#came home from a bad test and finished the drawing to recover lol
thedeafprophet · 10 months
mistle toe meme with jamie/manager! they feel like a 3 or 4 couple 🤔
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I was hoping someone would pick pose 3 for these two hehe. pose/ask meme from here
I decided the context for this one would be Jamie having been the one to point out the mistletoe there not expecting him to ~actually~ respond, and being surprised.. hehe....
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kookievmyoppa · 7 years
All In Ch.3 (Monsta X AU)
Idols: Monsta X (Esp Jooheon)
Type: Fantasy, fiction, romance, drama, idk what else lol.
Warnings: Mentioning of death in future chapters.
Word count:  4286
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 |
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Chapter 3
Out of nowhere, you started recovering consciousness. You still didn’t know what was going on, though. All you knew was whatever was happening, it hurt. Everything hurt, especially breathing and your leg for some reason felt like jelly on fire.
You could barely hear people talking, but it was more like a background noise. Your head was pounding and it was really hard for you to decode the sounds that were coming into your ears.
You made a huge effort trying to open your eyes, they felt heavy as if you had been sleeping for years. When you finally made it, the first thing you saw was Wonho sitting next to you with his face all wet with tears.
You were back at the cave. Your memories came back one by one, projecting in your mind like you were watching a flashback of your own life from the outside. The moment you blacked out, the pain of bullet against your skin, you running away from the dogs alone, Wonho being mad at you, the kiss. Oh boy… the kiss.
— Wonho?— you muttered with your voice so low you wondered if he had heard you. But as soon as you said his name he stood up and walked away without saying a word.
— Shownu! She’s waking up!— he said on his way to him drying his tears off with the back of his hand, his voice was shaking.
— She’ll be fine, Wonho. She needs some rest, that’s all. The bullet didn’t cause any serious damage— Shownu replied — I.M, please go meet Minhyuk, he must be at home with Hyungwon trying to keep him away from here, make sure it stays that way. None of us is saying a word about this incident to him. Am I being clear?
You'd never heard Shownu that concerned before. Was there anything you were ignoring?
You wanted to say something but when you opened your mouth to speak, everything got dark again. Shownu was right, maybe you just needed some rest.
You shook your head to come back to Earth from all those memories.
— Are you blaming yourself for what happened that day?— you said laughing incredulously.
— It was my fault, Y/N! Why is it so funny to you?— he asked with tears still streaming down his face.
— Because it wasn’t, Wonho. You were not the one who shot me. You saved my life. If you haven’t brought me here I wouldn’t be alive right now— you said placing your hand firmly on his shoulder.
— I was supposed to protect you! If I haven’t left you alone like I did… If I… I should’ve been there! — he said clearly upset. You were done with him trying to carry the weight of the world.
— If you had, the two of us could’ve gotten hurt, or even killed. So if you ask me, I’m so glad you were not there— he put his head down — Hey! Look at me— you said lifting his head — You have to stop being so harsh on yourself. I’m fine, nothing happened. You don’t need to keep taking a blame that does not exist. And I miss you. If you don’t mind I would like to have my best friend back.
It took him a few seconds to smile again, but he did. He nodded and you felt the missing part of you was coming back to it’s place.
— I’m so sorry, though, for real. I was childish and selfish, not to mention immature. I put my own feelings over your safety and that will never happen again, I promise— he looked down and then again you felt guilty for not being able to love him back the way he wanted.
— Don’t bring that again, please. I really have nothing against you. And what happened there was totally understandable. You are human, Wonho, and sometimes this— you pointed at his heart — is stronger than that— now you were pointing at his head. — And it’s not a bad thing. If you hadn’t followed your heart as well to go back for me even when your brain told you it could be too late, and you were going to be in danger because of it, well… you know what would’ve happened. So no, please don’t apologize for having feelings, okay?— you asked after trying to finally find a closure for this whole thing.
— Alright—  he answered. — Are you sure we are going to be okay?... You know what I mean... — he let out after a long silence.
— We will. It does feel a little weird, I’m not gonna lie to you. But I think everything will be back to normal eventually. Well, I don’t even know what “normal” is right now after everything that’s going on the last couple of months, but at least I’m sure I’m not in for letting you and our friendship go. It’s up to you then.  
— Yeah, I know it’s weird, you tell me about it...— he laughed nervously with his hand in the back of his neck. — ...but I don’t want to lose you either. So count on me— he said smiling wide again.
— Always— you hugged him so hard, happy to have him back in your life. It took him a few seconds to hug you too after hesitating a bit, but he did and this time it didn’t feel as awkward as before.
— Okay, lovebirds, we are gonna start without you! You are taking so long!— Jooheon screamed from the other side of the cave. You pushed Wonho away clearing your throat.
— They are not lovebirds— Hyungwon said glaring at Wonho.
— Of course we are not. Franklin is a turtle, so no way. Your sister just wanted to feel my abs— Wonho said, and you punched his arm before walking towards them.
— Shut up, man. Do not test me— your brother said starting to get mad and you giggled. He lost it every single time any of the guys made jokes about you. The ones who usually did it were Kihyun and Wonho, although now you knew he was being probably serious the most of the time.
— Okay, okay. This is getting out of control. Why don’t we just start?— Shownu said to calm things down, as you all sat around the bonfire.
It was a perfect circle, you were sitting in the middle of Hyungwon and Minhyuk, next to him was Kihyun, then I.M, Wonho, Shownu and finally Jooheon. By now, all of you knew your spot by heart. It had been like this every month for almost a year since you’d discovered the power those flowers could have if they were properly prepared.
Jooheon was the only one who seemed to know how to do it right, though. You didn’t know why, and he wouldn’t tell. Whenever any of you asked him about it he just shrugged and said it was maybe an inherited thing from his grandmother who used to work with medicinal herbs. Then it should be some kind of gift only he had.
The rest of you had tried making the blue potion several times without succeeding, not to mention you tried it once and almost got all of you killed. You were in that kind of trance for so long, you could swear you had died until you started coming back to your senses one by one almost a whole day later. You didn’t remember anything.
If it wasn’t because you were there lying on the floor next to the extinct bonfire and with remains of paint in your faces full of sweat, you wouldn’t have pieced things together to know that what happened was because of the potion. After that, you came to the conclusion the denser the mixture, the more dangerous it could be.
You didn’t know exactly if it could actually get to kill you, but none of you were willing to give it a try with your own lives after your accidental experience close to death. Besides, Shownu had clearly forbidden any kind of experiments with things that could be lethal since then.
You took a look at all of them, with their faces full of coloured paint. Yellow, pink, blue, green, white... It was an important part of the whole thing, the colours were supposed to resemble the life of the moment itself, your sweet escape from the dark and gray present you were living in. All of you.
You wanted to get started already, to disconnect yourself from reality. You still had nightmares every night about that day, about your mom, about everything. Sometimes you wondered how could you even live with yourself.
You looked at Wonho who was talking to Kihyun. When your eyes met, he looked away blushing. You smiled. You had made the right call, it wasn't only the fact you didn’t love him the same way he loved  you, it was more than that. He deserved better than you. He had no clue of the things you’d done. If he did, you doubted he would wanted to be even your friend. That was why you should’ve kept it a secret until the day you died.
Hyungwon started coughing and you held his hand immediately.
— We really need to start, it's getting late— you said more like and order than a suggestion.
— Yes, you are right— Kihyun said getting your point —I'll paint Wonho's face. Minhyuk, can you help me out with Y/N's?— Minhyuk nodded and he handed him one of the cases where he had the paints.
Your heart stopped for a second when you saw him sitting right in front of you, drawing colourful lines in your cheeks and your forehead. Kihyun had made it plenty of times and you'd never felt this way because such a simple thing. Minhyuk smiled at you and it took you a while to smile back. Why were you suddenly this shy around him? It had never been this way before.
Your brother coughed again, but this time it was harder. There was no time for you to think this through.
— Okay, we are good to go— you put Minhyuk's hand away from your face without minding it looked a little rude.
— Are you okay? — he asked Hyungwon before going back to his spot.
— Yeah— he muttered and you squeezed his hand.
— Now that we're all set up, let's get it!— Jooheon said and stood up in front of the pot that was in the bonfire with a blue liquid on it.
He started doing the ritual. With his eyes closed most of the time, he mumbled things none of you could understand, moving his hands in circles over the pot and stirring the mixture clockwise. The rest of you were just there in silence waiting for him to finish doing his thing so you could start drinking the potion.
After a few minutes that felt like an eternity, Jooheon finally took a little vessel and served the potion there. He took a sip of it and gave it to Shownu first. He drank too and then each of the guys did as well, one by one.
You made sure Hyungwon had enough he was for sure the one who needed it the most. He handed you the vessel and you noticed his hands were shaking.
— Wonnie, are you okay?— you asked, but he didn't seem to be listening. You looked into his eyes and startled a little when you saw his pupils extremely dilated. He was gone already.
With his gaze lost somewhere in the horizon, he passed the potion to you. You were the last one left. You looked at the scene in front of you, none of them were any different than your brother.
They were laughing over nothing, smiling a lot and being super affectionate with each other.
You'd never seen the potion work that quick before. You hesitated before taking a sip, something didn't feel right about all this, but in the end you drank.
You felt the effect almost immediately, the joy, how every single event from the past started vanishing in front of your eyes. You laughed. A lot. And you didn't even know what were you laughing at, you just did. The little part inside you trying to hold on to reality started letting go slowly. Your vision became blurry and it was like the whole world was spinning around you.
Suddenly you saw Jooheon falling to the ground right beside you. He was twisting on the floor as he was in pain, even in the state you were, it was like you could feel his desperation. You tried to move to help him, but your body was numb. Then Shownu fell too, and then each one of the guys in the same order they had drunk.
You thought of Hyungwon, but it was too late. When your eyes met him, he was already on the floor screaming.
Meanwhile, you were still laughing and it was making you sick, you wanted to do something, they were all suffering and you were just there laughing against your will like an idiot.
Then, something weird happened, all the joy and the happiness you felt a while ago faded as if all of it had been a joke. Everything got dark and as soon as a black silhouette took a human form right in front of you. If you had thought you were paralyzed before, you were so wrong. Your sweat was cold and an indescribable feeling took over your body. If Hyungwon was seeing the same as you, now you could figure out why he was screaming. That was when your head hit the ground.
Jooheon's eyes widened when he looked at the entrance of the cave and saw a familiar figure lighted weakly by the flames of the distant bonfire.
He couldn't help by smile. The part of him that still could discern between what was real and what was not knew it was all because of the potion effects, but this was the reason why he prepared it and drank it. It was not like he didn't care about helping Hyungwon. He really did, he was his friend,  but seeing Mrs. Lee again, his grandmother, was his priority and as priorities didn't matter as long as the potion got done, it was a desire he could afford.
He kept smiling to her, glad he could see her again even when he knew it wasn't really her. The truth was he missed her a lot, the empty space in his heart would never be filled, and the pain would never go away.
He wanted about to ask her "why", he'd been needing that answer for so long, but the moment he opened his mouth to speak, another figure appeared next to his grandmother, a smaller one.
His whole body froze. He didn't need to see his face properly to know who he was. There was no way he could ever forget him. But the fact he was there  in his hallucinations, could only mean one thing, something was wrong with the potion, something he'd experimented before on the quiet, that's how he knew.
The image of Mrs. Lee disappeared in the shadows that his whole world was diving into, but not the young man, he was still there.
"It's your fault. You did this to me" his voice echoed inside Jooheon's head and it caused a pain he couldn't describe, he ended up on the floor suffering every single time that voice rumbled over and over again.
He knew what was about to happen, that was just the beginning and there was no way to stop it. He wasn't that scared for himself but for the rest of the X Clan members, what they were about to experience was really intense, not to mention traumatic. He'd gone through it once by himself, but none of you knew. He wasn't allowed to do it, but he had to, he needed answers and that looked like the only way to get them back then. He was wrong, though. Now it was happening again, but this time he didn't mean it. What had he done wrong?
Before he could keep meditating about it, the voice inside his head became louder while the figure walked towards him, getting closer every time the famous phrase ended.
"It's your fault. You did this to me" he touched Jooheon's forehead and the whole scene turned black.
In the shadows of the darkness, smoke started rising from the floor and a familiar location took shape in front of his eyes: Mrs. Lee’s greenhouse. Everything was just like he remembered, all the plantations on the ground with tiny free spaces in between, and all the flowers… the blue flowers.
There was enough room for other kind of crops, but his grandmother was obsessed with those. That was the reason his parents usually argued with her. They never understood where was the logic of having a greenhouse full of useless flowers, considering they lived in that stupid village where they barely had enough food to survive.
Jooheon didn’t know her reasons either, but he never judged her. He was actually curious about what made them so special for her to be in that place almost all day everyday. There should be something, he could feel it, and it was like it was calling for him desperately to find out.
Suddenly, he saw a little kid entering the greenhouse. He was around 8 years old, average height, chubby pink cheeks and determination in his eyes. It was him, he was looking at himself from above. Little Jooheon was walking around the place checking every single blue flower in there, smelling them, touching them, feeling them. It felt just right. He enjoyed going there so much, even when his parents told him not to he always managed to sneak in.
— Honey?— Mrs. Lee’s voice scared him. He quickly put his hands behind his back as he saw her coming into the room with a glass full of a blue liquid. — Sneaking in again, I see...— she said with a sweet smile and a condescendent look. Jooheon looked away scared to be scolded. — Do your parents know you are here?— she asked lowering her voice as if they were there. He shook his head slowly. — That's great, then— she lifted his head and winked at him.
— It's the first time I see you in my precious greenhouse. Although, to be honest, I know it's not the first time— she raised an eyebrow. — Don't misunderstand me,  sweety. I'm so glad you are here. Your parents... They wouldn't understand the real reason of my little... research, if you liked to call it that...— she sighed.
— What is it about, grandma? I wanna learn! I'm not like my parents,  I promise— he whined. He really wanted to learn. Despite his short age he was a curious boy of things other children didn't care at all.  
— Of course you are not. You are more like me. You have the gift.
Jooheon froze and his eyes widened. He'd never heard something like this before.
— The gift? What gift? I don't understand.
— Well... You'll see, do you know why do I have this greenhouse?
— Because you know how to make medicines with these flowers?
— Yes, sweety. I sell them to the government, not many people here know how to do it. But I do, and I can show you the way.
— Really?!— he asked excited.
— Sure! I know you are the right one to learn this. Your dad... He wouldn't do it right no matter how hard he tried. I think that's why he doesn't like me to do all this. But you... I can see your potential. I'll teach you everything I know.
— Like what's that blue juice you have there for? I'm thirsty,  can I take a sip?— he said trying to reach the glass with his hand.
— It's not juice, Honey— she stopped him while giggling — It's... an experiment. But it's a secret, okay?— he nodded with his eyes wide open —I believe there's a way to have visions with it.
— Visions?— he asked amazed — What kind of visions?
— That, my little friend, is what I'm trying to find out.
— Grandma, can I help?— he was eager to know what they could discover.
— Of course you can! I could really use an assistant here. You can watch and learn, and take notes of our experiments! What do you say?— she ruffled his hair nicely.
— I'm all in!— he answered as excited as never before.
He could remember it so clearly, not just because all those memories just passed by right in front of his eyes, but because it was how it all started.
They worked secretly on it for years, that was how he learned everything he knew. How he could do medicine with the flowers but at the same time he could do these potions that were able to project in your mind the greatest things your heart could ever wish for, or bring you the worst flashbacks of the most painful moments of your life, with any of those experiences feeling so real, your mind wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the visions and reality itself.
He discovered as well that as soon as you cut the flowers off, they started losing their properties so you couldn't do much with them after several hours, and you could  plant them out of the village but the further they were from the greenhouse, the hardest was for them to grow properly and they ended up withering before blooming.
Still, none of that made any sense but even after all their research they had no clue about what made that greenhouse and the plants themselves so special.
Jooheon knew his grandmother worked hard on it, she always wanted to learn more, to reveal their greatest potential, so she stayed up all night experimenting and trying new things. But one day, a bird drank of one of her experimental potions and dropped dead at her feet.
The potion could be poisonous, but he didn't know how. Mrs. Lee was the only one who knew exactly what to do to make the liquid lethal, but she never told him. "This is not something we as humans are supposed to control. Life and death are things beyond our will and our selfish wishes" she'd said.    
She didn’t want anyone to know about those properties of the flowers. It had been one of her greatest secrets. Or that was what she thought... The government was suspicious about what kind of discoverings she had made after so long working at the greenhouse without any important news besides the medicinal effect, which they already knew well, so they had sent a spy to sneak in, and he discovered she had found a way to make poison.
She was the only blue medicine (as they used to call it) supplier to the dictator of the village, Hwan Gyeonchul. He suffered from some rare cardiopulmonary condition that could only be treated with that liquid. However, it was just a temporary fix considering he needed to take it again about three or four weeks after, as the effect wasn’t permanent.
Jooheon always thought it was not right to serve someone as disgusting as this man who had made of that village a living hell, full of fear and disgrace. But his grandmother didn’t really have a choice, dictator Hwan wasn’t someone you could negotiate with.
If it wasn’t because of his illness, things would be definitely worse. He had always been grateful for the existence of that disease until he met Hyungwon, this kid who lived on the other side of the village who suffered from it too.
As the government took all the medicine they could get from Mrs. Lee’s greenhouse, they sold it to the other three people who needed it as well, for a ridiculously high price. It wasn’t easy for Hyungwon’s family to get it, and Jooheon felt terrible because he couldn’t help him. They knew he was one of the other sick people there, so if he stopped buying it they would think his she was giving it away without permission and she would get in trouble.
And that’s how they were, always taking money from the citizens and giving them a terrible life quality. That was what The X Clan protested for back in the days, and Hwan Gyeonchul didn’t like it at all. He wanted them all dead. And what could be a better way to kill the rebels without the rest of the people noticing than an unknown poison? That was when everything went downhill.
It was late in the evening when Jooheon and his grandmother listened to the door trembling. They thought it was some kind of earthquake until they heard an aggressive voice on the other side.
— Mrs. Lee, we know you are there, open up. General Hwan Gyeonchul orders!— the voice got louder as they kept hitting the door. What they were doing couldn't be called knocking.
Jooheon was in shock. He had never been that scared in his life. He didn't know what those men were they for, but he did know they were up to no good.
A/N: That was it, this is the third chapter of the series, I hope you liked it. Some more thing will be revealed on the next episode, with someone else’s story.
If you missed the previous parts, here you go:
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
I would like to know what you guys think, feel free to comment below! Sorry about any spelling or grammar mistakes, english is not my mother language. Any kind of feedback will be really appreciated so if you want you can always text me or send an ask, whatever your feel comfortable with. Thank you so much for taking your time to read this, and have a good day/night. Take care xoxo
I wanna thank @withnosuchgrace for helping me out with ideas and reading my stuff. And @akpopinhoe for always being supportive! 
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