exillium · 11 months
hey can I transfer when I inevitably get banished?
As long as you leave a good review, yes :)
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k i’ve gotta eat dinner but i’ve got some more exilium stuff from my notes
suggested punishments for Waywards
- take a away a meal or multiple meals
- take away their showering privileges
- force them to wear their mask and not allow them to speak to the other waywards for as long as necessary
- leave them to fend for themselves for a few days without any supplies to remind them that living at the camp is a privilege
- kneeling on gravel
- beating if necessary
- dumping cold water on them
- it is suggested that if a Wayward or multiple Waywards are speculated to starting a rebellion to punish swiftly, and punish the whole group and remind them that it’s the leaders fault to alienate them from the rest of the group.
- when handling a troublesome Wayward you need to brake their Spirit down if you want to keep your Authority
That's fucking terrifying thank you.
A lot of these sound like borderline-actual torture and it fits the MO of Exillum very well, they either obey or they're left to die... because that's how the Council treated them first.
I can definitely see Tam getting in trouble a lot, for his own behavior or to take the heat off Linh for something, and he's probably have to deal with all this... jfc.
I wonder if the main characters had stayed at Exillum longer, like actually had to stay as Banished people not with all those safety nets, how they would've dealt with it?
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imobsessed123 · 2 months
I think tam is a better person than me cause I would be happy asf if my sister had to go to some random school lmao
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
wait can’t kids be in the Exillium without being banished? They were threatening to put Sophie in the Exillium a lot in the first book because of her bad grades, right? I wonder what it must be like going to the Exillium all day and then just going home to your mansion. Unless they were threatening to banish Sophie for having bad grades?
Great question! From Unlocked, page 285:
"For centuries, Exillium has been views as a place for the unworthy--a school only attended when there were no other options. Waywards were sent to Exillium as punishment, after most had been banished from the lost cities" (emphasis mine).
That the intro to Exillium so you're right! While most of the waywards have been banished, that's not a requirement. I also included that first sentence because it mentions "no other options," so I believe that would be the reason they'd use to send Sophie to Exillium in book one. That, or citing how unusual her case is as a reason to be extreme.
If she wasn't doing well in Foxfire, and there are no other established schools with names we know, then we turn to Exillium. I think it was included like this to serve as sufficient motivation/fear for Sophie. There had to be something truly bad lurking, because at this point in time she wasn't aware of the Neverseen so they couldn't be the villains yet.
Going "you're bad a being at Foxfire, we'll just transfer you to the this other less prestigious school!" doesn't have the same oomph. Would it be embarrassing? Yep! But it's not as bad, so that's what Exillium is there for in the first book; it develops further in the series, but that was it's presence in book one.
That's a long way of saying that you're correct! You don't have to be banished, it's just that most are. They seem to very frequently go hand in hand, and it's possible that even if you aren't banished you'd still be cut off. I can't say for certain, but hopefully this helps!
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3storyofmylife3 · 5 months
Y’know, I will never get over the wasted potential of Fitz Vacker.
Like i’ve always thought his character was one of the most interesting but I feel like Shannon switched things up so she could resolve the love triangle (which i’m convinced was unplanned).
Like I love this series and I think it’s well-written for the most part, but Fitz’s disrupted arc will always make me cry.
He had his flaws (we know what they are, we never shut up about them) but he has good characteristics too? Like “We could always use a little more weird in our lives”, wanting to hug it out with Dex and telling him they should be friends???
Like my boy, what happened😭.
Also it makes sense that he wants to confirm to elven traditions ig (like match making), but I just don’t understand why Shannon decided to go down that character path? Like he went to exillum for his friends, people used to talk about him because he disappeared a lot (the guy spent most of his childhood looking for Sophie, he is very much crushed by the fact that she doesn’t like him), he stuck up for his friends in Everblaze even though it made him less popular because he knew they weren’t doing anything wrong.
And I feel like with everything weird about Fitz and his friends the last thing people would care about is matchmaking, it’s like Grady said, for elves power will always be the most important thing.
And Fitz is powerful.
I feel like the matchmaking thing shouldn’t have been the main focus of the fitzphie break up because I feel like Fitz could’ve gotten iver that very easily if Shannon had stayed consistent with his character.
The Fitphie breakup should have been about the whole “Fitz is jealous of Sophie’s powers thing and he doesn’t like that she’s stepping up as a leader because of his arrogance ( a flaw he’s had consistently and makes sense because he’s a Vacker, a family that basically represents the elven world and what people pretend it is, and elves’s main flaw is arrogance, so Fitz’s being arrogance MAKES SENSE).
Why make it about matchmaking😭😭😭.
Idk if anything i said makes sense, i suck at making my thoughts coherent, but I could swear that Fitz is a good character up until it gets in the way of the love triangle.
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thesfromhms · 3 months
Fitz Vacker is overhated
I'm new on tumblr, but I can smell the possible haters a mile away. But uhhhh, other than that, I shall voice mt opinions! GET READY HATERS. HAHAHHAHAHA
No stellarlune spoilers. I haven't read that book yet. But spoilers for the other books I guess?
First point: Exile.
I wanted to tackle one of the earliest point people had. What happened in book 2. Watch everyone say "He had no right to be mad at Sophie!" While yes, Sophie ended up being the saving grace in the end, they still went through huge amounts of grief. Everyone handles grief differently. Fitz handled it with anger directed to the person his dad was with while he was in Exile. He thought she was to blame. Mind you, the Vackers held a PLANTING for Alden. They thought he would die. Imagine how devastating that would be for anyone? Needing to hold a funeral for YOUR OWN FATHER because he's in such a state where they don't think he'll survive. Fitz was experiencing the first stage of grief. He was grieving.
Point 2: The Anger Issues
While yes, Fitz may have a short temper, it isn't a good reason to hate on him. While yes, he handled some situations poorly, he's still 1) A child and 2) An elf. And lets be honest, he's only gotten mad a few times throughout the entire series.
Point 3: Sokeefe
Some of you people just hate on him for the sake of Keephie ☹️ DAWG IT'S A SHIP. AND IT'S ALREADY CANON APPARENTLY. GO AND REJOICE. LEAVE THE FITZ LOVERS TO CONSOLE FITZ ☹️😭
Point 4: The matchmaking thing
honestly? I do not know what to say here. I guess I just think the matchmaking in general is not for me. I guess people are mad at Fitz for wanting Sophie to reveal her bio mom so they can match? Idk bro. Why do yall hate him for this. I'm going out on a limb here, this is the result of Shannon wanting us to root for Keefe (FITZ DEFENDER 4 LIFE. YOU CAN NEVER CONVERT ME). I MEAN CMON. HE WAS OK WITH RUNNING AWAY AND JOINING EXILLUM AND ALMOST DYING TO PROTECT HIS FRIENDS. IN ONE BOOK. AND NOW HE'S SUDDENLY CHANGED?? (i saw this reason on Tumblr. Thank you to whoever made it. You made my post better)
Point 5: I honestly dk
Why do yall hate Fitz
Of course, in the end, these are just my opinions as someone who's been supporting Fitz this entire time. We're all entitled to what we want to believe, this is just mine :3
Any way. Rant over
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emery-is-a-king · 4 months
Introductory post!
Councillor Emery here! 👑👑
Hello there! The rest of the council (plus Team Prodig Valient) voted to me to get Tumblr as I am spokesperson! If you need to ask any questions about the Council, just do it! I'm still working this weird app out, so tips would be helpful... Anyway...
Here are the people you should know about!⬇️⬇️
The Council- @thecouncil-official
Councillor Terik- @terik-the-councillor
Councillor Oralie- @oralie-pretty-in-pink
Councillor Bronte- @bronte-the-inflictor
Black Swan- @black-swan-official
Neverseen- @neverseen-official
Miss Foster- @therealsophieelizabethfoster
Mr Sencen- @keefe--sencen
Mr Vacker- @fitz-avery-vacker
Miss Vacker- @sparkles-make-anything-better
Mr Dizznee- @dex-the-smart-one
Mr Song- @tam-song-the-shade
Miss Song- @linh--song
Miss Redek- @shut-up-i-will-burn-you
Mr Endal- @flasher-boi-endal
Miss Heks- @im-just-cooler
Miss Chebota- @the-only-maruca-chebota
Mr Babblos (who?)- @jensi-babbles-lots
Alden- @alden-dedrick-vacker
Grady- @not-a-fan-of-that-boy
Edaline- @edaline--ruwen
Elwin- @elwin-at-your-service
Magnate Leto- @magnatetheleto
Lord Cassius- @thebestsencen
Juline Dizznee- @julinekdizznee-off
Mr Forkle- @norwegian-trickster-god
Granite- @prentices-husband
Squall- @the-prettiest-ice-cube
Blur- @blurrieidentities
Livvy- @candies-and-sparkles
Jolie- @jolie-lucine-ruewen
Gisela- @lady-gisela
Fintan- @fintan-pyren
Vespera- @vespera-neci-foland
Brant- @brant--redacted
Ruy- @ruy-tonio-ignis
Alvar- @alvar-not-vacker
Glimmer (Rayni)- @littlemissneverseen
Umber- @umberthebettershade
Trix- @trix-up-my-sleeve
Sandor- @igowhereyougo
Romhilda- @hunkyhairs-backup
Silveny- @therarestprattlespin
Iggy- @iggy-the-imp
Foxfire- @foxfire-official
Exillum- @exillium
Matchmaking- @thematchmakingoffice @the-official-matchmaking-office
Eternalia Library- @eternalialibrary-official
Amy Foster (human?) @amy-rose-foster
Phew! That's a lot! For further contact please message me, or any other willing councillors, I bid you farewell.
Councillor Emery
Councillor Emery
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..So I guess I should make an introduction.
Hi. Its your favourite Neverseen gal, Rayni
My pronouns are she/her and I am bisexual. Im a flasher, and.. yeah.
I saw the others on a ‘tumblr’ and decided to check it out
if you need to talk to me personally, my main acc is @oc3an-w4ve
Uh.. So I guess I should list my ‘friends’
Sophie- @therealsophieelizabethfoster
Fitz- @fitz-avery-vacker
Dex- @dex-the-smart-one
Keefe- (Idk which one to add) @keefe--sencen @lord-hunkyhair
Biana- @sparkles-make-anything-better
Tam- (theres two?) @tam-song-the-shade @tam-shade-song
Linh- @linh--song
Marella- @shut-up-i-will-burn-you
Wylie- @flasher-boi-endal
Stina- @im-just-cooler
Maruca- @the-only-maruca-chebota
Jensi- @jensi-babbles-lots
Amy- @amy-rose-foster
Alden- @alden-dendrick-vacker
Quinlin- @quinlin-sonden
Elwin- (Theres two) @elwin-at-your-service @elwin-h3slege
Sandor- @igowhereyougo
Forklenator- @norwegian-trickster-god
Edaline- @edaline--ruwen
Ro- @hunkyhairs-backup
King Dimitar- @king-dimitar
Livvy- @psychic-physician
Squall- @the-prettiest-ice-cube
Blur- @blurrieidentities
Calla- @callas-panakes-tree
Fellow Neverseen people (Idk how to feel about them..)
Fintan- @fintan-pyren
Gethen- @gethen-inar-ondsinn
Alvar- @alvar-not-vacker
Vespera- @vespera-neci-foland
Ruy- @ruy-tonio-ignis
Gisela- @lady-gisela
Neverseen- @neverseen-official
Black Swan- @black-swan-official
Matchmaking Office- @the-official-matchmaking-office
The Council- @thecouncil-official
Exillum- @exillium
Foxfire- @foxfire-official
The Sanctuary- @sanctuary-official
Silveny- @therarestprattlespin
Iggy- @iggy-the-imp
Princess Purryfins- @adorablevenom
…..Stuffed animal..?
Ella- @elephantinahawaiianshirt
Holy crap, that was a lot of writing.
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fintan-pyren · 2 years
Meaningless details I wonder about:
Is Fintan wearing shoes in the ice prison? What kind?
What do the elves do with dead bodies?
Where does Atlantis get its food. Is it grown there, or imported in?
What did the elves use nuclear energy for?
What was Fallon Vacker's ability?
What do the other Intelligent Species eat?
Why can't Sophie read ancient runes?
Where do most Exillium kids sleep?
Where did the ogres live before they took over Serenvale?
What happens to all the elves who are banished but not granted a return to the lost cities once they age out of Exillium?
What was Vespera like before she lost her emotions?
Why can the Neverseen commit acts of violence without their minds breaking?
Did Brant mean to kill Jolie?
Are there elves who are sent to Exillium but not banished from the lost cities?
Are the colors of light leaping crystals (blue for Forbidden Cities, white for Lost Cities, etc) actually important, or is color coding them just a custom?
Why was Timkin allowed to return after being sent to Exillum?
Atlantis has eurypterid-drawn water carriages. Do the cities without canals have any form of transportation aside from leapmasters?
What's the limit to what can be carried while light-leaping? Non-living matter like clothes can be carried, but how much?
If a leaping crystal gets scratched, does it still work? Can it make it lead to a different place?
Physicians have post-foxfire training. Do other professions have the same thing?
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demonic-kotlc · 1 year
Wait scratch that last post, my friend is a savior and found one. THE SHOW GOES ON
Book 4 summary reactions !
Oh yes, teens living together with a mysterious organization, what could go wrong?
THE MOTHER STOWING AWAY, oh how the turns have tabled (usually the kids sneaking with the adults but look or here)
Cognates!!! Here’s comes the repeated phrase, much like Alden’s “no need to worry” , we have Fitz’s “But we’re cognates!” (That’s all I recall bc I made endless fun of it)
CALLA! Is she the one to turn into a pancake tree? (Yes I continue calling it pancakes Ik it’s wrong but hush i like thinking pancakes can grow on trees)
Aww the window sleepover (reminds me of TS’s music video with that one song)
Oh yeah the plague 😐
Oof Fitz gets scorpioned
Ah yes Forkle’s endless disguises (how does Sophie not punch him is the question we should always ask)
Exillium yes.
Ofc Sophie starts a fire
Oralie fixing Exillum with connections FR, but also how does the council not think of this before??
Ew lord Cassius
Gnomes cured!! 🙌
I Miss Calla, values for her sacrifice
Oh yeah, Keefe’s double Agent thing, lowkey forgot about that. Took the cache 😞
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Exillum thooo
this has been sitting in my drafts for almost two months because i was gonna info dump by i have way to many thoughts running free in my mind for that
yes it’s screwed up trust me i know i believe that coach Bora (blue) and Wilda (Red) abuse the kids in two different ways while Rohana is to scared to do anything about it
it’s a messed up school that needs a lot of help
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Coach Broa Acrasia
Ability: Froster
Position: Right (blue) Hemisphere
reason for banishment: constantly started fights and gave younger prodigy a Concussion
age of banishment: 15
Physical Description: slicked blond hair, olive-toned skin, Navy blue eyes, and sharply angled features,
Coach Rohana Arora
Ability: Guster
Position: Ambi (Purple) Hemisphere
reason for banishment: couldn’t control her ability and created a tornado that harmed over a dozen people
age of banishment: 10
Physical Description: creamy brown skin and straight, shiny black hair, Azure blue eyes and henna tattoos covering her hands, she has jeweled earring and nose piercing
Coach Wilda Stedelen
Ability: Memser
Position: Left (Red) hemisphere
reason for banishment: used her ability to harm other Prodigies because they messed up her desk
age of banishment: 16
Physical Description: auburn hair in a sleek, angled bob and pale blue eyes that she often thickly lines with black eyeliner. she has full sleeve tattoos and often has black painted nails
Asa (Broobie Dude) Lorn
Ability: Talentless
Position: Healer
reason for banishment: created illegal elixirs with Instructions from a banned book hes a bad match it was decided it was safer to banish him
age of banishment: 12
Physical Description: he has copper skin, brown wavy hair that goes down to his shoulders, and dark sea green eyes
I love how they were all banished for either really shitty (discrimination, can't control their abilities), objectively minor that definitely never deserved this (starting fights, hurting people for messing up their desk) or a mix of both, reasons. Its so fucked up and unfair and yet here they are just... continuing the cycle they were basically raised in. It's so messed up.
Your worldbuilding is so good and realistic and it really adds to the feel of how dystopic kotlc is tbh
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imobsessed123 · 3 months
I think tam is a better person than me cause I would be happy asf if my sister had to go to some random school lmao
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axels-corner · 4 years
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i feel like Normal Josh wouldve been friends with jensi when sophie & co was at exillum
!! Yeah!! Normal Josh and Jensi friendship real and true. I think Normal Josh might not really consciously process the fact the rest of the group wasn't there and hadn't been for a while (out of sight, out of mind, but in a polite way) so whenever Jensi started to feel down about it Josh's absolute conviction in their continuing friendship despite the distance would help lift him out of it.
Jensi feels self-conscious about not being extraordinary or super involved like the rest of the kotlcrew, but Normal Josh's overwhelming normalcy and contentment with his life keeps rubbing off on him goddamnit. They hang out and play games and trust each other and enjoy each other's company and are glad they found each other. Friendship bracelets between the two of them, perhaps?
I like to think they're still very close friends to this day even after all the other members have joined and all that. Normal Josh and Jensi for life <3
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furiouslyclicking · 3 years
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Keeptober day 8? Maybe?: Exilum
I drew linh in tam in their exillum uniforms
Also I did draw all of these during inktober, I just didn’t have a tumblr account at the time
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