Beck & Phineas
Klo Kaaz Do Lok Mira
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lunarspearedarchive · 3 years
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               “I think I’d really like to kiss you. If that’s okay.” from laurel uwu / @calvinsocs​ | unprompted.
▬▬▬ ☾☆      Della knew there was  no  way  Laurel  could  possibly  know  just  how  long  Della  had  been  waiting  to  hear  that  from  her,  but  it  was  like  a  dream  come  true  anyway.  Try  as  she  did,  there  had  been  no  getting  rid  of  her  feelings  for  Laurel.  But  now  -  they  didn’t  need  to  pretend  they  didn’t  care  for  each  other.
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                                  ❛  I think I would actually really like that.  ❜
            It was all she  could  really  say.  She  was  ecstatic  to  know  that  Laurel  felt  this  way  about  her.  All  Della  wanted  now  was  to  kiss  her,  to  make  her  feel  loved  the  way  that  she  deserved  to  be  loved.  Della  wanted  to  deserve  Laurel.
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mraladorblight · 3 years
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@calvinsocs​ asked: “Uncle Alador,” Crispin asks, “do you think you could make an abomination that’s a frog? An a-frog-ination? The name needs work, but I would love to study it.” ((Have a curious nephew :) from calvinsocs))
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“A frog?” He questioned, looking down at his nephew for a moment before he rubs at his chin thinking. 
“I don’t know how well it’d be able to hold it’s shape and for how long...” Abominations weren’t exactly knowns for staying firm, especially after long periods of time... 
He draws a spell circle in the air as he focuses. He holds his hands out and out of the circles a small heap of purple goo. He frowns at it before squishing it a bit more into the shape of a frog. He’s not used to making animals... but he holds it out to Crispin. 
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sidestreetmuses · 3 years
“I took the test nine times, okay, and all of them are positive. This is real. This is happening.”
And Laurel is happy about it. At least, she thinks she is. She really, really wants to be. After all, she and Mitch have been trying for this. They want this. But still…
“…It’s been seventeen years since I was pregnant with Carroll. So. I guess I’m a little nervous. On top of all the excitement. But you’ll help me through this, right?”
“Laurel, I would never abandon my family. I’ll take care of you and our egg and every egg that comes after it.”
And then he’s kissing her, on hand resting on her stomach. His wife. His egg. Everything he needs in his life right here. There’s the matter of Laurel’s work, but he’s sure he can convince her to see the right path easily enough.
“You did a good job with Carroll despite your asshole of an ex. With us working together? Our kids will want for nothing.”
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[ x /   @calvinsocs​​​ ]
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        “Trust me, I was the worst kid in my entire school once. I know what a pocket knife looks like. And that’s not it.”
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tunnagana · 3 years
“Hello, darling! I love your hair, is that style new? Don’t answer that, I know it’s not.
“Anywho! Levi! You know, little bluebird, about this tall, the one you were coming on to earlier? Yeah. He’s accounted for. Totally mine. For keepsies.
“So. Maybe do me a favour and keep your grabby little hands off him, mmkay? I know it’s hard for you to not just snatch up any boy with a pulse, but that one’s… not on the market.”
((Because ofc Preston had to say something)) | @calvinsocs
“Aw, Pressy, you’re right. My Lev is accounted for. By me. If you liked it, you should have acted on it sooner. But obviously Levi has decent taste, so he ended up with me. I’m sure there’s other boys practically throwing themselves at your feet? Or... Oh, dear, was he the only one?” A hand over her heart, dramatic shocked expression on her face. “Oh you poor, pathetic little boy. But he’s mine.”
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livesforgttna · 3 years
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                                  ❛  I have the feeling I am so in over my head right now.  ❜
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ducktales-wco-oo · 3 years
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Miguel likes being a lifeguard. The ability to help people, the tall chair, the beach, the uniform being just little swim shorts and a shirt that he can leave open. What can he say? He knows he looks good, and he's in his favourite place in the world. The beach, with people talking to him even if they don't know him, and people looking at him even if they don't dare talk to him. It'd be hard not to feel confident.
But when his shift ends and he switches out the speedo and open shirt for pants, a polo, and the stupid little apron every barista has to wear? The confidence becomes less genuine and casual. By the tail end of this shift, he's tired and frustrated.
So of course some asshole has to come in as if he owns the place and order something ridiculously complex.
Not that Miguel can't handle the order. It's just annoying, and he's so close to clocking out, and the whipped cream keeps coming out all uneven today and getting on his hands. But it's fine. Everything's fine. He'll just push this damn coffee across the counter and give whomever ordered it just a little trouble.
Miguel's about to say something snarky when he looks up and catches his breath. That's not just some asshole who ordered an elaborate coffee. That's a damn cute asshole. Cute enough that his hundred pumps of syrup suddenly don't seem so frustrating, even if they did get Miguel's hands sticky. This guy could get Miguel's hands sticky any time he wanted.
Great job, M. That's exactly the smooth start you wanted.
"I mean, hey, I'm Miguel, my shift ends in 10 if you need someone to carry you around after the sugar crash this is gonna give you."
- ✩ { @calvinsocs } ✩
{ ☆ } Marquel knows that his order is complicated. Some might even say needlessly-so… but it’s what he likes. With all the shit he goes through on a daily basis, he figures he’s owed at least a coffee that’s exactly to his liking. Something tasty and perfect that he doesn’t have to put in the trouble of making himself. Why would he? That’s what THIS guy is for. Marquel isn’t about to compromise one of his favorite pick-me-ups in life just so someone doesn’t have to do their job. Besides, it’s not like he’s an ass about it… Unless they get it wrong. But even then he’s not causing a scene and demanding to see managers.
Only that they make it again.
Thankfully for this guy, the sugar-bomb of a drink is made to near-perfection, Marquel giving it a quick glance when it’s slid over, gaze finally raising from the phone it had been glued to even when ordering the damn thing. Fingers still expertly tap against the screen, a status update to the masses about some mundane thing he knows the people will eat up just like they always do. Helps him seem ‘relatable’, stay an integral part of their lives like the news or a cup of coffee with their donut, even without them fully realizing it. Hell, he quickly snaps a pic of his aesthetically-pleasing drink before he bothers to look at the man who made it… and that’s only because the guy bothered to talk to him first.
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Brow quirks slightly as the stranger greets him, the only show of interest from an otherwise bored-looking face, gaze half-lidded and beak puckered into a small, contemplative pout as baby blue hues— a clear color that borders the line between wondering if it’s natural or not, which it isn’t —flit up and down the others body in a VERY open study. Seemingly content with what he sees as well as the line spewed from the stranger’s hot mouth, pout curls into a smirk, an impressed hum lightly hinting the air. Not that this guy is the first to ever hit on him before, not by a long shot. But no matter how many times it happens, it never stops being amusing… and he’s gotta give the barista credit for just GOING for it with that line. It’s tasteful, compared to what most people jokingly offer straight away. Although with Marquel’s reputation and merely his manner of carrying himself, that’s to be expected.
❝  Thanks for the concern, baby~  ❞  Marquel responds without missing a beat, a slim digit snagging a bit of whipped cream from the top of his drink as he playfully continues,  ❝  But it takes a li’l more than just some sugar to take me out.  ❞  Licking he cream from his finger a bit slower than necessary, Marquel shamelessly keeps eye contact through the smirked gesture, lashes fluttering as he adds,  ❝  Buuuuuut... I do like being carried. And you—  ❞  Cue his gaze flitting up and down once more as he chuckles,  ❝  —look like you could handle the job.  ❞  
He doesn’t actually expect to be carried around— although that’d be funny as Hell —but Marquel can’t NOT bring attention to the differences in their stature. A big guy like that and a lithe parrot... Definitely on opposite spectrums of body types.
❝  Yeah. I guess I could chill here until you’re free to hang. Could be fun~  ❞   Marquel ends with a casual shrug, as if he couldn’t care either way.  ❝  Unless you were just spewing an empty line?  ❞  { ☆ }
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