#came up w this idea after diving back into machine girl shit
chrzannekk · 5 months
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CYBER AU futuristic setting , neil is going to robot camp !
neil is tasked to make a robot that can transform between two phases: literally anything. neil decided to be special and weird n he made a whole sentient robot that can transform from a humanoid form to a wolf/animal weapon mode. everyone in his class did shit like ''tablet turns into phone'' or ''cup turns into plate'' mf comes in with a whole 5'3 contraption that speaks her functionality is her transformation skills + her combat skills in the other form , nikki is one of the first robots neil makes so shes a biiiit janky which explains her wild and unpredictable nature max was made out of neil's want for another friend (nikkis too!) so he decided to make a more humanoid/less robot looky guy
he still has weapon shit (guns were a hint from nikki)
thats why max is more…human like and more diff than nikki interms of design and how he acts in public
the government catches wind of this kid prodigy who has the talent to make SENTIENT MACHINES THAT ACT LIKE HUMANS and that hasn't been perfected yet ! but this kid did it... the FBI is trying to confiscate nikki and max from neil , but he wont let that happen. thank god he installed those weapons into them
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dayfoxx-fic · 6 years
Ch. 18 - always in this twilight
Story: I’ll Unfold Before You Chapter: 18 Word Count: 2046 Summary:  Misty thinks on how to reveal the truth to Cordelia. Cordelia, well, she's being as patient as one could possibly be given the circumstances. Notes:  Chapter title from "Cosmic Love" by Florence + the Machine. Sorry I've changed voice throughout writing this. Whoops. Might switch back, but it's just less Cordelia-centric right now, and so it's easier to write in third person. Even though I miss my second person voice. It might come back, we'll see. 
Misty slid an insanely soft, black cashmere sweater dress over her shoulders, figuring she could use the extra sensory comfort as she mentally tried to establish the best means of explaining the truth to Cordelia. Would she even understand? After being reborn from the afterlife, would Cordelia remember the life she had chosen to leave behind, all for Misty? It was something still unfathomable to Misty. "Oh, Cordelia, you sacrificed everything, including the Coven, just to try and save me. And, fuck, you saved me alright, and I saved you. But it wasn't enough. His magic has limitations. I could bring you all back, but under his terms. And you'd forget me. And I've been damned with eternal life, by the way, isn't that cool? And I..." Misty trailed off, out of breath, to herself. "That all sounds freakin' crazy, or wouldn't make any sense, right? So, where do I even begin with this shit?" Her crinkled forehead thudded against the closet door once, twice... three times. It was like she was trying to knock their story into order inside her head, but the words just rattled across her skull.
"Mist...y?" Cordelia called out, hesitantly. The concern was lacquered in her voice. 
"Yeah... I'm coming. Just... give me a sec." 
"Take your time."
Tugging a damp, blonde curl, the young woman flexed her arms up and behind her head, squeezing the moisture from her hair into the towel she had grabbed from the shelf, then doing a graceful, but taut, swan dive, ricocheting the towel out in front of her. She was so tense, the towel snapped slightly in the air. She sighed. It was time. 
Clutching the blanket to her chest, with the towel grasped in her other hand, she deposited the towel at the hamper in the corner and quietly exited the closed, shutting the door softly behind her. She couldn't look Cordelia in the eye for the moment, but flickered her gaze towards the other blonde, at Nan, back at Delia, trying a small smile, before quickly dropping her gaze. 
"Hey." Misty uttered the word so gently, Cordelia nearly didn't hear her in the resounding quiet of her room.
"Hi, Misty." The warmth with which the darker blonde spoke her name made Misty blush, inadvertently. She was glad the candlelight obscured the reddish tint in her cheeks, at least until she got closer to the now abundantly lit collection of flames. 
"So... would you suspend your disbelief for a sec and just listen to me?"
"Wait, and, and Nan can back me up. Right, you can, can't you?"
"Well, indirectly." the brunette girl cracked a sly smile, but was still not unkind. 
"What the heck does indirectly mean, so you can't like, verbally agree with me?"
"I'm just the eyes, but when what's said is done, by you, I can reveal my truth, too." Misty groaned lowly. 
"I don't even know what the means, exactly, but I trust that you of all people wouldn't try and screw me over. You never did before." 
"You're a pure soul, Misty, and besides the times when you sing way too loudly in your head, you know how to guard your thoughts. So, you were pretty much one of my favourite people." the taller woman chuckled at this, reminiscing on listening to her 8-track at Miss. Robichaux's, before turning thoughtfully to Cordelia. 
"Ya know, you were the only person to ever really see or hear or experience what I've been thinking? But I don't know that Second Sight really counts." 
"Second Sight? What, like being psychic or something? I'm not psychic, though, Mist..." 
"Yeah, and you won't be again. But, you could have other things back." Misty had gotten lost in thought, simply verbalizing out loud. 
"What things back?"
"You used to like to garden, didn't ya?"
"I- yeah, how did you know that?"
"You used ta have your own greenhouse."
"No, I didn't. I landscaped our house when I was in middle school, but I-"
"You did, before. You did. I guess you'll just have to take my word until I explain more." she smiled, out of her reverie, and calmer. Misty felt certain that if the other woman simply understood what their past was, that things would be set back to the way they were supposed to be. But she had to believe it, and how could Misty make sure of that? The only thing she knew how to do was tell the truth. Maybe the truth will set us free, Misty thought wryly. 
"Well, are you gonna explain more?" All Cordelia understood at the moment was that she was supposed to remember something, and didn't. She supposed she could attribute a lot of memory loss to her depression, but Misty was speaking about things that just didn't make any sense and that she had no reason to know about. Sure, I had a green thumb as a child, before depression took ahold of my every thought and action. But then there was that un-ending emptiness that came while tending my garden that I couldn't explain... So, I simply stopped. Because the feeling of loss was unshakable, and my once respite no longer felt as such. Nothing else made me feel so alive and connected... to something, someone... everything, as caring for my plants did. Oh! It used to make the palms of my hands tingle, and not because I touched something I wasn't supposed to; they had tingled in a way as if my hands were being held by someone else's warm touch. A feeling I was sorely unfamiliar with, living with Fiona and the wait staff. 
"W-what?" she flushed with embarrassment, asking Misty a question and then drifting off into a reverie of her own. "I'm sorry. I don't know where my head is. I was just thinking about what it was like when I used to garden, and stuff, and... I don't know."
Misty's eyes were ablaze with excited light. 
"What was it like, Cordelia?"
"No, no, you tell me your thing first. My thing is silly. It can wait."
"No, it's not silly, it's how you felt and that's the most important thing in the world, Delia." the darker blonde continued to blush, even more profusely that both the others smiled softly to themselves. 
"I just... I don't know, like I said, it's silly! I was just thinking about how when I used to garden, it'd make my palms tingle. I can't really explain it, I wasn't touching anything dangerous or something like that, but it... it felt like someone was holding my hand, but without the obstruction, I guess. I know that makes no sense at all, but that's just what it felt like, until, you know, I got depressed and stuff and then..." 
"When was that exactly?"
"I don't know, I guess I always felt sort of, strangely empty inside. But gardening used to soothe that ache, and then, I guess come freshman year, the end of it? The feeling, it stopped happening. It just went away. And it made me feel so... desperately empty. Emptier than if I didn't do it at all. Like, I don't know, like I'd lost the connection. The warmth went away."
"It'll come back." Misty spoke determinedly. Her jaw was set tight at the thought of Cordelia losing something so dear to her, of losing their connection, the feeling of their hands coming together joyously at even the simplest of spells cast on the tiniest of plants, simply because Misty had come back into her life. Just another twisted plot to push them further apart. 
"Wh-how would you possibly know that?"
"Garden with me. I started helping out at the botanical gardens when you stopped talkin' to me because it made me feel... uh, connected, too." Misty didn't want to emphasize inexplicably that it had made her feel connected to Cordelia again. "You can come with me, and garden with me." 
"Okay, I-I think I would maybe really enjoy that." she smiled shyly at Misty, her heart warm and fluttery in her chest. The idea of holding Misty's hands and watering plants together was probably simultaneously the gayest, and also the most mundane daydream she could possibly imagine. It sounded like perfection. 
"Perfect." Misty grinned, toothy and feeling like she was moving in the right direction. Now, she had to consider, how much to reveal right now? And how much would reveal itself? 
"Are you gonna tell me your thing now?"
"Uh, yeah. Well, I'm gonna tell you as much as you need to know right now." 
"Um, okay, here goes. So, you know what a Coven is, right?"
"Like, of witches?"
"Well, yeah, I guess I understand the general term. I don't really get what it's for or anything..."
"It's a collective for protection. Because people have historically liked to execute witches."
"You're saying all of this as if witches are a real thing. Which, I guess they are, like there are practicing witches and stuff, but like, they don't do real magic?"
"Well, you're right to some extent. There are very few real witches left in the world, for a while there were none, but that was... dealt with. The witches you might be thinking of, you're right, they don't perform any real magic. But there are real witches performing real magic. Only one, right now, but I'm pretty sure that'll change."
"Misty, how can you be so sure that whomever this person is, is performing real magic?"
"Because, Delia, that person is me." Cordelia doesn't exactly scoff, it's more of a confused noise turned small cough to clear her throat. 
"What in the sweet hell are you talking about."
"I swear, I can prove it. Uh, what's a fun trick..." Misty stops to herself, tongue poking out in thought, making Cordelia giggle. 
"A fun trick, Mist, is different from..."
"I know, I promise I'm just callin' it that cause I can do more, I can do so much better, but I'll just do somethin' small for now, 'cause it works, for now, okay?" 
Cordelia keeps herself from rolling her eyes playfully, or in disbelief, she's not sure. 
"Sorry, haven't done this in like almost eighteen years, so really gotta remember what it feels like."
"Oh, I'll wait for a moment and a half to see whatever it is you're about to show me."
"Blow out all your candles, then, Cordelia." 
"But you don't even like the dark, Misty, you always reminded me to turn on that Tiffany's turtle nightlight when you've been awake enough."
"Won't be dark for long, Delia." 
Moonlight trickled into the room, the candles were extinguished into nothing but smoke and darkness, and Misty felt the sweet vibrations of lunar magical energy stirring inside of her. Cordelia could see hints of Misty's face, but mostly her silhouette, outlined by the full moon continuing to brighten outside, rain forgotten. Misty had her eyes closed and she lifted her hand slowly into the air. Her hand was just visible, moving in an intricate twisting motion repeatedly. 
"Delia, why in the heck do you have so many damn candles?"
"What? I like candles..."
"Lucky Thirteen." Misty snickers, and Nan laughs also. Cordelia turns to raise her brow at the brunette who merely shrugs with the same coy smile. 
"What, and witches worship the Devil, too?"
"Nah, but we got something sure as hell like him. And worship? More like avoid dark magic. It's just never a good idea."
"But Misty-" Nan interjects, "Your power..."
"I've taken it from the dark and you know it, Nan." Misty's eyes flare open, fire inside of them. "Dang, now I gotta restart. Thanks for nothing, tryin' to put on a good show here." Cordelia is mystified by the agelessness of Misty's intensity contrasted with the immediate cheek she deals to nearly everything. Mystified. Captivated. Same difference. 
Misty closes her eyes again and repeats the same movement thirteen times, Cordelia counts, and as she is finishing her count, trying to follow the beginning-to-end of the gesture, Misty flicks her wrist rapidly upwards and all thirteen candles burst into tall blue flames before the wicks singe down to a normal glow. 
"How'd ya like that?" Misty smiles in the bright again room. 
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dovechim · 7 years
wishbone 02 (m)
anonymous asked:
So idk if I just send the sentence starter or something, but I think your project sounds really cool? Also because I’m lowkey a hoe for Jimin and I’m excited at the prospect of so much smut. This one please!!! —> Look, I know I’m not special to you, I get it, but when you fuck me, I still feel like I belong to you. So call me yours when you fuck me, because that what I am.
anonymous asked:
Jimin; sugar daddy; "Look, I know I'm not special to you..."
anonymous asked:
Look, I know I’m not special to you, I get it, but when you fuck me, I still feel like I belong to you. So call me yours when you fuck me, because that what I am.i think this would be great for jimin
➾ 11/13 of jimin’s smut fest 2017
➾ recommended to read wishbone 01 first, but not necessary :)
➾ 2.8k
You should have known this from the start, after all, it’s not like you don’t have years of experience to back you up. You’d woken up to a text this morning telling you that Park Jimin had wired the money into your account, and even though it’s the first time you’re out of the negatives, you can’t bring yourself to keep it. Men just can’t take hints, and okay, maybe it was a cowardly move to just leave his money on the table and walk out, hoping he would interpret it as the end of your contract with him, but still.
Feeling acutely out of place in the polished, upscale lobby of his office building, you can’t help but begin to bite on your lower lip harshly, a bad habit when you’re nervous. You’d picked your most office-like outfit of a pencil skirt and blouse for today, hoping that you’d be let into the building to see him without having to let him know in advance.
You’d never visited Park Jimin at his office before, not that he’d even prohibited you from doing so, but you just never felt the need to, until today.
The receptionist takes one glance at your outfit and nods to the guard standing by the lifts, motioning for him to buzz you up without a single word. Internally you exhale with relief, although you still haven’t figured out what you’re going to say if anyone does ask you why you’re here.
I’m Park Jimin’s sugar baby but I want to call it quits. Somehow you don’t think that would go off very well.
The lift stops at his floor and you exit, immediately seeing yet another reception counter with a bespectacled young woman behind it. She spares you a once over glance, eyes lingering over your somewhat flat chest- you have to admit hers are much bigger- with a gleam of superiority.
“May I help you?”
“I-I’m here to see Park Jimin, please.” You decide to start off small, only guilty people overload on details right from the start.
“Oh? To see Jimin? Let me just check the appointment book…” The familiar way in which she utters his name sends shivers down your spine, and you can’t help but wonder if he fucks her on the side too. “Hmm, no, he doesn’t have any appointments booked, the only thing written here is a maintenance crew for the photocopier in his room, and that’s in half an hour from now…”
“Yes! I mean-“ you shout abruptly, causing her to survey you suspiciously once more. Taking a deep breath to compose yourself, you put your acting skills to the test. “I- I’m the maintenance crew.”
“Really?” She still looks sceptical as she eyes you up and down. “Don’t look dressed for it.”
“We have a more formal dress code for the office these days,” you shoot her a terse smile.
“Well… alright then. Jimin is out at a meeting right now, so I suppose it’s okay. Follow me.” She turns to lead you down a hallway until you come to a heavy wooden door with his name on it, holding a keycard to the panel near the doorknob. “Come in, the photocopier is this way.”
You follow her to the machine tucked away in the corner, expecting her to just leave you with it. But she lingers on, arms folded over her chest.
“Well? Aren’t you going to get to work?”
Panic flares in your chest as you realise she expects you to get to work right away, and under her unwavering gaze, you reluctantly kneel on the floor in your tight skirt and fiddle around with the machine’s numerous buttons and switches. Luck seems to be on your side as a side panel pops out almost immediately, revealing the machine’s inner web of complicated… things.
But at that moment, her phone buzzes and she’s distracted as she answers it. A few short exchanges later, she motions that she needs to get back to her desk, and she leaves, not without the reminder that she’ll be back in 15 minutes to check back on you.
After she leaves you slump back against the machine in relief, tugging at your skirt in irritation. If you’d known you were going to masquerade as a fucking maintenance crew, you wouldn’t have put in this much effort in the first place.  
It occurs to you that you should at least try to figure out what’s wrong with the damn machine lest she comes back sooner than expected, so you push yourself back onto your knees to examine it again.
Ten minutes later, you’re bent over nearly in half over the machine, well aware that you’d be flashing anyone who came in, and yet you still can’t find out what’s the problem. You tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear in frustration, his secretary should be back any moment now, and-
The door opens behind you, and your heart leaps into your throat. 
“I-um, it looks like the problem is due to the paper being jammed-“
“_____? What are you doing?” A familiar voice cuts you off, and you look over your shoulder in surprise to see Park Jimin standing at the doorway looking equally as shocked to see you.
Fuck, how are you going to explain that you scammed your way in just to see him? The words trip over your tongue on their way out, and all you can manage is incoherent mutters.
Jimin’s eyes are immediately drawn to how your skirt fits tightly over your ass as you kneel in front of the machine, but then his manners kick in as he watches you shift uncomfortably in your heels. He strides over and offers a hand to help you up, politely averting his gaze when you have to readjust the hem of your skirt.
“Was there a reason why you were dismantling my photocopier?” He asks with an amused smile on his lips.
“Not really, um, it’s just…”
“Jimin! I’m so sorry, that’s just the maintenance crew, I had no idea you’d be back so early!” The secretary appears at the door, out of breath and panting. “I can ask her to leave and come back when it’s more convenient-“
“It’s okay, Somi,” Jimin raises a curious eyebrow at you at the mention of maintenance crew. “Leave us for a moment?”
Somi nods and reaches to close the door, leaving you alone in the room with Park Jimin.
“If you wanted to come see me, you should have just called,” the amused smile spreads into a grin as he runs his fingers through his hair casually, unbuttoning the top button of his dress shirt and loosening his tie. “Come here baby.”
You know you shouldn’t let his petnames get you so easily, but you can feel yourself melting especially as his voice drops into baritone, and he stretches out his hand to you. Like a magnet, you’re drawn into his embrace effortlessly, and the sensation of his hands ghosting along your sides before coming to rest on your hips threatens to take over all your senses.
“I’m glad you came today, I really needed this,” he murmurs with his lips tucked into the shell of your ear. “You should visit more often.”
His hands encircle your waist as he tugs you into his chest, causing a stack of papers to be displaced behind him. And then it all comes rushing back; the reason why you came here in the first place. Jimin has a whole other life apart from you, your social circles would never in a million years collide, your lifestyle and habits are completely different, and he wouldn’t even feel your absence if you left; he’d simply find another poor college girl to take your place.
You’re nothing to him.
At the beginning, this was what you’d signed up for, thinking he was nothing to you and would remain so, glad to be free of the strings of commitment that threatened to suffocate you. 
“Jimin, wait.”
“Hmm, what?” He pauses from trailing his lips down to your collarbone, looks at you with such intensity in his copper hued eyes, his fingers caressing the curve of your waist with such tenderness, as if you’re the most precious thing he’s ever held. 
And you can’t bear to say it. So you smile at him instead. 
“Fuck me like I’m yours and only yours.”
Jimin grins as he reaches down to push your skirt up, fingers travelling up your inner thigh to seek out your underwear. “But you are already mine, baby.”
He pulls down your panties in one motion and has you spread your thighs for him, pushing your ass onto his desk so that he can get a better view. You oblige, reaching down to spread your lips apart to let him see your already glistening slit, and he bites back a curse before diving in to give you a long, flat lick.
His tongue is wet and rough against your core, and you can feel him spreading your arousal all over your lips messily. He slides into your depths with his tongue briefly before withdrawing and suckling your clit into his mouth.
“Jimin,” you gasp as your fingers entangle themselves in his hair. “Fuck, your tongue is so good.”
Jimin responds by thrusting two of his thick fingers into your pussy, and you clench around the sudden intrusion. The combination of his tongue on your clit and his fingers that seek out your sweet spot pushes you over the edge embarrassingly quick, and you have to close your eyes because the pleasure that erupts from every nerve is just so blindingly overwhelming.
When you open your eyes again, he is smirking as he licks you off his fingers. Jimin gives you a second or two to recover, letting you stare at him as he wipes his chin with the back of his hand.
Your core is still throbbing, demanding for more, so you reach out to undo his belt, tugging him towards you as you reach for his thick length inside his boxers.
“Shit, you get straight to the point, don’t you?” He moans when you start jerking him roughly, making sure to pay attention to his head where he likes it. “Fuck, stop, I’ll come so soon…”
“Already?” You tease him by squeezing his cock, and he bucks into your hand.
“Says the one who came in like 2 minutes,” he shoots back, wrapping a hand around yours to stop you. Jimin tugs you around his desk as he sinks into his chair, spreading his legs as an invitation. “Ride me?”
He doesn’t have to ask twice as you turn your back to him, grabbing him by the base to line him up and sink onto his length. Jimin lets out a stifled moan into your neck as you clench around him tightly, and his hands find purchase around your waist.
“So good, always so tight for me, fuck,” he pants into your ear when you settle on his lap with him buried to the hilt. “I need you so bad.”
The five words make your breath catch in your throat, and you freeze on top of him. He’s never said anything this intimate before, and it’s ignited a greed inside of you that wants more, wants more of these sweet empty promises that he offers, even if it’s not real.
“Tell me, Jimin,” you squeeze your walls around his cock. “Tell me that I’m yours only, and I’ll make you cum so hard, I promise, baby.”
“Fuck, you’re mine, always will be,” he’s trying to thrust his hips for more friction, but your weight settled on his hips stops him. “You’re mine, and I’m yours, baby. No one else’s.”
And Jimin continues to feed your greedy delusion, so you lift your hips up and slam back down onto him, working your thigh muscles to milk his cock dry.
You can feel his cock starting to twitch inside you, so you make an extra effort to squeeze around him. But on the upthrust, he catches his arms around your waist and stands up, bending you over his desk in front.
“Don’t wanna cum yet,” he pants against your ear. “Wanted to pound your pussy over my desk first. Will you let me, baby?”
Even as he says this, his hips are thrusting in and out leisurely, and each drag of his cock against your walls elicits more and more friction. “Yes, yo-you’re so big, please, harder.”
Satisfied with your praise, Jimin allows himself to pound into you harder, relishing the harsh slaps of skin against skin. “You’ve been very demanding today, babygirl. Do you think you deserve to cum?”
He reaches to tug your head to the side, so that your cheek rests on the surface of his desk.
“Please, Jimin, I need-“ Your orgasm lingers just out of reach, so close you can almost taste it, yet Jimin withholds it from you by stilling his cock inside you.
“What do you need baby? Tell me, and I’ll let you cum.” Jimin strokes your cheek gently.
“Your cum, I want it inside me, I want it to drip out of me so everyone will know I’m yours. Like the dirty slut I am,” you push your ass back against his cock, hoping to get some friction to set off the tightly wound coil in your belly.
“Correction: like my dirty slut, you hear that?” Jimin punctuates his last three words with deep, punishing thrusts, and you whine in agreement. “No one cums inside you other than me. Got it?”
You nod against the surface of his desk, turning to make eye contact with him even through the haze of your lust. “You’ll be the first and last.”
Park Jimin smirks in satisfaction. “Cum for me baby.”
Your walls flutter around him as if on command, and his arms wrap around you to tug you upright into his chest even as his thrusts turn sloppy and rough as he races for his own high. Towards the tail end of your orgasm you can feel him unleash inside you, and you close your eyes to savour what must be the last time he cums inside you. 
When he pulls out, he pushes your skirt back down to cover you, reaching for a few tissues from the box on his desk and handing them to you before he searches for your underwear that he threw somewhere else.
“Fuck, I’m late for a meeting,” he comments as he glances at his watch, bending to retrieve your underwear from the floor. “But thanks for today, let me call you a car to take you home? I’ll wire the money to you for today too.”
You take your underwear from him, bending to slip them on with as much dignity as you can retain. “No, it’s okay. I don’t need it.”
Jimin frowns in response. “You’re not going home? Okay, where are you going then? Just let the driver know, and-“
“Jimin, no, what I meant is-“ your hands tighten into fists. “I can’t do this anymore. I want out.”
 There’s a beat of silence as he processes your statement, and for a moment his face is unreadable.
“Okay.” The single word is enough to send a stab through your chest, along with the unaffected, calm expression on his face. You reach into your bag and pull out a cheque with the same amount he sent you this morning.
“Th-this is what you gave me last time. I’ll find another time to return all the clothes and stuff you bought me too, and this-“ you pause to undo the wishbone necklace. “Take this back too.”
“You don’t have to return me anything, just keep them, I know you’re struggling with your student loans and stuff, if you really don’t want the clothes just sell them and it should help-“
“Stop patronising me!” You cut him off. “Look, I know I’m nothing special to you, just a broke little college girl who whores herself out for some money on the side. But when you say these things to me, when you do these things to me… it makes me feel like it’s real.”
Jimin begins to protest, reaching for you, but you flinch away from his touch.
“When you fuck me and you call me yours, I imagine a world where we didn’t meet on such terms, a world where all of this could be real. And for a moment, you made me believe that this is more than what it is,” you smile bitterly at him. “But even when reality sets back in and I remember why I’m doing this, there’s one thing that doesn’t change.”
“And what’s that?” Jimin asks hesitantly, and he’s aching to touch you right now, but your arms are wrapped protectively around yourself.
“I still feel like I belong to you.” Tears are threatening to spill onto your cheeks, but by some force of will, you hold them back. You reach for his hand and tug it towards you, dropping the wishbone necklace into his open palm.
 “I’ll always be yours, Park Jimin, but not like this.”
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