#anyway did someone say canon/oc kisses? i am here with that lmao
thedeafprophet · 10 months
mistle toe meme with jamie/manager! they feel like a 3 or 4 couple 🤔
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I was hoping someone would pick pose 3 for these two hehe. pose/ask meme from here
I decided the context for this one would be Jamie having been the one to point out the mistletoe there not expecting him to ~actually~ respond, and being surprised.. hehe....
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kirinda-ondo · 3 years
This is gonna be kind of a weird ramble compared to my others, as I'm not just yelling about a specific character this time, but rather, a ship. It's also a sort of supplement to my last TED talk here, so if you want some more context, I would recommend reading that first.
Now, I would like to clarify that I am not really into shipping. Canon ships rarely do anything for me. I don't go out of my way to pray for non-canon/unconfirmed ships. I tend to try and justify why couples are or should actually just be friends, rather than potential romantic partners. I literally only have 3 major (non-oc) ships out of all the fandoms I've ever been in, including this one. I suppose I am some degree of romance repulsed lmao. All of this is to say that I am not generally the type of person to overanalyze shit with a romantic lens.
But this one. This one feels so blatantly, frustratingly obvious to me despite the lack of canon follow-up, or even fan content that I feel like I'm going insane trying to justify it. But justify it I shall.
That's right, we're unpacking Lydiaura.
I feel this ramble, more than any other, requires me to explain how I got here. As I mentioned in my previous TED talk, I was watching the second half of Eto Ranger with Chinese subs. Now mind you, I wasn't fluent enough to be able to read all the subs as they came on screen, and my show-watching brain and translator brain cannot coexist at the same time, so I kinda half-read what I could and just sort of used context clues for the rest (after watching a bunch of raw undubbed episodes of 60s Astro Boy, I've gotten really good at this sort of thing lmao).
Anyway, cue episode 34. I wasn't sure what to expect with this episode, other than that I'd finally be getting an idea of what the deal with this kirin guy was. Now I'm gonna be real, a lot of this episode is not terribly exciting, especially not without subtitles. There's a lot of standing around and talking, followed by wholesale lifting a several minute sequence from the previous episode except Now Lydia Is There, followed by actual, visible exposition and plot progression. This was seemingly pretty easy on my show-watching brain. Until it wasn't.
After witnessing Chocolat's transformation into Nyanma, Lydia gets shot and left for dead, only to survive long enough to limp back to Aura Castle to warn Princess Aura of what's going on. It's here when things take a turn. Things suddenly became really... intimate, for lack of a better word, between our kirin and princess. There's hand-holding and raw emotions and hugging and I was fucking blindsided.
I sat there wondering, "Was this a thing??? Were they a thing??? Did I miss something here???" Like even as someone who does not look at things through a romantic lens, this shit could not have looked more romantic-coded to me unless they'd just straight up kissed. So I sought the word of the guy who so kindly commented on all the episodes giving some brief plot summaries for people who were not fluent in Chinese or Japanese, and they had mentioned something about Aura being unable to bear being without Lydia. I clearly fucking missed something not reading the subtitles properly, I thought. So I went back. And I painstakingly translated like 80% of the episode so I could have some fucking context.
Now, I will be honest, there was no dying love confession or anything like I'd been expecting based on the body language and overall fucking visual direction. But there were definitely a lot of other things going on in this short span of time to imply some sort of unresolved... something going on between them. And this is where we go back, put on our analysis hats, and start to unpack things.
As I mentioned earlier, a good chunk of this episode involves Aura and Lydia standing around and talking. It's not exciting visually, but in terms of dialogue, it's got some meat to it. The scene opens up the day after the race to decide our 12 Eto Rangers. Aura is just kind of on her balcony watching everyone leave after the event that formally inducted them, when Lydia just casually pops up behind her and startles her. This is already a notable detail, as even the Rangers, despite their closeness with her, have to maintain at least a basic level of formality. Not these two. They don't even waste time with the pretense of saying hello before jumping right into the conversation.
Aura immediately interrogates him about his lack of participation in the race, praising him as one of the fastest spirits on Mugen. She's not the first person to ask him about this either, as Drago also questions him before the race. When responding to Drago, he pretty casually and confidently explains that he's a newspaper reporter and his job is to document the winners. Now, when responding to Aura, his demeanor is considerably different. He's more humble, self-deprecating, even. He's "just an ordinary newspaper reporter." Being in the zodiac "isn't something that suits [him]." He sort of shyly turns away and can't even look at her straight. Aura insists that he would have been a good candidate, moving on to compliment his strong sense of justice. Like, I don't know why she's still going (I mean I do but shhh), it's far too late to do anything about it now. The blatant favoritism is just so funny to me.
Lydia, while flattered, manages to redirect the conversation back toward the series of articles he's planning to do on the Rangers and Aura is more hyped than I've ever seen her about anything. This is a compliment he's far more ready to accept, but it's time to get down to business. In contrast to before, he's able to grill her pretty easily about Chocolat's disqualification. While he doubts Aura's supposition that Chocolat had just been dreaming, he never once accuses Aura of doing anything, instead immediately suspecting some sort of outside force. Despite Aura's reservations about the whole situation, the minute Lydia mentions he's worried for Chocolat, she wastes no time using her powers to look for her.
Skipping ahead a whole lot, the next scene we're unpacking is after Lydia has dragged himself all the way back to Aura Castle (which again, I must stress, is halfway across the entire Mugen). We see he's barely made it inside, and he and Aura are both on the floor as she's sitting there cradling him in her lap while they hold each other's hands. Whether it's for his comfort, hers, or the both of them, it's hard to say, but it's sweet, if not incredibly fucking sad.
Lydia tries to explain what happened, but Aura is desperately trying to shut him up as she promises to heal him. Unfortunately, Lydia is painfully aware that he's not going to survive, though he's trying to smile about it. Aura, very clearly in denial, once again tells him to stop saying things like that. Lydia admits to regretting not having participated in the race, but Aura once again begs him to stop. He doesn't, though, and with his last breaths, he begs her to use his soul to help the Rangers and Mugen. However, he's cut just a bit short, and his hand slips out of hers and falls limp onto the floor. Crying out his name, Aura buries her face in his and uses her now free arm to hug his body.
Look man, the body language alone was enough to throw me down this rabbit hole, and when you add the dialogue??? The pleading and denial???? Fuckin hell.
Anyway, Aura consults with the Great God Goal about his wish and he instructs her to move him to a cave at the foot of the novel pole, where he is transformed into Kirinda. Now, while the image of Aura psychically airlifting this man's corpse halfway across Mugen is kind of funny if you think about it for more than five seconds (like god, I hope nobody was looking up at that moment), there's just this nice little detail of him now being in a proper sort of burial position, arms folded over, and holding his camera. She had to have done that herself.
Aura very clearly loved him so fucking much, there is definitely no debate about that. Lydia's feelings are admittedly a bit less clear, at least if we're going purely based off of this episode alone. However, there is a bit in Episode 32 I feel is worth mentioning, so let's backtrack just a bit.
In this episode, Gaou, Pochiro, Tart, and Pakaracchi are trapped in the world of the Bremen Town Musicians after overstaying the time limit. Normally, the Novel World would be closed off to re-entry after this. However, Aura contacts the remaining Rangers in Kirinda with a plan to transfer her spiritual power into Kirinda's reactor in order to create a new opening in the Novel World. Everyone is excited at the prospect of being able to save their friends... except Kirinda. While he knows this plan would work, he's the only one besides Aura aware of how dangerous it would be for her, and he outright begs and pleads with her not to do it. She does it anyway and ends up bedridden until the end of the last episode, so like, he wasn't even wrong, but that's beside the point--
It's a scene that stood out to me even before I ended up in this hell. Kirinda and Aura don't actually get to directly interact much, but when they do, it's generally pretty professional, presumably either to hide Kirinda's identity or because the writers just threw this whole subplot in last minute and did not think about foreshadowing whatsoever. Whatever the case, we do see that they care about each other, albeit in the sense of protecting the greater good of Mugen and the Novel Pole, but it's here that things start to crack on Kirinda's end.
Suddenly, he's directly challenging her authority, something that up to this point we have never seen him do. He's panicked and his eye is doing that slight shimmering thing anime characters do when they're really emotional or on the verge of tears. Never mind the fact that, while it's not outright said, he's basically willing to throw the trapped Rangers under the bus to prevent her from doing this. And while he's blatantly irresponsible with the Rangers a lot of the time, he's never been one to actually abandon them. Like after he's been shot down, even as he's losing consciousness, he makes sure that the Rangers who are now piloting him pick up the ones that were deployed into the Novel World before getting the hell out of there. But suddenly, if Aura's the one in danger, then it's just out of the question. Going back to this scene knowing how close they were in episode 34, the stakes are clearly much more personal than just protecting Mugen's ruler.
Unfortunately, though, this is all we get (at least without me diving heavily into extrapolation of scenes that could be read either way and coming across like an insane person)! They just drop all this stuff on us, and then never follow up on any of it! It's horrible too, because literally all the other character and relationship arcs get tied up nice and neatly (aside from Bakumaru's tear-jerking Shanghai Cabbage story... I fucking understand, Souffle, this is my tear-jerking Shanghai Cabbage story). Like Lydia's back to normal, but the last we see of him is him getting chased out of Bakumaru's house for being a stinky bastard man. We never get to see them interact; we never get that emotional catharsis of getting to see each other again like normal for the first time in six years. We're just left to imagine it.
And normally, that's not the worst thing in the world! When shit doesn't become canon (even if it feels like it Really Should Have Been), that's what fanfiction is for! Unfortunately, despite spending literal years scouring every archive I could find, in multiple languages, there is literally only one fanfic in existence, and it is in Chinese, and it is Very Sad. And good luck finding fan art that isn't made by me or people I have dragged into this hell with me (a couple pieces do exist, but 2/3 --as in like the total number of pieces, not just a fraction-- are NSFW).
I genuinely feel like I'm going insane here, like I'm some kind of conspiracy theorist. I know I'm not, because everyone I point this shit out to sees it too, but boy howdy sometimes it sure fucking feels like it. Part of the problem is that from what I can tell in the non-English speaking fandoms (Which is where most of the fans actually ARE lmao), Lydia is definitely not the most popular character (though he is well liked), and Aura is even less so (and seems to be actively hated in some circles). And I mean, yeah, I get it, they are a couple of secondary characters in an already huge and likeable main cast. Not to mention the show itself is pretty fucking obscure too. I completely understand.
It's just that, when you lay down this much foundation to the point that it's obvious even to someone who actively avoids shipping, it feels like a huge waste not to fucking follow up on that shit. Even if they don't get to interact outside of a professional level through much of the series, you get to see enough of them simply existing on their own that it's not exactly hard to imagine what could have been. And normally, realistically, I would not support the news media and the head of state getting all cozy like this, but this is not that type of show and they are not those types of characters.
This is the part where I segue into talking the types of characters they are and how their personalities work well together.
Aura is a pretty stoic character. She's obviously very kind and loving, but she is ultimately very distant from others and keeps a lot of things close to her chest. Short of being physically incapacitated and confronted with everything she's been hiding, she very rarely lets her air of professionalism falter. There are a couple times in the series where she takes a slightly more casual approach with the Rangers, like in episode 30 where she's just kind of letting Tart, Souffle, and Cream hang out on her balcony, but it's around Lydia that she's her most emotionally vulnerable.
She's downright happy to see him and seems pretty excited about his plans for the paper. It's brief and not super pronounced, but this is the first time you see her seem genuinely excited over anything, short of Bagi being defeated and the series itself becoming a Novel World. And when Lydia's dying, she just completely falls apart. The closest you get to her showing any similar kind of emotion is when Kirinda is shot down or when recounting what happened to Chocolat, but even then, while she's obviously, visibly fucking distraught, she still keeps a much higher level of composure in front of the Rangers.
Lydia is someone who can break down the barriers Aura has as a result of her position. He blatantly bypasses the social barriers that come between a princess and a commoner with his casual attitude toward her, but he's also able to bypass the literal barrier of her being unable to leave her castle by way of being so closely involved in community affairs due to the nature of his job. He is someone that allows her to let loose and at least vicariously get a taste of normal life she's not normally privy to. With him, she is able to take a bit of a break from being Princess Aura, and simply just be Aura.
However, it seems Lydia is a bit more cognizant of the gap between them. While he's surprisingly casual (and I'd love to know the history between them to allow him to get away with that so easily), he seems to reel himself in quite a bit compared to how we see him throughout the series proper. His demeanor around her is uncharacteristically shy and awkward, and it's apparently much easier for him to go into Reporter Mode and grill her about a potential conspiracy than accept personal compliments.
Mind you, this is the same guy who would put himself on the front page of the paper over the literal saving of Mugen, the same guy whose character song has a verse where he literally asks a girl if she thinks he's cool. So, between the sudden shyness and his willingness to throw the other Rangers under the bus to protect her, it paints a picture of someone that has some feelings he's likely unsure if he's allowed to actually act on, and so, like everything else in his life he doesn't want to deal with, he simply Doesn't.
With that in mind, in contrast to him allowing her to loosen up a bit, Aura is someone who could help pull him out of his comfort zone. Despite her softer, gentler disposition, she’s surprisingly forward when she wants to be, in contrast to his tendency to hesitate in spite of his otherwise more boisterous personality.  She clearly sees more in him than he (or pretty much anyone else in this show) does, and he definitely seems like he respects her opinion enough to actually listen, even if he's a bit resistant at first. She's someone that can kind of straighten him out a little bit and encourage him to be a better (and perhaps slightly more responsible?) version of himself.
It’s a relationship that allows for them to bring out the best in each other by making up for their individual weaknesses and providing things that they need but can’t get on their own. Aura needs less structure, and Lydia needs more. That being said, Aura can inspire a bit more (healthy) spontaneity in him, and Lydia can act as a source of emotional stability for her. It’s a really cute dynamic and it would have been so nice to get more of that without me having to like extrapolate like an insane person.
There’s just also a lot of different ways you could write them. You have the more comedic angle what with this mysterious, powerful princess-goddess trying really, really hard to get the mediocre newspaper man of her desires to notice her. Meanwhile said mediocre newspaper man is either too shy, dense or both to pick up on the really obvious signals she’s throwing out, even if he’s down to clown in theory. I also think if they had ever gotten the chance to resolve the unresolved romantic tension and really get comfortable with each other, they’d probably end up being really obnoxious, what with how ridiculous and over the top Lydia is in regular situations and how hilariously into this man Aura is.
Yet you also have the angle of just a couple of people who have been through absolute hell and forced to be apart because of it finally getting a chance to just... breathe. They know better than anyone else the kind of shit the other has been through. They both have been carrying the burden of all these secrets just so that the Rangers don’t have to worry about fighting a former friend (or the fact that they’re literally being piloted around by the first victim of that former friend). During that long period where Nyanma made no moves, these two probably got to see each other at their lowest, between all the guilt and regret and isolation. And even if things are back to normal now, those scars are still there, and you wonder about how that might crop up going forward.
There’s just so much fucking potential here and nobody seems to give a shit! Studio SHAFT robbed me of the emotional resolution they deserved and the fandom at large refuses to provide content, but at least I have my friends and our vast assortment of headcanons to fill in the blanks, I guess.
If y’all actually bothered to read all this then I need you to know I love you and thanks for coming to my particularly self-indulgent TED talk today.
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authenticaussie · 5 years
Hmm... 18 (soul eater au), 52 (roommate), 42 (marvel), 98 (leverage), and or 14 (lantern lights)
babe……….you’re my Favourite™
also, under a readmore because this got LONG as SHIT
8. Soul Eater au
the soul eater au is really scattered because my wifi sucked on that particular day and I was posting it in the mas chat (sunshinepunks) BUT the basis is weapons ace & sabo and meister Marco. It’s a lot of “dumbasses refuse to accept New Friends (because TraumaTM)” and Ace/Sabo being dicks to Marco because he refuses to give up on them. (ahhh my favourite dynamic //swoons)
Part of the plot - my favourite part of the plot - is that Sabo spends a lot of time spying on Marco to try and catch him out as Secretly A Dick and Manipulating Them, and ends up finding out that Marco really really cares about him and Ace? And the way to Sabo’s heart is thrrrroooough his besssstieeeee lmao. So Sabo ends up crushin’ hard first, but then SPYING BACKFIRES and paranoia kicks his butt and he Feels Bad because he was ONLY MEANT TO TRUST ACE and Marco HURT HIS FEELINGS (sabo you moron it’s your own fault). Anyway Ace and Marco pair up to try and make Sabo feel better and it drives Sabo even Nuttier until there is battle couple stuff and a mid-fight Feelings Fight and then a confession and then they become the DMCA power couple. Ta-da!
Ace was a pipe and Sabo was a knife! Or…..you know, something in that realm pft. Basically hitty-stick and stabby-stabby, because you could make a) an argument for their personalities Being Like That (ace is blunt and strong and easy to just hit with but if you’re clever about it he’s awesome, and has the reach to be a longer weapon, sabo is more…well a knife can be used for a lot but also it’s very….vicious. There is very little you can do to Incapacitate with a knife that is not Wow Stabbed. Which I feel is very Sabo, he’s kinda…harsh??? in his way of handling battle, I think.) and b) because in canon, Sabo’s weapon is a pipe and Ace has that knife, and I thought it’d be cool to match that.
42. New Roommate Wanted
an OC-based commission!! James moves in with a shape-shifting thief and her GF and accidentally Falls In Love snickers
It is………..I wrote it a while ago so you can definitely see the self-projection of “I want cute rich gfs to love and adore me so I don’t have to stress about a job”
52. 5+1 Marvel AU
in the actual word document the title is “If you’re broken I will mend you” (Or 5 Times Sabo was There for his Team (and one time histeam was there for him). Sabo is Coulson and Marco is Hawkeye and Ace is a Black Widow (codename: Redback). It fluctuates between sorta implying MAS (but with a definite focus on Marco/Ace) and Coby/Sabo mainly because I made Coby Captain America (YOU CAN’T!!! ARGUE!!! WITH ME!!! HE IS!!!! PERFECT!!! AS CAP!!!) and I love fics that have the lowkey “Coulson has a fanboy crush on Cap.” lol. 
(also coby/sabo is. fun? crackship but So Fun.) 
Here’s the shortest one haha
It takes about five minutes after the comms. go silent forSabo to know that something is wrong, and two minutes afterwards to gear up.
It takes him approximately four seconds to tear through the people trying to keep him from helping Ace and Marco.
(It takes two weeks for them to heal, no matter how fastSabo was, and a month for Sabo to get off desk duty, but Ace and Marco refuseto do missions when he’s not their handler. They refuse to do anything thatinvolves leaving his side until after he assures them he’s fine, and that hewasn’t just a S.H.I.E.L.D agent because he had a pretty face - though that hadprompted an argument about Sabo’s ‘pretty face’ that he’d had to steadfastlyignore.)
THIEVES! CON ARTISTS! So this one is actually three different aus in one file - there’s a “MAS but as Leverage” and it starts out as “Ace and Sabo who fill in Every Job They Can (but their specialties are Ace = grifter/hacker and Sabo = hitter/thief and I have reasons, okay) and then they try and run a con on Marco but he’s like Um Excuse Me? And then he gets dragged into their Bullshit snickers. Oh ALSO they ONE THOUSAND PERCENT do not realise they are Madly In Love With Him (but he does. And he’s trying to be patient. But also. Dying. Because wow it’s kinda awkward being in love with. two daredevil thieves)
The second one in the doc is the Leverage trio in the OP world, ‘cause duh, and Parker starts off like…trying to steal kids from being SMILE experiments? and hires Eliot and Hardison to help her. Um I think I wanted to give Hardison a DF?? But I had a whole list: there was altering people’s sight/perceptions, being able to edit vision/specifics of reality in lines of like, code?? (aka he could do Little Changes but they could affect Big Things, a butterfly effect sort of DF). A lot of them were trying to give him a way to…manipulate stuff in a world where tech wasn’t as big a thing.  
And the third one is ASL leverage! Marco still gets dragged into the disaster but it’s more found family stuff. 
14. Lantern Lights
Lantern Lights is technically posted [here] under “all the light we cannot hold” BUT I have MORE. I wanted to make it longer when I originally posted it - mainly because Lea asked for angst - but I ended up running out of time (I am………so bad at deadlines, jfc). Plus, with all the things I wanted to include it honestly would’ve turned into something RIDICULOUSLY long and I was already pushing 5k when gifts were a minimum of 1k.
This was the original start / end bracketing.
Hispencil hesitated above the empty page, only a single lead smudge marring theotherwise blank paper, and Sabo sighed softly. Eraser nub ticking against thedesk, he bit his lower lip and tried to think of what else to write. He had somuch to say – about Marco, and the Whitebeards, and about the new friends he’dslowly been making, like Koala and Hack and even the standoffish, arrogant Law,but it’d been so long since he sat down to write Ace a letter that the wordsseemed to have vanished.
Hi Ace, heread, as though the greeting would organise what he wanted to say intoneat lines for him to write. He heaved another sigh, resting his chin in hispalm. Casting his eyes up to the window above his desk he watched as theburning dusk faded into twilight blue and the stars began to shine, silverglints of light that were mirrored by the compound’s lanterns flaring to life.The gleamed against the darkness and Sabo couldn’t help but be reminded ofAce’s fire. How it glowed beneath his skin, lighting him bright red in fury orembarrassment or glorious gold in his joy. Sometimes Sabo couldn’t help butwish – but hope – that Ace was still burning, somewhere out there. In the sky,with the stars-
Hecouldn’t help but selfishly hope that Ace had given part of his fire to Sabo’sheart, to burn within him.
Sabogrowled, burying his face in his hands to try and stop the subtle sting formingin his eyes. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair that so many simple things couldremind him of Ace, that undeniable frustration at his uselessness still restedheavy in his every thought, that the feelings he wanted to put to paper wereimpossible to articulate.
Thesharp tip of his pencil cracked as he pressed it into the paper, and the threewords he wrote turned from his usual neat cursive into a jagged scrawl.
I miss you.
-Marco thinks that ouranniversary is the battle, but I don’t like it there. Besides, having ouranniversary on your birthday? You’d expect double gifts, and we can’t havethat.
Sabo’slips quirked into a bitter smile, his eyes drawn up to the small gift stillwrapped on his desk, bow deflated from his constant touches but nonethelessstill stubbornly holding onto the silver wrapping. He’d never had a chance togive Ace his birthday gift, and was sure that Ace wouldn’t have expected it.Would he have even been given gifts, when he’d been kept on the candle wick? Orwould the gift have been an extra moment of freedom, so painfully perfect in its rarity?
Pullinghis hair away from his face, Sabo gently bit his lip and scanned what he’dalready written, trying to figure out what else to say. His fringe curled infront of his eyes when he took up his pen again, but he barely paid attentionto the soft brush of hair against his scar tissue. Two years of having them hadgotten him used to his limited vision and things in front of his face that hecouldn’t see. 
He’d never seen Ace’sflustered thoughts, nor known what each fleeting touch had meant until it had beenfar too late, and couldn’t help but wonder just how blind he’d been back then.
Did I tell you thatMarco finally stopped being chickenshit and used the word ‘boyfriend’? I feellike that counts more as our anniversary than the battle, especially consideringI wasn’t much better about speaking up about “feelings” after you left. Twomonths of not talking over the topic because one third of the topic up and-
It’s pretty stupid ofus, huh?
I mean, you werepretty fucking stupid when you-
Sabocrossed out the last few words with two strokes of thick black ink, his teethgrit in a way that made his head pound.
Regardless, everythingis going fine, now. I’m sure you’d be happy to know that Marco and I havegotten past awkwardly refusing to admit to holding hands and have nowprogressed to awkwardly kissing each other on the cheek (and then refusing toadmit to it, of course. Got to keep consistency). You’d think that as someoneso attention-starved I’d be better at this, but it always feels…not wrong, persay, but, like something is missing because you’re not here.
You’re a dick forthat, Ace.
Anyway, this will bemy last letter for a while. I’m sorry it’s short, but I’m already running late;Koala and I are set to sail with the afternoon tide, for Flevance, and Marco isgoing troll hunting. Whitebeard heard there was trouble with the gnomes in thefar north mountains, so he’s going to check them out and I want to say goodbyebefore we part ways.
As always;
With love, Sabo.
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sorcieresque · 7 years
12, 13, 14, 18, 19
What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
oh god i commiserate with casper on this one cause daisy is supposed to be super witty and super sharp, which i never feel like i live up to. smart and witty characters are really only as smart as witty as the person writing them and i know this is the wrong question to say this but like her i push myself really hard and rarely give myself enough credit so no matter how i write daisy’s dialogue i always feel like it could have been better, funnier, more concise, more poetic, and just more of it, cause she, like nick, never fucking shuts up. 
most of the time though, when i go back and read old stuff i realize that it actually was pretty good (if i do say so myself) so i know a lot of the time my impression of her dialogue being lackluster has more to do with her/my impossible expectations for my own abilities… daisy’s only as hard on herself as i am hard on myself writing her. its an oroburos of perfectionism 
re: drawing her, the fact that i choose a real life face-claim so i can never quite get her face right without references. her eyes are so far apart you guys 
s o    f a r     a p a r t 
 How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
in ye olde h*rry p*tter au, she became somewhat of a (non racist lol) second coming of voldemort in the pursuit of power, glory and recognition, because i’ve come to terms with her being a bit of a mary sue and also because it was the logical conclusion of her character in that au, a relentless pursuit of something that was never quite enough for her own personal standards which made her aimless and wrathful. there was a lot less genocide lol for obvious reasons, but she did murder a bunch of people who challenged her and lighted the match that eventually led to the human world knowing about the wizarding world. what a way to go down in history. through this all she let go of nick because she saw her emotional attachment to him as a weakness, but when it came between proving herself and killing him she ended up saving his life instead at the cost of all of her power and took out her following in the processes. i know technically you can’t bring people back to life in the HP universe but again 1) mary sue, and 2) it really showed the size and scope of her power and the magnitude of her sacrifice, and i really loved the idea of adding onto the h*rry p*tter themes of love and that love is the most powerful force, but also that love washes away sins, that even when you’ve done horrible things you’re still worthy of love and love can save you. 
after she saves nick though she goes to azkaban for 15 years and then she’s in house arrest i think for another 10, because the magic jury goes soft on her given that she no longer has any power, the magical media was an absolute sucker for that kind of love story, and also because the magical word is stupid and i didnt want her to spend the rest of her life in jail. she spends most of those 25 years trying to make amends with nick, who eventually forgives her. she also never quite adapts properly to living without magic
after that she just travels the world with nick and writes and writes and writes, including thousands of stories but most importantly an incredibly popular autobiography
i have a vague idea of what i want her to do in WSC but like, daisy is greater than life, she’s a historical figure, a religious icon, a myth and a messiah, the pursuit of worldwide recognition and power is SUCH a huge part of her that it’s going to feel so weird and… incomplete, if she doesn’t at least attempt some kind of massive, universal-stakes type of feat in this universe
i actually don’t want to give too many details because of spoilers, but my number one priority right now is giving her a purpose so she’s not so aimless, and that purpose is figuring out where she’s from and who she really is. disney pixar much? more likely than you think. and also hopefully pushing her towards chaotic neutral, or even, gasp, good? (unlikely). 
If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
i’m having a hard time with this one for some reason but i’m going to forego speech patterns and say that 
1) up until WSC daisy’s life had been an exercise in how much it would actually suck to be OP in a world where no one quite lives up to your level (she sees nick as an equal in terms of wits and depth and humanity, but it had always been an understanding between them that she had power and he didn’t. not in a threatening way, of course, just as something that is), so she is always bored and that boredom makes her difficult and petty and annoying and cruel and dissatisfied and self-destructive. therefore, coming to WSC has done wonders for her personality (lmao) because she’s finally among people who could rise up to her level, because everyone’s as weird as she’s always been and she isn’t alone, and most importantly because now she’s rarely bored. it’s actually quite hard to make her hate your kid because her fascination is always gonna triumph over her momentary dislike or annoyance, and she’s always a tiny bit in a manic state when she interacts with your kids (see: aud, reagan, moire, gabe) because they’re just so fucking interesting
2) layers. like an onion. there’s so many layers. she’s so fucking convoluted. i’ve talked about this before here and this is already so long so i don’t wanna get into it, but the crux of the idea is that there’s always more daisy the deeper you dig, and most of the time she’s trying to make herself as mythical and tortuously complex as she can make herself be because she’s both trying to protect the soft parts of her where people can hurt her, and because she’s begging people to see through her bullshit and reach those parts, anyway.
What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? 
i actually haven’t been writing her a lot lately cause my spoons are low, but the most recent thing that comes to mind is how much more into clea (shout out!) she is than i originally thought/intended lmao. it’s a weird combo of being desperate for friendship and connections, and also never having been around girl-aligned people she isn’t related to and therefore having this idealized version of hanging out with her ~girlfriends~ which involves a lot of lesbianism like scantily clad sleepovers and kissing each other to practice for “””boys.”” 
and of course there’s a more sincere layer of just being constantly fascinated and confused by how different clea is from her and trying to parse that out. clea and daisy balance each other our so well and i think they allow each other to be more like the way they want to be but are too embarrassed to say out loud. clea definitely lets daisy be more of the teenager that daisy is too proud to let herself be, so even when she acts prim and prissy and greater-than-life around clea, they still do a wonderful job of keeping her grounded. also daisy is hopelessly attracted to the whole 4d thing because she’s always been the only person around who’s not quite right, and there’s a lot of intimacy in that recognition, a weird convoluted self-love in seeing and celebrating in someone else what you’ve always struggled with yourself
What is your favorite fact about your OC?
just like w/ misha, don’t quote me on this because i love her! so much! so it’s impossible to pick just one but i just love… all her imperfections, not to be a massive sap (girl ur amazing… just the way you are…) but i love the things that make her weird and random and vulnerable and human, i like that she craves connections but has no fucking clue how to make friends, i love her weird obsession with unicorns, i love how convoluted her vent is because she thinks too fast to write things down coherently, i love writing her when her magic fucks up or when she’s so upset she cries or being awkward because there’s cute people around her or being comfortable enough to make silly jokes and just in general i love when she’s uncool and clumsy and a teenager. i’m gay!
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draconicroyalty · 7 years
A Squad Isn’t a Squad Without a ChatRoom
My excuse for this is that I love chat room fanfics. Also, huge crossover and massive oc x canon.-
Fandoms: DMC, Bayonetta, Inuyasha
Genre: Crack, with a side of romance
Chapter One - Furries, Monster Fuckers and Dinner
                                     [BALDER created Group Chat]
[BALDER changed the name Group Chat to Fucking Insomnia]
[Balder added DANIYAL]
DANIYAL: who tf is creating group chats at 4am BALDER: me, dipshit, i can't sleep DANIYAL: well boo hoo, suck it up and bang your head against somethin BALDER: why are u so cranky DANIYAL: it's 4am and my first class tomorrow is maths do you really wanna ask me why tf i'm mad BALDER: fair enough BALDER: is sparda awake DANIYAL: nah DANIYAL: has been snoring for a good 5 hours BALDER: wait, he snores?? DANIYAL: ya BALDER: omg DANIYAL: what about dog boy BALDER: playing dating simulators DANIYAL: you're kidding BALDER: i wish i was DANIYAL: YO DOG BOY WTF TOUGA: TF U WANT DANIYAL: STOP TRYING TO GET INTO A BISHIE'S PANTS U WEEB, GO TO SLEEP FFS TOUGA: why are u awake BALDER: yeah nice question DANIYAL: um DANIYAL: studying? TOUGA: bullshit BALDER: bet you're playing lol again and mad cuz of the trolls DANIYAL: IT'S 4AM, TROLLS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE, WHY DO I ONLY GET YASUOS IN MY TEAM BALDER: there there, baby, there there SPARDA: Dafuck is all this noise DANIYAL: u r awake??? SPARDA: yah, someone mutters what they type a bit too loud DANIYAL: srry bae SPARDA: np bby TOUGA: stop DANIYAL: why BALDER: you're reminding him he's single DANIYAL: that's cuz he's a furry SPARDA: LOOOOOL DANIYAL: before anyone asks spar actually laughed while typing that TOUGA: ASHFKDSKGHKSJAHL BALDER: touga, words. not keysmashes. TOUGA: IMF NSOT A FURRTY DANIYAL: what??? SPARDA: i think the poor furry is trying to type he ain't a furry
[DANIYAL changed the name Fucking Insomnia to FURRY CONFIRMED]
BALDER: lol BALDER: dan u r aware that he will try to kill you tomorrow DANIYAL: np i got a spray bottle TOUGA: KLHAFDSHGKGH FUCK U DANIYAL: MY PARTNERS DO THAT BALDER: sometimes i forget our boy's poly DANIYAL: i love all my boyfriends, girlfriends and significant others equally and if anyone hurts them i'll pull their guts out and eat them TOUGA: ew BALDER: scary SPARDA: i say him throwing a guy that was harassing one of his classmates into the trash once DANIYAL: i was practicing slam dunks and he looked like a basketball TOUGA: how does a guy look like a basketball DANIYAl: he was wearing orange and black BALDER: fair enough SPARDA: like this is fun but SPARDA: it's 4:22 am SPARDA: we should sleep TOUGA: alright mom BALDER: goodnight mom SPARDA: mom?? pretty sure i didn't conceive such ugly children DANIYAl: OH SNAP BALDER: SPARDA WE'RE LITERALLY TWINS?? SPARDA: LOOK AT ME, I'M THE PRETTY ONE BALDER: BEAUTY MARKS DON'T AUTOMATICALLY MAKE U THE PRETTY ONE TOUGA: aaaand there they go DANIYAL: babe stop angrily typing SPARDA: he started BALDER: NO I DIDNT??? DANIYAL: i know babe i know BALDER: HE LITERALLY STARTED THIS??? TOUGA: give up bal it's better BALDER: jsfslghjhg im going to bed TOUGA: nighty night BALDER: stop playing dream daddy and go to sleep too TOUGA: make me DANIYAL: WAIT U PLAY DREAM DADDY??? TOUGA: YA DANIYAL: favorite dad? TOUGA: brian DANIYAL: ....your fave's the bear. u furry. TOUGA: shUT UP TOUGA: who's your fave?? DANIYAL: matt TOUGA: why am i not surprised DANIYAL: he's a cINNAMON ROLL AND I WILL PROTECT HIM WITH MY LIFE SPARDA: babe log off lol DANIYAL: but babe...the IP.... SPARDA: tomorrow, babe, tomorrow DANIYAL: fine...night, u furry TOUGA: aadlkfjsghAHJSGHSKJ NOT A FURRY BALDER: furry [BALDER is OFFLINE]
TOUGA: fuck y'all [TOUGA is OFFLINE]
EVA: baby! DANIYAL: babe! AMASIS: what tf is this DANIYAL: balder couldn't sleep and created a group chat DANIYAL: so since i liked the idea and was super supportive when he created it i thought about adding more people AMASIS: oh JUURAH: LMAO IS THE NAME OF THE GROUP CHAT ABOUT TOUGA DANIYAL: scroll up bro JUURAH: omg that furry MAALIK: why tf were you all awake at 4am DANIYAL: balder had insomnia, i was playing league, touga was seducing daddies and i woke up spar MAALIK: that game's not good for u, i'm tellin ya DANIYAL: too bad i don't give a fuck MAALIK: ow DANIYAL: where's my baby boy? NATHANIEL: for the last time i'm 2 MINUTES YOUNGER THAN U DANIYAL: baby boy <3 EVA: (*^_^*) thats cute DANIYAL: you're cute
SPARDA: you're both cute AMASIS: sparda is summoned as soon as eva and dan start being cute, wow SPARDA: you do it too AMASIS: not with eva AMASIS: no offense darling EVA: it's ok (*´∀`*) DANIYAL: so pure MAALIK: if we're talkin about being cute and stuff MAALIK: i have some baby dan pics DANIYAL: *softly* dont MAALIK: don't try to meme your way out of this LUKAH: give them to us EVA: Lukah, you're here! (*^.^*) LUKAH: ...pure maiden LUKAH: i mean hi love LUKAH: anyways SPARDA: pics now AMASIS: i demand pics DANIYAL: pls no [MAALIK sent chubbycheeks.png] EVA: AWWWWWWWWWWW JUURAH: omg is that his old bib??? that thing was so cute SPARDA: brb dying cuz of cute AMASIS: i'm saving that and nobody can stop me LUKAH: !!! LUKAH: baby freckles LUKAH: omg
TOUGA: i'm saving it as future blackmail potential DANIYAL: fuck u SPARDA: dog boy don't lie SPARDA: u also think he was cute af TOUGA: nah TOUGA: maybe a little TOUGA: ok look he has really chubby cheeks and he's hugging a dog plushie, I AM WEAK EVA: Daniyal never lost his cuteness over the years ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ DANIYAL: aghgihrhgrih that'snottrue SPARDA: oh he's blushing AMASIS: you're his roommate, pinch his cheeks for me LUKAH: and for me EVA: for me too!! ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ JUURAH: why do you like those emojis so much eva EVA: they're adorable DANIYAL: ow ow ow SPARDA MY CHEEKS SPARDA: they're so soft omg AMASIS: now kiss them better SPARDA: done AMASIS: u know what i'm going there EVA: count me in! LUKAH: im on my way rn
BALDER: y'all really love him don't you SPARDA: balder. brother. good friend of mine. he's literally a ray of sunshine that covers anything that's evil and putrid in this world AMASIS: he's the personification of a cool breeze in a warm summer day EVA: he's huggable like a teddy! LUKAH: ... LUKAH: thicc. LUKAH: jk, he's literally a mix of everything that's good and sweet DANIYAL: ASFJKGSHG STOP IM CRYING I LOVE U ALL SO MUCH TOUGA: SOME OF US ARE STILL SINGLE DANIYAL: that's cuz you're a furry TOUGA: stop DANIYAL: i saw your internet browser history bruh TOUGA: I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT A FURRY WAS DANIYAL: SO U RESEARCH IT ON TUMBLR 2 TIMES A DAY?? DANIYAL: yeah right bro TOUGA: im pulling out the receipts Dan DANIYAL: do not TOUGA: i may be a furry, but have you seen the amount of times you're in the terato tag?? TOUGA: u monster fucker
[Touga changed the name FURRY CONFIRMED to DAN WANTS MONSTER D]
DANIYAL: hOW DARE SPARDA: tbh, unsurprised AMASIS: like, he blushes when there's big creepy monsters in movies EVA: i heard him saying a monster lady could break him in half and he'd thank her LUKAH: ya dan's always been a monster fucker JUURAH: i can confirm that MAALIK: wait so all those trips to find big foot were due to Dan's horny ass NATHANIEL: nah that was me NATHANIEL: he's more of a loch ness monster guy DANIYAL: Nessie is a beautiful independent lady and also gay af so we're just besties MAALIK: i'm kinkshaming DANIYAL: u can't kinkshame if kinksame MAALIK: what DANIYAL: one word. actually, one cryptid DANIYAL: mothman MAALIK: ASDFGHJKL SHUT UP BALDER: honestly BALDER: i think being a furry is worse TOUGA: thanks for the damn support bro, wait til i kill you while u sleep SPARDA: did u just confirm you're a furry TOUGA: fUCK JUURAH: i always knew it NATHANIEL: i mean why would he nickname himself dog boy BALDER: lmao do u have a fursona touga?? TOUGA: fuck off TOUGA: why not tease Dan for being a monster fucker?? AMASIS: if u dated him you'd know he's into even kinkier stuff SPARDA: yah EVA: yah LUKAH: yah TOUGA: wait what DANIYAL: qwertyuiioponfds save m BALDER: what is going on over there AMASIS: we're drowning him in affection and i think he broke LUKAH: bara machine broke BALDER: tf's a bara TOUGA: urban dictionary says it's a person (usually male) with a large, somewhat muscular, and fairly hairy body type NATHANIEL: lol JUURAH: if there's something Dan ain't, it's hairy EVA: tru SPARDA: never caught him shaving tbh DANIYAL: i'll never reveal my secrets TOUGA: late bloomer DANIYAL: iM NOT DANIYAL: i simply dislike body hair on me TOUGA: what about other people DANIYAL: it's their body and they can do whatever they want and honestly?? cute. BALDER: why not apply that concept to yourself DANIYAL: never MAALIK: i know we are all having fun chatting and stuff MAALIK: but like MAALIK: it's almost dinner time MAALIK: so go get somethin to eat DANIYAL: but daaaad MAALIK: im not dad. dad is straight. NATHANIEL: lmao, right JUURAH: our family is so gay i sometimes forget that DANIYAL: mom's bi af tho JUURAH: i took after her DANIYAL: anyway if u don't mind im getting my lovely gfs and bfs something to eat AMASIS: we could eat u AMASIS: out DANIYAL: thank god u said out cuz if not i would kick u DANIYAL: this is a vore free chat SPARDA: vore is strictly banned TOUGA: kinkshamers BALDER: ... DANIYAL: touga wtf
BALDER: tbh?? he deserves this EVA: what's vore LUKAH: such a pure innocent soul SPARDA: don't tell her DANIYAL: guys. eva's anything but a pure innocent soul. DANIYAL: at least when it comes to stuff LUKAH: ok, tru SPARDA: u woke the femdom monster in her DANIYAL: and you're grateful for that SPARDA: can't say i'm not AMASIS: can we go eat now DANIYAL: actual dinner or ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) BALDER: is your lenny face winking MAALIK: that is extremely concerning NATHANIEL: welp, people, im outtie JUURAH: same, wanna eat MAALIK: im escaping before this gets anymore sexual
BALDER: im going to find touga and kinkshame him
AMASIS: so SPARDA: hm EVA: mcdonalds or subway? (´∀`) LUKAH: i'm in the mood for mcdonalds DANIYAL: yeah same SPARDA: can we watch a movie too?? since we're going to the mall AMASIS: sounds like fun DANIYAL: im paying LUKAH: no ur not wtf DANIYAL: I PAY
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