#came back and thats partially why stina
Coaches General rules
- coaches are prohibited from getting close with any Wayward and from doing any special favors for a Wayward (ie. giving extra food, blankets, medicine etc.)
- coaches will do what ever is necessary to protect their fellow coaches even if that means possibly harming a Wayward your coworkers come first.
- coaches will always be on the alert for rebellion and use whatever means they feel necessary to punish a Wayward who is rebelling because a rebellion starts with one.
- the only Waywards that a coach will punish is their own. they have no authority over the discipline of Waywards from other hemisphere’s unless stated otherwise by the other coach/coaches
- the coaches will keep each other in line, if a coach finds that one of their coworkers are breaking the rules, it’s their duty to make sure they don’t do it again using whatever means necessary.
- do not let your Authority be questioned. you are the one in charge and if your authority is threatened make sure it’s understood who’s in change
So they're instructed to act as prison wardens to traumatized and abandoned children with no other adult figures in their lives. Yeah sounds about right.
This is exactly how they act in the books and its lowkey terrifying, at any given moment ELEVEN YEAR OLD CHILDREN can be whipped off to an eternal forced survival with teachers who act as prison wardens and have an insane amount of power, its so bad oml. It's as bad as the prison system here, maybe even worse in some ways. It's a wonder every Wayward hasn't just joined the Neverseen yet ngl.
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